
2020年08月09日 04:25


很多人都想着要在最短的时间内学 好英语,有时候明明很努力,却发现一点进步都没有,
其实,掌握正确的学习方法比什么都重要。下面是 成功的英语学习者所总结的7个有效学习

1. Get To Know Why
Lesson learned: Clearly define your goal at the very beginning and then plot
a route towards this goal’s achievement.

The twins set themselves the challenge of learning a language in a week in order
to stretch themselves, and then it was a question of choosing which language to learn.
这对双胞胎最初为自己定下 在一周内学习一门语言的挑战是为了超越自己,接下来就是

2. Get Sticky
Lesson learned: Map and label your immediate environment in the new language
from the very first moment. You’ll build and reinforce associations passively while
going about your daily life.

The first operational step in the twins’ learning process was to decorate the
entire apartment with sticky notes. This had an almost ceremonial touch to it as
the twins delved into dictionaries and proceeded to label everything with its
corresponding Turkish name.

这对双胞胎学习过程中第一个可行的步骤是用便利贴装饰了整栋 公寓。双胞胎深入研究

3. Get A Partner
Lesson learned: There are few better motivations than a peer with the same goal.
Whether you’re motivated by competition or a sense of mutual responsibility, the
mere presence of a learning partner is likely to exert just the right amount of
pressure to keep you on track.
没 有比有相同目标的同伴更好的驱动力了。不管你是被竞赛激励还是出于相互间的责任
感,有学习同伴在场 ,能给你施加适当的压力,让你坚持在正轨上前进。

The importance of the other twin’s presence became immediately apparent as
Matthew and Michael delegated responsibilities for rooms to decorate with sticky
notes. This simple task was augmented by continuous little tests that they would
spring on one another, and the fact that they split up their day slightly differently
and studied different topics meant that each twin became a source of knowledge for
the other; the question how do you say that again? was met surprisingly often with
an answer. The most extraordinary moment came towards the end of the week when the
twins simply switched their everyday conversations to Turkish, asking one another
if they wanted tea or coffee, were ready to cook dinner or when they were going to
leave the house the next day.
在马修和迈克尔分配房间装 饰便利贴时,双胞胎兄弟在场的重要性立马变得重要起来。
他们不时地向对方提出小测试,他们每天的计 划都有些许变动,学习不同的话题,这意味着
他们对彼此而言也是知识来源。一个问“这个怎么说”,另 一个总是让人惊叹地随后给出答
案。最让人兴奋的是一周结束的时候,双胞胎能自然地切换,用土耳其语 进行日常交谈,问

4. Prepare Mini-Motivations

Lesson learned: You need landmarks on your route towards your goal. These
landmarks can consist of small challenges, which force you to prepare areas of
vocabulary to overcome them. The gratification that will come with their completion
will serve to spur you on to ever greater heights.
在你达成目标的路上你需要一些里程碑式 的事件,这些重要的事件可以包含小的挑战,
可以促使你积攒词汇努力克服。当完成的时候,成就感和满 足感也会随之而来,能激励你达

Matthew and Michael had numerous micro-challenges throughout the week. On the
first day they were visited by a Turkish friend who greeted them in Turkish and
complimented them on how quickly they’d picked up their first words and phrases.
They then learned the names of fruits and the numbers from one to a billion so that
they could visit the Turkish market in Kreuzberg (although they refrained from
purchasing nine hundred thousand kumquats). Displaying their haul after their first
functional exchange in Turkish, they beamed with pride and a palpable sense of
accomplishment before marching back home to study further.
马修和迈克尔这一周内有无数的微型挑战。第一天,有一个土耳其的朋 友来拜访他们,
并且用土耳其语问候和称赞他们快速掌握了第一批单词和短语。接着他们学习了水果的名 称
购 买90万个金桔)。在第一次成功购买并展现了自己的学习成果后,他们笑得很自豪,带着
明显的成就感 。之后他们返回家里继续学习。

5. Eat The Language
Lesson learned: Find a way to tie everything you do to learning. Surround
yourself with the food, the music and the films, so that even in your downtime you
can prime your mind towards the language and perhaps trigger further areas of
interest and motivation.

寻找一种方式,把你做的所有事和学习绑定。用食 物、音乐和电影包围你自己,这样即
使在休息时间你也可以使思维保持在语言学习状态,或许还能激发你 进一步的兴趣和学习动

They sample dozens of different kinds of Turkish snacks. Like kids staring at
the backs of cereal packs before heading to school, the nutritional information and
various special offers and competitions on the packaging were analysed during snack
breaks. There was no moment of complete removal from the language learning process
during the eight hours that the twins had allotted to it. The intensity ebbed and
flowed, but it never dissipated entirely.
他们选取了很多种不同的土耳其零食,就像孩子们去学校 前会盯着谷物包装袋的背面看
一样,他们在茶歇时会分析包装上的营养信息和各种不同的价格优惠和价格 竞争。在双胞胎
分配给语言学习的八小时内,没有一个完全从学习过程中脱离出来的状态。强度可能减弱 和

6. Use What You Already Know
Lesson learned: The greater the depth of processing, the more likely the
information will be remembered. Find pleasure in drawing parallels and making
comparisons between the language(s) you already know and your new language.
学习深度越大,记住信 息的可能性越大,在已知的语言和新学习的语言中找出相似之处

7. Variation is the spice of life
Lesson learned: So you have your route plotted and an idea of your favored methods,
but do remember to try new things; your new language has just as many sources as
your native language.
你已经绘制出自己的路线,并且对你喜欢的方式有想法,但是一定 要记住尝试新的内容。


The twins spent a lot of time engrossed in books or on their computers and apps,
flicking and swiping their way through exercises eagerly, but at other times they
were to be found searching busily for Turkish radio stations and write-ups of Turkish
football games on the web. There is no definitive method to learn a language, nor
any tool or teacher that will single-handedly deliver you to the holy grail of fluency.
Language is written, spoken, read and heard. Each of these areas is considered a
core skill within which there are myriad potential inputs; would you restrict
yourself to one in your native language? All too often, people enter their weekly
language class to converse with their teacher, but then barely have any contact with
other native speakers or the media being broadcast in their target language. Try
something new every day. Listen to a cheesy song, read a newspaper article from a
newspaper whose politics differ from your own, write a story for kids, attempt some
improvised theatre and talk to yourself while cooking. Spice it up and add some
flavour to your language learning!
这对双胞胎花许 多时间专注于书本、电脑和应用程序上,迫切地想通过练习来转换方式。
但是往常他们总是忙于在网络上 搜寻土耳其之声和土耳其球赛的评述。学语言没有最佳方法,
没有什么工具或老师能独立地使你可以熟练 自如地使用语言。语言要被书写,被讲述,被阅
读和被聆听。每个领域都有一个核心能力,而这个核心能 力又有无数潜在的输入途径。你在
母语中会将自己限制在一种方式里吗?人们常常在每周上语言课时和他 们的老师进行交谈,
但之后却很少和其他母语使用者或者用目标语播报的媒体新闻有交流。每天尝试一些 新的事







