甲类船长航海英语6050 题库补充50题(8.1操纵)

2020年08月09日 06:37


08.1 船舶操纵基本知识 (或见考证题库合集134-138页)
[2151]When a vessel navigates in an area with a small underkeel clearance but with adequate space to
take avoiding action she ______.
A. should not be regarded as a vessel constrained by her draught
B. should be regarded as a vessel constrained by her draught
C. shall be regarded as a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
D. should be regarded as a non-displacement vessel.
[2152]When towing astern,one way to reduce yawing of the tow is to ______.
A. trim the tow by the stern
B. trim the tow by the head
C. have the tow on an even keel
D. list the tow on the side it is yawing
[2153]While moving ahead,a twin-screw ship has an advantage over a single-screw ship because
A. correct trim will be obtained more easily
B. drag effect will be cancelled out
C. side forces will be eliminated
D. speed will be increased
[2154]A racetrack turn would be better than a Williamson turn in recovering a man overboard if ______.
A. the man has been missing for a period of time
B. the sea water is very cold and the man is visible
C. there is thick fog
D. the wind was from astern on the original course
[2155]A reaching course is one in which the wind ______.
A. comes directly over the bow
B. comes directly over the stern
C. comes over an area extending from broad on the bow to the quarter
D. has no effect on the vessel
[2156]A towing vessel becomes tripped while towing on a hawser astern. What factor is MOST
important when assessing the risk of capsizing?
A. Length of the towline
B. Height of the towline connection
C. Longitudinal position of the towline connection
D. Direction of opposing force
[2157]A twin screw vessel,making headway with both engines turning ahead,will turn more readily to
starboard if you ______.
A. reverse port engine,apply right rudder
B. reverse port engine,rudder amidships
C. reverse starboard engine,apply right rudder
D. reverse starboard engine,rudder amidships
[2158]A twin-screw ship going ahead on the starboard screw only tends to move ______.
A. in a straight line
B. to port
C. from side to side
D. to starboard
[2159]A twin-screw vessel can clear the inboard propeller and maneuver off a pier best by holding a(n)
A. forward spring line and going slow ahead on the inboard engine
B. after spring line and going slow astern on the outboard engine
C. forward spring line and going slow ahead on both engines
D. forward spring line and going slow ahead on the outboard engine
[2160]A twin-screw vessel is easier to maneuver than a single-screw vessel because the twin-screw
vessel ______.
A. permits the rudder to move faster
B. generates more power
C. can turn without using her rudder
D. can suck the water away from the rudder
[2161]A vessel fitted with twin screws is easier in ______ than a vessel with single screw.
A. turning maneuver
B. course setting
C. position fixing
D. regulating speed
[2162]A vessel is considered to be restricted in her ability to maneuver under the Rules if she is ______.
A. at anchor

B. mine-clearing
C. engaged in fishing
D. engaged in towing
[2163]A vessel is equipped with a single right-handed screw. With rudder amidships and calm wind,
the vessel will most likely back ______.
A. straight astern
B. to port
C. to starboard
D. in no particular direction
[2164]A vessel that is dead in the water on an even keel with most of her superstructure forward will lay
A. A.With the wind abaft the beam or on the stern
B. B.With the wind on the beam
C. C.With the wind on the bow
D. D.With the wind dead ahead
[2165]A vessel towing astern in an operation which severely restricts the towing vessel and her tow in
their ability to change course shall,when making way,exhibit ______.
A. the masthead lights for a towing vessel
B. the lights for a vessel restricted in its ability to maneuver
C. sidelights,sternlight and towing light
D. All of the above
[2166]A vessel travelling down a narrow channel,especially if the draft is nearly equal to the depth of
the water,may set off the nearer side. This effect is known as ______.
A. smelling the bottom
B. squatting
C. bank suction
D. bank cushion
[2167]A vessel which through some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as required by
these Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel is called ______.
A. a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
B. a vessel not under command
C. a vessel engaged in fishing
D. a vessel constrained by her draught.
[2168]A vessel,which is unable to maneuver due to some exceptional circumstance,shall exhibit ______.
A. during the day,three balls in a vertical line
B. during the day,three shapes,the highest and lowest being balls and the middle being a diamond
C. when making way at night,two all-round red lights,sidelights,and a sternlight
D. when making way at night,masthead lights,sidelights,and a sternlight
[2169]Apparent wind speed blowing across a vessel under tow can be measured by a(n) ______.
A. barometer
B. wind vane
C. anemometer
D. thermometer
[2170]As a ship moves through the water,it drags with it a body of water called the wake. The ratio of
the wake speed to the ship's speed is called ______.
A. propeller velocity
B. speed of advance
C. wake distribution
D. wake fraction
[2171]As a vessel falls off the wind from close-hauled to a beam reach,the tendency for the vessel to
move sideways through the water will ______.
A. increase
B. decrease
C. change only if the vessel comes about on the opposite tack
D. not change
[2172]At night,a vessel shall indicate that she is restricted in her ability to maneuver by showing in a
vertical line two ______.
A. red lights
B. red lights and two white lights
C. red lights with a white light in between
D. white lights with a red light in between
[2173]Besides saving distance along the track line,another advantage of the Scharnow Turn over the
Williamson Turn in a man overboard situation because ______.
A. it is faster
B. it can be used in both the immediate action and the delayed action situations
C. in fog,if the turn is started as soon as the man goes over,the vessel will be at the point where he

