Listen this way6 unit 2

2020年08月09日 05:44


Unit two
Part II
Callers The Worst Hazard on the Roads
Arshi zip into any little spacein between carssave a few
secondssqueezing past every car
winterfreezing rainblack icedrifting snowpotholes
rubberneckingan accident everybody slow downlook
traffic slow to a crawl

1. When is the new seat belt law put into practice? This Wednesday
2. Whom does the new law require to wear seat belts or to be in a
child safety seat?
a. the driver of a car
b. all passengers in the front seat
c. children between four and sixteen
d. children under four and weighing less than 40 pounds must be in a
child safety seat
3. What’s the penalty for not wearing a seat belt? $$ 25 for adults
and $$48 for passengers under the age of 15.
4. How many people died in traffic crashes last year in Maryland?

5. Among those people who died last year, how many of them didn’t
wear seatbelts? 199
6. And how many of them could have lived if they had worn seat
belt? 110
7. How many people in Maryland use seat belts regularly? About
8. In Maryland, who are the least likely to wear seat belts? People
between the ages of 18 and 29.
9. In Maryland, who are most likely to wear seat belts? People in
their 30.
10. According to Laura Lu Herman, if there are as many people in
Maryland using seat belts as those in California, how many lives
would be saved and how many injuries prevented every year? 50
lives would be saved and more than 2000 injuries prevented.
11. According to research, how many traffic deaths and injuries
happen within 25 miles of home and what’s the average speed in
these accidents? 75% happen within 25 miles of home and the
average speed is less than 40 miles per hour.

Major points
A. A new law in Maryland: it’s
illegal to play loud music in
your car
Supporting details
1. music heard 50 feet away too loud
2. penalty:
a. pay a $$50 fine
b. appear in court
B. The opinion of a local judge:
it makes no sense to appear
in court for it
old lawsagainst disturbing peaceenough
priorities not in the right place speeding
mail in the payment car radio loud come
to courtwaste a lot of time
C. John Morley’s point of view:
it’s a good law which will
create safer roads and save lives
strict about enforcing the lawradio loud
not safetydistractioncan’t hear other cars
beach resortsmusic screamingno peace
and quiet complainannoying


I. Introduction--- less tolerance for drunk drivers
a new survey: harsher penalties drive alcohol or drugs
II. Mothers Against Drunk Driving ---- the organization
who does the survey
A. founder: a woman child killed drunk driver
B. founding time: in 1980
C. general changes in American people’s attitudes toward drunk
1. in the past: a way of life and death in America
2. today: a socially unacceptable criminal act and a major public
health and safety problem
D. membership now: about 3 million
E. main job: campaigns preventive educationtougher laws
F. achievement: help reduce alcohol related fatalities
III. Major difference in American people’s attitudes toward
drunk driving
A. more than half believe penalties need to be tougher
B. over 90 % favor mandatory anti-drunk driving component
driver ed instruction longer jail termsstiffer fines confiscate
C. three fourths support suspension license decline sobriety
test blood alcohol content above legal limit

IV. MADD’s future goal
persuade governments pass tougher laws deter drunk driving
educate the public

its carrying capacity:
2 adults 2 children a cargo
adjectives to describe it:
small quiet maneuverable smooth
70 km per hour


test drive result:
quiet enough pickup

the Reeva --- an electric car
to be marketed in India
Why it meets the needs of the
typical Indian commuter:
80km per battery charged 4-5
times average driving distance

Why serious air pollution in
Indian cities:
heavy vehicle traffic poorly
refined fuels







