
2020年08月08日 20:57


商 品 房 买 卖 合 同


辽宁省建设厅、辽宁省工商行政管理局 监制
Made under Supervision of Liaoning Provincial Construction Department and Fujian Provincial
Administration for Industry and Commerce


Explanation of Commodity House Purchase and Sales Contract

1.本合同文本为示范文本,也可作为签约使用文本。 签约之前,买受人应当仔细阅
读本合同内容,对合同条款及专业用词理解不一致的,可向当地房地产开发 主管部门咨询。
1. The text of this contract is the demonstrated text, also can be used as the text for signing a
contract. Before the signing of the contract, the buyer shall read the contents carefully. If he has
any different opinions on the clauses or the specialized words, he can seek advice from the local
real estate development competent department.
2. The commodity houses mentioned in the contract are the houses which are developed,
constructed and sold by the real estate development enterprise. 3.为体现合同双方的自愿原则,本合同文本中相关条款后都有空白行,供双方自行
约定或补充约定 。双方当事人可以对文本条款的内容进行修改、增补或删减。合同签订生效
后,未被修改的文本印刷文字 视为双方同意内容。
3. In order to show the willingness principle of both parties of this contract, there is blank
space after the relevant clauses in the text for both parties to agree themselves or supplement the
agreement. Both parties can amend, subjoin or delete the contents of the clause. After the contract

comes into effect, the unchanged parts shall be deemed as the agreed contents of both parties.
4. The text concerning choice and filling shall subject to the writing contents.
5.对合同文本【 】中选择内容、空格部分填写及其他需要删除或添加的内容,双
方应当协商确定。【 】中选择内容 ,以√方式选定;对于实际情况未发生或买卖双方不作
5. Both parties should negotiate and confirm the chosen content, the filling of blank and
other contents needed to delete or add in the【】of the text of this contract. In the blank, √ means
that the contents are chosen and × means that the contents are deleted.
6. Before the signing of the contract, the seller shall offer the relevant certificate and
documents which shall be provided by the seller to the buyer.
7. The Construction Ministry of the People’s Republic of China and the State
Administration for Industry and Commerce shall be liable to explain the clauses of the contract.

Contract Parties

Register Address:
Register Business License Number:

Company Qualification Certificate Number:
法定代表人: 联系电话:
Legal Representative: Contact Phone:
Postal Code:
委托代理人: 地址:
Entrusted Agent: Address:
邮政编码: 联系电话:
Postal Code: Contact Phone:
Entrusted Agency:
Register Address:
Register Business License Number:
法定代表人: 联系电话:
Legal Representative: Contact Phone:
Postal Code:
【本人】【法定代表人】姓名: 国籍:
[ Myself]【Legal representative】 Name: Nationality:
【身份证】【护照】【营业执照注册号】【 】

【ID card】【Passport】【Business license registration number】【 】
邮政编码: 联系电话:
Postal Code: Contact Phone:
【委托代理人】【 】姓名: 国籍:
【Entrusted Agent【 】Name: Nationality:
邮政编码: 电话:
Postal Code: Contact Phone:
律、法规 之规定,买受人和出卖人在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上就买卖商品房达成如下
According to the《People's Republic of China Law of contract》, 《People's Republic
of China City Real estate Control law》 and other relevant laws and regulations,The
vendee and vender should be base on the equality, voluntarily, Consults unanimously
foundation to reach the following agreements about buy and sell the commodity
apartments 。

第一条 项目建设依据。
Article 1 Project construction basis
出卖人以 方式取得位于 、编号为 的地块的土地使
用权。【土地使用权出让合同号】【土地使用权划拨批准文件号】【划拨土地使用权转让 批准
文件号】为 。
Seller get the land employment right of which is located in the East Sea gold coast,
the serial number is by the way of .【contract number for
granting of land-use right 】【document number for allowing and authorizing of land-use
right】【document number for transferring and authorizing of land- use right】

is .
该地块土地面积为 ,规划用途为 。土地使用年限自 年 月
日至 年 月 日。
This land area is , the plan use is the , the land use age is
limited from to .
名】 。建设工程规划许可证号为 ,施工
许可证号为 。
Seller by approving of authority, construct the commercial residential houses in the
above land parcel, 【present name】,【 temporary name 】 , the construction
project plan license number is , the building permit license number
is .

第二条 商品房销售依据。
Article 2 Residential basis.
为 ,商品房预售许可证号为 。
The residential is 【completed house】【the selling house in advance】 .The approval
authority of selling house in advance is ,pre-selling permit license number
is .

第三条 买受人所购商品房的基本情况
Article 3 Fundamental state of vendee’s commodity house.
买受人购买的商品房(以 下简称该商品房,其房屋平面图见本合同附件一,房号以附
件一上表示为准)为本合同第一条规定的项目 中的:
Vendee’s commercial residential building (hereinafter referred to as the commodity
building, the house plan is specified in appendix 1 to the contract, house number is bases
on the appendix 1 details) which stipulated in the first article of the contract is:

第 【幢】【座】 【单元】【层】 号
【tents】(building number )specific house number is ,
【unit】 【layer】house number .
该商品房的用途为 ,属 结构,层高为 ,建筑
层数上 层,地下 层。
Commercial building’s use which is approved by planning department
is , belongs to structure, layer height
is .the total number of residential plies are
underground layer are .
The balcony of this apartment is [sealed] [not sealed].
该商品房【合同约定】【产权登记】建筑面积共 平方米,其中,套内建筑面积 平
方米,公共部位与公用房屋分摊建筑面积 平方米(有关公共部位与公用房屋分摊建
The total building area of this apartment is ㎡ as [stipulated on contract]
[property registration]. The Usable Area is ㎡, with Public area to be shared ㎡
( refer to the attachment2 for Public area to be shared construction explanation )

