汽车买卖合同 (中英文)

2020年08月08日 21:22





合同编号:Contract No.

出卖人(甲方): Seller (Party A)

买受人(乙方): Buyer (Party B)

依据《中华人民共和 国合同法》及其他有关法律法规的规定,甲、乙双方在平等、自
愿、公平、诚实信用的基础上,就汽车买 卖的有关事宜协商订立本合同。
Parties hereto, in accordance to LAW OF PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA and other
law and rule,conclude and inter into this contract for the trade of vehicle on
basis of equality, voluntary, justice as well as honesty and credibility.

第一条 汽车品牌、数量及价款 BRAND, NUMBER AND PRICE

汽车品牌 Vehicle Brand 型号 Model 生产厂
商 Manufacturer
产地 Producing Place 发动机号 Engine No. 合格证号 Certificate
车架号 Rack No. 海关单号 C D 商检单号 I
配置 Allocation(标准配置 standard 选用配置 choose) 数量 Number
车身颜色 Body Colour 首选:First Choice 次选:Next Choice
单价(人民币) Unit Price (RMB)
内饰颜色Interior Colour
首选:First Choice 次选:Next
总价(人民币)Total Prices (RMB) 大写 In Words
备注 Notice

1、甲方出售的车辆,质量应符合国家关于汽车产品的强制性标准,没 有强制性标准的,
应符合保障人身财产安全的要求,并达到产品说明书载明的技术指标,符合车辆落籍地 有
Quality of vehicle sold by Party A should conform to state’s compulsory
standard of vehicle product, if without the same, should accord with
requirement of guaranteeing person and property security, reach technological
index stipulated in product description and accord with discharge standard of
tail gas at place of vehicle enrolling.

进口 的产品,并能通过公安交通管理部门的检测,可以上牌行驶。
Vehicle sold by Party A should , being in promulgation of state’s authority
concerned, be the product indicated in catalogue of recorded vehicle product or
legally imported product which could pass traffic police’s inspection and
steer with number-plate.

3、双方对车辆是否存在质量问题有争议的,依据法律规 定或者直观观察等日常生活经
验能够直接确认的事实,可以直接作为判定问题的依据;需要进行鉴定的, 以具有法定资
质的汽车检验机构出具的书面鉴定意见为准。鉴定费由主张方垫付,由责任方承担;经鉴< br>定无法明确责任的,由双方分担。
Any dispute arising out of vehicle’s quality between parties hereto, the
matter or item concerned being derectly affirmed according to regulation of law
or perceived through sense in life experience, could be take as basis of
judgement of the dispute, which, if necessary to examine, written examine
opinion issued by the vehicle checkout authority with legal qualification shall
be prevail. Fee for examination shall be on account payment of claiming party
and charged with responsible party, if without definition on the liability, be
born half to half by parties hereto.

第三条 定金(可选填) EARNEST MONEY ( may choose to filling in)
乙方在 年 月 日前,向甲方交付全车款的 %(此比例不得超过全车
款的20%)作为定金;甲方交货后,定金抵作 车款。因乙方违约导致合同解除的,乙方无
权要求返还定金;因甲方违约导致合同解除的,甲方应双倍返 还定金。
Party B should, prior to the date of ,pay % of total sum of
purchase price for vehicle to Party A as earnest money in advance, which not

exceed 20% of total sum of vehicle and shall be part of purchase payment upon
delivery of vehicle by party A. Where this contract is canceled or rescinded in
case of the csuse of the same is arising out of party B’s breach, party B have
no title to require turning earnest money; while party A’s breach, should
return double earnest money to party B.

第四条 付款方式 PAYMENT
Earnest money paid by party B to party A on or prior signature of this contract
shall be deemed to advance for purchase.

乙方选择按第 种方式,如期足额将车款支付给甲方。
Party B shall, choose the payment mode of , pay full sum of vehicle to
party A on schedule.

1、一次性付款方式:签订本合同时 日前,支付全部车价款。
Payment by lump sum: total sum of vehicle on the date of signature of contract
prior the date of .

2、分期付款方式: 签订本合同时 日前,支付全部车价款的 %,计人民
币 元,大写 元。
Payment by installments:on the date of signature of contract prior the date
of , pay % of total sum Yuan RMB (in words: ).

