新视野读写教程4第三版课文UNIT 4

2020年08月09日 04:59



Achieving sustainable environmentalism

1 Environmental sensitivity is now as required an attitude in polite society as is, say, belief in
democracy or disapproval of plastic surgery. But now that everyone from Ted Turner to George H.
W. Bush has claimed love for Mother Earth, how are we to choose among the dozens of
conflicting proposals, regulations and laws advanced by congressmen and constituents alike in
the name of the environment? Clearly, not everything with an environmental claim is worth
doing. How do we segregate the best options and consolidate our varying interests into a single,
sound policy?
在上流社会,对环境的敏感就如同信仰民主、 反对整容一样,是一种不可或缺的态度。然而,
既然从泰德·特纳到乔治·W.H.布什,每个人都声称 自己热爱地球母亲,那么,在由议员、
选民之类的人以环境名义而提出的众多的相互矛盾的提案、规章和 法规中,我们又该如何做
出选择呢?显而易见,并不是每一项冠以环境保护名义的事情都值得去做。我们 怎样才能分

2 There is a simple way. First, differentiate between environmental luxuries and environmental
necessities. Luxuries are those things that would be nice to have if costless. Necessities are those
things we must have regardless. Call this distinction the definitive rule of sane environmentalism,
which stipulates that combating ecological change that directly threatens the health and safety of
people is an environmental necessity. All else is luxury. 有一种简便的方法。首先要区分什么是环境奢侈品,什么是环境必需品。奢侈品是指那些无
需人类付 出代价就能拥有的给人美好感受的东西。必需品则是指那些无论付出什么代价,都
一定要去拥有的东西。 这一区分原则可以被称为理性环保主义的至高原则。它规定,对那些
直接威胁人类健康与安全的生态变化 采取应对措施是环境保护的必需品,而其他则都属于奢

3 For example, preserving the atmosphere — stopping ozone depletion and the greenhouse
effect — is an environmental necessity. Recently, scientists reported that ozone damage is far
worse than previously thought. Ozone depletion has a correlation not only with skin cancer and
eye problems, it also destroys the ocean's ecology, the beginning of the food chain atop which we
humans sit.
例如,保护大气层——阻止臭氧损耗及控制温室效应——是环境保护 的必需品。近来,科学
家报告说臭氧层遭受破坏的程度远比我们先前认为的要严重得多。臭氧损耗不仅与 皮肤癌及

4 The possible thermal consequences of the greenhouse effect are far deadlier: melting ice caps,
flooded coastlines, disrupted climate, dry plains and, ultimately, empty breadbaskets. The
American Midwest feeds people at all corners of the atlas. With the planetary climate changes,
are we prepared to see Iowa take on New Mexico's desert climate, or Siberia take on Iowa's
moderate climate?

< p>
变化,我们难 道准备看到衣阿华州变成新墨西哥州的沙漠气候,而西伯利亚变成衣阿华州的

5 Ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect are human disasters, and they are urgent because
they directly threaten humanity and are not easily reversible. A sane environmentalism, the only
kind of environmentalism that will strike a chord with the general public, begins by openly
declaring that nature is here to serve human beings. A sane environmentalism is entirely a
human focused regime: It calls upon humanity to preserve nature, but merely within the
parameters of self-survival.
臭氧损耗和温室效应是人类的 灾难,而且是需要紧急处理的灾难,因为它们直接威胁到人类,
且后果很难扭转。理性环保主义——唯一 能够引起公众共鸣的环保主张——首先公开声明,
自然是服务于人类的。理性环保主义是一种完全以人类 为中心的思想。它号召人类保护自然,

6 Of course, this human focus runs against the grain of a contemporary environmentalism that
indulges in overt earth worship. Some people even allege that the earth is a living organism. This
kind of environmentalism likes to consider itself spiritual. It is nothing more than sentimental. It
takes, for example, a highly selective view of the kindness of nature, one that is incompatible
with the reality of natural disasters. My nature worship stops with the twister that came through
Kansas or the dreadful rains in Bangladesh that eradicated whole villages and left millions
当然,这种 以人类为中心的主张与当下盛行的环保主义是格格不入的,后者已经沉溺于对地
球的公然崇拜。有的人甚 至声称地球是一个活的生物体。这种环保主义喜欢把自己看作是神
圣的,其实它只是感情用事而已。比如 ,在自然是否友善的问题上,当下的环保主义采取了
高度选择性的片面的观点,而这种观点与自然造成的 灾难这一现实是不相协调的。当龙卷风
肆虐堪萨斯州,当瓢泼大雨袭击孟加拉国,毁灭了整座整座的村庄 ,使几百万人失去家园的

