
2020年08月09日 07:36




优秀团小组申请书 < br>中国共产主义青年团是一个进步的组织,以积极培养共产主义后
备力量为己任,坚持在党的领导下 将一些进步,激情奋发的有为青年
团结在一起为社会作出应有的贡献。团组织有崇尚优秀追求进步的优< br>良传统,也正是这个传统才使得我们的组织充满活力,永葆青春。评选
优秀团小组活动是激发组织 内部活力,确立团组织前进方向,树立团
组织精神价值榜样的有效方式。为此我们宿舍本着严肃的态度, 饱满
我代表3#436宿 舍的团组织集体成员申请评选优秀团小组。我们
是政法系法学专业1004班的学生,宿舍6个成员,5 个是团员。我们
系活动积极 ,集体获得过院级三星级宿in professional english
seleted ourse ork
priniples of information sstemthe art of eduation
familiar ith the folloing puter programs
indos 78ms offiepsproe
emploment experiene
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pan name: international trade group o., ing and
ending date: 201X-07 ~ 201X-12pan tpe: private enterprise
industr: trading import exportpositions: foreign vouhing
大连市中山区延安路92号 所属区域:
this setion ontains three sholarship essas:
sholarship essa one - rabiel
sholarship essa to - national merit sholar
sholarship essa three - fulbright
sholarship essa one
rabiel sholarship inner - on $$3,000 sholarship
like mr. rabiel, i literall ork tirelessl in man XXdemi
and leadership roles. i sleep no more than six hours a night
beause of m desire to expertl meet m man mitments. throughout
m life, i have orked as long and as hard as i possibl an to
effet benefiial hanges in both shool and soiet.
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during the summer of tenth grade, i took a number theor
ourse at johns hopkins universit ith students from alaska,
alifornia, and bogota, olombia. similarl, during the summer
folloing eleventh grade, i as one of ninet students from ne
jerse seleted to attend the governors shool in the sienes at
dre universit. at dre, i took ourses in moleular orbital
theor, speial relativit, ognitive psholog, and i partiipated
in an astrophsis researh projet. for m independent researh
projet, i used a telesope to find the angular veloit of pluto.
ith the angular veloit determined, i used einsteins field
equations and keplers las to plae an upper bound on the
magnitude of the osmologial onstant, hih desribes the
urvature of spae and the rate of the universes expansion.
in addition to learning siene, i reentl letured phsis
lasses on speial relativit at the request of m phsis teaher.
after leturing one lass for 45 minutes, one student bought
man books on both general and speial relativit to read during
his stud hall. inspiring other students to searh for knoledge
kindles m on quest to understand the orld and the people
around me.
as president of the national honor soiet, i tutor
students ith diffiulties in various subjet areas. in addition,
i am ranked number one in m lass ith an sat sore of 1580 and
satii sores of 750 in math, 760 in riting, and 800 in phsis.
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in shool, i take the hardest possible ourses inluding ever ap
ourse offered at the high shool. i am the leading member of
the math team, the XXdemi team, and the model ongress team.
in the area of leadership, i have reentl reeived the rotar
outh leadership XXrd from a loal rotar lub, have been asked
to attend the national outh leadership forum on la and the
onstitution in ashington d.., and rote the inning essa on
patriotism for south plainfields vf hapter. urrentl enrolled
in spanish 6,i am a member of both the spanish lub and the
spanish honor soiet. in addition, i reentl as named a
national merit sholar.
