
2020年08月09日 05:58


研究生英语(上)词汇百题汇编 05-12

1. That same signature would remain valid on the ______of an independent candidate, she said.
[译文] 她说,同一个签名在独立候选人的请愿书上也有效。
A. post B. letter C. petition D. paper
2. The suicidal farmers can be set in stark contrast to the wealthy shareholders who______ the difference.
[译文] 自杀的农民和私揣差价的富裕持股者形成了鲜明的对比。
A. robbed B. pocketed C. mugged D. held
3. Yet the great ___of the book is Roth's ability to fill his creatures with their own vitality.
[译文] 这本书最激动人心之处就是作者Roth使书中人物充满了生命力。
A. thrill一阵激动,恐惧,狂喜等
C. lust
B. tremble
D. thrift节俭,节省
4. The management tried to satisfy staff with some _____ about the need to make sacrifices for the benefit of the
[译文] 资方试图用为公司利益做出牺牲这样的陈词滥调来应付员工。
A. plaudit 鼓掌,喝彩,称赞 B. plenary全体的,完全的,绝对的全权
C. plenty (n.[u]) D. platitude 陈词滥调
5. The couple had been trying to satisfy all the needs of their only kid, who had been ____for more pocket money.
[注意] 第一课课后题12页第5题
[译文] 这对夫妻尽力满足独生子的要求,而这孩子总纠缠不休的要零花钱
A. impressing 留下印象 B. importuning纠缠不休,死气白赖的请求
C. informing 告知 D. improvising即兴创作
6. The Democrats are three votes ______ of a majority
A. little B. least C. shy D. lacking
7. A possible ____ of “home” is a place of warmth, comfort and affection.
A. meaning意义 B. understatement 理解,明白
C. exaggeration 夸大 D. connotation内涵,言外之意
8. She had been ___ and sharp, a humorous woman, a woman of decision.
[译文] 她一向活泼敏捷幽默是个有决断力的人。
A. bombastic(人,言词)夸大的,唱高调的 B. boorish 粗野的,粗鲁的
为)喧闹的,活泼的,粗暴的 D. bloated浮肿的,(费用)膨胀的
9. I left my lesson plans at home, so I'll have to _____.

C. boisterous(人,行

[译文] 我把课程计划落在家里只好即席创作。
A. improve B. compensate
D. deliver

C. improvise即兴创作
10. We have calculated a $$ 3 per household recommendation to offset these additional costs ___ during the holidays.
[译文] 我们筹划了一个计划,给每家三美元以弥补过节带来的额外花费。
A. indebted B. indicated C. incurred招致,引起,欠债 D. inclined
11. The magazine is full of pictures of partially dressed women in ____ poses.
[译文] 这本杂志上都是那些穿着很少姿势挑逗的妇女的照片。
A. primitive B. provocative挑逗性的 C. proximate D. pathetic
12. He is a very ___ man and he seldom jumps to a conclusion.
[译文] 他是个很谨慎的人,很少会急急忙忙做出结论。
A. discreet 谨慎的,慎重的
D. avaricious贪婪的
13. The mother her baby tightly.
[译文] 母亲紧紧地抱着婴儿。
A) clarified 澄清,说明 B)clutched C)cleansed 擦洗 D)coaxed哄,劝
14. While she had the fever, she for hours.
[译文] 他发烧时说了几个小时的胡话。
A) raved说胡话,咆哮,极力赞美,赞赏 B)sniggered窃笑,偷偷的笑C)tittered吃笑,傻笑
15. She reached her decision only after much .
[译文] 经过深思熟虑后她做出了决定。
16. Films and pictures about recent wars sometimes angry memories and feelings of hatred between
[译文] 关于近来战争的电影和照片有时在国家间引起仇恨和气愤的情绪。
A)formulate用公式表示,系统的阐述 B)foster 养育,培养,照顾,引起,鼓励
伪造 D)forbid禁止
B)metaphor 隐喻 C)miscarriage失败,流产 D)meditation 沉
B. tolerant 宽容的 C. obedient 顺从的
17. The judge imposed a fine.
A)hefty 大量的,数额巨大的 B)heinous极邪恶的,极可耻的 C)hellish很坏
的,很讨厌的,地狱似的 D)helpless 无法照顾自己的,不能自立的
18. Foreigners frequently are unaware of the of the words they use.

