
2020年08月09日 05:23


Unit 1
Text comprehension
IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences.
1. I planned to be observant and silent so that nobody would notice that I was a freshman.
2. For three days, I ate a mixture of junk food by myself. I got the food from a machine placed outsid
e my dorm as if to meet my needs.
3. It didn’t matter whether you were widely liked or not; you did not have to follow other people so
as to be accepted by everybody else.
I. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words .
1. I had just the feeling of a newcomer to college without the strength only an experienced student mi
ght possess.
2. My apparent confidence
3. Some food to appease my hunger
4. Going with the tide of the majority was no longer crucial to your success in college
5. Foolish and glaring mistakes
II. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in its appropriate form.
Distress; clutched; pose; sneaked; preoccupation; shackles; curse; deliberation
III. Fill in the blank with the appropriate forms of the given words.
Assure; discretion; relaxation; humiliate; strategy; embarrassment; maneuverable; maturity
IV. Fill in the blank(s) in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the
Lived up to; headed for; seek out; has broken out; grope for; trying „on; go out to; tipped off

a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.
ndistinct; llymeticulously;
-restraintself-control; intelligentsensible;
behaviour; dagitated; sophisticated

n the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.
Became popular; respect; keep up; lead to; understand; found;use; start

e the following sentences,beginning each one with a noun phrase or nominal clause.
decision to resign was wise.
2. Their readiness to accept the peace agreement really surprised the diplomatic world.
3. My determination to pass the test helped me.
4. Her failure to get into college disappointed her parents.
5. My willingness to cooperate was appreciated.
6. His refusal to help surprised me.
proposal that we should import more equipment is to be discussed at
the meeting.
8. Who can have told you that puzzles me.


III .Complete each sentence with what you think the most appropriate of the four choices given.

IV. Combine the two sentences in each group into one,using so that.
1. I spent the afternoon seeking out each of my classrooms so that I could make a perfectly timed en
trance before each lecture.
2. He wore glassed and a false beard so that nobody would recognize him.
3. The stranger spoke very slowly so that I could understand what he said.
4. She locked the door so that she would n’t be disturbed.
5. John whispered so that others could n’t hear him.
6. Please arrive early so that we can start the meeting on time.
7. John has bought a bicycle so that he may save money on bus travel.
8. The lecturer showed some slides so that he might illustrated his point.

te the following sentences using the words in the box.
ghthough; yet; howeverthough; howeverneverthelessthough;
althoughthough; stillnevertheless;
despitein spite of;
10 despitein spite of;

ate the following sentences into English,using the words and phrases given in brackets.
1. It distressed me a great deal to hear the news that he had suffered repeated failures.
2. He assumed an air of cheerfulness, even though he lost favor with his boss.
3. Gulliver met with extraordinary adventures and saw a strange assortment of people.
4. He will be furious with you if you repeat the same mistake.
5. We were all greatly drawn by his frank views, humorous words and genial manner.
6. After the thunderous applause die down, the Nobel Prize winner began his speech.
7. He is gifted with a sort of insight and foresight, so he rarely runs with the crowed.
8. I feel realities are after all very harsh, so one can hardly live up entirely to his ideals.

ate the following passage into Chinese.
措。不管如何努 力装成熟,我就是摆脱不了大一新生的感觉。我花了好几个小时,搞清了我
选修课程所在地各个教室。第 二天早上,我坐在教室的前排,打开美国文学选集,抖擞精神
准备听课。但老师却说“欢迎选修生物课” ,我意识到自己坐错了教室。我用铁一样的意志,
摆出了一副生物专业学生的姿态,一直坚持到讲座结束 。下课以后,我感到我的胃需要加点
营养,于是匆匆赶往自助餐厅。但不幸的是,当我端着餐盘朝桌子走 去时,脚底一滑,盘子
翻倒,我失去了平衡,扑倒在地。好几天,我倍感羞辱。过后,我渐渐地意识到自 己把这种

Exercises in integrated skills
There are generally two educational methods: the lecture method and the group learning method.
In a lecture classroom, the teacher dominates the class by doing most of the talking. Students lis
ten and take notes. This method is best at passing on content to students. It prepares students for
a society that values discipline and self-control. The problem is that students forget most of the fa
cts that they have mechanically memorized. In contrast, the teacher of a group learning classroo
m appears to have no definite role at all, wandering about from group to group. Students do not
memories information, but they actively generate their own ideas, each contributing insights for t
he success of the group. This method prepares students for a societythat values creative ideas. T
he disadvantage is that students have not memoried enough basic facts.

in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.
Comes; others; what; going; not; offer; relate; college; not; learn
Unit 2
Text comprehension
n in your own words the following sentences.
had dedicated all his time to work and had no hobby at all except that he played a golf game onc
e a month which can’t be taken as a hobby anyway.
daughter said that when they were still small her father had become a company man and her
mother had given up every attempt to keep him at home.

Ⅰ. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.
1. died from self-motivated overwork;
2. most likely, the highest position in the company;
3. with no specific skills wanted by employers;
4. trying to discover facts about his father;
5.a person suited by nature for heart-attack

Ⅱ.Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in its appropriate form.
Survived; grabs; discreetly; deceased; obituary; conceivably; board; classics; executives

in the blank with the appropriate forms of the given words.
windowed; nerves; precisionist; competitiveness; execution; presided; marital; accompanied

in the blank(s) in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the
died of; stay up; cares for; straightened out; picked out; given up; grabbed at; considered for

a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.
y ately; r,idler,loafer ed certed,obashed

Ⅵ. Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.
disappointed; wait; firmly demanded; read; meant; entered cheerfully; intensifies gradually; became ext
the verbs in brackets into the correct form:the present perfect or the present perfect
1. have been playinghave played;2. has been putting has put; 3. have pulled; 4. have been waiting; 5.
have picked have grownhave been growing 6. has been gettinghas go has been rising
has risen; has come; 7. has been; has been looking; has n’t found; 8. has failed; has got;

II Choose “a” or “b” to the end each sentence as you see fit.

III. Complete the following dialogue with the proper forms of the verbs given.
A: have been waiting for; have you been doing;
B: have been shopping; have bought;
A: met; was waiting;
B: speaks;
A: has he been learning;
A: did you say;
B:has been studying, was;
B:have you gone;
A: are saying;
B:isn’t, have been walking;

IV Correct or errors,where found,in the following sentences..
1-4 has broken; has been winning; √; has joined;
5-8 have known; √; was looking; have been waiting;

the right word or expression to the connect the two sentences.
Even so; yet; however; nevertheless; for example; in contrast; however; also

ate the following sentences into Chinese.
4.在葬礼上,60岁的总裁 安慰48岁的遗孀说,这位51岁的死者对公司的贡献巨大,没有人可以

ate the following sentences into English,using the words and phrases given in brackets.
immediate boss is a typical workaholic, for he works for over ten hours each day all the year rou

