
2020年08月09日 05:35


in this remarkable year of Shanghai Expo
real-scene musical extravaganzamusical on the site
3. 高雅艺术
high art, serious arts, classical art forms
improve the civility and cultural level of the populaceimprove education on
culture, civility and arts
cultural and people-to- people exchange
Appreciate the culturevalues of others as do to one's own, and the world will
become a harmonious ody cherishes his or her own culturevalues,
and if we respect and treasure other's culturevalues, the world will be a
harmonious one.
National Cultural Ecology ReserveNational Reserve for Cultural Ecology
8. 国家文化产业示范基地
National Cultural Industry Demonstration Base
9. 国家重大历史题材美术创作工程(大型主题性艺术创作工程)
National Project of Artworks on Major Historical Themes (a large art
commission project on the specific theme of…)
cartoon and animation industryanimation industry
tribute to Beijing: selected art performances from Shanxi, selected art
performances from around the nation on rural themes, first MOC theater
repertoire grand prize
a nationwide network of public cultural and sports services
corporatization of cultural entities, supporting leading cultural companies,
fostering emerging cultural industries
14. 是深化改革开放、加快转变经济发展方式的攻坚时期
a hard-battle period for deepening reform and opening-up and accelerating the
transformation of economic development pattern (economic restructuring and
increase the levels of scale economy, intensive management and specialization
of cultural industries, create brand name Chinese cultural products

take the designation of heritage lists and heritage items as leverage for the
protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage
17. “感受遗产——中国非物质文化遗产数字化成果展”,“走进西藏……”

In Touch with Heritage: Digitization of China's Intangible Cultural Heritage,
Getting to Know Tibet Discover Tibet Deep into TibetEmbrace Tibet
18. 思想性、艺术性、观赏性相统一,人民群众喜闻乐见的精品力作
creative works with depth of thinking, artistry and public appealhigh quality
and publicly welcome arts with ethic, artistic and aesthetic valuesinspiring,
entertaining and artistically nurturing works of art
epic productions with significant themes and impressive visual effects
fight against different forms of vulgarism in culture
21.温家宝总理关于非物质文化遗产的讲话: “人之文明,无文象不生,无
No human civilization could exist without its tangible heritage, or its
nor could it be passed on without its intangible heritage, or its
keep a low profile and make positive contributions
better defense, better life, better image
24. 农家乐
rural innfarm stayagritainment
is unwittingly declaredrendered…
1. 团购
group-buyingteam- buying
(参考)groupon=group coupon
2. 秒杀
(参考)instant kill instant buyflash buysnatch buypanic buy
3. 酒后代驾
designated driver=DD(与“酒后”有关系)
(参考)substitute driver(意义更广泛,不一定是“酒后”)
引申:劝酒:(参考)courtesy drinkingChinese-style toast
罚酒:(参考)forfeit drinking
敬酒 toast of respectpropose a toast
4. 桌游
board role- playing games;
(参考)RPG ( role-playing games)table-top games(包括board games, RPG,
5. 被就业被代表
be said to have found jobsbe said to be represented
(参考)be declaredbe allegedallegedly
6. 裸捐、裸官、
donate his entire fortune to charity after his death (all-out donation)
(参考)naked officials(第一次出现时,后面一定要加解释)
7. 裸婚
naked marriage(第一次出现时,后面一定要加解释)
(参考)simplistic marriagebare-handed marriage

8. 胶囊公寓
capsule apartment
9. 游街示众
shame paradepublic shaming
9. 名著翻拍
remakere- produce
10. 拜金女
material girl
引申:傍大款的人 gold digger
被傍的大款 sugar daddy
11. 富士康“几连跳”
(参考)copycat suicide
12. 地沟油
swill-cooked dirty oil
(参考)hogwash oilwaste oilrecycled cooking oil(后面可跟解释)
13. 诈捐
unfulfilled payment
(参考)骗捐:charity fraud
14. 蜗居
dwelling narrowness(电视剧剧名的译文)dwelling in a
spacepigeonholehumble abodepoky room
(参考)snail dwellingsnail house
15. 蚁族
(参考)city antsantizen
1. 住房空置率
(参考)(housing) vacancy rate(宾馆)
(参考)occupancy rate 入住率
2. 点钞费
(coin-) counting fee
3. 囤地
land hoarding
(参考)land reserves(储备地)
4. 小产权房
(参考)houses with limited property rights
(参考)house with incomplete property rights
(参考)apartment with incomplete property rights
5. 阶梯计价
differential pricingtiered pricing
6. 转型跳槽
career shifting
(参考)career hoppingjob change
7. 三网融合(电讯,电话,互联网“三网”)
narrow three network convergenceTCI convergence
8. 火车票实名制
real name ticket booking system
9. 地王
top bidder