A)consensus 一致意见
B)consequence 结果
19. We’re still three votes of the number we need to win.
[译文] 我们还差三票才能获胜。
A)sick 有病的,不适的
B)shrill尖锐的,刺耳的 C)shy缺乏的,不足的
20. They us three weeks to finish the job.
[译文] 他们给了我们三周时间去完成这项工作。
A)alluded 暗示,提示
B)allured 引诱,勾引,诱惑 C)adverted 提到,谈到,留意,注意
21. I think it’s rather the truth to say he’s handsome.
[译文] 要说他长得英俊我觉得有点言过其实了。
A)straightening 把弄直,澄清 B)straining 使…超过极限,使过分
22. An endless of tedious days and nights stretched before us.
[译文] 展现在我们面前的是令人厌烦的没有尽头的日日夜夜。
A)vista 远景,街景,展望
23. Our___ benefits include an increase in salary and shorter working hours.
[译文] 我们得到的具体利益包括涨工资和缩短工作时间。
A. eligible自己清楚的,能理解的 B. tangible具体的看得见摸得着的 C. sensible明智的,可感知的
D. feasible 可行的
24. They complained about excessive government ____ into their legitimate activities.
[译文] 他们不满政府过多地干预法律活动。
A. perception理解 B. allusion暗示,提及
B)visual 视觉的,看得见的 C)visibility 能见度,视程
C)stirring 拨动,摇动,激起
C. intrusion闯进,打扰,入侵,干涉 D. illusion幻觉,妄想
25. Girls and boys were ___into different dining rooms for meals and not allowed to mix at break time.
[译文] 男生和女生在吃饭时要分开去不同的饭厅不允许他们在休息时在一起。
A. seized 抓住 B. selected 选
C. segregated 隔离 D. sought 寻求
26. Having ____ his closest friends as members of the committee, the chairmen was assured of support.
A. destined 注定

B. detained 留住,耽搁,拘留

C. deserved 值得,应当得到 D. designated指明,指定,委任
27. We live in an increasingly ___society, in which religion has less and less influence in our daily lives.
[译文] 当今社会越来越世俗化,宗教对我们生活的影响日益减少。
A. secure安全的 B. secular 世俗的,尘世的
C. secluded与世隔绝的,偏僻的,退隐的 D. sedulous小心周到的,孜孜不倦的
28. The history of human resources management is marked by _____ enlargement of the responsibilities of
personnel administrators.
A. inevitable难以避免的 B. consistent一贯如一的 C. uniform一致的,一贯的 D.
29. The senator is opposed to any laws that____ on a citizen's right to bear arms(携带武器).
[译文] 这个议员反对任何侵犯公民持枪自由的法律。
A. wade跋涉 B. invoke引起,产生
C. muffle压抑,捂住 D. infringe破坏(法律),侵犯(权益)
30. It’s_____ in the regulations that you take 20 kilos of luggage with you.
[译文] 条例规定每人可随身携带20公斤行李。
A. laid up贮存,储蓄 B. laid out 展示,陈列
C. laid down规定,判定(原则,法则,计划等)

D. laid over旅途中停留
(vitamins) are needed for ____ foods into energy and body maintenance.
[译文] 人体需要维生素来把食物转化成能量和维持生命。
A. shifting B. transferring C. altering D. transforming
____their itinerary(路线) by eliminating Greece.
[译文] 他们不去希腊,改变了他们的旅行计划。
A. modulated调整,调节声音等 B. monitored监听,监控,追踪 C. multiplied增殖,繁殖
would be much better balanced if we could bring out the_____ side of women and the ____side of men.
A) masculine… feminine
B) feminine…masculine

34. Our church ___ a project to send relief aid overseas. [课堂例句]
A)facilitated B)initiated C)congratulated D)fabricated
35. The police have been accused of having ___ images of black people.
A)preoccupied B)unchanged C)stereotyped


36. Today it becomes more and more important to ___ the single child with a sense of responsibility. [课堂例句]
A)implant B)instill C)teach D)penetrate
37. The final technical report into the accident ____ the findings of initial investigations.
A)strengthens B)increases C)buttress D)reinforces
38. He is generally a good student but to his detriment, he is inclined to be ___ in discussing groups. [8课课后题]
A) flirting B) light-minded C)frivolous D)coquetting
39. The new magazine will be directed at a more ____circulation. [课堂例句]
A. energetic B. plenty C. affluent D. fluent
40. I tend to be rather conservative in such matters and a bit suspicious about these proposes.
A)traditional B)critical C)particular D)radical
41. His constant attempts to diminish his colleague’s achievements eventually caused his dismissal.
A) withdraw B)confine C) lessen D) restrain
42. Jefferson believed in human rights. He approved of the French Revolution.
A) joined B)opposed C)devoted D) was in favor of
43. The opera company decided to include Madame Butterfly in its ___ for the following season.
A) replica B) reparation C. repertoire D. requisite
44. Mr. Taylor’s meta-psychological _____ is somewhat accurate.
[译文] 卡勒维先生超心理学的预言有几分正确。
A) property 财产,特性
C) propensity爱好,倾向
B) propaganda 宣传
D) prophecy预言
45. Your story about the frog turning into a prince is nonsense.
[译文] 你讲的关于青蛙变王子的故事全是胡说。
A)sheer 全然的,纯粹的
46. The nerve of a tooth is .
[译文] 牙神经是有感觉的。
A)sentimental伤感的,感情的,情趣的 B)sensible 明智的,能感觉到的,可觉察的
C)sensational 轰动的,耸人听闻的 D)sentient有知觉的,有感觉的
47. He came home tired and after a long and unsuccessful day’s work.
[译文] 一整天不顺心的工作之后他回到家是身心俱疲。
B)morose 闷闷不乐的 C)marginal记在页边的,

B)sheet 床单 C)shear 刮,剪
48. Since John has such an to flying, I am certain that he will not want to go to Britain with us.

