
2020年08月09日 05:14


For Your Information背景介绍
Chapter 1
Daily Negotiations
I'm going to the park to play baseball with the guys.
But you promised to play chess with me this afternoon.
Yeah, but that was .....(详细对话参见Disk 1-2)
Negotiations aren't just for business; they lie at the heart of all human interaciton. They
make it possible for society to function. Unless you're a hermit living in a cave, you
negotiate things every day from the time you get up, until you go to bed. At home, people
negotiate the restaurant they go to, the movie they see, the TV program they watch, who
showers first, and who goes to the market. At work, we negotiate who uses the copy
machine first, and who watches the phone during lunch.
谈判不只是为了做生意,它们根植于所有的人类的沟通活动中,使社会得 以运作。除非你是
一个住在洞穴里的隐士,否则你每天从早上起床到睡觉为止,都得谈判。在家中,人们 会为
Our day is one continuous negotiation, and it's likely none of them involve money. We're
so used to negotiating that we don't even think about it, it's how we live peacefully
together. We learn in childhood that things are a value for value trade off.
我们每天的生活就是不断的商议,而这些商议都和金钱无关。我们太习惯和他人 商议,所以
这样的动机几乎成了我们的反射动作,商议、谈判正是人们得以和平相处的原因。我们在孩< br>童时期就学到了每件事都是有价值的,都可以当作是谈判筹码。
To get what we want, we have to trade what we have, and we take that idea into
adulthood. It's great if things stay like that your entire life. If all negotiations were
performed with the honesty kids use in the playground, there'd be no need for this book.
But , sometimes they don't. Things have been kicked up a few notches, and some
negotiators don't play book will tell you what's going on, and how to handle it.
要得到自己想要 的东西,我们就必须拿自己拥有的东西去交换,而我们也把这种思想模式带
到了成人阶段。如果事情能够 一辈子都是这样该多好。如果谈判时,大家都秉持着孩提时代
玩耍时的诚实态度,这本书就没有存在的必 要。但是有时候,人们并不会诚实相待。事情改
观了,有些谈判人员并不会公平就事论事,而本书将会为 你解析情况,并给你一些应对的方

There are no set pattern negotiations in English that you follow. It's determined by the
local customs and the players involved. I've seen minor points take days of hard talking ,
and once negotiated a three hundred thousand dollar contract during a two-hour lunch.
We spent five minutes on the deal, the rest on other topics.
英语谈判并没有必须遵守的既定模式,全凭当地的规矩 和相关人员而定。我曾为一些小事情,
费尽唇舌谈判了好几天;但也有一次,只花了两个小时的午餐时间 ,但谈成了总值三十万美
The following are examples of day-to-day negotiations we perform without thinking. The
first shows Jack and Mary as children at play working things out. In the second one, Jack
and Mary are a couple planning an evening out. The third shows Jack and Mary as
coworkers cooperating to keep things running smoothly.
下 面这几个对话,是我们不自觉中就会进行的日常生活谈判。第一个对话是孩提时代的杰克
和玛莉,他们正 想解决问题。第二个对话中,杰克和玛莉是一对情侣,他们在商量晚上要去
哪里。在第三个对话中,杰克 和玛莉是同事,他们讨论该如何在工作上配合得尽善尽美。
Chapter 2
Sometimes It's Fast and Easy 快速、简单的谈判
Mike: Hello, come in, I've been waiting for you.
May: Thank you, I'm not late, am I?
Mike: No,no,no,not at all. It's just that I 've been ……(对话内容详见Disk 1-6)
For Your Information(背景介绍)
A fair and equitable deal can be reached quickly, with a minimum of effort on even the
most complex issues. It depends on who the major players are, how motivated they feel
and whether lawyers play an active role. If you think that's a little unfair to attorneys, you
might be right. However, most of the lawyers I've worked with agree with me, off the
record, of course.
There are businessmen and women out there who still do things the old- fashioned way.
Their negotiating style in much the same as it was when they were kids. They know the
rules, that to get value, they have to give value. All they want is a reasonable profit. When
you run across a company like this, you should go out of your way to keep them happy.

