
2020年08月08日 21:16



Article 1: Applicability第1条:适用性
1.1. applying these Terms & Conditions is referred to as ‘the Supplier’. The
counter party is referred to as ‘the Customer’.
该通用销售条款中的 公司被称为“卖方”,另一方被称为“买方”。

1.2. In the event of any conflicts between the substance of the agreement concluded
between the Customer and the Supplier on the one hand and these Terms &
Conditions on the other, the provisions set out in the agreement have precedence.

Article 2: tenders and offers第2条:投标及报价
2.1. No obligations are attached to any tenders and offers.

2.2. If the Customer supplies the Supplier with data, drawings etc., the Supplier may
rely on their accuracy and shall base the tender on that information.

2.3. All prices specified in the tender are based on delivery ex works, in accordance
with the Incoterms 2000. Prices are stated exclusive of VAT and packing materials.
按照国际贸易术语解释通则 2000,招标中指定的所有价格为出厂价,均不含增值税和

2.4. If the tender is not accepted, the Supplier is entitled to charge the Customer for
all costs incurred in order to submit the tender.

Article 3: Intellectual property rights第三条:知识产权
3.1. Unless agreed otherwise in writing, the Supplier retains the copyrights and all
industrial property rights to all tenders, offers and agreements , designed submitted,
illustrations, drawings, trial models, programs, etc.
除非双方书面同意,否则卖方对其做出的所有投标、报价、协议、设计 提交、插图、

3.2. The rights listed in Article 3.1 remain the property of the Supplier, regardless of
whether costs have been charged to the Customer for their production. The relevant
information may not be copied, used or shown to third parties without the Supplier’
s explicit prior consent. The Customer will be liable to pay the Supplier a penalty for
each instance of violation of this provision, to the amount of RMB 250,000. This
penalty may be demanded in addition to any compensation damages awarded by law.
不论是否已向买方收取产品的生产成本,卖方保留第3.1条所列的 权利。没有明确得
到卖方的的事先同意,买方不可以将相关信息出示、拷贝或提供给第三方使用。如违< br>反本规定,每违反一项,买方需支付25万元的罚款。除此之外,买方还应支付法律规
定的其他相 关赔偿。

3.3. The Customer must return all data provided as meant in Article 3.1 on demand,
within the period specified by the Supplier. If this provision is violated, the Customer
is liable to pay the Supplier a penalty of RMB 10,000 per day. This penalty may be
demanded in addition to any compensation damages awarded by law.

Article 4: Advice, designs and materials第四条:咨询设计和材料
4.1. The Customer cannot derive any rights from advice or information provided by
the Supplier that has no direct bearing on the engagement.

4.2. The Customer is responsible for all drawings, calculations and designs made by
or on behalf of the Customer, and for the functional suitability of all materials
prescribed by or on behalf of the Customer.

买方对由买方制造的或代表 买方的所有图纸、计算和设计、及由买方指定的或代表买

4.3. The Customer indemnifies the Supplier for any claims from third parties arising
in connection with the use of the drawings, calculations, designs, materials, samples,
models, etc. provided by or on behalf of the Customer.
买方赔偿卖方由于使用由买方提供或代表买方的图纸、计算、设计、材料、样品、 模

4.4. The Customer may examine (or arrange for the examination of) the materials
that the Supplier intends to use before they are processed, at the Customer’s own
expense. Any damages incurred by the Supplier as a result are for the Customer’s
expense. 在指定材料被加工前,买方可以自费对其进行检查(或安排检查),由此对卖方产生
的任何损害由买 方承担。

Article 5: Delivery times第五条:交货
5.1. The delivery deadline andor work period stated by the Supplier are estimates.

5.2. In determining delivery deadlines andor work periods, the Supplier assumes
that the engagement can be carried out under the circumstances as they are known
to the Supplier at that moment.