第四条 计价方式与价款。
Article 4 Valuation Mode & price

出卖人与买受人约定按下述第 种方式计算该商品房价款:
Vender and vendee calculate the price of this apartment as stipulated in mode

1.按建筑面积计算,该商品房单价为( 币)每平方米 元,总金额( 币) 千
百 拾 万 千 百 拾 元整。
1. According to the building area, the unit price of this apartment is ( ) ㎡,
totally ( )
2.按套内建筑面积计算,该商品房单价为( 币)每平方米 元,总金额( 币)
千 百 拾 万 千 百 拾 元整。
2. According to the Usable area, the unit price of this apartment is ( ) ㎡,
totally ( )
3.按套(单元)计算,该商品房总价款为( 币) 千 百 拾 万 千 百
拾 元整。
3. According to the Set, the unit price of this apartment is totally ( )

第五条 面积确认及面积差异处理。
Article 5 Area confirmation and difference treatment

根据当事 人选择的计价方式,本条规定以【建筑面积】【套内建筑面积】(本条款中均
简称面积)为依据进行面积 确认及面积差异处理。
According to the valuation mode which interested parties choosed, this article
stipulates the area confirmation and difference treatment according to [building
area][usable area]( hereinafter called area for short).
Parties selected price according to Set, this clause shall not apply.
For any differences in contracted area and registration area, the registration area will
be taken as the standard.
商品房交附后,产权登记面积与合同约定面积发生差异,双方同意按第 种方式进

After the apartment is transferred to the buyer, for any differences in contracted area
and registration area, both parties will agree to manage according to the following
1. Special agreement by both parties
(1) ;
(2) ;
(3) ;
(4) 。
2. Both parties will agree to manage according to the following principle:
(1)If the absolute value difference is within 3%( include 3%), the charge will be
according to actual amount.
(2)If the absolute value difference is exceeds 3%( include 3%), the buyer has rights
to cancel the order.
并按 利率付给利息。
For the buyer who cancels the order, the seller must return the money to buyer within
30 days after buyer make the order cancel application, and pay the interests rates
according to %.
买受人不退房的,产权登记面积大于合同约定面 积时,面积误差比在3﹪以内(含3﹪)
部分的房价款由买受人补足;超出3﹪部分的房价款由出卖人承 担,产权归买受人。产权登
记面积小于合同约定面积时,面积误差比绝对值在3﹪以内(含3﹪)部分的 房价款由出卖
For the buyer who choice not cancel the order, if the registration areas is within 3%
(including 3%) bigger than contracted area, the exceeded amount should be

supplemented by the buyer; for the case which is more than 3%, the exceeded amount
should be born by the seller, the property rights belongs to the buyer. If the registration
areas is smaller than contracted area, the area ratio is within 3% (including 3%), the
exceeded amount must be returned to the buyer; the amount which are more than 3%
must be doubled and return to the buyer.

Registration areas - Contracted area
Area tolerance ratio
=————————————————————————————×100﹪ contracted area

The difference caused by the design modification, which both parties does not
terminate the contract, buyer and seller should sign complementary agreement of

第六条 付款方式及期限。
Article 6 Payment and Deadline

买受人按下列第 种方式按期付款:
The buyer must make the payment according to the mode
1. 一次性付款
1. Full Payment in once

2. 分期付款

2. Installment Payment

3. 其他方式
3. Others

第七条 买受人逾期付款的违约责任。
Article7 Breach of contract responsibility for overdue payment

买受人如未按合同规定的时间付款,按下列第 种方式处理:
If the buyer cannot effect the payment in the stipulated time, he or she will be treated
in the mode:
1. According to the late pay time, process respectively (not cumulative)
(1)逾期在 日之内,自本 合同规定的应付款期限之第二天起至实际全额支付应付
款之日止,买受人按日向出卖人支付逾期应付款万 分之 的违约金,合同继续履行;
(1)If the overdue date is within_ _days, from the 2
due payment date to the actual
payment date, the buyer should pay to the seller % default fine according to the
overdue date, the contract will continue to be performed.
(2)逾期超过 日后,出卖人有权解除合同。出卖人解除合同的,买受人按累计应
付款 ﹪向出卖人支付违约金。买 受人愿意继续履行合同的,经出卖人同意,合同继续履
行,自本合同规定的应付款期限之第二天起至实际 全额支付应付款之日止,买受人按日向出
卖人支付逾期应付款万分之 (该比率应不小于第(1)项中的比率)的违约金。
(2)If the overdue date is exceeds __ days, the buyer has the rights to terminate the
contract. the buyer should pay to the seller % default fine according to the overdue date,
If buyer still willing to continue the contract, after seller agrees, the contract will continue to
be performed, from the 2
due payment date to the actual payment date, the buyer
should pay to the seller % (this ratio cannot less than the rates in (1)) default fine

according to the overdue date.
本条中的逾期应付款指依照本合同第六条规定的到期应付款与该期实际已 付款的差
The overdue payment in this article refers to the balance between 6
article due
payment and actual effected payment; for installment payment, it should be decided by
the balance between due installment and actual payment.

第八条 交付期限。
Article 8 Delivery deadline

出买人应当在 年 月 日前,依照国家和地方人民政府的有关规定,将具备
下列第 种条件,并符合本合同约定的商品房交付买受人使用:
According to the state’s and local government regulations, the seller should
handover the commercial residential building, which possess the below conditions,
as stipulated by the contract, to the buyer before
1. This commodity residential building is inspected to be qualified.
2. This commodity residential building is comprehensively inspected to be qualified.
3. This commodity residential building is installment inspected to be qualified.