2012年常用商务英语谈判对话精选:03 公平交易

Chapter 3
Playing Fair 公平交易
Hi, Bill. It's Masha Black at MPPM Ltd. How are you?
Hello, Marsha, I haven't heard from you in a long time. I'm great, and you?
……(对话详见Disk 1-10)
For Your Information(背景介绍)
I did my best for my clients, but I never screwed a contractor to gain my client an unfair
advantage, and that earned me a reputation for being fair. It made it easier for me to do
business and get good deals for my clients. I was more effective with less effort than the
other managers in the office. I got things done faster and the company's board was able to
handle business more easily, especially when it came to getting competitive bids.
Thankfully, there were a lot of businessmen and women out there who were the same way
and bidding out work was one of the easier parts of my job. Being fair and easy to deal
with got me the bids on time with a minimum of effort. Once a bid was accepted, working
out the details was friendly and quick.
When I asked for a bid, the contractor knew I was serious and the work would be done. I
wasn't just getting data for a curious board that might not do the work for another year or
I'm getting at is that no matter how large the town where you do business is, not
everyone in the town is in the same business. The people in your field are competitors and
they may not share trade secrets but they do talk and from time to time you get to be the
topic of the day. It's a small town, and everybody knows everybody else.
Remember there's no such thing as a free lunch. Everything has a price and somebody
pays for it. A free estimate is't free. It's called free because you don't have to pay for it but
it cost time and materials for the vendor to prepare. They are part of game and every
proposal doesn't get accepted,but if a vendor has a choice of doing one for someone who
only asks when he's serious or someone who is only testing the waters for a sale that's
still months down the road, and the job will have to be bid for again, who gets priority?
If it's for information only, I tell them so. Then,the vendor knows how much research he
needs and it will take him or her a tenth of the time it takes to put a formal bid. After you're
asked for a bid, stay in contact with your contacts. If they lose the bid, you should call

them and tell them the details about why they lose it, so they know all their work wasn't for
Chapter 4
Honesty is the Best Policy 诚实是上策
Jack: Donna! How are you? It's good to hear your voice.
Donna: Thank you, Jack, it's always a pleasure doing business with you.
Jack: So how are things in the land of the free and the home of brave?
……(对话详见 Disk 1-14)
For Your Information(背景介绍)
Having a reputation for honesty is important in doing business and following the advice
above will go a long way, but that's not eveything.
I was offered bribes, but never took them. Without making an issue out of it, I thanked
them for the offer, declined and rarely called them again. I feel if a man needs bribes to
sell his product, it can't be very good, and I don't want to defend a poor product purchased
at my recommendation. After a few months, the offers stopped. Also, because I was
honest, I got things from clients and suppliers the other executives couldn't, or found
difficult. Having a reputation for honesty helps.
Dialog 3
The following dialog is based on the above,using the same 's a break in
the dialog where Jane sees the talks are she returns,she tries walking
the dialog,the section prior to the break remains r,this time
Jane has to work with this company,so she can't walk has to find a way to make
the deal work,so she tries the stupid dialog below picks up after the break.
必要再谈下 去,打算一走子之。而在这段对话中,决裂前的部分都大同小异,不同的是,这

次珍一定 跟对方做生意,所以不能说走就走。为了想办法谈成交易,她试着装憨,以下对话
Bob:Well,it's the best I can do.
If you want to sell me your DVD players,you need to accept my we have a deal?
Jane:I'm afraid not,Bob.I really don't have any more room to maneuver.
You're going to have to up the price some more,a lot more.
Bob:Jane,I told you,with business the way it is,the Koreans dumping units in our
market,the down economy, our decreased market share in the last three quarters.
珍,我告诉过你,现在业界的状况是,韩国人倾销大量的 DVD放影机到市场上,经济又不
We can't compete if we pay your price.
Janb:Bob,you're breaking my heart,but my hands are also tied.
My boss told me not to sell these units for less than it costs to make them.
I can't go any lower.
I already made two counter offers to yours and you haven't budged.
Now I'redemonstrated I'm willing to work with you,and you can say is
Bob:It's good offer,the best we can do.

