
2020年08月09日 05:02


Chapter 1
伊丽莎白统治之前的时代分为三个阶段:古英语(安格鲁撒克逊) 时期,中世纪英语(安格鲁诺
【 The Old English (Anglo-Saxon) Period 】

The British civilization is one of the oldest in the world.
sign: the Stonehenge

prehistoric monumental pile of stones
were probably the first inhabitants of the British Isles in
recorded history.
One of their tribes, the Britons
, came over in the 5 century BC.
亚瑟王传奇 Arthurian legends 500 years

Roman Conquest, Julius Caesar
500 years

Anglo-Saxon Conquest, 5 century
In 597 AD the Anglo-Saxons began to be converted to Christianity.
pagan elementsregular elements
religion elements
In the second half of the 7 century, the first English poet, Caedmon by
name, began to sing.
Another century passed, Beowulf.
In the 9 century, King Alfred decided that literature should be written
in the vernacular
of Old English.

With the arrival of St. Augustine in 597 AD and the subsequent spread of Christian
influence and classical learning, heathen poetrywas maneuvered out of the scene.
a time of intermingling
of the pagan with the Christian components
in poetry.
Beowulf: 1. Thenational epic of English people, a pagan poem
2. An epic of well over 3000 lines.
3. The greatest epic ever left by the ancient Germanic tribes.
4. The most ancient ever since the demise of the Greek and
Roman literatures.
5. The only organic whole poem to come out of the Anglo-Saxon
6. The story takes place in Scandinavia, no mention of
Saxon’s early life in England
Theme: The poem tells the story of a 6 century hero, Beowulf. It is basically
a two-part narrative——Beowulf’s fight with the sea-monsters
Grendel and his mother in the first part, and his killing a fiery
dragon and his death in the second.
1. human desire for some super power to conquer nature.
2. great tradition of realism


Versification: story has an Christian overlay
The mixture of pagan and Christian elements
using of kenning
e.g.: sea is often ‚swan’s way‛ or ‚whale-path.
cious occurrence of alliteration
or of the poem, the ‚I‛ is a
5. story’s digressive manner of narration.
elevated tone
7. the use of metaphors and understatements

Then the pagan was superseded
by the religious spirit, and minstrels
gave way to learned men.

: the first known poet in English literary history.

The Ecclesiastical History of England
by the venerable Bede
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
founded by King Alfred the Great


【 Medieval
Literature: a brief introduction 】

1066 Norman Conquest: marked the beginning of the Middle English or Anglo-Norman
 In 1066, ____, with his Norman army, succeeded in invading and defeating England.
A. William the Conqueror B. Julius Caesar
C. Alfred the Great D. Claudius
 After the Norman Conquest, three languages existed in England at that time. The
Normans spoke _____.
A. French B. English C. Latin D. Swedish
The changes and replacement of dynasty and government:
The Norman line of kings
90 years
1154 Angevin kings
King Henry Ⅱ and his descendants 245 years

1399 The House of Lancaster

Few occurrences of historic magnitude:
The Establishment of the Feudal System

William the Conqueror grabbed Anglo-Saxon land by force and gave it to
his nobles and followers.

The 1381 Peasant Uprising

Led by Wat Tyler of Kent and Jack Straw of Essex
1086 The Completion of the Domesday Book

A historical record of Anglo-Saxon institutions, customs, andway of
The Launching of the Crusades.

A serious of wars between Christians and the Muslims (1096-1270)
The first communication between east and west
1215 The signing of the Magna Carter.(大宪章)

King John was forced to recognize the rights of the powerful barons.

(Duke公 Marquis侯 Count伯 Viscount子 Baron爵)
A significant event in the long decline of the monarchy
1337-1453 The War with France or the Hundred Years’War

Norman and Anglo- Saxon elements began to coalesce into one nation, and
the English language started to revive.
The emergence of nation

Few important points of literature:
Legend传奇:The Growth of the Arthurian Legends(亚瑟王传奇)
Not put down on paper until 1147 Geoffrey of Monmouth came out with his
HistoriaReugm Britanniae
Be enriched by a good number of later writers.
1205 Layamon wrote his cast verse work of 32,000 lines
in English.
The beginning of the revival of English as a literary medium
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight:

a story of adventure--fictitious, frequently marvelous or supernatural--in verse
or prose.

The prevailing form of Medieval English literature is ____.
A. novel B. drama C. romance D. essay
The story of ___ is the culmination of the Arthurian romances.
A. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight B. Beowulf
C. Piers the Plowman D. The Canterbury Tales
 The theme of ____ to king and lord was repeatedly emphasized in romances.
A. loyalty B. revolt C. obedience D. mockery

A famous roman about King Arthur’s story
A 4-part work of 2,530 lines in 101 sections.
knightly virtues: loyalty, valor
,and integrity.
One Christmas

下 他的头,并让他一年后回敬一斧。高文接受挑战,砍下了绿衣骑士的头。那具依然活着的躯体捡起
头颅, 回到绿色的教堂。
4.最后高文在向导的陪 同下离开城堡前往绿色教堂。绿衣骑士原来就是城堡的男主人,他举斧向高文
进攻三次,前两次落空,第 三次在他的脖子上划出轻伤。绿衣骑士向他解释:落空的两斧是对他两次
不受女主人诱惑并如实交换所得 之物的回报,第三斧则是对高文隐瞒女主人送他腰带的惩罚。高文辞
别绿衣骑士返回亚瑟王的宫廷,将自 己的历险告诉众人,骑士们一致认为他为圆桌骑士争了光。那根
女主人送他的腰带成了纯洁的道德的象征 。
The description of the change of seasons and the difficult terrain of
his route with its waste land and wild animals, serves in fact as a means
of externalizing
the complexing inner world of the man going to

He is a perfect human but he is not divine.
To forgive his divine to earn his human

Robin Hood

the most important department of English folk literature. A ballad
is a story told in song, usually in 4-line stanzas, with the second
and fourth lines rhymed.
Ballads are anonymous narrative songs that have been preserved by oral
 The most famous cycle of English ballads centers on the stories about a legendary
outlaw called _____.
A. Morted’ArthurB. Robin Hood
C. The Canterbury Tales D. Piers the Plowman
A collection of 15 century medieval ballads about Robin Hood, the hero
of the poor, and the enemy of the rich and the powerful.
A greenwood outlaw

罗宾汉是英国民间传说侠盗式英雄 人物。人称汉丁顿伯爵。从12世纪中叶起,关于罗宾汉的民谣和传
说就开始在民间流传。14世纪,有 关罗宾汉的故事首次作为文学作品问世。此后,不断有作家以此为
素材,写出了许多脍炙人口的作品。《 侠盗罗宾汉》是法国文豪亚历山大·仲马在前人基础上再创作的
Basic features of folk ballads: repetition of wordsrefrain, uniform
in mood, and dramatic in plot or character portrayal.

John Wycliffe约翰威克里夫(1320-1384):
Translate bible from Latin to English: the first attempt ever to
translate the Holy Scripture into English.

威克里夫(英国宗教改革的晨星,英文圣经译者)生于伦敦附近的约克郡,其父亲是威克里夫 农庄的
主人。1345年到牛津大学默顿学院就读,后来短时间任该大学巴略勒学院院长。他学识渊博, 名噪一

 ______ was the greatest of English religious reformers and the first translator
of the Bible.
A. Langland B. Gower C. Wycliffe D. Chaucer
 The first complete English Bible was translated by _______, ‚the morning star of
the Reformation‛ and his followers.
A. William Tyndal B. James I
C. John Wycliffe D. Bishop Lancelot Andrews

William Langland威廉朗兰(1332-end of 14century):

Vision of Piers the Plowman:
a dream allegory
of 7,000 lines to
attack evil in both Church and state.

《农夫皮尔斯》是用中世纪梦幻故事的形式写成的教诲诗,通过描绘 梦中的景象来展现中世纪英国社

会各方面的生活图景,采用寓言故事来惩恶 扬善。长诗分为两部分,第一部分是皮尔斯的梦境,第二
部分是称为‚寻求好、更好、最好‛的一连串幻 想。全诗由有重读音和押头韵的诗行写

 William Langland’s ____ is written in the form of a dream vision.
A. Kubla Khan B. Piers the Plowman
C. The Dream of John Bull D. Morted’Arthur
 Piers the Plowman describes a series of wonderful dreams the author dreamed, through
which, we can see a picture of the life in the ____ England.
A. primitive B. feudal C. bourgeois D. modern

Chanson de Roland:

法国英雄史诗,中世纪武功歌的代表作品。全诗共分为291节,长4002行 ,以当时民 间语言罗曼语
写成。英雄史诗是法国最古老的文学。英雄史诗主要分为帝王系、纪尧姆·德·奥郎日系和 敦·德·梅

Chapter 2
【 Geoffrey Chaucer 1340-1400 】

Geoffrey Chaucer: The last medieval man, the first modern man.

In the 14th century, the most important writer (poet) is ____ .
A. Langland B. Wycliffe C. Gower D. Chaucer
______, the ‚father of English poetry‛ and one of the greatest narrative poets
of England, was born in London in about 1340.
A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. Sir Gawain C. Francis Bacon D. John Dryden

Chaucer died on October 25th, 1400, and was buried in ____.
A. Flanders B. France C. Italy D. Westminster Abbey
Chaucer’s earliest work of any length is his _____, a translation of the French
Roman de la Rose by Gaillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meung, which was a love allegory
enjoying widespread popularity in the 13th and 14th centuries not only in France
but throughout Europe.
A. The Romaunt of the Rose B. ‚A Red, Red Rose‛
C. The Legend of Good Women D. The Book of the Duchess
 In his lifetime Chaucer served in a great variety of occupations that had impact
on the wide range of his writings. Which one is not his career? ____.
A. engineer B. courtier C. office holder
D. soldier E. ambassador F. legislator (议员)
 Chaucer composes a long narrative poem named _____ based on Boccaccio’s poem
A. The Legend of Good Women B. Troilus and Criseyde
C. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight D. Beowulf

他是最早有人文主义思想的作家,现实主义文学的奠基人,英国历史 上第一位卓越的

Founder of English poetry
the messenger of humanism

the founder of English realism
the founder or master of the modern English language
the pioneer of the English Renaissance
The first preeminent English poet.
Chaucer was the first most significant poet in English literary history to
write in Middle English.
A master of realism.