7 A non- sentimental environmentalism is one founded on Protagoras's idea that is the
measure of all things.
the dense forest of environmental arguments. Take the current debate raging over oil drilling in a
corner of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Environmentalist coalitions, mobilizing
against a legislative action working its way through the US Congress for the legalization of such
exploration, propagate that Americans should be preserving and economizing energy instead of
drilling for it. This is a false either-or proposition. The US does need a sizable energy tax to reduce
consumption. But it needs more production too. Government estimates indicate a nearly
fifty- fifty chance that under the ANWR rests one of the five largest oil fields ever discovered in
America. It seems illogical that we are not finding safe ways to drill for oil in the ANWR. 非感情用事的环保主义是建立在普罗泰哥拉的格言“人是万物的尺度”的基础上的。在建立
人类权威 的过程中,这条原则会帮助我们梳理各种错综复杂的关于环境保护的争议。就以当
前关于是否在北极国家 野生动物保护区的某一角落开采石油的激烈争论为例吧。环保主义者
联盟动员人们反对目前正在试图通过 美国国会审议、使这一开采行为变得合法化的一项立法

行动。他们散布说美国应该保护并 且节约能源而不是开采能源。这其实是一个错误的非此即
彼的主张。美国确实需要征收高额的能源税以减 少能源消耗,但同时也需要生产更多的能源。
政府的估测表明,在北极国家野生动物保护区的地下蕴藏着 美国五大油田之一的可能性几乎
到达50%。我们没有寻找安全的方法开采北极国家野生动物保护区地下 的石油,这看上去

8 The US has just come through a war fought in part over oil. Energy dependence costs
Americans not just dollars but lives. It is a bizarre sentimentalism that would deny oil that is
peacefully attainable because it risks disrupting the birthing grounds of Arctic caribou.
美国刚刚经历了一场战争,其部分原因就是为了获取石油。对 能源的依赖使美国不但付出了
金钱的代价,而且也付出了生命的代价。就因为可能破坏北美驯鹿的繁衍地 而放弃能够以和

9 I like the caribou as much as the next person. And I would be rather sorry if their mating
patterns were disturbed. But you can't have your cake and eat it too. And in the standoff of the
welfare of caribou versus reducing an oil reliance that gets people killed in wars, I choose people
over caribou every time.
我像别人一样喜欢驯鹿。如果他们的交 配模式受到干扰,我会感到非常遗憾。但是,鱼和熊
掌不能兼得。是要保护驯鹿,还是要为了避免人们在 战争中丧生而减少对石油的依赖,面对

10 I feel similarly about the spotted owl in Oregon. I am no enemy of the owl. If it could be
preserved at a negligible cost, I would agree that it should be — biodiversity is after all
necessary to the ecosystem. But we must remember that not every species is needed to keep
that diversity. Sometimes aesthetic aspects of life have to be sacrificed to more fundamental ones.
If the cost of preserving the spotted owl is the loss of livelihood for 30,000 logging families, I
choose the families (with their saws and chopped timber) over the owl.
我对俄勒冈州的 斑点猫头鹰的态度也是一样。我绝不是仇视猫头鹰。如果花很少的代价就可
以保护猫头鹰,我会赞同它应 受保护——毕竟,生物多样性对生态系统是非常必要的。但是,
我们必须记住,保持生物多样性并不意味 着要留住每一种物种。有时候,为了更加根本的利
益,我们不得不牺牲一部分生活中美的东西。如果为了 保护斑点猫头鹰而让三万伐木工家庭
失去生计,我会选择伐木工家庭(包括他们的锯子和砍伐的木材), 而不是猫头鹰。

11 The important distinction is between those environmental goods that are fundamental and
those that are not. Nature is our ward, not our master. It is to be respected and even cultivated.
But when humans have to choose between their own well-being and that of nature, nature will
have to accommodate.
重 要的是,我们要区分哪些东西对环境保护是根本性的,哪些是非根本性的。自然受我们的
监护,而不是我 们的主人。我们应该尊重自然,也可以开发利用自然。但是,如果人类必须
在自身的福利和自然的福利之 间作出选择,自然则必须作出让步。

12 Humanity should accommodate only when its fate and that of nature are inseparably bound
up. The most urgent maneuver must be undertaken when the very integrity of humanity's habitat,
e.g., the atmosphere or the essential geology that sustains the core of the earth, is threatened.

When the threat to humanity is lower in the hierarchy of necessity, a more modest
accommodation that balances economic against health concerns is in order. But in either case the
principle is the same: protect the environment — because it is humanity's environment.
只有当人类的命运与自然的命运密不可分时,人类才应该作出让步。当人类 栖息地的完整性
(比如大气层或维持地球核心的基本地质状况)受到威胁时,人类就必须立即调整自己的 行
经 济方面和与之相对的健康方面的因素,以便作出适度的调整。但是,无论是哪种情况,其
遵循的原则是一 致的:保护环境,因为这是我们人类的环境。

13 The sentimental environmentalists will call this saving nature with a totally wrong frame of
mind. Exactly. A sane and intelligible environmentalism does it not for nature's sake but for our
感情用事的环保 主义者会说这种拯救自然的思路是完全错误的。的确是这样。理性、明确的
环保主义保护环境是为了人类 自身,而不是为了自然。

What nature is telling you?

