
2020年08月08日 21:24



以下我们为你准备了十个重量级的句型供你 卖弄,只要你学会这

句型或句子, 就要想方设法把它卖弄出去,让别人羡慕你、崇拜你,
哪怕是妒忌你。卖弄英语不仅能帮助你加深记忆, 更重要的是,它会
和信心, 你就会学得更多,学得更好。

Kim’s Note:
If you want to show off your English. Sentence patterns are a
great place to start. These patterns are challenging. But, they
leave a very deep impression!

1. You might as well... 你还不如……为好。
◆ 疯狂讲解

“might as well” 是个惯用语,意为“还是……好;不妨” ,后面
接动词原形使用。用这个句型劝说别人比“You’d better”来的婉转。

◆ 疯狂操练
You might as well sit down. It’s going to be a while.

◆ 疯狂实战
A: My son dropped out of school and I just don’t know what to
do to change his mind!
B: You might as well give up trying to convince him. He’s just
too stubborn.
A: 我儿子退学了,我不知道该怎么让他改变主意。
B: 你还不如放弃说服他,他太固执了。
2. What it boils down to is... 总而言之……
【疯狂讲解】“boil down”的愿意是煮掉一些水分,这让我们想起
了一个化学实验: 在烧杯里放一些盐水,然后用酒精灯加热,煮啊煮
啊,水煮干了,烧杯底下出现白色的氯化钠。这样一比 喻,你就知道
这个句型中的“boil down to”是怎么回事儿了。如果长时间的讨论
◆ 疯狂实战
A: I just don’t understand why my idea was rejected. It really

is a terrific opportunity for the company.
B: What it boils down to is we don’t have enough money.
A: 我真搞不懂为什么不采纳我的建议,这对公司来说真是一个很好
B: 说来说去,还是我们钱不够。

A: Why do those two have such a difficult marriage?
B: What it boils down to is culture differences.
B: 说来说去是文化差异问题。

A: How did the company lose so much of the market?
B: What it boils down to is too much talk and not enough
A: 这公司怎么会损失那么多市场呀?
B: 总而言之,是因为说的太多,做的太少。

A: I can’t believe they can’t find a leader for the environmental
protection committee.
B: What it boils down to, is that no-one is willing to take on
that kind of responsibility.
A: 我真不敢相信他们竟找不到一个人来做环保委员会的带头人。

B: 总之,没有人会愿意承担那种责任。
3. When it comes to... 谈到……;涉及到……
◆ 疯狂实战
A: Why don't you just install the software yourself?
B: When it comes to computers, I’m hopelessly lost.
A: 你为什么不自己装软件呢?
B: 在电脑方面,我简直一窍不通。

A: Why do you trust his opinion so much?
B: When it comes to English, he’s an expert.
A: 你为什么那么相信他的观点呢?
B: 在英语方面,他是个专家。
4. I hate to disagree with you, but... 我很不想跟你有不同意
【疯狂短评】冒冒失失地否定别人的观点常常会给人留下 不好的印
在于此。在商业社 会中,这样的话尤其重要!
◆ 疯狂实战
A: I hate to disagree with you, but I think Shenzhen is cleaner
than Beijing.
B: You obviously haven’t been to Beijing lately!


A:I hate to disagree with you, but English is not that easy to
B: You just don’t know the secrets of Crazy English.
A: 我很不愿意跟你有不同意见,但是英语学起来并没有那么简单。
B: 你只是不知道疯狂英语的秘诀。
5. What I’m getting at is... 我的意思是……
◆ 疯狂实战
A: What I’m getting at is, I think we should break up.
B: Good, I think so too. Thank you for not beating around the
A: 我的意思是说,我想我们应该分手了。
B: 很好,我也这么认为。感谢你的直爽!

A: What I’m getting at is, you are fired.
B: What? Just like that? After all my hard work and devotion
to this damn place?
A: 我是说,你被解雇了。
B: 什么?我辛辛苦苦工作,为这见鬼的公司做出那么大贡献,你就

◆ 额外成就感
“get”是个简单却非常神奇的动词,它跟某些介词一组 合,就能表
达成千上万种意思,光是以上的“get at”就有六七种意思,现在我
1. 拿到,打开,到达
* Put the medicine somewhere where the children can’t get at

2. 弄清楚,理解
* It’s no easy thing to get at the meaning of every idiom in
* What I’m trying to get at is whether you want to marry Susan
for her father’s money or because you love her.

