
2020年08月09日 05:02


Unit 1. History of medicine
Text A
Language Focus
Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary, and pay
attention to the tense, voice and collocations of the verbs.
1. is credited with;
2. are sometimes referred to as;
3. was supposed to;
4. were espoused by;
5. in addition to;
6. was attributed to;
7. categorize;
8. is given credit for;
9. though.
Sentence Simulation
Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Hippocrates proposed the humoral theory that the body of man has four distinct bodily fluids
in itself: blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile, different mixture of which leads to
different temperaments.
2. In ancient Greece, career as a doctor was passed on from father to son, so Hippocrates studied
medicine under his father from his early age.
3. Ancient Greek medicine was a field restricted by religious superstition where wizards cured
diseases by means of prayer, magic or ritual recitation of spells.
4. It now appears that Hippocrates was incorrect in his explanation of the causes of human
temperament, but his temperament categories and names have been in use ever since.
5. Ancient Western doctors about to enter medical practice were required to take an oath on
medical ethics, which was derived from the oath of Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physician
revered as ” in the West.
6. As the father of Western medicine, Hippocrates is the first to formulate the code of ethics that
doctors are required to comply with. Furthermore, his medical opinions and medical practice
have exerted a huge influence on the development of Western medicine for centuries.
Text B
Answer the following questions according to text B you have read.
1. Four traditional examination methods: looking, listening and smelling, asking, and touching.
2. ①TCM can make diagnoses and treat patients without needing a scientific understanding of
cause and pathogenesis.②the fundamentals of TCM remain largely unchanged and its theories
inexplicable to science.

3.①the methodological quality of trials is low.②Most of these trials are published in Chinese,
inaccessible to western doctors, and not included in systematic reviews. ③Selective publication
of positive trials is another problem.
4. All natural phenomena could be categorised into Yin and Yang (two opposite, complementary,
interdependent, and exchangeable aspects of nature), everything in the universe consisted of five
basic elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water), and the universe was constantly changing
towards dynamic balance or harmony. Yin refers largely to the material aspects of the organism
and Yang to functions. There is a circulation of Qi (energy) and blood. The organs work together
by regulating and preserving Qi and blood through the so-called channels and collaterals. Disease
occurs after a disturbance in Yin-Yang or flow of Qi or blood, or disharmony in the organs caused
by pathogenic (eg, sadness, joy, lifestyle) and climatic factors (dampness, heat, cold). Treatment
aims to expel or suppress the cause and restore balance.
Unit 2 Health professionals for a new century
Text A
Language Focus
Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.
1. integration
2. kept pace with
3. adopts
4. In view of
5. effectiveness
6. ultimate
7. acquiring
8. attributes
9. shifts
10. encounter
Translate the following sentences into English.
7. Medical science is no longer simply biomedicine, but a comprehensive discipline of
humanities, social sciences and biomedicine.
8. Science and technology development, along with social progress, has put forward higher
demands and greater challenges on higher medical education.
9. Medical education is characterized by a high degree of specialization and practicality, as well
as a comparatively high cost and a long training cycle.
10. It is the main task of medical schools to train good doctors needed by the people.
11. The objective of clinical medical education is to train capable and well qualified academic
doctors with a solid professional foundation and a broad spectrum of knowledge.
12. The innovation of teaching methods has not only improved the students' initiative and
enthusiasm to learn, but also enhanced the quality of clinical teaching and practice.
13. In spite of its great progress, our country’s medical education still fails to keep pace with
social progress, development of science and technology, and needs for medical and health

