
2020年08月09日 06:13



 修改以下句子:
 1. The total area under natural protection reaches 19330 hectares, and which account for
2.01% of the total area of China.
 2. The boil point of the solution is higher than any of its separate components.
 3. Using triethanolamine (三乙醇胺)as absorption solution to capture various air
pollutants simultaneously in one sample, it’s absorption efficiency is high.
 4. Chinese traditional herbal medicine takes a high proportion on the pharmaceutical
market and are being more and more emphasized, so that the supply is smaller than the
 5. Some microorganisms can survive under extreme environments, for example, a lot of
microorganisms were found in sea and saline lakes.
 6. That happened later indicated that this endothermic reaction may alleviate the breakage
of a filament due to denitrogenation during the carbonization stage. (随后发生的现象表
 1.改为:The total area under natural protection reaches 19330 hectares, which accounts
for …
 …, representing 2.01% of the territorial area of China.
 …, being 2.01% of the territorial area of China.
 2. The boil point of the solution is higher than that of any of its separate components.
 3. 悬垂修饰语错误。改为 By using triethanolamine (三乙醇胺)as absorption solution
to capture various air pollutants simultaneously in one sample, higher absorption
efficiency can be obtained.
 4. 此句犯有用词不当,主谓不一致等错误,可改为 Chinese traditional herbal medicine
takes a large proportion in the pharmaceutical market, which is still growing, leading to
the situation that its supply falls short of demand.
 5. survive为及物动词,后面的under可以去掉。或者把survive改为live。
 6.句首的that 应该改为what。that和what都能引导名词性从句,但前者只起连接词

 翻译下面具有被动态特征的句子:
 1.对待检流感病毒样品进行了逆转录和扩增、荧光标记、杂交和扫描分析。(reverse
transcription, amplification, fluorescent dye labeling, hybridization and scanning)。
 2.所有含 氯氟烃(CFCs)或类似物质的产品必须一律贴上标签,而且禁止使用一切
 3.风速是用米 秒来表示的。
 4.这种肺炎是由病毒和真菌引起的。
 5.虽然病原体(pathogens)表现出惊人的对抗主体防御的能力,但是它们之间的斗争
可以看 做是一场无休无止的军备竞赛。
 6.因此,这种机制可理解为变构调节( allosteric regulation )。
 7.人的免疫系统(innate immune system) 一直被认为是“低技术含量的免疫系统”。直到

现在我们才理解先天免疫力具有重要的分 子特性。
 8.目前已分离出的H5N1病毒是否保留了这个特性还有待证实。
 9.据估计,人的疾病有40%是由细菌感染引起的。
 10.他们声称这种DNA聚合酶(DNA polymerase)的持续合成能力(processivity)的提高
使反应时间大大缩短。( allow)
 1. Influenza virus sample was treated for reverse transcription, amplification, fluorescent
dye labeling, hybridization and scanning.
 2. Warning labels must be placed on all products containing CFCs or similar substances
and non-essential uses of ozone- depleting products are prohibited.
 3. The speed of wind is expressed in meters by second.
 4. This kind of pneumonia is caused by viruses and fungi.
 5. Although pathogens display a remarkable ability to outmaneuver host defenses, this
struggle has been described as a never–ending arms race.
 mechanism could therefore be interpreted as an allosteric regulation.
 innate immune system had always been viewed as the “low-tech immune system”.
Only now do we understand that innate immunity has significant molecular specifity.
 8. Whether currently isolated H5N1 viruses have retained this property remains to be
determined seenanalyzed.
 9. It was estimated that forty percent of human diseases are the result of infection by
 10. They claimed that the increased processivity of this DNA polymerase allows reaction
times to be reduced.

 一、用分词或分词短语翻译划线部分。
 (1) 氢是已知元素中最轻的。
 Hydrogen is the lightest element ___________.
 (2) 这个问题一直没有得到解答。
 The question remains ___________________.
 (3) 晶体管体积小、重量轻,优于真空管。
 ___________, transistors have advantages over vacuum tubes.
 (4) 速度等于距离除以时间。
 Speed equals distance ____________.
 (5) 电压等于电流乘以电阻。
 Voltage equals current_____________.
 (6) 这个力很小,可以忽略不计。
 __________, this force can be neglected.
 (7) 若用公式来表示,欧姆定律可写成V=IR。
 ________, Ohm’s law can be written as V=IR.
 (8) 水能和许多物质结合形成水合物。
 Water combines with many other substances, _____________.
 (9) 空气阻力随速度的增加而增加。
 The resistance of air increases _____________.

 (10) 我们还比较了先前报道的有关金星的研究成果。
 Comparisons are also made _______________.
 (1) Hydrogen is the lightest element known.
 (2) The question remains unanswered.
 (3) Being small in size and light in weight, transistors have advantages over vacuum
 (4) Speed equals distance divided by time.
 (5) Voltage equals current multiplied by resistance.
 (6) Being very small, this force can be neglected.
 (7) Expressed in a formula, Ohm’s law can be written as V=IR.
 (8) Water combines with many other substances, therefore forming hydrate.
 (9) The resistance of air increases with the increasedincreasing speed.
 (10) Comparisons are also made with results previously reported for Venus.

