
2020年08月08日 21:38




fib 备件采购合同

fib purchase contract


the buyer: co.,ltd





the seller:




1. 本合同由买卖双方订立,根据本合同规定的条款,买方同意购买,

this contract is made by and between the buyer and the seller
where by the buyer agrees to buy and the seller agrees to sell
the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and
conditions stipulated below:

cif terms as per incoterms 2010


2. 制造国别和厂商 country of origin and manufacturers:

3. 运输方式:means of transportation


the shipment shall be made by air in container to chengdu

4. 交货期限term of delivery:

签订合同后4至6周内交货.allow 4-6 weeks for delivery after
contract signed.

5. 出运口岸 port of shipment:

antwerp 安特卫普

6. 包装:packing:

包装为牢固的新木箱,适合 长途运输,防湿、防锈、耐搬运。由于

成的任何锈损,卖方应负担由此而产生的一切费用. 木质包装须经热
处理并附有ippc 标志。

to be adequately packed in new strong wooden cases suitable
for long distance transportation and well protected against
dampness, rust and rough handling. the seller shall be liable
for any damage to the goods on account of improper

packing and for any rust damage attributable to inadequate or
improper protective measures taken by the seller, and in such
case or cases any and all expenses incurred in consequence
there of shall be borne by the seller. the wooden packages
must be heat treated and bear “ippc” sign on the surface.

7. 运输标志: shipping mark:

卖方应在每件包装上用不退色油墨标刷: 箱号,外形尺寸,毛重以
及“切勿受潮”等英文字样,并注有下列运输标志: the seller shall
mark on each package with fadeless paint the package number,
gross weight, measurement and the wordings: keep away from
moisture etc. and the shipping mark: 8.付款条件 terms of

电汇付款:在发货前收到卖方提供的发货通知、发票、装箱单扫 描
件,通过电汇的方式支付合同金额的100% (***) by tt: 100% of the
contract value(eur***)will be paid by tt before shipment
when the buyer get the copys of delivery note、invoice and
packing list.

complete documents of customs clearance shall be packedand
delivered together with consignment

(1) 运输单据,一份正本两份副本。运输单据上要注有“运费已付”、

transport document in one original and two copies marked
freight prepaid, contract number and shipping marks.

(2) 商业发票。3份手签原件,并显示合同号、信用证号和唛头。 合
同号 contract no: 日期 date:

manually signed commercial invoice in 3 originals indicating
the contract number, lc number, shipping marks.

(3) 保险单或保险证明书2份,注明投保一切险。insurance policy
or certificate in 2copies, covering all risks.

(4) 由制造商签发的装箱单一份原件两份复印件。packing list
issued by the manufacturer in 1 original and 2 copies.

(5) 由制造商签发的质量证明书一份原件一份复印件。certificate
of quality issued by the manufacturer in 1 original and 1 copy.

(6) 由制造商签发的数量证明书一份原件一份复印件。certificate of
quantity issued by the manufacturer in 1 original and 1


(7) 在货物装运后,由卖方通知买方装运内容的传真复印件一份。a
copy of fax to the buyer advising particulars of shipment

immediately after shipment is made.

(8) 制造商签发的原产地证明一份certificate of country of origin
issued by manufacturer in one original.

(9) 由制造商出具的木质包装已经热处理并带有ippc标识的证明原

manufacturer’s statement wood meets and is stamped with
ippc mark. in one original.

10. 技术资料:technical documents:


one complete set of the technical documents written in
english shall be packed and delivered together with

11.装运通知:shipping advice:

货物全部装仓后, 卖方应立即将合同编号、商品名称、数量、毛重、发票金额、快递公司名称及快递单号通知买方。

immediately the goods are completely loaded, the seller shall
cable to notify the buyers of the contract number, name of
commodity, quantity, gross weight, invoiced value, name of
the express company and the number of the express.

12. 交货延迟: delay delivery:

如果出现延迟交货,卖方应按照 每延迟一天支付合同金额的1‰的
标准向买方支付罚金。但此罚金不得超过迟交货物总价的 5% ;如
销该合同,卖方需支付合同金 额的3%作为罚 金,并在三个工作日内全

in case that a delay of goods delivery occurs, seller shall pay
1‰ of the contract price of delayed equipment as penalty for
every single day’s delay. the penalty, however, shall not
exceed 5% of the contract amount. if a delay delivery lasts
more than 30 days (include 30 days) without the grace period
buyer may grant, buyer shall have the right to cancel this

contract, the seller shall pay a penalty of 3% of the contract
amount and provide a fullrefund within 3 working days.

