
2020年08月09日 06:47


Fire- fighting Drill(engine room)
1430 释放机舱失火警报,并全船 广播机舱失火,启动消防泵,准备好大型CO

1432 全体人员携带相关设备集合于船尾甲板,检查通讯设备正常,探火员着装,皮龙接妥并出水, 检查着

1434 切断通风,关闭机舱所有通风道门、天窗、防火门,探火员着装完毕,进行探火,皮龙掩护。

1438 探火员报告锅炉附近油管破裂起火,火势太大,手提灭火器无法扑灭。通知机舱人员撤离,切 断油路

1441 所有人员到齐,释放大型CO

1450 机舱壁温度明显下降,探火员二次探火。

1454 探火员报火已扑灭,无复燃可能,打开机舱自然通风,固定救生艇。

1500 测氧氧气含量21% ,恢复油电路及机械通风,清理火场。

1506 现场讲评

1510 解除警报,演习结束。

1430 Sounded the alarm of firefighting and broadcasted, captain on bridge, hoisted the flag CB6,
started the fire pump.

1432 All crew mustered on A-deck with tools and portable extinguishers. Two hose spurted out
water to cool around, removed the flammability and closed doors and ventilations .tested the
communication system normal. Two firemen started to put on outfits.

1434 Firemen detected the fire with portable extinguisher, the hose cover.

1438 Firemen reported the pipe of the boiler was on fire, it could not be off by the portable
extinguisher. Noticed the duty in the ER to retreat, shut down power & oil supply, prepared the

1441 The duty in the ER arrived with EEBD, calling normal, released the CO2 to the ER. prepared
the lifeboat .started the emergency generator and fire pump normal.

1450 The temperature of the outer wall on the ER obvious lowered, the firemen detected again.

1454 Firemen reported the fire was off and impossible burned again, opened the doors and
vents,fastened the lifeboat.

1500 Firemen measured out the O2about 20.8%, resumed power & oil supply, cleaned up the

1506 Reviewed.

1510 Dismissed the alarm, finish the drill.


Fire-fighting Drill (Galley)

1500 释放生活区失火警报,同时全船广播厨房失火,启动消防泵,升CB6旗。

1502 全体人 员携带消防器材集合于左救生甲板,检查通讯设备正常,探火员着装,皮龙接妥并出水,检查
着装,点名 正常,切断厨房所有通风、电源,关闭门窗。

1504 探火员着装完毕,厨房烟雾太大无法 进入,带手提灭火器进行探火,皮龙掩护。发现大厨受伤被困,

1507 探火员再次探火,准备救生艇。

1510 厨房电路板起火,火势不大,用手提灭火器扑灭,无复燃可能。

1515 打开门窗进行自然通风,固定救生艇。

1520 墙壁温度明显下降,探火员测氧气含量20.8% ,恢复机械通风,清理火场。

1525 现场讲评

1528 解除警报,演习结束。

1500 Sounded the alarm of fire-fighting and broadcast. Captain on bridge, hoisted the flag CB6,
started the fire pump.

1502 Crew mustered on A-deck with tools and portable extinguishers, Two firemen started to put
on outfits, water discharged to cool around, removed the flammability and closed fire
proof doors and ventilations, Shut off power supply, tested the communication system normal.

1504 Fireman detected the fire with portable extinguisher, the hose cover, found the cooker
injured and took him off. First-aid team saved.

1507 Fireman detected again, prepared the lifeboat.

1510 Firemen reported the stove was on fire, the fire was off by the portable extinguisher and
impossible burned again.

1515Resumedpower supply, opened doors and ventilations, fastened the lifeboat.

1520 Firemen measured out the O2 about 20.8%, resumed power supply, cleaned up the spot.


1528Dismissed the alarm, finish the drill.


Fire-fighting Drill(PAINT ROOM)

1400 释放船首失火警报,同时全船广播厨房失火,启动消防泵,升CB6旗。

1402 全体人员 携带消防器材集合于右主甲板,检查通讯设备正常,探火员着装,皮龙接妥并出水,检查着
装,点名正常 ,切断油漆间所有通风、电源,关闭门窗。

1404 探火员着装完毕,油漆间烟雾太大无法进入,进行探火,皮龙掩护。

1408 油漆间油漆起火,火势太大,用手提灭火器无法扑灭,准备好大型CO2灭火。

1410 释放大型CO2,准备救生艇。

1415 厨房墙壁温度明显下降,探火员再次探火。

1418 探火员报火已扑灭,无复燃可能,打开机舱自然通风,固定救生艇。

1423 测氧氧气含量20.5% ,清理火场。

1425 现场讲评

1427 解除警报,演习结束。

1400 Sounded the alarm of fire-fighting and broadcasted. Captain on bridge, started the fire
pump, hoisted the flag CB6.

1402 Crew mustered on starboard deck of NO.1 hold with tools and portable extinguishers, Two
firemen started to put on outfits, water discharged to cool around, removed the flammability and
closed fire proof doors and ventilations, Shut off power supply, tested the communication system

1404 Fireman detected the fire with portable extinguisher, the hose cover.

1408 Fireman reported that the paint was on fair, it was out of control, prepared the CO2system.

1410 Released the CO2 to the paint room, prepared the lifeboat.

1415 The temperature of outer wall obvious lowered, firemen detected again.

1418 Fireman reported that the fire has been off and impossible burned again, opened the doors
and vents,fastened the lifeboat.

