
2020年08月08日 21:29


A Review of the Flower Girl

Ⅰ. The introduction of the drama
A. The story about the drama
The tone of the drama

The reflection of the drama

Ⅱ. The principal actors
A. The flower girl
B. The note taker
Ⅲ. The literary devices
A. Analogy
B. Repetition
C. Allegory
Conclusion:The author is successful

A Review of the flower girl
It is a drama that happens under the portico of Saint Paul's Church in a rainy
day. At 11:15p.m., a group of people are sheltering from the rain. Under the portico,
there are already several people including some society people, social climbers and
underprivileged people. They are all frowning at the heavy rain, except one special
man with his back turned on the others. He is absorbed in his notes and notebook, in
which he is writing down some pedestrians’ pronunciation busily. As a consequence,
he causes the flower girl’s panic and spectators’ aversion, due to they think that he is
a police officer and will not calm down until he introduces himself. At last, they
know he is a professor of phonetics named Henry Higgins, who can spot a person by
his accent. In the meanwhile, he makes the flower girl stop “her detestable
boohooing” and catches her lies explosively. Moreover, Higgins tells Pickering that
he could pass off the flower girl “as a duchess” merely by teaching her to speak
properly, which attracts the streetwise girl. In the end, the flower girl takes the cab
using the money that Higgins tossed to her, leaving the cab runner on his own.
It seems a humorous drama, but sharply exposes some dark reality in the
community at that time, which is both thought-provoking and entertaining. What
attracts me most is the excellent language art, which figures images of all kinds of
people and reflects all the fields of the society vividly and visually, just by using the
great dialogue and intriguing stage direction. In the drama, one’s pronunciation stands
for his social status. In addition, the monologue renders the surrounding atmosphere,

which makes the drama more vivid.
What make the drama unforgettable for me are the flower girl’s appearance,
expression and language. She is described as follows,
“She wears a shoddy black coat that reaches nearly to her knees and is shaped
to her waist. She has a brown skirt with a coarse apron. Her boots are much the worse
for wear.”
We can easily draw a conclusion that she lives as an ant at the bottom level of
the society. For her, life is a constant struggle to get enough to eat. Compared with the
colorful world, brown and black is the mass-tone of her life. Meanwhile,her dress is
an example of the wretched poverty of working class. However, she is only one of the
countless people.
“She is no doubt as clean as she can afford to be; but compared to the ladies she
is very dirty. Her features are no worse than theirs; but their condition leaves
something to be desired.”
It is obvious that she is a free individual, who is not inferior to others. If she
has enough money and the relative social status, she also can be an elegant lady. Or
will everyone can be an elegant person if he has these advantageous conditions. The
bridge is a difficult one to cross due to there is the class distinctions between them.
“Ow, eez ye-ooa san, is e? Wal, fewd dan y’ de-ooty bawma a mather should,
eed now bettern to spawl a pore gel’s flahrzn than ran awy athaht pyin.”
“Never you mind, young man. I’m going home in a taxi. Eightpence aint no
object to me.”

From her language and behaviors, we can see that she is adventurous,
resourceful and intelligent; even though she is poor, she also has a right to live well.
She excuses herself bravely, and uses her wisdom to reach the goal. She knows how
to assert her own right and live in such a dog-eat- dog society clearly. It could even
say that she is an example of the independence and strength of women at that time.
What’s more, Higgins’s rude behavior is one of the comedy factors that attract
me. For work, he is crazy and enthusiastic; because he says, “That’s my profession:
also my hobby. Happy is the man who can make a living by his hobby.” Standing in
the crowd, he doesn’t seem to care what the spectators are doing; he just writes down
what he cares about. His vocational skills and intelligence are very mature, but social
skills are childish. Once, in order to stop the girl’s “boohooing”, he says:
“A woman who utters such depressing and disgusting sounds has no right to be
anywhere——no right to live. Remember that you are a human being with a soul and
the divine gift of articulate speech.”
In this manner, he is an impatient man who scarcely considers the feelings of
others. He devotes himself to his work absolutely, and is proud of it. He is a defender
of the language of Shakespear and Milton. However, his rude words also reflect a
social phenomenon: one’s accent stands for his social status in such an era. The
bottom level of the society has fewer rights to do something and always be despised
by the superior class.
In the drama, the author uses analogy and repetition throughout; this makes the
drama colorful and vivid. For example, she repeatedly stresses that she is a good girl,

as she thinks that the note taker is a police officer. At that moment, such sentences
reflect the flower girl’s guilt and panic. In addition, the note taker considers the girl’s
voice as “a bilious pigeon”, which can show the character of addressor. Obviously, he
is a man who treats others’ emotion with indifference. Besides, allegory is a rhetorical
device that the author also uses for portraying the characters. For example, when a
hurried man collides with the flower girl and blames it on her, she doesn’t get angry
but tauntingly say, “Theres menners f’ yer! Te-oo banches o voylets trod into the
mad.” It is easy to see that she is looked indifferent by others, but at heart she has her
own moral courage. Of course, this kind of creative rhetorical device, widely used in
the drama, can reinforce the expression effect and show a richer and more incisive
scene. These are the reasons that I appreciate this drama.
As the above aspects, the author is very successful. Apart from making others
laugh, the story’s reflection of realistic society is very thought-provoking. The
common language, interesting plots and close connections are undoubtedly worth
learning and appreciating.







