
2020年08月08日 20:44




合同签订时间:The date of execution of this contract: the date of 5
April, 2010
合同签订地点:The place of execution of this contract: HONG KONG

甲方(委托人):Party A ( consigner)
(个人相关信息 略)

乙方(拍卖人):Party B (auctioneer) 香港南洋金泰拍卖行有限公司
Southern Golden Coastal Auction House Company Ltd. in Hong Kong


第一条 各方承诺:Article ent and warrant from parties hereto
(略) ;鉴定证书编号:(略)以证明拍卖的作品系徐悲鸿原作。甲方承诺对鉴定证书
的真实性承担全部法律责 任。
Party A represent and warrant as to itself that: the subject of auction have been
taken the identification by the identification authority with state qualification and
issued a certificate. The name of identification authority is X, the number of
certificate is XX, which shall prove the auctioned work being Xu Beihong’s original
painting. Party A promise to bear full legal responsibility for the authenticity of the
identification certificate.

甲方对标 的物权属的承诺:甲方保证对拍卖标的物拥有全部财产所有权,没有任何第
三方享有其全部或者部分所有 权,没有抵押和处于法律裁决、限制。

甲方已经如实陈述了自己知道的拍卖标的瑕疵, 如果有其他重大隐瞒,自行承担全部
Party A represent and warrant to the rights and interests of auctioned subject to
which Party A guarantee the possession of all property ownership, without any third
party’s claim of whole or part of the same, mortagage or pledge, or verdict and limit
by law.
Party A have present the defective truth of the auctioned subject known by party A,
where any other material concealment item, Party A shall take full legal responsibility.

乙方承诺:乙方为依香港特别行政区法律合法组建,依 法经营并良好续存之法人,具
有艺术品和古玩拍卖经营资质;如果有其他影响本合同拍卖标的之重大隐瞒 ,自行承
Party B hereby represent and warrant as to itself that: it is a duly organized legal
entity, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region, with the qualification of auction business.

第二条 委托事项 Article 2. Commitment
甲方(委托人)自愿将编号为1072 号的共壹件拍卖标的委托乙方(拍卖人)
于 2010 年 12 月30日之前依法公开拍卖。(委托拍卖标的详情见下)
Party A (consigner) entrust with free will party B (auctioneer) to effect public auction
of the auctioned subject in accordance with LAW OF AUCTION, which is one (1)
piece with No. 1072,prior to the date of 30th. December of 2010. The detail and
description referred as follow.
1、 拍卖标的名称:The name of auctioned subject
Chinese Painting Original Artwork named RUNNINING HORSES by Mr. Xu Beihong
2、 数量:壹 (件) Amount of auction: ONE piece
3、规格尺寸Specifications and dimensions
118 × 47 厘米 Centimeter
4、 拍卖标的外观现状 Status in quo of appearance
外观良好,无破损,无褶皱,无虫蛀,无污损。右上角有一处3×1.5 厘米浅褐色印迹。

Good appearance, without damage and broken mark, crimple, insects – destroying
and defacement. A part bout 3×1.5 centimeter on the top right corner with sandy
beige color.

Attach hereto two copies of photo of auctioned WORK with the signatures of parties
hereto and lawyer for auction.

6、保留价500万元港币(或等值其他外币) Preserving price of HK Dollar Five
Million (HK $$ 5,000,000) or equivalence of other foreign currency.

第三条 保留价 Article 3. Reserve Price.
拍卖标的保留价由甲方确定,乙方可对保留价的确定提供专业性意见。 但本合同保留
The reserve price of auctioned subject shall be the determination of party A, to
which party B could provide its professional opinion. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
none of any party shall, upon the determination of reserve price, be entitle to
unilaterally change or alter the same. The confidentiality of preserve price should be
kept by parties hereto. Party B should not , where the highest price of the bidder fail
to meet the reserve price, confirm and acknowledge the bargain on this auction.

第四条 拍卖标的的交付、保管
Article 4. The delivery and safekeeping of the auctioned subject

甲方应自本合同生效之日起,将拍卖标的交付给乙 方保管。保管期限从实际交付标的
物次日起叁(3)个月。乙方应承担拍卖标的自交付时起至实际交割日 或者取回日的保
在保管期限内,乙方应保持拍卖标的在其交付时的原样,否则 应根据其过错程度
本合同上 已注明的脱落、断裂、缺损等瑕疵;c、逾期未取回的;d、其他依法乙方可

Party A should, from and on the effective date of contract, make the delivery of the
auctioned subject to party B for safekeeping. The time limit of safekeeping shall be
three (3) months from the date of actual delivery of the subject, during which party
B shall bear the responsibility of safekeeping of the same form the date of the
delivery to the date of actual accounting or retaking by party A.
In within the period of safekeeping party B should keep auctioned subject as original
as being delivered, or otherwise should take the corresponding liability of
compensation on the degree of fault, except to the following events party A could be
released and discharged from compensation responsibility:

第五条 佣金、费用的支付: Article 5. The payment of commission charge:
甲方应支付如下费用:The following payment should be effected by party A.

