
2020年08月09日 03:13


1.必修五MODULE 1 Words, words, words词,词,词
British and American English are different in many ways. 英式英语和美式英语在
很多方面都有所不同。The first and most obvious way is in the vocabulary. 首先最
明显的是在词汇方面。There are hundreds of different words which are not used on
the other side of the Atlantic, or which are used with a different meaning. 有数以百
计个不同的词在大西洋彼岸的另一个英语国家不被使用,或者以一种不同的 意思
被使用着。Some of these words are well known--- Americans drive automobiles down
freeways and fill up with gas;其中有些词就很广泛地为人所知--- 美国人在
freeways上驾驶的是automobiles,给车加gas;the British drive cars along motorways
and fill up with petrol. 英国人在motorways上驾驶的是cars,给车加petrol。 As a
tourist, you will need to use the underground in London or the subway in New York,
or maybe you will prefer to get around the town by taxi(British) or cab (American).
作为游人, 在伦敦你要乘underground,而在纽约则是subway,或者你愿意乘坐
taxi(英式) 或者cab (美式)游览城市。
Chips or French files Chips 还是French fries?
But other words and expressions are not so well known. 但是其他词语和表达方式
却没有这么广泛地为人所知。Americans use a flashlight, while for the British, it's a
torch. 美国人把手电筒称为flashlight,而英国人却叫它torch。 The British queue
up; Americans stand in line. 英国人排队用queue up,而美国人说stand in line。有
时候, Sometimes the same word has a slightly different meaning, which can be
confusing. 同一个单词在意义上一点细微的差别就让人很困惑。Chips, for
example, are pieces of hot fried potato in Britain; in the States chips are very thin and
are sold in packets. 比如chips这个词在英国是热炸的薯条,在美国chips却指非
常薄而且装在 纸袋里出售的薯片。The British call these crisps. 英国人把这种东西
称为crips。 The chips the British know and love are French fries on the other side of
the Atlantic. 英国人知道而且喜欢的薯条在大西洋对岸被称为French fries 。
Have or have got? Have 还是have got?
There are a few differences in grammar, too. 在语法上,英式英语和美式英语也有
一些区别。The British say Have you got...?I while Americans prefer Do you have .-.?

英国人说Have you got·?然而美国人却愿意说Do you have ...? An American
might say My friend just arrived, but a British person would
say My friend has just arrived. 美国人可能会说My friend just arrived,但是英国人
愿意讲My friend has just arrived 。Prepositions, too, can be different: compare on
the team, on the weekend (American) with in the team, at the weekend (British). 介
词的用法也有所不同:比较一下on the team, on the weekend (美国用法) 和in the
team, at the weekend (英国用法)。The British use prepositions where Americans
sometimes omit them (.I'll see you Monday, Write me soon!). 英国人用介词的地方
美国人有时候可能会省略 (I。
Colour or color? Colour还是color?
The other two areas in which the two varieties differ are spelling and pronunciation.
此外,在两种英语中另外两个领域的区别是拼写和发音。Americanspelling seems
simpler:美式英语的拼写看上去更简单一些:center, color and program instead of
centre, colour and programme. center, color和program 是美式拼法,centre, colour
和programme 是英式拼法。 Many factors have influenced American pronunciation
since the first settlers arrived four hundred years ago. 自从400年前第一批移民的到
来,有很多因素影响了美语发音。The accent, which is most similar to British
English, can be heard on the East Coast of the US. 在美国东海岸能够听到跟英式
英语非常接近的口音。When the Irish writer George Bernard Shaw made the famous
remark that the British and the Americans are two nations divided by a common
language, he was obviously thinking about the differences. 当爱尔兰作家萧伯纳讲
那句名言 :英国和美国是被同一种语言分开的两个民族的时候,他显然想到了它
们的区别。But are they really so important? 但是这些区别真的如此重要吗?After
all, there is probably as much variation of pronunciation within the two countries as
between them. 毕竟,两个国家境内的口音差别可能跟两国之间的口音差别一样
多。 A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotsman from Glasgow than
understanding a New Yorker. 一个伦敦人要听懂来自格拉斯哥的苏格兰人讲话可
Turn on the TV打开电视机

Some experts believe that the two varieties are moving closer together. 很多专家相
信这两种语言变体正在越来越接近。 For more than a century communications
across the Atlantic have developed steadily. 一个多世纪以来,大西洋两岸的交流稳
步发展。Since 1980s, with satellite TV and the Internet, it has been possible to listen
to British and American English at the Hick of a switch. 自从20世纪80 年代以来,
This non-stop communication, the experts think, has made it easier for British people
and Americans to understand each other. 专家们认为,这种不间断的交流使得英国
人和美国人相互理解起来更加容易。But it has also led to lots of American words
and structures passing into British English, so that some people now believe that
British English will disappear. 但是这也致使许多美式英语单词和结构传人英式
However, if you turn on CNN, the American TV network, you find newsreaders and
weather forecasters all speaking with different accents - American, British, Australian,
and even Spanish. 然而,如果你打开美国电视网络节目CNN,你会发现新闻播
报员和天气预报员操着不同的口音--- 美国的,英国的,澳大利亚的,甚至西班牙
的。 One of the best-known faces, Monita Rajpal, was born in Hong Kong. China,
and grew up, speaking Chinese and Punjabi, as well as English. 其中最熟悉的脸孔
之一,慕妮塔·让治 派出生于中国香港,从小到大说的是汉语、Punjabi土语和英
This international dimension suggests that in the future, there are going to be many
很多种英语,不仅仅是两种。 But the message is
will all be able to understand each other---wherever they are.