5.3. Delivery deadlines andor work periods do not commence until the Parties have
agreed on all commercial and technical details, all necessary data, final and approved
drawings, etc. are in the Supplier’s possession, the payment or instalment agreed
has been received and the conditions necessary for the performance of the
engagement have been met.
在双方就具体的商业条款和技术条款 细节、所有的必要数据、最终图纸的核准等达成
协议之前,在约定的款项或分期付款的款项已到位和项目 实施的必要条件已达到满足

5.4.a. In the event of circumstances that are different to those known to the Supplier
when the delivery deadline andor work period were determined, the Supplier may
extend the delivery deadline andor work period by the time that is required in order
to perform the engagement under those circumstances. If the work cannot be fitted
into the Supplier’s work schedule, it will be carried out as soon as the Supplier’s
schedule permits.

b. In the event of contract extras, the delivery deadline andor work period will be
extended by the time required to supply (or arrange for the supply of) the materials
and parts necessary for those contract extras and to carry out the contract extras. If
the contract extras cannot be fitted into the Supplier’s work schedule, they will be
carried out as soon as the Supplier’s schedule permits.

c. In the event that the Supplier’s obligations are suspended, the delivery deadline
andor work period will be extended by the duration that the obligations are
suspended. If resumption of the work cannot be fitted into the Supplier’s work
schedule, the work will be carried out as soon as the Supplier’s schedule permits.

d. In the event of weather conditions that prevent work being carried out, the
delivery deadline andor work period will be extended by the resulting delay.
a. 确定 交货期限和或工作期限后,如有卖方不可预见的意外情况发生,卖方可以根据
在这种意外情况下实施项目 所需的时间延长交货期限和或工作期限。如果卖方的工作
计划不允许这种调整,则卖方需在工作计划允许 时尽快安排该事宜。
b. 合同外项目的交货期限和或工作期限,根据提供(或安排供应)这些合同外 项目所
作计 划不允许这种调整,则卖方需在工作计划允许时尽快安排该事宜。
c.在卖方义务暂时终止的情况下, 交货期限和或工作期限将根据暂时终止义务的时间
进行调整。如果卖方的工作计划不允许这种调整,则卖 方需在工作计划允许时尽快安

5.5. If the delivery deadline andor work period agreed is exceeded, that
circumstance does not in any instance entitle the Customer to compensation for
damages, unless agreed in writing.
如果超过商定的交货期限和或工作期间,除非 书面同意,买方无权对任何一种情况下

Article 6: Transfer of risk第六条:风险转移
6.1. Deliveries are made ex works, in accordance with the Incoterms 2000; the risks
attached to the object are transferred at the moment that the Supplier makes the
object available to the Customer.
按照国际贸易术语解释通则 2000,交付为出厂交付。卖方向买方备妥货物时,货物的

6.2. The provisions of Article 6.1 notwithstanding, the Customer and the Supplier
may agree that the Supplier will arrange transport. The risks attached to the storage,
loading, transport and unloading remain with the Customer in such instances. The
Customer may take out insurance to cover those risks.
除 第6.1条规定外,买方和卖方可协商同意卖方安排运输,在这种情况下,仓储、装
运、运输和卸载的风 险存在于买方。买方可为这些风险投保。

6.3. In the event that objects are to be exchanged and the Customer continues to
use the exchangeable object while awaiting delivery of the new object, the risks
attached to the exchangeable object remain with the Customer until the moment
that possession of the object has been relinquished to the Supplier.
货物交换时,在货物到达之前买方继续使用被交换货物的情况下,被交换 货物的所有

Article 7: Price changes第七条:价格变动
7.1. The Supplier may charge any increases in cost- determining factors that arise
after the agreement is concluded to the Customer if the performance of the
agreement has not been completed at the moment of the increase.
双方确认协 议后,协议完成之前,如果出现价格上涨的情况,卖方可根据成本决定因

7.2. The Customer is obliged to pay the price increases as meant in Article 7.1 at the
same time as the principal sum or the next instalment is paid.

7.3. If the Customer provides goods and the Supplier is prepared to use those goods,
the Supplier may charge up to 20% of the market price of the goods provided.

Article 8: Impracticability of the engagement第八条:实施的终止
8.1. The Supplier is entitled to suspend the fulfilment of any obligations if any
circumstances that could not be foreseen when the agreement was concluded and
that are beyond the Supplier’s influence temporarily prevent the fulfilment of those
在签定协议时,如果发生不能预见的且超出卖方影响力, 暂时影响到义务履行的情况,

8.2. Circumstances that the Supplier could not foresee and that are beyond the
Supplier’s influence are understood to include (but are not limited to) the
circumstance that the Supplier’s own suppliers andor subcontractors fail to meet
their obligations, or fail to do so in time, the weather, earthquakes, fire, loss or theft
of tools, the destruction of materials to be processed, road blocks, strikes or work
stoppages and restrictions on import or trade.
商和或分包 商未能履行其义务或未能及时履行其义务、气象、地震、火灾、工具的丢
失或被盗,被加工材料的损坏、 路障、罢工或停工、以及对进口或贸易的限制。