The Book of Duchess

The House of Fame

The Legend of Good Wife

Troilus and Criseyde

The Parliament of Fowls

The most famous of all his works:
The Canterbury Tales

 Geoffrey Chaucer’s work____ gives us a picture of the condition of English life
of his day, such as its work and play, its deeds and dreams, its fun and sympathy.
aunt of the Roses House of Fame
s and Criseyde Canterbury Tales
a collection of 20-odd stories, 4 fragments
The framing of the stories by means of a fictitious pilgrimage
as the
uses as a unifying device.
A collection of stories strung together with a simple plan

124 stories planned, only 24 finished
written in Middle English

Substance is from others, the telling is Chaucer’s own.
Enormous sense of humor.
Loyalty to reality. Sticks to his policy of honesty and stays true to life.
Offers such a panorama
of social life.
Infinite sense of humanity.
It is more than a mere collection of true-to-life pictures. As a forerunner
of humanism, he praises man’s energy, intellect, quick wit and love of life.
form:heroic couplet
a four-line stanza

a verse unit consisting of two rhymed
lines in iambic pentameter

Contribution to English poetry:
Introduced from France the rhymed couplet of 5 accents in iambic meter (the
heroic couplet),
The first great poet who wrote in the English language.
Making the dialect of London the standard for the modern English speech.
 乔叟的诗歌创作分为三个时期:
①法 国影响时期(1359~1372):主要翻译并仿效法国诗人的作品,创作了《悼公爵夫人》,用伦敦方言翻译 了法

②意大利影响时期(1372~1386):诗人接触了资产阶级人文主义的 进步思想。这一时期的创作如《百鸟会议》、《特
罗伊勒斯和克莱西德》、《好女人的故事》,反映了作 者面向生活现实的创作态度和人文主义观点。
③成熟时期(1386~1400):乔叟在这最后15 年里从事《坎特伯雷故事集》的创作。无论在内容和技巧上都达到
他创作的顶峰。他首创的英雄双韵体为 以后的英国诗人所广泛采用,被誉为‚英国诗歌之父‛。
乔叟早期的创作受意大利和法国文学的影响。 他把法国文学中的骑士传奇、抒情诗和动物寓言故事等引入英国文
学。其早期作品《特罗勒斯和克莱西德 》(1385),人物性格塑造生动细腻,语言机智幽默。
从1377年开始,乔叟多次出使欧洲大陆 ,接触了但丁、彼特拉克和薄伽丘等人的作品。这些作家反封建反宗教的
精神和人文主义思想,使乔叟的 创作思想发生了深刻的变化,开始转向现实主义。根据薄伽丘的一部长诗改写的
叙事诗《特罗勒斯和克面 西德》摈弃了梦幻和寓言的传统,代之以对现实社会中的人物和生活细节的描写,这是
乔叟的第一部现实 主义作品。
乔叟在他生活的最后十五年进行了《坎特伯雷故事集》(1387-1400)的创作。这 是他最杰出的作品。

The Wife of Bath
: man should love a woman for her worth rather than
her face

The Miller’s Tale
one of jealousy, infidelity, courtly love, and obscenity
in the style of the medieval fabliau
(a funny vulgar story)

【 The Pre-Elizabethan Period: A Brief Introduction 】
The 150 years between the death of Chaucer and the ascension of Queen Elizabeth
I(1400-1557) was a very important period in history.


first started in Germany by Martin Luther(1483-1546)
The followers of the movement, distinct now from the Catholics, became known
as the Protestants, and the Reformation has also been known in history as
the Protestant Reformation.
Johnannes Calvin(1509-1564)
They believe in the doctrine of justification by faith, that man’s
justification or salvation depends on the grace of God which comes through
faith alone.

 English Renaissance Period was an age of ______.
A. prose and novel B. poetry and drama
C. essays and journals D. ballads and songs
 Which of the following is NOT regarded as one of the characteristics of Renaissance?
A. Exaltation of man’s pursuit of happiness in this life.
B. Cultivation of the genuine flavor of ancient culture.
C. Tolerance of human foibles.
D. Praise of man’s efforts in having his soul delivered.
 The most significant intellectual movement of the Renaissance was____.
A. the Reformation B. humanism
C. the Italian revival D. geographical explorations
the rebirth of letters
the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and
learning in Europe

beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century
marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world
Two features are striking of this movement. The one is a thirsting curiosity
for the classical literature. The other one is the keen interest in the
activities of humanity.

【Thomas More
 a humanist
 he witnessed the evils of the future of the world and sought to help mend things


Utopia was written in the form of _____.
A. prose B. drama C. essay D. dialogue

_____is one of the forerunners of modern socialist thought.
A. Phillip Sidney B. Edmund Spenser
C. Thomas More D. Walter Raleigh
consist of two book with emphasis on book two in which the Utopian weal
republic is described in detail
book two has 9 sections: geographic contours, city life, administration of
the country, lifestyle, family structure, utopia travel. Section 7: bondmen,
attitude towards war, religion
nothing private in Utopia, no one has anything, yet every is rich
offers best ideal social system possible
some problems:
strict adherence to conformity
slave system
super power politics

Chapter 3
【The Elizabethan Age(1558-1625):a brief introduction】

The Elizabethan period began with the ascension of Queen Elizabeth I in 1558,
and its afterglow shone well beyond the 16century.
The Elizabethan age was one in which Renaissance transformed Chaucer’s
Medieval England into Shakespeare’s modern one.
All the three major departments of literature——poetry, drama, and prose,
and countless authors vied in offering their very best in a tremendous
outburst of creative power.

The Elizabethan age can be divided into three sub-periods:
The first of these stretches over two decades(1557-1579)

beginning with the printing of
Tottel’s Miscellany
and concluding
with the publication of Edmund Spenser’s
The Shepheardes Calendar


Spenser’s first known work
Place him at the head of the English poets of his day
The second phase covers some two decades from 1580 through 1599.
a period of intense literary activity in which the greatest Elizabethan
writers made their presence felt


in drama the exuberance showed itself well in the great number of great
plays that were written and staged at the time
in this period Shakespeare wrote sonnets and some 20 of his 37 plays
Shakespeare sonnet: ababcdcdefef gg
The third phase spans over some three decades(1599-1625).
This was the period in which Shakespeare finished all his later plays,
and Ben Jonson did almost the whole of his work.

【Edmund Spenser(1552-1599)

 a non- dramatic poetof Queen Elizabeth’s period
read and loved Chaucer and saw him as his pattern in literary creation
 major works:

The Shepheardes Calendar

consists of 12 pastoral eclogues
,one for each month of the
dialogues between shepherds or of soliloquies, the everyday life of
country people, their feelings and attitudes, and their simple life of
harmony with nature
around with such observations on the religious strife and political
turbulence of his day
full of archaic
or ‚Chaucerian‛ words, bring into relief a
the eclogues in the Calendar fall into three groups- plaintive,
recreative, and moral

The Faerie Queene

praise of ElizabethⅠ’s England in itself
consistent of six books and a fragment of the seventh book
tell respectively about the Red Cross Knight of Holiness, the Knight
of Temperance, the legend of chastity, that of friendship, the Knight
of Justice, and the Knight of Courtesy.
courageous experimentation with the meters
Special rhyme scheme of the Spenserian sonnets, and in the Spenserian
impresses us with his skillful blending of religious and historical
allegory with chivalric romance.

Colin Clouts Come Home Againe

two odes to Marriage:

a collection of sonnets:

 Spenserian stanza斯宾塞诗节

The Faerie Queen
an allegory

A nine-line stanza of 8 lines in iambic pentameter plus an iambic hexameter
(6-foot line)

The rhyme scheme is abab baba c.

【Philip Sidney (1554-1586)菲利普西德尼】

Apologie for Poetrie

Sidney’s sonnet cycle
Astrophel and Stella
(1591) contains his
bestpoetic compositions of 108 sonnets and 11 songs.

As a sonnet sequences, this was probably the first of its kind ever to appear
in English literary history.

【English Drama: A Sketch Account】
 The drama had gone through a number of phases over the centuries including those
of the mysteries
,the miracles
,the morality
,the interlude
,and the true drama

Morality plays appeared after_____.
A. miracle plays B. mystery plays C. interlude D. Classical plays
One of the popular morality play· s was ____.
A. The Shepherds B. Everyman
C. The Play of the Weather D. GammerGurton’s Needle

【Christopher Marlowe(1564-1593)】

The most preeminent figure among the University Wits

The most gifted of the ‚university wits‛ was ____.
A. Lyly B. Peele C. Greene D. Marlowe
It was William Shakespeare and_____ who made blank verse the principal vehicle of
expression in drama.
A. Edmand ophor Hood D. Francis Bacon
 works:

Tamburlaine the Great

The Jew of Malta

The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus

first part of the play tells of Faustus’s dissatisfactionwith earthly
knowledge and of his part with the devil
second part about his satisfaction with his newly acquired knowledge
and power
third part soul being dragged down to hell, tries to pray to God’s save.

famous both for its thematic and formal features
thematically, Faustus represents the archetypal Renaissance humanist
of 16th century, and a supreme specimen of Everyman for all time
Formally, uses some dramatic devices like the choruses
As a ‚photo‛ record of new man

Human limitation

renaissance hero

marks a new phase in human epistemology,
in which man emerges from
his initial total submission to external forces and awakens to his own
importance and power and begins to assert himself.

Chapter 4
【William Shakespeare(1564-1616)】
 四大悲剧: 哈姆雷特,麦克白,李尔王,奥赛罗
 In Sonnet 18, he eulogizes the power of artistic creation
 blank verse is the principal form of his dramas
 Shakespeare was born in Stratford-on-Avon
 Non-dramatic:
Two long narrative poems:
Venus and Adonis
The Rape of Lucre

Shakespeare’s sonnets, 154 in total, were first published as a collection
in 1609
 Among many poetic forms, Shakespeare was especially at home (good at) with the
A. dramatic blank verse B. song C. sonnet D. couplet
 In _____ appeared Shakespeare’s Sonnet,Never before Imprinted which contains 154
A. 1606 B. 1607 C. 1608 D. 1609
 In the plays, Shakespeare used about ______words.
A. 15000 B. 16000 C. 17000 D. 18000
love, passion, and sparks of wisdom
clear vision of life and people
Renaissance paean of man
a faithful record of the mood and tenor of the times.
style: grace in form, depth in thought, and vivacity in tone
 Drama:37
His creative use of the language,especially its vocabulary
Over 17000 words used in his writing,10% new inventions
English today still full of echoes from his plays
before 1600:the histories andcomediesof his early period
generally happy and cheerful. All dramas this period end happily

1600-1608: the tragedies of the middle or tragic period
frustration, all his major tragedies were written within the space of
a few years
1608-1612: the late period of romances or the period of serenity
acceptance of the inevitability of life
 Shakespeare’s plays written between _____ are sometimes called ‚romances‛ and
all end in reconciliation and reunion.
A. 1590 and 1594 B. 1595 and 1600
C. 1601 and 1607 D. 1608 and 1612
The Great Tragedies
The Tragedy of Hamlet

The Tragedy of Macbeth
The Later Comedies(romances)


The Winter’s Tale

The Tempest


highly moral: evil be punished and good rewarded
praises virtue and censures vice
wisdom and profound philosophy
tolerant of human foibles and faults
:human beings are nor perfect but perfectable)
avoids the use of just one color-pure black or white,characters are
more than one-dimensional.

comic element alongside the serious

sense of individual worth
method of creation: (unique&originality)borrows from existing works
but revises and makes them substantially and superior

King Lear:
tragic comedy


everyone in life have their own duty

the principle that national unity under a mighty

analysis of the social crisis

criticism of the bourgeois egoism

resignation with fate and acceptance of the workings of the world

spiritual rebirth, spiritual sublimity


The Tempest

 Miranda is a heroine in Shakespeare’s ______.
A. Pericles B. Cymbeline
C. The Winter’s Tale D. The Tempest
Shakespeare’s desire that human beings should come to terms with the

workings of nature
the play expresses the complexity of human existence sowell that it is
capable of more than one interpretation

Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark
over a 60-year period, doctoral dissertations on the play have appeared
at the frequency of one in every 12 days.
hesitation: Hamlet’s tragic flaw
the secret of success: whereas revenge and violence receive most of the
emphasis in precious versions, Shakespeare injects the thrilling
Renaissance spirit into the story.

Lady Macbeth: one of Shakespeare’s greatest women: Amorality

The Merchant of Venice
Shylock portrays an archetype of vice, created as he is to body forth
the sum total of social and human evil and is eventually brought to
with a supreme sense of justice

【Francis Bacon (1561-1626)】
 成就:
his inductive method of reasoning and learning
proved to be
seminal and critically important to the development of modern science
and the progress of humankind
his thought system represented the beginnings of materialism in English
his well-known philosophical works:
Advancement of Learning

Novumm Organum

New Atlantis


was the first of its kind to appear in English literature.

Bacon drew chiefly on the carious phenomena of nature and his careful
observations and analyses

wisdom and his unique style.

deliberations on man and his life

it reveals his intimate knowledge of human nature

Of Studies
: ‚ Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some
few to be chewed and digested‛

【Ben Jonson (1573-1637)】他的去世标志着伊丽莎白时代的结束

 he was the last great Elizabethan and probably the first poet laureate
and the first literary dictator
in English history
 his reputation as a playwright was established by the success of his first comedy,
Every Man in His Humour(1598) 《

 In 1616 he published his
, the complete collection of his poetry
 bring the classic form of the tree unities——unity of action, unity of time,
and unity of place——back to the stage
 把古典的三一原则——情节一致,时间一致和地点一致带回舞台
 ‚The three unites‛, formulated by renaissance dramatists, are the unites of the
following elements but____.
A. time B. place C. action D. character
 the heroic couplet
that he used in the poem was to become a tyrannical
bogue in the next century, and his emphasis on ‚nature‛ the basic principle
in 18 century literary criticism

【King James’ Bible】


consists of 2 parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament
 The Old Testament became the Holy Scripture for the Jews at the end of the first
century AD, and a centurylater both the Old and the New Testaments were accepted
by the Christians as their holy book.
 The Old Testament: history and religious beliefs of the Jews
The New Testament: the life of Jesus Christ and the birth and the growth of the
Christian faith
 the authorized bible came into being in 1611

Chapter 5
【The 17 Century: A brief Introduction 】
 basic features of the literature of the period:
Seek certainty and intellectual harmony on the one hand, and to address the
question of values through violence and sexuality
 The main literary form of the early 17th century was poetry.

