
2020年08月09日 05:16


第二单元 接待口译 Interpreting for Reception Service
Greeting at the Airport
人力资源部经理:manager of Human Resources. Top-notch: 顶尖的
能够成行:make it 不辞辛苦:in spite of the tiring trip
百忙中抽空:take time from busy schedule run into a storm:下暴雨
Be held up: 耽搁 clear up:天气转好
Attending service:服务 倒时差:get over the jet-lag
行李齐了:get all the luggage 下榻宾馆:take the hotel
设宴洗尘:host a reception in one’s honor 总裁:chairman
杂技表演:acrobatic show
Hotel Accommodation
Check-in: 登记住宿 预定房间:have a reservation with
确认函:confirmation letter travel agency:旅行社
Itinerary:行程表 accommodation:住宿
双人间:double room 豪华套房:a deluxe suite
8折优惠价:have a good rate with 20% off morning cal::叫醒
Photo- copy:复印 express mail:快递邮件
总台:Front desk 餐饮部:Catering Service
洗熨部:Laundry Service 楼层服务台:Floor Service Desk
Fitness exercise:健身 教练:coach
Banquet Service
敬业(的专家):dedicated(experts) contribute one’s share:尽了…责任
Maneuver :机动,演习,策略,调遣 大自然所赐予的:Mother Nature grant us
Cuisine:菜系 色,香,味,形:color,aroma,taste,appearance
食物的质地:raw materials with quality texture 调料:seasonings
原汁原味:original flavor appetizing:引起食欲的
特色点心:special snack 酸甜适口:a sweet and sour sauce
皮薄汁醇:with thin and translucent wrappers and rish tasty soup.
皮脆肉嫩:(with a ) crispy skin and tender meat figure out:想出
好戏还在后头:have more surprises to expect
祝酒:drink to (the health) of sb. 干杯:cheers
Getting Around
高科技园区:High-Tech Park 业务经理:operation manager
鸟瞰:take a bird’s eye view of 言归正传:come back to story
走马观花:cast a passing glance at flowers while riding on horsehack
显目审批权:be authorized to approve projects (with) 优惠政策:preferential policies
与国际管理体制接轨:operate under the management system of international standards
跨国公司:multinationals 骨干企业:enterprises of pillar industries
生物技术:biotechnology 高技术产业链:high-tech industry chains
一条龙服务:a stream –lined one-stop service 生态型开发:ecological conservation
可持续发展:sustainable development 绿草成茵:boasts stretches of green grass
流水潺潺:streams murmuring 鸟儿啁啾:birds chirping
四季花香:fragrant flowers blossoming all year round 安保服务:security service


第三单元 会谈口译 Interpreting Conversations
邮电:post and telecommunications 感到骄傲和荣幸:be proud and honored
海外部主任:directory of the company’s Overseas Department
Gracious invitation:友好邀请 distinguished group;杰出的人士
寄托:high expectation 外宾专用别墅:villas for overseas visitors
Look over the seas:面向大海 字面意思:means literally
国际机票:international flights school break:假期
A Wish to Invest
Share my thoughts with you:我想告诉你我的想法 foreign firm:外国公司
Investment destination:投资目的地 翻了两番:has quadrupled
投资热:investment boom 沿海地区:coastal city
全面对外开放:open the whole country up to the outside world
内地:country’s interior areas 有利可图:find it more profitable (to)
I’m all ears to…我愿闻其详 最大限度:maximizes the strengths of
发挥有关双方的优势:both parties concerned 幅员辽阔:massive land
税收:taxation 消费者市场:consumer marker
诱人的投资政策:attractive investment policies 基础设施:infrastructure
资金:fund 管理知识:managerial expertise
研究资料:literature(research data) enlightening:茅塞顿开
合资独资企业:joint ventureestablish a business independently
Establishing a Joint Venture
Cordlessmobile phones:无绳电话移动电话 投资意向:investment proposal
明智的:wise 制造公司:manufacturing company
Persuasive:有说服力的 express train:快车
Potential market:潜力市场 initially:起初阶段
Embark on:开始,从事 in the vicinity of:左右
at a moderate rate and a safe scale:一个稳定的速度和规模
投资比重:how much would be your share of investment
利润分配:distribution in profit share 权益关系:investment partnership
营销:marketing of 外汇储备:foreign exchange reserve (for)
天晴还需防雨天:for the rainy day convertible currency:可兑换的货币
The term of our partnership:合作期限 the boarding of directors:董事会
正合吾意:that coincides with our unsual practice the rewarding day:收获很大的一天
Cultural Differences
Settle down:定居 for good :永久
奥斯卡最佳影片奖:the Oscar for the best picture first and foremost:首先
Long-stemmed rose:长茎的玫瑰 vigor and vitality:勃勃生机
Film poster:电影海报 make sense:理解
举例说明:offer sb. Some examples originality:独创性
Give priority to:放在首位 altruistic dedication:无私奉献