4. This commodity residential building

obtained the approval documents of
commercial residential handover for usage.
5. 。
But in case of the following exceptional reasons, except for both parties agree the
termination or alternation of contract, the seller can prolong the deadline as per actual
1.遭遇不可抗力,且出卖人在发生之日起 日内告知买受人的;
1. Encountered with majeure, and seller informed the buyer within days after
the majeure occurs;
2. ;
3. 。

第九条 出卖人逾期交房的违约责任。
Article 9 Responsibility of delay in handover apartment

买受人使用 ,按下列第 种方式处理:
Except for the special cases stipulated in article8, if the seller cannot handover the
apartment to buyer in the stipulated schedule in this contract, the buyer should be treated
in the following mode:
1. According to the overdue time, the seller should be treated separately (not be
(1)逾期不超过 日,自本合同第八条规定的最后交付期限的第二天起至实际交付
之日止,出卖人按日向买受人支付已交付 房价款万分之 的违约金,合同继续履行;

For overdue date less than days, from the 2 day of deadline
stipulated in article 8 to the actual deliver day, the seller should pay _____%
default fine of the already effected payment, this contract will be performed

(2)逾期超过 日后,买受人有权解除合同。买受人解除合同的,出卖人应当自买
受人解除合同通知到达之日起 天内退还全部已付款,并按买受人累计已付款的 ﹪向
买受人支付违约金。买受人要求继续履行合 同的,合同继续履行,自本合同第八条规定的最
后交付期限的第二天起至实际交付之日止,出卖人按日向 买受人支付已交付房价款万分之
For overdue date more than days, the buyer can terminate the
contract. In this case, the seller should return all the payment within days
after the date of termination, and pay __% default fine of the already effected
payment. If the buyer requests continuously perform the contract, this contract
will be performed continuously. From the 2
day of deadline stipulated in
article 8 to the actual deliver day, the seller should pay the buyer % ( this
ratio cannot be less than the rates in 1) of the already effected payment


第十条 规划、设计变更的约定
Article 10 Agreement on the planning and designing variation

经规划部门 批准的规划变更、设计单位同意的设计变更导致下列影响到买受
人所购商品房质量或使用功能的,出卖人 应当在有关部门批准同意之日起10日
The planning and designing variation agreed by government or designing organization,
which affects the commodity residential quality and usage of buyer, the seller should send
written notification to the buyer within 10 days after the approval upon the related authority:

(1)The construction, layout, space dimension, orientation;
(2) ;

(3) ;
(4) ;
(5) ;
(6) ;
(7) 。
日起 15日内未作书面答复的,视同接受变更。出卖人未在规定时限内通知买受人的,买受
The buyer has the rights to reply in written words regarding whether to cancel the
order within 15 days after receiving the notice. If the buyer didn’t cancel the order within
15 days after receiving the notice, it will be regarded as acceptance to the variation. If the
seller hasn’t noticed the buyer within stipulated time, the buyer has rights to cancel the
买受人退房的,出卖人须在买受人提出退房要求之日起 天内将买受人已付款
退还给买还人,并按 利率付给利息。买受人不退房的,应当与出卖人
If the buyer cancel the order, the seller must return the effected payment within _
days after the request is made, and also pay the interests according to %. If the buyer
don’t cancel the order, he or she should sign supplementary agreement with the seller.

第十一条 交接。
Article 11 Handover

收交接时, 出卖人应当出示本合同第八条规定的证明文件,并签署房屋交接单。所购商品房
为住宅的,出卖人还需提 供《住宅质量保证书》和《住宅使用说明书》。出卖人不出示证明
文件或出示证明文件不齐全,买受人有 权拒绝交接,由此产生的延期交房责任由出卖人承担。

When the commodity residential meet the usage condition, the seller should send
written notification to the buyer to make handover procedure. During the handover, the
seller must issue the proof documents stipulated in article 8, and sign the residential
handover sheet. For the residential which belongs to habitation, the seller also need to
provide the [habitation quality guarantee] and [habitation usage instructions]. If seller fails
to issue the above documents or issue incomplete documents, the buyer has rights to
refuse accepting the handover; delay caused by this case will shall be bear with the seller.
For the delay handover caused by the buyer, both parties agreed to manage as

第十二条 出卖人保证销售的商品房没有产权纠纷和债权债务纠纷。因出卖人原因 ,
Article 12
seller must ensure the residential sold without property rights and
creditor's right disputes. Unable to make property rights registration or occurrence in
disputes, the responsibility must be born by the seller.

第十三条 出卖人关于装饰、设备标准承诺的违约责任。
Article 13 Seller breach of Decorative equipment standards promise

出卖人交付使用的商品房的装饰 、设备标准应符合双方约定(附件三)的标准。达不
到约定标准的,买受人有权要求出卖人按照下述第 种方式处理:
The decorative equipment standards handover by the seller should meet the

standard agreed by both parties (Appendix 3). If not achieve the standard, the buyer has
the rights to manage according to the following ___mode.
1. The seller compensates the decorative equipment in double balance of the


第十四条 出卖人关于基础设施、公共配套建筑正常运行的承诺。
Article 14 Promise of seller on the normal usage of infrastructure,
public affiliated equipments

出卖人承诺与该商品房正常使用直接关联的下列基础设施、公共配套建 筑按以下日期
The seller promise the following infrastructure, affiliated equipments directly relates
with the normal usage of this residential achieve the usage condition according to the
below date:
1. ;
2. ;
3. ;
4. ;
5. 。
If on the stipulated date does not meet the conditions of use, the parties agree as follows:
1. ;