3. 有某种含意,
* What exactly are you getting at, David?
*I don’t see what you’re getting at?

* If I correctly understood what she was getting at, it seems to
be a good idea.

4. 找错,责备
* She’s always getting at her husband for not helping with the
* I can’t think why Erika’s always getting at me.

5. 开始干某工作
* I hope I have time to get at my homework tonight.

6. 打...的主意;贿赂
* Someone appears to have been trying to get at the jury.
6. I’m getting a little concerned about... 对……有点担忧
◆ 疯狂实战
A: I’m getting a little concerned about Tom’s drinking.

B: I know. He really seems to have a problem.
A: 汤姆这么嗜酒,我真有点担忧。
B: 我知道,他好像真有点问题。

A: I'm getting a little concerned about my son’s grades.
B: A “B” average is nothing to worry about!
A: 我对我儿子的成绩有点担心。
B: 平均起来能拿到“B”,没什么好担心的。
7. Let me fill you in on... 我来告诉你……
◆ 疯狂实战
A: Let me fill you in on what’s been happening here.
B: Please do! I’m dying to know what’s going on.
A: 我来告诉你这里发生了什么。
B: 说吧!我正渴望了解所发生的一切呢。

A: Let me fill you in on results of yesterday’s meeting.
B: Maybe later. I’m in a hurry now.
A: 我来告诉你昨天会议的结果。
B: 等以后说吧,我现在有急事儿。
8. Perhaps I’m sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong,
but... 恐怕我有点多管闲事,但是……

提醒一下别 人,也要讲究一下说话的方式。上面这个句型看似拐弯抹
角,罗罗嗦嗦,但用了这个句型之后,你惹麻烦 的可能性就少很多了。
◆ 疯狂实战
A: Perhaps I’m sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong, but
don’t you think you should be a little stricter with you son?
B: You’re right. It’s really none of your business.
A: 恐怕我有点多管闲事,但是,你不能对你的儿子严一点吗?
B: 你说的对。这确实不关你的事。

A: Perhaps I’m sticking my nose where it doesn't belong, but I
think you paid too much for that.
B: Really? Do you think so? I wasn’t sure when I bought it. I
wish you had been with me.
A: 恐怕我有点多管闲事,但我认为你买贵了。
B: 真的?你这么认为吗?我买的时候不是很确定。要是当时你在我
9. Could I possibly impose on you to...? 麻烦你……好吗?
◆ 疯狂实战
A: Could I possibly impose on you to show my family around
B: Impose? It would be my pleasure. I’d love to show them

A: 劳驾你带我家人逛一逛北京好吗?
B: 劳驾?这将是我的荣幸。我很高兴带他们逛逛。

A: Could I possibly impose on you to take the minutes for this
B: Sure. I know your secretary is on vacation.
A: 麻烦你做一下会议纪录,可以吗?
B: 当然可以。我知道你的秘书在度假。

◆ 额外成就感
五星级动词impose vt.
①. 征收税,加负担、惩罚等等
* Very high taxes have recently been imposed on cigarettes.

②. 把...强加给,强迫...接受
* Don’t try to impose your personal wishes on others.

③. 硬给...增加麻烦,勉强...帮忙,利用
* Are you sure it’s all right for me to come tonight? I don’t want
to impose on you.

* She’s always imposing on people – asking favors and getting
everyone to do things for her.

◆ 意外收获
impose有一个亲兄弟叫imposition,是impose的名词形 式,以它
为关键词还有一个类似的重量级句型叫:Would it be too much of
an imposition to ask you to...?
* Would it be too much of an imposition to ask you to pick my
parents up from the airport?
10. If I had to choose between...or..., I’d probably... 如果
◆ 疯狂实战
A: If I had to choose between going to college or starting my
own business, I’d probably go to college.
B: Why is that your choice?
A: 如果要我在上大学与创业之间做出选择,我恐怕会选择上大学。
B: 你为什么会选择上大学呢?

A: If I had to choose between studying in England or America,
I’d probably choose America.
B: That would be my choice too!
A: 如果要我选择到英国学习还是到美国学习,我恐怕会选择美国。
B: 我也会这么选!