日前支付全部车价款的 %,计人民币 元,大写 元。
prior the date of , pay % of total sum Yuan RMB (in
words: ).

日前支付余款,计人民币 元,大写 元。
prior the date of , pay balance of Yuan RMB (in words: ).

3、贷款方式:见《贷款合同》 LOAN ( refer to LOAN CONTRACT )

第五条 交车时间与地点、交付及验收方式
Time and place of delivery of vehicle, acceptance check

1、交车时间: 年 月 日前。
Time of delivery shall be prior the date of

Means of delivery could be choosed such as taking delivery by Party B, party A
send delivery to and delivery by carrier.

3、交车地点: Place of delivery

Files below should be provided upon delivery by Party A.
(1)销售发票;Commerce invoice
(2) (国产)车辆合格证或(进口)海关进口证明及商品检验单;
Certificate of homemade vehicle or certificate of import by Custom and
commodity inspection.

(3) 质量服务卡或保修手册;Card of after-sale service or guarantee manual.
(4) 车辆使用说明书或用户使用手册(中文);
Instruction for vehicle or user manual in Chinese.

(5) 随车工具及备件清单;
Driver’s tool and bill of spare part.

5、甲方应在交车时当 场演示、检查车辆的基本使用功能,如实回答乙方的提问,配合
乙方对车辆进行验收。乙方对车辆外观和 基本使用功能如有异议,应当场向甲方提出,由
双方进行确认。对于确属质量问题的,乙方有权要求更换 车辆;对于车辆的配置等与广告
宣传有出入的,乙方有权解除合同。更换车辆与解除合同的费用由甲方承 担。
Party A should, where delivery of vehicle, demostrate driving on the spote,
inspect vehicle’s basic function, answer question of party B and cooperate
party B with acceptance of vehicle. Party B shll, in case of dissidence for
vehicle’s appearance and its basic fuction, issue concerned opinion to party A,
to which parties hereto commence confirmation. Party B, for the matter being
true quality problem, is entitle to require replacing vehicle and cancelled
this contract for difference bewteen vehicle equipment and advertisement, if
any fee on replacing or cancelled contract, shall be party A’s expense.

6、甲方将 车辆交由乙方实际支配下并向乙方交付随车文件时,双方应签订车辆交接书
(见附件),即视为该车辆正 式交付。自车辆正式交付时起,车辆的风险责任由乙方承担。
Parties hereto shall, upon vehicle deliveried with which files companied
to party B by party A, contol under party B, sign Agreement of Delivery
Acceptance, which shall be deemed as formal delivery of vehicle and from such
time risk on vehicle is transferred to party B.

第六条 售后服务 Service After Selling
Execution of service after selling vehicle and guarrantee of maintenance
shall refer to the manual of explanation and maintenance of manufacturer.

Party A should offer more than two maintain provider being confirmed by
manufacturer for choose of Party B.

在保修期内车辆出现质量问题或需要保养,乙方应在生产厂商公布或双 方约定的维修
In case of quality problem or necessary maitain, within guarantee period, party
B should carry through the same at the maitain provider being agreed by parties
hereto or announced by manufacturer.

保修期内车辆由于 乙方或第三方的人为破坏、使用、保养不当、装潢、改装不当,或到生
产厂商认定范围以外的修理点进行 修理造成的质量问题,甲方不承担责任。
Party B should, prior using vehicle, read carefuly its concerned files
including instruction, user’s guide and maintain manual and so on. None of
responsibilities shall, within maintain period, be born by party A for the
cause such as man-made damage by party B or third party, improper usemaintain,
improper ecoratingrefit,or quality trouble by being carried through repair at
the repair shop beyond confirmed repair shopes by anufactrurer.


Should are there any discrepancy , ambiguity, inconsistency in the instruction,
user’s guide and maintain manual to relevant rulls of the state, subject to
the state’s rulls.

5、本合同签订后,国家出台有关汽车产品修理更换退货或车内空气质量 等方面的规定
Prescriptions on repair, replacing and return or vehicle or air- quality within
vehicle ,issued after this contract being signed by the state , should be
executed by parties hereto.