went over when the turn is completed
D. it returns the vessel to the original track line on a reciprocal course
[2174]Catenary as applied to tow lines denotes the ______.
A. dip of the line
B. stretch of the line
C. strain on the line
D. length of the line
[2175]Changing direction by bringing the stern of the vessel through the eye of the wind is known as
A. jibing
B. running before the wind
C. tacking
D. reefing
[2176]For the deepest water when rounding a bend in a river,you should navigate your vessel ______.
A. toward the inside of the bend
B. toward the outside of the bend
C. toward the center of the river just before the bend,then change course for the river's center after the
D. in the river's center
[2177]How does the effect known as bank suction act on a single-screw vessel proceeding along a
narrow channel? ______.
A. It pulls the bow toward the bank.
B. It pushes the entire vessel away from the bank.
C. It pulls the stern toward the bank.
D. It heels the vessel toward the bank.
[2178]If a towing vessel and her tow are severely restricted in their ability to change course,they may
show lights in addition to their towing identification lights. These additional lights may be shown if the
tow is ______.
A. pushed ahead
B. towed alongside
C. towed astern
D. Any of the above
[2179]If a vessel under tow starts jumping on its tow line,the most appropriate action to alleviate the
condition is to ______.
A. change course
B. slow down
C. heave to
D. adjust tow line length
[2180]If the towing bridle legs are not of equal length ______.
A. excessive strain is placed on the shorter leg
B. the shorter leg may fail
C. the longer leg is slack
D. All of the above
[2181]If the towline parts,you should ______.
A. start towing by pushing ahead
B. abandon the towing vessel
C. retrieve the tow bridle
D. relieve strain on the retrieving line
[2182]If you are the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation,you may take action to avoid collision by
your maneuver alone. When may this action be taken? ______.
A. At any time you feel it is appropriate
B. Only when you have reached extremis
C. When you determine that your present course will cross ahead of the other vessel
D. When it becomes apparent to you that the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action
[2183]In a following sea,a wave has overtaken your vessel and thrown the stern to starboard. To
continue along your original course,you should ______.
A. use more right rudder
B. use more left rudder
C. increase speed
D. decrease speed
[2184]In ballasting to survival draft,while in transit,due to extreme wind and wave loads,thrusters or
propulsion,if available,should be used to ______.
A. reduce windward mooring tensions
B. maintain vessel heading
C. maximize accelerations
D. increase speed of advance