8.3. The Supplier is no longer entitled to suspend the fulfilment of any obligations
when the temporary impossibility of performance has lasted for more than six
months. The agreement may not be dissolved until that term has lapsed, and only in
respect of those obligations that have not been fulfilled. In that event, the Parties
are not entitled to any compensation for damages incurred as a result of that
款失效前,未完成的 义务履行完之前,协议不可解除。在这种情况下,双方都无权对其

Article 9: Scope of the work第9条:工作范围
9.1. The Customer is responsible for ensuring that all licences, permits, dispensations
and other administrative decisions that are needed to carry out the work are
obtained in time.

9.2 The price for the work does not include the following: 工作的报酬不包括以下内容:
a. the costs of earthwork, pile driving, demolition, foundation work, cementing,
carpentry, plastering, painting, wallpapering, repairs or other construction work;
b. the costs of connecting gas, water, electricity or other infrastructural facilities;
c. the costs of preventing or limiting damages to any objects situated on or near the
work site;
d. the costs of disposing of materials, building materials or waste products;
e. hotel and travelling expenses.
a. 地面工作,打桩,拆迁,基础工作,固井,木工,抹灰,油漆,墙纸,维修或其他
b. 连接气,水,电或其他基础设施的费用;
c. 防止或减少对工地附近及周边物品的损害所产生的费用;
d. 处置材料、建筑材料或废品的成本;
e. 酒店和交通费用。

Article 10: Changes to the work第10条:工作的变更
10.1. Any changes to the work will result in contract variations in at least the
following instances:

a. if the design or the specifications change;
b. if the information provided by the Customer does not match the actual situation;

c. in the event of deviation from estimated quantities by more than 10%.
a. 设计或规格的变化;
b. 买方提供的资料不符合实际情况;
c. 与预估的数量偏离超过10%。

10.2. Contract extras will be charged based on the value of the cost-determining
factors as at the moment that the contract extra is performed.
Contract deductions will be settled based on the value of the cost-determining
factors as at the moment that the agreement was concluded.

10.3. If the value of the contract deductions exceeds that of the contract extras, the
Supplier is entitled to charge the Customer for 10% of the difference upon final
settlement. This provision does not apply to any contract deductions based on
requests from the Supplier.
如合内项目的扣减额超过合同外项目收费,卖方有权向买方收取最终结算金额1 0%的

Article 11: Performance of the work第11条:工作的实施
11.1. The Customer is responsible for ensuring that the Supplier can carry out the
activities without interruption and at the times agreed, and that the Supplier has
access to the necessary facilities when carrying out the activities, such as:
所 必须的设施,如:
- gas, water and electricity; 气,水和电;
- heating; 热能;
- lockable and dry storage space; 可上锁的、干燥的、存储空间;
- all facilities required by the laws and regulations governing working conditions.

11.2. The Customer is liable for all damages, including those resulting from loss,
theft, burning or harm, to objects belonging to the Supplier, the Customer andor
any third parties, such as tools and materials intended for use in the work that are
located on the site where the activities are carried out or at another agreed location.
对于位于项目施工地或是在其它协议地点存放的属于卖方、买方或 是第三方的施工所
必须的工具、原材料等,包括由于丢失、盗窃、燃烧或伤害等原因造成的损害由买方< br>负责。

11.3. If the Customer fails to fulfil the obligations as set out in Article 11.1 and 11.2,
and that failure causes delays in the performance of the activities, the activities will
be carried out as soon as the Customer as yet fulfils those obligations and when the
Supplier’s schedule permits. The Customer is liable for all damages that the
Supplier incurs as a result of the delay.
如果买方未能履行其在第11 .1和11.2中的义务并导致工作延误,一旦买方履行完这
些义务且卖方时间允许时,延误的工作应立 即开展。买方对由于该延误对卖方造成的

Article 12: Completion of the work 竣工
12.1. The project will be deemed to have been completed when:

a. the Customer has approved the work; 买方已认可;
b. the Customer has put the work into use. If the Customer puts part of the work
into use, that part will be deemed to have been completed;

c. the Supplier has notified the Customer in writing that the work is finished and the
Customer has not communicated, within 14 days after than notification, whether or
not the work has been approved;

d. the Customer does not approve the work on grounds of minor defects or missing
parts that can be repaired or provided within 30 days and that do not prevent the
work from being put into use.
产品具有轻微的缺陷或漏件,但不影响工作且可在30日内 修复或补齐的情况下,买方

12.2. If the Customer does not approve the work, the grounds on which the approval
is withheld must be communicated to the Supplier in writing.