2. ;
3. 。

第十五条 关于产权登记的约定。
Article 15 Agreements on the property rights registration

出卖人应当在商品房交付使用后 日内,将办理权属登记需由出卖人提供的资料报
产权登 记机关备案。如因出卖人的责任。买受人不能在规定期限内取得房地产权属证书的,
双方同意按下列第 项处理:
The seller should submit the related documents requested for making property rights
registration to the residential administration dept and make the procedure in days
after handover. If the buyer cannot get the registration proprietary certificate in time
caused by the seller, both parties agree to treat in the following mode:
1.买受人退房,出卖人在买受人提出退房要求之日起 日内将买受人已付房价款退
还给买受人,并按已付房价款的 ﹪赔偿买受人损失。
1. The buyer cancels the order, the seller must return the effected payment within xx
days after buyer raised the requirement, and compensate the buyer with % of the
effected payment.
2.买受人不退房,出卖人按已付房价款的 ﹪向买受人支付违约金。
2. The buyer does not cancel the order, the seller should pay the default fine
with % of the effected payment.

第十六条 保修责任。
Article 16 Repair guarantee responsibility

买受人购买的商品房为商品住宅的,《 住宅质量保证书》作为本合同的附件。出卖人自
商品住宅交付使用之日起,按照《住宅质量保证书》承诺 的内容承担相应的保修责任。
For the buyer who buy commodity residential, the [residential quality guarantee] will
be affixed to this contract. The seller will stand the repair responsibility according to

[residential quality guarantee] from the handover day.
买受人购买的商品房为非商品住宅的,双方应当以合同附件的形 式详细约定保修范围、
For the buyer who buy commodity property id non-residential, both parties should
make supplemental agreement as appendix of this contract which stipulates the repair
scope, deadline, and responsibility. 在商品房保修范围和保修期限内发生质量问题,出卖人应当履行保修义务。因不可抗
力或者非出卖人 原因造成的损坏,出卖人不承担责任,但可协助维修,维修费用由购买人承
For the problems happened within the repair scope, deadline, the seller should
perform the repair. For the majeure or damaged not caused by the seller, the seller will not
stand the responsibility, but can assist for the repairing, the buyer shall bear the repair fee.

第十七条 双方可以就下列事项约定:
Article 17 Both parties can stipulates the following:

1.该商品房所在楼宇的屋面使用权 ;
1. The usage of the residential roofing

2.该商品房所在楼宇的外墙面使用权 ;
2.The usage of the residential external wall ;
3.该商品房所在楼宇的命名权 ;
3.The naming right of the building of this residential ;
4.该商品房所在小区的命名权 ;
4.The naming right of the community of this residential ;
5. ;
6. 。

第十八条 买受人的房屋仅作 使用,买受人使用期间不
得擅自改变该商品房的建筑主体结构、承重结构和用途。除本合同及其附件另有 规定者外,
买受人在使用期间有权与其他权利人共同享用与该商品房有关联的公共部位和设施,并按占< br>地和公共部位与公用房屋分摊面积承担义务。
Article 18
The buyer’s house can only be use as l, the buyer cannot
change the main structure, partition structure and usage during the usage. Except for
additional stipulated in the other attachment in contract, the buyer has the rights to share
the public area and infrastructure with other people with the rights, and bear the duty
according to land area occupying and public shared area.
The seller cannot change the performance of the public area and infrastructure.

第十九条 本合同在履行过程中发生的争议,由双方当事人协商解决;协商不成的,
按下述第 种方式解决:
Article 19
Disputes in the Course of Contract Fulfillment, shall be settled through
consultation among parties concerned, if fail to consultations, and can be settled by the
way of following mode:
1提交 仲裁委员会仲裁。
1、Submitted for arbitration commission of .
2、Bring a suit in the people’s court in accordance with law.

第二十条 本合同未尽事项,可由双方约定后签订补充协议(附件四)。
Article 20
What is left unmentioned in the contract, both parties should sign a
complementary agreement (Appendix 4).

第二十一条 合同附件与本合同具有同 等法律效力。本合同及其附件内,空格部分填
Article 21
Complementary agreement has the same legal efficiency with the
contract. The words wrote in blank part have the same legal efficiency with print words on
this contract and its appendix.

第二十二条 本合同连同附件共 页,一式 份,具有同等法律效力,合同持有
Article 22
The contract and its appendix contain are total pages, in ,
has the same legal efficiency, the contract holding situation include the followings:
出卖人 份,买受人 份, 份, 份。
Seller copies,Buyer copies, copies, copies。

第二十三条 本合同自双方签订之日起生效。
Article 23
This contract shall become valid on the date of both parties signed.

第二十四条 商品房预售的,自本合同生效之日起30天内,由出卖人向
Article 24
In case of the commodity house is on pre-sold, within 30 days after this
contract become valid, the seller shall report to for record registration.