2.必修五MODULE 2 The Human Traffic Signal人体交通标志

At 3,500 metres, La Paz, in Bolivia, is the highest capital in the world. 位于海拔
3,500 米的玻利维亚首府拉巴斯是世界上最高的首都。 Life is hard at high altitude,
and the mountains make communications difficult. 在高海拔地区的生活很艰苦,高
山使得地区交通非常困难。Many roads are in bad condition and accidents are
frequent. 许多路况很差而且事故频发,One road in particular, which goes north
from La Paz, is considered the most dangerous road in the world. 尤其是从拉巴斯通
向北边的一条路被认为是世上最危险的路。 On one side the mountains rise steeply;
on the other side there is a sheer drop which in places is hundreds of metres deep. 在
there is not a lot of traffic, on average, one vehicle comes off the road every two
weeks. 尽管这条路上每天的交通量不大,但是平均每两周就有一辆车冲出公路,
掉下悬崖。 The drop is so great that anyone inside the vehicle is lucky to survive. 悬
崖落差如此之大,在掉下去的车里任何一个能活着的乘客都是幸运的。 In theory,
the road can only be used by traffic going uphill from 8 in the morning and by traffic
coming downhill from 3 in the afternoon. 按理,这条路上从早晨8点开始只准许上
山的车通行,下午3点以后下山的车通行。 But in practice, few drivers respect this
rules. 但实际上,几乎没有司机遵守这些规则。
But thanks to one man, the death toll has fallen. 但是多亏了一个人,这条路上的事
故死亡率己经下降了。Timoteo Apaza is a gentle 46-year-old man who lives in a
village near the most dangerous part of the road, known locally as lacurva del Diablo
(the Devil's Bend). 46岁的铁穆特欧·安迫赛是个性格温和的人,他住在距离这条
路最危险的一段附近的村 庄里。这段路被当地人称为lacurva del Diablo(魔鬼弯
道)。 Timoteo has an unusual job -- he is a human traffic signal. 铁穆特欧有一个不
同寻常的工作---他是人体交通标志。 Every morning he climbs up to the bend with
a large circular board in his hand. 每天早晨,他手里部拿着一个大圆板爬上弯道。
The board is red on one side and green on the other. 圆板一面是红色的,一面是绿
色的。 Timoteo stands on the bend and directs the traffic. 铁穆特欧站在转弯处指挥
着交通。 When two vehicles approach from opposite directions they can't see each

other, but they can see Timoteo. 当两辆车相对开来的时候,他们彼此看不到,但
都能看到铁穆特欧。 Timoteo is a volunteer. 铁穆特欧是一个志愿者。 No one
asked him to do the job, and no one pays him for it. 没有人要他做这个工作,也没有
人为此付钱给他。Sometimes drivers give him a tip, so that he has just enough money
to live on. 有时候一些司机会给他点小费,使他能够维持生活。 But often they just
pass by, taking the human traffic signal for granted. 但是大多数情况下,司机们开
So why does he do it? 但是,他为什么要这样做呢? Before he volunteered to direct
the traffic, Timoteo had had lots of jobs. 在他志愿指挥交通之前,做过很多工作。
He had been a miner and a soldier. 他曾是矿工,还当过兵。 Then one day while he
was working as a lorry driver he had a close encounter with death. 他做卡车司机的
时候,有一次他跟死神打了个照面。 He was driving a lorry load of bananas when
he came off the road at a bend and fell three hundred metres down the mountain. 当
的山崖下。 Somehow he survived. 万幸的是,他活了下来。He was in hospital for
months. 他在医院呆了好几个月。Then, a few years later, he was called out in the
night to help pull people out of a bus which had crashed at la curva del diablo. 几年
后的一天夜里,他被叫出来帮忙拉出在魔鬼弯道坠毁的公共汽车里的人。This last
experience had a profound effect on Timoteo. 最后的这次经历对铁穆特欧产生了
重大影响,He realized that he was lucky to be alive himself, and felt that it was his
mission in life to help others. 他意识到他能活下来是很幸运的,而且感觉到帮助
别人是他人生的使命。And so every morning, week in, week out, from dawn to dusk,
Timoteo takes up his place on the bend and directs the traffic. 于是每天早晨,铁穆
特欧都来到路的拐弯处站好自己的位 置,开始指挥来往车辆,从拂晓到黄昏,一

3.必修五MODULE 3 Steam boat汽船
There was a big storm after midnight and the rain poured down. 后半夜来了一场暴
风雨,大雨倾盆而下。We stayed inside the shelter we had built and let the raft sail
down the river. 我们躲进了自己搭起来的避雨棚,让木筏顺流而下。Suddenly, by
the light of the lightning, we saw something in the middle of the river. 突然间,借着
闪电的光亮,我们看到河中间有东西。It looked like a house at first, but then we
realized it was a steam boat. 一开始它看上去像座房子,但后来我们意识到那是艘
蒸汽船。It had hit a rock and was half in and half out of the water. 它触礁了,一半
沉在水里,一半露在水面上。We were sailing straight towards it. 我们的木筏正朝
同意。but when I suggested that we might find something useful on the boat, he
agreed to go. 但当我提出我们可能在上面找到些有用的东西时,他还是同意了。
So we paddled over and climbed on to the steamboat, keeping as quiet as mice. 于是
我们划了过去,躁手镊脚地,像老鼠一样悄无声息地爬上了汽船。To our
astonishment, there was a light in one of the cabins. 令我们大吃一惊的是,有间船
舱里还亮着一盏灯。 Then we heard someone shout,
I won't tell anybody! 接着我们听到人的嚎叫声,哦,哥们儿,别杀我!我跟谁也
A man's angry voice answered,
kill you. 一个男人生气的声音回应到:你在撒谎,上次你也是这么说的。我们要
When he heard these words, Jim panicked and ran to the raft. 吉姆听到了这些后,恐
惧万分,向木筏跑了过去。 But although I was frightened, I also felt very curious, so
I put my head round the door. 而我尽管害怕,但也感到十分好奇,于是就把头凑
向了那扇门。 It was quite dark, but I could see a man lying on the floor, tied up with

rope. 船舱里面很黑,但我能看见一个人被绳子捆着,躺在地板上。 There were
two men standing over him. 有两个人围着他站着。 One was short, with a beard. 其
中一个是矮个,留着络腮胡子, The other was tall and had something in his hand
that looked like a gun. 另外一个是高个,手里拿着什么东西,看起来像是把枪。
现在就要毙了你。那个高个说道。He was obviously the one who had threatened the
man on the floor. 显然他就是刚才威胁躺在地上的人的那个人。 And it was a gun
he had in his hand. 握在他手中的确实是把枪。

in a couple of hours and he'll go down with it. 不,别这么干。那个矮个说,我
When he heard that, the frightened man on the floor started crying. 听到这话后,那
thought. 听起来他就要吓死了,我想,我得设
I crawled along the deck, found Jim, and told him what I had heard. 我沿着甲板爬
away, then they'll have to stay here, 我说:我们必须找到他们的船并弄走
Jim looked terrified. 吉姆看上去很害怕,说:我不想
呆在这儿。 But I persuaded him to help me, and we found the men's boat tied to the
other side of the steamboat.但我劝他帮我的忙,找到了他们拴在沉船另一边的小
船。 We climbed quietly in and as we paddled away we heard the two men shouting.
我们悄悄地爬上了小船,就在我们划着小船离开了那艘要沉的汽船时,我 们听到
那两个人的吼叫声。By then we were a safe distance away. 而那时我们已经离他们
有段安全的距离了。 But now I began to feel bad about what we had done.1 didn't
want all three men to die. 但现在我开始后悔这么做了---- 我不想让那三个人部死