【John Donne
 Metaphysical PoetryPoet

 The main literary form of the early 17
century was poetry. John Milton was
acknowledged as the greatest. Besides him, there were two groups of poets. They
were the Cavalier poets and ______.
A. the lake poets B. the university wits
C. the Metaphysical poets D. the Romantic poets
 Which of the following is not typical of metaphysical poetry best represented by

John Donne’s works?
A. Common speech B. Conceit C. Argument D. Elegant language
 ____ is the leading figure of Metaphysical poetry.
A. John Donne B. George Herbert
C. Andre Marvell D. Henry Vaughan
 Which of the following is not a Metaphysical poet?
A. Richard Crashaw B. Henry Vaughan
C. Andrew Marvell D. Robert Burton
 Although of a Catholic background, he renounced all denominations and was
contented with being a Christian.
Before he switched to the Church of England :youthful love poetry's,
interweaving of passion with reason
After he switched to the Church of England: religious poems
 ____ poems can be divided into two categories: the youthful love lyrics and the
later sacred verses.
A. John Milton B. John Bunyan C. John Donne D. John Dryden
 Critical and reception

17th century poet-criticJohn Dryden commented that his loves to play with
metaphysics both in his satirical and love poetry, love poems reveal the
subtleties of metaphysics instead of focusing on love
Samuel Johnson (the literary dictator of the second half of the 18th century)
criticized Donne and his group for showing off their knowledge rather than
describing natured human sentiment in their love poetry
19th century William Hazlitt agreed with Samuel
Lay in silence and obscurity
,another literary dictator, brought it back to light
 Basic features: wit or conceit

The Flea

Valediction: Forbidden Mourning

The novelty consists in the comparison of two separate lovers to the legs of
a compass

【Andrew Marvell安德鲁马维尔(1621-1678)】

To His Coy Mistress

‚My love is vegetable love‛

【John Milton
 _____ , as a declaration of people’s freedom of the press, has been a weapon in
the later democratic revolutionary struggles.
A. On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity B. Comus
C. Of Reformation in England D. Areopagitica
 The third greatest English poet after Chaucer and Shakespeare, and the greatest
to come out of the 17th century.
 His life can be roughly divided into three phrases:

The early phase of reading and lyric writing
The middle phrase of service in the Puritan Revolution and pamphleteering
for it
The last phrase of epic writing ( the greatest)
 作品:
Two influential writings in Latin:

In Denfense of the British People(1651)

More in Defense of the British People(1654)

Paradise Lost
Satan and his followers wage against God by corrupting God’s creation
of man and woman
Adam and Eve are forbidden to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge
of Good and Evil
contains altogether 12 books, the last book relates Adam and Eve going
down hand in hand to the plains below

religious work, blank verse
One notable feature of the epic is it'sevident ambiguity in the poet’s
attitude toward God, the devil, and man.

Samson Agonistes

Verse drama, can be seen as objectifying
the poet’s own unflinching
spirit 诗人


【John Dryden

 He was notorious for his frequent face-about in face of the changing political
climate of his day.
 Heroic Stanzas (1659)

Poet laureate
 In historical retrospect, Dryden is remembered for 2 things he did admirably
well for his country’s literature.
His successful effort to prune the Elizabethan language of its formless
exuberance and turn it into a cool, lucid, plain and natural mediumfor
English writing.

He was the first Neoclassic writer in English literary history.
He made the heroic couplet(
almost the one poetic medium acceptable
for poetry.

English literary criticism
The father of English criticism

 His tragedy
All for Love
deals with the same story as William Shakespeare’s
Antony and Cleopatra

【John Bunyan

When he was in prison he wrote
The Pilgrim’s Progress.

is an allegory

is the description of the visions of a dozen dreams

The story is about his effort to find faith and salvation by making his
pilgrimage to the Celestial Kingdom.

Town of Vanity

to show the prevalent political and religious persecution of his time
abounds in acute social criticism

The Life and Death off Mr. Badman


Chapter 6
【The Classic Age: An Introduction】
Glorious Revolution光荣革命
– 1798
lyrical ballads抒情歌谣的浪漫主义

The 18th century valued balance, middle things, the middle class, moderation,
reason, common sense traditional forms, and deism.
The good words for the 18th century were ‚we‛, ‚submit‛, and
启蒙运动强调教育universal education 读写能力,工业革命使大家有时间,所以出现小说,报纸,
 18th century can be divided into two parts
Serious upheavals and dislocations began to beset the country.
The Proletariat came into being, conflict between capital and labor
 Religion: turned out to be radically different
Formal religion
died down:

The century believed in God, but it didn’t believe in formal religion
with its tenets of revelation and supernatural elements.
Mechanical improvements

Mechanical universe
it was likened to a clock which God made
but left ticking away on its own laws.
 Intellective background:
John Locke became the theoretician
of the 18th century, and Adam Smith
the champion of capitalism in the economic field.

John Locke:

Concerning Human Understanding 1690
was the most
important psychological work for his century, and his two treatises on

civil government the most important political science work of its time.

If human beings want to learn the world, they should learn through senses.
Reason is of the primary importance in learning to understand the world,
question the whole concept of God and Trinity.

Locke is very important to rising middle class
, just like what
Karl Marks represented to the proletariat.

People can deduce the nature of God by looking around his creation. God
works through general laws and not the tablets, Deism became the trend
in the 18th century.

Adam smith

The Wealth of Nations (1776)

Proposing as it does the theory of laissez- faire(market economy),did
a good deal of theoretical spade work to help bring down government
control on industry and growth of capitalism, boost the middle-class
, and pave the way for immense further growth of

 The major features of the literature of the period are as follows:

It was a literature of reason, common sense, and repudiation of enthusiasm
and sentiment.
The romantic bloom continued in Milton and began to cool down with John
, he ‚prune and trim‛the
natural botanical garden of Romantic England.
Edison and Steele help both‚civilize‛ the still crude tastes and
habits of their countrymen
with their image of the
English gentleman
and turn the English language into one akin
to the classic languages in dignity, grandeur, and expressiveness.
Samuel Johnson: an absolute literary dictator of the latter half of the
century made it difficult, if no entirely impossible
The basic features of neoclassicism include, frequent allusions引经
据典and references to Greek and Roman mythology and to ancient writers
and historians; predilection for abstractions and excessive use of
personifications; respect for and promotion of order and reason with
emphasis on clarity of thought and orderly structure; forces on formal
perfection like metric regularity, aversion to verbosity, love of
graceful language; a conspicuous want of feeling and sentiment.
The dominant neoclassic form was the heroic couplet.
Neoclassic poetry tends to produce the effect of an artificially trimmed
beauty, beautiful but often lifeless.

Reason was not strong enough to totally stamp out the sparks of emotion.

Oliver Goldsmith
’s The Vicar of Wakefield
Thomas Gray’s
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
 ____ found its representative writers in the field of poetry, such as Edward Young
and Thomas Gray, but it manifested itself chiefly in the novels of Lawrence Sterne
and Oliver Goldsmith.
A. Pre-romanticism B. Romanticism C. Sentimentalism D. Naturalism
At the same time, there were also writers who took a closer look at the social
problems and undertook to help put things to rights by criticizing the
The tone of writing is satirical.

As a result of the improvement of literacy and with leisure now available
in life, the demand for literature increased.

newspaper, encyclopedias, dictionaries, grammar, magazine
On top of it all, the novelappeared. A book telling a story about
ordinary life as was lived then, a practice in sharp contrast with the
romances of the previous periods which dealt with fantasy and far- away
【Alexander Pope

 ____was the forerunner of the English classical school of literature in the 18th
A. John Dryden B. Richard Steele
C. Joseph Addison D. Alexander Pope

. The most important classicist in the Enlightenment Movement is _____.
____ is a great classicist but his satire is not always just.
Joseph Addison,Richard Steele and Alexander pope belonged to the school of _____.
A. Classicism B. romanticism C. realism D. modernism
_____ is a didactic poem written in heroic couplets by Alexander pope. It sums up
the art of poetry as taught by Aristotle, Horace, Boileau and the 18th century
classicists. It tells the poets and critics to write and appreciate poetry according
to the principles set up by the old Greek and roman writers.
A. the Dunciad B. the rap of the rock
C. essay on criticism D. essay on man
A. Steele B. Addison C. Pope D. Dryden
A. Steele B. Milton C. Addison D. Pope
A dwarf in physical stature

The heroic couplet became a perfect poetic medium in his hands

(Pope完善heroic couplet, Milton完善bland verse)
Translation of Homer


The Rape Of the Lock 1712
Mock epic讽刺史诗: of five cantos about ‚a Homeric struggle of the

Essay on Men 1733

As an authentic record of the views and values of the 18th century this
‚ethic work‛, his philosophical poem哲理诗is significant in the
cultural and intellectual history of his country as well
 The masterpiece of Alexander Pope is ____.
A. Essay on Criticism B. The Rape of the Lock
C. Essay on Man D. The Dunciad
 Essay on Man is a _____poem in heroic couplets.
A. didactic B. satirical C. philosophical D. dramatic
An Epistle to not1735

The Dunciad1743

【Samuel Johnson

He wrote great English dictionary.
 _____ compiled the A Dictionary of the English Language which became the foundation
of all the subsequent English dictionaries.
A. Ben Johnson B. Samuel Johnson
C. Alexander Pope D. John Dryden

He was a great man of literature who never wrote great literature. And
although powerful as a king
He started a famous club of important writers and thinkers of which he was
unquestionably the center, it has become known is history as Dr. Johnson’s
reflected the notion of balance that the 18th century managed
to sustain
Johnson is idealized and immortalized in James Boswell’s famous book,
Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D
, which is a faithful record of his strengths
and weaknesses, and his problems and struggles.

新古典主义后半段 ‚the age of Johnson‛

His best known poems
The Vanity of Human Wishes

【Thomas Gray
Some of his lines have gained a proverbial status

‚...where ignorance is bliss‛
‚the paths of glory lead but to the grave‛
 The sentence of ‚The plowman homeward plods his weary way, And leaves the world
to darkness and to me‛ is written by ____.
A. William Cowper B. George Crabbe
C. Thomas Gray D. William Blake

Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
:a poem of 128 lines in 32 iambic
pentameric quatrains.

On a Distant Prospect of Eton College

Hymns to Adversity

【Oliver Goldsmith
A novelist and dramatist
His poem,
The Deserted Village
, his play,
She stoops to Conquer
, his novel,
The Vicar of Wakefield
(a romantic

 Which play is regarded as the best English comedy since Shakespeare?
A. She Stoops to Conquer B. The Rivals
C. The School for Scandal D. The Conscious Lovers
 Oliver goldsmith’s ‚the citizen of world‛ was originally published as____.
A. English letters B. Chinese letters
C. French letters D. American letters
 Oliver goldsmith’s ‚the deserted village‛ is a poem of ____.
A. Transcendentalism B. romanticism C. sentimentalism D. realism

【Richard Brinsley Sheridan

2 of 3 best comedies to come out of the 18th century

The Rivals

The School for Scandal

 Which of the following works is not written by Oliver Goldsmith? ____.
A. She Stoops to Conquer B. The Deserted Village
C. The Vicar of Wakefield D. The School for Scandal
 The school for scandal is a ____written by____.
A. tragedy…Richard Brimley Sheridan
B. comedy…Richard Brimley Sheridan
C. comedy…Samuel Johnson
D. tragedy…Samuel Johnson

a five-act comedy

two plot-lines run parallel:

Lady Teazle’s loss of innocence and growth
Sir Oliver Surface’s selection of an heir

As the play exhibits, self-serving and the human inclination to
suspicion are the main root causes of all evil- the hypocrisy,
depravity and corruption.