Translate the following passagesentence into Chinese.
1. 过去一个世纪教育的进步在于 三个时代的教育改革。第一个时代始于20世纪初,注重教
授科学课程。大约于20世纪中期,第二个时 代的改革开启了问题导向式的教学革新。现
在,我们需要进行体系导向式的第三个时代的教育改革,通过 调整核心专业技能使其适
2. 迁移学习是一种重要成果,其包含了三个基本的转变:从对事实的记忆转变为对信息的
搜索、分析和综合 从而作出决策;从追求专业文凭转变为实现核心竞争力从而达到医疗
体系里有效的团队协作;还有,从对 教育模式不带批判的照搬应用转变为对整体资源的
3. 医护人员在过去一个世纪以来对人类健康和发展做出了巨大贡献,然而,自满只会让人
们继续徒劳地采用 20世纪的教育策略,而无法应对21世纪的挑战。
Text B
Answer the following questions according to text B you have read.
1. Because it is crucial to tackle the obstacles of the 21st century.
2. The outcome- based core curriculum has served as a framework in many countries, and can be
adjusted for specific local needs as postulated by the commissioners.
3. Students participate in an international forum which brings together students of medicine,
nursing, pharmacy, and allied health professions (namely, the World Healthcare Students
Symposium). The benefits of the annual World Healthcare Students Symposia are for students
to learn to understand the different professions and discuss the best ways of effective and
fruitful collaboration.
4. The authors think the proposed focus on the implementation of innovative and promising
information and communication technologies merits attention and believe in its potential
benefits for the education of medical students. According to the authors, students from
low-income countries with a lack of resources can especially benefit from such initiatives as
the website Health Sciences Online, although such free initiatives should not counteract the
proposal to focus development assistance more strongly on health professionals’ education.
5. Yes. Student initiatives have tackled climate change, migrant health, and other issues of
global and national relevance.
6. Overall, medical students worldwide have been playing an active role in implementing the
recommendations of the Global Commission mainly by developing their own outcome-based
core curricula and launching an international forum which brings together students of
medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and allied health professions, among other initiatives.
Unit 3 Health-care system

Text A
Language Focus
Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

1. Compliance;
2. disparity;
3. prescribe;
4. maneuver;
5. commonplace;
6. underserved;
7. reconcile;
8. fragments;
9. plight;
10. invasive.
Translate the following passagesentence into English.
1. Many other Americans are denied insurance due to previous illnesses or conditions that
insurance companies decide are too risky or expensive to cover.
2. Health care reform will reduce our deficit by more than $$100 billion over the next decade and
more than $$1 trillion in the decade after that. So this isn’t radical reform. But it is major
3. An estimated eighty-three percent of people under age sixty-five who are in the United States
legally now have insurance coverage.
4. This year the law will start closing what is known as
Medicare coverage for some drug costs for older Americans.
5. President Obama promised senior citizens that the health care reform will not cut their
guaranteed benefits.
Text B
Answer the following questions according to text B you have read.
5. ①The SARS epidemic and rising public discontent generated the political will to fundamentally
reform the system, including a partial resumption of central management of public-health services
and a major reallocation of central resources to address inequities in health. ②The outcome of
these post-SARS reforms remains uncertain, but there are reasons for optimism.(a) Central
funding is supporting the re-introduction of a New Cooperative Medical System in rural areas and
a parallel programme for the uninsured in urban areas that plans to achieve universal coverage by
2020. (b) China can accomplish in health care reform. The exemplary national monitoring system
for infectious diseases implemented after the SARS epidemic (which provides real-time reports of
cases across the country) and the effective public-health response to the earthquake in Sichuan are
6. The most important task ahead is to focus attention and resources on improving the quality,
comprehensiveness, and cost-effectiveness of services.
Unit 4 Cancer and Life

