
2020年08月09日 06:49


Rock Drilling And Jaw Crusher Profile
Edited by Alan L. Hitchcox
Rock drilling is all about power and speed. You need a lot of power
to break into solid rock and high speed to repeatedly hammer away at a
work site. For safety and high productivity, many of today’s machines
feature remote control. This presents a challenge because the remote
control must be easy to operate yet allow full functionality of the
Top hammer percussive drilling — the most common method for drilling
holes up to 140 mm diameter — hammers the rock with impacts transferred
from the rock drill to a drill bit in the bottom or a hole. Hydraulic
pressure generates the force required — pressure builds to a maximum and
when released, drives an impact piston forward. When the piston strikes
a chuck, it transfers its kinetic energy as a stress wave through a drill
rod to the drill bit, which uses this impact energy to pulverize the rock.
Obtaining the highest drilling productivity and economy requires
operation of all components in the system to be highly synchronized.
Design criteria
When designing the hydraulic system for a rock drill rig, the operator
must be given complete and independent control of the key parameters —
percussion pressure, percussion frequency, feed force, and rotation —
to achieve optimum drilling efficiency. When all of these parameters are
optimized to suit working conditions, the drill bit has full contact with
the rock and the shock wave captures maximum kinetic energy to ensure that
each impact achieves high productivity.

Although the design of the machine itself accounts for much of the
machine’s productivity, achieving maximum productivity to meet cost
targets requires a well-engineered hydraulic system with components that
can maintain high reliability even in the face of frequent heavy impacts.
Furthermore, a precise remote control is needed to achieve the high
synchronization necessary for maximum productivity. Remote control also
provides higher visibility, controllability, and safety than
machine-mounted controls. It also lends itself to data acquisition to
monitor operation and aid in improving future design of machines.
Nimco Controls AB, Malmo, Sweden, developed a system to meet these
criteria in drill rigs manufactured by KG Mekaniska AB, Karl Gustav,
Sweden. The electrohydraulic system integrates the features of Nimco’s
Easy- Prog CANbus-based remote-control system with its CV 2000 LS series
pressure-compensated valve. As a result, drill rigs have produced optimal
results over the last two years.
The electrohydraulic system consists of a variable- displacement pump
with load sensing to improve energy efficiency of the system, the CV 2000
LS pressure-compensated valve, and the EasyProg CANbus system. Designers
also made an effort to reduce the amount of hydraulic hose in the machine.
Not surprisingly, then, the new design contains about 13 less hose.
Component details
The CV 2000 LS valve can accommodate a flow of 125 lpm to each cylinder
port and is designed to work with both fixed- and variable- displacement
pumps. Work port flow is controlled by 12- or 24-V proportional solenoids,
with manual hand lever override functions available. Pressure limiters
can be fitted on each individual work port together with shock andor

anticavitation valves.

The EasyProg control is a PC-based system that can be programmed in
modules; hardware can also be built in modules to suit requirements of
the application. Its CANbus configuration allows for digital and analog
inputs and outputs. It features an easy-to-use menu for entering all
settings and standard functions. Automatic functions for drill rigs, for
example, enhance the speed of parameter settings as well as ensure
specific safety parameters.
The CV 2000 LS valve controls key rock drill operating functions, such
as percussion pressure and frequency, rotation torque, and feed force.
It also controls track drives, positioning, and a hydraulic fan drive.
The rock drill in action
To achieve the best combination of productivity and economy, the
operator sets the percussion pressure and frequency, and the control sets
rotational speed according to set frequency. The final setting is feed
force which is set against the percussion pressure to position the drill
bit close to the rock. These settings are all maintained by the CV 2000
LS valve, which has two compensators per spool section — one for each
cylinder port.
Hydraulic settings are made via the EasyProg electrical remote
control unit. Feed force is remotely controlled by the CV 2000 LS pressure
compensator through a pilot- operated, electrically controlled
proportional relief valve. This enables a continuous setting of the feed
force while maintaining the possibility of a second pressure limiter
working as an overpressure cutoff valve. The design enables two pressure
limiters for one cylinder port and extremely fine, stable pressure