Sheridan’s character portray can be an intriguing feature for discussion
The names of the characters

Leaving loose threads here and there but never failing to pull them
together in some climatic scen
Chapter 7
【Movement toward Romanticism】

 key words: go back to nature; Genius; inspiration; romantic poetics

 Extremes tend to provoke a reaction.
However, from the very outset, some dissenting voices existed and tried to make
themselves heard.
The two obvious good examples from the first part of the 18 were James
The Seasons
(1740)and Edward Young’s
Night Thoughts
(1742), both written in the then unpopular blank verse.

【William Blake(1757-1827)】pre-romantic writer
 The representatives of the enlightenment in English literature were the following
writers but _____.
A. Joseph Addison B. Richard Steele
C. William BlakeD. Alexander pope
 两个文学时期之交的重要里程碑,直接预示着浪漫主义的到来
 神秘主义
 His major works, in addition to
Songs of Innocence
Songs of
are his voluminous prophetic and mystical writings.


 Innocence and Experience here denote two different phases of human life with
different states of the human soul as the title of the edition combining the
two sequences indicates.

 They make a clear statement about the author’s acutely conscious responses to
life and society.
 Generally
Songs of Innocence
reveals a pair of innocent eyes, those of a child,
looking at life and the world, while the later sequence shows clearly a different
mode of perception, that of the adult, as a result of the cumulative experience
through which the poet lived in the intervening years.
 Wrote incontrast pairs,the tone change from happy to gloomy
lamb, the tiger
The classful, confident tone of ‚the lamb‛, not colored with any
shadow of doubt or pain.
All these find a direct foil in the world of ‚the tiger‛.
Instead of the delightful bright day, there is ‚the forest of the night,‛
a reminder of a labyrinth wrapped up in total darkness.
poems have the same title: the chimney sweeper, with hope and lose
The poems both offer an adequate expression of the suffering of the child
sweepers, of the anger at the adults who make their lives miserable,
and of the wish that the sweepers be allowed to enjoy a happy childhood
rather than face the threat of the ‚coffin‛, of the chimney.
a visible tonal difference:

In the
poem: Tom Dacre the child has faith in God and
accepts his lot with the warm hope that his dream of naked white
cleanliness will come true.

【Robert Burns(1759-1796)
】pre-romantic writer
 Burns was born into a poor Scottish famer’s family.
In the
: The child learns about the causes of his
wretchedness, loses all faith and hope, lives in an enveloping gloom,
and ends up in utter bitterness and despair.
A dialectical way
Use a lot of mysticism

‚London‛ is a poem more profound in its thematic concern.
‛ is a later work.


Burns lived in a period of transition from 18centuryneoclassicism to romanticism.
True to form, his works exhibit affinity to both modes of expression in style and
emotional intensity. 表达方式与情感深度的结合They show the strengths of both but
adroitly avoid their weaknesses like extremes and excesses.
 He is critical of
and its hypocrisy and rigid morality.
 He values human freedom and equality and is eloquent in defending the lower social
The Holy Fair, Holy
Willie’s Prayer

 He extols love and genuine feeling as in his love lyrics and finds value in human
fellowship and friendship as in his famous
Auld Lang Syne


Chapter 8
 The main literary stream of the 18th century was ____ . What the writers described
in their works were mainly social realities.
A. romanticism B. classicism C. realism D. Sentimentalism
 ____ was an intellectual movement in the first half of the 18th century.
A. The Enclosure Movement B. The Industrial Revolution
C. The Religious Reform D. The Enlightenment
 Novel: practice and theory

 The 18th century was the golden age of the English ___. The novel of this period
spoke the truth about life with an uncompromising (unbending) courage.
A. drama B. poetry C. essay D. novel

the writers developed the realistic method of presentation
replicate the real world
has their own views how the novel should be well written
Whereas all were satirists in their unique ways, Swift and Sterne deserve
special mention here as idealists

【Jonathan Swift


The Battle of the Books
: asatirical dialogue between the Ancients and
the Moderns in the character of the Bee and Spider.

Tale of a Tub 1704
, one of his greatest satires
 In 1704, Jonathan Swift published ___, which made him well-known as a satirist.
A. A Tale of Tub B. Bickerstaff Almanac
C. Gulliver’s Travels D. The Battle of the Books

Pamphlets: The Irish Drapier’s Letters 1724

A Modest Proposal 1729

 In a series of pamphlets Jonathan Swift denounced the cruel and unjust treatment
of Ireland by the English government. One of the most famous is ____.
A. Essays on Criticism B. A Modest Proposal
C. Gulliver’s Travels D. The Battle of the Books

Gulliver’s Travels 1726

A savage satire in the form of a fabulous travelogue

The first personal narrative

The book consists of four parts

The first part made of 8 chapters, thesecond part 8 chapters, the third
10chapters, and the fourth part 10 chapters.
Give readers an opportunity of self-scrutiny

part 1:a voyage to Lilliput
pettiness hypocrisy in human nature

part 2: a voyage to Brobdingnag
incredible Utopians,

part 3: a boyage to Laputa, Balnibri, Glubbdubdrib, Luggnagg, and
represent the extremes of futile theorizing and speculations in all
areas of activity

part 4: a voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms
Yahoos: look very bit human but behave exactly like animals


Gulliver: an archetypalman of the enlightenment, Gulliver is not
a perfect specimen of the human race

Swift: a man intensively critical of his fault, and believing in
progress and the goodness of human nature and all the 18th century

Lives of the Poets
: consists of the biographies of 52 poets and affords some
of the best known pictures of the early English poets.

【Daniel Defore
 As the first major novelist in English literary history, Defore was a highly

conscious writer. For him, novel is an art, and he is an artist.
 His views on the novel, mostly explained in the prefaces to his novel

Two salient features of his fiction:realism and moral aesthetic.

One of the main focus of aesthetics is the function of literature.

Please to educate

Moralize: try to educate some moral values

Literature imitating nature
Nature in not the neoclassic kind of human nature in general, it’s the portrayal
of the individual character that catches his attention.

 18世纪好多冒险小说,都是章回体小说,作者主线不好找,一章一章比较好写
 反映新古典主义时期的冒险探索精神

Robinson Crusoe
, a strong individual.

Heads out to sea and becomes a planter in South America

He is insatiable


Post colonialism:try to control the thinking of people

Stayed there for some 28 years
From there he travels further to the Persian Gulf, China and Siberia to do
Both a work of time and a classic for all time
First and foremost middle class book, offering justifications for the class’
forthcoming rise to pre-dominance in national life.
Middle class values were steadily becoming dominant in social life, such
as its emphasis on moderation, temperance, self-reliance, and the work ethic,
and would soon prevail in national life.
The 18th century emphasis on society, a middle class value, is well
illustrated in Robinson’s effort to build a community on the island.
The book is a typical Puritan tale.
A typical show of Puritan individualism:

Robinson is sager for self-discovery, detests comforts, opts for
adventure in becoming a sailor, and rebels in youth against his
father’s beliefs.

Never give up, Puritan spirit of self-reliance and self-sustaining.

Hardworking Puritan:believing in diligence and the work ethic,
laboring from sunrise to sundown, and resourceful and creative with
a thinking mind and a skillful pair of hands.

When he was faced with failure, he began to think about the basic
questions like the creation of the world and self-identity.
He discovers God for himself, and affirms his faith with he now begins
anew his effort to civilize the island on the cultural and moral pattern
that he has inherited but has left behind.

Spirit of the middle class: adventure, self- directing, colonizing
Robinson becomes a new man, well poised on the verge of building a middle
class democracy at home and looking forward to establishing an empire

In essence a success story

Robinson’s dilemma: when he is bogged down on the uninhabited island is
archetypal of a recurrent human condition in which people seem to see in
overwhelming gloom no glimmer of hope ahead.
Perennial pattern of human behavior involved here that never stops
delighting through suspense and to which people can always relate: initial
suffering and despair, plucking up the courage to face adversity, and
taking same, effective steps to address the problem

【Samuel Richardson
 A pioneer in the history of the novel. He was one of the few whom responding to
the taste of the audience of his time.

 Help break the back of the hitherto dominant form of heroic or mythic romances

 The beginning point for psychological realism in the history of the English novel

 明显的背离了当时盛行的艺术模仿生活的理论
 individual characters

 He avoids authorial intrusion in the narrative and dramatizes the life of the moment.


Writing to the moment


Impersonal:the author is detached from writing
Pamela is widely considered to be the first novel and was written by__Samuel


written in the epistolary form


marks the beginning of this controversial manner of narration

focus on one episode----love---rather than on many as was the case with to note
here that the one-episode narrative has since caught on with later novelists
as a traditionis realistic in its descriptions of the vicissitudes of the love
there is palpable growth in Pamela’s character from an ideal—almost
allegorical—to a real human figure

【Henry Fielding
 ‚The father of the English novel‛ is______.
A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. Edmund Spenser
C. Francis bacon D. Henry fielding

Joseph Andrews

Make sth. clearly definable about the novel out of the pervasive nebula
An innovator in the craft of fiction and a conscious literary artist
His ideas cover a wide range of subjects relating to fiction

include the definition of the novel as a genre

the truthfulness of its descriptions of life, its formal features
and the qualifications of a novelist.

He was the first attempt ever to define the novel as a prose epic
, that
is not inferior to an epic poem.
A novel is comic but not grotesque.
Truthfulness includes probability and invariability in representing the
reality of human nature and the inner world of man.
Disapprove of total copying
Make a distinction between artistic reality and real life.
A writer should have four basic qualities:native gift, adequate learning, rich
experience with life and a kind heart
Tom Jones the Founding(1749)
 ‚Tom Jones‛ was written by___.
A. Henry fielding B. Daniel Defoe C. Jonathan swift D. Samuel Richardson

A long story of 18 books 6 chapters each.

The novel is well balanced and symmetrical

Neo- classicism

Fielding embraces instance, Tom Jones is portrayed as one from
real life with his foibles as well as his innate goodness.

The moral theme of the book is self-evident

Formally, Fielding embraces realism

Its plot moves in a sequential order
(chronological order
linear order

circular narrative

initiation story,
will novel

The novel appears to be such a good replica of life that it is hard to find
people and occurrences of an improbable nature.
Lengthy digressions

The author often appears in person may seem to be out of place or superfluous,
but that ties in well with his notion of the author-narrator as a God figure.
All-knowing narrator

esthetic distance
reduce the tension of readers

increasing objectivity and detachment in appreciation and judgement


Step forward over the purely first-person narrative with which the modern
novel as a genre first began
A master of the realistic novel

 Work:

The history of the adventures of Joseph Andrews, and of his friend, Abraham

: satirizes the political system of England and the then Prime Minister
Sir Robert Walpole
【Laurence Sterne (1713-1768)】

a book of his own kind
The Life and Opinions of TristramShandy, Gentleman

连载1760-1767, nine volumes

The book appears formless

moments, no sequential order of

Intrinsic coherence and unity which the author’s pervasive sensibility assures

Psychological depth

Huge amount of humor, comedy, laughter

【Tobias Smollett (1721-1771)】

The adventures of Roderick Random

Has little structure 没结构,描写一件一件小事,章回体a series of engaging
descriptions of the incidents

Episodic full of disguises

Chapter 9
【The Romantic Period——An Introduction】the age of poetry 1798-1832

Romanticism fights against the ideas of ______.
A. realism B. Renaissance C. Enlightenment D. feudalism
Romantic writers employ all the following EXCEPT___as their poetic materials.
A. the commonplace B. the natural C. the simple D. the abstract
The main literary stream of Romanticism is ____.
A. poetry B. novels C. prose D. periodicals
The Romantic Age began in____ and came to an end in _____.
A. 1789…1821 B. 1778…1823 C. 1798…1832 D. 1768…1819
32. The Romantic period is a great age of all literary genres EXCEPT .
A .poetry B. Prose C. drama D. novel
 The Romantic Movement was international in the 19
 The Romantic Movement expressed a ___ attitude toward the existing social and
political conditions that came with industrialization and the growing
importance of the bourgeoisie.