1423 Firemen measured out the O2 about 20.5%, resumed power supply, cleaned up the spot.

1425 Reviewed

1427Dismissed the alarm, finish the drill.


Fire-fighting Drill (laundry room)

1500 释放生活区失火警报,同时全船广播B甲板洗衣间失火,启动消防泵,升CB6旗。

1502 全体人员携带消防器材集合于左救生甲板,检查通讯设备正常,探火员着装,皮龙接妥并出水,检查
着装 ,点名正常,切断洗衣间所有通风、电源,关闭门窗。

1504 探火员着装完毕,洗衣间烟雾太大无法进入,带手皮龙进行探火,另一皮龙掩护,准备救生艇。

1507 洗衣间衣服起火,已用皮龙扑灭,无复燃可能。

1512 打开门窗进行自然通风,固定救生艇。

1516 墙壁温度明显下降,探火员测氧气含量20.8% ,恢复机械通风,清理火场。

1518 现场讲评

1520 解除警报,演习结束。

1500 Sounded the alarm of fire-fighting and broadcasted that the laundry was on fire on B-deck.
Captain on bridge, hoisted the flag CB6, started the fire pump.

1502 Crew mustered on A-deck with tools and portable extinguishers, Two firemen started to put
on outfits, water discharged to cool around, removed the flammability and closed fire
proof doors and ventilations, Shut off power supply, tested the communication system normal.

1504 Fireman detected and put out the fire with water, prepared the lifeboat.

1507 The cloth was on fire, the fire was off by water and impossible burned again.

1512 Opened doors and ventilations, fastened the lifeboat.

1516 The temperature of the outer wall obvious lowered, firemen measured out the O2 about
20.5%, resumed power supply, cleaned up the spot.

1518 Reviewed.

1520 Dismissed the alarm, finish the drill.



1520 值班人员发现应急消防泵间漏油,关掉相关的油阀和泵,并立即报告。

1522 释放溢油警报,并全船广播,船长上驾驶台。

1524 全体人员携清油器材集合于NO5舱 左甲板,随艇下人员集合于NO1救生艇,并做好放艇准备工作。

1526 经查发现应急消防泵间一个油桶破裂漏油,油量不多,未流入海,立即回收溢油,更换破损的 油桶,

1532 溢油回收完毕,用洗衣粉清洁甲板及泵间。

1537 现场讲评,恢复正常航行。


1520 Duty person found the pipe after NO.3 hold was leaking, shut off relevant valves and the
pump on main deck, reported.(the pump room for the hatch cover on main deck;found NO.3
tank overflowed during bunkering to portside, stopped the bunkering operation. )

1522 Sounded the alarm of oil spillage and broadcasted, Captain on bridge.

1524 Crew mustered on main deck with tools, walled up the discharge hole on main deck,
prepared the lifeboat.

1526 The pipe was broken, repaired. No oil out the shipboard, cleaned up and removed leakage
oil on main deck, fastened the lifeboat.

1532 The pipe had been repaired, (resumed bunkering).Reviewed

1535 Dismissed the alarm, finished the drill.



1500 释放弃船演习警报,并全船广播,挂AC旗。

1502 全体人员携相关物品集合于左右艇甲板,检查通讯设备正常,开启应急照明正常,各自按职行动。

1504 做好放艇准备工作,启动艇机正倒车正常。

1506 人员到齐,点名查职,检查着装正常,各项弃船工作准备就绪,放艇。

1508 两艇放至艇甲板停,试验刹车正常。

1510 两艇绞起,固定。


1516 右艇固定妥,属具归位。现场讲评。



1430 Sounded the alarm of abandon ship and broadcasted, Captain on bridge.

1432 All crew mustered on the boat-deck in lifejackets with tools, got ready the lifeboat, Tested
emergency lights and communication system normal.

1434 Calling normal, Crew commenced to get into the lifeboat.

1436 All crew got into the lifeboat, tested boat engine 、rudder and SART normal, launched the
boat on water and maneuvered it.(Simulated to launch the lifeboat.)

1449 Raised the boat and fastened it, crew left the lifeboat.

1452 Checked the lifeboat normal, reviewed.

1454 Dismissed the alarm, finished the drill.


Recovery of persons from the water

1435 释放营救落水人员警报,并全船广播左舷有人落水,抛救生圈,向左满舵,船长上驾驶台。

1437 全体人员携相关物品集合于右救生甲板,做好救生艇的释放准备工作,备车航行,使用威廉逊 旋回法

1439 救生艇放艇工作准备完毕,启动救生艇正倒车正常,试验刹车正常,人员登艇。

1445 驶回落水地点,发现落水人员,自上风侧接近,放艇。

1450 救回落水人员。


1456 艇收妥,属具归位,现场讲评。


1435 Sounded the alarm of man overboard and broadcast that there was somebody overboard on
starboard, let go a lifebuoy, hard port, Captain on bridge, Inform ER to standby engine.