出卖人(签章): 买受人(签章):
Seller (Signature)

Vendee (Signature)

【法定代表人】: 【法定代表人】:
【Legal representative】: 【Legal representative】:
【委托代理人】: 【委托代理人】:
【Entrusted agent】 :


年 月 日 年 月 日

签订 签订
Sign in:

Appendix 1: House plan
Appendix 2: Constitutive explanation of dividing the public area of public part and
Sign in:

【Entrusted agent】 :

Appendix 3: Decoration and FCGA
1、Outside wall:
2、Inside wall:
3、Roof :
4、Ground :
5、Doors and windows :
Appendix 4:Complementary agreement of contract

商 品 房 买 卖 合 同


辽宁省建设厅、辽宁省工商行政管理局 监制
Made under Supervision of Liaoning Provincial Construction Department and Fujian Provincial
Administration for Industry and Commerce


Explanation of Commodity House Purchase and Sales Contract

1.本合同文本为示范文本,也可作为签约使用文本。 签约之前,买受人应当仔细阅
读本合同内容,对合同条款及专业用词理解不一致的,可向当地房地产开发 主管部门咨询。
1. The text of this contract is the demonstrated text, also can be used as the text for signing a
contract. Before the signing of the contract, the buyer shall read the contents carefully. If he has
any different opinions on the clauses or the specialized words, he can seek advice from the local
real estate development competent department.
2. The commodity houses mentioned in the contract are the houses which are developed,
constructed and sold by the real estate development enterprise. 3.为体现合同双方的自愿原则,本合同文本中相关条款后都有空白行,供双方自行
约定或补充约定 。双方当事人可以对文本条款的内容进行修改、增补或删减。合同签订生效
后,未被修改的文本印刷文字 视为双方同意内容。
3. In order to show the willingness principle of both parties of this contract, there is blank
space after the relevant clauses in the text for both parties to agree themselves or supplement the
agreement. Both parties can amend, subjoin or delete the contents of the clause. After the contract

comes into effect, the unchanged parts shall be deemed as the agreed contents of both parties.
4. The text concerning choice and filling shall subject to the writing contents.
5.对合同文本【 】中选择内容、空格部分填写及其他需要删除或添加的内容,双
方应当协商确定。【 】中选择内容 ,以√方式选定;对于实际情况未发生或买卖双方不作
5. Both parties should negotiate and confirm the chosen content, the filling of blank and
other contents needed to delete or add in the【】of the text of this contract. In the blank, √ means
that the contents are chosen and × means that the contents are deleted.
6. Before the signing of the contract, the seller shall offer the relevant certificate and
documents which shall be provided by the seller to the buyer.
7. The Construction Ministry of the People’s Republic of China and the State
Administration for Industry and Commerce shall be liable to explain the clauses of the contract.

Contract Parties

Register Address:
Register Business License Number:

Company Qualification Certificate Number:
法定代表人: 联系电话:
Legal Representative: Contact Phone:
Postal Code:
委托代理人: 地址:
Entrusted Agent: Address:
邮政编码: 联系电话:
Postal Code: Contact Phone:
Entrusted Agency:
Register Address:
Register Business License Number:
法定代表人: 联系电话:
Legal Representative: Contact Phone:
Postal Code:
【本人】【法定代表人】姓名: 国籍:
[ Myself]【Legal representative】 Name: Nationality:
【身份证】【护照】【营业执照注册号】【 】

【ID card】【Passport】【Business license registration number】【 】
邮政编码: 联系电话:
Postal Code: Contact Phone:
【委托代理人】【 】姓名: 国籍:
【Entrusted Agent【 】Name: Nationality:
邮政编码: 电话:
Postal Code: Contact Phone:
律、法规 之规定,买受人和出卖人在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上就买卖商品房达成如下
According to the《People's Republic of China Law of contract》, 《People's Republic
of China City Real estate Control law》 and other relevant laws and regulations,The
vendee and vender should be base on the equality, voluntarily, Consults unanimously
foundation to reach the following agreements about buy and sell the commodity
apartments 。

第一条 项目建设依据。
Article 1 Project construction basis
出卖人以 方式取得位于 、编号为 的地块的土地使
用权。【土地使用权出让合同号】【土地使用权划拨批准文件号】【划拨土地使用权转让 批准
文件号】为 。
Seller get the land employment right of which is located in the East Sea gold coast,
the serial number is by the way of .【contract number for
granting of land-use right 】【document number for allowing and authorizing of land-use
right】【document number for transferring and authorizing of land- use right】

is .
该地块土地面积为 ,规划用途为 。土地使用年限自 年 月
日至 年 月 日。
This land area is , the plan use is the , the land use age is
limited from to .
名】 。建设工程规划许可证号为 ,施工
许可证号为 。
Seller by approving of authority, construct the commercial residential houses in the
above land parcel, 【present name】,【 temporary name 】 , the construction
project plan license number is , the building permit license number
is .

第二条 商品房销售依据。
Article 2 Residential basis.
为 ,商品房预售许可证号为 。
The residential is 【completed house】【the selling house in advance】 .The approval
authority of selling house in advance is ,pre-selling permit license number
is .

第三条 买受人所购商品房的基本情况
Article 3 Fundamental state of vendee’s commodity house.
买受人购买的商品房(以 下简称该商品房,其房屋平面图见本合同附件一,房号以附
件一上表示为准)为本合同第一条规定的项目 中的:
Vendee’s commercial residential building (hereinafter referred to as the commodity
building, the house plan is specified in appendix 1 to the contract, house number is bases
on the appendix 1 details) which stipulated in the first article of the contract is:

第 【幢】【座】 【单元】【层】 号
【tents】(building number )specific house number is ,
【unit】 【layer】house number .
该商品房的用途为 ,属 结构,层高为 ,建筑
层数上 层,地下 层。
Commercial building’s use which is approved by planning department
is , belongs to structure, layer height
is .the total number of residential plies are
underground layer are .
The balcony of this apartment is [sealed] [not sealed].
该商品房【合同约定】【产权登记】建筑面积共 平方米,其中,套内建筑面积 平
方米,公共部位与公用房屋分摊建筑面积 平方米(有关公共部位与公用房屋分摊建
The total building area of this apartment is ㎡ as [stipulated on contract]
[property registration]. The Usable Area is ㎡, with Public area to be shared ㎡
( refer to the attachment2 for Public area to be shared construction explanation )