我是英语协会会长张益峰,为了 提高英语协会会员的英语水平和
末成绩中。特此请求您能帮助我 们协会的工作。
本协会设立会长及副会长各一名,设立四人授课组,其他会 员分
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近期的学习内容主要是为了迎接6月中旬的英语三级等级考试,给每位会员做英语三级模拟题,重点突破其中的听力及阅读。 协会上
己的 答案,正确的给小组成员各加1分,不正确不加分,然后进行该
题的详细解析,最后放第三遍,接着进行 下一题。
一 上黑板默写由授课组随即抽到的5个单词进行默写,全对则全队加
编写 一个不少于20句的情景对话,上课时进行表演,授课组根据其对
话及表演质量进行评分,并分别对前三 名进行
以上是英语协会的全部授课内容,为了协会更好更 长远的发展,
英语学习方面 求知欲望强烈的同学。如果您能批准,我们将严格实行
该套授课方案,杜绝弄虚作假。另外,您若对英语 协会有什么建议或
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好的授课方法,希望您 不吝赐教,我们英语协会授课组将诚恳的采纳
dear sir,
i am deepl interested in our graduate shool in
thedepartment of mehanial engineering, and plan to appl for
admission for the fall of __201X__. m gpa in the universit as
6. in 201X, i ent to hong kong for the sat exam and
obtained 201X sores. in the ne toefl i have ahieved 102
outstanding ahievements. in nationall famous for their xiamen
universit of tehnolog stud hard for four ears no, i have gron
up, is no longer the ignorant hild. in the four ears, i
experiened a substantial leadership skills and interpersonal
skills. in ollege i orked as president of the student union
organization had man ativities, suh as mehanial design ontest,
alligraph ontest and so on, this series of ativities that
taught me to be a leader required of abilit, ant ho to
organize a ampaign. in ollege i on the national english
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ontest and mehanial petition seond prize. last ear in ollege
i in xiamen's largest automobile fator jinlong pan internship,
more make i understand the knoledge of the respet suh as
automobile struture. make ars bee global auto makers are m
hildhood dream, but i kno in m knoledge is not enough, i
still need further stud. and i am ver bullish on as a global
famous harvard universit, i believe that it ill provide me
ith the environment. besides i think into harvard stud also
bee automobile manufaturers leaders need to, so i hope ou an
give me a hane to go to our shool stud. studing abroad teaher
remendation and tuition i've prepared ell, aiting for our
good nes!
please send atalog and appliation forms to the folloing
our assistane ill be greatl appreiated.
sinerel ours,



universit in hangsha uelu distrit,tele number:5478345
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south ampus sublimation apartmentemail:825229189@12
emploment objetive
to ork as an english teaher in our training shool. gain
experiene, and
eventuall be an advaned teaher.
bahelor of art in foreign language ollege of su. ma 201X.
english level
XXdemi honors
grade point average
3.95in professional english ourses
seleted ourse ork
priniples of information sstemthe art of eduation
familiar ith the folloing puter programs
indos 78ms offiepsproe
emploment experiene
pan name: international trade group o., ing and
ending date: 201X-07 ~ 201X-12pan tpe: private enterprise
industr: trading import exportpositions: foreign vouhing
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大连市中山区延安路92号 所属区域:
more gro up, the more responsibilit
in our small, e are not too there is sense of
responsibilit, responsibilit is ver important , suh as to sa
to the good faith to do, gre up and heroi to take are of the
others. so ho to develop responsibilit? should this:
their on responsible for oneself
hen hildren to remember to do something, rather than
letting adults often remind, rather than let him hild don to
do, so that the hild ill slol to learn to our behavior. onl
hen the hildren see this, an e graduall development for to
famil, to others, to the olletive, be responsible for the
make remed his fault
as the hild of others damaged tos, be sure to let the
hild bought bak to somebod else, perhaps the ill think that
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oung hildren damaged tos is often the ase, ithout pensation,
but at the moment, parents should still insist that their
hildren to the other part pensation, this an let the hildren
kno, oneself's harmful onsequenes, the responsible b oneself.
at the same time, parents also ant to set a good example for
their hildren, so that the an have authorit to request their
responsible, and let them have the objet to follo.
to have the responsibilit, proud
a ten-ear-old girl, she is responsible for the fall of
the home garbage has five ears. in her 5 ears old, she
suddenl beame interested in the garbage, heard the bell ring
of garbage ill arr the trash an go don. parents in order to
support her to the houseork interest, to praise her, often in
the strangers ho praised her. this inspired hildren ative
garbage pride, slol formed the habit, to put the labor as a
kind of responsibilit.
signed ontrat responsibilit
hildren ork is often the interest, let the hild to one
thing for this end, must be learl told him of doing things
the requirement that lets the hild understand hat to do, hat
to do, or hat ill be punished.
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if sdne is roned as ne ork of south paifi oean, then,
melbourne an be said as london here.
this is an anient it, and meanhile a beautiful ‘garden
it’, streets are orderl paved like hessboard, various
buildings of both anient and modern s are harmoniousl blended,
there are quite a fe operas and broada musials on sho here
is also australia’s residential enter for
immigrants. most of the immigrants ho floked into australia
live in melbourne and sdne. immigrants started their ne life
here but keep their on traditions and ustoms. anna taste
italian food and drinks? just go to lgon street. anna kno
hinese ulture? then visit hina ton. in hina ton, there are
not onl hinese restaurants, but also malasian, thailand and
japanese restaurants, so this is not just a indo for ou to
get to kno hinese people, but a best plae to kno east asian
people and south east asian people as ell.