1437 All crew mustered on the starboard A-deck with tools, prepared the rescue boat, tested
emergency lights and communication system normal, Made ship to Williamson
turning, Commenced to search the man overboard, checked rescue equipment and personal

1439 The rescue boat ready, tested the release equipment normal, men on board.

1445 Found the overboard man, Made lee side for him, Lowered the rescue boat on water.

1450 Succeed in picking the man up on rescue boat.

1453 Recovered the rescue boat in position and fixed it. The man has been treated by doctor,
reported to the company and other party.

1456 Reviewed.

1500 Dismissed the alarm, Finish the drill.


Emergency steering gear training

1630 释放应急警报,并全船广播舵机故障。

1632 全体人员集合于指定地点,甲板人员改操应急舵,机舱人员抢修操舵控制系统装置。大副、木 匠了

1634 双锚备妥,操应急舵正常,向公司报告故障现象,得到岸基支持。

1645 操舵控制系统装置修复,恢复正常航行。

1649 讲解应急舵操作转换规程及注意事项,现场讲评。


1630 Sounded the emergency alarm and broadcasted that the steering gear was abnormal,
Captain on bridge.

1632 All crew mustered in position according to the muster list. CO and carpenter lookout
forward, tested communication system normal, changed and operated emergency steering gear
system on spot, broadcasted the question on VHF, kept contacting the company, repaired the
steering gear.

1634 Both anchor ready, emergency steering gear system normal, got the help from the

1645 The steering gear has been repaired, resumed sailing.

1649 Familiar with the changed procedures of the emergency steering gear one by one, reviewed.

1652 Dismissed the alarm, Finish the drill.


CollisionShip’s hull damage

1555 释放紧急警报,并全船广播与他船发生碰撞,并悬挂信号。

1557 全体人员按职责行动, 试验通讯设备正常,机舱备车,与公司联系,抄收气象信息。测量各油水舱柜

1600 检查发现首间舱水线附近破损进水,减速航行,进行堵漏,排水。计算破舱稳性符合安全要求。

1610 堵漏成功,水位下降,其余各部位正常,向公司汇报。


1620 解除警报,演习结束。

1555 Sounded the emergency alarm and broadcasted that our ship was collision with other ship,
Captain on bridge.

1557 All crew took action according to the contingency plan, noticed the emergency message on
VHF, tested the communication system normal, SB main engine,connected with the company,
received weather messages, sounded all of the tanks and wells, got ready to wall up any

1600 Checked and found FPT damage, the hole was near the water line, reduce speed, discharged
the water, commenced to carryout walling up.

1610 Walling up successful, the water was reduced in the FPT, checked other parts of the ship
normal, reported the company.

1615 Resumed sailing, reviewed.

1620 Dismissed the alarm, Finish the drill.


Ship’ hull crack drill

1555 释放紧急警报,全船广播我轮船壳破裂,并悬挂信号。

1557 全体人员按职责行动,试验 通讯设备正常,机舱备车,与公司联系,抄收气象信息。测量各油水舱柜
1600 检查发现首间舱水线附近破损进水,减速航行,进行堵漏,排水。计算破舱稳性符合安全要求。

1610 堵漏成功,水位下降,其余各部位正常,向公司汇报。


1620 解除警报,演习结束。

1555 Sounded the emergency alarm and broadcasted that our ship’s hull was cracked, Captain
on bridge.

1557 All crew took action according to the contingency plan, noticed the emergency message on
VHF, tested the communication system normal, SB main engine,connected with the company,
received weather messages, sounded all of the tanks and wells, got ready to wall up any

1600 Checked and found FPT damage, the hole was near the water line, reduce speed, discharged
the water, commenced to carryout walling up.

1610 Walling up successful, the water was reduced in the FPT, checked other parts of the ship
normal, reported the company.

1615 Resumed sailing, reviewed.

1620 Dismissed the alarm, Finish the drill.




1552 全体人员集合于餐厅,调整航向,航速,及时定位,发布警告,抄收气象信息 ,测风向、风速及气压

1555 检查固定物料间易动物品 及备件,检查各水密部位,查看甲板物品及货物是否移动,备车航行,巡视
主机等设备,拉扶手绳,做好 安全保障。

1610 各项工作顺利完成,未发现异常情况,加强巡视。

1615 恶劣气候过去,恢复正常航行。

1620 现场讲评,演习结束。

1550 Sounded the emergency alarm and broadcasted that bad weather was coming, Captain on

1552 All crew took action according to the contingency plan, noticed the warning message on
VHF, fixed the ship’s position in time, tested the communication system normal, SB main
engine,adjusted the ship’s speed and course, kept with the company, received weather
messages, measured wind’s course、speed and air pressure.

1555 Checked and fastened all goods and spare parts, checked all watertight parts in good
condition, checked the cargo no shifting, protected the main engine etc. in good condition, fixed
the hang rope on main deck, took safety measures.

1610 All work completed, all in good condition, strengthened around.

1615 Bad weather gone, resumed sailing, reviewed.

1620Dismissed the alarm, Finish the drill.