A. negative B. Neutral C. positive D. indifferent

In France it occurred after the Napoleonic wars, with such notable figures as
Hugo, George Sand.
In Germany there were Geothe and Schiller.
In Russia there were Pushkin and Lemontov.
American Romanticism came some 30 years laterthan its European counterpart.
There were Irving, Cooper, Poe, Hawthorne, Melville, Emerson, Thoreau, Whitman
and Dickinson.
 The United States: on the basis of the natural rights of men.
 France was going bankrupt and the moneyed classes, the aristocratic classes, refused
to do anything about it. The three estates, the clergy, the aristocracy and the
commoners were in a head-on clash.
1789.07.14: people stormed the prison Bastille and released all the political
prisoners, and the National Assembly approved the Declaration of the Rights
of Man.

In 1793, King Louis XVI was executed, and the Reign of Terror with the Jacobines
in control began.
Then the middle of the roaders, the middle class took over with the Robespierres
in the lead, overthrew the Jacobines and started what has come to be known as
the ‚White Terror,‛


Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo in 1814, a long period of repressive rule
began in the whole of Europe.
 Britain:The government became moreconservative and repressive.

There were politicalupheavals; the ideas of revolution were up in the air.
The workers worked long hours, as long as 16 hours a day, yet their wages kept
going down. The coal miners were the hardest hit. They worked to death in
unspeakable condition.

With the battle of Waterloo, the first modern depression in England began.
Ultimately, government reactionary rule
and killed any possible
humanitarian initiative. 25 years of repressive rule followed.
 Difference from the 18
18世纪:财富不断增加,稳定感普遍盛行,人们觉得一切基本 良好:
The 18 century was centripetal
, with all the forces coming together.
It valued balance, the middle things, the middle class, reason, reasonableness,
common sense, traditional forms and values, deism, and moderation. The commonly
used words were ‚we,‛‛submit,‛ and ‚reasonableness,‛

The commonly accepted concepts of the period had to do with words such as
‚enthusiasm,‛‚intuition,‛‚inspiration,‛ and the pron. ‚I.‛
‚Divine Authority‛ was weakened and that a new value system based on the
personal and individual valued was coming in as a replacement.

 Representing the highest achievement in English poetry, the English Romantic period
has been considered the second great period in English literature.仅次于伊丽莎
the first generation of romance writer: William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor

the second generation of romance writer(the satanic school
): Lord
Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Keats

 Byron, Shelley and Keats belong to Romantic poets of ___ generation.
A. the first B. the second C. the third D. the forth
three famous prose writers: Charles Lamb, William Hazlitt, Thomas De Quincey
 The prose writers in the English Romantic Age developed a kind of
A. models of classicism B. familiar essay
C. rules of neo-romanticism D. ways of modernism

【William Wordsworth (1770-1850)】

____ lived the longest life.
A. Wordsworth B. Byron C. Shelley D. Keats
______is NOT a lyric written by Wordsworth.
A. My Heart Leaps UpB. Intimations of Immortality
C. Love’s Philosophy D. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
 In 1843, _______was made poet laureate.
A. Southey B. Shelley
C. Wordsworth D. Keats
 William Wordsworth, a romantic poet, advocated all of the following
EXCEPT _______.
A. Normal contemporary speech patterns
B. Humble and rustic life as subject matter
C. Elegant wording and inflated figures of speech
D. Intensely subjective feeling toward individual experience
 _______is one of the first generation of English Romantic poets.
A. Keats B. Shelley C. Byron D. Wordsworth
 Lake District
:pastoral lyrics

pastoral poems田园诗;
 He came to appreciate the serenity and its sedating power on the human soul and
made to the realization that nature cleanses and invigorates the human spirit.

Nature has the healing effect, is theembodiment of god ideas.
Nature began to assume the role of a nurturer and a guide in his mind.
 a warm supporter of the French Revolution
 financial constraint
part with wife and daughter

disillusionment with the course of the French Revolution

has a sister Dorothy
 In 1798 he and Coleridgeanonymously published a volume of verse,
Lyrical Ballas
, to which Coleridge contributed the supernatural poems
The Rime
of the Ancient Mariner
and Wordsworth the poems of common life and poems like
the famous
Lines Composed a Few Miles Above the Tintern Abbey.
 The first poem in The Lyrical Ballads is Coleridge’s
A. The Prelude B. Kubla Khan
C. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner D. Tintern Abbey
 The publication of ______ marks the beginning of the Romantic Movement
in England.
A. ‚Tintern Abbey‛ B.
Lyrical Ballads

Frost at Night
D. ‚The Daffodils‛
 Of the following statements about Lyrical Ballads, which is NOT true?
A. The poems are noted for the uncompromising obscurity of much of the
B. The poems show the strong sympathy not merely with the poor in general
but with particular, dramatized examples of them.
C. The poems Wordsworth added to the1800 edition of the Lyrical Ballads
are among the best of his achievements.
D. The natural description and expressions of inward states of mind
fused into one in most of the poems.
 In 1843 he became the poet laurete.

 At his death in 1850 he
came out in print.

 _____ is considered Wordsworth’s masterpiece.
The Prelude

Don Juan

 These poets have been called ‚the Lakers.‛

 The
Lyrical Ballads
is a monumental work in the history of English poetry.
a fresh breath of wind of change to English poetry
the beginning of the romantic period
English poetry.
The Preface to
Lyrical Ballads
, a manifesto
for romantic poetry.
 In_______, _______set forth his principles of poetry, ‚all good poetry
is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling‛.
A. The Preface to Lyrical Ballads; Wordsworth
B. ‚The Rime of the Ancient Mariner‛; Coleridge
C. ‚A Defence of Poetry‛; Shelley
D. ‚Lectures on the English Poets‛; Hazlitt
 Regardinglanguage, a selection of the language really used by the people.
Poetic language should not be essentially different from prose language.

 Sources of poetry: poetry comes from emotions, not from reason; it deals with
feelings, attitude, and emotion. The 18th century poet was primarily a craftsman
who could write well without feeling like it.
Wordsworth poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful emotion, recollected
in tranquility by men of deep feeling and much thought.
I wandered lonely as a cloud.

The Solitary Reaper subject
: should be different from
that of the precious age. Incidents and situations from common life
 Subject of poetry: should be different from that of the precious age. The subject
should come from the ‚incidents and situations from common life
Low and rustic life
may be used to better represent the
essential passions of the heart and the elemental feelings of men. People
who come from the middle or lower classes of society can be used as serious
subjects of poetic or even tragic concern.
The function of poetry is different from entertainment or from writing
poetry to help people remember things.
Wordsworth views the poet in a new light as well. He feels that the poet
should understand life better than other people do, and he elevates the
status of the poet. He sees the poet as a ‚seer‛ of a kind as well.
 Wordsworth has been known as a famous nature poet. He is almost a Nature faith.
 Like Rousseau, Wordsworth praises rustic people and simple country life as a
contrast to the corrupt influence of city life.
City: symbolize corrupt people
Nature: innocence
The conflict between nature and civilization
The city and country antithesis embedded here reminds the readers also of
his poems like
Lines Written in Early Spring, Resolution and Independence,
Michael, London, Ode: Intimations of Immortality.

 浪漫主义文学创作理论:语言,诗歌来源,题材

【Samuel Taylor Coleridge(1772-1834)】塞缪尔泰勒
 Coleridge’s _____ is a ‚conversation‛ poem.
A. Frost at Midnight B. ‚The Rime of the Ancient Mariner‛
C. Christabel D. BiographiaLiteraria
 One of Coleridge’s best ‚conventional‛ poems is _____.
A. Kubla Khan B. Frost at Night
C. Christabel D. BiographiaLiteraria
 Coleridge’s best literary criticism is _________.
A. Kubla Khan B. Frost at Night
C. Christabel D. BiographiaLiteraria
 Coleridge was a rare genius in the history of English literature. Not only was
he a great poet, but he was also a philosopher and a seminal critic. He blazed
the new trail together with Wordsworth and helped usher in the Romantic endeavor.

 Wordsworth was strictly of his own age. Coleridge spoke ahead of his time on
more than one subject.

Kubla Khan《

‚Or, A Vision in a Dream.A Fragment.‛

Actually, the poem is not about the Mongolian Khan at all. It is really about
the mystery of poetic creation.


 The prophetic greatness of Coleridge is best illustrated also in his
The Rime
of the Ancient Mariner

 In Coleridge’s ‚The Rime of the Ancient Mariner‛, the mariner suffers
the horror of death, because _______.
A. He experiences a shipwreck B. He is tortured with starvation
C. He undergoes much suffering D. He kills an albatross
The old sailor goes out to sea kills an albatross for no apparent reason,
brings doom to all his fellow crew, and lives on alone only to endure a
perpetual spiritual suffering.
For one thing, it is basically a Christian story, but also plants doubts
in the readers’ mind as to whether faith serves any purpose in life at all.

It can be read as a Christian poem as repentance and love bring redemption.

impeding crisis of faith in his century:

There is a kind of skepticism imbedded in the texture of the poem. The fact
of the matter is that, according to the Christian faith, after one sins,
one confesses and repents once for it, and it should be enough to receive
the absolution. But the old man in the poem has to repent over and again
and there seems to be no end of repentance.

To the Romantics and Coleridge along with them to some extent, nature is all
good, restorative, wholesome, a refuge, a guide, a teacher, a nurse and most
of them.
【Walter Scott(1771-1832)】
 Which one of the following does NOT describe the characteristics of
Scott’s writing?
A. The central heroes of his novels are young men of valor, who, taken
as a whole, are rather superficial, lacking in virility and lacking
depth of psychological characterization.
B. His works display his marvelous command of the Scottish dialect.
C. His plotting is often closely knitted.
D. He has an eye for the telling detail.
 _______is NOT among the representative essayists in the romantic times.
A. Charles Lamb B. William Hazlitt
C. Thomas De Quincey D. Walter Scott

 He was engaged in two departments of (two aspects of) literature and achieved
great success in both.
In the early phase of his career, Scott wrote poetry and became the most
widely read poet of his day.
In the last two decades he turned his attention to novel writing andfathered
the historical novel proper in England and Europe.欧洲历史小说之父
 _____ is considered the father of historical novelist in the English
Romantic Age.
Jane Austen B. Charles Lamb C. William Hazlitt D. Walter Scott
 Scott’s novels are essentially romantic in spirit, realistic in manners.
 Scott’s historical novels cover a wide range of subjects:
‚the Waverly ‛novels威弗利系列小说, a serious of works describing the
vicissitudes of the rise and fall of the upper classes, the uprisings of
the suffering people, the ceaseless border wars, and the life of the Period.