2. The principal attaches much importance to extracurricular activities and he believes that they will h
elp to cultivate students’ tremendous interest in the external world.
3. He always grabs a shower, a sandwich and then a taxi to go to work every Monday morning.
4. Since you are learning the company, you should straighten out the accounts within the week.
5. He often stays up late at night in order to finish writing his Ph. D dissertation on time.
6. Nothing can replace the profoundest love in one’s heart of hearts. •
7. He is considered a natural for the post of the president, for he has been an excellent vice-president
for almost ten years.
8. He is just too common to be picked out from the crowed

ate the following passage into Chinese.
他是个经典人物,因为他是工作 累死的。他们都相信,假如他能多活5年的话,将自然被提
拔为第一把手。他一直被誉为同事们的典范。 他一周工作6天,一天工作10多个小时。他
的兴趣只限于工作。当然,他偶尔锻炼一下,以保持身体健 康。他将任何形式的娱乐活动都
视作浪费时间。他太忙了,没有时间和孩子们待在一起,结果跟孩子们有 点疏远了,至少他
的孩子们是这么想的。然而,他对公司来说却十分重要,公司里每个人都爱他,甚至崇 拜他,

Exercises in integrated skills
Everyone is under some pressure in the workplace. Some external pressures can be a positive fa
ctor, helping us to be more productive. Some people actually thrive under short-term added pre
ssure, and our bodies are designed to meet these short-term demands. Hormones are released to p
repare us for a “fight or flight” response to demanding situations. However, excessive and pr
olonged stress can take its toll, producing a range of physical and emotional health problems, w
hich have come to be grouped as “work-related stress”. The experience of stress is different for e
very person. Some people are affected more than others, so what is stressful for one person may
not be stressful for another. It can depend on your personality type and on how you have learned
to respond to pressure.

Hours; while; less; from; explain; by; late; difference; policies; taking

Unit 3
Text comprehension
n in your own words the following sentences.
1. People in the united states tend to drive for every purpose, so much that they have forgotten that t
hey still have legs and about what their legs can do.
2. I admitted that I have never realized how poorly equipped our bodies are in this respect.
3.„maybe I was the only one who had ever attempted to cross that intersection on foot.


n the underlined part in each sentence in your own words .
pleasantcomfortable; practically
very long; (place of) physical exercises
was made to realize this
decided not to have coffee and instead to go(to the bookstore)
in mind

in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in its appropriate form.
Negotiated; debonair; dodging; notion; compact; contortion; thrive; undertaking

in the blank with the appropriate forms of the given words.
disagreeable; eccentricity; acquainted; ridicule; triumphal; deficiencies; woefully; contorted

in the blank(s) in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the
Going about; going through; pops out; pace off; pulled up; dug out; stroll up to; habituated to

a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.
1. bustlingexciting; e-honored;
seddownheartedlow-spirited; ridiculous;
5 indifferentunconcerned; atingirritating;
edefeat; 8. again

n the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.
Encountered; cause; agreed to; limited to; idling about; relied on; tolerate; desertedabandoned

te the sentences with the past perfect progressive of the verbs in brackets.
1-4 had been talking; had been working; had worked; had been applying;
5-8 had broken; had been standing; had swallowed; had been;

te the following sentences according to the given situation.
1-4 has been empty; had been working for the company; had been waiting for me for half an hour; ha
d had lunch;
5-8 had left; has been living; had repaired the engine; had told;

III Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tense.
L1-L3 . had seen; returned; did n’t have; did n’t have; had; done; was; did n’t have;
L4-L6 did; left; had; was; decided; picked;
L7-L8 went; slammed; felt; had reminded;
L9-L10 had searched; found; remembered; were;

te the following sentences with shall,should,will or would.

1-5 will; shall; should; would; will;
6-10 shall; should; should; would; would;

in the blank with a word or phrase taken from the box.
1. nowadays; 2. ages ago; 3. lately; just; 4. soon; after a long time;
5. immediately; eventually; 6. once; 7. recently; 8. for weeks;

ate the following sentences into Chinese.
1. 我几乎每天都步行到邮局或图书馆或书店,心情特别不错的时候,路过咖啡馆会
2. 为了避免走路,我们愿意承受反常的扭曲之苦。
3. 我肯定,他会慢跑很长的距离,会打壁球,会进行各种有益健康的运动,但我同
4. 当时,这一切显得多荒唐、多令人恼怒,但过后我意识到,我或许是唯一一个有

ate the following sentences into English,using the words and phrases given in brackets.
1. The university is one of the most venerable institutions of higher education in the world.
2. If one is deficient in practical experience, he can hardly make himself a success with only what he h
as acquired in class.
3. I felt exasperated by constant interruptions, for I had to finish writing the monograph by the end of
this week.
4. He feels that it is ludicrous to write about a contemporary topic in an ancient style.
5. The Bund in Shanghai was a place where young couples like to come to coo in the 70’s and 80’s
of the last century.
6. His daughter is very sedate for a girl of about ten, for she likes reading more than playing.
7. The couple strolled hand-in-hand along the country road when the sun in its first splendor st
eeped the earth.
8. The poet was commonly considered as an eccentric romantic genius when

ate the following passage into Chinese.
落户,那里安静 宜人。现在我们的生活很好,因为这地方方便,办点事步行去就行。我经常
四处走走,心情好的时候,在 咖啡店歇一下,喝杯饮料,或者在洲际戏院停住脚步,看一场
戏。但是,有些人似乎不理解为的怪癖行为 。我喜欢尽可能的多走路,这是大部分人所不能
理解的,因为他们太过于依赖车子了。有时,几乎到了荒 唐的程度,即便只是10分钟的路
程,他们仍然喜欢驾车。有时,我在独自散步,他们会问我是否需要搭 车。但我认为,车子
使腿脚功能退化。在这个社会里,多数人占主导地位。我意识到,我或许是唯一主张 短距离

Exercises in integrated skills

Recently in the united states,there has been a debateconcerning old have been
a series of accidents committed by elderly diversand they have given rise to new debates on the old
issue:how old is too old to drive?Some people point to statisticsshowing that older divers are safer
than teenagers, at least until they reach er,elderly drivers are less likely to drive
drunk than other r,at least twenty-one states have special requirements on elder
divers:those over sixty-five and older are required to renew their driving license every yearand
undertake vison away a license can rob older people of their independenceand force
them to rely on others for trips to the grocery store or doctor’s people argue
whether someone continues to drive or not should be based on performancenot just simply age.

in each blank in the passage below with one word you think appropriate.
More; around; free; leave; programs; ease; it; signed; environmental; handing; only with

Unit 4
Text comprehension
n in your own words the following sentences.
1. Nowadays, people believe that they can have fun whenever they want it, and that they should ha
ve fun; otherwise they would be leading a dull and bitter life as a puritan.
2. We have long assumed that fun was easy to have, but now we are paying a price for that shallow- mi
ndedness, i.e., our party is hardly as much fun as it is intended to be.

n the underlined part in each sentence in your own words .
should morally too strict with ourselves to enjoy life;
2. that made all other questions less significant;
3. counting fun as the most important quality in life;
4. the best example of having fun;
5. like something more than simple of having fun

in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in its appropriate form.
1-4 overshadows; traipse; fetish; flunked;
5-8 swilling; flicked; epitome; licentiousness;

III. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.
Insured; underserved; generosity; benefits; regrettable; mirthful; blasphemy; reverence

in the blank(s) in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the
turn into; occurred to; end up; step up; pay „back; look forward to; look for; managed to


a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.
1. excursion; 2. failing; 3. irreverently; 4. advertisements; 5. quintessenceembodiment; 6. griefsadnes
smelancholy; 7. profane; 8. examinescrutinize;