Text A

Language Focus

Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.
1. Eradication
2. Deterioration
3. Withstand
4. Overwhelm
5. Recurrent
6. Prove
7. Outburst
8. Diverge
Vocabulary Enlargement& Reinforcement
1. Routine
2. Advanced
3. Chronic
4. Under siege
5. Physical &emotional
6. Malignant
7. Risk factor
8. Steady decline
9. Affluent
10. Admit
11. Severely weaken
12. Well up with
13. Recurrence
14. Undergo
15. Outlines
16. Gastrointestinal
17. Withstand
18. Chores
19. The unexpected public arising of …
20. Spasms
21. Chronicle
22. Flicker across
Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
1. 奥唐奈女士一个月前 的例行乳房X光检查并没有显示出肿瘤的迹象。但在夏威夷为期两
周的假期里,肿块迅速生长,因此她回 印第安纳州后就马上去看医生。
2. 1995年2月奥唐奈女士开始化疗,做了两次手术,包括乳房 切除,并于1995年8月完
3. 当夫妻二人有人对奥唐 奈女士的治疗感到恐惧害怕时,他们会向对方要求一段时间不谈
癌症,可能持续一小时或一天,在此期间 ,他们同意谈话不涉及她的健康危机。
4. 他们意识到夫妇两人共同的路突然分开了。他们经历同样的事情,但却有了完全不同的
5. 但他发现,他的信仰——不仅是宗教信仰,也包括对婚姻能承受长期压力的信念——正

< p>
6. 他们夫妻所经历的困难被公诸于众,甚至仅是在她朋友圈中公开,但这 不期意的公开,
Text B
Answer the following questions according to text B you have read.
1. Long before cancer could ever be detected by current imaging scans or blood tests, the new
way to find cancer earlier is to find an ultra-early indicator of the disease: substances in
blood platelets that indicate cancer is in the works. The platelet substances are a so-called
biomarker of cancer---- characteristics in bodily fluids that can indicate the presence of
2. Location of the specific cancer. If you don't know where the cancer is----if you can’t feel it,
see it, locate it, or biopsy it----you can’t treat it.
3. Statins (or HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) are a class of drugs used to lower cholesterol
levels by inhibiting the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase, which plays a central role in the
production of cholesterol in the liver. Increased cholesterol levels have been associated with
cardiovascular diseases, and statins are therefore used in the prevention of these diseases.
Research has found that statins are most effective for treating cardiovascular disease
(secondary prevention), with questionable benefit in those without previous CVD but with
elevated cholesterol levels. Statins have rare but severe adverse effects, particularly muscle
damage, and some doctors believe they are overprescribed. The best-selling statin is
atorvastatin, marketed as Lipitor (manufactured by Pfizer) and Torvast. By 2003 atorvastatin
became the best-selling pharmaceutical in history, with Pfizer reporting sales of US$$12.4
billion in 2008. As of 2010, a number of statins are on the market: atorvastatin (Lipitor and
Torvast), fluvastatin (Lescol), lovastatin (Mevacor, Altocor, Altoprev), pitavastatin (Livalo,
Pitava), pravastatin (Pravachol, Selektine, Lipostat), rosuvastatin (Crestor) and simvastatin
(Zocor, Lipex) Several combination preparations of a statin and another agent, such as
ezetimibesimvastatin, are also available. (
4. This discovery pushes the issue of early detection further than ever before. In effect, it could
allow cancer to be treated similarly to the way doctors now treat heart disease. Just as doctors
prescribe statin drugs to help prevent heart attacks in patients with high cholesterol,
oncologists could test patients for this early biomarker and prescribe drugs to help prevent
cancer. And just as cardiologists don't have to wait for a heart attack in order to act,
oncologists wouldn't have to wait until malignant tumors are found. Drugs in this case would
be used to stop the cancerous process itself -- rather than targeting a tumor in a particular part
of the body. The marker could also potentially be used to monitor patients who had already
had cancer for the earliest signs of recurrence.
5. Advantages: ①The new, less- toxic cancer treatment (So-called smart drugs such as Gleevec,
Tarceva, Iressa and Erbitux)target only cancerous cells, and have less toxicity than standard
chemotherapy regimens.②These targeted therapies, which can sometimes be taken for years,
have in many cases turned cancer into a manageable chronic disease, similar to the way
diabetes is treated. ③Drugs could be used to stop the development of blood vessels in the
cancer process itself, before the tumor even has a chance to grow.
Disadvantages: ①It isn’t clear yet what drugs would be given in the preventive step. ②Such

