
2020年08月09日 04:44


Let's Go Veggie!

5 Fuelling the shift toward vegetarianism have been the health recommendations of medical
research. Study after study has uncovered the same basic truth: Plant foods lower your risk of
chronic disease; animal foods increase it.
推动人们转向素食的是医 学研究提出的关于如何增进健康的建议。一项又一项的研究都揭
示了同样的基本事实:果蔬降低患慢性病 的危险;肉类食品则增加这种危险。
6 The American Dietetic Association says: data suggest positive relationships
between a vegetarian diet and reduced risk for several chronic degenerative dise ases.

11 So why aren't governments doing anything about this? Unfortunately, they have bowed to
pressure from powerful lobby groups such as the Beef Information Center, the Canadian Egg
Marketing Agency and the Dairy Farmers of Canada. According to documents retrieved through
the Freedom of Information Act, these groups forced changes to Canada's latest food guide
before it was released in 1993.
既然如此,政府为什么 不采取任何措施?很遗憾,政府屈服于强有力的院外活动集团的压
力,如牛肉信息中心、加拿大禽蛋营销 公司、加拿大乳牛场场主协会等。根据信息自由法
案获得的有关文件记载,这些集团迫使加拿大最新食品 指南在1993年公布前作出修改。
12 This should come as no surprise: Even a minor reduction in recommended intakes of
animal protein could cost these industries billions of dollars a year.
这并不奇怪。即 使建议动物蛋白质的摄入量减少一丁点儿都会给这些企业带来每年数十
13 While health and food safety are compelling reasons for choosing a vegetarian lifestyle,
there are also larger issues to consider. Animal-based agriculture is one of the most
environmentally destructive industries on the face of the Earth.
健康和食品安全是选择素食生活方式令人信服的理由,但此外 还有更为重大的因素要考虑。

15 Less than a quarter of our agricultural land is used to feed people directly. The rest is
devoted to grazing and growing food for animals. Ecosystems of forest, wetland and grassland
have been decimated to fuel the demand for land. Using so much land heightens topsoil loss,
the use of harsh fertilizers and pesticides, and the need for irrigation water from dammed rivers.
If people can shift away from meat, much of this land could be converted back to wilderness.
用于直接为人们提供食物的土地还不到农业用地的四分之一。其余的都用来放 牧和种饲料。
森林、湿地和草原的生态系统遭受相当严重的破坏,以满足对土地的需求。土地的大量利< /p>

用加剧了表土的流失,增加了会带来负面作用的化肥和杀虫剂的施用,增加了从筑有水坝< br>的河流中引水灌溉的需求。如果人们能摒弃肉食,许多土地就能回复到未开垦状态。

19 And then there is methane, a primary contributing gas in global warming and ozone layer
depletion. Excluding natural sources, 27 per cent of Canada's and 20 per cent of the world's
methane comes from livestock.
此外还有沼气,那是促使全 球气候变暖和臭氧层减少的主要气体。不把天然沼气资源包括
在内,加拿大27%的沼气、全世界20% 的沼气都来自牲畜。
the destruction of our environment and preserve our natural resources.

24 I looked on in utter shock as a cow missed the stun gun and was hoisted fully conscious
upside down by its hind leg and cut to pieces, thrashing until its last breath.
我万 分震惊地目睹一头牛躲过了眩晕枪,结果被缚住后腿倒挂起来,惨遭活剐,一直挣扎

29 I've also visited typical Canadian farms. Gone are the days when piglets snorted and
roosters strutted their way about the barnyard. Most of today's modernized farms have long,
windowless sheds in which animals live like prisoners their entire lives. I have seen chickens
crammed four to a cage, nursing pigs separated from their young by iron bars and veal calves
confined to crates so narrow they couldn't turn around. Few of these animals ever experience
sunlight or fresh air — and most of their natural urges are denied.
本人还参观过一些典型的加拿大 农场。猪崽喷着鼻息、公鸡在粮仓的空场上昂首行走的日
子已经一去不复返。而今大多数的现代化农场都 有一个个狭长的、没有窗户的牲畜棚,牲
畜一生关在棚里,如囚犯一般。我见到过四只鸡挤在一个笼里, 喂奶的母猪与猪崽被铁条
隔开,肉用小牛关在狭窄得转不过身来的板条箱里。这些牲畜几乎都终年不见阳 光,呼吸
30 Although it is difficult to face these harsh realities, it is even more difficult to ignore
them. Three times a day, you make a decision that not only affects the quality of your life,
but the rest of the living world. We hold in our knives and forks the power to change this
面对这种 严峻的现实固然困难,置之不理更是难上加难。一日三次,你要做出不仅影响
自身生活质量、更是事关整 个有生命世界的决定。我们手里的餐刀餐叉拥有改变这个世
as the Evolution to a vegetarian diet.