4.必修五MODULE 4 The Magic of the Mask面具的魔力
Think of carnival, and you think of crowds, costumes, and confusion. 想到狂欢节,
你就会想到人群、各色各样的服装和热闹非凡的场面。The sounds and sights
change from one country to another but the excitement is the same everywhere. 热闹
由两个拉丁词演变而来的,意思是禁肉食。 In Europe, where it began, carnival
was followed by forty days without meat, 欧洲是狂欢节的起源地,在那里,狂欢
节过后会有40天不食肉的日子。 as people prepared for the Christian festival of
Easter. 这期间,人们准备迎接基督教的节日复活节。People saw Carnival as a last
chance to have fun at the end of the winter season. Having fun meant eating, drinking,
and dressing up.他们把狂欢节作为冬天结束前最后一次玩乐的机会,尽情地吃、
The most famous carnival in Europe was in Venice. 欧洲最著名的狂欢节是在威尼
斯。At the beginning, it lasted for just one day. 最初,狂欢节只持续一天。 People
ate, drank, and wore masks. 人们吃啊,喝啊,并戴上面具。As time passed, however,
the carnival period was extended, so that it began just after Christmas. 渐渐地,庆祝
狂欢节的时间长了,圣诞节一过狂欢节就开始。 For weeks on end people walked
round the streets wearing masks, doing what they wanted without being recognised.
接连几个星期,人们戴着面具走街串巷,为所欲为而不会被认出来。 Ordinary
people could pretend to be rich and important, while famous people could have
romanticadventures in secret. 普通人可以装成阔佬和要人,而名人也可以偷偷地
体验浪漫奇遇。 Many crimes went unpunished. 很多罪行都逃脱了惩处。
The government realized that wearing masks had become a problem. 政府意识到戴
面具成了一个社会问题。Their use was limited by laws, the first of which dates back
to the fourteenth century. 于是制定了限用面具的法律条文,这最早可以追溯到14
世纪。 Men were not allowed to wear masks at night; and they were not allowed to
dress up as women. 男子不准在夜间戴面具,并且不能假扮女性。 In later times
more laws were passed. 之后,更多法律条文出台。 People who wore masks could

not carry firearms; and no one could enter a church wearing a mask. 戴面具者不得
携带火器,不得进入教堂。 If they broke the laws. they were put into prison for up to
two years. 违反面具法者将被判入狱,刑期可长达两年。 Finally, when Venice
became part of the Austrian empire, at the end of the eighteenth century, masks were
banned completely, and carnival became just a memory. 最后,在18世纪末,当威
But in the late 1970s the tradition was revived by students. 但在20世纪70年代后
期,狂欢节这个传统又被学生们恢复了。They began making masks and organizing
parties, and threw bits of brightly colored paper(called coriandoli) attourists. 他们开
始制造面具,并组织聚会。他们向游人扔许多小块的彩色纸片。 The town council
realized that carnival was good for business, and the festival was developed for
tourists. 市镇议会觉得狂欢节创造了一定的商机,因此,狂欢节得以发展,以吸
Today, carnival in Venice is celebrated for five days in February. 如今,威尼斯狂欢
节的庆祝活动在二月进行,历时五天。 People arrive from all over Europe to enjoy
the fun. 来自欧洲各国的人们在此尽情娱乐。 Hotels are fully booked and the
narrow streets are crowded with wonderful costumes. 旅店一订而空,狭窄的街道挤
满了身着各种华美服饰的人们。German, French and English seem to be the main
languages. 德语、法语和英语似乎成了主要语言。But the spirit of
Venice carnival is not quite the same as the great American carnivals. 但威尼斯狂欢
节的本质与美洲狂欢节有所不同。 If the key to Rio is music and movement, then in
Venice it is the mystery of the mask. 在里约热内卢,狂欢节主要是音乐和游行了。
而在威尼斯,则是神秘的面具。As you wander through the streets, you see thousands
of masks --- elegant or frightening, sad or amusing, traditional or modern ---but you
have no idea what the faces behind them look like. 走在街上 ,你能看到成千上万的
面具,高雅的、可怕的、忧伤的、有趣的、传统的、时尚的,但你并不知道面具后面的是哪张面孔。 Nobody takes them off. If the masks come off, the magic is

5.必修五MODULE5 A Life in Sports体育人生
They called him the prince of gymnasts. 人们称他为体操王子。 When he retired at
the age of 26, he had won 106 gold medals in major competitions across the world. 26
岁退役时,他己在世界重大比赛中获得了106枚金牌。They included six out of
seven gold medals at the 1982 World Championship, and three at the 1984 Olympics
in Los Angeles (as well as two silver and a bronze) 其中包括198Z年世界锦标赛总
共七枚金牌申的六枚,1984年洛杉矾奥运会上的 三枚金牌(以及两枚银牌和一枚
铜牌)。Li Ning was the best. 李宁是最优秀的。 When sports journalists met in 1999
to make a list of the greatest sportsmen and sportswomen of the twentieth century, Li
Ning's name was on it, together with footballer Pele and boxer Muhammad Ali. 1999
年, 当体育记者们在评选20世纪最杰出的运动员时,李宁和球王贝利、拳王阿
里一起名列其中。But even though he had won everything it was possible to win in
his sport, Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed. 但即使是已经赢得了自
己在体操运动项目 上所能赢得的一切,李宁还是带着一种失败的感觉退了役。
He was disappointed because he had not performed well in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.
But it was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life.
但就是这种失败感使他决心在新的生活中取得成功。A year after his retirement, Li
Ning began a new career-----as a businessman. 退役一年后,李宁开始了他新的事
业---从商。 But he didn't forget his sporting background. 但是,他并没有忘记他的
运动生涯。 He decided to launch a new brand of sportswear, competing with global
giants like Mike and Adidas. 他决定推出一种新品牌的运动服,和全球大公司耐
克、阿迪达斯等竞争。 He made the unusual choice, for a Chinese person, of
choosing his own name as the brand mark. 对一个中国人而言,他作出了异乎寻常
的选择,那就是用自己的名字做商标。The bright red logo is made up of the first two
pinyin letters of Li Ning's name, L and N. 那个鲜红色的商标是由李宁拼音的两
Li Ning's sports clothes came onto the market at just the right time. 李宁运动服进人
市场正当其时。 The number of young people with money to spend was on the

