
2020年08月09日 06:48


第52期 903
1. Where would you find information about the time of high tide at a specific location
on a
particular day of the year?
A. Tide Tables B. Tidal Current Tables C. Coast Pilot D. Nautical
2. For details of these and other lights the larger scale charts and Admiralty Lists
should be __
A. considered B. consulted C. concluded D. commanded
3. The error in the measurement of the altitude of a celestial body, caused by
increases as the ______.
A. horizontal parallax decreases B. observer’s height above sea level increases
C. humidity of the atmosphere decreases D. altitude of the body decreases
4. The compass rose on a nautical chart indicates both variation and
A. deviation
B. annual rate of variation change
C. precession
D. compass error
5. The short-long dashed, magenta lines parallel to York River Entrance Channel mark
A. fish trap areas B. naval exercise areas C. underwater cables D.
recommended track lines
important point to note when you open a navigation chart is to note whether the
depths are_____
A in meter or fathom B in foot or kilometer C by meter or fathom D by foot or
should voyage planning be done?
A. During the sailing
B. Prior the sailing
C. After sailing
D. Before the pilot is leaving
8. The Experimental Lighthouse-buoy has no navigational significance and
may be removed at will.The above sentence means ______.
A. It's of no use for navigation and would be removed with notice
B. It's useful in navigation and may be removed without notice

C. It's helpless in navigation and may be removed without notice
D. It's helpful in navigation and may be removed without notice
9. Owing to old data of the survey the positions and number of the beacons shown on
this chart are not to be ______.
A. considered
B. insured
C. relied upon
D. suspected
10. ______ is a full nautical record of a ship's voyage,written up at the end of each
watch by the officer of the watch.
A. Sea Protest B. Deck Log C. Accident Report D.
Seaman's Book
KEY: B航海日记是船舶航次的完全记录,由值班驾驶员在每班结束时填写。
there is not a chief officer on board, ______should keep and write up the
ship’s logbook.
A the assistant officer B the captain C the officer on duty D the third officer
port gangway caught on a ______on the wharf and was severely damaged.
A bollard B bitt C stem D keel
Key A
13. Do you need to measure oxygen levels before entering an enclosed space?
A. Yes, always
B. No
C. Not if you measure for toxic gases
D. Yes, but not if you ventilate properly first for 24 hours

14. Who must ensure that the emergency lighting and power systems on cargo vessels
operated at least weekly?______
A. Master B. Chief Engineer C. Deck officer assigned D. Engineering
officer assigned
Key A
15. Painting on _________is prohibited because it will weaken its sensibility
or of winches
tatic release unit
16. You are on watch at night in clear visibility and the vessel has just been anchored.
The first

thing that you should do after the anchor has been let go is to ______.
A. stop the engines B. turn off the running lights and turn on the anchor lights
C. take at least two bearings of prominent shore lights
D. lower the accommodation ladder and illuminate it
Key B
port of registry is ______.
A not required to be marked anywhere on the vessel
B required to be marked on both bows
C required to be marked anywhere on the stern with the name of vessel marked on
both bows
D required to be marked anywhere on the keel, stern , and both bows
Key C
a rigid liferaft which is equipped with all of the required equipment you may
not find a______
A bailer B sponge C whistle D fishing kit
Key D
19. Shipboard Emergency Drills must be carried out at least _____on board cargo ship
A. Once every third year
B. Once a month
C. Once a year
D. Once a week
’ masters are requested to ensure that ,while their vessels are calling at this
port ,all discharge outlets are_____
A opened B kept half opened C blocked up D kept half closed
Key C
is a CORRECT reply to a pilot’s request, How’s your heading?
A Steady B Eased to 10 rudder C checked D Passing 50
Key D
22. Your vessel is docking, but not yet alongside. Which line will be the most useful
maneuvering the vessel alongside the pier?______.
A. Bow breast line B. Bow spring line C. Inshore head line D. Offshore head
Key B
23. It's all right to rig the pilot ladder on lee side ______.
A. to allow port Authorities to board
B. allowing port Authorities to board
C. to allow port Authorities boarding
D. allowing port Authorities to be boarded
24. Generally speaking,the most favorable bottom for anchoring is ______.
A. very soft mud
B. rocky

C. a mixture of mud and clay
D. loose sand
25. Your ship is steaming at night with the gyropilot engaged. You notice that the
vessel’s course
is slowly changing to the right. Which action should you take FIRST?______.
A. switch to hand steering. B shift the steering to the emergency steering station.