VI. Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.
1-4 drew attention to; represents; fully explain; challenged by;
5-8 support; bored; be well understood; visited;

the words in brackets to link the cause and effect in the following sentences.
1. Since everybody says Woody Allen’s latest film is good, I think I’ll go and see it.
2. All of us were very excited because the departure was approaching.
3. The excitement will be so great that nobody will be able to sleep.
4. As liked Morocco very much when first went there, he wants to go there again.
5. This album of Bruce Springsteen sounds exciting, so we are thinking of buying it.
6. My wife coughed a lot last night. As a result, she is thinking of giving up smoking for a while.
7. Seeing that the students were not interested, Professor Jones ended the seminar.
8. I feel much better now that I’ve talked to you.

sentences,linking the openings on the left with the conclusions on the the linking
expressions in the middle.
investment has been made in order that roads can be improved.
late, she took a taxi so as not to lose time.
isual equipment is often used for language learning.
never walked through the park for fear that she might meet him again.
decided to move to London so that she could be near her child.
’ll be at the airport in order to meet the new tourist group.
your passport in case they ask for identification,
goes to work by bus to avoid using the car.

t or errors,where found,in the following sentences.
did it all happen; 2. because of;
3. guaranteeing; 4. such a shock;
5. they found him guilty for he had no convincing explanation for his actions. 6. could learn;
7. about that it; 8. in order to in order that they could;

te the following sentences with the words or phrases in the box
such that; 2. thus;
in that; 4. with;
so„that 6. owing to;
7. for; 8. seeing that

te the following letter with the appropriate forms of the verbs given.
Para.1 shouldwould like; have; heard; would; suit; doesn't apply; won’t get;

Para.2 saw; hadhas; leftleaving; said;was going; promised; foundhad found; have heard;don’t
know; went;
para.3 know; shouldwould be; would phone; have tried; doesn’t seem;

ate the following sentences into Chinese.
1.“有趣吗?”这一问题使所有其他问题黯然失色,比如:“道德吗? 仁慈吗?诚实吗?有益
2. 当乐趣成为生活中的主要内容时,随之而来必定是对乐趣的迷恋崇拜。
3. 在坐待乐趣来临的时候,我发现其实并没有多少乐趣可言,我得告诉你们这一点,
4. 由于我们多年来总以为乐趣无处不在,快乐之神用拒绝光临我们聚会的方式来对

ate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
It goes without saying that Shakespeare overshadows all the other playwrights throughout the ages.
The Great Gatsby is commonly deemed as the epitome of the Jazz Age of the last century in Ameri
3. It is advisable for you not to put a damper on his enthusiasm to further his studies at Harvard. 4.
Young people tend to make a fetish of glamorous stars in sports and entertainment circles.
5. They traipsed all the way to the People’s Square for the celebrations of the National Day.
does not deserve such severe punishment as he has committed neither erious errors nor gra
ve crimes.
7. Every time I met him, he would talk a whole lot of nonsense.
tion is a trap into which many people are ready to fall.

ate the following passage into Chinese.
有人认为, 生活中乐趣胜过生命中其他一切事情。他们甚至从不考虑任何严肃的事,从来不
对 这种乐趣是否道德、是否诚实或是否有必要这类问题提出疑问。当然,许多事情确实有乐
趣。全家郊游有 乐趣,打一场篮球有乐趣,喝着咖啡聊天有乐趣。但是,如果你把找乐子看
成是生活中必不可少的东西的 话,那么,你必然会追求越来越刺激的方法来从中获得乐趣,
其中一个典型的方法是不断提升冒险或酗酒 的程度,以设法得到一点乐趣。你应该避免亵渎
乐趣,否则,过火的代价可能会是,不管你如何努力,就 是没有乐趣。所以,正确的方法是

Exercises in integrated skills
The first of Aprilis commonly known as April Fools Dayand it’s a custom on this dayto play a
trick on a do this by causing your friend to believe something that isn’t your
friend falls into the trap,then he or she is an April strange custom has been observedby
both children and adults for origin is uncertainand may once have been
today the tricks and practical jokes are harmless and played mostly tor y April jokes are
played on friends and colleaguesbut sometimes they are played on a wider serious
national newspaperreported on a new machineto transport passengers from London to Australia in

ten r published a four-page surveyof a nonexistent island in the even
on BBC television newsthere was an itemwhich showed a kind of an Italian noodle being
harvested from trees.

II. Fill in each blank in the passage below with one word you think appropriate.
As; hands; go; up; industries; or; include; on; provide; aim

Unit 5
Text comprehension
n in your own words the following sentences.
When we start to tell a lie, we have entered a very intricate situations,as a lie often requires other lies u
ntil the whole structure of the lies become so complex that it ensnares the liar.
One is less inhibited from lying; his ability to make moral right and wrong judgements is dulled,and h
e may become less cautious against being caught.
The most understandable and acceptable are those which are told for the sake of love and care at the
expense of trust, according to the ethicists.

n the underlined part in each sentence in your own words .
1. very importantshockingtraumatic
2. avoid hurting the other's feelingsavoid doing something that would upset the other person;
3. modifying the truthtelling the truth with a favorable emphasis or slant;
4. a course of action which can easily lead to something unacceptable, wrong or disastrous;
5. under any circumstanceswhatever might happen;

in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in its appropriate form.
supportive; perceived; prevarication; astounded; undermine; faltered; fibs; volunteered.

in the blank with the appropriate forms of the given words.
unethical; feigned; unsparing; cynical; confoundedly; lubricated; entangled; willfui

in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the te
Cover up; blurted out; set up; find out; wearwore down; specializes in; professes to; complimented...

a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.
evasionequivocation; crepeated;
commonprevalentomnipresent; ly;
insultreproachcriticize; t;

multiplication; thenedconsolidated

VI. Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.
Canceled; overcome; follow; fell into; make it more acceptable;feel unhappy about; removed from con
sideration; reserve for future use

fy the meaning of the words i italics.
1-4 probability; possibility; intention; possibility;
5-8 necessity; possibility; obligation; probability;

II Complete each sentence with what you think the most appropriate of the four choices given.

III .Rewrite the sentences below using the words and phrases from the box.
can’t have told us everything.
2. Something must have gone wrong.
3. She can’t be only thirty years old.
4. They may not know yet.
5. The road couldmay have been closed.
6. The police must know that.
7. There maycould have been a traffic jam.
8. The letter couldmay arrive today.
9. That willmust be my mother.
10. There should be time to do some shopping

e the following sentences, using verbless clauses.
in doubt, tell the truth. It will confound your enemies and astound your friends.
2. When heated, metal expands.
3. If true, it will cause us a lot of trouble.
4. Whenever possible, they should be typed.
5. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
6. Send the goods now, if ready.
7. If necessary, ring me at home.
glanced about as if in search of something.

te the sentences with the proper forms of the verbs given.
discussing; having reached; 2. paying; 3. lying; sitting;
to pacify; to be pacified; grumbling; 5. repeat; to make; to do; 6. going; stay;
7. to see; to avoid; hitting; 8. to arrive; rising; 9. doing; 10. to make; to see;

ate the following sentences into Chinese.

