
2020年08月08日 20:46


合同编号(Contract No.):
签约时间(Signing Date):
签约地点(Signing Place):

卖方(The Seller):
电话(Tel): 传真(Fax):

买方(The Buyer):
电话(Tel): 传真(Fax):

The Seller agrees to sell and The Buyer agrees to buy the under-mentioned goods
on terms and conditions as stipulated below:
序商品名称及规格 数量重单 价 总 价
号Name of Commodity & 量Unit Price Total Price
No. Specification Quantit

合计金额(Total Value):
注: 允许 %的溢短装。
Note: overweight or underweight within % of the total contract weight shall be
本合同使用的FOB, CFR,CIF等术语,除另有规定外,均遵行国际商会2000
The terms FOB, CFR, CIF etc. in the Contract shall subject to INCOTERMS 2000
provided by the International Chamber of Commerce unless otherwise stipulated
3.装运唛头(Shipping Mark):
方应按发票金额的110%投保 险。附加险包括: 。

Insurance shall be procured by _________ for 110% of the invoice value against
_______. Additional insurance shall include: ___________.
5.装运港(Port of Shipment):
6.目的港(Port of Destination):
7.装运期限(Time of Shipment):
8.付款条件(Terms of Payment):
□买方应于装运期前_15_天内通过卖方同意的银行开出以卖方为受益人的全< br>额的、保兑的、不可撤销的、无追索的、允许转船和分批装运的、可转让和分割
的即期(或_30 天远期)信用证,并在装运期后21天内保留结汇有效。如卖方因
故不能按上述装运期出运,则有关信用 证的装运期和有效期将自动延长15天。
□By full amount, confirmed, irrevocable, without recourse, allowing
transshipment and partial shipment, transferable and divisible Letter of Credit to be
available by sight draft (or at _____days sight draft) to reach The seller______ days
before shipment and to remain valid for negotiation in China until the 21
day after the
aforesaid time of shipment. In case shipment is not effected within the specified time
of shipment, an automatic extension of 15 days shall be allowed both for the time of
shipment and the expiration of the relevant LC.
□By TT before shipment
□By DP at sight
9.装船条件(Terms of Shipment):_______________________________
10.商品检验及索赔(Inspection and Claim):
10.1双方同意 ,货物的质量及数量或重量以国家出入境检验检疫局或生产者验
证为准。如果买方对所运货物质量有异议 时,可以在货到目的港30天内向卖方提
出索赔。如果买方对所运货物数量或重量有异议时,可以在货到 目的港15天内向
的损失,不承担任何 责任。
The two parties agree that the inspection on quality & quantityweight will be
based on Inspection Certificate issued by The State Administration For Entry-Exit
Inspection And Quarantine Of The People's Republic Of China (SAIQ) or the
Manufacturers with their standards. In case of a quality discrepancy, The Buyer, shall
within 30 days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, lodge against The
Seller a claim. In case of a quantityweight discrepancy, The Buyer shall, within 15
days after arrival of the goods at the port of the destination, lodge against The Seller a
claim. The claim(s) should be supported by Inspection Certificate issued by a public
surveyor approved by The Seller. It is understood that The Seller shall not be liable for
any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to natural causes, or causes falling within the
responsibilities of the insurance company, shipping company, other transportation

organization or post office.

10.2 买方有义务根据需要取得进口许可证,并安排开立信用证并或按合同要
求付款。如果 买方不能在合同规定期限内将信用证开到卖方或按合同规定付款或
开来的信用证不符合合同规定,而在接 到卖方通知后10天内仍不能及时办妥修
The Buyer shall undertake to take the necessary steps to obtain import license if
required and to arrange the opening of LC andor effect remittances as required in this
contract. In case the Letter of Credit or the remittances dose not reach The Seller
within the time stipulated in this contract, or the Letter of Credit opened by The Buyer
does not correspond to the stipulations of this contract and The Buyer fails to amend
thereafter its terms within 10 days after the receipt of notification from The Seller, The
Seller shall have the right to terminate the contract or to postpone the delivery of the
goods and shall have also the right to lodge a claim for compensation.

11.不可抗力(Force Majeure):
Non-performance by a party is excused if that party proves that the
non-performance was due to “Force Majeure”

11.2本合同所称不可抗力事件是指合 同双方在订立合同时不能预见、对其发生
和后果不能避免并不能克服的事件,如战争、火灾、地震、政策 变化等。
“Force Majeure” in this contract refers to an impediment beyond control and that
it could not reasonably be expected to have taken the impediment into account at the
time of the conclusion of the contract or to have avoided or overcome it or its
consequences. Such impediment includes war, fire, earthquake and governmental order
or regulation, etc.
15天内将事故发生 地相关机构出具的事故证明书用航空邮寄另一方为证。
The party who fails to perform must notify the other party by cable within the
shortest possible time of the occurrence of the Force Majeure and within 15 days
therein send by registered airmail to the other party a Certificate as evidence issued by
the relevant authorities of the place where the accident occurs for confirmation by the
other party.

易仲裁委员会,并根据该会 的仲裁规则进行仲裁,该仲裁的裁决为终局裁决,
对双方均有约束力。本合同一切争议的解决按照中国法 ”

Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be submitted to
China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in Beijing for
arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission’s arbitration
rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and
binding upon both disputes of the contract should be solved according to
Chinese law.

13.其它(Miscellaneous):(备选条款 for choice) 如果由买方提供商标和包装设计方案,买方应在装船期前60天将经确认的设
计样本及其他相关材料 的最后确认以快件寄送卖方。如发生违反有关专利、商标
If the trademark and the design for packing are provided by The Buyer, the
approved design and final clarification of all relative details shall be sent by express
mail to The Seller and reaching The Seller 60 days before the time of shipment. The
Buyer will be held responsible for violation, if any, of the laws in regard to patent
design and trademark.

14.合同效力(Effectiveness of Contract):
14. 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份。本合同自双方代表签字之日起生效。扫
This contract shall be written in English with two originals and one copy for each
party. This contract shall come into effect immediately after being signed by the
representatives of both parties.

买 方 卖 方
The Seller The Buyer

_________ ________


1、 在外贸合同中,如卖方以代理人的名义签订外贸合同的,外贸合同中可
(1) 合同前言中应规定“卖方: 作为 指定的出口代理人,
本合同的一切权利义务均由委托人 享有或承担”(英文:
“appointed as export agent of , the principal will undertake all
rights and duties of the contract.”)
(2) 合同的末尾签字处应写明“(卖方)on behalf of the seller(国内用户)”, 并
2、 本合同第12条仲裁条款,在签订时应争取注明“本合同一切争议的解
决按照中国法”(英文:“All disputes of the contract should be solved according
to Chinese law.”)