13. 质量保证和知识产权保证: guarantee of quality patent

卖方保证所订设备系用最好 的材料和工艺制造,全新的未曾使用过

为验收日起的十二个月或货物运至目的地之日起的十五个月, 取短

the seller guarantee that the commodity hereof is made of the
best materials with first class workmanship, brand new,

unused and complies in all respects with the quality and
specifications stipulated in this contract. the guarantee period

shall be twelve (12) months counting from the date of final
acceptance of the contracted equipment or fifteen (15) months
counting from the date on which the commodity arrives at the
place of destination, whichever occurs the sooner.

标、著作权等知识产权而使买方遭受的 各种损失(包括由此而产生

the seller shall compensate and hold the buyer harmless from
and against all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs and
expenses (including legal fees) pertaining to infringement or
alleged infringement of any patent, registered design,

trade mark, service-mark, copyright or other intellectual
property rights which arise from the goods supplied hereunder
or any use or resale by the buyer of such goods.

14. 检验和索赔 claims:

在货物到达目的港90天内,如发现质量、数量或规格不符合 合同的

within ninety (90) days after the arrival of the goods at the port
of destination, should the quality, specification, or quantity of
the contracted equipment be found not in conformity with the
stipulations of the contract, the buyer shall on the strength of
the inspection certificate issued by the china commodity
inspection bureau, have the right to claim against the seller. 卖
方将在第13条规定的质保期内保证质量,一旦出现货物 无论任何原
即以书面形式通知 卖方并以中国商品检验局签署的检验证书为准提

ng and put forward a claim supported by inspection certificate
issued by the china commodity inspection bureau.


any and all claims shall be regarded as accepted if the seller
fails to reply within 30 days after receipt of the buyers claim.

15. 索赔解决办法: settlement of claims:

如 货物不符合本合同规定应由卖方负责;同时如买方按照本合同第
14条、第13条的规定在索赔期限或质 量保证期内提出索赔,卖方在

in case the seller are liable for the discrepancies and a claim
is made by the buyers within the period of claim or quality
guarantee period as stipulated in articles 14 and article 13 of
this contract, the seller shall settle the claim upon the
agreement of the buyers in one of the following ways:

a.同意买方退货,并将退货金额以成交 原币偿还买方,并负担因退货而
发生的一切费用,包括运费,保险费,商检费,仓租,码头装卸费以及为 保

a. agree to the rejection of the goods and refund to the buyers
the value of the goods so rejected in the same currency as
contracted herein, and to bear all expenses in connection
therewith including freight, insurance premium, inspection
charges, storage, stevedore charges and all other, necessary
expenses required for the custody and protection of the
rejected goods.

b. 按照货物的疵劣程度,损坏的范围,将货物贬值。

b. devaluate the goods according to the degree of inferiority,
extent of damage

c. 调换有瑕 疵的货物.换货必须全新并符合本合同规定的规格、质量
和性能.卖方并负担因此而产生的一切费用.对 换货的质量,卖方仍应

c. replace the defective goods with new ones which conform
to the specifications, quality and performance as stipulated in
this contract. the seller shall, at the same time, guarantee the
quality of the replacement goods for a further period as
specified in article 13 of this contract.

16. 不可抗力事故 force majeure:

政府许可等 发生在货物制造或运输过程中,导致卖方交货迟延或不
能交货时卖方不承担责任。但卖方应在事故后的十 四天内通知买方,
并取得买方 认可。在上述情况下卖方仍应采取一切必要措施尽快交
货。如果该事故持续超过五周以上时买方将有权撤 销本合同。

the seller shall not be held responsible for the delay in
shipment or non- delivery of the goods due to force majeure
such as war, serious fire, flood, typhoon, earthquake or failure
of obtaining government approval(s) which might occur during
the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or
transit. the seller shall advise the buyer of the occurrence
mentioned above and within fourteen (14) days thereafter, the
seller shall send by airmail to the buyer for their acceptance a
certificate of the accident issued by the competent government
authorities where the

accident occurs as evidence thereof. under such
circumstances the seller, however, are still under the
obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the
delivery of the goods. in case the accident lasts for more than
five (5) weeks, the buyer shall have the right to cancel the

17. 仲裁 arbitration:

过友好协商予以解决。如果 协商不能解决,应提交中国国际经济贸

all dispute in connection with this contract or the execution
thereof shall be settled through friendly negotiation. in case no
settlement can be reached, the case may then be submitted to
shanghai international economic and trade arbitration
commissio for arbitration which shall be conducted in
accordance with the cietacs arbitration rules in effect at the
time of applying for arbitration. the arbitral award is final and
binding upon both parties.

18. 特别条款 special provisions:

本合同由买方和卖方共同签署,一式四份,买卖双方 各执两份。本
合同具有同等法 律效果。

this contract is signed by both the buyer and the seller in four
(4) copies, each side holds 2 copies. the contract shall become
effectiveness after its signing by both the buyer and the seller.

all the appendix of the contract are integral parts of the
contract and have the same legal force as the contract.


this contract is written in both english and chinese, which
have equal validity.