efforts are still in very early stages, and more research needs to be done to see that drug
treatment offers people the chance of improved survival outcomes.
6. The usefulness of the marker still needs to be validated in trials involving cancer patients,
before it could be used in clinical settings. And some observers note that the cancer
biomarkers discovered so far can have problems, such as false positives. Even with the
widely used PSA test, doctors still can’t tell whether a high reading indicates cancer or a
benign condition without doing a biopsy. “Very few biomarkers have really stood up against
rigorous testing in a clinical setting,” (says Sudhir Srivastava)
Unit 5
Text A
Language focus
1. interim provisions 10. diagnostic criteria
2. clinical application 11. initial step
3. intensive 12. baseline
4. summit 13. provisional approval
5. came into effect 14. cadaveric organ transplants
6. compensation 15. equitable
7. written consent 16. conform to
8. death sentences 17. religious
9. symposium 18. abolish
1. Organ transplantation is an accepted treatment today for many patients with
end- stage disease.
2. China has made selling of organs illegal as of July 2006 and claims that all
prisoner organ donors have filed consent.
3. Both the source and method of obtaining the organ to transplant are major ethical
issues to consider, as well as the notion of distributive justice.
4. It is now possible to transplant organs from animals into people.
5. In addition, the importance of various recipient characteristics to post-transplant
survival isn't fully understood.
6. Israel is to become the first country to give donor card carriers a legal right to
priority treatment if they should require an organ transplant.
Text B
1. The report highlights the fact that many medical and financial practices still
mitigate against the efficient identification and recruitment of organ donors.
2. As a result, waiting lists for renal transplantation continue to rise, putting
increasing pressure on dialysis budgets.
3. the working party recommends several initiatives to address the current shortage
of donors, including interventional (elective) ventilation, greater use of
non-heart beating donors, better training of staff, and better transplant

4. Spain itself attributes this success to its transplant coordination network, which
has a different philosophy from that in Britain.
5. The report highlights the inadequacy of Britain's current transplant coordinator
network and emphasises that a major expansion of coordination is “one of the
most important and urgent needs.”
6. After a diagnostic review, areas of weakness can be identified and the
appropriate management and educational changes introduced.
Unit 6 Doctor-patient relationship
Text A
Language Focus
Sentence Simulation
Translate the following passagessentences into Chinese.
1. 我刚将椅子拉近一点,突然,她像猫一样双手本能地朝我的两眼抓去,我差一点被她抓
2. 父母两人都非常尴尬,充满歉意。
3. 我竟喜欢上了这个野蛮的小东西,而对她父母 却毫无好感。在接下来的“战斗”中他们
越来越难堪,被摧垮了,直至精疲力竭。而出于恐惧,这个女孩 对我的抗拒达到了发疯狂暴
4. 在这种时候,谁都会叮咛自己,无论这个可恶 的小鬼做出任何愚蠢的举动,也要违背她
的意愿来保护她。这样做也是为了保护其他孩子,同时这也是一 种社会需要,事实也确是如
此。然而由于释放体内能量的欲望而产生的一种盲目的无法控制的狂怒和一种 成年人的羞耻
Essay Writing
Text B
Answer the following questions according to text B you have read.
1. The underlying reason might be that having to take her daughter to hospital for treatment has
been a miserable experience.
2. The most common childhood cancer, acute lymphoblastic leukemia is a form of leukemia, or
cancer of the white blood cells characterized by excess lymphoblasts.
3. The purpose for the author and her daughter to visit the doctor this time was to have the port
removed. The treatment for Michelle’s disease had concluded as a medically rousing success.
4. The anesthesiologist was tall and red- headed. He looked pale, exhausted, and had bags under
his eyes. Also, he was kind, caring and considerate. As the author put it, the anesthesiologist
not only practiced the mechanics but the art of medicine.
5. A lot of things came into the author’s mind after her daughter drifted off with the gas. She
thought of the tired residents who had been so tender with her fragile child, her daughter’s
stolen childhood, the many times she carried her daughter to hospital to be hurt, the fact that
she had recently learned that safe sedatives were often used to prevent children’s pain and
terror during procedures, but they were not offered at their clinic. Besides, she felt grateful
because her daughter was alive and most probably would grow up, marry, and have her own