A)aviation 航空 B)aviator飞行员
C)avocation副业 D)aversion厌恶,反感
49. A clever politician knows how to his supporters.
[译文] 一个聪明的政治家知道如何利用他的支持者。
A)maneuver 指挥,调遣
B)manifest 显示,展露 C)manipulate 操纵,利用
50. The unions are getting more in their demands.
[译文] 工会提出的要求更加苛刻了。
A)strict 严格的 B)striking引人注目的,惊人的 C)strident刺耳的,尖声的,尖
锐的,苛刻的 D)stubborn执拗的,顽固的
51. She is for her lost child.
[译文] 她为失去的孩子哭泣。

B)waiving放弃,不坚持 C)wandering闲逛,漫步
52. The flowers in the vase in the hot room.
[译文] 瓶里的花在闷热的房间里都凋萎了。
A)dazzled 炫耀,迷惑
B)drooped低垂,下垂 C)diminish减少,减小
53. He had reasons for rejecting the proposal.
[译文] 他反对这建议有充分的理由。

B)copious丰富的,充裕的 C)costly昂贵的
54. They think those regulations are too .
[译文] 他们认为那些规章制度太严格了。
A)striking引人注目的,惊人的 B)stuffy不通气的,闷热的 C)subdued 柔和的,放低的 D)stringent严
55. The famous scientist his success to hard work.
[译文] 这位著名的科学家把他的成功归因于勤奋的工作。
A)imparted给予,告诉 B)granted给予,承认
56. The evidence produced so far does not ____ the conclusion that the driver was negligent.
[译文] 目前证据不足以证明司机有疏忽。
A) deserve B) qualify


C) modify D) warrant证明…正当,证明…有充分证据,断定
57. What were your___ wages for this last year?
[译文] 你去年的工资总和是多少?
A) aggressive侵略的,攻击的 B) aggregate总计,合计 C) aggravate 加重,使恶化
58. If your action are ___ you need not hide them from the police.
[译文] 你如果行为合法就不用在警察面前掩饰。
A) offensive 讨厌的,令人不快的
C) legitimate 合法的,正当的
B) obscure不清楚的,含糊的

D) customary通常的,照惯例的
59. Oil and natural gas have the advantages of being cheaper to ____ and transport than coal.
A) extract 提取,蒸馏出,榨出 B) extinguish熄灭,消灭,扑灭
60. The clock is ______ in the wall.
[译文] 钟是嵌在墙里的。
A)embraced 拥抱,包括
C) embedded嵌入
C) expose D)
D) emitted发出,散发
61. It is just another step in industry’s progress toward greater efficiency, no difference in its basic _____ .
[译文] 这只不过是工业发展朝着更高效率的另一个阶段。在其基本特征上没有什么不同。
62. The membership card entitles him ____ certain privileges in the club.
[译文] 拥有会员卡可以让他在俱乐部享有某种特权。
A)on B)in C)at D)to
B)attraction吸引,吸引物 C)attainment 成就
entitle sth.使某人有权享受…
63. She was in a _______ as to whether to stay at school or get a job.
[译文] 是留在学校还是找工作,她处于进退两难的境地。
A)diligence 勤奋
B)dilemma左右为难 C)dimension尺度,尺寸
64. The dismissal of half the employees _____ throughout the company.
A)revealed B)retrieved
C)resumed D)reverberated不断发生后效的,引起轩然大波的
65. In earlier days, the church _______ dancing and card-playing.

A)prosecuted B)proscribed C)propitiated D)proposed
66. In this critical moment, the leader has to make decisions dispassionately.
A)passively B)angrily C)enthusiastically D)reasonably
67. Some people are more susceptible to peer pressure than others.
A)sensitive B)surrealistic C)surpassing D)suspicious
68. The use of animals in scientific tests raises ethical questions.
A)ethnic B)social C)moral
69. His plan are not what they purport to be.
A)claim B)allege C)expect D)support
70. An ________ Reader’s Digest poll reveals some surprising findings. [11课课文]
a. overall b. alone c. single d. exclusive
find out, Reader’s Digest _________ the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research to ask 1022 American
kids ages 16,17 and 18 a battery of questions.
a. committed b. commented c. commissioned d. commenced
72. Only other sufferers know what it is like to be _______ with this disease.
a. conflicted b. worried c. afflicted d. terrified.
73. As for civic concerns, our survey suggests teenagers are ______to the batterings that the counts, the military
and the government have taken recently.
a. sensible b. sentimental c. sensitive ional
74. Again and again, teens _______ that their strong support for marriage, and that including a firm stand against
a. asserted b. affirmed c. alleged d. confirmed
75. In another question four out of ten _______ that they themselves agree with cheating in school.
a. acknowledged b. admitted c. confided d. confessed
76. A scant 12 percent thought obtaining a divorce should be easier.
a. short b. lack c. scarce d. scant
77. We _________whether a film could be arranged for the evening.

