参考 11级专业英语考试资料

2020年08月09日 06:30


1 水泥砼 Cement Concrete
2 沥青砼 asphalt concrete
3 钢筋砼 reinforced concrete
4 新拌砼 green concrete
5 加气砼 air- entrained concrete
6 蒸养砼 steam curing concrete
7 大体积砼massive concrete
8 预拌砼 Ready-mixed concrete
9 预应力砼prestressed concrete
10波特兰水泥砼Portland cement concrete
11 预制砼Precast concrete
12 多孔砼Porous concrete
13 现浇砼Cast-in-situ concrete
14 轻质砼Lightweight concrete
15 硬化砼Hardened concrete
16 水力学 hydraulics
17土力学 Soil mechanics
18施工阶段construction phase
19水资源 water resources
20城市规划urban planning
21钢结构steel structure
22结构钢Structural steel
23全天(年)候道路All -weather road
24运载能力load- carrying ability
25公共交通mass transportation
26行车道driving lane

water content
28施工现场construction site
29填料filling materials
30国道state highway
31地方道路local highway
32环路,环线belt highway
33塌落度实验Slump test
35视线sight lines
36视距sight distances
37土方沉降Earth settlement
38稳定土soil stabilization
39竖曲线Vertical curve
40平曲线Plane curve
41圆曲线Circular curve
42缓和曲线Easement curve

47素混凝土Plain concrete
49细集料Fine aggregate
50粗集料Coarse aggregate
52抗压强度compressive strength
53抗拉强度Tensile strength
54水灰比Water-cement ratio 水泥浆 cement paste
55水泥砂浆Cement mortar
56耐久性durability 耐久的durable
57碱集料反应Alkali- aggregate reaction
60不锈钢Stainless steel

hydration heat
64刚性路面Rigid pavement
65柔性路面Flexible pavement
66弹性模量Modulus of elasticity
70乳化沥青emulsified asphalt
71透层prime coat
72粘层tack coat
73封层seal coat

74砌块masonry units
75碳素钢carbon steel
76非承重梁Non load-bearing beam 非承重Non load-bearing

stress-strain curve
78比例极限proportional limit
79塑性变形plastic deformation
80静荷载static load
81动荷载dynamic load
82集中荷载concentrated load
83分布荷载distributed load
85弯矩bending moment 力矩 moment
87吊桥,悬索桥Suspension bridge
88工科毕业生Engineering graduate

(1)In the university, mathematics, physics, and chemistry are heavily
emphasized throughout the engineering curriculum, but particularly in the
first two or three years. Mathematics is very important in all branches of
engineering, so it is greatly stressed. Today, mathematics includes courses
in statistics, which deals with gathering, classifying, and using numerical
data, or pieces of information. An important aspect of statistical
mathematics is probability, which deals with what may happen when there
are different factors, or variables, that can change the results of a problem.
Before the construction of a bridge is undertaken, for example, a statistical
study is made of the amount of traffic the bridge will be expected to handle.
In the design of the bridge, variable such as water pressure on the
foundation, impact, the effects of different wind forces, and many other
factors must be considered.

(2)Passing sight distance is the minimum sight distance that must be
available to enable the driver of one vehicle to pass another vehicle, safely
and comfortably, without interfering with the speed of an oncoming
vehicle traveling at the design speed, should it come into view after the
overtaking maneuver is started. The sight distance available for passing at
any place is the longest distance at which a driver whose eyes are 3. 5 feet
above the pavement surface can see the top of an object 3. 5

feet high on the road.
Passing sight distance is considered only on two-lane roads. At critical
locations, a stretch of four -lane construction with stopping sight distance
is sometimes more economical than two lanes with passing sight distance.
(3)Placing is the process of transferring the fresh concrete from the
conveying device to its final place in the forms. Prior to placing, loose rust
must be removed from reinforcement, forms must be cleaned, and
hardened surfaces of previous concrete lifts must be cleaned and treated
appropriately. Placing and compacting are critical in their effect on the
final quality of the concrete. Proper placement must avoid segregation,
displacement of forms or of reinforcement in the forms, and poor bond
between successive layers of concrete. Immediately upon placing, the
concrete should be compacted by means of hand tools or vibrators. Such
compacting prevents honeycombing, assures close contact with forms and
reinforcement, and serves as a partial remedy to possible prior segregation.
Compacting is achieved by hand tamping with a variety of special tools,
but now more commonly and successfully with high frequency,
power-driven vibrators. These are of the internal type, immersed in the
concrete, or of the external type, attached to the forms. The former are
preferable but must be supplemented by the latter where narrow forms or
other obstacles makes immersion impossible.
(4)That works must be completed to the satisfaction of the employer ,

or his representative

, does not give the employer the right to demand an
unusually high standard of quality throughout the works, in the absence of
a prior express agreement. Otherwise the employer might be able to
postpone indefinitely his liability to pay for the works. The employer is
normally only entitled to expect a standard of work that would be regarded
as reasonable by competent persons with considerable experience in the
class of work covered by the particular contract. The detailed requirements
of the specification will have a considerable bearing on these matters.
(5)In an arch bridge the arch is the main structural member and transmits
the loads imposed on it to the abutments at the springing points. The part of
the construction above the arch ring when the roadway or railway is at a
higher level than the crown of the arch is called the spandrel