Seminar:研讨会 respond instantaneously:随时回答
Be obsessed with:喜欢做… working ethic:工作理念
Individual-oriented:个人主义 moral autonomy:道德自治观
Confucianism:儒家学说 sing high praises:高度赞扬
Uplift:优良品德 communal harmony:整体和谐
Take precedence over:高于 global integration:全球一体化
Go bowling:打保龄球 the Peony Pavilion:牡丹亭
第四单元 访谈口译 Interpreting Interviews
Travel in America
由汽车驱动的国家:a country driven by automoblies 据说:it is said that
夸张的说法:an exaggergation correct observation:正确的说法
Way of life:生活方式 drive-in bank:免下车银行
International driver’s license :国际驾车执照 行车限速:speed limit
Federal expressway:州际高速公路 minimummaximum speed:最大最小限速
出公差:visit on a business trip 租车服务业:car rental service
付款方式:pay for my rental service credit card:信用卡
MasterCard:万事达 Visa:威萨
American Express:美国运通 deposit:押金
Special offer:优惠价 passenger rail service:客运火车
Greyhound:灰狗长途汽车公司 monthly pass:月票
Long distance coach:长途汽车 regulate price:统一的票价
Lower rates:更低的价格 不尽人意:be not desirable
shuttlecommuter flight:穿梭班段短程定期往返飞机 subway:地铁
cabcabby:出租车 Yellow Pages:黄页
telephone directory:电话号码薄
The AIDS Epodemic
Nobel Prize winner:诺贝尔获得者 microbiology:微生物学家
AIDS epidenmic:艾滋病流行 plague:瘟疫
On an international acale:从国际范围 leading cause:致命病因
HIV-positive:HIV阳性 imperil:威胁,危及
Be infected with:感染 orphan:孤儿
Significant impact:重大影响 put in place:推出
homosexually transmitted disease:同性恋传播疾病 ultimate solution:最终解决方法
massive educational campaign:大规模教育活动 self- defeating:自暴自弃
the only thing conceivable:唯一行之有效的手段 调查结果:survey
隔离:quarantine virus:病毒
Totally futile:竹篮打水一场空 强制性化验:mandatory testing
Better off doing sth.:最好做… interpret symptoms:了解症状
Reveals its presence through:经由…而发病
Business Management
Business communication style:商务沟通方式 work ethic:职业伦理
Prospective business contact:与之打交道的商人 time- consuming:耗时冗长的