a. argued 辩论,就…议论 b. debated 讨论,辩论
c. disputed 争论,争辩, 争吵, 纷争 d. quarreled 争吵,口角
78. The results _____our teens, with 51 percent saying they would and 48 percent saying they wouldn’t.
a. spun b. spit c. splashed d. split
79. Only 39 percent thought it absolutely essential to keep fully _______ about news and public issues.
a. to be informed b. informed c. on informing ing
80. The real estate agent has the _______ right to sell the house.
a. alone b. overall c. exclusive独家的
81. The hotel charges $$ 6 a day, ________meals.
[译文] 不包括伙食这家旅馆收留美元一天。
a. except b. exclusive of c. no d. and
d. single
82. I was _______ by him to paint his picture.
a. committed b. commented c. commissioned委托,授权 d. commenced
83. The old man was _______ with bad eyesight.
a. conflicted b. worried c. afflicted d. terrified
84. The ________ of profit is the first priority of every business enterprise.
a. search寻找 b. greed贪婪 c. pursuit 追求 d. hatred痛恨
85. He died ,_______ by all.
a. mingled
c. notified

b. lamented哀悼,悲叹
d. overheard.

86. A civil ______ is universally condemned as a crime.
a. strategy b. stress c. strife冲突 d. string
87. He showed _________ understanding of the working class movement.
[译文] 他对工人阶级运动一点都不理解。
a. lack b. scant c. scarce d. short
88. To his great joy he discovered that his ear was becoming _______.

a. sensitive b. sensible c. sentimental ional
89. My trousers were so tight, and they ______when I sat down.
a. spun纺,织 b. spit 吐
c. split 裂开,分裂 d. splashed 溅,泼
90. He was quite ____ on what he thought about our plan.
[译文] 他对我们的计划直言不讳的表达了看法。
A. exquisite精致的,高雅的,敏锐的,灵敏的 B. extensive广阔的,数量大的,广泛的,全面的
C. external 外部的,表面的,外来的,外用的 D. explicit直言的,坦率的
91. Someone has stolen the secret ____ for the new drink.
A. format版本,开本,设计,安排
C. formula配方,处方
B. formality形式,拘谨,遵守礼节
D. formation形成,构成
92. The government has ____ its plans for earnings related pensions.
[译文] 政府已经废弃了与收入挂钩的养老金计划。
A. scrambled快速爬行,攀登,争夺 B. scrabbled扒找,乱扒
C. scrapped废弃,丢弃 D. scratched划破,刮伤,划掉

93. Parents ____the proposal to build a new school playground.
[译文] 家长们支持学校修建新运动场的建议。
A. endeavor 试图,尽力
C. endow 资助,捐赠
B. endorse赞同,支持,认可
D. enhance提高,增加,增强
94. A modest scholar never ____ to have exhausted his subject.
[译文] 一位谦虚的学者从不自称对自己研究的课题已经作了详尽无疑的研究。
A. professed 声称 B. propound 提议,建议
95. Shakspeare was one of the most _____writers in England.
A. prolix B. profuse大量的,许多的
D. prolific

C. punctured 刺穿,戳破 D. protruded(使)
C. profitless 无利的,无益的
96. The calligraphy was ____ and was sealed by the artist.
[译文] 那件书法作品是真迹,并有作者的印章。
A. authoritative有权威的 B. austere严峻的,严酷的
97. I was so sleepy I could scarely _____ a yawn.

C. authentic真的 D. automatic自动的,

[译文] 我困极了简直忍不住要打哈欠。
A. stigmatize 侮辱,诬蔑
98. He was bewildered by the entrance of science and technology intohis realm where ___ had ruled so long.
[译文] 科学和技术改变了他的领域中久已习惯的方法,而使他感到迷惘。
A. rote 机械的方法,生搬硬套
C. roll 卷,名册
B. rot 腐烂
B. stifle抑制,阻止,压制 C. stimulate激发,促进 D.
D. row排,行
99. For a panel of professors to ____ to state of the Union Message on public TV, the producer must choose two
Republicansand two Democrats.
[译文] 为了组成一个教 授团在公共电视网上对总统的国情咨文进行评价,制片人必须选两位共和党人和两
A. assert 宣称,断言
C. assess估价,评价
B. assail 攻击
D. assemble集合

100. The prime minister _____ the news of his trip at a press conference.
A. imparted告诉,通知 B. intervened C. installed D. impressed
101. The old lady ____ at me closely, trying to see if I was someone she knew.
[译文] 那个老妇人仔细的盯着我看,看我是不是她认识的人。
A. peered B. peeped C. peeked D. peeled
102. If you keep on overworking yourself your health will___.
A. deteriorate弄坏,使…恶化 B. degrade C. deform D. degenerate
103. The republication of the poet’s most recent works will certainly ___ his national reputation.
[译文] 这位诗人近作的再版一定会增加他在国内的知名度。
A. enhance B. enlarge C. strengthen D. magnify
104. Today housework has been made much easier by electrical ___ .
[译文] 现在家用电器使家务变得简单。electrical appliances家电
A. facilities B. appliances C. instruments D. equipments

1. “Better late than never” is a ______ that is very familiar to most English speakers.
(A) plenary (B) platitude (C) plaudit (D) plenty
2. The unruly crowed became even more ______ when the negotiator tried to quiet them.
(A) bombastic (B) boorish (C) bloated (d) boisterous
3. The skier went out of control, _______, lost his right ski and crashed into a boulder.