The Truth About Lying

1. Everyone I've talked to has a quite intense and personal but often rather intolerant point of
view about what we can — and can never never — tell lies about. I've finally reached the
conclusion that I can't present any ultimate conclusions, for too many people would promptly
disagree. Instead, I'd like to present a series of moral puzzles, all concerned with lying. I'll tell
you what I think about them. Do you agree?
太多的 人立即反对。我想我还是提出若干都与说谎有关的道义上的难题吧。我将向读者阐
明我对这些难题的个人 看法。你们觉得对吗?
Social Lies
2. Without these little white lies, they say, our relationships would be short and brutish and
nasty. It's arrogant, they say, to insist on being so incorruptible and so brave that you cause
other people unnecessary embarrassment or pain by compulsively assailing them with your
honesty. I basically agree. What about you?
他们说,要不是这类无关紧要的谎言,人与人之间的关系就会变得粗野不快,无法 持久。

7. There's one man I know who absolutely refuses to tell social lies.
he says;
to someone doesn't cost anything is, — it destroys your credibility.
unsolicited, offer his views on the painting you just bought, but you don't ask his frank opinion
unless you want frank, and his silence at those moments when the rest of us liars are muttering,

calls false praise and mellifluous others tell fibs he will not go
along. He says that social lying is lying, that little white lies are still lies. And he feels that
telling lies is morally wrong. What about you?
我认识一个人,他完全拒绝说这类社交性谎言。“我不会那一套,”他说,“我 生来就不会
那一套。”讲到对人家说几句好听的话并不失去什么,他的回答是:“不对,当然有损失—< br>—那会损害你的诚信度。”因此你不问他,他不会对你刚买来的画发表意见,但除非你想
听老实话 ,否则你也不会去问他的真实想法。当我们这些说谎者轻声称赞着“多美啊”的
时候,他的沉默往往是极 能说明问题的。我的这位朋友从来不讲他所说的“奉承话、虚假
的赞美话和动听话”。别人说些无伤大雅 的谎言,他则不。他说社交性谎言还是谎言,无
关紧要的小小谎言还是谎言。他认为说谎不合道德。你呢 ?

Peace-Keeping Lies

8. Many people tell peace-keeping lies: lies designed to avoid irritation or argument, lies
designed to shelter the liar from possible blame or pain; lies (or so it is rationalized)
designed to keep trouble at bay without hurting anyone.
的责备或 烦恼的谎言;意在(或据认为理应)不伤害他人而又能帮助避免麻烦的谎言。
9. And whenever I lie so that someone won't disapprove of me or think less of me or holler at
me, I feel I'm a bit of a coward, I feel I'm dodging responsibility, I feel...guilty. What about
每当我为了不让别人讨厌自己、看轻自己、或冲着自己嚷嚷而说谎时,我总觉得自己 有点

13. And when you're planning a weekend in New York City and you're not in the mood to
visit your mother, who lives there, do you conceal — with a lie, if you must — the fact that
you'll be in New York?你打算去纽约市度周末,但又不想去看望住在那里的母亲,你会—
—必要的话用谎言 ——隐瞒你将到纽约的事实,

15. And in general do you find yourself ready, willing and able to lie to him when you make
absurd mistakes or lose or break things?
that you did to your husband.“过去我往往不 切实际地以为亲密关系的一个组成部分就是把

Protective Lies
18. Protective lies are lies folks tell — often quite serious lies — because they're convinced
that the truth would be too damaging. They lie because they feel there are certain human values
that supersede the wrong of having lied. They lie, not for personal gain, but because they
believe it's for the good of the person they're lying to. They lie to those they love, to those who
trust them most of all, on the grounds that breaking this trust is justified.
保护性谎言就是因为人们认为事实真相危害性太大而说的 谎言,这类谎言通常事关重大。
他们说谎,因为他们认为,人的某些价值观念压倒了说谎这一错误行为本 身。他们说谎不
19. They may lie to their children on money or marital matters.

22. I sometimes tell such lies, but I'm aware that it's quite presumptuous to claim I know

what's best for others to know. That's called playing God . That's called manipulation and
control. And we never can be sure, once we start to juggle lies, just where they'll land, exactly
where they'll roll.
有时我也说这种谎,可我明白, 声称自己懂得什么事他人应该知道,这未免太自以为是了。
这无异于充当上帝。这无异于操纵和控制他人 。而我们一旦开始玩起谎言戏法,就再也无
23. And furthermore, we may find ourselves lying in order to back up the lies that are
backing up the lie we initially told.
Trust-Keeping Lies
26. Another group of lies are trust- keeping lies, lies that involve triangulation, with A (that's
you) telling lies to B on behalf of C (whose trust you'd promised to keep). Most people concede
that once you've agreed not to betray a friend's confidence, you can't betray it, even if you must
lie. But I've talked with people who don't want you telling them anything that they might be
called on to lie about.
另一类谎言是信守承诺的谎言,涉及三方的谎言,即A(你) 为了C(你答应为其信守承
诺者)而对B说谎。大多数人承认,一旦你答应不背叛朋友的信任,你就不能 背叛,哪