C. Call the Master D. Notify the engine room of the steering malfunction.
Key A
26. A vessel fitted with twin screws is easier in ______ than a vessel
with single screw.
A. turning maneuver
B. course setting
C. position fixing
D. regulating speed
officer of the watch should______ comply with the Collision Rules.
A some times B often C at all times D seldom
vessel is underway when______
A her is dredging B her anchor is used in docking
C she is dredging her anchor D her anchor holds fast while she is swinging
29. Risk of collision is considered to exist if ______.
A. four vessels are nearby
B. a vessel has a steady bearing at a constant range
C. there is any doubt that a risk of collision exists
D. a special circumstance situation is apparent
KEY: C假如对存在碰撞危险有任何的怀疑时应认为存在碰撞危险。

30.A vessel underway and fishing shall keep out of the way a ______
A power-driven vessel underway B vessel not under command
C vessel sailing D vessel engaged on pilotage duty
one of two crossing power-driven vessels has the right of way in a fog?
A Both vessel B Neither vessel C The vessel on portside D The vessel on
starboard side
32. What is a lighted safe water mark fitted with to aid in its identification ? ______
A. A spherical topmark B. Red and white retroreflective material
C. Square triangular topmarks D. A red and white octagon
33. A dead reckoning (DR) plot ______.
A. ignores the effect of surface currents
B. is most useful when in sight of land

C. must be plotted using magnetic courses
D. may be started at an assumed position
34. There is sufficient anchorage for ______ at all time around the No.1
buoy and for smaller vessels around the No.4 buoy.
A. deep laded vessels
B. deeply load vessels
C. deep loading vessels
D. deeply loaded vessels
35. A tide is called diurnal when ______.
A. only one high and one low water occur during a lunar day
B. the high tide is higher and the low tide is lower than usual
C. the high tide and low tide are exactly six hours apart
D. two high tides occur during a lunar day
36.A height of a tide can be increased by ______
A a storm surge B a high pressure area C the jet stream D two high tides
37. All the holds and other parts of the ship in which cargo is to be
stowed should be ______ for the carriage.
A. comfortable
B. suitable
C. stable
D. favorable
38. If the buoyant force on a ship's hull is equal to the displacement
tonnage,the ship will ______.
A. require ballast
B. be down by the head
C. sink
D. float
39. Reducing the liquid free surfaces in a vessel reduces the ______.
A. roll period
B. metacentric height
C. waterplane area
D. vessel's draft
40. The productivity of working shifts can be improvedРth?ough a decrease of
A. working hours
B. gangs
C. idle time
D. weight per set

KEY: C工班的工作效率能够通过减少竺闲时间来提高。
41. What is the main purpose of dunnage?
A. To act as ballast for light vessels B. To provide ventilation and drainage for
C. To secure the tarpaulins in place D. To support weakened bulkheads
42. How should you signal the crane operator to lower the boom and raise the load?
A. Extend arm and point finger in the direction to move the boom
B. Extend arm with thumb pointing downward and flex fingers in and out
C. With forearm vertical and forefinger pointing up, move hand in small horizontal
D. With arm extended downwards and forefinger pointing down, move hand in
small horizontal circles
43. The forward draft of your ship draft is 27’11” and the after is 29’03”. The draft
is 28’05”. Your vessel is ______.
A. Hogged B. Sagged C. Listed D. Trimmed by the head
man directing and supervising the work of stevedores is the______
A local agent B watchman C docker D foreman
45. The ship is now too much listing to portside. I suggest that you ______ light cargo
portside and heavy cargo on starboard side.
A. will put B. would put C. put D. shall put
46. Figure of cargo short-landed in ______.
A. dispute
B. argue
C. debate
D. discuss
speed at which storm center moves is the ______
A speed of movement B speed of advance C speed of storm D storm
movement speed
280 DEG
17 KNOTS NEXT 12 HOURS. The movement of the Typhoon is in ______ quadrant.
a wind is permanently changing the direction from which it blows, the
A variable B changing C backing D veering

