
2020年08月09日 04:37



文, 大家一起来看看吧。
to Success
Almost all people work hard for
success, but not all people can success.
Many people ask how to make success. I
think the answer is persistence. The way
to success is full of failure and
difficulty. People should never give up
when meet them. If you give up, you
can’t be successful. No matter how hard
it is, persistence must be there.

遇失败和困难的时候,无论如何都不能放弃 。
Never Give Up
We often hear people say, “Never
give up.” These can be encouraging
words and words of determination. A
person who believes in them will keep
trying to reach his goal no matter how
many times he fails. In my opinion, the
quality of determination to succeed is
an important one to have. Therefore, I
believe that we should never give up.
One reason is that if we give up too
easily, we will rarely achieve anything.
It is not unusual for us to fail in our
first attempt at something new, so we
should not feel discouraged and should
try again. Besides, if we always give up
when we fail, we will not be able to
develop new skills and grow as people.

Another reason we should never give up
is that we can learn from our mistakes
only if we make a new effort. If we do
not try again, the lesson we have learned
is wasted. Finally, we should never give
up because as we work to reach our goals,
we develop confidence, and this
confidence can help us succeed in other
areas of our lives. If we never challenge
ourselves, we will begin to doubt our
In short, it is important that we do
not give up when working for our goals.
Whether we succeed in the end or not, we
will learn something, and what we learn
will help us to become better, more
confident people. Furthermore, if we
give up, we have non chance of attaining
to Your Dreams
Everyone has his dreams, but not all

these dreams can come true. People give
up their dreams for this or that reason.
Those whose dreams become true have at
least one thing in common, that is, they
always hold fast to their dreams.
Marie Curie, a famous scientist, has
set a good example. In 1898, Marie found
a new element in the pitchblende. In
order to prove her discovery, she must
get it and show it to the world. Then to
get the new element became her dream and
goal of her life. After four yearshard
work and refinement of tons of
pitchblende, Marie and her hus-band at
last saw the dim blue light of the new
element -- radium. Her dream had come
true. There are many other examples.
Just around us, for instance, the
athletes who gain the gold medals, the
artists who are popular with the public,
and even the students who enter tile
university after years of hard study and

preparation, are all dream- holders.
Hold fast to your dreams, no matter
how big or small they are. The path to
dreams may not be smooth and wide, even
some sacrifices are needed, but hold on
to the end, you ,sill find there is no
greater happiness than making your dream
come true.
Behind every great achievement in
anyone's life lies perseverance. we see
this in every human endeavour.
outstanding sportsmen spend all their
time practising. their endurance is
beyond imagination.
the same is true of businessmen who
build up fortunes. what we usually see
are their achievements, but once we go
behind the scenes we will find that they
have put in a lot of continual steady
efforts. we all have read of great
musicians, writers and inventors who

have created or discovered
breakthroughs in human achievement.
invariably they have said that they owe
all their success to perseverance. as to
college students, quite a big number of
then, have become successful language
learners through perseverance, however,
a certain group of then, just stop half
way and their previous efforts turn out
to be fruitless.
of all the countless examples the
saga of colonel saunders is perhaps one
of the most outstanding. the 65-year-old
man from kentucky had a dream to start
a chain of fried chicken restaurants all
over the world. to realize his dream, he
knew that he needed a restaurant owner
to go into partnership with him to open
the first restaurant and to fry chicken
according to the secret recipe he had.
colonel saunders had knocked on 1008
doors before he finally found his

partner. it is doubtful whether many of
us would have had the perseverance to
knock even a hundred doors.
from the above discussion we can
draw a conclusion that success comes to
anyone who keeps working perseveringly
and lack of perseverance can only result
in frustration and failure.
I will persist until I succeed.
In the Orient young bulls are tested
for the fight arena in a certain manner.
Each is brought to the ring and allowed
to attack a picador who pricks them with
a lance. The bravery of each bull is then
rated with care according to the number
of times he demonstrates his willingness
to charge in spite of the sting of the
blade. Henceforth will I recognize that
each day I am tested by life in like
manner. If I persist, if I continue to
try, if I continue to charge forward, I

will succeed.
I will persist until I succeed.
I was not delivered unto this world
in defeat, nor does failure course in my
veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be
prodded by my shepherd. I am a lion and
I refuse to talk, to walk, to sleep with
the sheep. I will hear not those who weep
and complain, for their disease is
contagious. Let them join the sheep. The
slaughterhouse of failure is not my
I will persist until I succeed.
The prizes of life are at the end of
each journey, not near the beginning;
and it is not given to me to know how many
steps are necessary in order to reach my
goal. Failure I may still encounter at
the thousandth step, yet success hides
behind the next bend in the road. Never
will I know how close it lies unless I
turn the corner.

Always will I take another step. If
that is of no avail I will take another,
and yet another. In truth, one step at
a time is not too difficult.
I will persist until I succeed.
Henceforth, I will consider each
day's effort as but one blow of my blade
against a mighty oak. The first blow may
cause not a tremor in the wood, nor the
second, nor the third. Each blow, of
itself, may be trifling, and seem of no
consequence. Yet from childish swipes
the oak will eventually tumble. So it
will be with my efforts of today.
I will be liken to the raindrop which
washes away the mountain; the ant who
devours a tiger; the star which
brightens the earth; the slave who
builds a pyramid. I will build my castle
one brick at a time for I know that small
attempts, repeated, will complete any

I will persist until I succeed.
I will never consider defeat and I
will remove from my vocabulary such
words and phrases as quit, cannot,
unable, impossible, out of the question,
improbable, failure, unworkable,
hopeless, and retreat; for they are the
words of fools. I will avoid despair but
if this disease of the mind should infect
me then I will work on in despair. I will
toil and I will endure. I will ignore the
obstacles at my feet and keep mine eyes
on the goals above my head, for I know
that where dry desert ends, green grass
I will persist until I succeed.
I will remember the ancient law of
averages and I will bend it to my good.
I will persist with knowledge that each
failure to sell will increase my chance
for success at the next attempt. Each nay
I hear will bring me closer to the sound

of yea. Each frown I meet only prepares
me for the smile to come. Each misfortune
I encounter will carry in it the seed of
tomorrow's good luck. I must have the
night to appreciate the day. I must fail
often to succeed only once.
I will persist until I succeed.
在古 老的东方,挑选小公牛列竞技场格
长矛的斗牛士攻击 ,裁判以它受激后再向斗
敢程度。从今往后。我须承认 ,我的生命每
勇往直前,迎接挑战。那么我一定会成 功。
我的血 管里也没有失败的血液在流动。我不
伍。我不想听失 意者的哭泣,抱怨者的牢骚,
者的屠宰场不是我命运 的归宿。

生命的奖赏远在旅途终点,而非起 点附
天大树的一次砍击,头几刀 可能了无痕迹。
可以做 到。
弃,不 可能、办不到、没法子、成问题、失

受苦楚 。我放眼未来,勇往直前,不再理会
己坚持下去,因为每一次的 失败都会增加下
的赞同,这一次皱起的眉头就是下一 次舒展
运。夜幕降临。回想一天的遭遇。我总是心< br>存感激。我深知,只有失败多次,才能成功。