4.如果你 没有把握,马克吐温给了我们一条经验法则:“拿不准的时候,就说实话,实话会
迷惑敌人,震惊朋友。 ”

1. Hamlet feigned madness when he was hesitating what to do.
2. Prevarication is one of the techniques this businessman likes to employ.
3. Sometimes the light of the truth is just too dazzling, so white lies are ubiquitous.
4. Many women in America profess that they are unhappy with their status of second-class citizens.
5. On the impulse of the moment, he blurted out the secret.
6. You should get rid of any prejudice, resist temptations and let nothing warp your judgment.
7. Being over-sensitive and imaginative, he often weaves a tangled web in mind.
8. `He is very popular among his peers as he always tries to spare others any trouble.
Exercises in integrated skills
Childhood is less clear to me than to many people:when it ended I turned my face away from itfor
no reason that I know about, certainly without the usual reason of unhappy memories. For many
years that worried me, but then I discoveredthat the tales of former children are seldom to be
people supply too many past victories or pleasures with which to comfort
themselves, and other people cling to pains,real and imagined,to excuse what they have become.I
think I have always known about my memory.I know when it is to be trusted and when some
dream or fantasy entered on the life, and the dream, the need of dream, let to distortion of what

in each blank in the passage below with one word you think appropriate.
Service; rather; off; are; advantage; much; relations; if; as; moral; either; truth

Unit6 How to write a rotten poem with almost no effort
Text comprehension
n in your own words the following sentences.
poets have stopped writing poems, because there 're fewer and fewer readers and fellow poe
ts. They can't depend on poetry writing for a living and there is no poetic society from which they ca
n drow inspiration and stimulation.
point of poetry is to express and record emotions, so when you read poems,you will observe th
e emotions of the poet and when you write your own poem,you need to observe and
organize your own.

n the underlined part in each sentence in your own words .
extremely intense; the practical principle; just like; following the example of probably; quite likely; ma
de a start despite the difficulty

in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in its appropriate form.

epic; squalid; veritable; pounded; aroma; evolved; lyrics; claimed.

in the blank with the appropriate forms of the given words.
imponderables; poeticpoetical; accidentally; unsought; cuddliest; juicy; disorientated; versed

in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the te
es up; with; out; of; tarted with; ..up; s to;
e up with

a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.
liarstrange; shipbrotherhood; egrade; ionalexc ellent;hu
gembrace;isticimpractical;dexpertprof icientsuccessful;tcomposition
n the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.
affects; catching up with; been involved in tell exactly; rejected; make understood; tried to get; thoug
ht seriously about

te the following sentences with the appropriate verbs forms.
shake;2. to do; wait; to let;3. standing; 4. finding; 5. take; make; drink; 6. leave; 7. being spoken; 8. be;

II .Complete the sentences using either the infinitive or the -ing form of the verbs in the brackets.
1-5 to drink; turning; to tell; to give; getting;
6-10 to check; living; taking; to lift; talking;

the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
getting up; walking; 2. making; 3. carry 4. getting 5. leading 6. live 7. writing 8. Stealing

IV .Complete each sentence with what you think the most appropriate of the four choices given.

te the sentences with the appropriate forms of the verbs given.
1-5 has been ringing; had been made up; will be giving; comes; would have;
6-10 was getting; started; had been; will improveimproves; says;

ate the following sentences into Chinese.
1.你度过了糟糕的一天,或者有个绝妙的想法, 或者遭遇车祸,再或者情场失意,你想把它记录
4.这种展望未来的结尾给人一种希望的意味,但不必对此抱有盲目乐观的态度. •


ate the following sentences into English,using the words and phrases given in brackets.
mes, we have to make a choice because there is no middle ground.
often conjured up visions of the past when he was free from the pressures of life.
often refreshes himself with a cup of strong black coffee when he felt fatigued.
thrust a throng of drunken men and bargaining women and walked through the flaring streets.5.
Experienced translators, though lacking in theory, can render one language into another by rule of th
was generally believed that the major purpose of foreign minister's trip was to break the ice with
regards to the relations between the two countries.
g good books and making friends with good people can elevate the mind.
flowers and the colorful lights lent a festive atmosphere to this ancient small town.

ate the following passage into Chinese.
诗歌 像语言一样普遍,并且几乎和语言一样古老.在某些方面,读诗很像读小说:我们注意细节
和语言,搞清 上下文的关系并做出推断,最后得出结论.然而,读诗又与平常的阅读有所不同.与
小说比较,诗歌则是 一种浓缩和含蓄的艺术. 读诗一遍是不够的,因为一首好诗,读一遍是不能
读尽其意的.读诗的最佳方 法与读报的最佳方法正好相反.读报是迅速浏览,读诗则是慢慢咀
嚼.我们为什么要读诗呢?我们认为读 诗可以得到快乐.比如:通过读诗,我们可以发现并享受斯
宾塞的梦幻、弥尔顿的壮丽、华兹华斯的自然 简洁、济慈的优美旋律以及拜伦的叙事魅力。
另外,读诗使人明智灵秀,那是培根在《论学习》中告诉我 们的。

Exercises in integrated skills
Poetry as an art form may have predated of the earliest poetryis believed to have been
orally recited or ing the development of writing,poetry has since developed into increa
singly structured forms,though much poetry since the late 20th centuryhas moved away from traditi
onal formstowards the more vaguely defined free verse and prose poem formats. Poetry is often cl
osely related to musical traditions. and much of it can be attributed to religious o
f the poems surviving from the ancient worldare a form of recorded cultural information about the
people of the past, and their poems are prayers or stories about religions subject matter, histories
about their politics and wars, and the important organizing myths of their societies.

in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.
Questions; will; ones; accounts; apply; as; need; at; wish; feel; music; case.

• Unit7 the chaser
Text comprehension
n in your own words the following sentences.
because I'm able to do you a favor, I feel safe to tell you so much about my other medicine.

s you.

will no longe hold you in contempt. Instead , She will begin to give you her deepfelt love and

n the underlined part in each sentence in your own words .
feeling very much worried and afraid;
hing I sell could be dreamed as extraordinary;
ult to notice;
4. much more lasting than momentary impulse;

in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the appropriate form.
Creaky; peered; acquaintance; detachment; raptures; giddy; overwhelmed; obliged

in the blank with the appropriate forms of the given words.
obscurity; acquainted; perceptible; apprehension; indifferent; rapt; overwhelmingly; disobliging

in the blank(s) in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the
Save up; care about; indulges in; reached for; peered about; deals in; was substituted; better off

a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.
perceptibleperceivablenoticeable; rtem;
anxiouslyfearfully; arytransient;
gravecheerless; ndlyrigorouslystrongly;

n the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.
Expect; have; accept; imagine; was; work out became popular; demanded.


te each sentence with what you think the most appropriate of the four choices given.

ize the underlined part by moving it to the initial position of the clauses.
Mary likes; sports she does n' t;
you will, and go you must.
have promised to finish the work, and finish it they will.
face not many admired, while his character still fewer could praise.
5.A professor he was, but in name only.
might have agreed under pressure; willingly he would never.
question we have already discussed at some length.
Mike has; capital Mike has not.

e the following sentences by changing the word order.
pronounced guilty every one of the accused.
had called an idiot the man on whose judgment he now had to rely.
cannot set totally aside a whole system of rules devised by Congress itself.
problem then arose of what contribution the public should make.
gave the parcel to the sergeant who occupied the trench opposite.
the parcel to the sergeant who occupied the trench opposite.
7.I saw on my way home yesterday a man with a scar across his face trying to escape with a bag he h
ad snatched from a lady.
was my intention to produce a fairly short one-volume introduction to semantics which might ser
ve the needs of students in several disciplines and might be of interest to the general reader.