the“get- down-to-business-first”mentality:“公务为先”的心态
keep to:遵循 bottom-up:自下而上
top-management:最高管理 top-download:自上而下
business practice:商务活动 咄咄逼人:aggressive
straightforward:直截了当,开门见山 管理模式:type of management
efficiency:效率 give priority to:优先
frustrate:使…感到沮丧 fulfillment:成就感
membership:一分子 individual-oriented:个体取向
a sense of belonging in a community:团体归属感
accomplishment:成果 利与弊:merits and demerits
the Oriental way of management:东方经营方式 dedication:奉献
humane:人情味 executive:管理人
A Gifted Musician
Debut album:处女专辑 忌讳:taboo
Inquiry:提问 the press people:新闻记者
献给…的音乐专辑:dedicate album to… vocalist:歌唱家
Tremendous individual:非常优秀 melodic:曲子
中心思想:common message the icing on the cake:锦上添花
Creative avenue and outlet:创造途径和方法 play pool:打落袋球
sort out one’s emotional distress:解决自身问题或走出伤感阴影
enjoy catching up with one’s friend:喜欢和朋友泡在一起
get around to:抽时间出来做 break up:散伙
first gigs:初演 sing a cappellas:无伴奏演唱
take criticism constructively:以积极性的态度看待批评
第五单元 礼仪性口译English-Chinese Interpretaion
Revisiting the Old Haunt
World-renowned:举世闻名的 diversity:气象万千
Dynamism:充满活力 a special regard for:特殊的敬慕之情
Nostalgic:思念 memorable:难忘的
Utmost courtesy:高度的礼貌 extensive:十分广泛
Naïve:天真 overshadow:弱化
Non-governmental sector:民间机构 mutual benefit:互惠互利
Good faith:良好诚意 strategic relationship:战略关系
A pleasant Trip
Your Excellency:尊敬的阁下 cradle of civilization:文明的摇篮
Renew old friendship:重温旧情 establish new contacts:结交新友
Vital:重要 in the pursuit of:追求
constant source of encouragement:始终鼓励着 common aspiration:共同愿望
endeavor:努力 in the service of:造福人类
in closing:在结束讲话之前 privileged:荣幸
propose a toast:祝酒 cheers:干杯
Our Future

Luncheon:午餐 business council:贸易委员会
Beckon:召唤 acknowledge:坦承
Ideology:意识形态 institution:制度
Minimize:轻视 dwell on :回顾
Distinctly:截然不同的 heritage:传统
Dignity:尊严 revere elders:尊敬长辈
Potential:潜力 dawning:黎明曙光
Industrious:勤奋 frugal:节俭
Crackle:爆裂 dynamics of change:突飞猛进
Horizon;高度 salute:致敬
Vitality:活力 optimism:乐观精神
In a mighty enterprise:在一个强大的企业 breakf down barriers:打破猜忌
Suspicion:不信任,怀疑 bond:团结,结合
Shared optimism:树立乐观精神
A New Long March
Incomparable hospitality:盛情款待 splendid music:优美音乐
Congenial atmosphere:融洽的气氛 equal dignity:同等的尊严
gracious and eloquent remarks:热情洋溢、慷慨陈词 domination:统治,控制,支配
free of outside interference:不受外来干涉 approve:赞成、赞同
grumble:抱怨 assess:评价
deeply rooted in the instincts of:根深蒂固的本能 impose:强加
in identical fashion:同一种模式 inconceivable:很难想象
see eye to eye on….:看法一致 legacy:遗产
destined:注定 plague:瘟疫,折磨
rise to the heights of greatness:攀登崇高理想
第六单元 礼仪性口译(汉译英)
Celebrating the Spring Festival
全体同仁:all my colleagues of the company 嘉宾:distinguished guests
明月当空:beautiful evening with numerous shining stars
从百忙中拨冗光临:take the time off one’s busy schedule
新春联欢晚会:Chinese New York’s party 远道而来:come here all the way from
尽情品尝:have a good time enjoying 美酒佳肴:cuisine and wine
才华横溢:talented 纯正:authentic
无所拘束:in a more informal way
万事如意:the very best of luck in everything
At the Christmas Party
董事长:Mr. Chairman 装饰华丽:magnificently decorated
良辰佳时:wonderful time of the year 魅力:appeal
融洽:harmony 奉献:dedication
全年的亮点:a high point of the year 生活的真谛:key to life
信念:faith 尽兴:enjoy every minute of the year
销售额:sales 务实:pragmatic
辉煌的业绩:more fruitful year 年终岁末之际:at the end of the year