50. The rise and fall of the ocean’s surface due to a distant storm is known as ______
A sea B waves C fetch D swell
51. Good weather is usually associated with a region of ______.
A. low barometric pressure
B. high barometric pressure
C. falling barometric pressure
D. pumping barometric pressure
REASONS defines ______.
A. Restricted area
B. Closed area
C. Prohibited place
D. Forbidden place
53 ___is halfway between the forward and after perpendiculars and is reference point
for vessel construction. D
A:Half length B: Mid-body C: Center line D: Amidships
54 Roll-on roll-off ships are equipped with C
A: Cargo elevators B: conveyor belts
C: ramps D: derricks and winches for cargo handling
55 The Port-Off-Stbd’ selector switch on an autopilot steering stand is used
to________ B
A change from hand electric steering to automatic gyro
B Change over one steering system to the other
C change over hand electric steering to non-follow-up
D change over the port to the starboard bow thruster
56 Increasing the area of anchor flukes will_______ A
A: increase holding power
B: decrease holding power
C: make penetration more complete
D: not effect holding power
57 The last shot of an anchor cable is usually painted________ D
A: white B: international orange C: yellow D: red
58 The officer of the watch should use radar when appropriate and at all times
in______water B
A: congesting B: congested C: congestion D: congest
59 The common way to obtain your ship’s position is ____ B
A: keeping a close watch and lookout
B: taking a radar range and bearing
C: observing a radar target and listening to signals
D; keeping a well clear caution

60 The minimum range at which a target can be detected is basically determined
by which of the following?____ C
A: persistence B: pulse repetition rate
C: pulse length D: rotation rate
61 If the compass heading and the magnetic heading are the same then_______
A: the deviation has been offset by the variation
B: there is something wrong with the compass
C: the compass is being influenced by nearby metals
D: there is no deviation on that heading
62 Magnetic heading differs from compass heading by_____ D
A: compass error B: true heading C: variation D:deviation
63 Before switching on gyro-compass, you should make sure that the power supply on
board is ________ B
A: high or low B: AC or DC C;strong or weak D;on or off
64 The GPS satellite orbits the earth in approximately_______ C
A: 3 hours B: 6 hours C: 12 hours D: 24 hours
65 What is important to remember when using AIS for collision avoidance?
A: AIS may not give a complete picture of the traffic situation
B: AIS is more accurate than ARPA
C AIS is not as accurate as ARPA
D: AIS is not allowed to be used for collision avoidance
66 With respect to automatic identification systems(AIS) which of the following
information is broadcast every one to ten seconds? C
A: Vessel’s draft B: Air Draft
C: Navigational status D: Dimensions of vessel
67 The Emergency Position Indicating Radiobeacon on a cargo vessel must be
stowed________ D
A: in an inside passageway B: in an approved bracket
C: so that it is accessible from the bridge of the vessel
D: so that it will float free the vessel sinks
68 On which vessel is GMDSS required C
A: All vessel capable of international voyages
B: Vessel operating outside of the range of VHF coastal radio stations
C: SOLAS convention ship of 300 gross tonnage or more
D: Coastal vessel of less than 300 gross tons

69 The generators on your ship have shut down, leaving you without navigation lights.
Which emergency signal would you transmit over the VHF radio to alert vessels in
the area of your predicament? C
A: Mayday Mayday Mayday
B: Pan Pan Pan

C: Security Security Security
D:Lights out Lights out Lights out
70 The pilot station______close west of the end of the breakwater B
A: stayed B: situated C: placed D: located
71 VHF Channel 6 is used exclusively for______communications B
A:radio checks and time checks
B; inter-vessel safety and search and rescue
C; working with helicopters
D; radio direction finding
72 One hour before arrival at Elbe l light vessel, masters are advised to contact the
pilot boat by __________ D
A: telephone B: telegraph C: telex D: VHF
73 A bollard is found on the ________ C
A: beach B: deck C: pier D; towed vessel
74 In order to correctly open a new coil of manila line, you should_______ B
A: pull the tagged end from the top of the coil
B; pull the tagged end through the eye of the coil
C: secure the outside end and unroll the coil
D: unreel the coil from a spool
75 Separating both blocks of a tackle to prepare it for reuse is called_______
A: chockablocking B: out-hauling
C: over- hauling D; two-blocking
76 Which splice should you use in order to make a permanent
loop in a line? B
A: Back splice B: Eyc splice C: Long splice D; Short splice
77 The end of the joint with the exterior threads is called the______ A
A: pin B; stem C; box D; stand
78 If you saw flames aboard a vessel but could see the vessel was not on fire, you
would know that the_______ B
A: crew was trying to get warm
B: vessel required immediate assistance
C; vessel was attempting to attract the attention of a pilot boat
D: vessel was being illuminated for identification by aircraft
79 A search and rescue region is ________ D
A: a search area B: an area covered by air surveillance
C: an area covered by radar surveillance D; an area of defined dimensions
is the meaning of UEL?
exposure level explosion level
explosive limit evaporation level