第四条 计价方式与价款。
Article 4 Valuation Mode & price

出卖人与买受人约定按下述第 种方式计算该商品房价款:
Vender and vendee calculate the price of this apartment as stipulated in mode

1.按建筑面积计算,该商品房单价为( 币)每平方米 元,总金额( 币) 千
百 拾 万 千 百 拾 元整。
1. According to the building area, the unit price of this apartment is ( ) ㎡,
totally ( )
2.按套内建筑面积计算,该商品房单价为( 币)每平方米 元,总金额( 币)
千 百 拾 万 千 百 拾 元整。
2. According to the Usable area, the unit price of this apartment is ( ) ㎡,
totally ( )
3.按套(单元)计算,该商品房总价款为( 币) 千 百 拾 万 千 百
拾 元整。
3. According to the Set, the unit price of this apartment is totally ( )

第五条 面积确认及面积差异处理。
Article 5 Area confirmation and difference treatment

根据当事 人选择的计价方式,本条规定以【建筑面积】【套内建筑面积】(本条款中均
简称面积)为依据进行面积 确认及面积差异处理。
According to the valuation mode which interested parties choosed, this article
stipulates the area confirmation and difference treatment according to [building
area][usable area]( hereinafter called area for short).
Parties selected price according to Set, this clause shall not apply.
For any differences in contracted area and registration area, the registration area will
be taken as the standard.
商品房交附后,产权登记面积与合同约定面积发生差异,双方同意按第 种方式进

After the apartment is transferred to the buyer, for any differences in contracted area
and registration area, both parties will agree to manage according to the following
1. Special agreement by both parties
(1) ;
(2) ;
(3) ;
(4) 。
2. Both parties will agree to manage according to the following principle:
(1)If the absolute value difference is within 3%( include 3%), the charge will be
according to actual amount.
(2)If the absolute value difference is exceeds 3%( include 3%), the buyer has rights
to cancel the order.
并按 利率付给利息。
For the buyer who cancels the order, the seller must return the money to buyer within
30 days after buyer make the order cancel application, and pay the interests rates
according to %.
买受人不退房的,产权登记面积大于合同约定面 积时,面积误差比在3﹪以内(含3﹪)
部分的房价款由买受人补足;超出3﹪部分的房价款由出卖人承 担,产权归买受人。产权登
记面积小于合同约定面积时,面积误差比绝对值在3﹪以内(含3﹪)部分的 房价款由出卖
For the buyer who choice not cancel the order, if the registration areas is within 3%
(including 3%) bigger than contracted area, the exceeded amount should be

supplemented by the buyer; for the case which is more than 3%, the exceeded amount
should be born by the seller, the property rights belongs to the buyer. If the registration
areas is smaller than contracted area, the area ratio is within 3% (including 3%), the
exceeded amount must be returned to the buyer; the amount which are more than 3%
must be doubled and return to the buyer.

Registration areas - Contracted area
Area tolerance ratio
=————————————————————————————×100﹪ contracted area

The difference caused by the design modification, which both parties does not
terminate the contract, buyer and seller should sign complementary agreement of

第六条 付款方式及期限。
Article 6 Payment and Deadline

买受人按下列第 种方式按期付款:
The buyer must make the payment according to the mode
1. 一次性付款
1. Full Payment in once

2. 分期付款

2. Installment Payment

3. 其他方式
3. Others

第七条 买受人逾期付款的违约责任。
Article7 Breach of contract responsibility for overdue payment

买受人如未按合同规定的时间付款,按下列第 种方式处理:
If the buyer cannot effect the payment in the stipulated time, he or she will be treated
in the mode:
1. According to the late pay time, process respectively (not cumulative)
(1)逾期在 日之内,自本 合同规定的应付款期限之第二天起至实际全额支付应付
款之日止,买受人按日向出卖人支付逾期应付款万 分之 的违约金,合同继续履行;
(1)If the overdue date is within_ _days, from the 2
due payment date to the actual
payment date, the buyer should pay to the seller % default fine according to the
overdue date, the contract will continue to be performed.
(2)逾期超过 日后,出卖人有权解除合同。出卖人解除合同的,买受人按累计应
付款 ﹪向出卖人支付违约金。买 受人愿意继续履行合同的,经出卖人同意,合同继续履
行,自本合同规定的应付款期限之第二天起至实际 全额支付应付款之日止,买受人按日向出
卖人支付逾期应付款万分之 (该比率应不小于第(1)项中的比率)的违约金。
(2)If the overdue date is exceeds __ days, the buyer has the rights to terminate the
contract. the buyer should pay to the seller % default fine according to the overdue date,
If buyer still willing to continue the contract, after seller agrees, the contract will continue to
be performed, from the 2
due payment date to the actual payment date, the buyer
should pay to the seller % (this ratio cannot less than the rates in (1)) default fine

according to the overdue date.
本条中的逾期应付款指依照本合同第六条规定的到期应付款与该期实际已 付款的差
The overdue payment in this article refers to the balance between 6
article due
payment and actual effected payment; for installment payment, it should be decided by
the balance between due installment and actual payment.

第八条 交付期限。
Article 8 Delivery deadline

出买人应当在 年 月 日前,依照国家和地方人民政府的有关规定,将具备
下列第 种条件,并符合本合同约定的商品房交付买受人使用:
According to the state’s and local government regulations, the seller should
handover the commercial residential building, which possess the below conditions,
as stipulated by the contract, to the buyer before
1. This commodity residential building is inspected to be qualified.
2. This commodity residential building is comprehensively inspected to be qualified.
3. This commodity residential building is installment inspected to be qualified.