(A) slit (B) slid (C) slithered (D) slapped
4. If an actor forgets his words, he sometimes _______.
(A) imputes (B) improvises (C) imprecates (D) impeaches
5. She reached her decision only after much _________.
(A) medication (B) metaphor (C) miscarriage (D) meditation
6. Foreigners frequently are unaware of the ______ of the worlds they use.
(A) consensus (B) consequence (C) connotation (D) constituent
7. It is ____________to pay the debt within six months.
(A) malevolent (B) malign (C) maniac (D) mandatory
8. The police need _____ proof of his guilt before they charge him.
(A) taut (B) tangible (C) technical (D) tense
9. The country signed aan __________contract with America with an aim to make good use of their
natural resources and capital.
(A) residential (B) reciprocal (C) unusual (D) influential
10. They _______ us three weeks to finish the job.
(A) alluded (B) allured (C) adverted (D) allotted
11. It is well known that knowledge is the ______ condition for expansion of mind.
(A) incompatible (B) incredible (C) indefinite (D) indispensable 绝对需要的,不可缺少的
12. No men was allowed to ______ on the livelihood of his neighbor.
(A) wade (B) invoke (C) muffle (D) infringe
13. She really enjoyed the film because it was a _______ of history and contemporary events.
(A) fission (B) fury (C) fuse (D) fusion
14. He is not a friend of mine but a business ___________.
(A) associate (B) collaborator (C) colleague (D) partner
15. He was _______ of his property by confiscation.
(A) ensured (B) informed (C) deprived (D) convinced
16. When he tried to make a little joke, the judge warned him not to give ______replies to the lawyer’s
(A) frisky (B) frizzy (C) frivolous轻佻的 (D) frolicsome
17. The republication of the poet’s most recent works will certainly _______ his national reputation.
(A) enhance (B) enlarge (C) strengthen (D) magnify
18. The famous scientist ________ his success to hard work.
(A) imparted (B) granted (C) ascribed (D) acknowledged
19. The evidence produced so far does not ________ the conclusion that the driver was negligent.
(A) deserve (B) qualify (C) modify (D) warrant保证
20. What were your _______ wages for this last year?
(A) aggressive (B) aggregate (C) aggravate (D) affluent
21. She is ________ for her lost child.
(A) wailing (B) waiving (C) wandering (D) waning
22. The orders, which ______ to be signed by the general, were an enemy trick.
(A) purported (B) purposed (C) purified (D) purchased
23. Anthony, Octaivus and Lepidus _______ all those who had conspired against Julius Cadear.
(A) prosecuted (B) proscribed (C) propitiated (D) proposed
24. The newspapers _________ their readers against the new government.

(A) biased (B) persuaded (C) encouraged (D) impressed
25. Tennis has become more than the national sport of that country; it is a ______ discipline.
(A) ridiculous (B) rigorous 严格的(C) rough (D)royal
26. All agreement between countries to further their mutual aims is known is an ____________.
(A) allegation (B) alienation (C) allocation (D) alliance
27. He was bewildered by the entrance of science and technology into his realm where ______ has ruled so
(A) rote (B) rot (C) roll (D) row
28. The calligraphy was ________ and was sealed by the artist.
(A) authoritative (B) austere (C) authentic (D) automatic
29. He was quite _________ about on what he thought about our plan.
(A) exquisite (B) extensive (C) external (D) explicit
30. The book is highly _______ by prominent people.
(A) endeavored (B) endorsed (C) endowed (D) enhanced
1-5 BDCBD 6-10 CDBBD 11-15 DDDAC
16-20 CACDB 21-25 AABAB 26-30 DACDB