Anti-piracyterrorism activities drill

1430 释放保安警报,启动保安报警系统并全船广播有可疑小船驶近。

1432 全体人员携带自卫 武器集合于左主甲板,点名介绍情况,启动消防泵,开探照灯,与公司及附近的保
安当局、军舰联系,保 持通信畅通,按职行动,备车,绞起舷梯。

1434 皮龙出水,驱赶海盗,制造声响,防止海盗从锚链攀上。

1440 阻止海盗成功,小船离去。

1445 小船远离,无再次袭扰企图,向公司及相关各方汇报,现场讲评。

1450 解除警报,演习结束。

1510 Sounded the alarm of piracy and broadcast there was a little boat proceeding to my vessel,
started the SSAS, Captain on bridge.

1512 Crew mustered on main deck with tools. SSO counted and informed the event, Started the
fire pump and project lights. Contacted the company and appropriate Authority, acted according
with the contingency plan.

1514 The water sprayed out, prevented the piracy on board, made noises by whistles, took the
proper measure to leave away the boat.

1522 The prevention was success. The boat left.

1524 Reported to the company and appropriate authority, resumed sailing,Reviewed

1527 Dismissed the alarm, finished the drill.


Crew’s wound, sickness and die

1510 释放应急警报,并全船广播有人员受伤。

1512 全体 人员集合于左主甲板,经查发现一人因滑跌受伤,伤情严重,立即组织抢救,制定治疗方案,向
公司汇报 。

1520 公司指示治疗方法,船上联系附近港口,请求岸上治疗。

1530 附近港口派直升机到船,伤员送上直升机,送往附近港口治疗,向公司汇报。

1533 现场讲评。


1510 Sounded the emergency alarm and broadcast a crew has wounded seriously, Captain on

1512 Crew mustered on port side main deck, a crew has wounded for slip, made the medical
scheme, saved by doctor immediately, reported to the ship owner.

1520 Save the wounded person according to the company’s instruction, connected with a
nearest port, asked for medical assistance.

1530 The helicopter arrived and carried away the wounded person to the nearest port.

1533Reported the company, resumed sailing, reviewed.

1535Dismissed the alarm, Finish the drill.



1700 船长广播直升机即将到船(可悬挂D旗)。

1702 (大副携带对讲器现场指挥站于上风舷,二副驾驶台协助船长工作,负责对外联络;三副现场 指挥接
替人员,负责消防器材;)所有人员按照各自职责行动,准备救助艇,相关的消防器材到位,接妥 一根皮

1704 皮龙出水,消防员着装完毕,控制船速,与直升机协调。

1710 直升机降落,引水员下机,驾驶员接引水。

1713 引水员抵达生活区,直升机离船。

1715 现场讲评,演习结束。

1500 Sounded the emergency alarm and broadcast the helicoptership operation drill, Capt. on
the bridge.

1502 All crew with tools and portable extinguishers took action according to the contingency
plan. Prepare the lifeboat and the hoses. Start the emergency pump. Two firemen started to put
on outfits.

1504 Firemen and the lifeboat on standby. Control the ship’s speed. And contact with the

1507 The helicopter landing, the pilot came down.

1508 The helicopter left.

1510 Reviewed.

1512 Dismissed the alarm, completed the drill..


Ship agroundrock drill

1540 值班人员报告,我轮搁浅,船长上驾驶台。


1543所有船员按职责行动 ,测定船位,升起信号,通过VHF发送紧急广播,接收气象资料,测定风向、风力,测量
各油舱、水舱 、污水井及船舶周围水深,保持通信畅通,备车,向公司报告申请岸基支持。
1558 向公司报告,恢复航行。
1600 解除警报,演习结束。

1540 Duty officer reported that the ship was aground.

1541 Captain on bridge, sounded the emergency alarm and broadcast.

1542 All crew took action according to the contingency plan, hoisted the signal, noticed the
warning message on VHF, fixed the ship’s position in time, tested the communication system
normal, SB main engine,kept with the company and asked for the shore assistance, received
weather messages, measured wind’s course、speed, sounded all of the tanks、wells、depth
around the ship, got ready to wall up any dilapidation.

1548 Checked and found NO.1 port side was aground and no dilapidation, waiting for the spring
tide, reported the company.

1555 Spring tide reached, maneuvered the ship out of aground successful.

1557 Reported the ship owner, resumed sailing, reviewed.

1600 Dismissed the alarm, Finish the drill.


Emergency towing


1037 所有船员按职责行动,准备好拖带设备及拖缆,向公司报告。


1045 签好救助合同。

1050 开始拖带,安排人员看守拖缆。



1035 Sounded the emergency alarm and broadcasted our ship would be towing, Capt. On bridge.

1037 All crew took action according to the contingency plan, SB the tow lines and the
equipment, noticed the owner and charter.