买方buyer 卖方seller

signature: signature:

------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ---------

【篇二:买卖合同sale contract中英文版】

sale contract

合同编号(contract no.): 签订日期(date) :

签订地点(signed at) :中国上海(shanghai, china)

the buyer (买方):

address (地址):

tel (电话):

the seller (卖方) : address (地址) : tel.(电话):


the seller and the buyer agree to conclude this contract
subject to the terms and conditions stated below:

货物名称、规格和质量(name, specifications and quality of

数量允许5%的溢短装(quantity allowed 5% more or less ) 原
产地国与制造商 (country of origin and manufacturers): australia
包装及标准:12盒装一纸箱 packing:12 box in one carton

物包装不良而造成的货物残损 、灭失应由卖方负责。

the packing of the goods shall be preventive from moisture,
erosion and shock, and shall be suitable for ocean
transportationmultiple transportation. the seller shall be liable

for any damage and loss of the goods attributable to the
inadequate or improper packing.

装运期限(time of shipment): 装运口岸(port of loading):
目的口岸(port of destination):

付款条件(terms of payment):到港后内全额支付。

the buyer shall pay the full payment withindays from the date
of arrival.

装运通知(shipping advice):

号、品名、已发运数量、发票总金额 、毛重、船名车机号及启程日

the seller shall, immediately upon the completion of the
loading of the goods, advise the buyer of the contract no.,
names of commodity, loading quantity,

质量保证(quality guarantee):卖方必须保证货物的规格、成份

the seller shall guarantee that the commodity must be in
conformity with the specification,label ingredient analysis as

争议的解决 (arbitration):

凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议 应协商解决。若协商
现行有效 的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双均有约束

any dispute arising from or in connection with the contract
shall be settled through friendly negotiation. in case no
settlement is reached, the dispute shall be submitted to china
international economic and trade arbitration commission
(citac)for arbitration in accordance with its rules in effect at the
time of applying for arbitration. the arbitral award is final and
binding upon both parties.


this contract is executed in two counterparts each in chinese
and english, each since being signedsealed by both parties.


representative of the buyer representative of the seller
authorized signature): authorized signature:


trademark licensing agreement


一、授权许可grant of license

二、付款方式terms of payment


四、信誉good will

五、许可方的所有权及许可方权利的保护licensors title and
protection of licensors rights


indemnification by licensee and product liability insurance

七、商品质量quality of merchandise


九、促销资料promotional material



十二、破产、违约等bankruptcy, violation, etc.

十三、竞争产品sponsorship by competitive product

十四、最后报告final statement upon termination or expiration

十五、存货处理disposal of stock upon termination or

十六、协议终止或期满的效果effect of termination or expiration

十七、对许可方的补偿licensors remedies

十八、无法执行协议的原因excuse for nonperformance


二十、不允许合资企业no joint venture

二十一、被许可方不得再行转让、许可no assignment or
sublicense by licensee

二十二、无免责no waiver, etc.


agreement made this____day of _____,
between_____(hereinafter called licensor), and
_____(hereinaftercalled licensee):

鉴 于许可方拥有具有一定价值并经注册的商标和服务标志,且拥有
并可出售其他如附文第一节所述的许可方 财产,其中包括“商标”。

这一商标在广播或电视中经常使用,并出现在各种促销和广告 业务




whereas licensor owns certain valuable registered trademarks
and service marks, and owns and has merchandising rights to
various other licensor properties as defined in paragraph 1 of
the rider attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof
(hereinafter called name), said name having been used over
the facilities of numerous stations in radio andor television
broadcasting in allied fields, and in promotional and
advertising material in different businesses and being well
known and recognized by the general public and associated in
the public mind with licensor, and

whereas licensee desires to utilize the name upon and in
connection with the manufacture, sale and distribution of
articles hereinafter described,

now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises herein
contained, it is hereby agreed:

1.产品 articles


upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, licensor
hereby grants to licensee as a related company, and licensee
hereby accepts the right, license and privilege of utilizing the
name solely and only upon and in connection with the
manufacture, sale and distribution of the following articles.
(insert description)


许可协议只 在__地区有效。被许可方同意不在其他地区直接或间
接使用或授权使用这一商标,且不在知情的情况下 向有意或有可能

the license hereby granted extends only to _____. licensee
agrees that it will not make, or authorize, any use, direct or
indirect, of the name in any other area, and that it will not

knowingly sell articles covered by this agreement to persons
who intend or are likely to resell them in any other area.