babies some day.
6. To make Michelle feel better, the anesthesiologist talked gently to Michelle, used gas for
anesthesia to avoid pokes, allowed Michelle to pick her favorite flavor of gas, let Michelle
play with the bubble-gum mask, explained what was going to happen, promised her the port,
and whispered to her calling her a beautiful small bear to her delight.
Unit 7 Medical Research Ethics in China
Language focus
Text A
1. momentum (动力)翻译:日益增多的国际药业和科学机构资助合作科研,要求对涉及
2. protocols (议案) 翻译:现在,中国政府加大了对研究的资助,对国内研究方案的伦理
3. codes;issued (准则;公布)翻译:当前多数医学伦理审查准则,包括中国卫生部 07
4. arise (vi.)(引起,产生) 翻译:在贫穷地区开展大规模药物试验,要考虑公平问题。
5. coexist (共存)翻译:中国传统伦理强调的是社会和谐,而不是个人利益,强调尊重个
6. adherence to (遵循)翻译:中国伦理强调为他人着想,而非死守着笼统的道德原则。
7. at play; rise (n.) (生效的;兴起)翻译:随着文明社会的逐渐形成,国内一些组织倡导
c.f. arise(vi.)产生,例:The problem arose simply because you didn’t follow my instruction.
rise (vi.) 升起,例:The flag rises slowly.
arouse (vt.) 引起, 例:arouse the interests of sb.
raise (vt.) 提起,例:raise the bucket
8. lies in (lies in sth. doing) (在于) 翻译:对受试者最大的威胁是对潜在危险的忽视与不作
9. standardised (Br.) standardized (Ar.) (标准化)翻译:中国在 全球医学和科研界中的重
10. vigilant (derivation from “vigil”) (谨慎的)翻译:相要保护受试者 的权益,关键在于对
医学研究进行严谨的规范,而非讨论外国伦理原则和中国传统伦理哪个更适合中国的 国
在中国,应用这种三大原则的医学科研伦理审查面 临着两大难题。第一,中国
2. 医学和医学科研中以经济利益为主导动机的活动越来越多,经济利益之间的
冲突也 越来越多,经济利益的考虑大大超越了伦理的考虑。这些变化不但表现为
医学科研界、药业界和出资机构 忽视伦理的趋势,也表现在受试者和政府相关部
门中本应以保护受试者安全为首要责任的利益相关者的行 为上。
3. 当前中国既有公民社会和非政府公益性组织大力倡导保护受试者的伦理要

Fresh Thinking about the Declaration of
Answer the following questions according to text B you have read.
1. Since the conception of the declaration, much has been changed in the nature of research and
bioethical thinking. However, public confidence in research is at an all time low, and the
current model and traditional ethical tools fail to meet their objectives.
2. The declaration’s objectives were to protect human subjects in research. The framework of the
declaration has been criticized as being paternalistic and for failing to address the full scope of
ethically responsible research.
3. Basic ethical principles in the alternative comprehensive framework proposed by the author
can collectively inform, support, and direct all aspects of research. It broadens the scope of
ethical research beyond that of the behavior of the individual investigator to include the full
range of stakeholders.
4. A rethinking of the concepts of autonomy, justice, vulnerability, and benefit.
5. The root of injustice is inequalities in power structures, resources, and knowledge, which are
particularly acute in resource poor countries. To reduce inequalities in researches, a research
model should be set up, in which the subjects should be seen as partners.
6. An ethically responsible research must be proactive, dynamic, universal, transparent
responsive, and consultative. Most importantly, it should inspire researchers to approach
research in an ethically responsible manner.
7. No, they are not almighty because there are also social problems. Regulations are only
instruments and can not achieve their objectives in isolation from an ethical social culture.
Unit 8 Publish or Perish

Text A
Language Focus
Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.
2. bring to light; shaping;
3. highlight, push, promote;
ng down on;
, on;
g through.