The Woodstock
:deals with the history of

_______is NOT a historical novel written by Scott.
A. Rob Roy B. Ivanhoe C. Marmion D. Waverly
【Jane Austen(1775-1817)】
 Jane Austen’s view of life is a totally_____ one.
A. romantic B. Sentimental
C. realistic D. pessimistic
 All the following are novels written by Jane Austen EXCEPT_______.
A. Mansfield Park B. Shirley
C. Emma D. Persuasion
 Romantic writer: live in romantic period, subjectsarelove and marriage
Neo-classical writer:for her, love is based on reason and consideration instead
of passion only
Regionalism writer:
Realistic writer: novels of matters
gentry class

 Austen came from a well-cultured country family, she wrote her novels for her
own family circle.
 She published her works anonymously. She was not famous in her lifetime.
 Scott admired her talent for portraying ordinary life in a wonderful way. Her
vision of real life as lived in a particular segment of society has placed her
as part of the ‚Great Tradition‛ of the English novel. sm
 Among her numerous strengths are her exquisite, compact prose, her moral
judgment, her wit, and her vivid character portrayal.
 One thing to note: her fiction is limited subject. Her novels cover just that
section of society to which she belonged: the country is hardly
any aristocrat
like a lord of the manor, or a poor peasant to feature as

her major characters.
 6 novels:
Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma,
Northanger Abby, Persuasion.
 Pride and Prejudice’s first title is ____.
A. First Impression B. A Book Without a Hero
C. The NewcomesD. Persuasion
 The prevailing tone in Pride and Prejudice is______.
A. bitter satireB. mild satire
C. strong approval D. strong disapproval
 Pride and Prejudice is noted for its vividly depicted characters who
are revealed through comparison and contrast with each other. Among the
following pairs of characters___are NOT in contrast.
A. Darcy and Wickham B. Elizabeth and Charlotte
C. Elizabeth and Jane D. Lady Catherine and Mr. Collins
 At the beginning of Pride and Prejudice, the attitude of Darcy and
Elizabeth toward each other is that of______ .
A. mutual affection B. mutual repulsion
C. mutual hatred D. mutual indifference
 Her ‚limitation‛ reveals a principle in literary creation that one can show
one’s best when one makes the best of one’s best knowledge.
 The secret of her fascination lies in the fact that her understanding of human
nature is so accurate.
 The portrayal of the characters is amazingly varied and colorful.
The gallery of women
here is simply glittering.
Jane Bennet: serene, reticent beauty
Elizabeth: spirited, vocal beauty, one of the most endearing girls in
English literature
Lydia: a spoiled brat: innocent and hopelessly silly and romantic
Charlotte Lucas: plain, practical and mistress of her own life
Mrs. Bennet: silly but devoted to her daughters
Mr. Bennet:shadow figure
, good- natured, impressionable

Chapter 10
The second generation ofromantic poets
【George Gordon Byron(1788-1824)】
 Some critics think that some of Byron’s poems show his _____.
A. individual heroism and pessimism B. love of nature and optimism
C. love of old writers D. hatred for the imperialism
 ___is Byron’s poetic drama with the material taken from Biblical story
or stories.
A .Cain B. Don Juan
C. Song for the Luddites D. Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage

 The revolutionary Romantic poet______ went to Greece to help that
country in its struggle for liberty and died of fever there.
A. Shelley B. Byron C. Keats D. Burns
 All the poems were written by Byron EXCEPT_______.
A. Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage B. Don Juan
C. The Isle of Greece D. The Masque of Anarchy
 Byron was born, clubfooted and handsome, into an aristocratic family. He
inherited the title of the baron from his great granduncle.

 As a boy he was moody, impetuous and vain.
As a young MP in the House of Lords, he was the most vocal about the injustice
done to the machine-breakers.
He was also a flamboyant society figure
and a sex rebel, always
attractive, proud and idiosyncratic but always the idol for the London drawing
A sexual veteran情场老手
He was said to have a passionate love affair with his scandal
was mainly instrumental in his social exile
 Byronic hero, handsome, chivalrous, energetic, pathetic, lonely, remorseful
over a sin, gloomy and misanthropic, sexually free and capable of generous acts
and magnanimity.

This figure is not simply the poet’s self- projection
, it is also
his aspiration for what he would like to become.

 Major poems:

Childe Harold《恰尔德哈罗德游记》
 The following statements are about ‚Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage‛.
Among them which one is NOT true?
A. It is about a young aristocrat whose ‚world-weariness‛ bespeaks
his loathing for English high society.
B. Besides Harold’s impressions of the countries he visits, the poem
is interspersed with Lyrical outbursts which give utterance to the
poet’s own philosophical and political views.
C. The first canto deals with Albania and Greece.
D. The last canto sings of Italy and the Italian people who have given
the world great writers and thinkers like Dante.
the poem that made the poet immediately famous on both sides of the
English Channel: ‚I woke up one morning and found myself famous‛


Don Juan《唐璜》
 Byron’s ____ is regarded as the great poem of the Romantic Age.
A. Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage B. Hours of Idleness
C. Lara D. Don Juan
 Which one of the following statements about Don Juan is true?
A. Byron began its writing in Italy in 1818, and finished it in 1823.

B. It is in 10 cantos.
C. The story of the poem takes place in the latter part of the 16th
D. It displayed Byron’s genius as a romanticist and a realist
masterpiece, a mock-epic

the long poem opens with famous line, ‚I want a hero‛

the Don Juan Question:男人学坏是因为女人勾引
All the archetypes of the Byronic hero

【Percy Bysshe Shelley(1792-1822)】
 ____ is Shelley’s well-known political lyric, which calls upon the
working class to fight against their rulers and exploiters.
A. Don Juan B. The Cenci
C. Prometheus Unbound D. Song to the Men of England
 Shelley was one of the famous Romantic poets in English literary history. He
came from a family of nobility, read, widely, and cultivated a passion for
influential philosophers of the time, such as William Godwin whose socialist
thought left a deep imprint upon his mind.
 He went to Oxford University but was expelled because of his anti-Christian essay.

The Necessity of Atheism‛

 Because of _______, Shelley was expelled from the Oxford University.
A. The Masque of Anarchy B. A Defence of Poetry
C. The Necessity of Atheism D. The Triumph of Life
 Mary Shelley(his wife) wrote her famous and historically important novel,

 major work:

Ode to the West Wind
 ‚Ode to the West Wind‛ is concluded with ___ mood.
A. triumphant and hopeful B. pessimistic and skeptical
C. desperate and sad D. indifferent
 ‚If winter comes, can spring be far behind?‛ is taken from _______.
A. The Solitary Reaper B. Ode to the West Wind
C. To Autumn D. Song to the Man of England

It can be seen as his signature poem.
It is his representative work both in theme and form, forcefully prophetic
in its fighting spirit and singular in its lyrical beauty.
Prometheus Unbound《解放了的普罗米修斯》
Shelley’s famous lyric drama 抒情戏剧

Prometheus Unbound is ____ masterpiece.
A. Wordsworth’s B. Byron’s C. Shelley’s D. Keats’
_______ is the poetic drama written by Byron.
A. Hours of Idleness B. Prometheus Unbound
C. Cain D. Oriental Tales

【John Keats(1795-1821)】
 Keats’ first poem is ____.
A. O Solitude B. On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer
C. Poems D. Endymion
 It is said that all Keats’s personality seems to be breathed into his
odes, of which the more famous odes are ‚de to Autumn‛, ‚Ode on
Melancholy‛, ‛Ode on a Grecian Urn‛ and ‚Ode to Nightingale‛, all
with the praise of _______ as their general theme.
A. Love B. Beauty C. Nature D. art
 Keats wrote five long poems. _______ is NOT among them.
A. Endymion B. Isabella
C. The Eve of St. Agnes D. Annabel Lee
 ‚Beauty is truth, truth beauty‛ is an epigrammatic line by _______.
A. John KeatsB. William Blake
C. William Wordsworth D. Percy Bysshe Shelley
 Keats’ best ode is ____.
A. ‚On a Grecian Urn‛ B. ‚To Autumn‛
C. ‚To Psyche‛ D. ‚To a Nightingale‛
 Critics agree that ____ is a great romantic poet, standing with
Shakespeare, Milton and Wordsworth in the history English literature.
A. Keats B. Wordsworth C. Coleridge D. William
 ___’s poetry is always sensuous, colorful and rich in imagery, which
expresses the acuteness of his senses. In his poetry, sight, sound,
scent, taste and feeling are all taken into give an entire understanding
of an experience.
A. Keats B. Shelley C. Wordsworth D. Byron
 All the sonnets were written by Keats EXCEPT _____.
A. London 1802 B. When I Have Fears
C. Bright Star D. On the Grasshopper and Cricket
 He came from a poor background.
 He seemed to believe that he was born for the pursuit of beauty, and made it
the major business of his short life.
 aestheticism:

Chapter 11
【The Victorian Period: An Introduction】
 The most important poet in the Victorian Age was _____.
A. Earnest Jones B. Elizabeth Gaskell
C. Mr. Browning D. Alfred Tennyson


England began enjoying affluence as a result of relative peace and the
advances in science and technology. The country changed from an agricultural
to an industrialized nation. It became more al economy
picked up at a high speed, education became more general, popular literacy
increased, and health and hygiene improved. Despite the gaping extremes off
wealth and poverty, life became visibly easier.
In socio-political terms the period can be roughly subdivided into two
phases. The first of these, beginning from 1832 through mid-century, was
one of development. There were upheavals such a s the passing of the first
Reform Bill in 1832 and the Chartist Movement. In 1859 Charles Darwin
appeared on the scene with his theory of evolution.
 The Chartist writers introduced a new theme into literature, the
struggle of the _____ for its rights.
A. soldiersB. peasants
C. bourgeoisie D. proletariat

features of its social, cultural and political life:
the growth of the middle class:
The middle class grabbed a huge amount of political power from the landed

This was done through the Reform Bill of 1832 which changed the way
people were elected to Parliament. It helped, on the one hand, remove
the rotten boroughs, i.e. rural areas with few or no people
Extend the right of vote to the towns where the middle class had the
While the middle class was immensely better off, the working class was
as wretched as ever. Poverty, overcrowding and crime---all these made
life impossible for the millions. The country branched off into what
politician-novelist Benjamin Disraeli called ‚two nations. Then the
Chartist Movement began with over one million people signing the
People’s Charter, asking for universal male suffrage, voting by ballot,
no property qualifications for candidates
 The Chartists refer to those _____ in the early Victorian Age
A. Romantic writers B. working class writers
C. realistic poets D. bourgeois writers

The conflicts between the capitalists and the proletarian in industrial
England caused the ______.
A. Enlightenment Movement B. Industrial Revolution
C. Chartist Movement D. Romantic Movement
The greatest of Chartist poets was _____.
A. Earnest Jones B. John Milton
C. Thomas Hardy D. John Keats
The middle class enforced its own values and tastes(
so that what Matthew Arnold called

cultural philistinism(
began to intensify
its control and made the life of the mind difficult if not entirely
impossible. Thus Victorian literature is essentially middle- class,
urban literature.
pig philosophy
The development of a very conservative kind of morality.
People prudish and squeamish about life in general and about sex and
love in particular. Clothes were made to hide the female body, it was
bad taste to use words like ‚legs,‛‛breasts‛and even ‚swimming.‛
Women were put on the pedestal for men to worship, which is another way
of saying ‚to condescend to,‛

Middle class came to be called ‚lady,‛ aristocratic women
Victorian womanhood: gentle, pale, sweet, submissive
sex and love
Although the beginning of feminism became visible---some women like
Mary Wollstonecraft had long begun to assert women’s right, and the
Victorian feminist thought was also very strong


domestic, domesticity
,responsibility, respectability, decency
, prosperity
Middle-class men could lead a secretive depraved life, every bet
depraved as any other age if not more.
Double standard:

The predominance of the moral aesthetic
that proved binding to most Victorian writers:
This literary aesthetic required that all write first to moralize and edify.
The duty of a writer is to spread and confirm established values and help
people behave accordingly.
具有很强的说教性 (之后出现完全不要道德的唯美主义
art for art’s sake)
The wide currency of utilitarianism

This was a hedonistic
kind of philosophy, embracing Utility, or
‚the greatest happiness for the greatest number‛, as the sanction of
morality, and spreading the belief that everyone was the best judge of
his own interest.
As a practical movement of philosophy, it advocated a few things which
med the need of the age. One of these was its emphasis on the importance
of representative government, universal education, trade unions, and
philanthropy. It encouraged individual growth and social reform and
supported democratic politics and material progress. However, it call
for laissez-faire( free market ) in industry and trade and commerce
encouraged selfishness, excessive individual freedom, middle-class
material expansion, and the growth of capitalism. Its idea of Utility
placed so much value on the machine and the usefulness of all the
branches of the sciences that it virtually dismissed everything else

as of little or no importance. For instance, Bentham saw poetry as a
Utilitarianism was on the whole the reflection of the spirit of
Victorian middle class liberalism, or philistinism as Matthew Arnold
called it.
Dickens’ Hard Times is another good example of anti-utilitarianism.
 Which novel makes a fierce attack on the bourgeois system of education?
A. Oliver Twist B. Hard Times
C. Great Expectations D. A Tale of Two Cities
 The two cities in A Tale of Two Cities refer to ____.
A. London and New York B. London and Paris
C. Paris and New York D. Brussels and Washington
The advent of the theory of evolution.
The Origin of Species