12.3. If the Customer does not approve the work, the Supplier must be given
another opportunity to complete the work. The provisions set out in this Article apply

12.4. The Customer indemnifies the Supplier against all claims from third parties for
damages to parts of the work that have not yet been completed that are caused by
use of parts of the work that have already been completed.

Article 13: Liability第13条:责任
13.1. The Supplier is liable for all damages that the Customer incurs that stem
directly and exclusively from a shortcoming attributable to the Supplier. However,
only those damages for which the Supplier is insured, or should within reason have
been insured, qualify for compensation.
对由卖方直接且单方对买方造成的全部损失,卖方承担赔偿责任,但仅限 于卖方已投保,

13.2. If, when the agreement is concluded, it is impossible for the Supplier to take
out insurance as meant in Article 13.1, or impossible to do so at reasonable
conditions, or if it is subsequently impossible to renew the insurance policy at
reasonable conditions, the maximum compensation payable for damages is the
amount that the Supplier charged for the agreement in question (exclusive of VAT).

如果签订协议时,卖方 无法对13.1项中的所述事宜进行投保或无法在合理的条件下对
其进行投保或进行随后的保单续约,这 种情况下,最大赔偿金额为卖方所收取的协议

13.3. The following damages do not qualify for compensation: 下列损失不符合赔偿
a. trading losses, including losses caused by delays and loss of profits. The Customer
should take out insurance to cover such damages, if such is deemed desirable;
b. supervision damages, which are understood to include damages caused, during or
as a result of the performance of the work, to objects on which work is being carried
out to objects situated in the vicinity of the work site. The Customer should take out
insurance to cover such damages, if such is deemed desirable;
c. damages caused by intent or gross negligence on the part of helpers or non-
management employees of the Supplier.
a. 交易损失,包括由延误造成的损失和利润损失。如认为有必要,买方应为此类损害
b. 监督的损害,可理解为包括由于工作期间或工作后对工作现场及其周边目标物造成
的损失 。如认为有必要,买方应为此类损害投保。
c. 由于卖方的助工或是非管理人员故意操作或重大过失造成的损害。

13.4. The Supplier is not liable for damages to materials provided by or on behalf of
the Customer that result from improper processing. At the Customer’s request, the
Supplier will repeat the process, using materials provided by the Customer, at the
Customer’s expense.
卖方不对在为由买方提供或是代表买方的材料进行 加工时产生的损害负责。应买方的

13.5 The Customer indemnifies the Supplier against all claims from third parties for
product liability stemming from defects in products provided by the Customer to third
parties that consisted of or included products andor materials provided by the

Article 14: Guarantees第14条:质保
14.1. The Supplier guarantees the proper performance of the product or service
stipulated for a period of six months after delivery or completion.

14.2. If the product or service stipulated consists of contract work, the Supplier
guarantees the soundness of the construction delivered and the materials used, if
the Supplier was at liberty to choose those materials, for the period specified in
Article 14.1. If the construction delivered andor the materials used prove to be
unsound, the Supplier will make the necessary repairs or replacement. Those parts
that are to be repaired at the Supplier’s place of business or are to be replaced by
the Supplier must be sent to the Supplier carriage paid. Disassembly and assembly of
those parts, plus any hotel and travelling expenses, are for the Customer’s account.
如规定的 产品或服务包括合约工作且卖方可自由选择的材料,卖方可保证在第14.1条
规定的期限内所交付工作 和或使用材料的可靠性。如所交付工作和或使用的材料有
问题,卖方将进行必要的维修或更换。在卖方的 营业场所维修的或卖方更换的部件的
运费应由买方承担。这些部件的拆卸和组装,及酒店和差旅费用均由 买方负担。

14.3. If the product or service stipulated (partly) consists of the processing of
materials provided by the Customer, the Supplier guarantees proper processing for
the period specified in Article 14.1.
如规定(部分)的产品或服 务包含或部分包含对买方提供材料进行加工,卖方保证在