Jane:Look,this is getting us nowhere.
We've been here for more than seven hours and we're no closer to a deal than when we
I suggest we call it a day,and try again tomorrow.
That is if you think we have anything to talk about tomorrow.
Bob:Maybe you're right.
Look,this isn't an official offer.
I'm not authorized to go any higher,but during the evening I'll check with my people and
see if we can sweeten our offer a bit.
Like I said,this isn't official but maybe I can come up a as much as twenty-five
cents per unit.
Janb:Bob,you know I need something more like two and a half dollars.
That's still way too low.
Bob:I know,but don't forget that wasn't an offer.
I'm not authorized to offer any more.
I'm just sort of thinking out loud that maybe my people will allow me to come up that much.

Jane:When you talk to them,I suggest you discuss some larger numbers, and I'll call
Vocabulary 重要词汇
bargain in good faith善意的谈判
trump card王牌
price hike价格上扬
writing on the wall注定的事
These things happen.这种事难免的.

Chapter 9
Preparing for the Negotiation Session准备谈判
I'm sorry, Bill, but I can't help you.
US$$6.37 per unit delivered to your factory in Taiwan is the best I can do.
For Your Informaiton(背景介绍)
Negotiations requre preparation. You have to do your homework. Both sides need to know
all they can about the other, just to know what to expect. The buyer needs to know all he
can about the product, what else is available, the properties it must possess, the cost of
parts acquired from subcontractors, and production costs. Basically, he must know
everthing the manufacturer knowns. The seller has to know who the buyer will sell it to,
and the price range it has to meet to be competitive.
If you're buying components, check with your production staff for special packaging,
manufacturing or assembly changes the source can do cheaper than you. You should
look for things that would reduce your production cost more than it would increase theirs.
Then, compute exactly how much that would reduce your overhead on a per unit basis,
and the total projected savings for this purchase.
There are two ways to introduce these cost cutting steps. You can include them in the bid
specification. This is clearly the best way to go in most cases. If you know the supplier is
difficult and something unreasonable on price, it may be better to not include them in the
contract. Don't put them on the table at the start of negotiations. Use them as bargaining
chips during the talks. For example, let's say you've worked out the problems and it's a
matter of price. You need a certain price to make the deal work, but your supplier refused
to come down a something you can afford. This is where you put the bargaining chips into

If you know how much these extras reduce your overhead, factor it into the price and
increase your offer accordingly. If you have discussed all this before you left home, there's
nothing to figure at the table; you know right where you stand. Of course, you don't offer
the entire savings at the start, but let the other side negotiate you to a higher amount.
They'll feel like they've gained something and who knows, maybe they'll accept your first
price. Almost any trade off can be used as a bargaining chip. A trade off is when one side
offers something valuable to the other side. There are several frequently used types we'll
cover here, and this isn't a complete list.
Chapter 9
Preparing for the Negotiation Session准备谈判
I'm sorry, Bill, but I can't help you.
US$$6.37 per unit delivered to your factory in Taiwan is the best I can do.
For Your Informaiton(背景介绍)
Negotiations requre preparation. You have to do your homework. Both sides need to know
all they can about the other, just to know what to expect. The buyer needs to know all he
can about the product, what else is available, the properties it must possess, the cost of
parts acquired from subcontractors, and production costs. Basically, he must know
everthing the manufacturer knowns. The seller has to know who the buyer will sell it to,
and the price range it has to meet to be competitive.
If you're buying components, check with your production staff for special packaging,
manufacturing or assembly changes the source can do cheaper than you. You should
look for things that would reduce your production cost more than it would increase theirs.
Then, compute exactly how much that would reduce your overhead on a per unit basis,
and the total projected savings for this purchase.
There are two ways to introduce these cost cutting steps. You can include them in the bid
specification. This is clearly the best way to go in most cases. If you know the supplier is
difficult and something unreasonable on price, it may be better to not include them in the
contract. Don't put them on the table at the start of negotiations. Use them as bargaining
chips during the talks. For example, let's say you've worked out the problems and it's a
matter of price. You need a certain price to make the deal work, but your supplier refused
to come down a something you can afford. This is where you put the bargaining chips into