81. . For most products the fire will die out when the oxygen content is reduced to
A. 10%

B. 12%
C. 15%
D. 21%
82. A self-contained breathing apparatus is used to ______.
A. make underwater repairs to barges
B. determine if the air in a tank is safe for men
C. enter areas that may contain dangerous fumes or lack oxygen
D. resuscitate an unconscious person
83. Making water rapidly in all holds,all passengers and crew were ordered on deck
______ and all boats were lowered to rail.
A. in life jackets---穿着救生衣(未穿别的衣服)
B. with life jackets---携带救生衣(未穿上)
C. with life jackets on ---穿好救生衣
D. putting on life jackets---正在穿救生衣
KEY: C所有货舱迅速进水,所有旅客和船员穿好救生衣到甲板上并且所有救
84. After abandoning a vessel, water that is consumed within the first 24 hours will
A. pass through the body with little absorbed by the system
B. help to prevent fatigue---防止疲劳
C. quench thirst for only 2 hours---不口渴仅2小时
D. help to prevent seasickness---防止晕船
KEY: A弃船以后,在最初24小时里消耗的水将通过身体少量地被系统吸收
85. After launching,an inflatable raft should be kept dry inside by
A. opening the automatic drain plugs
B. draining the water pockets
C. using the electric bilge pump
D. using the bailers and cellulose sponge
86. What does OBO mean?
A. Oil Bulk Oil
B. Ore Bulk Oil
C. Only Bulk Ore
D. Only Basic Oil
a person is in shock,their skin will be _____
and dry and damp
and dry and damp

88. What is the proper first aid for LPG in the eye?
A. Apply an ice pack to the eye.
B. Keep the eyelid closed.
C. Flush the eye with plenty of water.
D. Rub the eye area clean.
Major coast radio stations all over the world transmit,at regular intervals and in code,
weather information for ships within range. Weather information consists of ten parts,
of which ships usually make use of three,that is,warning,synoptic situation and
forecast. With weather information,mariners are able to keep away from disastrous
weather at sea and reduce the danger a great deal. As terrible weather is predicted,
can take precautions beforehand,by delaying the voyage or seeking shelter in a safe
place. If there is a high sea or a long swell,they can take some measures to safeguard
cargo and the ship.

89 Weather information for ships is usually transmitted by coast radio stations ___.
A. any time of the day B. at fixed time
C. in different languages D. in some parts of the world
90 Coast radio stations generally provide weather information for ships ___. I. in
II. In a certain language, III. in written form
A. I B. I + II C. II D.
I + II + III
91 Weather information usually tells people something about weather _____.
A. afterwards B. in advance
C. at the same time D. when there’s bad weather
92 Of the following, ______ is not the way for ships to keep away from bad
A. delaying voyage B. staying in port
C. speeding up and running away D. pumping out ballast water
Passage 3-5
Communications over relatively short distances can be made by visual or sound
signals. Visual signals can be sent by using flags or an Aldis lamp. An Aldis lamp is
an electric lamp used for flashing messages in Morse code. The traditional method of
signaling from one ship to another is by using flags. There are different colored flags

for each letter of the alphabet. There are also pennant-shaped flags for numbers,and a
long pennant,known as an answering or code pennant. Three other flags,which are
burgee-shaped,are known as substitutes. These show that the flat or pennant is being
repeated. Besides standing for a letter of the alphabet,each flag,when hoisted along,
has another meaning. For example,the flag also means: require medical
assistancein combinations of two,three or four. Siren,
whistle,bell or other sound signals can be used in fog and similar circumstances when
visual signals can not be seen.
[93]Communications over relatively short distances may be made by ________.
A. visual signals
B. sound signals
C. Morse Code
D. Either visual or sound signals
[94]An Aldis lamp is used for ________.
A. transmitting Morse code
B. flashing flags
C. sending flag signals
D. sending sound signals
[95]Burgee-shaped flags are used as substitutes to show ________.
燕尾旗是用来代替显示 重复的
[96]________ are used in fog and similar circumstances when visual signals can not
be seen.
A. Visual signals
B. Substitutes
C. Pennant- shaped flags
D. The ship's siren,whistle or bell