increase---- and sport had never been so popular. 有钱消费的年轻人的数量在增加,
而体育运动也得到前所未有的普及。 Li Ning's designs were attractive, and they
had a major advantage over their better-known rivals---- they were cheaper. 李宁运
动服不仅设计吸引人,而且比起那些著名的商业对手, 它拥有一个主要优势,那
就是价格便宜。 A pair of Nike trainers, for example, could cost up to five times as
much as a similar Li Ning product. 比如,一双耐克运动鞋的价格可能是一双季宁
牌同类产品价格的五倍之多。Success for Li Ning was guaranteed, and it came
quickly. 李宁的成功有了保证,并且来势迅速。
In just a few years, Li Ning won more than fifty per cent of the national market. 短短
几年,李宁赢得了超过百分之五十的国内市场。Today a Li Ning product is
purchased every ten seconds. 现在每十秒钟就有一款李宁牌产品售出。But the
clothes are not only worn on the athletics track or the football pitch. If you go into a
school or university anywhere, the chances are you will see students in Li Ning
tracksuits with the familiar logo. 李宁牌 运动服不仅仅出现在径赛场或足球场上,
如果你走进任何一个地方的中学或大学校园,你很有可能看到身 穿印有那个熟悉
标志的李宁运动服的学生们。 The company has also grown internationally公司也
有了国际化发展。The Spanish and French gymnastics teams wear Li Ning clothes,
while Italian designers are employed by the company to create new styles. 西班牙和
法国的体操队员也穿李宁牌 服装。同时,公司还雇用意大利设计师设计新的款式。
Whenever Chinese athletes step out onto the track during the 2008 Olympics, they
will be. wearing Li Ning tracksuits. 当中国体育健儿步人2008年奥运会赛场时,
But Li Ning's goal when he retired was not to make money. 但是,李宁退役时的目
标并不是赚钱。 His dream was to open a school for gymnasts. 他的梦想是开办一
所体操学校。He was able to do this in 1991. 1991年,他如愿以偿。 Since then, he
has continued to help young people to achieve their sporting ambitions. 从那时起,他
不断地帮助年轻人实现他们的体育梦想。Like Pele and Muhammad Alt before
him,who have worked with the United Nations for children's rights and peace, Li
Ning has discovered that the work of a great sportsman does not finish when he retires

from the sport. It starts. 在他之前,球王贝利和拳王 阿里,他们在联合国为儿童权
利及世界和平工作多年。与他们一样,李宁发现:当一个杰出的运动员退出 体坛
时,他她的工作并不是结束,而是开始。 And if you are a great sportsperson,
anything is possible, as Li Ning's advertising slogan says.

6.必修五MODULE 6 Saving the Antelopes拯救藏羚羊
On a freezing cold day in January 1994, Jiesang Suonandajie found what he was
looking for---a group of poachers who were killing the endangered Tibetan antelope.
1994年1月一个滴水成冰的寒冷日 子,杰桑·索南达杰发现了他一直寻找的目标
群正在杀害濒临灭绝的藏羚羊的偷猎者。Jiesang knew he had to move quickly. 杰
桑知道,他必须迅速行动。He shouted to the poachers to put down their guns. 他大
声地喊叫着,要偷猎者放下武器。 Although surprised, the poachers had an
advantage---there were more of them. 偷猎者虽然感到惊慌,但他们占着人多的优
势。 In the battle which followed Jiesang was shot and killed. 在接下来的枪战中,
杰桑被击中身亡。 When his frozen body was found hours later, he was still holding
his gun. 几小时后,人们发现了他冻僵的身体,手中仍然紧握着枪。He had given
his life to save the Tibetan antelope. 他为拯救藏羚羊献出了生命。
At the beginning of the twentieth century there were millions of antelopes on the
Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. 20世纪初期,青藏高原上有数百万只藏羚羊。By the
1990s the number had fallen to 50,000. 截止到20世纪90年代,藏羚羊的数目下
降到了大约5万只。The reason is simple: the wool of the Tibetan antelope is the most
expensive in the world. 原因很简单:藏羚羊毛是世上最昂贵的毛皮。It is soft, light,
and warm----the ideal coat for an animal which has to survive at high altitudes. 它又
软又轻又暖和,是高海拔地区动物赖以生存的理想皮毛。 A shawl made from the
wool (known as
dollars. 一条藏羚羊毛织成的披肩(名为沙图什,即波斯语中的众毛之王,能
卖到5000美元。 For poachers the profits can be huge. 这对偷猎者来说利润是丰

厚的。Often working at night, the poachers shoot whole herds of antelopes at a time,
leaving only the babies, whose wool is not worth so much. 那些偷猎者常常是夜里
出动,一次就捕杀掉整群的藏羚羊,只留下那些毛不怎么值钱的幼羊。The animals
are skinned on the spot and the wool taken to India, where it is made into the shawls.
披肩。From there, it is exported to rich countries in North America and Europe. 从那
出口到北美和欧洲的富裕国家。 The business is completely illegal---- there has
been a ban on the trade since 1975. 这种贸易是完全违法的,自1975年以来一直被
禁止。 But in the 1990s the shawls came into fashion among rich people. 但到了20
世纪90年代,这种藏羚羊毛披肩在有钱人中间流行开来,成为时尚。A police raid
on a shop in London found 138 shawls. 在伦敦,警察在对一家商店的一次突击搜
查中竟发现138条披肩。 About 1,000 antelopes ---or 2 per cent of the world's
population----had been killed to make them. 这就意味着有大约I000只藏羚羊被猎
In the 1990s the Chinese government began to take an active part in protecting the
antelopes in the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve ----the huge national park on the
Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, which is the main habitat of the antelopes. 20世纪90年代,
中国政府开始 积极开展可可西里自然保护区的藏羚羊保护工自然保护区是青藏
高原的一个大型国家公园,是藏羚羊的主 要栖息地。Over the next ten years about
3,000 poachers were caught and 300 vehicles confiscated. 在接下来的有3000多名
偷猎者被抓获和300辆汽车被没收。 Sometimes there were gunfights, like the one
in which Jiesang Suonandajie was killed. 有时,还会发生枪战。像杰桑·索就是在
But today the government seems to be winning the battle. 如今,政府似乎正在赢得
这场战争,偷猎者的人数下降了。The number of poachers has fallen. The small
group of officials who work in the reserve are helped by volunteers who come from
all over the country, and who are ready for the difficult conditions of life at 5,000
metres. 工作在保护区的政府官员们得到了来自全国各地的、愿 意忍受海拔5000
米以上恶劣生活环境的志愿者们的支持。 Meanwhile, in those countries where the
shawls are sold, police are getting tough with the dealers. International co-operation

seems to be working. 同时,在那些出售藏羚羊毛披肩的国家,警方开始严厉打击
藏羚羊毛披肩的贩卖者。 Since 1997 the antelope population has slowly begun to
grow again. 国际合作也见成效,自1997年以来,藏羚羊的数目已开始慢慢回升。

