
2020年08月09日 06:06


Procedure for DPA Monitoring SMS Running

1. 目的 Objective
员对安全管理 体系监控程序。
This procedure aims at ensuring DP fully perform his responsibility, found defects in safety and
anti-pollution works timely, organize people to correct defects, make SMS perfect and keep SMS
normal operation.
2. 监控方式 Monitor mode
2.1. 定期对岸基体系内各部门的安全管理体系活动进行 走访,了解体系运行情况,查阅相
Have an interview with every department ashore termly, ask for information about running of SMS,
check relevant records, and write opinions of monitoring or verifying. At least two time for each
department every year.
2.2. 不定期地对所管船舶 的安全管理体系运行情况进行监督、检查,可采取到船访问、与
船长及高级船员座谈、听取船长及轮机长 的工作汇报、查看工作记录等方式,判定体
系在船运行情况的有效性和持续性,每年每船亲自或指派替代 人员不少于一次。
Monitor and examine SMS running conditions onboard aperiodically. By way of visiting the ship,
having a talk with master and senior officer, listening to work report of master and chief engineer,
checking work records, etc, so as to judge availability and continuity about SMS running onboard.
At least one times each vessel every year.
3. 监控范围 Scope of Monitoring
All activities and records related to safety management and anti-pollution works of all departments
and vessel in company’s system.
4. 监控内容 Monitoring
4.1. 岸基各部门船舶安全管理体系的工作记录;
Work records of SMS ashoreonboard
4.1.1. 船长及其船员的适任审核、任职考评、配员调配等记录;
Records relate to eligibility auditing, examining of post holding and assignment of masterother
4.1.2. 熟悉职责及培训方面的记录;
Records relate to manning of Ship and Seafarers’ EmploymentAssigningtraining.
4.1.3. 信息传递方面的记录;
Records relate to transmitting of SMS Information.
4.1.4. 需要公司提供的资源和岸基支持方面的报告
Reports ask for resource and support ashore.
4.1.5. 应急反应及训练演习方面的记录;
Records about emergency response training and maneuver
4.1.6. 不符合规定情况事故险情的报告和调查分析及实施纠正措施方面的记录;
Records relate to reporting procedure for non- conformities, accidents and hazardous occurrences
4.1.7. 船舶维护(修理)方面的记录;
Records relate to ship repair and maintenance.
4.1.8. 设备缺陷/故障的报告及纠正记录;
Equipment defectfault Report and corrective records.
4.1.9. 文件控制及管理方面的记录;
Records relate to SMS document control and management.
4.1.10. 内审、有效性评价、管理性复查方面的记录,缺陷及不符合项的纠正、预防措施的验
Records relate to Internal Audit, Evaluation for SMS Efficiency and managerial Review; Correct of

defect and non-conformities; verifying of preventive measures.
4.1.11. 船舶安全检查自查(开航前、航行中、抵港前及季度安全检查报告)方面的记录等。
Records relate to ship safety examineself-examine (before the voyage, during the voyage, before
arrival and quarterly safety inspection report
4.1.12. 法定日志记载;安全活动日、航前会议、船务会议、夜航命令簿记录;
Statutory records: Safety active day, meeting before voyage, shipping meeting, night order book.
4.2. 公司及船舶外部审核的记录,开出的不符合项、观察项按规定期限的纠正措施实施效
Carryover effect of corrective actions for non-conformities and observed items, records of
companyvessel external audit.
5. 检查和评价 Examine and Evaluation
5.1. 应对体系主管部门对船舶SMS活动及设 备运行和维护状况的指导进行监控,监控的方
式可以结合访船进行。指定人员应将所发现的问题通报给相 关部门或船舶,以便及时
Monitor the guidance about SMS activesrunning and maintenance of equipments given to ship by
relevant SMS department. Monitoring could be carried out combined with visiting of ship. DP
should inform relevant department once any problem found, so as to correct timely, significant
defect must report to highest leader of the company.
5.2. 对上报的不符合规定情况事故险情的报告 ,应责成相关部门船舶的人员按《不符合
Refer to above report about Non-Conformities, Accidents and Miss Risk Occurrences, DP should
instruct relevant department to perform according to < ReportingAnalysis and Rectification
Procedure for Non-Conformities, Accidents and Miss Risk Occurrences>.
5.3. 对安全管理体系运行中发现的重大缺陷 ,应组织力量加以纠正和研讨预防,必要时应
组织召开管理层会议,分析船/岸的安全管理体系运行情况 ,对具有代表性的不符合
规定的情况和事故、险情,应分析、研究、制定纠正措施,直至修改或补充安全 管理
DP should organize people to correct and study precautionary measure refer to significant defect,
and if necessary, organize a manage meeting, analysis running condition of SMS ashore and
onboard; analysisstudyestablish corrective measures refer to some iconic Non-Conformities,
Accidents and Hazardous Occurrences, until revise or replenish SMS files; keep improving the
5.4. 应依 据公司安全管理体系有效性评价程序的规定,定期组织岸基和船舶的安全管理体
系有效性评价活动,对所 发现不符合项的纠正落实情况进行跟踪验证。
Organize SMS effectiveness evaluation according to provisions of Procedure of effectiveness
evaluation, keep following verify about practice of corrective measures.
5.5. 按照总经理指示,以《 有效性评价和管理复查程序》的规定,组织 管理复查,以公
Organize management review according to < Effective Evaluation and Management Review
Procedure > and instruction of general manager, review and improve SMS of company refer to
significant changes and modulation.
6. 记录 Records
6.1. 内审综合评价表
Internal audit comprehensive evaluation
6.2. 船舶港口船旗国检查汇报表
Port Flag state inspection report
6.3. 船舶SMS季报制度
Ship SMS quarterly report system
7. 支持性文件: Supportive Documents
7.1. 不符合规定的情况事故险情的报告和调查分析及纠正程序
ReportingAnalysis and Rectification Procedure for Non-Conformities, Accidents and Miss Risk
7.2. 有效性评价和管理复查程序
Effective Evaluation and Management Review Procedure

7.2. SMI-0111 船舶SMS季报制度
Ship SMS quarterly report system
7.3. SMI-0112 外部审核须知
External Audit Instruction