Since steel and reinforced concrete are capable of taking tension, the
arch rings can be very much thinner than in masonry construction. The
braced spandrel bridge is usually constructed in steel, as is also the bridge
where the roadway is supported by hangers from the structural arch.
Another type of arched bridge is the stiffened tied-arch, which is often
called a bow-string girder. In an archery bow the string prevents the bow
from flattening out. In a similar manner, the road-supporting horizontal
girders are made strong enough to absorb the arch thrusts, and therefore
the reactions on the piers and abutments are vertical 。

1、The relationship between engineering and society is getting closer; it is
sufficient, therefore, to say again that the work performed by an engineer
affects society in many different and important ways that he or she should
be aware of.
工程与社会之间的关系越来越密切;它是 足够的,因此,可以说由工程师的工作会影响到许

2、The great civilization throughout history were also the great road


3、 With powerful modern machinery, whole mountains can be moved
and valleys filled in to make the route as direct as possible.
Then the details are planned: the width of the highway, the number of
driving lanes, the number and location of entrances and exits, and the
essential strength of the load.

4、Once the road authority has decided to construct a new major road, then
it will employ either its own engineers or a consulting engineer to survey

the alternative routes and carry out the road design.
的替 代路线和进行道路设计。

5、The bottom layer is 10 to 20 centimeters thick and usually made up of
larger stones. The upper course has smaller stones and is about 8
centimeters thick.

5、Detailed drawings, specifications and bills of quantities are prepared so
that constructors can tender, normally in competition with each other, for
the construction of the work.

6、On completion of the earthworks, further shallow drain trenches, about
4 ft ( 1 . 2 m) deep, areconstructed to keep the top layer of cutting or
embankment free from water, which would weaken it

对土 方工程完成后,进一步浅排水沟,约4英尺(1。2米)深,并保持切削或路堤无水层,
它会削弱它的< br>

e highway classification process is required by federal law. Each state
must assign roadways into different classes in accordance with standards
and procedures established by the Federal Highway Administration.


8、The location and the geometric features of a highway are influenced to
a large degree by the topography, physical features, and land use of the
area traversed

9、The term“ capacity ” is used to express the maximum number of
vehicles which have a reasonable expectation of passing over a section of a
lane or a roadway during a given time period under prevailing roadway
and traffic conditions.
术语“能力”是用来表达最多的车辆有一个合理的期望过一 段巷巷道中或某一特定时期的主

10、Concrete is a stone-like material obtained by permitting a carefully
proportioned mixture of cement, sand and gravel or other aggregate, and
water to harden in forms of the shape and dimensions of the desired

和水的所需的结 构的形状和尺寸的形式变硬。

11、The facility with which, while plastic, it can be deposited and made to
fill forms or molds of almost any practical shape is one of these factors 。

12、The durability of concrete can be defined as its resistance to
deterioration resulting from external and internal causes.

13、Deterioration of concrete by weathering is usually brought about by
the disruptive action of alternate freezing of free water within the concrete
and expansion and contraction of the concrete, under restraint, resulting
from variations in temperature and alternate wetting and drying.
由风化的混凝土13、恶化通常是所带来的自由水冻破坏行动在约束混凝土和 混凝土的膨胀

14、Certain natural aggregates react chemically with the alkalis present in
Portland cement. Then this happens these aggregates expand or swell
resulting in cracking and disintegration of concrete.
某些天然集料的化学反应在波特兰水泥的碱。然后这一切发生的时候,这些聚集体 扩大或膨

15、Low permeability is an important requirement for hydraulic
structures and in some cases water- tightness of concrete may be
considered to be more significant than strength although, other conditions
being equal, concrete of low permeability will also be strong and durable.
强度虽然更显 著,在其他条件相同的情况下,低渗透性的混凝土也将有力和持久。

16、When properly designed and constructed, concrete roads and streets
are capable of carrying almost unlimited amounts of any type of traffic

with ease, comfort, and safety.
量, 和安全性。

17、A wearing surface of Portland cement concrete usually consists of a
single layer of uniform cross section that has a thickness of 6 to 11 in. and
that may not require a separate base course, often being constructed
directly on a prepared subgrade or subbase.
磨损表面的波特兰水泥混凝土通常由一层均匀的横截面的厚度为6~11。那可不需 要一个单

18、A plant mix of closely graded mineral aggregate and asphalt, designed
and controlled to produce a mixture of high quality from the standpoint of
both stability and durability.

19、If a material were not elastic and a deformation were present in the
structure after removal of the load, repeated loading and unloading
eventually would increase the deformation to the point where the structure
would become useless.
如果一种材料的弹性和不变形的搬迁后的负荷 的结构目前在重复加载和卸载,最终将增加变

20、Timber is one of the earliest construction materials and one of the few
natural materials with good tensile properties.