1040 Neared the towed ship, sent towing line by throwing apparatus and made fast.

1045 Subscribed salvation contract.

1050 Commenced towing, looked sharp out for towing line.

1100 Arrived safety area, dropped anchor, finished towing, reported the company, reviewed.

1105 Dismissed the alarm, finished the drill.

Fire-fighting Drill(engine room)
1430 释放机 舱失火警报,并全船广播机舱失火,启动消防泵,准备好大型CO
的释放,悬挂CB6旗。< br>
1432 全体人员携带相关设备集合于船尾甲板,检查通讯设备正常,探火员着装,皮龙接妥 并出水,检查着

1434 切断通风,关闭机舱所有通风道门、天窗、防火门,探火员着装完毕,进行探火,皮龙掩护。

1438 探火员报告锅炉附近油管破裂起火,火势太大,手提灭火器无法扑灭。通知机舱人员撤离,切 断油路

1441 所有人员到齐,释放大型CO

1450 机舱壁温度明显下降,探火员二次探火。

1454 探火员报火已扑灭,无复燃可能,打开机舱自然通风,固定救生艇。

1500 测氧氧气含量21% ,恢复油电路及机械通风,清理火场。

1506 现场讲评

1510 解除警报,演习结束。

1430 Sounded the alarm of firefighting and broadcasted, captain on bridge, hoisted the flag CB6,
started the fire pump.

1432 All crew mustered on A-deck with tools and portable extinguishers. Two hose spurted out
water to cool around, removed the flammability and closed doors and ventilations .tested the
communication system normal. Two firemen started to put on outfits.

1434 Firemen detected the fire with portable extinguisher, the hose cover.

1438 Firemen reported the pipe of the boiler was on fire, it could not be off by the portable
extinguisher. Noticed the duty in the ER to retreat, shut down power & oil supply, prepared the

1441 The duty in the ER arrived with EEBD, calling normal, released the CO2 to the ER. prepared
the lifeboat .started the emergency generator and fire pump normal.

1450 The temperature of the outer wall on the ER obvious lowered, the firemen detected again.

1454 Firemen reported the fire was off and impossible burned again, opened the doors and
vents,fastened the lifeboat.

1500 Firemen measured out the O2about 20.8%, resumed power & oil supply, cleaned up the

1506 Reviewed.

1510 Dismissed the alarm, finish the drill.


Fire-fighting Drill (Galley)

1500 释放生活区失火警报,同时全船广播厨房失火,启动消防泵,升CB6旗。

1502 全体人 员携带消防器材集合于左救生甲板,检查通讯设备正常,探火员着装,皮龙接妥并出水,检查
着装,点名 正常,切断厨房所有通风、电源,关闭门窗。

1504 探火员着装完毕,厨房烟雾太大无法 进入,带手提灭火器进行探火,皮龙掩护。发现大厨受伤被困,

1507 探火员再次探火,准备救生艇。

1510 厨房电路板起火,火势不大,用手提灭火器扑灭,无复燃可能。

1515 打开门窗进行自然通风,固定救生艇。

1520 墙壁温度明显下降,探火员测氧气含量20.8% ,恢复机械通风,清理火场。

1525 现场讲评

1528 解除警报,演习结束。

1500 Sounded the alarm of fire-fighting and broadcast. Captain on bridge, hoisted the flag CB6,
started the fire pump.

1502 Crew mustered on A-deck with tools and portable extinguishers, Two firemen started to put
on outfits, water discharged to cool around, removed the flammability and closed fire
proof doors and ventilations, Shut off power supply, tested the communication system normal.

1504 Fireman detected the fire with portable extinguisher, the hose cover, found the cooker
injured and took him off. First-aid team saved.

1507 Fireman detected again, prepared the lifeboat.

1510 Firemen reported the stove was on fire, the fire was off by the portable extinguisher and
impossible burned again.

1515Resumedpower supply, opened doors and ventilations, fastened the lifeboat.

1520 Firemen measured out the O2 about 20.8%, resumed power supply, cleaned up the spot.


1528Dismissed the alarm, finish the drill.


Fire-fighting Drill(PAINT ROOM)

1400 释放船首失火警报,同时全船广播厨房失火,启动消防泵,升CB6旗。

1402 全体人员 携带消防器材集合于右主甲板,检查通讯设备正常,探火员着装,皮龙接妥并出水,检查着
装,点名正常 ,切断油漆间所有通风、电源,关闭门窗。

1404 探火员着装完毕,油漆间烟雾太大无法进入,进行探火,皮龙掩护。

1408 油漆间油漆起火,火势太大,用手提灭火器无法扑灭,准备好大型CO2灭火。

1410 释放大型CO2,准备救生艇。

1415 厨房墙壁温度明显下降,探火员再次探火。

1418 探火员报火已扑灭,无复燃可能,打开机舱自然通风,固定救生艇。

1423 测氧氧气含量20.5% ,清理火场。

1425 现场讲评

1427 解除警报,演习结束。

1400 Sounded the alarm of fire-fighting and broadcasted. Captain on bridge, started the fire
pump, hoisted the flag CB6.

1402 Crew mustered on starboard deck of NO.1 hold with tools and portable extinguishers, Two
firemen started to put on outfits, water discharged to cool around, removed the flammability and
closed fire proof doors and ventilations, Shut off power supply, tested the communication system

1404 Fireman detected the fire with portable extinguisher, the hose cover.

1408 Fireman reported that the paint was on fair, it was out of control, prepared the CO2system.

1410 Released the CO2 to the paint room, prepared the lifeboat.

1415 The temperature of outer wall obvious lowered, firemen detected again.

1418 Fireman reported that the fire has been off and impossible burned again, opened the doors
and vents,fastened the lifeboat.