1、 如果拍卖标的成交,甲方支付如下费用:
Party A shall, for far bargaining, pay charges as following:
佣金为落槌价的 % 。 Commission shall be % of hammer price

保险费为落槌价的 % 。 Premium shall be % of hammer price

2、 如果拍卖标的流拍,甲方支付如下费用:
流拍费为保留价的 % 。Charge for Abortive lot shall be % of preserve price.
保险费为保留价的 % 。Premium shall be % of preserve price.
3、 其他费用 Other fee or charge
文物鉴定费 Fee for identification of culture relic.
拍卖标的成交的,乙方有权从 成交款中扣除佣金、保险费、代扣代缴个人所得税款和
约定的其他费用;拍卖标的未成交的,甲方应在拍 卖会结束后10(十)日内向乙方支付
In case of bargaining of auction party B is entitle to deduction of commission,
insurance premium, withholding personal income tax and other fee or charge to be
agreed by parties hereto; in case of failure of auction, party A shall, within ten (10)

days from conclusion of auction, effect the payment of charge for abortive lot,
insurance premium and other fee or charge to be agreed by parties hereto.

第六条 成交价款的支付:Article 6. Payment of bargaining price:
拍卖标的经拍卖成交的,乙方应在收到买受人全部款项之日起5 日内,将成交款扣除
相应费用后如数以 □现金 □转账 □ 其他 的方式支付给甲方。
For the successful deal of auction subject party B should, within five (5) days on and
from the date of receipt of the full amount of auction subject paid by buyer, by the
way of cash, or bank transfer, or other means, effect payment of the sum after
deduction of related fee or charge.

乙方银行账户信息 (略) The information of bank account of party B (omit)

第七条 拍卖标的的撤回与撤除:Article 7. Recession and removal of auction
甲方可以在拍卖开始前撤回拍卖 标的,但应承担违约责任。乙方有确切证据证明存在
下列情况之一的,有权撤除拍卖标的,并不承担由此 产生的法律责任:
Party A could effect the recession or removal of auction subject and take the
responsibility of breach therefrom. Party B shall, have exact evidence to prove any of
the following events, be entitle to the removal of auction subject and take none of
legal responsibility therefrom.

The title staus of auctioned subject inconsistent with the statement of party A;

The material flaw existed in auctioned subject for which party A without statement;

Other cases of necessary removal being not attributable to party B.

第八条 拍卖标的未售出的约定:Articles 8 For failure of deal of auctioned
Parties could, if, by reasons of failure of deal or Completion of the business
transaction for the cause of buyer, which give rise to failure of sale for non-fault of
party B, extend or rescind this contract.

第九条 取回责任:Article 9 The responsibility of retaking:
30 日内取回拍卖标的;逾期未取回的,乙方可按壹仟港元日的标准收取保管费。
party A should, if withdrawal and recall or release of contract, retaking auctioned
subject within 30 days upon receipt of party B’s notice or agreed date between
parties hereto, if fail to do such, party B shall charge storage fee on party A at the
rate of HK dollar 1000 (say one thousand only) per day.

甲方要求采用邮寄的方式取回拍卖标 的的,应书面向乙方提出,邮寄、保险的费用由
Party A should, where request to retake auctioned subject by way of mail, put
forward to party B in writing, and bear the fees of mail and insurance therewith by
itself. No any duty of compensation to loss or damage of auctioned subject shall be
born by party B after delivery to carrier.

第十条 违约责任: Article 10 Responsibility of breach
Party A shall, if to conceal the defect and flaw of auctioned subject or imperfect title
on the same, indemnify party B against any loss and damage arising out of such.

2、甲方主动要求撤回拍卖标的时,距拍卖日10日以上的,应按保留价的10 %支付违
约金;距拍卖日10日以内(包括第10日)的,应按保留价的20 %支付违约金。
Party A shall, in case of the dates more than ten (10) days in which from its active
requirement of withdrawal to the date of auction, pay breach fine at the rate of 10%
of reserve price; and in case of the dates within ten (10) days to auction, shall pay
breach fine at 20% of reserve price.

3、甲方参与竞买或委托 他人代为竞买自己委托的拍卖标的的,乙方有权制止甲方的相
应行为并解除合同;甲方对乙方由此受到的 损失应承担赔偿责任。
In case that party A participate in the compete buy of auctioned subject or entrust
other to make such on behalf of it party B is entitle to refrain party A’s such act and
rescind this contract. Party A shall bear the responsibility of compensation to party
B’s any loss and damage occurred therein.

Party A is entitle to rescind this contract and take back the auctioned subject where
party B fail to auction the subject within the period stipulated herein.

Party B shall, where failing to fulfill its obligation of keeping and storage of auctioned
subject which is loss and damage thereby, effect compensation for the same per the
preserve price of the auctioned subject.

款千分之 1 的标准支付违约金。
Party B should, if auction successfully, fail to effect the payment to party A in
accordance with article 6 hereof, pay penalty for breach of overdue payment at the
rate of 1‰ of payment being due and payable per day

第十一条 争议解决 Settlement of dispute
商不能解决 的应提交香港国际仲裁中心,根据该仲裁组织的仲裁程序规则进行仲裁。
仲裁裁决是终局的,双方都有约 束力。
Article 11. All disputes arising from the execution of, or in connection with, this
contract shall be settled amicably through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement
can be reached through negotiation. The case shall be then submitted to Hong Kong
International Arbitration Center (HKIAC), in accordance with its arbitral rules of
procedure. The decision shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties.

第十二条 文本与份数 Language and copies
Article 12. This Contract shall be written in English in four copies. Each party shall
keep two copies.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed on
the date and year first written above.

甲方(签章): party A (signature) 乙方(盖章):party B (signature)