t the following statements and general questions into negative statements.
1. I have seen anyone asso happy as Mary.
isn't as tall as his is not asso tall as his father.
l does not swim as well as Paul.
l does not swim nearly as so well as Paul.
is not asso wise as he is witty.
is nothing quite asso satisfying as undergoing a difficult process and after long hard work dis
covering the true nature of that process.
gap between the sides is not asso wide as it gap between the sides isn't as wide as is
's not quite asso straightforward a problem as it might at first seem.

t or errors,where found,in the following sentences.
so-->such; many-->much; big problem-->big a problem; few-->much; normal life-->normal a life; sl
owly before-->slowly before-->slowly that before; little-->few; as-->so

ate the following sentences into Chinese.
1.我亲爱的先生,老人回答说,我的货物存量并不多---- 我不卖泻药和牙痛药----虽然存量不
过,也可 以叫它生活清洁剂,生活有时候是需要清洗的.
3.噢!亲爱的,不,老人说,比如,爱情魔液要卖那 样高的价钱是不行的,需要爱情魔液的年轻人,
很少能有五千美元,要不他们就不需要爱情魔液了. < br>4.这种魔药能以全身心的爱来替代冷漠,老人说,能以崇拜来替代轻视,给那位年轻的女士
喝上 哪怕那么一点点----它的味道在橘子汁,汤或鸡尾酒中是感觉不到的---- 不管她怎样放浪

ate the following sentences into English,using the words and phrases given in brackets.
me, you are definitely more than an acquaintance.
artisans deal in a variety of handicrafts in the region.

went into raptures over the unexpected success.
to my surprise, he analyzed with extraordinary detachment the dangerous situation that threat
ened all of them.
peered at the stranger from behind the curtain.
the holidays, he indulged in the luxury of a bath of sunshine on the beach.
she learnt the news of his death, she was overwhelmed with grief.
8.I'm not in favor of buying a house on the installment plan; instead, I maintain that every one of us
should save up for a rainy day

Exercises in integrated skills
Rumor is the most primitive way of spreading stories by passing them on from mouth to mouth.
But civilized countries in normal times have better sources of news than have radio,tel
evision, and times of stress and confusion,however,rumor emerges and becomes wi
such times the different kinds of news are in competition: the press, television, and ra
dio versus the grapevine.
Rumors are often repeated even by those who do not believe the tales. There is a fascination ab
out them. The reason is that the cleverly designed rumor gives expression to something deep in t
he hearts of the victims: the fears, suspicions, forbidden hopes or daydreams which they hesi-tate t
o voice directly. Pessimistic rumors about defeat and disasters show that people who repeat them a
re worried and anxious. Optimistic rumors about record production or peaceare soon co-ming p
oint to complacency or confidence — and often to overconfidence.

in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.
If; no; through; with; does; that; want; here; sung; and; but; upon; precious; nor

• Unit 8 knowledge and wisdom
Text comprehension
n in your own words the following sentences.
It would be unwise to pursue a goal that is bound to fail though it might be noble to do so.
2.I think the essence of wisdom is to get one's horizon free from the confinement of time and space.

I. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words. consider(when judging a situation)
take into consideration, give proper
value to eachattach adequate importance to each;
Certainlyvery probably, brought a good and helpful effect to mankind, in realityin actual situations;

Talk(disapprovingly) about something less worthy or less important, destroy or ruin each other; 4. co
nnect withdependent on;
ingly •

II. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form.

pursue, ceased; attainable; enmity; populous; surpassed; impartial; appallingly

ate the following sentences into English,using the words and phrases given in brackets.
1. The result surpasses their expectations.
2. We should take account of the cost of the project.
3. The fine weather contributed to the success of the scientific expedition.
4. Ronaldo,one of the football stars from Brazil, scored several spectacular goals in the 2002 FIFA W
orld Cup.
honorary degrees from different colleges and universities in America were conferred upon Ro
bert Frost for his remarkable contributions to poetry.
6. Patience and perseverance are required in emancipation from bad habits.
7. They tried to instill such new ideas into students’ minds.
8. You should demonstrate impartiality in your assessment of the employees. •

ate the following passage into Chinese.
罗素认为,智慧是由好几个要素构成的.一个有智慧的人具有全面的视野,他能够考 虑一个问
来 越少,你的智慧便越来越多. •

Exercises in integrated skills
Science,especially twentieth- century science,has provided us with glimpse of somethingwe never re
ally knew before,the revelation of human ignorance. We have been used to the belief,down one ce
ntury after another,that we more or less comprehend everything,and that we have never lacked for
explanationsof the world and its we are being brought up short,and this has been the w
ork of have a wilderness of mysteryto make our way through in the centuries ahead,an
d we will need science for thisbut nott science shall also need minds at work from all sor
ts of brainsoutside the fields of science,most of all the brains of poets,of cause,but also those of ar< br>tists,musicians,philosophers,historians,writers in general.

in each blank in the passage below with one word you think appropriate .
Of; others; create; from; wisdom; benefit; without; all; made; avoid; one; turn
Unit9 Chinese food
Text comprehension
n in your own words the following sentences.
to us Chinese is one of the greatest joys in life: it is thought about before being prepared; it is t
reated with lots of love and care while being prepared;and when it is ready, a great deal of time is devo
ted to enjoying it.
main reason for the sudden and tremendous popularity of Chinese food throughout
the whole Western world lies in tow facts: one is the increased desire for sensual pleasures and fre
edom from age-old customs in the West the other is the notion of physical pleasure provided by Chi

nese food which is always ready to satisfy the taste of the eater.

n the underlined part in each sentence in your own words .
emotional strength to do what one believes to be right;
material used to produce power; sth. used to keep the body functioning;
lower-class type;
a number of dishes that are served one after another in an orderly way;
themselves •

II Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form.
fastidious; ecstasies; lavish; elusive; phenomenal; proceeding; enterprise; contrived

III. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.
disregard; authoritative; ubiquity; desirable; piquancy; ceremonially; gluttonous; derivation

in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the te
come off; conform to; derivedderives „ from; attend to; sprung up came about; proceed with; lavish

a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.
distantlyindifferently; e;
fundamentalprimaryprincipal; emake;
affirmstate; erminglecombine;
modifyadjust; ativesharppungent

n the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.
explains; accidentally found; discuss with; start; play a prominent role in; think about it carefully; cons
umed part of; interrupting

e the sentences in each set into one,beginning with the words given.
1.a great Russian writer,was born in 1828 and died in 1910
we should import more equipment from abroad is to be discussed at the meeting
she is invited to the party is very encouraging
Bethune, a great international fighter, laid down his life for the Chinese revolution
they worked day and night on the project,they failed to find out the mechanism of the disea-se.

all flights were cancelled because of bad weather greatly distressed the waiting passengers.
best mechanic in the garage,worked on my car.
constructing a simple model,a small outboard cruiser of conventional design.

e the following sentences by using appositive clauses.

word....tobaco,a word which means....
us's crew was ......Hispaniola,an island which is now.....
cigars...tobacum, a hybird of two...
tobacco...America...habitual users of tobacco,also.
second......rustica,a hybird that....
here ......maize,a staple grain crop.
ologists...cultivation,a fact which suggests..
...kinnikinnik, a word meaning...
...cigarettes,shredded tobacco wrapped in...