1423 Firemen measured out the O2 about 20.5%, resumed power supply, cleaned up the spot.

1425 Reviewed

1427Dismissed the alarm, finish the drill.


Fire-fighting Drill (laundry room)

1500 释放生活区失火警报,同时全船广播B甲板洗衣间失火,启动消防泵,升CB6旗。

1502 全体人员携带消防器材集合于左救生甲板,检查通讯设备正常,探火员着装,皮龙接妥并出水,检查
着装 ,点名正常,切断洗衣间所有通风、电源,关闭门窗。

1504 探火员着装完毕,洗衣间烟雾太大无法进入,带手皮龙进行探火,另一皮龙掩护,准备救生艇。

1507 洗衣间衣服起火,已用皮龙扑灭,无复燃可能。

1512 打开门窗进行自然通风,固定救生艇。

1516 墙壁温度明显下降,探火员测氧气含量20.8% ,恢复机械通风,清理火场。

1518 现场讲评

1520 解除警报,演习结束。

1500 Sounded the alarm of fire-fighting and broadcasted that the laundry was on fire on B-deck.
Captain on bridge, hoisted the flag CB6, started the fire pump.

1502 Crew mustered on A-deck with tools and portable extinguishers, Two firemen started to put
on outfits, water discharged to cool around, removed the flammability and closed fire
proof doors and ventilations, Shut off power supply, tested the communication system normal.

1504 Fireman detected and put out the fire with water, prepared the lifeboat.

1507 The cloth was on fire, the fire was off by water and impossible burned again.

1512 Opened doors and ventilations, fastened the lifeboat.

1516 The temperature of the outer wall obvious lowered, firemen measured out the O2 about
20.5%, resumed power supply, cleaned up the spot.

1518 Reviewed.

1520 Dismissed the alarm, finish the drill.



1520 值班人员发现应急消防泵间漏油,关掉相关的油阀和泵,并立即报告。

1522 释放溢油警报,并全船广播,船长上驾驶台。

1524 全体人员携清油器材集合于NO5舱 左甲板,随艇下人员集合于NO1救生艇,并做好放艇准备工作。

1526 经查发现应急消防泵间一个油桶破裂漏油,油量不多,未流入海,立即回收溢油,更换破损的 油桶,

1532 溢油回收完毕,用洗衣粉清洁甲板及泵间。

1537 现场讲评,恢复正常航行。


1520 Duty person found the pipe after NO.3 hold was leaking, shut off relevant valves and the
pump on main deck, reported.(the pump room for the hatch cover on main deck;found NO.3
tank overflowed during bunkering to portside, stopped the bunkering operation. )

1522 Sounded the alarm of oil spillage and broadcasted, Captain on bridge.

1524 Crew mustered on main deck with tools, walled up the discharge hole on main deck,
prepared the lifeboat.

1526 The pipe was broken, repaired. No oil out the shipboard, cleaned up and removed leakage
oil on main deck, fastened the lifeboat.

1532 The pipe had been repaired, (resumed bunkering).Reviewed

1535 Dismissed the alarm, finished the drill.



1500 释放弃船演习警报,并全船广播,挂AC旗。

1502 全体人员携相关物品集合于左右艇甲板,检查通讯设备正常,开启应急照明正常,各自按职行动。

1504 做好放艇准备工作,启动艇机正倒车正常。

1506 人员到齐,点名查职,检查着装正常,各项弃船工作准备就绪,放艇。

1508 两艇放至艇甲板停,试验刹车正常。

1510 两艇绞起,固定。


1516 右艇固定妥,属具归位。现场讲评。



1430 Sounded the alarm of abandon ship and broadcasted, Captain on bridge.

1432 All crew mustered on the boat-deck in lifejackets with tools, got ready the lifeboat, Tested
emergency lights and communication system normal.

1434 Calling normal, Crew commenced to get into the lifeboat.

1436 All crew got into the lifeboat, tested boat engine 、rudder and SART normal, launched the
boat on water and maneuvered it.(Simulated to launch the lifeboat.)

1449 Raised the boat and fastened it, crew left the lifeboat.

1452 Checked the lifeboat normal, reviewed.

1454 Dismissed the alarm, finished the drill.


Recovery of persons from the water

1435 释放营救落水人员警报,并全船广播左舷有人落水,抛救生圈,向左满舵,船长上驾驶台。

1437 全体人员携相关物品集合于右救生甲板,做好救生艇的释放准备工作,备车航行,使用威廉逊 旋回法

1439 救生艇放艇工作准备完毕,启动救生艇正倒车正常,试验刹车正常,人员登艇。

1445 驶回落水地点,发现落水人员,自上风侧接近,放艇。

1450 救回落水人员。


1456 艇收妥,属具归位,现场讲评。


1435 Sounded the alarm of man overboard and broadcast that there was somebody overboard on
starboard, let go a lifebuoy, hard port, Captain on bridge, Inform ER to standby engine.