If any processing proves to have been performed improperly, the Supplier will do
one of the following, at the Supplier’s discretion:
- repeat the process, in which case the Customer must provide new materials, at the
Customer’s own expense;
- repair the shortcoming, in which case the Customer must return the materials to
the Supplier carriage paid;
- credit the Customer for a proportionate part of the invoice.
- 重新处理,在这种情况下,买方必须自费提供新材料;
- 修复缺陷,在这种情况下,买方必须将材料发送给卖方并承担运费;

- 按比例给买方提供相应发票金额的信贷。

14.4. If the product or service stipulated consists of the delivery of an object, the
Supplier guarantees the soundness of the object delivered for the period specified in
Article 14.1. If the delivery proves to have been defective, the object must be
returned to the Supplier carriage paid. The Supplier will then elect either:
如规定的产品或服务包括货物 的交付,卖方保证在第14.1条规定的期限内所交付标的
物的稳健性。如已交付货物有缺陷,货物需运 回到卖方,运费买方承担。卖方可选择:
- to repair the object; 维修货物;
- to replace the object; 更换货物;
- to credit the Customer for a proportionate part of the invoice.

14.5. If the product or service stipulated (partly) consists of the fitting andor
assembling of a delivered object, the Supplier guarantees the soundness of the
fitting andor assembly for the period specified in Article 14.1. If the fitting andor
assembly prove to be defective, the Supplier will repair the fault. Any hotel and
travelling expenses are for the Customer’s account.
如规定的产品或服务包括(或部分包括)对交付对象的装配 ,卖方保证第14.1条规定
的期限内装配是可靠的。如装配有缺陷,卖方将其修复故障。所有的酒店和 差旅费用

14.6. Factory guarantees apply to those parts for which the Customer and the
Supplier agree such explicitly and in writing. If the Customer has had the opportunity
to examine the substance of the factory guarantee, that factory guarantee will
replace the guarantees specified in this Article.
工厂质保 适用于买方和卖方书面明确同意的那些条款,如买方已有机会查看过工厂质
保条款具体内容,工厂质保将 取代本章规定的质保条款。

14.7. In all situations, the Customer must allow the Supplier the opportunity to repair
any shortcomings andor repeat the processing.

14.8. The Customer may only invoke guarantees after all obligations in respect of the
Supplier have been fulfilled.

Article 15: Complaints第15条:投诉
The Customer may not invoke defects in the product or service unless a written
complaint has been submitted to the Supplier within fourteen days after the defect
was detected or should, within reason, have been detected.
买方应于产品或服务缺陷被发现或是应该合理被发现的14天内,向卖方提出书面 投诉。

Article 16: Failure to take delivery第16条:提货失败
In the event that the Customer has not taken delivery of any object after the delivery
deadline has passed, those objects will remain available to the Customer. Any
objects of which the Customer has not taken delivery will be stored for the Customer’
s account and risk. The Supplier may at any time invoke the powers granted by
Article ___ of the Chinese Civil Code.
如果超 过最终提货期,买方仍没有提走货物,所有买方未提走的货物将以买方的名义
继续被存储,其间的风险由 买方承担。中国民法典第 赋予卖方可以随时调用该货物

Article 17: Payment第17条:付款
17.1. Payment must be made at the Supplier’s place of business or to an account
specified by the Supplier.

17.2. Unless agreed otherwise, payment must be made using one of the following
a. for counter sales: cash;
b. for payment in instalments:
- 40% of the total price when the engagement is granted;

- 50% of the total price when the materials have been delivered or, if the
engagement does not include delivery of the materials, upon commencement of the
- 10% of the total price upon completion;
c. in all other instances: within thirty days after the date on the invoice.
a. 柜台销售:现金;
b. 分期付款:
- 合同签订时,支付总价款的40%;
- 当材料已交付或如果合同不包括材料的提交,则在合同执行时,支付总价款的50%;
- 合同完成后,支付总价款的10%;
c. 所有其他情况,发票上开具日期后的三十天内支付。

17.3. The payment conditions specified notwithstanding, the Customer is obliged, at
the Supplier’s request, to provide security for payment, to the Supplier’s
satisfaction. Failure on the Customer’s part to provide such security for payment
within the period specified will immediately constitute default. In that event, the
Supplier is entitled to dissolve the agreement and recover any damages from the
除了指定付款条件外,在卖方的要求买方有义务根据 卖方的意愿进行安全支付。如果
由于买方原因没有在指定的时间内进行安全支付,则即可被认为构成违约 。在这种情

17.4. The Customer’s right to offset any claims on the Supplier is excluded, except
in the event of the Supplier’s bankruptcy or if judicial debt rescheduling is applied
in respect of the Supplier.