III .Complete each sentence with what you think the most appropriate of the four choices given.

e the following sentences using the words in brackets.
was less frightened than hurt.
room is no bigger than ours.
did more work than anyone else.
's behavior is more courteous than Bob's.
5.I paid three times more for the food than they did.
6.A collection of facts cannot be called science any more than a pile of bricks can be called a house.
7.A whale is no more a fish than a horse is.
8. He is more of a sportsman than his brother.

ate the following into English,using the expressions in brackets.
noise was more than what I can bear.
are more than happy to help you in any way we can.
less than a thousand people participated in the marathon..
He is no more interested in chemistry than his brother.
is more a poem than a picture.
was accused of no less a crime than high treason

ate the following sentences into Chinese.
1.对于将决定他们的体力,最终还将决定他们精神和道德的构造及健康 的东西,人们怎么能采
3.正是西 方这种对感官享受需求的增长和从积习中解放出来的渴望,再加上那个中餐本身注
重色、香、味的概念( 中餐总是能很快满足味蕾),成为中餐突然迅猛地在偌大西方世界所
4 .他们可能被粉碎,分别贴上诸如“烹调”、“健康”、“性格”之类的标签,但实际上它

ate the following sentences into English,using the words and phrases given in brackets.

should have told me in advance that you would further your studies in America.
He lavished too much care on his grandchildren.
s new technology industries have sprung up.
English words derive from Latin, Greek and French words.
A philosopher holds that contradictory oppositions are ubiquitous.
kindness is part and parcel of his nature.
is possessed of phenomenal memory and intelligence.
is fastidious about food and clothes.

ate the following passage into Chinese.
一个典型中国人的观点是:吃是第一乐事。中国人非 常重视吃,许多人还把它看成人生至
乐之一。这里有一个很有趣的例子,它说明了西方人和中国人对待吃 的不同态度。西方人上
餐馆时,最关心的往往是找一张好餐桌,更确切的说,找一个可以看见别人,也能 让人看见
人认为, 一顿精美的传统中国餐制作极其细致。据说,备料和配料大约占实际工作量的90%,
烹调本身则仅仅占 大约10%。既然烹饪如此精细,那么享用也应该与之匹配。一顿正宗中国
餐宴可以长达三个多小时。难 怪有人说,它简直像个宗教仪式。

Exercises in integrated skills
In the Chinese culture, the whole process of preparing food from raw ingredients to morsels read
y for the mouth is highly distinctive when compared with other food traditions. At the base of thi
s process is the division between fan, grains and other starch foods, and ts’ai, vegetable and meat
dishes. To prepare a balanced meal, it must have an appropriate amount of both fan and ts’ai,
and ingredients are readied along both tracks. Grains are cooked whole or as flour, making up th
e fan half of the meal in various forms. Vegetables and meats are cut up and mixed in various way
s into individual dishes to constitute the ts’ai half. Even in meals in which fan and ts’ai are join
ed together, such as in wonton, they are in fact put together but not mixed up, and each still reta
ins its due proportion and own distinction.

in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.
only; by; all; which; history; France; range; very; latter; that; mistake; quality

Unit 10 the transaction

Text comprehension
n in your own words the following sentences.
1. Writers are likely to take writing earnestly and anxiously , and therefore not able to express themsel
ves naturally.
2. The writer should be able to convey his emotions and personality in his writing, so the reader may
understand him without going into the actual situation where he lf. In any case, colleg

e writing teaches you about the series of decisions you must make as you forge the link between
your information and your audience.
Exercises in integrated skills
in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.
1-6 succeed; person; because; once; fact; characterize;
7-12 subject; such; create; readers; not; with;

Unit 11 On becoming a better student

Text comprehension
IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text.
they start school, children are curious and ready to try every means to explore the unknown.
However, they end up losing the pioneering spirit after years of formal education.
2.“Advanced” learners are likely to make some mistakes. For example, they may become excessivel
y satisfied with their progress or, on the contrary, put too much pressure on themselves to score furth
er achievements.

I. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.
view again at another time from a different perspective;
with immense pleasant surprise;
3. be provided with ready answers and ideas.
pioneering work;
’t let the knowledge you have acquired be a hindrance to your learning of something new.

II. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form.
Precedence; stigma; proportional; strain; pertinent; injurious; relevance; therapy.

III. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.
Substantial; motivation; committed; restrictions; subtle; thrilling; complacently; unprecedented

in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the te
Goes out of the way;breaking through;consists of;hold on to;object to;live up to;gave up;based on.

a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.
interestingextraordinaryoutstanding; nyieldrenounce;

VI. Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.

• Submitted; take care of; attentive in; written in honor of; accept; so involved; enthralled began cons

Grammar I.
te the following sentences using the appropriate form of the verbs given.
Being; to spend, to make; HearingTo hear; To complete; to be; to be; to sit, to hear, howling; Teasin
g; Playing; Learning

II. Complete the following sentences using the infinitive or -ing participle.
sitting at the back; for you to do as you are told; to swim across the Channel; to hear that he had alrea
dy left the company; To open the window; to trifle with; Being a qualified plumber,Paul had no diffic
ulty in finding the leak; ever written; Left to himself,he usually gets the job done quickly; Hoping to fi
nd the will,she searched everywhere.

te the following sentences with the -ing participle of a preposition if necessary.
his working,living; ; stealing; doing;
playing;6. for doning; talked; becoming,from putting; for making.

in the correct prepositions or adverbs.
up for;
out of;
up against;
round to;
in with;

ate the following sentences into Chinese.
2.这些 看似枯燥的品质(我们常常羡慕别人拥有它们),给我们带来的是圆满完成某事后的满足
感,或者接受一 个挑战并且胜出后所感到的兴奋.
3在铺好的坦途和我们通常会为自己造好的坚固建筑之外,有潜伏的魔鬼、摇晃的根基---- 以
4. 继续深入可能意味着停滞不前,意味着更加耐心地向前 走,或者意味着往我们人生中其他

ate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
felt heavily weighted with such high expectations from his parents.
interpreted the incident in a favorable light.
3.I detest him, for he often goes out of his way to backbite others.
religious teachings urge people to transcend the mundane success.

al initiative is one of the essential elements in promoting your career.
6.I don’t think it is a good method of teaching to spoon-feed students.
7.I will spare no efforts to accomplish the task by the end of the next month, for I don’t want to su
ffer from the stigma of having broken my promise.
8.I’ve got much information pertinent to the new policies in education.

ate the following passage into Chinese.
好学生显示出许多优秀的品质,在这些品质中极为重 要的有好奇心、自制力和主动性。他
们对各种各样的事物有着盎然的兴趣,总是观察外部世界,从眼前发 生的事情中学到东西。
伴随其好奇心的是“研究精神”,因为他们把学习过程看作是一种研究。他们在角 度新颖的
观察和辛勤钻研的基础上,形成一种新的理解。他们清楚地知道一分耕耘一分收获,并且相信,没有不懈的努力,难以倡导学习的美味果实, 任何巨大的成就都来自于无数小的积累。
他们总 是乐于迎接困难的挑战,主动探索各种可能性,通过时间寻求自己的答案,而不是等
待老师给他们现成货 ,因为他们从来拒绝填鸭式教育。当然,有抱负的上进学生应该充分注
意一些要点。比如他们应该上课认 真投入,避免迟到。并重视建设性的批评.