The valve’s compensators exhibit flat flowpressure curves and
provide a constant flow, regardless of load pressure. The frequency and
rotation of the drill bit is harmonized with the precise pressure setting
for the feed force. The PL-2000 pressure limiter’s distinct pressure
cut-off point ensures that the correct flow is maintained throughout the
entire pressure range.
The EasyProg drill rig version software has automatic setting
functions to help the operator reduce initial setup time. It also contains
maintenance and service frequency options that can be accessed remotely
by OEMs through a GSM unit that vcan be connected to any mobile phone.
Additional functions and portable remote control units can be integrated
either by wire or by Bluetooth, which, in the new version, has a range
of 100 m.
Recently, we have talked about rock drilling , the general mining
machinery. Of course, there is just a simple talk. So that we have to
understand. Next, I introduce a further, the mining machinery in the other
a mechanical - jaw BR550JG-1 jaw crusher — from Komatsu
America International Co. —includes fully hydraulic tracked travel and
crushing systems. Powered by Komatsu's 306-hp SAA6DI25E-2 engine, this
crusher has a material-output range from 110 to 507 tons per hour, with
adjustable open-side discharge settings from apacities
make the machine suitable for highway construction, housing development,
and tunnel works, as well as quarry, demolition, and excavation
The 52-ton self-propelled crusher's high travel speeds (with a

maximum of approximately 2 mph), along with its 25% gradeability, allow
efficient relocation. And once relocated, it can maneuver itself into
tight quarters and start to operate immediately, processing a variety of
materials — including concrete debris and hard rock.
The Komatsu designed and built 30- x 44-in., single-toggle jaw is
driven hydraulically with a PC800 LSHT variable- displacement motor via
a V-belt. Its speed range — from 210 to 300 rpm — helps to adjust the
jaw to the materials to be crushed. The closed-loop crusher control
incorporates Komatsu's patented Hydraumind technology to optimize
efficiency. Through a combination of load-sensing and
pressure-compensated valves, the HydrauMind hydraulic control and
monitoring system supplies the appropriate flow of oil to each function.
Simultaneously, it identifies potential overloads and automatically
slows down the vibratory grizzly infeed's gear-type motor before the
overloads become a reality. A pressure dial on the control can be set
for anticipated rock hardnesses to work hand in hand with the Hydraumind
system. The hydraulic design also allows the crusher to start from a
stopped position, even when fully loaded, and it has a reverse-rotation
function to help remove bridged or plugged material from the jaw chamber.
A 42-in. wide discharge conveyor — driven by another LSHT piston-type
motor — carries material away from the jaw chamber.
For more versatility, the crusher can be operated from its on-board
control station with hydraulic-excavator-type levers, or from ground
level or the excavator or loader cab via an optional radio remote control.
The remote control operates all travel functions, feeder onoff, jaw
onoff, engine auto decelerate, emergency stop, and even the horn.
Above, we will rock drilling machine with jaw crusher work process

a simple introduction. These elements operate, or who want to redesign
the staff is not enough. Described here only, just a small part of the
mining machinery. If the reader wanted to know more about mining machinery
knowledge, but also need to read more specialized information.

由艾伦 · ox 编辑
凿岩是所有关于力量和速度。你需 要很大的力量打入坚硬的岩石和高速反复
捶了在工作现场。出于安全性和高效率,今天的许多机器配有遥 控器。这提出了
顶锤冲击钻进 - 用于钻孔高达140毫米直径的最常用的方法 - 岩石与转
移锤的影响是从岩石钻头,以在底部或孔的钻头。液压生成所需的力 - 压力积
聚到 最大以及何时释放,冲击活塞向前驱动。当活塞撞击卡盘,它通过钻杆到钻
头传送它的动能作为应力波, 阙使用该冲击能量粉碎的岩石。获得最高的生产力
和经济需要的所有组件的钻井作业在系统中被高度同步 。
在设计系统的液压凿岩钻机,运营商必须给予完整和独立监测的关键参数 -
压力敲击,敲击频率,进给力和旋转 - 以达到最佳的钻井效率。当所有这些参
数进行了优化 ,以适应工作环境,钻头有充分的接触与岩石和冲击波捕获的最大
动能,以确保每个实现了高生产率的影 响。
足成本目标, 需要一个精心设计的液压系统与元件能够保持高可靠性,即使在频
繁的沉重负面影响的脸。此外,指定的 远程控制是必要的,以实现高同步必要时