Sentence Simulation
Translate the following sentences into English.
1. She was intrigued and more than a little suspicious.
2. This assistant professor at a fairly high-powered academic university had many first-author
publications in high-quality journals and demonstrated academic productivity.
3. She was frightened and didn't realize that her so-called intimate friends had gotten her into such
hot water that it could have potential implications for her promotion.
4. The Physician detailed the benefits of the therapy while minimizing its risks.

Ghostwritten articles skewed the medical literature by injecting a marketing spin that benefits
the sponsor.
6. The cynical injection of marketing messages into the scientific literature sounds outrageous, but
abuses common in academic publishing set the stage.

Text B
Answer the following questions according to text B you have read.
1. Like other customs, authorship is usually not determined by explicit criteria and not
in polite d with parallel trends toward greater numbers of authors being
included on manuscripts and increased collaboration across disciplines, young scientists these
days often find themselves involved in complicated negotiations with other academics over
2. Several phenomena, including the use of co-authorship or several first authors, honorary
authorship, and ghost authorship, are likely to increase the complexity of these negotiations.
3. When a medical writer is hired to write up the study, or an individual made contributions that
merited authorship but is not included in the list of authors, ghost authorship occurs.
If the ghostwriter, or the named authors, haven't understood the underlying experiments and may
be unable to explain or defend them to other scientists, scientific dialog with the authors is
threatened. Additionally, because the process of reducing the work to writing forces the
investigator to more closely examine the study and often gives rise to refinements, much can be
lost by farming out the writing, including reducing the academic training opportunities for the
student or postdoc authors. Ghost authorship leads to less accountability for the data and its
interpretation by diluting the responsibility for the research. It also increases the likelihood and the
number of those victimized by fraudulent work.
4. ①For graduate students and even more so for postdocs, the order of authorship can seem to
make or break an academic career. ②Many researchers are not aware that different academic
fields assign different meanings to the order of authorship. For example, in some fields, the last
author spot is customarily reserved for the principal investigator or head of the lab. In others, the
department chair holds that spot. In yet others, placement as last author means that that person was
the one who had the smallest contribution to the work. ③Authorship placement is often an
unspoken tradition.
5. Ombuds are a confidential, neutral, and independent resource for trainees and faculty. As a
neutral party, it can help balance the power disparity between the parties and attempt to mediate
the dispute. Ombudsmen are frequently asked to help resolve disputes over authorship,
particularly disputes over the order of authorship. They may assist the parties in understanding

how a dispute arose and how best to consider resolving it.
6. ①Journals request written confirmation or specification of authors' roles and contributions.②
Reliance on curriculum vitae to describe one's scientific contributions is reduced for lessening the
pressures of authorship. For example, during the job application or promotion process,
explanations of precise roles in published research could be included in letters or addenda to the
Unit 9 To Err is Human
Text A
Language Focus
Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.
2. become; alert to; who are committed to;
3. initiated;
4. very;
5. incentives;
6. set, adhere to;
7. urge, to;
Sentence Simulation
Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Health care quality and patient safety has become a worldwide concern with the frequent
occurrence of adverse medical events worldwide endangering patient safety. The cost incurred
for countries, especially developing countries is growing, and how to address patient safety
has become a primary focus.
2. Japan is entering the aged society with the elderly over the age of 70 ever increasing. Elderly
people are not swift and fall down than 80% of our patients aged over 70 were
hospitalized after a fall.
3. People's living standards are ever improving as society and economics develop. There is an
ever increasingly urgent pursuit of life and health and growing emphasis on life and health.
Patients expect satisfactory clinical outcomes, even expect an everlasting life. Could doctors
make it
4. Patient Safety Goals has recently been developed by Jiangsu province, the formulation of
which is of vital importance for the strategic development of medical institutions. It can
regulate the behavior of medical personnel and hospital management system. It can also guide
the rational use of drugs, devices and science and technology.
5. It is estimated that the number of deaths from medical errors is twice as much as those from
traffic accidents or breast cancer or AIDS-related deaths in the U.S.
6. The highlighted global patient safety challenge is due to institutional inefficiency and poor
healthcare management. The institutional problems must be solved and healthcare
management should be strengthened to achieve patient safety and social security
Text B