Exercises in integrated skills
A study of art history might be a good way to learn more about a culture than is possible to learn i
n general history classes. Most typical history courses concentrate on politics, economics, and war.
But art history focuses on much more than this because art reflects not only the political values of a
people, but also religious beliefs, emotions, and psychology. In addition, information about the
daily activities of our ancestors — or of people very different from our own — can be provided b
y art. In short, art expresses the essential qualities of a time and a place, and a study of it clearly
offers us a deeper understanding than can be found in most history books.

in each blank in the passage below with one word you think appropriate.
Used; first; have; going; with; offended; rather; sign; being; address; rule; would;

Text comprehension
n in your own words the following sentences.
the nine men,.I was no longer a man or officer.I mean to them a gun that would shoot them if t
hey drank the water.
he was extremely thirsty, Barrett had lost his reason and was not able to drink any more.

n the underlined part in each sentence in your own words .
such a short distance;from a place that was so near(to the other nine men)
2.I wasn't important;

up reluctantly;

in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in its appropriate form.
gulp; growls; clog; Hefting; mirage; sunken; craving

in the blank with the appropriate forms of the given words.
paralyze; brutalities; wreckage; judgmental; disadvantageous; uncountable; scorcher; commanding;

in the blank(s) in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the
give in to; sleep away; hold out; hold offkeep away; keeled over; take over; looked forward to; pro
p up

a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.

n the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.
resist; have; match with; satisfies; cover up; settle; have prejudice
against; prohibit the dissemination of •
ng the following sentences to avoid any unnecessary repetition.
child去掉 a tradition-->one; the people去掉; 去掉;
5. tea and coffee-->both; should have been flying in tight formation-->as they should have bee
n 7. like it去掉; of town by then去掉 •

fy the following sentences by omitting the words in italics or replacing them with the items in
the box.
their,it,them,it; r;
; you去掉; 去掉;

the verbs in brackets into the correct forms.
didn't know,wouldn'tcouldn't understand; had; spend,won't have; will
open; could,would; willshall be; had not been; were, would go

the articles where necessary in the following passage.
a; a; the; an; the; the; the; a; the; the; the; •

the,a or an where necessary into the following newspaper headlines to make normal
sentences or phrases.
A Briton falls to his ... 2.A woman..

Olympic.. UN .. longest.. Iraqi.. 7.A 95-year-old..8.A clinic in...
ate the following sentences into Chinese.
ate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
A man living at close quarters with fear cannot possibly feel happy.
He felt greatly depressed,for misprints glared from so many pages of his newly published book.
2. A man of calculating nature likes to play tricks,but tends to lack much
old man is wondering why so many girls crave to become pop stars. • I consider it an inhumane
act to jump upon other's blunders.
4. He often taunted his brother in an arrogant voice and called the latter an
ignorant coward.
the scorching heat,the girl in delicate health suddenly keeled over.
the past five years,the city has been sprawling out in all directions.

ate the following passage into Chinese.
了. 我一打瞌睡,另外9个人就会立刻扑向放在我的双腿下的最后那只水壶.那里装着所有剩下
的水.我知道 那水是我们的希望.这就是为什么我不顾各种咒骂和咆哮,非得设法让这些水存
在尽可能长的时间.现在 ,另外9个人眼睛正盯着我脚下的水壶.巴勒特看上去好似在催我立刻
把水分配个大家.他已经失去理智 了.他试图站起来,但我用枪对准他的胸口,迫使他再次坐下
去.跟他们一样,我也十分渴望喝点水.但 是,我是指挥员,是一个不得不动脑子的人.这就是我与
他们之间的差异.然而,现在我的眼皮太沉了, 实在撑不开了.我喃喃地说了句:接过去吧,水手
长,便睡着了.我醒来时,看见巴勒特跪在我身边,一 只手拿着水壶,另一个手握着枪.我不能相
信我的眼睛:难道他们没有把水给喝了?巴勒特一定看出了我 的心思,你说:'接过去吧,水手
长.'不是吗 ?他问道,我一直不让这群畜生碰那点水呢.当你成了 指挥员,要对其他人负责的时

Exercises in integrated skills
Envision an ideal place to live or run a business, a friendly, safe and secure community with larg
e areas of open space and extensive entertainment and recreational facilities. Finally, picture this c
ommunity continually moving around the world. You are beginning to understand the Freedom Shi
p concept of a massive ocean-going vessel. With a design length of 4,500 feet, a width of 750 fe
et, and a height of 350 feet, Freedom Ship would be more than 4 times longer than the Queen
Mary. The design concepts include a mobile modern city featuring luxurious living, an extensive
duty-free international shopping mall, and a full 1.7 million-square-foot floor set aside for various
companies to showcase their products.


in each blank in the passage below with one word you think appropriate.
bottom; as; ship; ancient; led; within; for; dated; who; century; region; previously.
schedules, our selves
Text comprehension
n in your own words the following sentences.
technology has arrived in an explosive manner and produced a significant impact on our way o
f should have saved us from routine,as it enables us to do our work more efficiently,
but in fact it has subjected us even more to plans, as it has made scheduling easier.
Our life has been filled up with plans so full that we have lost our spare time and the chance for any n
atural and spontaneous life, therefore, seems boring and meaningless.
• Be sure to set aside some free moments,hours or even days,and you must not
be tempted to fill them with any appointments.

n the underlined part in each sentence in your own words .
leaveskip;planned in detail;
experience hardship with little time for preparation; from the very beginning

in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in its appropriate form.
onerous; recourse; onslaught; preordained; savoring; instantaneous; corralled; culprit

in the blank with the appropriate forms of the given words.
nonscheduledunscheduled; defiance; spontaneity; vacationers; inequality; rhythmic; minimize; serend

in the blank(s) in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the
hemmed in; loaded up; fell through; get away with; missed out on ratcheted up; opened up; think bac
k on .

a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.
exhaustingwearyingfatiguing; simpleplainspartan; decelerationslowdown; inducegenerate; meag
er; soothingpleasant; reactionaryconservative; shrinkdwindlediminish

VI. Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.
prove; done throwing away help(you)with succeeded; is formed by included; continuously trou

te the following sentences using proper coordinators.
noy only..but also; eitherneither...ornor; and; or so; and; neither nor; but

e the following sentences into a paragraph,using other changes if

The recorded history of mankind is only 6000 or 7000 years,but within that short period od time man
y civilizations have risen and people of the Nile Valley created a high culture, and so did th
e people of the Tigris-Euphrates Valleys,but both of these cultures were absorbed i
nto the Greco-Roman culture that dominated the Mediterranean world,but this civilization also disint
egrated in time.