An Opening Speech
宣布…开幕:declare opening 论坛:forum
市民社会:Civil Society 文化多样性:Cultural Pluralism
筹委会:Organizing committee 开幕式:opening ceremony
社区工作者协会:Community Social Workers’ Association
社会各界来宾:guests from various circles 知识更新:update knowledge
日新月异的信息:ever-changing information 多元化:pluralistic
社保体制:social wealfare and security system 政府包揽:undertaken by the government
民间组织:non-governmental organizations 宏观管理:macro-management
借鉴先进经验:reference advanced experience 分工协作:division of responsibility
取得丰硕成果:conclude with abundant accomplishment
预祝…圆满成功:with a complete success.
Looking Ahead
广泛领域:in a wide range of areas 亚欧伙伴关系:Asia-Europe partnership
回忆主办国:the host of 亚欧首脑会议:Asia Europe summit
成立10周年:the 10
anniversary of 循序渐进:make gradual progress
人员交往:people-to- people exchange 战略选择:strategic platform
谋划发展方向:plan one’s future cooperation 高瞻远瞩:adopt a long long-term strategy
实质性合作:economic cooperation in substantive terms
回顾过去:look back on the past experiences 展望未来:look into the future
互相尊重:mutual respect 平等互利:equality and mutual benefit.
求同存异:seek common ground while putting aside differences
反对贸易歧视与制裁:eliminate trade discrimination,oppose imposition of trade sanctions
司法:judicial 财政:finance
后续活动:follow-up activities 降低关税:reduce one’s tariffs
大力倡导多边合作:actively promoted multilateral cooperation
描绘光辉远景:shape a more splendid future
第七单元 介绍性口译(英译汉)
A Green City
Economic integration:经济一体化 municipality:大城市
Greenfield development potential:发展绿地的潜力 aerospace:航空业
the added cost burden:增加了沉重的负担 biomedical industry:生物医药业
apparel industry:服装业 professional service:专业服务业
information technology:信息技术 telecommunication:电房
high value added business:高附加值的商务 urbanization:城市化
digital media:数码传媒 realty tax:地税
environmentally sustainable:环境可持续发展 academic:学者
civil servant:公务员 city councillor:市政厅议员
provincialfederal government:省、联邦政府 the Kyoto Accord:京都仪书
carbon dioxide emission:二氧化碳的排放 fossil fuel:不可再生的燃料
economic spin-offs:滚滚财源 alternative fuels:替代性燃料
address each other’s priorities:按各自轻重缓急 Secretariat:秘书处
server with a key position:担任要职

The Romantic Champagne
Champagne:香槟 sampling party:品酒会
Cork:软木塞 the release of gas:释放气体
Gentle,alluring fizz:温和,诱人的嘶嘶声 candlelit dinner:烛光晚餐
Valentine’s Day:情人节 akin to:好似,同类,近似
Do the trick:达到某地,获得成功 allure:诱惑力
Painstaking:艰辛 alcohol:酒
For weeks on end:连续数周 eponymous drink:同名汽酒
Carbon dioxide bubble:二氧化碳小气泡 facet:方面
Quicken the pulse:加快脉搏 ranked by “dosage”:按剂量分类
Fermentation:发酵 extra-brut:偏酸型
Vintage champagne:精致香槟酒 spicy food:辛辣的食物
Go especially well with:特别适合做…
A Place to Stay
Motel:汽车旅馆 lodging:公寓房间
In any case:无论如何 inn:客栈
Resor:度假胜地的宾馆 freeway:高速公路
Singletwindouble bed:单人床对床双人床 queen sizeking size bed:大号床加阔床
“long boy” bed:长小伙子床 waterbed:水床
Rollaway bed:滚动式折叠床 hide-a- bed:暗床
Camping:露营 campground:野营地
Trailer:拖车 shelter:保护
A Tour around the Cathedral
Washington National Cathedral:华盛顿国家大教堂 Episcopal Church:主教派教会
Cathedral Church of saint Peter and Saint Paul:圣彼得和保罗大教堂
Pray:祈祷 in the presence of:在…前面
Attend services:参加宗教礼仪活动 hectare:公顷
Shaped like a cross:形状像个“十”字 bell tower:钟楼
Windows set high in the walls:窗高高地嵌在…墙上
Sunlight spilling across the floor:阳光洒落在地坪上
Attend religious service:参加宗教活动,做礼拜 statue:雕像
Funeral:葬礼 concert:音乐会