年12月31日。始于__年12月 31日,本许可协议在每一期末自

the term of the license hereby granted shall be effective on the
____day of____ and shall continue until the ____ day of ____,
unless sooner terminated in accordance with the provisions
hereof. the term of this license may be automatically renewed
from year to year upon all the terms and conditions contained
herein, with the final renewal to expire on december 31st, ____.
at the end of each term, beginning with december 31st, _____,
this license shall be automatically renewed for a one year term
expiring december 31st of the following year, unless either
party hereto shall be given written notice to the contrary at
least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date.


量折扣和利润,但不包括现金折扣 和不可收帐目折扣。在制造、出

licensee agrees to pay to licensor as royalty a sum equal to
____percent of all net sales by licensee or any of its affiliated,
associated or subsidiary companies of the articles covered by

agreement. the term net sales shall mean gross sales less
quantity discounts and returns, but no deduction shall be
made for cash or other discounts or uncollectible accounts. no
costs incurred in the manufacture, sale, distribution or
exploitation of the articles shall be deducted from any royalty
payable by licensee. licensee agrees that in the event it should
pay any other licensor a higher royalty or licensing rate or
commission than that provided herein for the use of the name,

than said higher rate shall automatically and immediately apply
to this contract.

2.最低限度使用费minimum royalties

的最后一次或此前支付。在协议签 字时支付的预付款将不包括在内。

licensee agrees to pay to licensor a minimum royalty of
____dollars ($$____) as a minimum uarantee against royalties to
be paid to licensor during the first contract term, said
minimum royalty to be paid on or before the last day of the
initial term applied against such guarantee. no part of such
minimum royalty shall in any event be repayable to licensee.

3.定期报告periodic statements

的报告,说明被许可方在前 一期售出的产品数量、概况、总销售额、
详细列明的总销售额折扣、净销售额及前一期中的利润。被许可 方
一期中是否销售了产品,均 应向许可方提供报告。

within ____ days after the initial shipment of the articles
covered by this agreement, and promptly on the ____ of each
calendar ____ thereafter, licensee shall furnish to licensor
complete and accurate statements certified to be accurate by
licensee showing the number, description and gross sales
price, itemized deductions from gross sales price and net
sales price of the articles covered by this agreement
distributed andor sold by licensee during the preceding
calendar ____, together with any returns made during the
preceding calendar ____ for this purpose, licensee shall use
the statement form attached hereto, copies of which form may
be obtained by licensee from licensor. such statements shall
be furnished to licensor whether or not any of the articles have
been sold during the preceding calendar_____.

4.使用费支付royalty payments

除上述最低使用费以外的使用费需在销售 期后__日交付,同时提
报告 和使用费(或兑现支付使用的支票)后,如发现报告或支付中
有不一致或错误,可以在任何时间提出质疑 ,被许可方需及时改正、

支付。支付应用美元。在许可地内的应缴国内税由被许可方支付 。
royalties in excess of the aforementioned minimum royalty
shall be due on the ____ day of the ____ following the calendar
___ in which earned, and payment shall accompany the
statements furnished as required above. the receipt or
acceptance by licensor of any of the statements furnished
pursuant to this agreement or of any royalties paid hereunder
(or the cashing of any royalty checks paid hereunder) shall not
preclude licensor from questioning the correctness thereof at
any time, and in the event that any inconsistencies or mistakes
are discovered in such statements or payments, they shall
immediately be rectified and the appropriate payment made by
licensee. payment shall be in_____. domestic taxes payable in
the licensed territory shall be payable by licensee.


1.除非 许可证认可在协议有效期内不在协议有效区域内再授予别人
销售第一节所述产品时使用这一商标,本协议 不限制许可方授与其

(a) nothing in this agreement shall be construed to prevent
licensor from granting any other licenses for the use of the
name or from utilizing the name in any manner whatsoever,
except that licensor agrees that except as provided herein it
will grant no other licenses for the territory to which this
license extends effective during the term of this agreement, for
the use of the name in connection with the sale of the articles
described in paragraph 1.

2.协议规定如果许可 方向被许可方提出购买第一节所述产品,用于
奖励、赠给或其他促销安排,被许可方有10天时间决定是 否同意。
者进行奖励、赠给 或其他促销安排。在这种情况下,当其他生产者
的价格比许可方向被许可方支付的高时,被许可方有3天 时间去满
同意前,不把协议产 品

一起出售协议产品。 it is agreed that if licensor should convey
an offer to licensee to purchase any of the articles listed in
paragraph 1, in connection with a premium, giveaway or other
promotional arrangement, licensee shall have ____ days within

which to accept or reject such an offer. in the event that
licensee fails to accept such offer within the specified _____
days, licensor shall have the right to enter into the proposed
premium, giveaway or promotional arrangement using the
services of another manufacturer, provided, however, that in
such event licensee shall have a three (3) day period within
which to meet the best offer of such manufacturer for the
production of such articles if the price of such manufacturer is
higher than the price offered to licensee by licensor. licensee
agrees that it shall not, without the prior