[2185]In order for a vessel to be engaged in fishing she must be ______.
A. underway
B. using gear which extends more than 50 meters outboard
C. using a seine of some type
D. using gear which restricts her maneuverability
[2186]In order to back a right-handed,single-screw vessel in a straight line,you will probably need to
use ______.
A. very little rudder
B. some left rudder
C. some right rudder
D. full left rudder
[2187]In towing it is desirable for the tug and the vessel to ride wave crests simultaneously because
A. shock loading on the tow line is reduced
B. towing speed is improved
C. the vessel is more visible from the tug
D. the catenary of the tow line is reduced
[2188]In towing,heaving lines are used for ______.
A. passing a tow bridle to the tug
B. passing a messenger line
C. heaving in the tow bridle
D. service lines with rocket line throwers
[2189]In twin-screw engine installations while going ahead,maneuvering qualities are most effective
when the tops of the propeller blades both turn ______.
A. to starboard
B. outboard from the center
C. to port
D. inboard toward the center
[2190]It is easier to dock a right- hand,single-screw vessel ______.
A. starboard side to the wharf
B. either side to the wharf
C. port side to the wharf
D. stern to the wharf
[2191]Most of your vessel's superstructure is forward. How will the vessel lie when drifting with no
way on? ______.
A. With the wind from ahead
B. With the wind off the port beam
C. With the wind off the starboard beam
D. With the wind from abaft the beam
[2192]Once a towline is connected between the towing vessel and the disabled vessel,the towing vessel
should ______.
A. not exceed bare steerageway during the transit
B. take a strain as soon as you can to control the tow
C. come up to speed very slowly and maintain a safe speed
D. come up to speed quickly,then cut back power considerably to ease the strain
[2193]One advantage of chain over wire rope for a tow bridle is that chain ______.
A. is better suited for inland towing
B. resists damage from chafing
C. handles more easily
D. equalizes towing forces better
[2194]One major advantage of the round turn maneuver in a man overboard situation is that it ______.
A. is the fastest method
B. is easy for a single-screw vessel to perform
C. requires the least shiphandling skills to perform
D. can be used in reduced visibility
[2195]The best method to secure a tow line to a cleat is to ______.
A. take a turn around the cleat,then figure-eights,and a half-hitch
B. make figure-eights,followed by a half-hitch,then a figure-eight knot
C. take a turn,a half turn,and a figure-eight
D. take several turns around the cleat only
[2196]The biggest problem you generally encounter while towing a single tow astern is ______.
A. the catenary dragging on the bottom
B. swamping of the tow
C. the tow tending to dive
D. yaw

[2197]The catenary ______.
A. acts as a reserve length of towing hawser when the tug applies more power,and it dampens the
surge effect of the tow
B. gives an approximation of the amount of strain on the towing hawser
C. is the dip in the towing hawser between the tug and the tow
D. All of the above
[2198]The condition where a ship on the end of a tow line is riding a wave crest at the same time as its
tug rides a wave crest is known as riding in ______.
A. synchronism
B. harmony
C. check
D. step
[2199]The distance that a vessel travels from the time that the order to put engines full astern until the
vessel is dead in the water is known as ______.
A. advance
B. head reach
C. surge
D. transfer
[2200]The effect known as bank cushion acts in which of the following ways on a single-screw vessel
proceeding along a narrow channel?
A. It forces the bow away from the bank.
B. It forces the stern away from the bank.
C. It forces the entire vessel away from the bank.
D. It heels the vessel toward the bank.

08.1 船舶操纵基本知识 (或见考证题库合集134-138页)
[2151]When a vessel navigates in an area with a small underkeel clearance but with adequate space to
take avoiding action she ______.
A. should not be regarded as a vessel constrained by her draught
B. should be regarded as a vessel constrained by her draught
C. shall be regarded as a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
D. should be regarded as a non-displacement vessel.
[2152]When towing astern,one way to reduce yawing of the tow is to ______.
A. trim the tow by the stern
B. trim the tow by the head
C. have the tow on an even keel
D. list the tow on the side it is yawing
[2153]While moving ahead,a twin-screw ship has an advantage over a single-screw ship because
A. correct trim will be obtained more easily
B. drag effect will be cancelled out
C. side forces will be eliminated
D. speed will be increased
[2154]A racetrack turn would be better than a Williamson turn in recovering a man overboard if ______.
A. the man has been missing for a period of time
B. the sea water is very cold and the man is visible
C. there is thick fog
D. the wind was from astern on the original course
[2155]A reaching course is one in which the wind ______.
A. comes directly over the bow
B. comes directly over the stern
C. comes over an area extending from broad on the bow to the quarter
D. has no effect on the vessel
[2156]A towing vessel becomes tripped while towing on a hawser astern. What factor is MOST
important when assessing the risk of capsizing?
A. Length of the towline
B. Height of the towline connection
C. Longitudinal position of the towline connection
D. Direction of opposing force
[2157]A twin screw vessel,making headway with both engines turning ahead,will turn more readily to
starboard if you ______.
A. reverse port engine,apply right rudder
B. reverse port engine,rudder amidships
C. reverse starboard engine,apply right rudder
D. reverse starboard engine,rudder amidships
[2158]A twin-screw ship going ahead on the starboard screw only tends to move ______.
A. in a straight line
B. to port
C. from side to side
D. to starboard
[2159]A twin-screw vessel can clear the inboard propeller and maneuver off a pier best by holding a(n)
A. forward spring line and going slow ahead on the inboard engine
B. after spring line and going slow astern on the outboard engine
C. forward spring line and going slow ahead on both engines
D. forward spring line and going slow ahead on the outboard engine
[2160]A twin-screw vessel is easier to maneuver than a single-screw vessel because the twin-screw
vessel ______.
A. permits the rudder to move faster
B. generates more power
C. can turn without using her rudder
D. can suck the water away from the rudder
[2161]A vessel fitted with twin screws is easier in ______ than a vessel with single screw.
A. turning maneuver
B. course setting
C. position fixing
D. regulating speed
[2162]A vessel is considered to be restricted in her ability to maneuver under the Rules if she is ______.
A. at anchor