21、The strength of concrete increases in time because the hydration
process continues for years;

22、Plastics are rapidly becoming important construction materials
because of the great variety, strength, durability, and lightness.

23、If this increased volume of traffic were to be accommodated at the
same standard as today, the road might need to be widened by a similar
forty to fifty percent

—perhaps an extra lane of traffic for the pedestrian
to cross.
如果这增加的交通量被容纳在标准和今天一样,道路可能需要由一个类似的四十扩大到百 分

24、When designing and constructing a long-span bridge the great weight
of the structure, the dynamic effects of moving loads such as locomotives
or motor vehicles, and the aerodynamic effects of wind pressure give rise
to problems which call for the greatest knowledge and ingenuity in

当设计和修建大跨度桥梁结构的重量大 ,移动荷载如机车或车辆的动态效果,和风压力空气
动力学效应引起的问题,呼吁解决最大的知识和智慧 。

25、Once the road authority has decided to construct a new major road,

then it will employ either its own engineers or a consulting engineer to
survey the alternative routes and carry out the road design.
一旦公路管理局已决定建立一个新的主要道路,那么它将用自己的工程师或咨询工程师 调查

1、The next step is the testing of the earth foundation on which the road is
to rest. Engineers carefully study the soil to learn how solid it is, how much
moisture it contains, and how well it drains. Then they decide how the soil
should be prepared and packed to provide a good, sturdy foundation, or
roadbed. They prescribe the thickness of the road layers, the size of the
rocks in them, and the other materials that should be used.
While the testing is under way, a group of surveyors begin to measure
the land to find out exactly how much work needs to be done and how
much it will cost. Then the construction crew can finally move in.
下一步是测试的 基础上,对地球的道路是休息。工程师仔细研究土壤来了解它是多么的固体,
它含有多少水分,以及它如 何排水。然后他们决定如何应备土和包装提供了一个良好的,坚
实的基础,或路基。他们开的路层的厚度 ,在岩石的尺寸,并应使用的其他材料。
虽然测试正在进行,一组测量员开始丈量土地找出需要做更多 的工作,它要花多少钱。然后,

2、Besides its ability to sustain loads, concrete is also required to be durable.
The durability of concrete can be defined as its resistance to deterioration
resulting from external and internal causes. The external causes include the
effects of environmental and service conditions to which concrete is

subjected, such as weathering, chemical actions and wear. The internal
causes are the effects of salts, particularly chlorides and sulphates, in the
constituent materials, interaction between the constituent materials, such
as alkali-aggregate reaction, volume changes, absorption and permeability.
In order to produce a durable concrete care should be taken to select
suitable constituent materials. It is also important that the mix contains
adequate quantities of materials in proportions suitable for producing a
homogeneous and fully compacted concrete mass.
因导 致的耐磨性。外部原因包括环境和服务条件的混凝土遭受影响,如风化,化学作用和磨
损。内部原因是盐 的影响,特别是氯化物和硫酸盐,在构成材料,组成材料之间的相互作用,
如碱骨料反应,体积变化,吸 收和渗透。

3、Fresh concrete gains strength most rapidly during the first few days and
weeks. Structural design is generally based on the 28 day strength, about
70 percent of which is reached at the end of the first week after placing.
The final concrete strength depends greatly on the conditions of moisture
and temperature during this initial period. The maintenance of proper
conditions during this time is known as curing. Thirty percent of the
strength or more can be lost by premature drying out of the concrete;
similar amounts may be lost by permitting the concrete temperature to drop
to 40 ℉ or lower during the first few days unless the concrete is
maintained continuously moist for a long time thereafter. Freezing of fresh

concrete may reduce its strength by as much as 50 percent.
新鲜混凝土获得 大部分强度在最初的几天和几周。结构设计是以28天强度,其中约百分之
70是达到在第一周结束后放 置。最后混凝土的强度在很大程度上取决于在这个初始阶段的
水分和温度条件。在这段时间的条件称为养 护。百分之三十或更多的强度可以通过过早的失
去了混凝土干燥;类似的量可以通过使混凝土温度降到4 0℉或在最初几天下除非混凝土连
续保持潮湿,此后很长一段时间了。新拌混凝土的冻可以减少多达百分 之50的强度

4、The essential difference between the rigid pavement and flexible
pavement is the manner in which they distribute the load over the subgrade.
The rigid pavement, because of its rigidity and high modulus of elasticity,
tends to distribute the load over a relatively wide area of soil; thus, a major
portion of the structural capacity is supplied by the slab itself. The major
factor considered in the design of rigid pavements is the structural strength
of the concrete. For this reason, minor variations in subgrade strength have
little influence upon the structural capacity of the pavement.
刚性路面和柔性路面的本质区别是它们将荷载对路基的方式。刚性 路面,由于其刚度和弹性
模量高,往往会把荷载分布在相对宽的区域的土壤;因此,结构承载力的主要部 分是由板本
身。主要因素在刚性路面的设计被认为是混凝土结构强度。为此,在路基强度的微小变化对< br>路面的结构能力影响不大。