 Bluetooth can connect up to eight devices simultaneously. With all of those devices in the
same 10-meter radius, you might think they’d interfere with one another, but it’s unlikely.
Bluetooth uses a technique called spread- spectrum frequency hopping that makes it rare
for more than one device to be transmitting on the same frequency at the same time. In
this technique, a device will use 79 individual , randomly chosen frequencies within a
designated range, changing from one to another on a regular basis. In the case of
Bluetooth, the transmitters change frequencies 1600 times every second, meaning that
more devices can make full use of a limited slice of the radio spectrum. Since every
Bluetooth transmitter uses spread-spectrum transmitting automatically, it’s unlikely that
two transmitters will be on the same frequency at the same time. This same technique
minimizes the risk that portable phones or baby monitor will disrupt Bluetooth devices,
since any interference on a particular frequency will last only a tiny fraction of a second.
蓝牙可以同时与八个装置连 接,所有这些装置都放在半径10米的空间内,你也许以为
它们会互相干扰,但其实不会,这是因为蓝牙 利用一种所谓展频跳频技术,这项技术使蓝牙
很少出现多个装置同时用相同频率发送信号的情况。使用这 种技术时,某一个装置在规定的
范围内能使用79个独立的随机挑选的频率,它们经常相互转换。就蓝牙 来说,发射器每秒
变频1600次, 也就是说,更多的装置可以更充分利用射电频谱中有限的一小块。 由于每个
个频率上 的任何干扰都只持续极短时间,仅千分或万分之一秒。

 1)电视通过无线电波发射和接收各种活动物体的图像。
 2)运用世界领先技术可以使中国摆脱贫困
 3)正确设计和选择产品及其参数对于生产中成功地应用HERF工艺是重要的。
 1)Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio

 2) The application of the world leading technology makes it possible for China to shake
off poverty.
 3) Proper design and choice of the product and its parameters are important for the
successful application of HERF process in production.

一、 翻译下面句子,注意划线部分定语的处理。
2既能起碱的作用又能起酸的作用的氢氧化物成为二性氢氧化物 (amphoteric)。(划线部
最低的关 键。(介词短语作后置定语修饰key)
5. 氨的最典型的特性之一是能够与正离子结合。 (不定式作后置定语)
6. 对问题2和问题3的回答或许在实验室中可以得到。 (介词短语作后置定语)
7. 更令人激动的可能是最新发现的分子“破坏者”,一种可以破坏糖与蛋 白质之间形成的
8. 皮肤受伤时,皮肤的胶质,即胶原纤维的织物状结构,就遭到破坏。(划线部分为同
 1) Carbon occupies a position unique in the science of chemistry.
 2) A hydroxide capable of acting either as an alkali or an acid is said to be amphoteric.
 3) One of the most persistently asked questions has been: how was the universe created?
 4) Quickly identifying the biological warfare agent and how to treat those who have been
exposed are keys to controlling an outbreak and minimizing its destructiveness.
 5) One of the most characteristic properties of ammonia is its ability to combine with
positive ions.
 6) Answers to questions 2 and 3 may be obtained in the laboratory.
 7) Perhaps more exciting is a recent discovery of molecular “breaker”– a drug that may
actually reverse the aging process by cracking sugar- protein links once they form.
 8)When skin is injured, the weave-like structure of collagen fibers, the skin’s glue, is

1) It appears that significant oxidation degradation of polymer is essential to develop surface
conductivity and that silver must be in sufficient concentration in the resin to at least
partially break through the surface to begin the catalytic degradation process which
ultimately exposes greater quantities of silver metal as the polymer undergoes surface
2) The first step is caused by the same reason as that for methane, while the second one is
caused by the strong electrostatic interactions between carbon dioxide and the atoms of
side pockets that enhance the adsorption of carbon dioxide in the side pockets at higher

loading, and the third step can be attributed to the fact that, at even higher pressures
(loadings), the molecules occupy the channels mainly, where the electrostatic interactions
are not so strong, and the packing effect starts dominating the adsorption, leading to a
shape similar to that for the methane-hydrogen system.
 1)分析:此句有两个t hat引导的主语从句,其中第二个主语从句中还有which引导
的次级定语从句,此次级定语从句中 还有as引导的次次级状语从句。
 译文:看来,要形成表面导电性,聚合物必须明显地氧化,并且 树脂中银的浓度必
 2)分析:全句层次由于使用了The first step is caused by…. While the second one is
caused by… and the third step can be attributed to…的句型,使得句子虽然长却易于把
握。while引导对比状语从句,that enhance为次级定语从句;that, at even higher…引
导一个同位语从句, 还有一个where引导的次次级定语从句。这个长句使用了并列、
 译文:造成第一步(吸附阶段)的原因与甲烷单组分吸附一样;而第二步是由二氧
化碳分子 在边袋(材料周边的一种空间位置,类似于一种口袋)原子之间的强静电
相互作用是二氧化碳在边袋内吸 附量增加造成的;第三步则要归因于这个事实:压
力(负载)的增加,使分子占据了静电相互作用并不明 显的主孔道,叠加效应开始