1.必修五MODULE 1 Words, words, words词,词,词
British and American English are different in many ways. 英式英语和美式英语在
很多方面都有所不同。The first and most obvious way is in the vocabulary. 首先最
明显的是在词汇方面。There are hundreds of different words which are not used on
the other side of the Atlantic, or which are used with a different meaning. 有数以百
计个不同的词在大西洋彼岸的另一个英语国家不被使用,或者以一种不同的 意思
被使用着。Some of these words are well known--- Americans drive automobiles down
freeways and fill up with gas;其中有些词就很广泛地为人所知--- 美国人在
freeways上驾驶的是automobiles,给车加gas;the British drive cars along motorways
and fill up with petrol. 英国人在motorways上驾驶的是cars,给车加petrol。 As a
tourist, you will need to use the underground in London or the subway in New York,
or maybe you will prefer to get around the town by taxi(British) or cab (American).
作为游人, 在伦敦你要乘underground,而在纽约则是subway,或者你愿意乘坐
taxi(英式) 或者cab (美式)游览城市。
Chips or French files Chips 还是French fries?
But other words and expressions are not so well known. 但是其他词语和表达方式
却没有这么广泛地为人所知。Americans use a flashlight, while for the British, it's a
torch. 美国人把手电筒称为flashlight,而英国人却叫它torch。 The British queue
up; Americans stand in line. 英国人排队用queue up,而美国人说stand in line。有
时候, Sometimes the same word has a slightly different meaning, which can be
confusing. 同一个单词在意义上一点细微的差别就让人很困惑。Chips, for
example, are pieces of hot fried potato in Britain; in the States chips are very thin and
are sold in packets. 比如chips这个词在英国是热炸的薯条,在美国chips却指非
常薄而且装在 纸袋里出售的薯片。The British call these crisps. 英国人把这种东西
称为crips。 The chips the British know and love are French fries on the other side of
the Atlantic. 英国人知道而且喜欢的薯条在大西洋对岸被称为French fries 。
Have or have got? Have 还是have got?
There are a few differences in grammar, too. 在语法上,英式英语和美式英语也有
一些区别。The British say Have you got...?I while Americans prefer Do you have .-.?

英国人说Have you got·?然而美国人却愿意说Do you have ...? An American
might say My friend just arrived, but a British person would
say My friend has just arrived. 美国人可能会说My friend just arrived,但是英国人
愿意讲My friend has just arrived 。Prepositions, too, can be different: compare on
the team, on the weekend (American) with in the team, at the weekend (British). 介
词的用法也有所不同:比较一下on the team, on the weekend (美国用法) 和in the
team, at the weekend (英国用法)。The British use prepositions where Americans
sometimes omit them (.I'll see you Monday, Write me soon!). 英国人用介词的地方
美国人有时候可能会省略 (I。
Colour or color? Colour还是color?
The other two areas in which the two varieties differ are spelling and pronunciation.
此外,在两种英语中另外两个领域的区别是拼写和发音。Americanspelling seems
simpler:美式英语的拼写看上去更简单一些:center, color and program instead of
centre, colour and programme. center, color和program 是美式拼法,centre, colour
和programme 是英式拼法。 Many factors have influenced American pronunciation
since the first settlers arrived four hundred years ago. 自从400年前第一批移民的到
来,有很多因素影响了美语发音。The accent, which is most similar to British
English, can be heard on the East Coast of the US. 在美国东海岸能够听到跟英式
英语非常接近的口音。When the Irish writer George Bernard Shaw made the famous
remark that the British and the Americans are two nations divided by a common
language, he was obviously thinking about the differences. 当爱尔兰作家萧伯纳讲
那句名言 :英国和美国是被同一种语言分开的两个民族的时候,他显然想到了它
们的区别。But are they really so important? 但是这些区别真的如此重要吗?After
all, there is probably as much variation of pronunciation within the two countries as
between them. 毕竟,两个国家境内的口音差别可能跟两国之间的口音差别一样
多。 A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotsman from Glasgow than
understanding a New Yorker. 一个伦敦人要听懂来自格拉斯哥的苏格兰人讲话可
Turn on the TV打开电视机

Some experts believe that the two varieties are moving closer together. 很多专家相
信这两种语言变体正在越来越接近。 For more than a century communications
across the Atlantic have developed steadily. 一个多世纪以来,大西洋两岸的交流稳
步发展。Since 1980s, with satellite TV and the Internet, it has been possible to listen
to British and American English at the Hick of a switch. 自从20世纪80 年代以来,
This non-stop communication, the experts think, has made it easier for British people
and Americans to understand each other. 专家们认为,这种不间断的交流使得英国
人和美国人相互理解起来更加容易。But it has also led to lots of American words
and structures passing into British English, so that some people now believe that
British English will disappear. 但是这也致使许多美式英语单词和结构传人英式
However, if you turn on CNN, the American TV network, you find newsreaders and
weather forecasters all speaking with different accents - American, British, Australian,
and even Spanish. 然而,如果你打开美国电视网络节目CNN,你会发现新闻播
报员和天气预报员操着不同的口音--- 美国的,英国的,澳大利亚的,甚至西班牙
的。 One of the best-known faces, Monita Rajpal, was born in Hong Kong. China,
and grew up, speaking Chinese and Punjabi, as well as English. 其中最熟悉的脸孔
之一,慕妮塔·让治 派出生于中国香港,从小到大说的是汉语、Punjabi土语和英
This international dimension suggests that in the future, there are going to be many
很多种英语,不仅仅是两种。 But the message is
will all be able to understand each other---wherever they are.