1437 All crew mustered on the starboard A-deck with tools, prepared the rescue boat, tested
emergency lights and communication system normal, Made ship to Williamson
turning, Commenced to search the man overboard, checked rescue equipment and personal

1439 The rescue boat ready, tested the release equipment normal, men on board.

1445 Found the overboard man, Made lee side for him, Lowered the rescue boat on water.

1450 Succeed in picking the man up on rescue boat.

1453 Recovered the rescue boat in position and fixed it. The man has been treated by doctor,
reported to the company and other party.

1456 Reviewed.

1500 Dismissed the alarm, Finish the drill.


Emergency steering gear training

1630 释放应急警报,并全船广播舵机故障。

1632 全体人员集合于指定地点,甲板人员改操应急舵,机舱人员抢修操舵控制系统装置。大副、木 匠了

1634 双锚备妥,操应急舵正常,向公司报告故障现象,得到岸基支持。

1645 操舵控制系统装置修复,恢复正常航行。

1649 讲解应急舵操作转换规程及注意事项,现场讲评。


1630 Sounded the emergency alarm and broadcasted that the steering gear was abnormal,
Captain on bridge.

1632 All crew mustered in position according to the muster list. CO and carpenter lookout
forward, tested communication system normal, changed and operated emergency steering gear
system on spot, broadcasted the question on VHF, kept contacting the company, repaired the
steering gear.

1634 Both anchor ready, emergency steering gear system normal, got the help from the

1645 The steering gear has been repaired, resumed sailing.

1649 Familiar with the changed procedures of the emergency steering gear one by one, reviewed.

1652 Dismissed the alarm, Finish the drill.


CollisionShip’s hull damage

1555 释放紧急警报,并全船广播与他船发生碰撞,并悬挂信号。

1557 全体人员按职责行动, 试验通讯设备正常,机舱备车,与公司联系,抄收气象信息。测量各油水舱柜

1600 检查发现首间舱水线附近破损进水,减速航行,进行堵漏,排水。计算破舱稳性符合安全要求。

1610 堵漏成功,水位下降,其余各部位正常,向公司汇报。


1620 解除警报,演习结束。

1555 Sounded the emergency alarm and broadcasted that our ship was collision with other ship,
Captain on bridge.

1557 All crew took action according to the contingency plan, noticed the emergency message on
VHF, tested the communication system normal, SB main engine,connected with the company,
received weather messages, sounded all of the tanks and wells, got ready to wall up any

1600 Checked and found FPT damage, the hole was near the water line, reduce speed, discharged
the water, commenced to carryout walling up.

1610 Walling up successful, the water was reduced in the FPT, checked other parts of the ship
normal, reported the company.

1615 Resumed sailing, reviewed.

1620 Dismissed the alarm, Finish the drill.


Ship’ hull crack drill

1555 释放紧急警报,全船广播我轮船壳破裂,并悬挂信号。

1557 全体人员按职责行动,试验 通讯设备正常,机舱备车,与公司联系,抄收气象信息。测量各油水舱柜
1600 检查发现首间舱水线附近破损进水,减速航行,进行堵漏,排水。计算破舱稳性符合安全要求。

1610 堵漏成功,水位下降,其余各部位正常,向公司汇报。


1620 解除警报,演习结束。

1555 Sounded the emergency alarm and broadcasted that our ship’s hull was cracked, Captain
on bridge.

1557 All crew took action according to the contingency plan, noticed the emergency message on
VHF, tested the communication system normal, SB main engine,connected with the company,
received weather messages, sounded all of the tanks and wells, got ready to wall up any

1600 Checked and found FPT damage, the hole was near the water line, reduce speed, discharged
the water, commenced to carryout walling up.

1610 Walling up successful, the water was reduced in the FPT, checked other parts of the ship
normal, reported the company.

1615 Resumed sailing, reviewed.

1620 Dismissed the alarm, Finish the drill.




1552 全体人员集合于餐厅,调整航向,航速,及时定位,发布警告,抄收气象信息 ,测风向、风速及气压

1555 检查固定物料间易动物品 及备件,检查各水密部位,查看甲板物品及货物是否移动,备车航行,巡视
主机等设备,拉扶手绳,做好 安全保障。

1610 各项工作顺利完成,未发现异常情况,加强巡视。

1615 恶劣气候过去,恢复正常航行。

1620 现场讲评,演习结束。

1550 Sounded the emergency alarm and broadcasted that bad weather was coming, Captain on

1552 All crew took action according to the contingency plan, noticed the warning message on
VHF, fixed the ship’s position in time, tested the communication system normal, SB main
engine,adjusted the ship’s speed and course, kept with the company, received weather
messages, measured wind’s course、speed and air pressure.

1555 Checked and fastened all goods and spare parts, checked all watertight parts in good
condition, checked the cargo no shifting, protected the main engine etc. in good condition, fixed
the hang rope on main deck, took safety measures.

1610 All work completed, all in good condition, strengthened around.

1615 Bad weather gone, resumed sailing, reviewed.

1620Dismissed the alarm, Finish the drill.