If you know how much these extras reduce your overhead, factor it into the price and
increase your offer accordingly. If you have discussed all this before you left home, there's
nothing to figure at the table; you know right where you stand. Of course, you don't offer
the entire savings at the start, but let the other side negotiate you to a higher amount.
They'll feel like they've gained something and who knows, maybe they'll accept your first
price. Almost any trade off can be used as a bargaining chip. A trade off is when one side
offers something valuable to the other side. There are several frequently used types we'll
cover here, and this isn't a complete list.
2012年常用商务英语谈判对话精选: 10谈判成员的筛选
Negotiations Staff Who to Bring 谈判成员的筛选
Dialog 1 Disk 3-10
The first dialog shows a well-prepared woman, Lilly, at a sales meeting selling computer
sound cards. She's up against a team, led by Hank representing the buyer. This is the first
time these companies are dealing with each other, so the buyer is going go try to
overwhelm Lilly to get a better deal. Lilly is alone and all other charaters at the meeting
work for the potential buyer.
第一个对话中,莉莉是一个 准备周全的女性,她参加了电脑声卡的销售会议。她的谈判对象,
是以汉克为首的买方小组。这是两家公 司第一次做生意,因此买方想用一组成员来压制莉莉,
以得到更好的条件。莉莉单独出席这次会议,其他 与会人士都属于买方阵营。
Hank: All right, Lilly, we've been getting a good product and excellent service from our
regular supplier. Why should we buy from you?
Lilly: Our sound cards are just as good in fact, they're made by the same company that
makes the unit you're using now. My service is just as good, maybe better. Give me a
chance, and I'll prove it. I'll give you the service like....
Hand: Service is the least of our concerns. Because of the volume we deal in, we've
always gotten the best service.
Lilly: I can do better. I can get you the same sound card you're buying now for less than
50% of your current price if you don't mind using the manufacturer's brand name.
HanK: We can get that from our old people as well. We prefer using the well-known brand
name. Our customers like it.
Lilly: Okay, I've got two answers for you. First, I can give you the name brand for two or
three percent less than you're currently paying.

Second, a recent market study in the U.S. shows most end users don't care whose sound
card you use so long as it works.
And these cards work. You know that. I sent you five units for testing, and if they didn't
perform, I wouldn't be standing here.
Jane: Who did this study you just refered to, and when?
Lilly: Just a minute, I have it right now.
Lilly opens an indexed file, pulls out a group of stapled papers and hands them to the
person seated next to her.
These are copies of the study. I have one for everyone. Take one and pass on the rest
As you can see, it was done by a well-known professional market research company.
If you have questions, I'll do my best to answer them.
But I recommend you go to the source and call the people that did the study. Their name
and contact person is on the last page.
Sam: Look! We've got a winner right now. Why should we drop them and go with you?
Lilly: Because I can deliver you the service. Jimmy Lee at World Components is a good
man, I know him well, but he's gotten fat off of customers like you, and he doesn't work as
hard as he used to.
Sam: Why do you say that?
Lilly: We're in the same business, buying from the same source, but my prices are better.
A customer like you should get the best price right off the bat. You shouldn't have to call
him and ask what happened here.
Why is my price better than him? He's not really trying any more. If you give an order
today, I'll deliver them at the price in my proposal, not a cent more.
为什么我的条件比较好?因为他已失去冲劲了。如果你们今天向我下单,我 会照提出的价格