2.必修五MODULE 2 The Human Traffic Signal人体交通标志

At 3,500 metres, La Paz, in Bolivia, is the highest capital in the world. 位于海拔
3,500 米的玻利维亚首府拉巴斯是世界上最高的首都。 Life is hard at high altitude,
and the mountains make communications difficult. 在高海拔地区的生活很艰苦,高
山使得地区交通非常困难。Many roads are in bad condition and accidents are
frequent. 许多路况很差而且事故频发,One road in particular, which goes north
from La Paz, is considered the most dangerous road in the world. 尤其是从拉巴斯通
向北边的一条路被认为是世上最危险的路。 On one side the mountains rise steeply;
on the other side there is a sheer drop which in places is hundreds of metres deep. 在
there is not a lot of traffic, on average, one vehicle comes off the road every two
weeks. 尽管这条路上每天的交通量不大,但是平均每两周就有一辆车冲出公路,
掉下悬崖。 The drop is so great that anyone inside the vehicle is lucky to survive. 悬
崖落差如此之大,在掉下去的车里任何一个能活着的乘客都是幸运的。 In theory,
the road can only be used by traffic going uphill from 8 in the morning and by traffic
coming downhill from 3 in the afternoon. 按理,这条路上从早晨8点开始只准许上
山的车通行,下午3点以后下山的车通行。 But in practice, few drivers respect this
rules. 但实际上,几乎没有司机遵守这些规则。
But thanks to one man, the death toll has fallen. 但是多亏了一个人,这条路上的事
故死亡率己经下降了。Timoteo Apaza is a gentle 46-year-old man who lives in a
village near the most dangerous part of the road, known locally as lacurva del Diablo
(the Devil's Bend). 46岁的铁穆特欧·安迫赛是个性格温和的人,他住在距离这条
路最危险的一段附近的村 庄里。这段路被当地人称为lacurva del Diablo(魔鬼弯
道)。 Timoteo has an unusual job -- he is a human traffic signal. 铁穆特欧有一个不
同寻常的工作---他是人体交通标志。 Every morning he climbs up to the bend with
a large circular board in his hand. 每天早晨,他手里部拿着一个大圆板爬上弯道。
The board is red on one side and green on the other. 圆板一面是红色的,一面是绿
色的。 Timoteo stands on the bend and directs the traffic. 铁穆特欧站在转弯处指挥
着交通。 When two vehicles approach from opposite directions they can't see each

other, but they can see Timoteo. 当两辆车相对开来的时候,他们彼此看不到,但
都能看到铁穆特欧。 Timoteo is a volunteer. 铁穆特欧是一个志愿者。 No one
asked him to do the job, and no one pays him for it. 没有人要他做这个工作,也没有
人为此付钱给他。Sometimes drivers give him a tip, so that he has just enough money
to live on. 有时候一些司机会给他点小费,使他能够维持生活。 But often they just
pass by, taking the human traffic signal for granted. 但是大多数情况下,司机们开
So why does he do it? 但是,他为什么要这样做呢? Before he volunteered to direct
the traffic, Timoteo had had lots of jobs. 在他志愿指挥交通之前,做过很多工作。
He had been a miner and a soldier. 他曾是矿工,还当过兵。 Then one day while he
was working as a lorry driver he had a close encounter with death. 他做卡车司机的
时候,有一次他跟死神打了个照面。 He was driving a lorry load of bananas when
he came off the road at a bend and fell three hundred metres down the mountain. 当
的山崖下。 Somehow he survived. 万幸的是,他活了下来。He was in hospital for
months. 他在医院呆了好几个月。Then, a few years later, he was called out in the
night to help pull people out of a bus which had crashed at la curva del diablo. 几年
后的一天夜里,他被叫出来帮忙拉出在魔鬼弯道坠毁的公共汽车里的人。This last
experience had a profound effect on Timoteo. 最后的这次经历对铁穆特欧产生了
重大影响,He realized that he was lucky to be alive himself, and felt that it was his
mission in life to help others. 他意识到他能活下来是很幸运的,而且感觉到帮助
别人是他人生的使命。And so every morning, week in, week out, from dawn to dusk,
Timoteo takes up his place on the bend and directs the traffic. 于是每天早晨,铁穆
特欧都来到路的拐弯处站好自己的位 置,开始指挥来往车辆,从拂晓到黄昏,一

3.必修五MODULE 3 Steam boat汽船
There was a big storm after midnight and the rain poured down. 后半夜来了一场暴
风雨,大雨倾盆而下。We stayed inside the shelter we had built and let the raft sail
down the river. 我们躲进了自己搭起来的避雨棚,让木筏顺流而下。Suddenly, by
the light of the lightning, we saw something in the middle of the river. 突然间,借着
闪电的光亮,我们看到河中间有东西。It looked like a house at first, but then we
realized it was a steam boat. 一开始它看上去像座房子,但后来我们意识到那是艘
蒸汽船。It had hit a rock and was half in and half out of the water. 它触礁了,一半
沉在水里,一半露在水面上。We were sailing straight towards it. 我们的木筏正朝
同意。but when I suggested that we might find something useful on the boat, he
agreed to go. 但当我提出我们可能在上面找到些有用的东西时,他还是同意了。
So we paddled over and climbed on to the steamboat, keeping as quiet as mice. 于是
我们划了过去,躁手镊脚地,像老鼠一样悄无声息地爬上了汽船。To our
astonishment, there was a light in one of the cabins. 令我们大吃一惊的是,有间船
舱里还亮着一盏灯。 Then we heard someone shout,
I won't tell anybody! 接着我们听到人的嚎叫声,哦,哥们儿,别杀我!我跟谁也
A man's angry voice answered,
kill you. 一个男人生气的声音回应到:你在撒谎,上次你也是这么说的。我们要
When he heard these words, Jim panicked and ran to the raft. 吉姆听到了这些后,恐
惧万分,向木筏跑了过去。 But although I was frightened, I also felt very curious, so
I put my head round the door. 而我尽管害怕,但也感到十分好奇,于是就把头凑
向了那扇门。 It was quite dark, but I could see a man lying on the floor, tied up with

rope. 船舱里面很黑,但我能看见一个人被绳子捆着,躺在地板上。 There were
two men standing over him. 有两个人围着他站着。 One was short, with a beard. 其
中一个是矮个,留着络腮胡子, The other was tall and had something in his hand
that looked like a gun. 另外一个是高个,手里拿着什么东西,看起来像是把枪。
现在就要毙了你。那个高个说道。He was obviously the one who had threatened the
man on the floor. 显然他就是刚才威胁躺在地上的人的那个人。 And it was a gun
he had in his hand. 握在他手中的确实是把枪。

in a couple of hours and he'll go down with it. 不,别这么干。那个矮个说,我
When he heard that, the frightened man on the floor started crying. 听到这话后,那
thought. 听起来他就要吓死了,我想,我得设
I crawled along the deck, found Jim, and told him what I had heard. 我沿着甲板爬
away, then they'll have to stay here, 我说:我们必须找到他们的船并弄走
Jim looked terrified. 吉姆看上去很害怕,说:我不想
呆在这儿。 But I persuaded him to help me, and we found the men's boat tied to the
other side of the steamboat.但我劝他帮我的忙,找到了他们拴在沉船另一边的小
船。 We climbed quietly in and as we paddled away we heard the two men shouting.
我们悄悄地爬上了小船,就在我们划着小船离开了那艘要沉的汽船时,我 们听到
那两个人的吼叫声。By then we were a safe distance away. 而那时我们已经离他们
有段安全的距离了。 But now I began to feel bad about what we had done.1 didn't
want all three men to die. 但现在我开始后悔这么做了---- 我不想让那三个人部死