B. mine-clearing
C. engaged in fishing
D. engaged in towing
[2163]A vessel is equipped with a single right-handed screw. With rudder amidships and calm wind,
the vessel will most likely back ______.
A. straight astern
B. to port
C. to starboard
D. in no particular direction
[2164]A vessel that is dead in the water on an even keel with most of her superstructure forward will lay
A. A.With the wind abaft the beam or on the stern
B. B.With the wind on the beam
C. C.With the wind on the bow
D. D.With the wind dead ahead
[2165]A vessel towing astern in an operation which severely restricts the towing vessel and her tow in
their ability to change course shall,when making way,exhibit ______.
A. the masthead lights for a towing vessel
B. the lights for a vessel restricted in its ability to maneuver
C. sidelights,sternlight and towing light
D. All of the above
[2166]A vessel travelling down a narrow channel,especially if the draft is nearly equal to the depth of
the water,may set off the nearer side. This effect is known as ______.
A. smelling the bottom
B. squatting
C. bank suction
D. bank cushion
[2167]A vessel which through some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as required by
these Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel is called ______.
A. a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
B. a vessel not under command
C. a vessel engaged in fishing
D. a vessel constrained by her draught.
[2168]A vessel,which is unable to maneuver due to some exceptional circumstance,shall exhibit ______.
A. during the day,three balls in a vertical line
B. during the day,three shapes,the highest and lowest being balls and the middle being a diamond
C. when making way at night,two all-round red lights,sidelights,and a sternlight
D. when making way at night,masthead lights,sidelights,and a sternlight
[2169]Apparent wind speed blowing across a vessel under tow can be measured by a(n) ______.
A. barometer
B. wind vane
C. anemometer
D. thermometer
[2170]As a ship moves through the water,it drags with it a body of water called the wake. The ratio of
the wake speed to the ship's speed is called ______.
A. propeller velocity
B. speed of advance
C. wake distribution
D. wake fraction
[2171]As a vessel falls off the wind from close-hauled to a beam reach,the tendency for the vessel to
move sideways through the water will ______.
A. increase
B. decrease
C. change only if the vessel comes about on the opposite tack
D. not change
[2172]At night,a vessel shall indicate that she is restricted in her ability to maneuver by showing in a
vertical line two ______.
A. red lights
B. red lights and two white lights
C. red lights with a white light in between
D. white lights with a red light in between
[2173]Besides saving distance along the track line,another advantage of the Scharnow Turn over the
Williamson Turn in a man overboard situation because ______.
A. it is faster
B. it can be used in both the immediate action and the delayed action situations
C. in fog,if the turn is started as soon as the man goes over,the vessel will be at the point where he

went over when the turn is completed
D. it returns the vessel to the original track line on a reciprocal course
[2174]Catenary as applied to tow lines denotes the ______.
A. dip of the line
B. stretch of the line
C. strain on the line
D. length of the line
[2175]Changing direction by bringing the stern of the vessel through the eye of the wind is known as
A. jibing
B. running before the wind
C. tacking
D. reefing
[2176]For the deepest water when rounding a bend in a river,you should navigate your vessel ______.
A. toward the inside of the bend
B. toward the outside of the bend
C. toward the center of the river just before the bend,then change course for the river's center after the
D. in the river's center
[2177]How does the effect known as bank suction act on a single-screw vessel proceeding along a
narrow channel? ______.
A. It pulls the bow toward the bank.
B. It pushes the entire vessel away from the bank.
C. It pulls the stern toward the bank.
D. It heels the vessel toward the bank.
[2178]If a towing vessel and her tow are severely restricted in their ability to change course,they may
show lights in addition to their towing identification lights. These additional lights may be shown if the
tow is ______.
A. pushed ahead
B. towed alongside
C. towed astern
D. Any of the above
[2179]If a vessel under tow starts jumping on its tow line,the most appropriate action to alleviate the
condition is to ______.
A. change course
B. slow down
C. heave to
D. adjust tow line length
[2180]If the towing bridle legs are not of equal length ______.
A. excessive strain is placed on the shorter leg
B. the shorter leg may fail
C. the longer leg is slack
D. All of the above
[2181]If the towline parts,you should ______.
A. start towing by pushing ahead
B. abandon the towing vessel
C. retrieve the tow bridle
D. relieve strain on the retrieving line
[2182]If you are the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation,you may take action to avoid collision by
your maneuver alone. When may this action be taken? ______.
A. At any time you feel it is appropriate
B. Only when you have reached extremis
C. When you determine that your present course will cross ahead of the other vessel
D. When it becomes apparent to you that the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action
[2183]In a following sea,a wave has overtaken your vessel and thrown the stern to starboard. To
continue along your original course,you should ______.
A. use more right rudder
B. use more left rudder
C. increase speed
D. decrease speed
[2184]In ballasting to survival draft,while in transit,due to extreme wind and wave loads,thrusters or
propulsion,if available,should be used to ______.
A. reduce windward mooring tensions
B. maintain vessel heading
C. maximize accelerations
D. increase speed of advance