Dialog 2 Disk 3-11

This dialog is a continuation of the first, except now Lilly answers questions she can't look
up the answers to.
Hank: Well, Lilly, before we even think about making an order, I have some more
questions for you.
Lilly: Fire away.
Hank: There's no doubt you did your homework. If anything, you seem to have done a little
too well.
Lilly: What do you mean, Hank?
Hank: Where the heck did you get all this data on us? Why do you know what we're
paying to another supplier? Do we have a leak in our company?
Lilly: I'm not prepared to name my source, but I can assure you it wasn't from anyone in
your company.
Hank: So you have a source at World?
Lilly: That is a good guess, but I'm not going to confirm or deny it. I'm only going to say the
leak isn't here, in your company.
Jane: I have a question. Why did you know about this study when Jimmy didn't?
Lilly: I'm pretty sure Jimmy knew about it.
My guess is his commission is based on gross sales and he makes more if you stay with
the name brand.
我猜他的佣金是以大宗买卖为基准,如果你们继续使用这个品牌的话,他应该 可以抽比较多
But that's just a guess, I really don't know the answer.
Hank: Very well done, Lilly. Thank you for your time.
We have some talking to do and we'll give you a call at the hotel tonight or tommorrow
Lilly: Okay, I'll stay available if you have any questions. You have my cell phone

Vocabulary 重要词汇
bang 大赚一笔
cram 填塞
believable 可信的
stand one's ground坚守立场
eat out of one's hand言听计从;赞赏崇拜
Friendly Helpful Lawyers 友善助人的律师
Dialog Disk 3-13
There are ways to keep an attorney under control and things running smoothly. I think the
best way to demonstrate this is through a dialog showing a negotiation session with an
attorney. In this dialog, Tom is the head of sales and responsible for building the team.
Pam is the attorney and they're discussing what Tom wants from Pam at the meeting.
有一些办法可 以掌握律师的工作,让事情进展得顺利一点。我认为只有从对话中,才可以让
你清楚地了解到和律师谈话 的情况。在这个对话中,汤姆是销售经理,负责带领这个销售团
队。潘是律师,他们正在讨论,在会议中 汤姆需要潘如何协助。
Tom: Hi, Pam. Thanks for coming.
Pam: Hi, Tom. It's good to see you again.

Tom: Have a seat and let's get right to it.
Pam: Okay, shoot!
Tom: I've never used you before on a negotiation and we need to set up the ground rules.
Stop me if you have a problem.
Pam: All right.
Tom: First of all, no interruptions.
If you see a problem and it can't wait, whisper it to me, or hand me a note.
Otherwise, wait until we're on break or after the session.
Pam: I suppose, if that's the way you want it, but why?
Tom:There shouldn't be anything complicated airing the negotiations, and I want to avoid
complications if it's at all possible.
Pam: Sure, I can live with that. Anything else?
Tom: Not really, just that all your comments should come to me before anyone else.
I get the final say on whether it gets into the meeting.
Pam: If you squash something I see as important, I'm going to inform your boss in writing.
Tom: No problem, just be sure to cc me.
Vocabulary 重要词汇
mortal 平凡人
prolonged 长期的
doomed 注定的
law firm 律师事务所
pay through the nose 付了过高的价钱
interruption 打断,打岔
airing 搅乱风声

complication 复杂
comment 评论;意见
squash 压碎
cc 附档给……
Chapter 14
Alter the Time Frame改变时间日程
Mel: Your provisions in the scope of work section are very restrictive. They don't give me
much room to work.
Bill: That's why they're there. My client wants to hold ......
....(详细对话见 Disk 3-2)
For Your Information(背景介绍)
A sixth bargaining chip could be made by altering the job's time frame. A common
problem with roofers, asphalt workers or any contractor that travels to work site is they
make promises to start by a certain date and do, but then disappear for anywhere from a
day to two weeks. Presumably they return to the job they abandoned to start yours on
time, or perhaps to start another job on time as per that agreement.
If you want to avoid it, write penalties into the contract, it works. In most cases, simply
having those restrictions prevents the problem so this generally won't be an issue, but it
could be.