4.必修五MODULE 4 The Magic of the Mask面具的魔力
Think of carnival, and you think of crowds, costumes, and confusion. 想到狂欢节,
你就会想到人群、各色各样的服装和热闹非凡的场面。The sounds and sights
change from one country to another but the excitement is the same everywhere. 热闹
由两个拉丁词演变而来的,意思是禁肉食。 In Europe, where it began, carnival
was followed by forty days without meat, 欧洲是狂欢节的起源地,在那里,狂欢
节过后会有40天不食肉的日子。 as people prepared for the Christian festival of
Easter. 这期间,人们准备迎接基督教的节日复活节。People saw Carnival as a last
chance to have fun at the end of the winter season. Having fun meant eating, drinking,
and dressing up.他们把狂欢节作为冬天结束前最后一次玩乐的机会,尽情地吃、
The most famous carnival in Europe was in Venice. 欧洲最著名的狂欢节是在威尼
斯。At the beginning, it lasted for just one day. 最初,狂欢节只持续一天。 People
ate, drank, and wore masks. 人们吃啊,喝啊,并戴上面具。As time passed, however,
the carnival period was extended, so that it began just after Christmas. 渐渐地,庆祝
狂欢节的时间长了,圣诞节一过狂欢节就开始。 For weeks on end people walked
round the streets wearing masks, doing what they wanted without being recognised.
接连几个星期,人们戴着面具走街串巷,为所欲为而不会被认出来。 Ordinary
people could pretend to be rich and important, while famous people could have
romanticadventures in secret. 普通人可以装成阔佬和要人,而名人也可以偷偷地
体验浪漫奇遇。 Many crimes went unpunished. 很多罪行都逃脱了惩处。
The government realized that wearing masks had become a problem. 政府意识到戴
面具成了一个社会问题。Their use was limited by laws, the first of which dates back
to the fourteenth century. 于是制定了限用面具的法律条文,这最早可以追溯到14
世纪。 Men were not allowed to wear masks at night; and they were not allowed to
dress up as women. 男子不准在夜间戴面具,并且不能假扮女性。 In later times
more laws were passed. 之后,更多法律条文出台。 People who wore masks could

not carry firearms; and no one could enter a church wearing a mask. 戴面具者不得
携带火器,不得进入教堂。 If they broke the laws. they were put into prison for up to
two years. 违反面具法者将被判入狱,刑期可长达两年。 Finally, when Venice
became part of the Austrian empire, at the end of the eighteenth century, masks were
banned completely, and carnival became just a memory. 最后,在18世纪末,当威
But in the late 1970s the tradition was revived by students. 但在20世纪70年代后
期,狂欢节这个传统又被学生们恢复了。They began making masks and organizing
parties, and threw bits of brightly colored paper(called coriandoli) attourists. 他们开
始制造面具,并组织聚会。他们向游人扔许多小块的彩色纸片。 The town council
realized that carnival was good for business, and the festival was developed for
tourists. 市镇议会觉得狂欢节创造了一定的商机,因此,狂欢节得以发展,以吸
Today, carnival in Venice is celebrated for five days in February. 如今,威尼斯狂欢
节的庆祝活动在二月进行,历时五天。 People arrive from all over Europe to enjoy
the fun. 来自欧洲各国的人们在此尽情娱乐。 Hotels are fully booked and the
narrow streets are crowded with wonderful costumes. 旅店一订而空,狭窄的街道挤
满了身着各种华美服饰的人们。German, French and English seem to be the main
languages. 德语、法语和英语似乎成了主要语言。But the spirit of
Venice carnival is not quite the same as the great American carnivals. 但威尼斯狂欢
节的本质与美洲狂欢节有所不同。 If the key to Rio is music and movement, then in
Venice it is the mystery of the mask. 在里约热内卢,狂欢节主要是音乐和游行了。
而在威尼斯,则是神秘的面具。As you wander through the streets, you see thousands
of masks --- elegant or frightening, sad or amusing, traditional or modern ---but you
have no idea what the faces behind them look like. 走在街上 ,你能看到成千上万的
面具,高雅的、可怕的、忧伤的、有趣的、传统的、时尚的,但你并不知道面具后面的是哪张面孔。 Nobody takes them off. If the masks come off, the magic is

5.必修五MODULE5 A Life in Sports体育人生
They called him the prince of gymnasts. 人们称他为体操王子。 When he retired at
the age of 26, he had won 106 gold medals in major competitions across the world. 26
岁退役时,他己在世界重大比赛中获得了106枚金牌。They included six out of
seven gold medals at the 1982 World Championship, and three at the 1984 Olympics
in Los Angeles (as well as two silver and a bronze) 其中包括198Z年世界锦标赛总
共七枚金牌申的六枚,1984年洛杉矾奥运会上的 三枚金牌(以及两枚银牌和一枚
铜牌)。Li Ning was the best. 李宁是最优秀的。 When sports journalists met in 1999
to make a list of the greatest sportsmen and sportswomen of the twentieth century, Li
Ning's name was on it, together with footballer Pele and boxer Muhammad Ali. 1999
年, 当体育记者们在评选20世纪最杰出的运动员时,李宁和球王贝利、拳王阿
里一起名列其中。But even though he had won everything it was possible to win in
his sport, Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed. 但即使是已经赢得了自
己在体操运动项目 上所能赢得的一切,李宁还是带着一种失败的感觉退了役。
He was disappointed because he had not performed well in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.
But it was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life.
但就是这种失败感使他决心在新的生活中取得成功。A year after his retirement, Li
Ning began a new career-----as a businessman. 退役一年后,李宁开始了他新的事
业---从商。 But he didn't forget his sporting background. 但是,他并没有忘记他的
运动生涯。 He decided to launch a new brand of sportswear, competing with global
giants like Mike and Adidas. 他决定推出一种新品牌的运动服,和全球大公司耐
克、阿迪达斯等竞争。 He made the unusual choice, for a Chinese person, of
choosing his own name as the brand mark. 对一个中国人而言,他作出了异乎寻常
的选择,那就是用自己的名字做商标。The bright red logo is made up of the first two
pinyin letters of Li Ning's name, L and N. 那个鲜红色的商标是由李宁拼音的两
Li Ning's sports clothes came onto the market at just the right time. 李宁运动服进人
市场正当其时。 The number of young people with money to spend was on the

