2019-2020同步人教英语新课标选修七讲义:Unit 2 英美文化欣赏

2020年08月09日 06:04


【导读】 《海底两万里》是法国科幻小说家儒勒·凡尔纳的代表作之一, 是
阅读下面选 取的有关冒险活动的节选,认真体会他们面对海上危险的态度。
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea (excerpt)
Part One Chapter Five
For some while the voyage of the Abraham Lincoln was
marked by no one circumstance arose that
displayed Ned Land's marvelous skills and showed just how
much confidence we could place in him.
Off the Falkland Islands on June 30,the frigate came in contact with a fleet of
American whalers,and we learned that they hadn't seen the one of them,
the captain of the Monroe,knew that Ned Land had shipped aboard the Abraham
Lincoln and asked his help in hunting a baleen whale that was in s to see
Ned Land at work,Commander Farragut authorized him to make his way aboard the
the Canadian had such good luck that with a right­and­left shot,he
harpooned not one whale but two,striking the first straight to the heart and catching
the other after a few minutes' chase!
Assuredly,if the monster ever had to deal with Ned Land's harpoon,I wouldn't bet
on the monster.
The frigate sailed along the east coast of South America with prodigious
July 3 we were at the entrance to the Strait of Commander Farragut was
unwilling to attempt this tortuous passageway and maneuvered instead to double Cape
The crew sided with him ,were we likely to encounter the
narwhale in such a cramped strait?Many of our sailors swore that the monster couldn't
negotiate this passageway simply because “he's too big for it!”
Our course was set for the northwest,and the next day our frigate's propeller
finally churned the waters of the Pacific.
“Open your eyes!Open your eyes!” repeated the sailors of the Abraham

And they opened amazingly and spyglasses (a bit dazzled,it is true,by
the vista of $$2,000.00) didn't remain at rest for an and night we observed
the surface of the ocean,and those with nyctalopic eyes,whose ability to see in the
dark increased their chances by fifty percent,had an excellent shot at winning the prize.
As for me,I was hardly drawn by the lure of money and yet was far from the least
attentive on ing only a few minutes for meals and
a few hours for sleep,come rain or come shine,I no longer left
the ship's mes bending over the forecastle railings,
sometimes leaning against the stern rail,I eagerly scoured that
cotton­colored wake that whitened the ocean as far as the eye could see!And how many
times I shared the excitement of general staff and crew when some unpredictable whale
lifted its blackish back above the an instant the frigate's deck would become
densely cowls over the companionways would vomit a torrent of sailors
and panting chests and anxious eyes,we each would observe the
cetacean's movements.I stared;I stared until I nearly went blind from a worn-out retina,
while Conseil,as stoic as ever,kept repeating to me in a calm tone:
“If master's eyes would kindly stop bulging,master will see farther!”
But what a waste of energy!The Abraham Lincoln would change course and race
after the animal sighted,only to find an ordinary baleen whale or a common sperm
whale that soon disappeared amid a chorus of curses!
However,the weather held voyage was proceeding under the most
favorable then it was the bad season in these southernmost regions,
because July in this zone corresponds to our January in Europe;but the sea remained
smooth and easily visible over a vast perimeter.
Ned Land still kept up the most tenacious skepticism;beyond his spells on watch,
he pretended that he never even looked at the surface of the waves,at least while no
whales were in yet the marvelous power of his vision could have performed
yeoman this stubborn Canadian spent eight hours out of every twelve
reading or sleeping in his cabin.A hundred times I chided him for his unconcern.
“Bah!” he replied.“Nothing's out there,Professor Aronnax,and if there is

some animal,what chance would we have of spotting it?Can't you see we're just
wandering around at random?People say they've sighted this slippery beast again in
the Pacific high seas—I'm truly willing to believe it,but two months have already gone
by since then,and judging by your narwhale's personality,it hates growing moldy from
hanging out too long in the same waterways!It's blessed with a terrific gift for getting
,professor,you know even better than I that nature doesn't violate good
sense,and she wouldn't give some naturally slow animal the ability to move swiftly if it
hadn't a need to use that if the beast does exist,it's already long gone!”
I had no reply to sly we were just groping how else could
we go about it?All the same,our chances were automatically pretty
everyone still felt confident of success,and not a sailor on board would have bet against
the narwhale appearing,and soon.
第一部分 第五章
件事使得尼德·兰显现出了 他惊人的技巧,同时也说明了我们对他的那种信任是应
6月30日,在福克兰群岛附近 海域,林肯号向美国的捕鲸船打听那条独角鲸
的消息,这些捕鲸船都说没碰见。但其中一只名叫孟禄号的 捕鲸船船长,知道尼
不仅是打了一条鲸 鱼,而且是打了两条,他投出双叉,一叉直刺入一条鲸鱼的心
脏,追赶了几分钟以后,另一条也被捕获了 。
敢打赌,保证这 个怪物无事。
海 峡口上。但法拉古舰长不愿意通过这曲折的海峡,要从合恩角绕过去。
全体船员一致赞成他的主张。的 确,我们哪能在这狭窄的海峡里碰到那条独
角鲸呢?大多数水手都肯定怪物不能通过海峡,因为它身体很 大,海峡容不下它!

他们都把 眼睛睁得大大的。真的,眼睛和望远镜好像被两千美元奖金的远景
所眩惑,一刻也不愿休息。白天黑夜, 人人都留心洋面,患昼盲症的人因在黑暗
中能看得清。比别人要多百分之五十的机会获得这笔奖金。 < br>我个人是不受金钱引诱的,但我在船上也同样注意观察海面。除了用餐的几
分钟,睡眠的几小时, 不管日晒也好,雨淋也好,我总不离开甲板。有时伏在船
头围板上,有时扶着船尾的栏杆,我目不转睛, 死盯着一望无际、白练般的浪涛!
有好几次,一条任性的鲸鱼把灰黑的脊背露在波涛上的时候,我跟船上 全体职工
般地从 布棚下涌出来了。人人都心头跳动,眼光闪烁,注视着鲸鱼的行动。我非
常注意地看着,看得眼睛发黑, 简直要变成瞎子了。但康塞尔总是若无其事的,
但 是,空欢喜了一场!林肯号转了方向,向发现的动物冲去,原来是一条平
常的长须鲸,或一条普通的抹香 鲸,不多时就在大家的咒骂声中不见了!
可是天气很好。船在良好的情况中航行,这正是南半球天气恶 劣的季节,而
很 远。
故意不看洋面 ——至少在没有发现鲸鱼的时候是这样。他的神奇的眼力有很大的
用处,可是在十二小时中有八小时,这 位固执的加拿大人只是在舱房中看书或睡
“算了吧!” 他回答,“阿龙纳斯教授,什么都没有,就算海中真有什么怪物,
我们可能有机会看见它吗?我们不是漫 无计划地瞎逛吗?据说在太平洋的北部海
中,又有人看见了这个无法找到的怪物,这我并不否认;但是, 自从那次碰见后,
决不自相矛盾,它决 不使天性迟缓的动物,有快速走动的能力,因为这种能力对
它并无必要。所以,这种动物如果存在的话, 它早就跑远了!”

听了他这话,我没法回答。很明显,我们确实 是盲目地行动着。可是,又有
什么办法呢?我们的机会很有限,不过,对于事情的成功,还没有人加以怀 疑,
1.frigate n

2.harpoon v.
3.assuredly adv.
4.unanimously adv.
5.nyctalopic adj.
6.stoic adj.
7.tenacious adj.
8.skepticism n.
凡尔纳的小说得以广为流传,还因为他具有社会正 义感和崇高的人道主义精
者的进步思想的 体现。