goods sold in hina ton are quite unique. ou’ll embrae a
variet of hoies and also reasonable pries, that’s h hina ton
is so popular among tourists. m panions all ame bak ith large
and small shopping bags, and relutant to leave until the
bought too muh to arr.
hat orth mention, traveling in melbourne, the most
forgettable experiene is to ath the homing of the smallest
penguins in the orld. in a plae 140 kilometers south of
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melbourne, there’s a tin island alled philip. ever dusk,
groups of penguins stagger bak to their home. their teeter
hen stepping onto the bank is extremel lovel.
i ent to the ountrside to spend m summer holidas this
ear。 i liked green plants, lear rivers lovel amimals
there。i breathed the fresh air on the mountain sometimes i
ent simming in the river。 i kept a diar ever da。
i liked not the sene of the ountrside, 8ttt8。also the
people there。 i helped them to do farm ork。 i also helped
the hildren in the neighbourhood ith their lessons。 the
hildren ere interested in english。 the ere good at reading
riting, 8ttt8。did not do ell in listening speaking。 i
helped them improve their listening speaking。 their parents
thought highl of me。 i realized that knoledge is greatl
needed in the ountrside。
今年我去农村过 暑假。我喜欢那儿绿油油的植物,清澈的小河和
可爱的动物。我在山上呼吸新鲜的空气,有时在河里游泳 。我每天记
帮 助邻家的孩子复习功课。孩子们对英语很感兴趣,他们在读、写方
面很好,但听、说不好。我帮助他们提 高听、说能力,他们的父母高
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m best friend
m best friend is mar. she lives in a tall building. she
lives on the fifth floor. everda she takes the lift up and
don. she is telve ears old. she is tall and thin. she has
short blak hair, to big ees and a small mouth. she is ver ute.
i like plaing ith her. e are in the same lass. i like to read
books but she likes plaing games. she likes to eat poporn and
ie reams. i like them, too. her favourite food is fish, so
she is lever. she loves her at. she often plas ith her. the
at likes mar, too. the are ute. do ou have a best friend? an
ou tell me something about our friend?
m hobbies
different people have different hobbies. suh as sailing,
limbing and mountain biking. but m hobbies are simming and
i timided hen i as a hildren. so m parents anted me to
sim. after that, i’m ver like simming.
i spend some of m free time simming for simming pool. i
think i ill like to simming all the time.
painter is m dream. during the summer holida of 201X. i
spend one mouth on a painting training . and i portrait of
good painting. this painting gave me a great enouragement.
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hobbies ill bring me happiness. i hope an also bring ou
m spring festival in shanxi
i spent spring festival in shanxi this ear. i reall had a
ver good time there.
shanxi is in the northern part of our ountr. it seems to
be a hite orld in inter. people in shanxi think spring
festival is the most important .several das before the hinese
ne ear, the lean out their houses and put up“ne ear srolls”
on the doors, hile the most important thing is to put up the
red lanterns. this means the ill be prosperous in the ing ne
ear. on ne ear’s eve, everone must eat jiaozi. during the
dinner the eat and hat. and then the ath
tv ne ear programmes late into the night. the ont go to
sleep until 24:00.
on the first da of the ne ear, the just sta at home. on
the seond and third das, the go to visit their friends and
relatives ith some nie gifts. elder generations ill give the
hildren some mone. hat the hildren get is not just the mone
itself, but the true love and arm ishes from their elder
generations.i also ent to a friend of m mother’s .she lives
in the mountain village. she has three hildren. the live a
hard life. but the look ver happ. though the don’t have muh
mone to bu something nie, the ne ear gives them ne hope.
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that’s enough for time flies! no i’m in haimen. but
hen i miss those das in a hite northernit shanxi, i still
an’t stop saing to mself:“i’m luk and happ enough. as a
grade 3 student no, i must tr m best. ”and hen i gro up, i
ant to make our ountr even riher and stronger.
i hope everone’s dream life ill e true in
ishes to dzms, to our dear teahers and lassmates.
one small step an hange our lives
all of us have habits, hether e ant to admit it or not.
the are tin little mannerisms that affet our behavior, our
emotions, and even the a e live our lives. some of these
habits are eas to hange. ou all don’t need me to tell ou ho:
ou just do it. but then, there’s the other kind, the kind
that seems to keep defeating us. e alas tr to hange them. e
tr and tr and it reall does ork for a hile, then e stop tring.
e give up. e fore ourselves to trtoda than tomorro.” hat do
ou think of the statement?

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