[2185]In order for a vessel to be engaged in fishing she must be ______.
A. underway
B. using gear which extends more than 50 meters outboard
C. using a seine of some type
D. using gear which restricts her maneuverability
[2186]In order to back a right-handed,single-screw vessel in a straight line,you will probably need to
use ______.
A. very little rudder
B. some left rudder
C. some right rudder
D. full left rudder
[2187]In towing it is desirable for the tug and the vessel to ride wave crests simultaneously because
A. shock loading on the tow line is reduced
B. towing speed is improved
C. the vessel is more visible from the tug
D. the catenary of the tow line is reduced
[2188]In towing,heaving lines are used for ______.
A. passing a tow bridle to the tug
B. passing a messenger line
C. heaving in the tow bridle
D. service lines with rocket line throwers
[2189]In twin-screw engine installations while going ahead,maneuvering qualities are most effective
when the tops of the propeller blades both turn ______.
A. to starboard
B. outboard from the center
C. to port
D. inboard toward the center
[2190]It is easier to dock a right- hand,single-screw vessel ______.
A. starboard side to the wharf
B. either side to the wharf
C. port side to the wharf
D. stern to the wharf
[2191]Most of your vessel's superstructure is forward. How will the vessel lie when drifting with no
way on? ______.
A. With the wind from ahead
B. With the wind off the port beam
C. With the wind off the starboard beam
D. With the wind from abaft the beam
[2192]Once a towline is connected between the towing vessel and the disabled vessel,the towing vessel
should ______.
A. not exceed bare steerageway during the transit
B. take a strain as soon as you can to control the tow
C. come up to speed very slowly and maintain a safe speed
D. come up to speed quickly,then cut back power considerably to ease the strain
[2193]One advantage of chain over wire rope for a tow bridle is that chain ______.
A. is better suited for inland towing
B. resists damage from chafing
C. handles more easily
D. equalizes towing forces better
[2194]One major advantage of the round turn maneuver in a man overboard situation is that it ______.
A. is the fastest method
B. is easy for a single-screw vessel to perform
C. requires the least shiphandling skills to perform
D. can be used in reduced visibility
[2195]The best method to secure a tow line to a cleat is to ______.
A. take a turn around the cleat,then figure-eights,and a half-hitch
B. make figure-eights,followed by a half-hitch,then a figure-eight knot
C. take a turn,a half turn,and a figure-eight
D. take several turns around the cleat only
[2196]The biggest problem you generally encounter while towing a single tow astern is ______.
A. the catenary dragging on the bottom
B. swamping of the tow
C. the tow tending to dive
D. yaw

[2197]The catenary ______.
A. acts as a reserve length of towing hawser when the tug applies more power,and it dampens the
surge effect of the tow
B. gives an approximation of the amount of strain on the towing hawser
C. is the dip in the towing hawser between the tug and the tow
D. All of the above
[2198]The condition where a ship on the end of a tow line is riding a wave crest at the same time as its
tug rides a wave crest is known as riding in ______.
A. synchronism
B. harmony
C. check
D. step
[2199]The distance that a vessel travels from the time that the order to put engines full astern until the
vessel is dead in the water is known as ______.
A. advance
B. head reach
C. surge
D. transfer
[2200]The effect known as bank cushion acts in which of the following ways on a single-screw vessel
proceeding along a narrow channel?
A. It forces the bow away from the bank.
B. It forces the stern away from the bank.
C. It forces the entire vessel away from the bank.
D. It heels the vessel toward the bank.