1 Let's sit down here, all of us, on the open prairie, where we can't see a highway or a fence, free
from the debris of the city. Let's have no blankets to sit on, but let our bodies converge with the
earth, the surrounding trees and shrubs. Let's have the vegetation for a mattress, experiencing its
texture, its sharpness and its softness. Let us become like stones, plants, and trees. Let us be
animals, think and feel like animals. 让我们在这儿坐下来吧,我们所有的人,就在这片广阔的草原上。在这里,我们看不见高速
公路,看 不见围栏,远离城市垃圾。我们不要铺毯子,就让我们的身体和大地、周围的树木
及灌木来个亲密接触吧 。让我们把草当垫子,感受它或许坚硬或许柔软的质地。让我们想象
自己变成了石头、植物和树木,想象 自己变成了动物,并像动物那样思考和感觉。

2 This is my plea: Listen to the air. You can hear it, feel it, smell it, taste it. We feel it between us,
as a presence presiding over the day. It is a good way to start thinking about nature and talking
about it. To go further, we must rather talk to it, talk to the rivers, to the lakes, to the winds as to
our relatives.
这就是我的请求:倾听空气。你们 可以听见它,感觉它,闻到它,品尝它。我们可以感到它
就在我们中间,作为一种实实在在的存在,主宰 着每一天。这是一个好方式,我们可以就这
样开始思考自然,谈论自然。如果再想好点的话,我们就不如 和自然说话,也就是和江河说

3 You have impaired our ability to experience nature in the good way, as part of it. Even here we
are conscious that somewhere beyond the marsh and its cranes, somewhere out in those hills
there are radar towers and highway overpasses. This land is so beautiful and strange that now
some of you want to make it into a national park. You have not only contaminated the earth, the
rocks, the minerals, all of which you call
changed the animals, which are part of us, changed them into vulgar zoological mutations, so no

one can recognize them.
你们已经损坏了我 们人类作为大自然的一部分以一种美好的方式体验大自然的能力。即使在
这里,我们也知道,在沼泽地和 栖息于此的鹤之外的某个地方,在远处山里的某个地方,就
建有雷达塔和高速公路立交桥。这片土地如此 美丽与奇特,以至于你们中的某些人想把它变
成一座国家公园。你们已经污染了土地、岩石、矿物——这 些都是被你们称为已经“死去”
但其实是非常有生命活力的东西。不仅如此,就连属于我们一部分的动物 ,也被你们改造了。

4 There is power in an antelope, so you let it graze within your fences. But what power do you
see in a goat or sheep, prey animals with no defenses, creatures that hold still while you
slaughter them? There was great power in a wolf, even in a fox. You have inverted nature and
turned these noble animals into miniature lap dogs. Nature is bound by your ropes and whips and
is obedient to your commands. You can't do much with a cat, so you fix it, alter it, declaw it, and
even cut its vocal cords so that you can experiment on it in a laboratory without being disturbed
by its cries.
羚羊是一种有力量的动物,因而你们把它 圈养在栅栏里。但是,山羊或绵羊,这些没有自卫
能力的猎物、这些悄无声息任凭你们宰杀的动物,你们 在它们身上看到了什么力量?狼身上
有巨大的力量,狐狸身上也同样有巨大的力量。你们违背自然,把这 些高贵的动物变成了小
型的可以放在腿上把玩的哈巴狗。自然被你们的绳索和鞭子所束缚,屈服于你们的 命令。对

5 You have also made all types of wild birds into chickens — creatures with wings so impaired
that they cannot fly. There are farms where you breed chickens for breast meat. Those birds are
kept in low, repressive cages, forced to be hunched over all the time, which makes the breast
muscles very big. One loud noise and the chickens go mad, killing themselves by flying against the
walls of their cages. Having to spend all their lives stooped over makes an unnatural, crazy,
no-good bird. It also makes unnatural, detached, no-good human beings.
所有的 野生鸟类都被你们改造成了鸡禽——一种翅膀退化、根本不会飞的生物。你们有许多
农场,专门用来饲养 鸡以提供鸡胸脯肉。这些鸡被关在狭窄压抑的笼子里,不得不一直弓着
身体,这使它们的胸脯肌肉变得很 大。如果突发一声巨响,鸡群会吓得发疯般乱跑,撞死在
笼子壁上。一辈子都必须佝偻着背使得这些鸡变 成了既不天然又不正常、毫无用处的禽类。