4. This commodity residential building

obtained the approval documents of
commercial residential handover for usage.
5. 。
But in case of the following exceptional reasons, except for both parties agree the
termination or alternation of contract, the seller can prolong the deadline as per actual
1.遭遇不可抗力,且出卖人在发生之日起 日内告知买受人的;
1. Encountered with majeure, and seller informed the buyer within days after
the majeure occurs;
2. ;
3. 。

第九条 出卖人逾期交房的违约责任。
Article 9 Responsibility of delay in handover apartment

买受人使用 ,按下列第 种方式处理:
Except for the special cases stipulated in article8, if the seller cannot handover the
apartment to buyer in the stipulated schedule in this contract, the buyer should be treated
in the following mode:
1. According to the overdue time, the seller should be treated separately (not be
(1)逾期不超过 日,自本合同第八条规定的最后交付期限的第二天起至实际交付
之日止,出卖人按日向买受人支付已交付 房价款万分之 的违约金,合同继续履行;

For overdue date less than days, from the 2 day of deadline
stipulated in article 8 to the actual deliver day, the seller should pay _____%
default fine of the already effected payment, this contract will be performed

(2)逾期超过 日后,买受人有权解除合同。买受人解除合同的,出卖人应当自买
受人解除合同通知到达之日起 天内退还全部已付款,并按买受人累计已付款的 ﹪向
买受人支付违约金。买受人要求继续履行合 同的,合同继续履行,自本合同第八条规定的最
后交付期限的第二天起至实际交付之日止,出卖人按日向 买受人支付已交付房价款万分之
For overdue date more than days, the buyer can terminate the
contract. In this case, the seller should return all the payment within days
after the date of termination, and pay __% default fine of the already effected
payment. If the buyer requests continuously perform the contract, this contract
will be performed continuously. From the 2
day of deadline stipulated in
article 8 to the actual deliver day, the seller should pay the buyer % ( this
ratio cannot be less than the rates in 1) of the already effected payment


第十条 规划、设计变更的约定
Article 10 Agreement on the planning and designing variation

经规划部门 批准的规划变更、设计单位同意的设计变更导致下列影响到买受
人所购商品房质量或使用功能的,出卖人 应当在有关部门批准同意之日起10日
The planning and designing variation agreed by government or designing organization,
which affects the commodity residential quality and usage of buyer, the seller should send
written notification to the buyer within 10 days after the approval upon the related authority:

(1)The construction, layout, space dimension, orientation;
(2) ;

(3) ;
(4) ;
(5) ;
(6) ;
(7) 。
日起 15日内未作书面答复的,视同接受变更。出卖人未在规定时限内通知买受人的,买受
The buyer has the rights to reply in written words regarding whether to cancel the
order within 15 days after receiving the notice. If the buyer didn’t cancel the order within
15 days after receiving the notice, it will be regarded as acceptance to the variation. If the
seller hasn’t noticed the buyer within stipulated time, the buyer has rights to cancel the
买受人退房的,出卖人须在买受人提出退房要求之日起 天内将买受人已付款
退还给买还人,并按 利率付给利息。买受人不退房的,应当与出卖人
If the buyer cancel the order, the seller must return the effected payment within _
days after the request is made, and also pay the interests according to %. If the buyer
don’t cancel the order, he or she should sign supplementary agreement with the seller.

第十一条 交接。
Article 11 Handover

收交接时, 出卖人应当出示本合同第八条规定的证明文件,并签署房屋交接单。所购商品房
为住宅的,出卖人还需提 供《住宅质量保证书》和《住宅使用说明书》。出卖人不出示证明
文件或出示证明文件不齐全,买受人有 权拒绝交接,由此产生的延期交房责任由出卖人承担。

When the commodity residential meet the usage condition, the seller should send
written notification to the buyer to make handover procedure. During the handover, the
seller must issue the proof documents stipulated in article 8, and sign the residential
handover sheet. For the residential which belongs to habitation, the seller also need to
provide the [habitation quality guarantee] and [habitation usage instructions]. If seller fails
to issue the above documents or issue incomplete documents, the buyer has rights to
refuse accepting the handover; delay caused by this case will shall be bear with the seller.
For the delay handover caused by the buyer, both parties agreed to manage as

第十二条 出卖人保证销售的商品房没有产权纠纷和债权债务纠纷。因出卖人原因 ,
Article 12
seller must ensure the residential sold without property rights and
creditor's right disputes. Unable to make property rights registration or occurrence in
disputes, the responsibility must be born by the seller.

第十三条 出卖人关于装饰、设备标准承诺的违约责任。
Article 13 Seller breach of Decorative equipment standards promise

出卖人交付使用的商品房的装饰 、设备标准应符合双方约定(附件三)的标准。达不
到约定标准的,买受人有权要求出卖人按照下述第 种方式处理:
The decorative equipment standards handover by the seller should meet the

standard agreed by both parties (Appendix 3). If not achieve the standard, the buyer has
the rights to manage according to the following ___mode.
1. The seller compensates the decorative equipment in double balance of the


第十四条 出卖人关于基础设施、公共配套建筑正常运行的承诺。
Article 14 Promise of seller on the normal usage of infrastructure,
public affiliated equipments

出卖人承诺与该商品房正常使用直接关联的下列基础设施、公共配套建 筑按以下日期
The seller promise the following infrastructure, affiliated equipments directly relates
with the normal usage of this residential achieve the usage condition according to the
below date:
1. ;
2. ;
3. ;
4. ;
5. 。
If on the stipulated date does not meet the conditions of use, the parties agree as follows:
1. ;