Any promises by manufacturer ,being more favorable to party B than this
contract, should be executed an performed by parties hereto in according to
manufacturer’s promises.

第七条 违约责任 Breach liability
1、甲方未按时交付车辆的,自延期之日起至实际交付日止, 按乙方已付款依银行迟延
付款的规定向乙方支付违约金。延期交付车辆超过 日的,乙方有权解除合同,并要求
甲方按相当于已交车款的 %支付违约金或适用定金条款。
Party A ,if fail to deliver vehicle, should pay breach fine reference to bank’
s priscription on delayed payment according to party B’s paid sum from the
date of delay to actual delivery. In case fail to deliver excess days
party B is entitle to cancel this contract and require party A pay breach fine
by % of paid sum or apply clause of earnest money.

2 、乙方在使用后发现车辆不符合说明书中表明的质量标准,有权要求甲方承担无偿修
复、补偿损失或减少 价款的责任。
In the case of finding out the inconformity or difference to the quality
standard stipulated in the instruction by using the vehicle party B is entitle
to require party A bear the responsibilities of repair free of charge,
compensation for loss or reduce price.

3、经具有法定资质的汽车检验机构鉴定,车辆 确实存在设计、制造缺陷,由此缺陷造
成的人身和财产损害,乙方有权选择要求甲方或生产厂商赔偿。乙 方要求甲方赔偿的,如
生产厂商有过错的,甲方在承担赔偿责任后有权向生产厂商追偿;乙方要求生产厂 商赔偿

Should the vehicle ,being approved by inspection of vehicle testing institution
with legal competency, have actual defects on design and make, and bring about
damage to personel and property, party B is entitle to select the requirement
of compensation from party A or manufacturer. In case of compensation from
party A, it should perform damages duty prior to pursue manufacturer for the
same; in case of compensation from manufacturer, party A have the obligation to
assist party B for the same.

4、甲方明 知车辆存在严重瑕疵而未告知乙方的,或以欺诈方式销售车辆的,乙方有权
要求更换车辆或解除合同,并 要求甲方承担由此造成的损失。
In case that party A sell vihecle with material flaw to which know perfectly
well or the cheat way, party B have right to require change vihecle or teminate
this contract and loss whichby should assumed by party A.

日的,甲方有权解除合同,并要求乙方按相当于未交车款的 %支付违约金或适用定金
In case of fail to pay price of vihecle, party B should pay penalty money for
breach of contract to party A. if excess of days of fail pay price, party
A is entitle to terminate this contract and requier party B pay breach penalty
being the equal of % of vehicle price or apply the clause of earnest

6、一方无正当理由单方解除合同的,应按 的标准向对方支付违
In case that eather party ,terminate this contract without just reason, should
pay breach penalty being the equal of % of vehicle price or apply the
clause of earnest money.

第八条 不可抗力 force majeure
因不可抗力不能履行合同的,根据不可抗力的影响,部分或者全部免 除责任,但法律
Would failure of performance of this contract for force majeure part or whole
of duty can released therefrom in accordance to the effect thereon, but except
of requirement another. The responsibility couldn’t be released for force
majeure after failure of duty performance.

第九条 其他约定 Mescellaneous
未尽 事宜,双方应通过订立补充条款或补充协议进行约定。专用车买卖可另附附件。
补充条款、补充协议、附 件及甲方的宣传材料、广告、公开承诺等均为本合同的组成部分。
Matters not mentioned herein could be agreed through complementary clause or
agreement by parties hereto. The vehcile for special use can be applied with
accessary file hereto. The complementary clause and agreement, accessary file
and party A’s propaganda material, advertisement and public promises are
integral part of this contract. The other agreement include that

第十条 解决争议的方法 Settlement of dispute
商或调 解不成的,按下列第 种方式解决:
All disputes arising in connection with this contract or in the execution
thereof should be settled amicably through negotiations or apply to consumer’s
association as like institute for intermediation, in case no settlement can be
reached by negotiation or intermediation, the settlement way could be selected
as follow
(一)向 人民法院提起诉讼;
To lodge a complaint to court;
(二)提交 仲裁委员会仲裁。
To submit for arbiration in

甲方:(盖章) 乙方:(签章)
Party A (seal) Party B ( sign or