Darwin’s book is about natural selection

适者生存the survival of the fittest,social Darwinism, William Spenser
This caused sensation恐慌
Thomas Huxley
‚On the Physical Basis of Life‛
: man has no soul or spirit
independent of his body, added fuel to the fire.
The whole nation was amazed to know the world was not specially created
by God and that it would remain basically the same as it kept evolving
onward, put the church immediately on the defensive. The idea caused
quite a bit moral anxiety.
Faith in progress and a sense of earnestness:
A great sense of optimism that human nature and society were both
people were self-confident and saw themselves working
toward some promised with the hopefulness came a huge sense
of moral earnestness, especially in the thinking people. There was a
high feeling of responsibility among them to help solve the wold’s
problem. Robert Owen

【Victorian Prose】The Oxford Movement

【Thomas Carlyle(1795-1881)】
 ____introduced German literature to England with his Life of Schiller.
A. Thomas Carlyle B. John Ruskin
C. Matthew Arnold D. Tomas Macaulay

means tailor retailored
First is a discussion of clothes which ends with the notion that the external
world with its institutions and conventions is basically cloths. The
implication is that all nature is the clothing of God who is present in man’s
heart thought invisible.
The second part: ‚The Everlasting No‛

Past and Present
 In ____, Carlyle contrasted the misery and confusion of industrial
England with a certain Abbot Sampson’s admirable rule of his monastery
in the 12th century.
A. Past and Present B. Heroes and Hero-Worship
C. Sartor Resartus D. The French Revolution

【John Stuart Mill(1806-1873)】

His most significant work:

【Cardinal John Henry Newman (1801-1890)】

Chapter 12
【The Victorian Fiction: An Introduction】
The Victorian novel went through three major phases of growth.
 ____ is the major literary form in the Victorian Period.
A. essay B. poetry C. novel D. drama

Writers who wrote then such as Charles Dickens(1812-1879) were basically
were aware of modern ills which they lost no time to castigate,
but still wrote with the notion that the world was basically good and could become
better. This was a period of dichotomy and high complexity.

George Eliot(1819-1800)
to portray a moral world in which good and evil
co-existed and each received with time what was its due.

In her world people felt the manipulation of the forces out of their controlbut
they still had room for free choice.

Thomas Hardy(1840-1928)
Man became insignificant in a world cold and indifferent and probably

Zolanesque spirit

Victorian novels have some salient features:
All try to teach as well as to entertain
They are essentially urban, reflecting the values of the middle class.
They have the pattern of spiritual conversion built into their textual
Moral standard: Good triumphs over evil, good is praised and bad castigated
Formally, the city metaphor
recurs through them, and
so does
symbolic baptism.
Despite departures such as Dickens’ occasional romantic
andhalf-surrealist methods, social realism remains the Victorian novelists’

predominant mode of representation of life.
Third-person omniscient
,the unlimited vision

The achievement of Victorian fiction
Willkie Collins: First detective story writer in English history:
The Woman in White

His secret of success: let them wait let them laugh and let them cry
Elizabeth Gaskell:
Mary Barton Wives and Daughters
Lewis Carroll:
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Conan Doyle:
Sherlock Holmes
Lytton Strachey:
Eminent Victorians

【Charles Dickens (1812-1870)】Self-projection

____ is the greatest representative of English critical realism.
English critical realism found its expression chiefly in the form of
____ .
A. novel B. drama C. poetry D. sonnet
 _____ is an autobiographical novel and loved by Dickens himself most.
A. Great Expectations B. David Copperfield
C. Bleak House D. The Pickwick Papers

Dickens’ writing is an encyclopedic knowledge of _____.
_____ is the greatest among the critical realists of the Victorian Age.
A. Paris B. New York C. London D. Portsmoth
A. Earnest Jones B. Emily Brontё
C. Charlotte BrontёD. Charles Dickens
 Charles Dickens was impressive for his _____.
A. wide spread of critical realism
B. his spirit of democracy and humanism
C. his unforgettable figures with satire and simple and clear language
D. including A, B and C
A. Jane Austen B. Thackeray C. Dickens D. Charlotte

His career can be roughly split into two broad sub-periods.
Dombey and Son

His novels reveal plenty of evil, cruelty and suffering. All these offer
sufficient evidence that there is a good deal of pain and cruelty in English
society then. Though change is just around the corner, the system is to
Dickens still good and capable of becoming better.
From the end of the first period to the end of his life, the readers tend
to detect a Dickens pulling a long face and frowning profusely. He becomes
more and more gloomy. His mood change has to do with the ‚progress‛ of
the country toward the barbaric phase of capitalist development.
In the first part of his career he seems to have faith in the charitable
spirit of human beings, and portrays benevolent characters with warmth and
enthusiasm. But as the country moves into the middle and latter part of the

century life becomes worse and Dickens feels depressed.
The later phase of his career sees him painting a social picture
disconcertingly dismal and agonizing. Works like
Dombey and Son, Bleak House,
Hard Times, Little Dorrit, Great Expectations, Our Mutual Friend, Martin
and the half done
Edwin Drood
are all good illustrations.

 Which novel is a great satire upon the society and those people who dream
to enter the higher society regardless of the social reality?
A. A Tale of Two Cities B. David Copperfield
C. Great Expectations D. Dombey and Son

The Dickensian world is almost Shakespearean.

Dickens’ province范围is the whole of English society of his time
It is a world thronged with the diverse specimens of humanity.
It is a world where the readers can get a bird’s eye view of the panorama of
English life then.

The archetypal Dickensian hero or heroine is often an orphan or a child whose
parents, though still alive, are as well as dead to them.

will novel
Close in The modern existentialist hero现代存在主义主人公except for their
happy ending
Themes include dehumanization, alienation, and quest for self- identity
All modern in nature, Dickens was essentially Victorian

Dickens was essentially in intuitive artist. Spontaneity was his trade mark

Dickens’ genius is basically comic. One notable feature of his comic narratives
is his adroitness at creating the grotesque effect.畸形人

Comedy effect:
Cartoon character

His skill of exaggeration plays a valuable part so that many of his characters
appear like caricatures; in such cases the evil is all evil while the good is
all good.
Some of Dickens’ places can be grotesque, too.
 Dickens is skilled in the use of melodrama闹剧. His unique manipulation of plot,
masking, and disguised identities all conspire to give his work an exceptionally
charming melodramatic effect.
 Dickens is highly critical of his age. Social criticism is a hallmark of all his
works. He is supremely human and keenly sensitive to the problems of his age and
the plight of his people.
 Dickens does not mean no change the system资本主义制度 , reformist 改良主义者

Great expectations《远大前程》:


Initiation story, Bildungsroman 成长小说
Pip’s experience reveals the spiritual poverty of the time and the terrible
moral decline, the cause of which is directly traceable to the 19th century

mechanical civilization.

The first section opens the story, Pip is all innocent in the country.失天
The last section begins with his sudden brain fever, falling into a long coma,
a symbolic kind of death of the ‚gentlemen‛ in him
The moral rise is accompanist do by a social fall. The last scene looks like
Adam and Eve in the lost Garden. As the story of the novel is basically tragic,
original unhappy ending fits it narrative scheme better.

姐夫Joe:father figure, God figure
The novel is typically Victorian. It showcases some of the basic issues that
beset the age. First, there is dehumanization that follows in the wake of
, there is the sense of spiritual devastation that most
people in the novel but not least is the Victorian emphasis on the
home and the hearth. The home is the safe harbor for the weathered Victorians;
they come back at the end of the day for security, love and happiness. Pip comes
back to old Joe’s forge, which has been for long his own home. So do so many
other Dickensian horses and heroines,

【William Makepeace Thackeray(1811-1863)】
Opening chapter: Magwitch holds little Pip upside down so that the boy sees
the quaint picture of a world just as well inverted
Dehumanization 现代主义和后现代主义的主题
Vanity Fair(1847-48)
 ____ is Thackeray’s one of the best known works.
A. Sense and Sensibility B. The Book of Snobs
C. The Pickwick Papers D. The Song of Lower Class
 Vanity Fair has a sub-title. It is ____.
A. First Impression B. A Book without a Hero
C. The Newcomers D. Persuasion
 ______’s Vanity Fair is a satirical portrayal of the upper strata(阶
层) of society.
A. George Eliot B. Elizabeth Gaskell
C. W. M. Thackeray D. John Buyan
 The title of the novel Vanity Fair was taken from Bunyan’s masterpiece
A. The Pilgrim’s Progress B. Child Harold’s Pilgrimage
C. Gulliver’s Travels D. The Canterbury Tales

Chapter 13 - 17
【Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855)】

 Her work:
Villette, Shirley, The Professor, Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre
tells a fascinating story of suffering, love, and growth.

Eco-feminism 生态女权主义
Taking a job off as a governess第一个劳动女性形象,长相平平. 第一个说出自
The owner of the Thornfield manor. 讽喻体
The novel is basically autobiographical.
Basic features:

it's characterization, and it's description of the intensity of the human
success story 励志故事
Secondly, Jane’s warm and genuine passion touches the human heart in a
peculiar way.
 The book’s formal features:

The first-person narrative
The story is told chronologically 时间顺序
Represent end in Gateshead, Loowood, Thornfield, Norton, Ferndean
The nature of Jane’s emotional dilemma is always unfailingly charming.
She is pulled apart between two extremes of the human emotional spectrum: the
explosive physical and sexual energy of Rochester and the gentle but equally
coercive spiritual sublimity of ST. John Rivers.

【Emily Bronte (1818-1848)】

Withering Heights
, spoke ahead of its time.
 ____ is the main hero in the novel of Wuthering Heights.
A. Rochester B. Heathcliff C. Manette D. Martin
One may call it Cinderella tale or Bunyan allegory.
Archetypal criticism 原型批评
A typical Victorian book.
Mr. Earnshaw brings home a gipsy founding, Heathcliff, lose of identity
His daughter, Cahterine
His son, Hindley
Sigmund Freud : instinctive impulses
In formal terms the novel proves to be immensely interesting 多重叙事
 Emily Bronte wrote only one novel entitled ______.
A. Jane Eyre B. Agnes Grey C. Wuthering Heights D. Emma

【George Eliot (1819-1880)】
 Forerunner of psychological realism
 Major thematic concern relates to individual choices:
All her novels are full of making choices, and her plots develop with choices.
It is her belief that the individual has some limited freedom of will and that their
choices define their personalities and their relationship to the controlling
organic society,
 Works:
The Mill not the Floss, Middlemarch

 She tries not to be judgmental in black and white terms, and manages to leave areas
of gray.
 She has been regarded as a social historian:
The major events of the time and the major ideas of the period all find their way
into her works. Evolution, religious revival such as the rise of evangelism,
utilitarianism, positivism and agnosticism, all theses and more get their share
of space in her fictions.
 She is noted for her masterly psychological descriptions.

【Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)】
 After writing _____, Hardy turned to poetry.
A. Under the Greenwood Tree B. The Return of the Native
C. Jude the Obscure D. The Mayor of Casterbridge
 Naturism:19世纪末最后一个流派,20世纪初第一个流派,强调fate

The world became increasingly more amoral.
Man was no longer a free ethical being in face of the forces out of his control.
He was manipulated by fate and destiny and chances, and there was nothing he
could do about it.
Zola’s naturalism affect Hard: the spirit of determinism characteristic of
the naturalistic works of the period permeated his later novels as well.
 Works:

【Robert Browning (1812-1889)】
 He is remembered for a couple of things he did for modern poetry: His experiment
and use of the dramatic monologue(戏剧独白,John Donne最先用的) and his contribution
to the discovery of the mythical method and symbolism in the writing of psychological

My Last Duchess
 Wife: Elizabeth Barrett Browning,
Sonnets form the Protuguese

【The Aesthetic Movement唯美主义运动】Arts for art’s sake
 维多利亚时期强调批判现实主义,过分理性,末期从道德美学走向唯美主义
 Pre- Raphaelite Brotherhood
 Aesthetes特指19世纪末20世纪初的唯美主义
 代表人物: Oscar Wilde

Beauty was his watchword.
However, his was a morbid kind of beauty, associated with decay, pale cheeks,
sunken eyes, wasted limbs, coffin boards, graves and corpses and skeletons,
Wessex novels
Victorianism killed Hardy the novelist.与当时思想不容,改写诗歌
Tess: 异教女神形象
Aristotlean tragedy

Tess of the D’ Urbervilles
: the most pastoral of Hardy’s novels.

and sins and diseases. In a word, decadence was its hallmark.一种变态的美

Chapter 18 Victorian Drama

【George Bernard Shaw(1856-1950)】1925年得了诺贝尔文学奖
 G. B. Shaw’s play Mrs. Warren’s Profession is a realistic exposure
of the _____ in the English society.
A. slum landlordism
B. inequality between men and women
C. political corruption
D. economic exploitation of women
 By presenting a conventional hero as a villain, or a conventional
villain as a hero, ____ intends to give a shocking impression to his
audience and challenge the conventional way of thinking.
A. Rudyard Kipling B. George Bernard Shaw
C. T. S. Eliot D. D. H. Lawrence

‚Saint Joan‛ by G. B. Shaw is a ____.
A. historical play B. novel C. poem D. ballad
Which of the following statements about G. B. Shaw is NOT true?
A. One feature of his characterization is that he makes the trick of
showing up one character vividly at the expense of another.
B. He was strongly against the credo of ‚art for art’s sake‛.
C. He wrote plays to discuss social problems.
D. Too Good to be True is one of Shaw’s plays. It shows the decay of
capitalism and growth of a republic.
 代表作:
Mrs. Warren’s Profession
妓女Her business as a madam

【Oscar Wilde(1856-1900)】诗人,短篇小说家,长篇小说家,戏剧家,喜剧作家
 ____is Oscar Wilde’s only novel.
A. Lady Windermere’s Fan B. A Woman of No Importance
C. The Picture of Dorian Gray D. The Importance of Being Earnest
Mrs. Warren’s daughter: Kitty, actuarial accounting为妓女说话,抨击上层社
Arms and the Man, Man and Superman
Major Barbara, Pygmalion

Thematically,the play is an exposition of Shaw’s notion of the Life Force.

Woman of No Importance, Ideal Husband
The Importance of
Being Earnest, Happy Prince.
 His earnest literary endeavors should at least entitle him to a place in history.

 Earnest是维多利亚时期一个道德标准,要真诚

Chapter 19 The Early 20th Century
 The crisis of faith

Charles Darwin’s
The Origin of Species
The German philosopher Nietzsche had declared the death of God
Bertrand Russell had advocated a kind of despairing courage in his famous ‘ A
Free Man’s Worship’
Pessimism was prevalent悲观主义盛行,受到悲观主义哲学家影响,如叔本华
 Then the British Empire was declining. British imperialism was losing its hold.
 The alienation of the artist异化疏远,人和自然疏远,人和人疏远,人和自己疏远,
crisis of identity, 出现pursuit of identity
 The French symbolism法国象征主义heralds Modernism

Modernism is collection of a lot of ‘–isms’现代主义是很多主义的结合
 There was a strong sense of disaffection and a huge drive for change in the literary
 Important developments in the fields such as psychology, anthropology and
philosophy were exerting a far-reaching influence on literary creation.

【The Edwardians】
Arnold Bennett, H.G. Wells and John Galsworthy
 Which of the following novels was NOT written by H. G. Wells?
A. The Time Machine
B. The First Men in the Moon
C. The War in the Air
D. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
 Arnold Bennett’s masterpiece is _____.
A. Kim B. The Old Wives’ Tale
C. Lord Jim D. The History of Polly
philosophy: 尼采,康德,叔本华的哲学,都是非理性哲学irrational philosophy
psychology: 弗洛伊德Freudian psychoanalysis心理分析:I.d.本我,ego自我,
Sigmund Freud’s
Interpretation of Dreams
, Henry Bergson’s
new concept of time

【Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)】1907诺贝尔奖

The Jungle Books
 His imperialistic and white chauvinistic attitude
典型的英帝国主义的吟游诗人,bard of British imperialism
 _____ is considered ‚the bard of imperialism‛.
A. Joseph Conrad B. Arnold Bennett
C. Rudyard Kipling D. Sean O’Casey

 Rudyard Kipling was the spokesman for imperialist sentiment. Which one
is NOT his work?
A. Dubliners B. The Jungle Book
C. The Second Jungle Book D. Plain Tales from the Hills

【John Galsworthy (1867-1933)】1932诺贝尔奖
 He inherited the great tradition of realism in English literature and kept to his
traditional way of writing amid the engulfing din of a new way of literary
expression- Modernism.
 He came fromForsyte-Like family: lives and experiences of the rich men of property,
their selfishness, their philistinism, their decadence, depravity, and decline,
and their fierce conflict with the workers.
 His major works include the three trilogies三个三部曲:
The Forsyte Saga, Modern
Comedy, The End of the Chapter
Forsyte Saga novels家世小说:
The Man of Property, InChancery, To Let

 John Galsworthy won the Nobel Prize for Literature because of _____.
A. The End of the Chapter B. The Forsyte Saga
C. A Modern Comedy D. The Island Pharisees
 The Man of Property is taken from Galsworthy’s trilogy, _____.
A. The End of the Chapter B. The Forsyte Saga
C. A Modern Comedy D. The Island Pharisees

The main characters in The Man of Property do NOT include .
A. Soames B. Irene C. BosinneyD. Heathcliff
A typical Forsyte, according to John Galsworthy, is a man with a strong
sense of _____, who never pays any attention to human feelings.
A. justice B. humor
C. morality D. property

【 (1866-1946)】
The Time Machine, The War of the Worlds, The First Men in the Moon

【Joseph Conrad (1857-1924)】
 17 on a French ship,写海上冒险故事studied English hard, became a British subject,
and retired at 37 to devote his energies to writing

Lord Jim

The Heart of Darkness
, becomes a modern literary critical idiom

描写黑人和白人的冲突, novella中篇

 传统的写作方式,主题是现代的

Passage to India
:the importance of human communion

【The Georgians乔治派】20世纪两大派,爱德华派,乔治派

【War Poetry】描写WWI
 现代英雄观:view of heroism
 T.E. Hulme等,一边打仗一边写诗
 Most of the poems are short but vital and intense.
 As the war’s dehumanizing technology deprived man of his history-making role, man
lost his control of the war and his self and was no fought and died in the trenches.

He seems it is impossible for the East and the West to connect with one another.
Void of nothingness虚无的空白,现代主义
Chapter 20 The 1920s

 Britishwassinking into an abyss of mounting problems. Extremes of wealth and poverty
became intolerably acute. Slums increased.贫民窟
 Mortality rate skyrocketed among the working class and their family. And national
morality plummets along with productive. Abroad the country was feeling the
increasing impact of the economic depression then enveloping the whole of Europe
in its clutches. The tension between the imperialist powers was fast approaching
its breaking point. In addition, as a consequence of its ruthless robbery and plunger
of its colonies, Britain began to face the alarming enormity of the threat of the
national independences民族独立
 The Empire lost its world power supremacy as well as its economic dominance in
 The changes chiefly occurred also in the wake of the advances in science and
technology and the growing crisis of faith, the notion of God was losing its
 Relationship between man and man, man and nature, man and self.出现荒诞戏剧
 Growing sense of alienation异化感 isolation, evil side of nature, the
existentialist crisis of man
 Pessimism, nihilism虚无主义,existentialism在文学中全都体现
 The West of the time was a fragmented civilization without any unified set of beliefs
and longer which one characterized the world of Dante’s Divine Comedy, Chaucer’s
The Canterbury Tales, or Shakespeare’s plays.
 Works:

novel: James Joyce’s
Virginia Woolf’s
Mrs. Dalloway
To The
, Thomas Mann’s
The Magic Mountain

poetry: T. S. Eliot and William Butler Yeats
 Modernism represents a new mode of perception, a major feature of which is
disjunctive irony. In the Christian West, God is the unifying mythic center, the
provider of values for all, and the source to the original sense of wholeness. As
long as He is or is believed to be on the scene, all is whole and well. Now in the

new venture, God seemed to be gone, and life appeared to be fragmentary and chaotic.
This immensely affected thec concepts of selfhood and the world. This fact of life
and the mode of thinking that stemmed from it were both to be far-reacting in
consequences and ache a definitive influence on a good number of important issues.
One of these concerns the question of truth and reality and involved the whole system
of human epistemology. Another issue related to the breakdown of communication,
and the resulting sense of alienation between the self and the world.
 人群中的孤独,百年孤独,后现代主义生存状况,白噪音white noise,人与人缺乏交流
 self-referential and self- reflective
 Modernism as a movement was international

【Virginia Woolf(1882-1941)】实验派小说家
 ____ is the climax of Virginia Woolf’s experiments through the novel
form of ‚stream of consciousness‛.
A. Jacob’s Room B. To the Lighthouse
C. Orlando D. The Waves
 8. Which writer belongs to ‚stream-of- consciousness‛ school?
A. Virginia Woolf B. Thomas Wolfe
C. Sommerset Maugham D. Thomas Hardy
 Her residence at Bloomsbury.
 Mrs. Dalloway
 A room of one’s own, a purse of one’s own.
 Androgyny雌雄同体
 A multitude of new ways and techniques were employed in novel writing, and a new
style was being created.
断裂性,写moments,as modern life was fragmented and dislocated.

【James Joyce (1882-1941)】
 ____ is a great novel spending James Joyce 7 years of hard working to
A. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man B. Ulysses
C. Finnegans Wake D. Dubliners
 __________ is the most outstanding stream-of-consciousness novelist.
A. William Butler Yeats B. John Galsworthy
C. James Joyce D. George Bernard Shaw
 _____ was written by James Joyce.
A. Dubliners B. Portrait of a Lady
C. Picture of Dorian Gray D. To the Lighthouse
 He has become ‚the writers’ writer‛

发生在June 16,1904

Its structure bears such a striking resemblance to Homer’s Odyssey.
Thematically, the novel mainly discusses fate.

Chapter 21
【ce (1885-1830)】
 Which of the following is Not written by D. H. Lawrence?
A. The Waste Land B. The Rainbow
C. Lady Chatterley’s Lover D. Women in Love
 He was heavily influenced by Freudianism. He placed emphasis on the depiction of
the inner world and the irrational and called for the emancipation of the id.
 Lawrence’s major theme is love. His new life should begin with the freedom of sex.
 Works:
Women in Love, Lady Chatterley’s Lover, Son and Lover
恋母情结Oedipus complex
 In The French Lieutenant’s Woman,_____is an existentially independent
woman, as she said in the novel, ‚No limit, no blame, can touch me.‛
A. Sarah B. Ernestina C. Miranda D. Mantissa
 ‚He was silent with conceit of his son. Mrs. Morel sniffed, as if it
were nothing.‛ (Sons and Lovers by D. H. Lawrence) From the above
quotation, we can see that Mrs. Morel’s attitude to her husband
is .
A. sincerely warm B. genuinely kind
C. seemingly angry D. merely contemptuous

【Yeats and Anglo- Irish Literature and the Irish Revival】
【William Butler Yeats(1865-1939)】20世纪最伟大Yeats,Pound,
 Which of the following is not written by Yeats?
A. Four Quartets B. A Vision
C. The Winding Stair D. The Tower
 Yeats’s fame rests chiefly on his ______, using a lot of symbols in
his poem.
A. novels B. poetry C. dramas D. prose

【T. 】
 ____ was a leader of the modernist movement in English poetry and a great
innovator of verse technique.
A. W. B. Yeats B. T. S. Eliot
C. D. H. Lawrence D. G. B. Shaw

The Long Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
 The Wasteland荒原, The wasteland painters荒原派作家