6 That's where you've fooled yourselves. You have not only altered, declawed, and deformed your
winged and four-legged cousins; you have done it concurrently to yourselves. You inject Botox, or
use plastic surgery, synthetic make- up and countless drugs. You have filtered and remolded
humans into executives sitting in boardrooms, into office workers, into time-clock punchers. Your
homes are filled with families disconnected from one another but tied to one great entity,
在这点上,你们愚弄了自己。你们对 自己带翅膀的和长四条腿的近亲兄弟姐妹进行了改造,
剪掉了它们的爪子,甚至让它们变得畸形。同时, 你们也在对自己做这些事情。你们注射肉
毒杆菌毒素,接受整容手术,使用人造化妆品和数不清的药物。 你们把人类进行筛选和改造:
有的人是坐董事会议室的高级管理人员,有的人是坐办公室的白领,有的人 是每日要按考勤

钟打卡的工人。在家里,每个家庭成员之间也没有联系,却都沉溺于一个 大实体,那就是电

your head against the wallpaper; your hair may be greasy. Don't spill liquor on that table: You'll
peel off its delicate finish. You should have wiped your boots; the floor was just cleaned. Don't,
don't, don't …
prisons which you have built for yourselves, calling them
“小心烟灰,不要抽烟,否则你会熏脏 窗帘。小心金鱼缸。不要把头靠在墙纸上,你的头发
也许很油。不要把饮料洒在桌子上,你会把它精美的 涂层弄掉。你应该先擦擦靴子,地板刚
刚才打扫过。不要做这个,不要做那个,不要……”这太荒谬了! 人类生下来不是忍受这种
压抑的。你们住在自己亲手打造的监狱里,只不过你们把它们称之为“家”、办 公室或工厂

8 Sometimes I think that even our pitiful small houses are better than your luxury mansions.
Strolling a hundred feet to the outhouse on a clear wintry night, through mud or snow, that's one
small link with nature. Or in the summer, in the back country, taking your time, listening to the
humming of the insects or the flapping of birds' wings, the sun warming your bones through the
nodding branches of trees; you don't even have that pleasure of coexistence with nature
有时,我认为我们的 寒酸小屋也比你们的奢华大厦要好。在一个晴朗的冬夜,踏着泥土或积
雪,漫步一百英尺去上厕所,这是 我们与自然之间的一个小小的接触。抑或是在夏天,在一
个偏僻的乡村,悠闲地听着昆虫的嗡鸣或鸟儿拍 打翅膀的声音,感受太阳透过随风摇摆的树
枝暖暖地照在身上的感觉。可是你们却连体会那种与自然共处 的快乐的机会都不再有。

9 You subscribe to the belief that everything must be germ free. No smells! Not even the good,
natural man and woman odors. Eradicate the smell from under your armpits, from your skin. Rub
it out, and then spray some botanical odor on yourself, stuff you can spend a lot of money on, ten
dollars an ounce, so you know this has to smell good. Why do you keep such a distance from your
bodies' functions, cavities and smells that you've alienated yourselves from the natural world, of
which you are an integral part?
你们坚信任何东西都必须是无菌的。任何气味 都不能有!包括男人、女人身上所散发的那些
好闻的自然的体香。你们就是要除去腋窝下散发的气味,除 去皮肤里散发的气味。味道去掉
后,你们还要在身上洒上某种植物香水。这东西造价昂贵,一盎司十美元 ,所以你们相信它
的气味肯定好。你们为什么要刻意远离自己身体的功能、体腔和气味,把自己从原本所 属的

10 I think you are so afraid and intolerant of the world around you. You deplore the natural world;
you don't want to see, feel, smell, or hear it. The feelings of rain and snow on your face, being
numbed by an icy wind and warmed back up by a smoking fire, coming out of a hot sweat bath
and plunging into a cold stream, these things are the spice of life, but you don't want them
我认为你们既十分害 怕又不能容忍自己周围的世界。你们痛斥自然界,不愿看到、触到、闻
到或听到关于它的任何点滴。雨或 雪落在脸上的感觉,被刺骨的寒风冻僵后又在冒烟的火堆

旁烤火暖和过来,洗一个热水澡 后又跳入一条寒冷的小溪,所有这些都能给生活增添乐趣,

11 You're cage dwellers, living in boxes which shut out the hot humidity of the summer and the
chill of winter, living inside a body that no longer has a scent. You're hearing the noise from the
hi-fi instead of listening to the sounds of nature. You're watching actors on TV having a
make-believe experience when you no longer experience anything for yourself. That's your way.
It's no good.
你们把自己困在牢笼中,生活在封闭的盒子里,隔绝了夏天的 酷热与潮湿、冬天的寒冷与战
栗,只活在一个不再有任何自然气息的躯壳里;你们听着音响中播放的噪音 而不是自然的声
音;你们看着电视上演员上演编造的经历,而自己却不去做任何亲身体验。这就是你们的 方