Anti-piracyterrorism activities drill

1430 释放保安警报,启动保安报警系统并全船广播有可疑小船驶近。

1432 全体人员携带自卫 武器集合于左主甲板,点名介绍情况,启动消防泵,开探照灯,与公司及附近的保
安当局、军舰联系,保 持通信畅通,按职行动,备车,绞起舷梯。

1434 皮龙出水,驱赶海盗,制造声响,防止海盗从锚链攀上。

1440 阻止海盗成功,小船离去。

1445 小船远离,无再次袭扰企图,向公司及相关各方汇报,现场讲评。

1450 解除警报,演习结束。

1510 Sounded the alarm of piracy and broadcast there was a little boat proceeding to my vessel,
started the SSAS, Captain on bridge.

1512 Crew mustered on main deck with tools. SSO counted and informed the event, Started the
fire pump and project lights. Contacted the company and appropriate Authority, acted according
with the contingency plan.

1514 The water sprayed out, prevented the piracy on board, made noises by whistles, took the
proper measure to leave away the boat.

1522 The prevention was success. The boat left.

1524 Reported to the company and appropriate authority, resumed sailing,Reviewed

1527 Dismissed the alarm, finished the drill.


Crew’s wound, sickness and die

1510 释放应急警报,并全船广播有人员受伤。

1512 全体 人员集合于左主甲板,经查发现一人因滑跌受伤,伤情严重,立即组织抢救,制定治疗方案,向
公司汇报 。

1520 公司指示治疗方法,船上联系附近港口,请求岸上治疗。

1530 附近港口派直升机到船,伤员送上直升机,送往附近港口治疗,向公司汇报。

1533 现场讲评。


1510 Sounded the emergency alarm and broadcast a crew has wounded seriously, Captain on

1512 Crew mustered on port side main deck, a crew has wounded for slip, made the medical
scheme, saved by doctor immediately, reported to the ship owner.

1520 Save the wounded person according to the company’s instruction, connected with a
nearest port, asked for medical assistance.

1530 The helicopter arrived and carried away the wounded person to the nearest port.

1533Reported the company, resumed sailing, reviewed.

1535Dismissed the alarm, Finish the drill.



1700 船长广播直升机即将到船(可悬挂D旗)。

1702 (大副携带对讲器现场指挥站于上风舷,二副驾驶台协助船长工作,负责对外联络;三副现场 指挥接
替人员,负责消防器材;)所有人员按照各自职责行动,准备救助艇,相关的消防器材到位,接妥 一根皮

1704 皮龙出水,消防员着装完毕,控制船速,与直升机协调。

1710 直升机降落,引水员下机,驾驶员接引水。

1713 引水员抵达生活区,直升机离船。

1715 现场讲评,演习结束。

1500 Sounded the emergency alarm and broadcast the helicoptership operation drill, Capt. on
the bridge.

1502 All crew with tools and portable extinguishers took action according to the contingency
plan. Prepare the lifeboat and the hoses. Start the emergency pump. Two firemen started to put
on outfits.

1504 Firemen and the lifeboat on standby. Control the ship’s speed. And contact with the

1507 The helicopter landing, the pilot came down.

1508 The helicopter left.

1510 Reviewed.

1512 Dismissed the alarm, completed the drill..


Ship agroundrock drill

1540 值班人员报告,我轮搁浅,船长上驾驶台。


1543所有船员按职责行动 ,测定船位,升起信号,通过VHF发送紧急广播,接收气象资料,测定风向、风力,测量
各油舱、水舱 、污水井及船舶周围水深,保持通信畅通,备车,向公司报告申请岸基支持。
1558 向公司报告,恢复航行。
1600 解除警报,演习结束。

1540 Duty officer reported that the ship was aground.

1541 Captain on bridge, sounded the emergency alarm and broadcast.

1542 All crew took action according to the contingency plan, hoisted the signal, noticed the
warning message on VHF, fixed the ship’s position in time, tested the communication system
normal, SB main engine,kept with the company and asked for the shore assistance, received
weather messages, measured wind’s course、speed, sounded all of the tanks、wells、depth
around the ship, got ready to wall up any dilapidation.

1548 Checked and found NO.1 port side was aground and no dilapidation, waiting for the spring
tide, reported the company.

1555 Spring tide reached, maneuvered the ship out of aground successful.

1557 Reported the ship owner, resumed sailing, reviewed.

1600 Dismissed the alarm, Finish the drill.


Emergency towing


1037 所有船员按职责行动,准备好拖带设备及拖缆,向公司报告。


1045 签好救助合同。

1050 开始拖带,安排人员看守拖缆。



1035 Sounded the emergency alarm and broadcasted our ship would be towing, Capt. On bridge.

1037 All crew took action according to the contingency plan, SB the tow lines and the
equipment, noticed the owner and charter.

1040 Neared the towed ship, sent towing line by throwing apparatus and made fast.

1045 Subscribed salvation contract.

1050 Commenced towing, looked sharp out for towing line.

1100 Arrived safety area, dropped anchor, finished towing, reported the company, reviewed.

1105 Dismissed the alarm, finished the drill.