2. ;
3. 。

第十五条 关于产权登记的约定。
Article 15 Agreements on the property rights registration

出卖人应当在商品房交付使用后 日内,将办理权属登记需由出卖人提供的资料报
产权登 记机关备案。如因出卖人的责任。买受人不能在规定期限内取得房地产权属证书的,
双方同意按下列第 项处理:
The seller should submit the related documents requested for making property rights
registration to the residential administration dept and make the procedure in days
after handover. If the buyer cannot get the registration proprietary certificate in time
caused by the seller, both parties agree to treat in the following mode:
1.买受人退房,出卖人在买受人提出退房要求之日起 日内将买受人已付房价款退
还给买受人,并按已付房价款的 ﹪赔偿买受人损失。
1. The buyer cancels the order, the seller must return the effected payment within xx
days after buyer raised the requirement, and compensate the buyer with % of the
effected payment.
2.买受人不退房,出卖人按已付房价款的 ﹪向买受人支付违约金。
2. The buyer does not cancel the order, the seller should pay the default fine
with % of the effected payment.

第十六条 保修责任。
Article 16 Repair guarantee responsibility

买受人购买的商品房为商品住宅的,《 住宅质量保证书》作为本合同的附件。出卖人自
商品住宅交付使用之日起,按照《住宅质量保证书》承诺 的内容承担相应的保修责任。
For the buyer who buy commodity residential, the [residential quality guarantee] will
be affixed to this contract. The seller will stand the repair responsibility according to

[residential quality guarantee] from the handover day.
买受人购买的商品房为非商品住宅的,双方应当以合同附件的形 式详细约定保修范围、
For the buyer who buy commodity property id non-residential, both parties should
make supplemental agreement as appendix of this contract which stipulates the repair
scope, deadline, and responsibility. 在商品房保修范围和保修期限内发生质量问题,出卖人应当履行保修义务。因不可抗
力或者非出卖人 原因造成的损坏,出卖人不承担责任,但可协助维修,维修费用由购买人承
For the problems happened within the repair scope, deadline, the seller should
perform the repair. For the majeure or damaged not caused by the seller, the seller will not
stand the responsibility, but can assist for the repairing, the buyer shall bear the repair fee.

第十七条 双方可以就下列事项约定:
Article 17 Both parties can stipulates the following:

1.该商品房所在楼宇的屋面使用权 ;
1. The usage of the residential roofing

2.该商品房所在楼宇的外墙面使用权 ;
2.The usage of the residential external wall ;
3.该商品房所在楼宇的命名权 ;
3.The naming right of the building of this residential ;
4.该商品房所在小区的命名权 ;
4.The naming right of the community of this residential ;
5. ;
6. 。

第十八条 买受人的房屋仅作 使用,买受人使用期间不
得擅自改变该商品房的建筑主体结构、承重结构和用途。除本合同及其附件另有 规定者外,
买受人在使用期间有权与其他权利人共同享用与该商品房有关联的公共部位和设施,并按占< br>地和公共部位与公用房屋分摊面积承担义务。
Article 18
The buyer’s house can only be use as l, the buyer cannot
change the main structure, partition structure and usage during the usage. Except for
additional stipulated in the other attachment in contract, the buyer has the rights to share
the public area and infrastructure with other people with the rights, and bear the duty
according to land area occupying and public shared area.
The seller cannot change the performance of the public area and infrastructure.

第十九条 本合同在履行过程中发生的争议,由双方当事人协商解决;协商不成的,
按下述第 种方式解决:
Article 19
Disputes in the Course of Contract Fulfillment, shall be settled through
consultation among parties concerned, if fail to consultations, and can be settled by the
way of following mode:
1提交 仲裁委员会仲裁。
1、Submitted for arbitration commission of .
2、Bring a suit in the people’s court in accordance with law.

第二十条 本合同未尽事项,可由双方约定后签订补充协议(附件四)。
Article 20
What is left unmentioned in the contract, both parties should sign a
complementary agreement (Appendix 4).

第二十一条 合同附件与本合同具有同 等法律效力。本合同及其附件内,空格部分填
Article 21
Complementary agreement has the same legal efficiency with the
contract. The words wrote in blank part have the same legal efficiency with print words on
this contract and its appendix.

第二十二条 本合同连同附件共 页,一式 份,具有同等法律效力,合同持有
Article 22
The contract and its appendix contain are total pages, in ,
has the same legal efficiency, the contract holding situation include the followings:
出卖人 份,买受人 份, 份, 份。
Seller copies,Buyer copies, copies, copies。

第二十三条 本合同自双方签订之日起生效。
Article 23
This contract shall become valid on the date of both parties signed.

第二十四条 商品房预售的,自本合同生效之日起30天内,由出卖人向
Article 24
In case of the commodity house is on pre-sold, within 30 days after this
contract become valid, the seller shall report to for record registration.

出卖人(签章): 买受人(签章):
Seller (Signature)

Vendee (Signature)

【法定代表人】: 【法定代表人】:
【Legal representative】: 【Legal representative】:
【委托代理人】: 【委托代理人】:
【Entrusted agent】 :


年 月 日 年 月 日

签订 签订
Sign in:

Appendix 1: House plan
Appendix 2: Constitutive explanation of dividing the public area of public part and
Sign in:

【Entrusted agent】 :

Appendix 3: Decoration and FCGA
1、Outside wall:
2、Inside wall:
3、Roof :
4、Ground :
5、Doors and windows :
Appendix 4:Complementary agreement of contract