作最大的生产力。遥控器还提供了更高的可视性 ,可控性和安全性比安装在机器
上的控制。它适合于同样的数据采集监控操作,并有助于改善未来的机器 设计。
NIMCO控制AB ,瑞典马尔默,开发了一个系统,以满足这些标准通过钻KG
Mekaniska AB ,卡尔·古斯塔夫,瑞典制造的钻机。电液系统集成NIMCO的
Easy ,编CAN总线为基础的远程控制系统凭借其简历LS 2000系列压力补偿阀
电液系统包括可变排量泵负荷传感,提高了系统的简历2000 LS压力补偿阀,
和Easy Prog软件CAN总线系统的能效。还设计做出了努力,以减少在机器的液
压软管的数量。不出意外的 话,新的设计包含13 acerca少管。
简历2000 LS阀可容纳125 lpm的流量,每个气缸口,其设计无法与固定和
可变两种排量泵。工作流是由端口控制12 - 或24 -V的比例电磁铁,带手柄手
动覆盖可用的功能。压力限制器可以安装在每个端口上分别与电击 和或阀补共
该EasyProg软件控制是一个基于PC的系统可以编程。那模块; 硬件也可以
出。 它具有易于使用的菜单中输入所有的设置和标准功能。自动functionsfor
钻机,例如,增强 的参数设置的速度,以及确保具体的安全参数。
简历2000 LS阀控制凿岩机键操作功能,压力和 打击乐:如频率,旋转扭矩
为了实现生产率和经济性的最佳组合,操作者设定的冲击压力和频率,并且< br>转速设定控制根据要设定的频率。该设置是哪个设置对冲击压力来定位钻头接近
岩石底力饲料。这 些设置都是由CV 2000 LS阀维护,阙有每个卷轴部两个补偿 -

简历2000 LS压力补偿器通过一个液控,电控比例阀控制的救济。此设置允许力
的连续进料,同时保持第二压力限 制器工作作为超压截止阀的可能性。该设计允
许两个压力限制器一个气缸口和极为精细,稳定的压力控制 。
钻头的频率和转 动是必需的协调随着压力的设定的进给力。对PL-2000压限器的
独特压力切断点,以确保正确的流 量维持在整个压力范围。
该钻机EasyProg软件软件版本有自动设置功能,帮助运营商降低初始 安装
VCA N任何移动电话。附加功能和便携式远程设备可以通过有线或蓝牙,阙整合,
在新的版本控制的范围为1 00米。
单的 谈话。使信息我们必须要了解。接下来,我进一步插入,矿山机械,其他机
械 - BR550JG-1颚式破碎机颚 - 从小松美国国际公司,包括全液
压履带式旅游和破碎系统。本站 由小松306马力SAA6DI25E-2发动机,该破碎机
具有物料输出范围从110至507吨每小 时,带有可调节流量从
隧道 工程,以及采石,爆破,挖掘和应用。
52吨自行式破碎机的高行驶速度(最多大约2英里),连同其 25%的爬坡能
处理各种材料 - 包括混凝土碎片和坚硬的岩石。
小松设计和建造30 - X 44英寸,单肘节夹爪被液压通过V型皮带驱动,PC800
LSHT可变排量发动机。它的感光度范围 - 从210到300转 - 帮助调整下巴的
材 料被粉碎。闭环控制集成了破碎机HydrauMind小松的专利技术,以优化效率。

统供给的油向每 个功能的流程。同时,它重载和自动识别潜在的减缓灰熊振动进
给的齿轮型发动机之前,重载成为现实。 在控制转盘的压力可以设定为预期的岩
石硬度,以携手与HydrauMind系统。液压设计也让破碎 机从停止位置开始,即
使在满载,它有一个反向旋转功能,以帮助消除堵塞或从下巴室桥接项目。一台< br>42英寸宽放输送机 - 另一个低速大扭矩活塞式发动机驱动 - 携带材料远离下
巴室。 < br>欲了解更多地通用性,破碎机可以从它的车载监控站进行操作液压挖掘机型
杆,或从地面或挖掘机 或装载机驾驶室通过可选的无线遥控器。远程监控运行所
有旅游功能,给料机开关,下颌开关,自动发动 机减速,急停,甚至喇叭。
以上,我们将凿岩机与颚式破碎机工作过程的简单介绍。这些元素进行操作 ,
部分。如果读 者想了解更多有关矿山机械知识,还需要阅读更多的专业信息。