1. This book is about how these basic beliefs and values affect important _____ of American life.
(A) fashions (B) frontiers (C) facets (D) formats
2. The _______ of a cultural phenomenon is usually a logical consequence of some physical aspect in the
life style of the people.
(A) implementation (B) manifestation 表明 (C) demonstration (D) expedition
3. His career was not noticeably _____ by the fact that he had never been to college.
(A) prevented (B) restrain (C) hindered (D) refrained
4. Half of the planet always faces the sun, while the other half is ______ dark.
(A) continually (B) consequently (C) complicatedly (D) continuously
5. The black clouds and the lightening show that a storm is ____________________.
(A) eminent 杰出的 (B) imminent即将到来的 (C) prominent (D) immigrant
6. The country signed aan ________ contract with America with an aim to make good use of their natural
resources and capital.
(A) residential (B) reciprocal (C) unusual (D) influential
7. These excursion will give you an even deeper ________ into our language and culture.
(A) inquiry (B) investigation (C) insight (D) confirmation
8. I must go now. __________ if you want that book I’ll bring it next time.
(A) Successively (B) Respectively (C) Incidentally (D) Accidentally
9. We can gain lasting peace only if we proceed with the understanding, the confidence, and the courage
which flow from_________.
(A) impulse (B) implement (C) convictio信仰(D) manipulation
10. If you keep on overworking yourself your health will ____________.
(A) deteriorate (B) degrade (C) deform (D) degenerate
11. Everyone must agree to _______ to the plan. Once we begin, there can be no changes at all.
(A) infer (B) adhere (C) assure (D) confer
12. It is just another step in industry’s progress toward greater efficiency, no difference in its basic

(A) attributes (B) attraction (C) attainment (D) attrition
13. The entire valley ________ with the sound of the church bells.
(A) revealed (B) retrieved (C) resumed (D) reverberated
14. Anthony, Octavius and Lepidus __________ all those who had conspired against Julius Caesar.
(A) prosecuted (B) proscribed (C) propitiated (D) proposed
15. Although _________ by serious eyesight problem, Alicia Alonso was one of the principal stars of the
American Ballet Theater.
(A) afforded (B) affirmed (C) afflicted (D) agitated
16. The newspapers _________ their readers against the new government.
(A) biased (B) persuaded (C) encouraged (D) impressed
17. If your action are __________ you need not hide them from the police.
(A) offensive (B) obscure (C) legitimate (D) customary
18. And endless _______ of tedious days and nights stretched before us.
(A) vista (B) visual (C) visibility (D) visa
19. Films and pictures about recent wars sometimes _________ angry memories and feelings of hatred
between nations.
(A) formulate (B) foster (C) forge (D) forbid
20. In order to prevent a sudden outbreak of hostilities, we must give our rivals no ______ hints.
(A) primitive (B) proximate (C) pathetic (D) provocative
21. The landlady fired the servant who _______ household funds for his own use.
(A) robbed (B) pocketed (C) mugged (D) held
22. “Better late than never” is a ________ that is very familiar to most English speakers.
(A) plaudit (B) plenary (C) plenty (D) platitude
23. We are going to pay for the television by monthly _________.
(A) instances (B) inspections (C) installments (D) instruments
24. The police need ______ proof of his guilt before they charge him.
(A) taut (B) tangible (C) technical (D) tense
25. No men was allowed to _____ on the livelihood of his neighbour.
(A) wade (B) invoke (C) muffle (D) infringe
26. When the old man was near death he lost interest in _______ affairs.
(A) mundan世俗的 (B) municipal (C) multiple (D) multiform
27. The government will _______ a reform in the educational system.
(A) initiate (B) initial (C) initiative (D) intact
28. I was so sleepy I could scarcely _________ a yawn.
(A) stigmatize (B) stifle (C) stimulate (D) stipulate
29. Shakespeare was one of the most _________ writers in England.
(A) prolix (B) profuse (C) profitless (D) prolific
30. A modest scholar never ______ to have exhausted his subject.
(A) professed (B) propound (C) punctured (D) protruded

1. His book advanced the _________ that whales are as intelligent as humans.

(A) ruling (B) proposal (C) hypothesis (D) recommendation
2. The government ________ between the workers and the employers.
(A) meddled (B) meditated (C) mediated (D) met
3. The hunter ________ great danger in killing the tiger.
(A) incorporated (B) incurred (C) inculcated (D) indicated
4. He is a very _______ man and he seldom jumps to a conclusion.
(A) discreet (B) tolerant (C) obedient (D) avaricious
5. I think it’s rather _______ the truth to say he’s handsome.
(A) straightening (B) straining (C) stirring (D) stimulating
6. The kitchen was small and________ so that the disabled could reach everything without difficulty.
(A) conventional (B) compact (C) compatible (D) concise
7. These excursion will give you an even deeper ________ into our language and culture.
(A) inquiry (B) investigation (C) insight (D) confirmation
8. Physicians have made new discoveries that challenge our _______ theories of the universe.
(A) existed (B) adapted (C) organized (D) established
9. He prayed to God day and night so that he would be _________with power and wisdom.
(A) endowed (B) donated (C) attributed (D) rewarded
10. Half the planet always faces the sun, while other half is ______ dark.
(A) continually (B) consequently (C) complicatedly (D) continuously
11. To his great joy he discovered that his ear was becoming __________.
(A) sensitive (B) sensible (C) sentimental (D) sensational
12. Mrs. Brown is so _______ about her housework that servants will not work for her.
(A) special (B) especial (C) peculiar (D) particular
13. O’Neil’s ideas have been to a great deal of criticism from those who consider them to be scientific
(A) adjusted (B) corresponded (C) subjected (D) yielded
14. Men are _______ by reason, _______ by experience, and too often _______ by passion.
(A) led, conducted, directed (B) conducted, guided, led
(C) guided, conducted, led (D) directed, led, guided
15. I haven’t the _______ idea what you mean.
(A) lightest (B) smallest (C) dimmest (D) faintest
16. We ______ you that he will come back as soon as the he finishes his holiday in Australia.
(A) convince (B) persuade (C) assure (D) guarantee
17. All agreement between countries to further their mutual aims is known is an ____________.
(A) allegation (B) alienation (C) allocation (D) alliance
18. He was bewildered by the entrance of science and technology into his realm where ______ has ruled so
(A) rote (B) rot (C) roll (D) row
19. The calligraphy was ________ and was sealed by the artist.
a) authoritative (B) austere (C) authentic (D) automatic
20. For a panel of professors to _________ to state of the Union Message on public TV, the producer must
choose two Republicans and two Democrats.
a) assert 断言,坚持 (B) assail (C) assess (D) assemble
21. The book is highly _______ by prominent people.

