
2020年08月09日 06:28




根据其缩写FML,在国内的一些网友也将其称为 发霉啦 。


Today, I got stitches in my breast. I never knew how much
they jiggled until every bump on the road made my breast feel
like it was on fire. FML

Today, coming home, I opened up my door to find my
drunk boyfriend trying to teach our three baby parakeets to
perch on his erect penis. FML


Today, I was leading a tour of my university and saw a girl
in ripped jeans and combat boots smoking a cigarette. I told
her that she shouldn't be representing the school in such a
manner. She shot back: I'm a Presidential Scholar. Suck my dick,
bitch. FML

Today, I woke up to my roommate trying to put a burrito
and a pack of mild sauce in between my 's only lived
here for two weeks, and this is the second time I've woken up
to him doing something like this. FML

Today, while having sex with my boyfriend, I discovered
that I climax sooner if I think about pretzels. Yes, pretzels. The
food product. I'll never be able to eat them again. FML

Today, my brother and I were talking about Ebola, when
he says he would love to have the disease because of how
famous it would make him. Plus, his college essays about him
fighting through the disease would be phenomenal . FML

Today, my brother and I were talking about Ebola, when
he says he would love to have the disease because of how
famous it would make him. Plus, his college essays about him
fighting through the disease would be phenomenal . FML

Today, my boyfriend told me that he'd feel like a failure if
he went to community college. I'm planning to go to
community college next year. FML

Today, before work, I was quickly cleaning when I tripped
and the side of my neck hit the countertop, causing a dark
bruise. During work, people wouldn't stop giving me high
fives for getting laid and I was too embarrassed to tell them
truth that I'm not desirable, just clumsy. FML

Today, my sister had an accident at a stoplight because
she was uploading pictures of herself driving onto Instagram.

Not long after that, she posted a picture of the crash and
commented, My first crash lol. FML

Today, I watched from my office window as a couple
maneuvered their car to squash a dead pigeon flat on the road.
I then watched as they got out of the car, set up tripods and
started taking photos of it. FML

Today, an elderly woman was crossing the street and
dropped her bag of groceries. I got out of my car to assist her,
but she beat me repeatedly, yelling that I was enforcing a
stereotype . Sorry for trying to help. FML

Today, I left for a fifteen-hour drive with two guys who
won't stop talking in a Yoda voice. Sick of this nonsense, I am.

Today, I got called to the guidance office, only to be told

my boyfriend broke up with me. He wasn't sure how to break
the news to me, so he made my guidance counselor do it for
him. FML

Today, my friends and I went paintballing. The instructor
showed us the sound of an unloaded gun by shooting at my
face. It wasn't unloaded. FML

Today, my boyfriend decided he's asexual and dumped
me on the spot. FML

Today, my wife pressed a button in the elevator and
quickly ran out, leaving me in there with my crying baby. When
the elevator arrived at the floor, the doors opened on a
wedding reception. The doors couldn't have taken any longer
to close again FML


Today, it's my mom's birthday. Got the perfect gift, the
perfect card and of course the perfect , it was the
perfect cake until my dog's ass crushed it. FML

Today, it's the first birthday of the condom in my pocket.

Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend in the
missionary position. Once again, our cat decided to crawl onto
his back and stare at me. FML

Today, I got back from a weekend at my best friend's
house. Apparently, he and his friend invented a new game. It
involves sticking duct tape to their pubic hairs, ripping them
out, and sticking as many as possible on my face and body
before I wake up. FML

Today, I was boxing up all my brother's old stuff to take

to the attic. I came across a box, and without checking what
was inside, I took it up, just to have it fall on my head, to then
find out it was filled with dead baby hamsters. FML

Today, my son drank a bottle of hot sauce. It wasn't a
dare, he actually thought that it would give him a fever so that
he could skip school tomorrow. This idiot is 15 years old. FML

Today, I received an email from an angry parent,
demanding that I give his daughter an A on a project which I
had given her a 0 on. The project was to pick an article related
to science and to write an essay on it. Hers was a hoax article
relating to Ebola patients rising from the dead. FML

Today, my morning sickness got so bad that, while at the
grocery store, I had to throw up in my purse. FML


发霉啦:(fameila) FML即FuckMyLife,我们将其本土化翻译

在 生活中遇到的不可思议或者相当无奈的事情,怎么办,来发

80及90后青年.另外还有手机WAP网站,相当方便 宣传口号是 与
地球人分享你生活中各种哭笑不得的倒霉事, 发霉事. Everything

FML中文网(fml001):国内 创建最早的山寨网站,也是目前用
户最多,更新最稳定的站点。内容包含转贴翻译和原创两部分,FML er






FML中文网之二(fmylife001):国内山寨网站之一,内容主要< br>包含英文FML的翻译,翻译质量和速度都比较高。

糗事百科- 36 5天内最最尴尬的糗事:国内最早的此类网站,建于
2005,要比fmylife(2008建站)要 早不少。


草蛋网(caoegg) - 分享你草蛋的事!:国内的又一山寨fmylife,