10. 广告标王 top bidder
11. 家电下乡
(参考)government subsidized home appliances for rural villagers
(参考)White-Goods-Go-Rural Scheme
(参考)subsidize sales of home appliances in rural areas
12. 雷人 shockingweirdwacky
13. 囧 embarrassing
14. 打酱油
(参考)See no evil, hear no evil...
(参考)none of my business...
(参考)I am just passing by...
(参考)no comment
15. 给力
(参考)gelivablethr illingcool(目前网上的流行说法是(un)geiliable;转成
动词energiz e, perk up)
16. 宅女
stay-in girls
17. 宅男
otakustay-in boys
18. 换草运动
acquaintance blind dateto swap date
19. 橡皮人
'plasticine' men
(参考)the jaded (indifferent to the world)
20. 两餐半人
meal skipper

1. 笑点、泪点、痛点
bursting point
(参考)haha pointpain point
2. 甲客族
ads-on-cars drivers
(参考)vehicle wraps
3. 杠杆女、经适男
(参考)lever womenbudget husband
(参考)no-frillssupportive wifesafety-net husband
4. 剩女、剩男
girls left3S lady (single, seventies, stuck)
(参考)left-over Lisa
5. 伪娘
drag queencross dresser(也包括女生穿男装)
6. 零帕族
(参考)stress-free typestress-proof type
7. 脑残体(火星文)
8. 考碗族
gold-rice-bowl seeker

9. 代排族
hired queuer
10. 抄号族
(参考)code- copyingcomparison shopping
11. 恶搞
parody joke
12. 败犬女
(参考)single career women
13. 山寨
14. 隐婚族
15. 双核家庭
(参考)dual-core familysingle child couple
16. 浮云
(参考)floating cloudfleeting cloudephemeral
17. 富二代
the second-generation richsilver- spoon kids
18. 孔雀女
(参考)spoiledpampered girls
(参考)silk-stocking ladypeacock woman
19. 凤凰男
(参考)self-made man (参考)ugly ducklingPhoenix man
1. 潜规则
tacit ruleunspoken rule
(参考)hidden rulecasting couch
2. 拿捏
(参考)to find the proper approachget the appropriate way of dealing with a
particular problem;to maneuver
3. 洗浴中心 spa
4. 错时上下班
staggered office hours
5. 社会底层
low social strata
6. 公车
cars for government use
(参考)office car
(引申)社会车辆:unauthorized vehicles
7. 房奴卡奴
mortgage slavecredit card slave
8. 二奶小三
9. 法人代表,法定代表人
legal representative
10. 博弈 to game

(参考)to manipulateto wrestlea battle of wits
11. 国民性
national character
(参考)national identity (国民共性)
12. 财产性收入
property income
13. 排查
14. to screen
14. 人文关怀
(参考)humanitarianism, humanity, humanism, infused withfull of
15. 唐僧肉(形容人人都想从中得到好处的事或者物)
something much-coveted
16. 新生代农民工
(参考)new generation of migrant workers
17. 量化货币(定量宽松货币政策)
quantitative easing monetary policy
25. 阶梯电价
tiered electricity pricing
26. 保障房
(参考)supportive housinglow-income housing
27. 土地财政
(参考)finance depending on the sale of landland proceeds
28. 住房公积金
(参考)public housing fundhousing accumulation fund
18. 医闹
(参考)medical dispute related fracas
(参考)kick up a row against a
hospitalmake trouble in
hospitalvet grievances against
hospital in an extreme manner
19. 教育公平
equal access to education
20. 忧患意识
adversity consciousness
21. 反三俗(低俗,庸俗和媚俗)
(参考)fight against three forms
of vulgarity
22. 第一桶金
first pot of gold
(参考)first peg of goldfirst
23. 包容性增长
inclusive growth
24. 民心工程
(参考)projects in the public interestprojects welcomed by the peopleprojects
popular with the peoplepro-people projects