III .Complete each sentence with what you think the most appropriate of the four choices given.

t or errors,where found,in the following sentences.
were-->was; strength-->strong; for-->on;is requires-->required; have-->have had; better-->best; has-
->was; record-->recording

in the blanks with a proper form of -self if necessary.
themselves; ,,; himself; yourselves; herself; yourself;;

ate the following sentences into Chinese.
1. 片刻的闲暇,停下来想一想,任何奇遇和意外----都不在我们的计划之中.
2.唯一令人感到惊 喜的是,晚上,在拖着疲惫不堪的身子上床之前,我们把计划要做的事真的都
3. 经济全球化的加速,以及随之而来人们对工资、工作条件话语权的丧失,是造成这些现象的

ate the following sentences into English,using the words and phrases given in brackets.
If negotiations should fail, his last recourse was to resort to the law.
such a confined space of a train compartment, I feel hemmed in.
they have refused a closer cooperation,the whole idea has fallen through
ambitious young man wishes to carve out a career for himself in this city full of opportunities.
students are cramming for their final examinations.
poet's whims and fancies defy rational explanation.
piano lessons twice a week plus the required practice can hardly fit into her already full sched
the story unfolds, the relationships between the main characters become more and more complic

ate the following passage into Chinese. < br>目前,生活的重担束缚和压倒了许多人,几乎每天,他们都有无数的事情要处理,工作,工作,没完
情驱赶着 .他们早上起身时已经将一天排的满满当当.他们事先把自己的时间安排得毫无插针
的间隙,根本没有休 闲娱乐的时间. 人们为何为事所役呢?个中原因纷繁,其中之一是科技的新

发展.科技原本让人们看到获得更多自由的可能,实际上却大大束缚了我们,因为手机、电子邮< br>件、手提电脑这些科技新玩意催着人们立即作出回应。人们应尽量摆脱那张令人头昏目眩的
时间表 的影响,在工作和生活中获得自由度。为什么呢?因为人们需要闲暇,需要时常停下
来想一想,以滋养自 己的灵魂。人们需要品味人生经历,从平静地回味往昔、愉悦地展望未
来中活得快乐,而这一切只能在身 心松弛的时候才能做到。

Exercises in integrated skills
How is it that hard work and greater efficiency do not necessarily result in a sense of achievement?
Social scientists drew a crucial distinction between two words often used as synonyms: “efficie
nt” and “effective”. “Efficient” emphasizes the means of production, the degree of econo
my with which it is carried out, while “effective” focuses on the result or purpose for which the
activity is carried out. It is noted that by using a minimum amount of energy and time, we can be
very efficient in performing a certain task. Yet our work is actually effective only when it contri
butes to our goals. True effectiveness is not a matter of doing things right but of doing the right t
hings, and we shouldn’t let the apparent success of being more efficient mask the mistake of per
forming an activity that is not important.

in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.
however; out; defined; difficulthard; first; yourself; whichthat; to; involves;are;appeals; don't

Unit14 Homeless

Text comprehension
n in your own words the following sentences.
asserted that i was mistaken and she was not homeless. She said that she did not stay at the bus
station,but i knew she had been there for over two weeks.
2,.My love for my home is far greater than the house itself and the area where it is located.
some people want is more than a physical shelter, Their desire for the feeling of a home is so s
trong that they would not go to shelters for any facilities offered there.

n the underlined part in each sentence in your own words .
1.a person of importance;
rable weather conditions,such as strong winds,heavy rain,and cold;three substantial,nouri- shi
ng meals;
more intense than the care for;
lly,on the whole;
general notion or the rough outline

in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in its appropriate form.
crux; anonymous; rummaged; enfeebling; bureau; drained; adrift; customary

in the blank with the appropriate forms of the given words.
anonymity; ferocious; unpredictably;leaky;spoonful; damnablydamned; disqualified; terminate.

in the blank(s) in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the
edging..away; wind up; run up to; passing through; reduced to; sat up; move on to;locked in

a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.
dirtsootfilth; localpartialrestricted;fiercenessintensity; securitysafety; crouch; inaccessibleunob
tainable; indifferentheartlessapathetic; specificparticular

n the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.
constantly complain about; accept; respected; mentioned; reveal(your) real mental state;disapproved; e
ndure; getting themselves ready.

the sentences below by using if.
you lie down for a few minutes,you'll feel much better.
you don't drive more carefully,you'll cause an accident.
the government had acted earlier, the present crisis could have been avoided.
the flight should be delayed,passengers will be informed immediately.
the money doesn't arrive before Thursday, there will be trouble.
i had known the address,i would have called into the office.
i were worried, i would not be playing golf at this moment.
he should be found guilty,he will be deprived of the guardianship of his children.

the verbs in brackets into correct forms
didn't know,would not understand;
hadn't got,would have come,wouldn't have been;
would you like;
do,would you please remind;
spend,will not have;
had,would make;
returnsshould return;
had admitted,wouldn't have been.

t or errors,where found,in the following sentences.
success of the Exhibition has been-->has been the success of the Exhibition.
ed-->presided over;
the family life-->family life;
living-->have been living; look-->looked;
d-->glanced at;

-hike-->hitch- hiking;

te the following sentences with the appropriate forms of the verbs.
flows; are unfounded; were; getshould get; comeshould come; be should be; makeshould make; i
nvestshould invest

ate the following sentences,using commas or full stops.
1.... begins...
2 ... buildings...
3...skirt,for he was ..
4 ...,more..
5 ..bookstore.I had to...drugstore,the travel...
6...feet,and the...
7 ...Rico,is an .. her..experience,she wished...
8...June,if my...high,if i save..money,and if...

ate the following sentences into Chinese.
福利救 济支票的邮政地址-----尽管我知道这一切对于生存是很重要的.
2. 曾经,我们生活的地方常 常是我们工作的地方,是我们种植口粮的地方,甚至还是我们离开
尘世后埋身的地方. 人们感到困惑不解的是,那些没有家的人情愿在长凳上熬过夜晚或者蜷
缩在门道里,也不愿住进收容所. 但是,有些人似乎想要一些收容所无法提供的东西,他们不愿
妥协,不愿意为了一张小床,一碗燕麦粥, 或者用特殊的杀菌肥皂来冲个澡而进收容所.

ate the following sentences into English,using the words and phrases given in brackets.
rummaged five drawers before she found her wedding ring.
w I feel he is edging away from his former position, a rather radical one.
newly established company is not running smoothly; the crux of the matter lies in lack of fund
s and expert knowledge.
a decade, it has been customary for me to think before I leap whenever I come across somethi
ng new.
wondered why the donor remained anonymous.
f, the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons,describes how the primitive people waged
heroic struggles against the hostile forces of the elements.
thinks he will be a second Bill Gates, which, to me, is nothing but a mere fantasy.
does everything well, as he pays sufficient attention to details instead of just relying on broad sto

ate the following passage into Chinese.
虽然不同的人对家有不同的解释,但是大部分人认为家是一个让人感到 舒适和宁静的地方.

然而,现在人们看重的是房子,而不是家 ,因为拥有物质财产表明社会地位.一个人只有取得一
定的社会地位,才能赢得社会的尊重.因此,宽敞 的房子,时髦的装潢便成了许多人梦寐以求的
东西. 我认为家是重要的,因为那是为我们遮风挡雨,提供一日三餐的地方,更因为家是让
我们感到踏实,有 私密空间的地方.歌德说过:无论是国王还是农夫,在家找到安宁的认识最幸
福的人.''我的情感依恋 .然而,一个人可以怀旧,但不能生活在过去.相反,我们必须面对现实,面
对一个允许人们拥有彩虹般 多彩经历的当今社会.重要的是,不管我们追求什么,我们不应该

Exercises in integrated skills
I. Dictation
• Families with children comprise 34% of the homeless population of the United States, and this n
umber is growing. Within a single year, nearly all homeless children have moved, at least 25%
have witnessed violence,and 22% have been separated from their half of all
school-age children experiencing homelessness have problems with anxiety and depression, and 20
% of homeless preschoolers have emotional problemsthat require professional educatio
n is often disrupted and challenges in school are common.

in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.
worldwide; homelessness; living; countries; despite; finding; especially; continuing; its; developed; life;
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