Answer the following questions according to text B you have read.
1. Yes. There are missed opportunities. Institutions are still generally underinvested in patient
safety. The federal government's investment in safety through the Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality, for example, is about 1500th of its general medical research investment, as reflected
in the budget of the National Institutes of Health.
2. The results provided by error reporting systems could be used to improve systems or educate
health care providers. Hospitalists and health care providers can be encouraged to report medical
errors when they learn that their reports made a difference.
3. IT system crashes, faulty systems that actually introduce errors, physicians rebelling against
computer interfaces that are not user-friendly.
Health information technology may be useful for:① reducing medical errors by transmitting
accurate information electronically and eliminating mistakes due to misreading of doctors’
handwriting ②improving the quality of care by decreasing medical errors and assuring that all
health care providers have accurate and timely information.
4. A system that could not assign fault on truly blameworthy errors should be torpedoed.
Accountability mechanisms focused on ensuring safer care rather than assigning individual blame
is of vital importance.
efforts should be made in the five major areas related to advancements in patient safety:
regulation, error reporting systems, information technology, the malpractice system and other
vehicles for accountability, and workforce and training issues.
Unit 10
Text A
Language Focus
Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary,
and pay attention to the tense, voice and collocations of the verbs.
1. focus on;
2. convinced;
3. quantitative;
4. seduced;
5. yield;
6. decisive;
7. honed;
8. due to;
9. flexible;
10. aspiration.
Sentence Simulation
Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Most young women believe they will achieve a balance between a rewarding career
and a fulfilling personal life, despite the economic upheaval and a legacy of corporate
culture that favors men, a survey shows.

2. If your job is rightly chosen, it will not only give you a means of sustenance, but
also help you escape from boredom and banish from your mind the worry about
leading a meaningless life after so many years of higher education.
3. You've accumulated overtime because you were so into the work you were doing
that you lost track of time.
4. You have managed to find a balance between work and personal life and it doesn't
involve losing too much time with either one.?
5. It would seem that their choices to focus on work have left many of them without a
family of their own.
6. Compared to women, men attach greater importance to their roles as providers and
protectors of their families.
Text B
Answer the following questions according to text B you have read.
1. She has achieved pioneering use of mass spectrometry for the study of protein
complexes .
2. Her supervisors were very encouraging to me. They said she would be bored as
a technician all her life. And so she did 7 years of part-time study, which was
fantastic because then she went to Cambridge,
3. As soon as her elder son was born, she just thought,
best as I can and I'm going to stay at home until he's at school.
4. She did work pretty hard at my presentation. Because obviously she was
interviewed alongside current people, what she did is show a lot of interest in
the project. And she tried to show a lot of initiative. Eventually she managed to
convince people here in Oxford that I could be taken back on as a postdoc.
5. The very hardest thing for she was, when she started to have some success, she
got invited to conferences. It was just an operational nightmare trying to
organize cover and people to help during all those times.
6. Women can have a family and still be effective as a scientist, even though at
times it feels as though you're not dedicating enough time. It's not how long you
work, it's what you do and how you work that's important.