(A) endeavored (B) endorsed (C) endowed (D) enhanced
22. The newspapers _________ their readers against the new government.
biased (B) persuaded (C) encouraged (D) impressed
offensive (B) obscure (C) legitimate (D) customary
vista (B) visual (C) visibility (D) visa
23. If your action are __________ you need not hide them from the police.
24. And endless _______ of tedious days and nights stretched before us.
25. Films and pictures about recent wars sometimes _________ angry memories and feelings of hatred
between nations.
(B) formulate (B) foster (C) forge (D) forbid
26. In order to prevent a sudden outbreak of hostilities, we must give our rivals no ______ hints.
(B) primitive (B) proximate (C) pathetic (D) provocative
27. The landlady fired the servant who _______ household funds for his own use.
(B) robbed (B) pocketed (C) mugged (D) held
28. Your idea is quite _______, but the method is too complicated.
(A) fresh (B) primitive (C) original 新颖的(D) inventive
29. I don’t believe that this unreasonable scheme is ______ of our serious consideration.
(A) deserved (B) worthwhile (C) worthy (D) worth
30. The clever lawyer proved that his _______ was not guilty.
(A) colleague (B) client (C) advocate (D) defendant
1. We’re __________ for a new playground for the village children.
(A) appealing (B) requesting (C) petitioning (D) demanding
2. His book advanced the _________ that whales are as intelligent as humans.
(A) ruling (B) proposal (C) hypothesis (D) recommendation劝告
3. The government ________ between the workers and the employers.
(A) meddled (B) meditated 考虑 (C) mediated 调解(D) met
4. The hunter ________ great danger in killing the tiger.
(A) incorporated (B) incurred (C) inculcated (D) indicated
5. He is a very _______ man and he seldom jumps to a conclusion.
(A) discreet (B) tolerant (C) obedient (D) avaricious
6. I think it’s rather _______ the truth to say he’s handsome.
(A) straightening (B) straining (C) stirring (D) stimulating
7. The kitchen was small and________ so that the disabled could reach everything without difficulty.
(A) conventional (B) compact (C) compatible (D) concise
8. The passage does not contrast _________ and romantic novels.
(A) realist (B) realization (C) realistic (D) realize
9. Physicians have made new discoveries that challenge our _______ theories of the universe.
(A) existed (B) adapted (C) organized (D) established
10. He prayed to God day and night so that he would be _________with power and wisdom.
(A) endowed (B) donated (C) attributed (D) rewarded
11. This book is about how these basic beliefs and values affect important _____ of American life.
(A) fashions (B) frontiers (C) facets (D) formats
12. The _______ of a cultural phenomenon is usually a logical consequence of some physical aspect in the

life style of the people.
(A) implementation (B) manifestation (C) demonstration (D) expedition
13. His career was not noticeably _____ by the fact that he had never been to college.
(A) prevented (B) restrain (C) hindered (D) refrained
14. Half of the planet always faces the sun, while the other half is ______ dark.
(A) continually (B) consequently (C) complicatedly (D) continuously
15. The black clouds and the lightening show that a storm is ____________________.
(A) eminent (B) imminent (C) prominent (D) immigrant
16. The country signed aan ________ contract with America with an aim to make good use of their natural
resources and capital.
(A) residential (B) reciprocal (C) unusual (D) influential
17. These excursion will give you an even deeper ________ into our language and culture.
(A) inquiry (B) investigation (C) insight (D) confirmation
18. I must go now. __________ if you want that book I’ll bring it next time.
(A) Successively (B) Respectively (C) Incidentally (D) Accidentally
19. We can gain lasting peace only if we proceed with the understanding, the confidence, and the courage
which flow from_________.
(A) impulse (B) implement (C) conviction (D) manipulation
20. If you keep on overworking yourself your health will ____________.
(A) deteriorate (B) degrade (C) deform (D) degenerate
21. The company was financially ________ and almost went to bankruptcy during last year’s economic
(A) corrupt (B) cornered (C) conjured (D) covered
22. Anne is looking very ________ in that short skirt.
(A) provident (B) provincial (C) provocative (D) provisional
23. In the fifteenth century many people were _______ from England for religious reasons.
(A) exported (B) banished (C) exited (D) emitted
24. Foreigners frequently are unaware of the _______ of the words they use.
(A) consensus (B) consequence (C) connotation (D) constituent
25. Today housework has been made much easier by electrical ________.
(A) Facilities (B) appliances (C) instruments (D) equipments
26. The children _________ the woods looking for berries.
(A) transferred (B) tramped (C) transformed (D) translated
27. The church leaders decided not to interfere in ________ matters.
(A) secure (B) secular (C) secluded (D) sedulous
28. The low value of the dollar __________ growing concern about the US economy.
(A) refines (B) reforms (C) reflects (D) refracts
29. Although he was well liked as a friend there were many who were ready to _______ him for his
political activities.
(A) compliment (B) denounce (C) announce (D) proclaim
30. It’s ___________ in the regulations that you can take 20 kilos of luggage with you.
(A) laid up (B) laid out (C) laid down (D) laid over