17.5. The full claim for payment is payable on demand in the following instances:
a. if any payment deadline has been exceeded;

b. if the Customer has been declared bankrupt or requests suspension of payments;
c. if any of the Customer’s assets or claims are seized;
d. if the Customer (if a company) is dissolved or wound up;
e. if the Customer (if a natural person) makes a request for judicial debt
rescheduling, is placed under guardianship or dies.
a. 如果任一一次付款超过付款期限;
b. 如果买方已宣告破产或被要求暂停支付;
c. 如果买方的任何资产或债权被查封;
d. 如果买方(如果公司)被解散或清盘;
e. 如果买方(如果自然人),要求司法债务重组,处于被监护或冻结状态时。

17.6. If payment has not been made by the payment deadline specified, the
Customer is immediately liable to pay the Supplier interest. That interest is payable
at a rate of 12% per year, or at the statutory rate if that is higher. For the purposes
of calculating the interest, partial months are counted as full months.
如果未 在指定付款期限内付款,买方有责任立即按每年12%的利率或按法定利率(如
果法定利率更高)的方式 计算支付卖方利息,不足月部份按整月计算。

17.7. If payment has not been made by the payment deadline specified, the
Customer is immediately liable to pay the Supplier all extrajudicial costs, to a
minimum of RMB 1,000.
The costs are calculated in accordance with the following table:
If the actual extrajudicial costs exceed those based on this formula, the Customer is
liable to pay the actual costs.
如果未在指定付款期限内付款,买方有责任立即 支付卖方所有司法程序之外的相关费

17.8. If judicial proceedings are decided in the Supplier’s favour, all costs incurred
by the Supplier in connection with those proceedings are for the Customer’s

Article 18: Retention of ownership and pledging第18条:所有权与抵押权的保留
18.1. After delivery, the Supplier remains the owner of the objects delivered for as
long as:
a. the Customer fails or will fail in the fulfilment of the obligations stemming from
this agreement or any similar agreements;
b. the Customer fails or will fail to pay for any work performed or to be performed
under such agreements;
c. the Customer has not paid any claims arising from non- fulfilment of those
agreements, such as compensation for damages, penalties, interest and costs.
b. 买方未能或将无法支付协议规定的已经完成或将完成的工作;
C. 买方没有支付未履行协议所产生的索赔,如损害、罚款、利息、费用等。

18.2. As long as any objects are subject to retention of ownership, the Customer
may not encumber those objects in any way that exceeds the scope of the Customer’
s ordinary activities.

18.3. Having invoked retention of ownership, the Supplier may retrieve the objects
delivered. The Customer must allow the Supplier to enter the place where those
objects are located.

18.4. If the Supplier cannot invoke retention of ownership because the objects
delivered have been subject to confusion, deformation or accession, the Customer is
obliged to give the newly formed objects in pledge to the Supplier.
由于所供货物被嵌入、改装或内置等原因,卖方无 法取回货物的所有权,买方需将最

Article 19: Termination第19条:终止
If the Customer wishes to dissolve the agreement without the Supplier having failed
in the performance thereof and if the Supplier so agrees, the agreement will be
terminated by mutual consent. In that event, the Supplier is entitled to
reimbursement for all financial losses incurred, such as damages, loss of profits and
如果非卖方原因买方希望终止合同,卖方同意的情况下,该协议经双方同意终 止。卖

Article 20: Applicable law and competent court第20条:适用法律和有管辖权的法院
20.1. These Terms & Conditions are governed by the laws of republic of China.

20.2. The Vienna Sales Convention (C.I.S.G.) does not apply to these Terms &
Conditions, nor do any other international regulations whose exclusion is permitted.

20.3. Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be submitted
to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) for
arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the CIETAC's arbitration
rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and
binding upon both parties.
The Parties may agree on another form of dispute settlement, such as arbitration or
Explanation and interpretation of the text of these Conditions shall be based on the
Chinese text.

由本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何 争议应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会
(CIETAC)仲裁,应当按照仲裁委员会的仲裁规则申请仲 裁的时间进行。仲裁裁决是