increase---- and sport had never been so popular. 有钱消费的年轻人的数量在增加,
而体育运动也得到前所未有的普及。 Li Ning's designs were attractive, and they
had a major advantage over their better-known rivals---- they were cheaper. 李宁运
动服不仅设计吸引人,而且比起那些著名的商业对手, 它拥有一个主要优势,那
就是价格便宜。 A pair of Nike trainers, for example, could cost up to five times as
much as a similar Li Ning product. 比如,一双耐克运动鞋的价格可能是一双季宁
牌同类产品价格的五倍之多。Success for Li Ning was guaranteed, and it came
quickly. 李宁的成功有了保证,并且来势迅速。
In just a few years, Li Ning won more than fifty per cent of the national market. 短短
几年,李宁赢得了超过百分之五十的国内市场。Today a Li Ning product is
purchased every ten seconds. 现在每十秒钟就有一款李宁牌产品售出。But the
clothes are not only worn on the athletics track or the football pitch. If you go into a
school or university anywhere, the chances are you will see students in Li Ning
tracksuits with the familiar logo. 李宁牌 运动服不仅仅出现在径赛场或足球场上,
如果你走进任何一个地方的中学或大学校园,你很有可能看到身 穿印有那个熟悉
标志的李宁运动服的学生们。 The company has also grown internationally公司也
有了国际化发展。The Spanish and French gymnastics teams wear Li Ning clothes,
while Italian designers are employed by the company to create new styles. 西班牙和
法国的体操队员也穿李宁牌 服装。同时,公司还雇用意大利设计师设计新的款式。
Whenever Chinese athletes step out onto the track during the 2008 Olympics, they
will be. wearing Li Ning tracksuits. 当中国体育健儿步人2008年奥运会赛场时,
But Li Ning's goal when he retired was not to make money. 但是,李宁退役时的目
标并不是赚钱。 His dream was to open a school for gymnasts. 他的梦想是开办一
所体操学校。He was able to do this in 1991. 1991年,他如愿以偿。 Since then, he
has continued to help young people to achieve their sporting ambitions. 从那时起,他
不断地帮助年轻人实现他们的体育梦想。Like Pele and Muhammad Alt before
him,who have worked with the United Nations for children's rights and peace, Li
Ning has discovered that the work of a great sportsman does not finish when he retires

from the sport. It starts. 在他之前,球王贝利和拳王 阿里,他们在联合国为儿童权
利及世界和平工作多年。与他们一样,李宁发现:当一个杰出的运动员退出 体坛
时,他她的工作并不是结束,而是开始。 And if you are a great sportsperson,
anything is possible, as Li Ning's advertising slogan says.

6.必修五MODULE 6 Saving the Antelopes拯救藏羚羊
On a freezing cold day in January 1994, Jiesang Suonandajie found what he was
looking for---a group of poachers who were killing the endangered Tibetan antelope.
1994年1月一个滴水成冰的寒冷日 子,杰桑·索南达杰发现了他一直寻找的目标
群正在杀害濒临灭绝的藏羚羊的偷猎者。Jiesang knew he had to move quickly. 杰
桑知道,他必须迅速行动。He shouted to the poachers to put down their guns. 他大
声地喊叫着,要偷猎者放下武器。 Although surprised, the poachers had an
advantage---there were more of them. 偷猎者虽然感到惊慌,但他们占着人多的优
势。 In the battle which followed Jiesang was shot and killed. 在接下来的枪战中,
杰桑被击中身亡。 When his frozen body was found hours later, he was still holding
his gun. 几小时后,人们发现了他冻僵的身体,手中仍然紧握着枪。He had given
his life to save the Tibetan antelope. 他为拯救藏羚羊献出了生命。
At the beginning of the twentieth century there were millions of antelopes on the
Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. 20世纪初期,青藏高原上有数百万只藏羚羊。By the
1990s the number had fallen to 50,000. 截止到20世纪90年代,藏羚羊的数目下
降到了大约5万只。The reason is simple: the wool of the Tibetan antelope is the most
expensive in the world. 原因很简单:藏羚羊毛是世上最昂贵的毛皮。It is soft, light,
and warm----the ideal coat for an animal which has to survive at high altitudes. 它又
软又轻又暖和,是高海拔地区动物赖以生存的理想皮毛。 A shawl made from the
wool (known as
dollars. 一条藏羚羊毛织成的披肩(名为沙图什,即波斯语中的众毛之王,能
卖到5000美元。 For poachers the profits can be huge. 这对偷猎者来说利润是丰

厚的。Often working at night, the poachers shoot whole herds of antelopes at a time,
leaving only the babies, whose wool is not worth so much. 那些偷猎者常常是夜里
出动,一次就捕杀掉整群的藏羚羊,只留下那些毛不怎么值钱的幼羊。The animals
are skinned on the spot and the wool taken to India, where it is made into the shawls.
披肩。From there, it is exported to rich countries in North America and Europe. 从那
出口到北美和欧洲的富裕国家。 The business is completely illegal---- there has
been a ban on the trade since 1975. 这种贸易是完全违法的,自1975年以来一直被
禁止。 But in the 1990s the shawls came into fashion among rich people. 但到了20
世纪90年代,这种藏羚羊毛披肩在有钱人中间流行开来,成为时尚。A police raid
on a shop in London found 138 shawls. 在伦敦,警察在对一家商店的一次突击搜
查中竟发现138条披肩。 About 1,000 antelopes ---or 2 per cent of the world's
population----had been killed to make them. 这就意味着有大约I000只藏羚羊被猎
In the 1990s the Chinese government began to take an active part in protecting the
antelopes in the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve ----the huge national park on the
Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, which is the main habitat of the antelopes. 20世纪90年代,
中国政府开始 积极开展可可西里自然保护区的藏羚羊保护工自然保护区是青藏
高原的一个大型国家公园,是藏羚羊的主 要栖息地。Over the next ten years about
3,000 poachers were caught and 300 vehicles confiscated. 在接下来的有3000多名
偷猎者被抓获和300辆汽车被没收。 Sometimes there were gunfights, like the one
in which Jiesang Suonandajie was killed. 有时,还会发生枪战。像杰桑·索就是在
But today the government seems to be winning the battle. 如今,政府似乎正在赢得
这场战争,偷猎者的人数下降了。The number of poachers has fallen. The small
group of officials who work in the reserve are helped by volunteers who come from
all over the country, and who are ready for the difficult conditions of life at 5,000
metres. 工作在保护区的政府官员们得到了来自全国各地的、愿 意忍受海拔5000
米以上恶劣生活环境的志愿者们的支持。 Meanwhile, in those countries where the
shawls are sold, police are getting tough with the dealers. International co-operation

seems to be working. 同时,在那些出售藏羚羊毛披肩的国家,警方开始严厉打击
藏羚羊毛披肩的贩卖者。 Since 1997 the antelope population has slowly begun to
grow again. 国际合作也见成效,自1997年以来,藏羚羊的数目已开始慢慢回升。