1. His father is fairly tolerant, but not ________ towards his children.
(A) tolerable (B) indulgent (C) savage (D) considerate
2. His eyes _______ on the three dollars I gave the waiter as tip and I was sure she considered me mean.
(A) depended (B) relied (C) rested (D) insisted
3. The hollowed log used by primitive people is the ______ of the modern ship.
(A) prototype (B) model (C) mode (D) pattern
4. The students have _______ to the library only in the afternoon.
(A) excess (B) access (C) accessory (D) accession
5. What a difference between the two houses which stand ______ to each other.
(A) adjacent (B) adhering (C) extending (D) detaching
6. The company _______ great importance to improving the quality of its products.
(A) distributes (B) overestimates (C) attaches (D) contributes
7. She ______ great debts by buying a luxurious car which she could not afford.
(A) incurred (B) occurred (C) recurred (D) concurred
8. I believed he is a(n)________ man and would not have done foolish things like that.
(A) sensitive (B) sensible (C) imaginative (D) imaginary
9. I spoke to him, but he was too _____ to hear what I said.
(A) preoccupied (B) concentrated (C) absent-minded (D) cautious
10. “Better late than never” is a ______ that is very familiar to most English speakers.
(A) plenary (B) platitude (C) plaudit (D) plenty
11. The unruly crowed became even more ______ when the negotiator tried to quiet them.
(A) bombastic (B) boorish (C) bloated (D) boisterous
12. The skier went out of control, _______, lost his right ski and crashed into a boulder.
(A) slit (B) slid (C) slithered (D) slapped
13. If an actor forgets his words, he sometimes _______.
imputes (B) improvises (C) imprecates (D) impeaches
medication (B) metaphor (C) miscarriage (D) meditation
consensus (B)consequence (C)connotation(D) constituent
14. She reached her decision only after much _________.
15. Foreigners frequently are unaware of the ______ of the words they use.
16. It is ____________to pay the debt within six months.
(A) malevolent (B) malign (C) maniac (D) mandatory
17. The police need _____ proof of his guilt before they charge him.
(A) taut (B) tangible (C) technical (D) tense
18. The country signed aan __________contract with America with an aim to make good use of their
natural resources and capital.
(A)residential (B) reciprocal (C) unusual (D) influential
19. They _______ us three weeks to finish the job.
(A) alluded (B) allured (C) adverted (D) allotted
20. The orders, which ______ to be signed by the general, were an enemy trick.
(A)purported (B) purposed (C) purified (D) purchased
21. Anthony, Octaivus and Lepidus _______ all those who had conspired against Julius Cadear.
(A) prosecuted (B) proscribed (C) propitiated (D) proposed

22. The newspapers _________ their readers against the new government.
(A) biased (B) persuaded (C) encouraged (D) impressed
23. Tennis has become more than the national sport of that country; it is a ______ discipline.
(A) ridiculous (B) rigorous (C) rough (D)royal
24. All agreement between countries to further their mutual aims is known is an ____________.
(A) allegation (B) alienation (C) allocation (D) alliance
25. Mrs. Brown is so _______ about her housework that servants will not work for her.
(A) special (B) especial (C) peculiar (D) particular
26. O’Neil’s ideas have been to a great deal of criticism from those who consider them to be scientific
(A) adjusted (B) corresponded (C) subjected (D) yielded
27. If you keep on overworking yourself your health will ____________.
(A) deteriorate (B) degrade (C) deform (D) degenerate
28. Everyone must agree to _______ to the plan. Once we begin, there can be no changes at all.
(B) infer (B) adhere (C) assure (D) confer
29. It is just another step in industry’s progress toward greater efficiency, no difference in its basic
(A) attributes (B) attraction (C) attainment (D) attrition
30. The entire valley ________ with the sound of the church bells.
(A) revealed (B) retrieved (C) resumed (D) reverberated