36. It's my belief that once we've promised to keep a trust, we must tell lies to keep it. I also
believe that we can't tell Watergate lies. And if these two statements strike you as quite
contradictory, you're right — they're quite contradictory. But for now they're the best I can do.
What about you?
我以为,一旦我们答应信守承诺,我 们就是说谎也得信守承诺。同时我也认为,在水门事
件这类事情上我们不能说谎。如果你觉得这两点自相 矛盾,那你就对了——这两者的确自

Grant and Lee

2 To be sure, other armies had yet to surrender, and for a few days the fugitive Confederate
government would struggle desperately and vainly, trying to find some way to go on living now
that its chief support was gone.诚然,其他军队尚未投降,已失去主要支柱的逃亡的邦联政< br>府仍将绝望地徒然挣扎数日,想法寻觅生机。其实,在格兰特和李签署文件之时,一切都

5 There should be a leisure class, backed by ownership of land; in turn, society itself should
be keyed to the land as the chief source of wealth and influence.在这样一个国度里, 李代表着

8Back of them, in the great surge that had taken people over the Alleghenies and into the
opening Western country, there was a deep, implicit dissatisfaction with a past that had settled
into grooves.
在他们的心目中,在爬过阿勒格尼山脉、进入 辽阔的西部的人潮中,存在着对因循守旧的

16. No part of either man's life became him more than the part he played in their brief
meeting in the McLean house at Appomatox.
两人的生活中再没有比在 阿珀马特科斯马克莱恩住宅里的简短会面中所起的作用更能体

The Legacy

2 It was like Angela to have remembered even Sissy Miller, her secretary. Yet how strange it
was, Gilbert Clandon thought once more, that she had left everything in such order — a little
gift of some sort for every one of her friends. It was as if she had foreseen her death. Yet she
had been in perfect health when she left the house that morning, six weeks ago; when she
stepped off the kerb in Piccadilly and the car had killed her.
登又 一次想着,她居然把一切都安排得那么井然有序——每一位朋友都有一件小小的礼物。
似乎她预见到了自 己的死。可是,六个星期前,她在那天上午离家时身体很好, 正当她走
3 He was waiting for Sissy Miller. He had asked her to come; he owed her, he felt, after all
the years she had been with them, this token of consideration. Yes, he went on, as he sat there
waiting, it was strange that Angela had left everything in such order. Every friend had been left
some little token of her affection. Every ring, every necklace, every little Chinese box — she
had a passion for little boxes — had a name on it. To him, of course, she had left nothing in
particular, unless it were her diary. Fifteen little volumes, bound in green leather, stood behind
him on her writing table. Ever since they were married, she had kept a diary. Some of their very
few — he could not call them quarrels, say tiffs — had been about that diary. When he came in
and found her writing, she always shut it or put her hand over it. 'No, no, no,' he could hear her
say, 'After I'm dead — perhaps.' So she had left it him, as her legacy. It was the only thing they
had not shared when she was alive. But he had always taken it for granted that she would
outlive him. If only she had stopped one moment, and had thought what she was doing, she

would be alive now. But she had stepped straight off the kerb, the driver of the car had said at
the inquest. She had given him no chance to pull up...Here the sound of voices in the hall
interrupted him.
他在等西瑟?米勒。他请她来的。他 觉得她与他们夫妇俩相处了那么多年,自己应当以这
种方式表示关心。真的,他坐在那儿等着,心里还在 想,安吉拉把一切安排得这么井然有
序,是很奇怪。每个朋友都得到一份代表她的情谊的小小礼物。每一 枚戒指,每一串项链,
每一个小巧的中国盒——她对小巧的盒子情有独钟——都有个名字附在上面。当然 ,她没
别扭——都是为 了这些日记。每当他走进房间看到她在写,她总是合上本子,或用手按着。
“不,不行,不行,”他会听 到她说,“也许,等我死后吧。”就这样,她把日记作为遗物
留给了他。这是她生前夫妇俩惟一不曾共同 拥有的东西。不过他一直认为自己一定会先走。
只要她停顿片刻,想一想自己在干什么,此刻她就依然在 这世上。可她径直走下人行道,
在接受调查时那位驾车者这么说。她令他措手不及„„就在这时,大厅里 的说话声打断了

5 To himself, he thought, as he pushed a chair for her and asked her to sit down, she was
scarcely distinguishable from any other woman of her kind. There were thousands of Sissy
Millers — drab little women in black carrying attaché cases. But Angela, with her genius for
sympathy, had discovered all sorts of qualities in Sissy Miller. She was the soul of discretion,
so silent, so trustworthy, one could tell her anything, and so on.
手提公文包 。可天生会同情人的安吉拉在西瑟?米勒身上发现了种种优良品质。她十分谨
慎,守口如瓶,值得信任, 你什么话都可以对她说,等等。

11 Could it be, that during all those years when he had scarcely noticed her, she, as the
novelists say, had entertained a passion for him?会不会,那么多年来,虽然自己很少注意过







