
2020年08月09日 04:06


As is precisely illustrated in the picture, a tumbler was laughing at a boy stumbled
by a stone. It is explicit to reveal the connect between 主题词A and 深层主题词B。
Simple as the image is, the symbolic meaning behind it is as deep as ocean.
第一句用pict ure,第三句用cartoonimage,这样就是说一个意思你可以用搞
不同英语词汇来表达,说 明你有积累。
第三句也可以换成:Every reader with sensitive consciousness will feel intensely
pained by the situation of 主题词。Every reader with sensitive consciousness will feel
positive energy to shape social life。每个有敏感意识的读者都会感受这幅图的重要
Words in it reveal the implication of the drawing: while the tumbler never fall
down, it won’t make a step faward for lack of practice(这种表述不好,很奇怪,而
且正式英文没有中文冒号再描述的说法). Apparently, the symbolic meaning
behind it is as deep as ocean. every reader with conscience will feel intensely pained
by the situation of
1While stressing quick changes of society, the image has displayed the importance
of 主题词 from two aspects。2On the one hand, it is promoted by practical needs of
the fast-paced and profit- oriented world. 3The spirit of Langping is one example of
the wisdom of practice, which is composed of many exercises and persistence. 4On
the other hand, the practical wisdom may meet the academic criteria. 5According to a
report by David Vaux, a professor of Voctoria University in Australia, those who
excellent in practice are more likely to establish career. 6 Hence, practice has become
indispensable elements to reach the goal of life-long learning.
首句最好还是要点 明你从几个方面来谈,这样评委一看才晓得你是有逻辑的,
评阅人不会仔细地看你每句是不是真的递进逻 辑,他们很重视连接词。
第二句,用了it is -ed by现实需求的句型,也是万能模板。

第 五句,根据研究……你的句子沿用了,删除相对没有参加的compared后面,
According to a report by David Vaux, a professor of Voctoria University in
Australia, those who excel in practicing are more likely to establish career, compared
with those who do not. Obviously, practice has become indispensable to reach our
journey’s road.
The spirit our time calls for is one of advocating is an essential quality
to make success in this fiercely competive ore, we should realize its
value and strive to pursue g on the spirit of practical wisdom, we have to take
some useful measures to avoid the scene that is mentioned above.消极的;如果是积
极的,就把后面替换为Calling on the spirit of practical wisdom, we have to take
some useful measures to advocate the professional development in practice. 最后一
句需要有点亮点。A holistic form of practice would be fostered, even within the
dynamical situation. 即使情况再动荡,我们也要培养一种整体的实践主题词,万

你将修改后的 抄到本子上,仔细地誊写新模板。你以后写作文就按这个模板
来套,如果一些单词背不下来,就有道词典 查下简单的单词来替换;但句式一定
As is precisely illustrated in the picture, a tumbler was laughing at a boy stumbled
by a stone. It is explicit to reveal the connect between A and B. Simple as the image is,
the symbolic meaning behind it is as deep as ocean.
While stressing quick changes of society, the image has displayed the importance
of A from two aspects。On the one hand, it is promoted by practical needs of the
fast-paced and profit- oriented world. The spirit of Langping is one example of the
wisdom of practice, which is composed of many exercises and persistence. On the
other hand, the practical wisdom may meet the academic criteria. According to a
report by David Vaux, a professor of Voctoria University in Australia, those who
excellent in practice are more likely to establish career. Hence, practice has become

indispensable elements to reach the goal of life-long learning.
Calling on the spirit of practical wisdom, we have to take some useful measures to
avoid the scene that is mentioned above. It is an essential literacy to make success in
this competitive society. A holistic form of practice would be fostered, even within the
dynamical situation.


As is illustrated in the picture,a man aimed at a bird with a in it reveal the
implication of the drawing: human being and ntly,the symbolic meaning
behind it is as deep as ocean.
As is precisely illustrated in the picture, a manhunter was aiming at a pretty bird
with a gun. It is explicit to reveal the relationship between human and nature. Every
reader with sensitive consciousness will feel intensely pained by the dangerous
The cartoon emphasizes a thought-provoking relationship between human being and
nowadays have enjoyed an increasingly prosperous life in the wake of
enormous social and economic at the same time, the number of
some valuable species is dropping precipiciously and facing to edly,
the problem correslates strongly with the social environment at Chinese
Academy of Social Science 在写这些大写字母时候要注意写为斜体has just issued
a report descriping the far-reaching consequences of this. But it goes futher than it.
While stressing quick changes of society, the image has displayed the importance
of ecological balance from two aspects。On the one hand, it is promoted by practical
needs of the fast-paced and profit-oriented world. The spirit of Harmony
Development is one example shown in official document, which is composed of
mankind improvement and natural protection. On the other hand, the need of balance
may meet the academic criteria. According to a report by Chinese Academy of Social

Science, problems strongly related with the natural environment would have
far-reaching consequences on social development. Hence, ecological balance has
become vital elements to reach the goal of harmony society.
To wrestle with the problem, devoted attention should be put high on the agenda of
our is imperative that corresponding regulations be introduced and enforced
to curb and harness this urgent a proper law and an alert public, it will
only be a matter of time before the problem becomes things of the past.
Calling on the spirit of protecting natural world, we have to take some useful
measures to avoid the scene that is mentioned above. It is an essential literacy to make
success in this competitive society. A holistic form of ecological balance would be
fostered, even within the dynamical situation.







