
2020年08月09日 07:59


请问您贵姓? 对不起,请您重复一次好吗?
May I have your name? Would you give me your name ? I beg your pardon ?
(pardon , please ?)

2 请拼写客人的名字好吗?
How to spell the guest's name please ?

3 对不起,因线路问题我听不清楚您说话,请重新打一次好吗?
I'm very sorry .I can't hear clearly. Could you call it again ?

4 能告诉我客人是哪里人吗?
Would you tell me where the guest comes from ?

Would you tell me which company the guest it from ?

6 对不起,我们在酒店的名单上找不到客人的名字。
I'm sorry .We can't find the guest name on our hotel list.

7 介意我把电话转接到接待处让他们为您查一下,好吗?
Would you mind connecting the line to reception to check it ?

I will check it for you again . Just a moment please.

9 很抱歉,让您久等了。
I am sorry to have kept you waiting .

Could you repeat what you said ? I beg your pardon ?

11 请您讲慢一点(大点声),好吗?
Could you speak more slowly (loudly)?

12 请稍等,我将为你转接。
Wait a moment, please . I will connect transfer it for you .

13 您好,先生。这里是总机,您有一个外线电话,介意我接入您的房间吗?
How are you , sir ? This is the operator . You have an outside line . May I put
through ?

Good evening ,Mr . Dennis, Mr Bruce is on the line (phone) now . Would you like to
take it ?

15 对不起,先生,他的电话占线,请您稍后再拨。
I am sorry , sir . The line is busy now ,Could you please call back later .

16 对不起,先生,电话无人接听,请您稍后再拨或留言。
I am sorry ,sir . Nobody is answering ,Could you please call back later or leave a
message .

17 让我重复一次您的信息吧。
Let me repeat your message .

18 对不起,我听不懂您说什么,我可以帮您转接给大堂副理吗?
Sorry I can't follow you. May I put you through to the assistant manager?

19 对不起,先生,房间电话未挂好,转不进去。
I am sorry ,sir .The phone is restricted , I can't get through.

20 对不起,先生,我们不可以透露客人的房号。
I am sorry ,sir . We're not allowed to disclose our guest's room number .

I am staying in room 758. I am the guest of room 758. Did anyone leave message for
me ?

22 我的电话留言灯一闪一闪的,是否有我的留言?
The message light flashes constantly . Is there any message for me ?
The message light is flashing . Does that mean I have a message ?

23 对不起先生,我们暂时没有收到您的留言。
I am sorry ,sir . There is no message for you . We haven’t got any message for you.

24 是的,您有一个留言。您不在时,**先生打电话给您,请您早上9点在大厅
Yes , you have got a message .Mr ** has phoned to you when you were out ,he
wanted you to wait in the lobby at 9:00am, the company will send someone to pick
you up .

25 晚上好,**先生,请问您有收到您的留言吗?
Good evening,**sir .Did you receive your message ?


Good evening,**先生,Your friend Mr ** invited you to have dinner on the second
floor at LIBAI room in the Chinese restaurant at 7 o'clock tonight.

27 您好,在您外出时,**公司的李先生来电找过您,并请您收到留言后,尽快
How are you ,Mr **.When you were out, Mr Lee of **company called you . He
wanted you to receive this message , please call him back as soon as possible.

Good morning ,Mr **. Your friend Mr **asked you to have breakfast at the western
Restaurant at 8 o'clock. Then wait in the lobby for him at 8:30am.y

29 请帮我接一下Jack He的电话。
Could you put me through to Jack He ?

30 对不起,先生,Jack He休假(下班了不在位置上),我稍后请他回复电话给
I am sorry , sir .Jack He is on holiday(isn’t on duty isn’t in the office ), I will ask him
to call you back . do you want to leave a message speak to someone else.

31 隔壁房间的人太吵了,吵得我不能入睡。
I couldn’t fall sleep because of the noise from the next door .

Please send someone to carry the luggage right away.

33 可以借用一下熨斗和熨板吗?
Can I borrow an iron and ironing board ?

34 房间空调有点问题。
There is something wrong with the air conditioning.

The hot water in the shower doesn’t work .

36 电灯不亮。
The light isn’t working.

37 电源关闭了。
The power is off .

Could you send some towels to my room ?

39 浴巾还是面巾?
Bath towels or face towels , please ?

40 请派人到我房间来收拾餐具好吗?
Please send someone to clear up the tableware.

41 请你把中文语言调为英文语言。
Could you please change the Chinese language into English language?

42 我把门锁上了,但把钥匙遗忘在房间里了。
I have locked the door , and left the key inside.

43 请您帮我把门打开好吗?
Could you please help me open the door ?

44 没问题,请您在门口等候,我马上叫服务员过去。
No problem, please wait at the door ,we will call an attendant right away .

Could you send someone to my room right away?

Yes ,sir . I will call an attendant to your room right away.

47 我有一些衣服要洗。
I want some clothes to be washed.

When can I get my laundry back ?

49 我们洗衣有两种,快洗:4小时,普通洗衣:8小时,请问您要哪一种?
We have two kinds of laundry service , regular service ,you may get your laundry
back in 8 hours or . express service you can get back in 4 hours . Which one do you

50 请问内线怎么打?
How can I make a room- to- room call ?

51 房间号码请先拨8,再拨房号,其它分机直拨。
Please dial 8 first, and then room number , another extension directly dial the
number .

52 请问您要打电话给哪个房间?需要我帮您转接吗?
Would you tell me which room do you want to call to ? May I transfer the call for

you ?

53 请接855房。
Please connect me to room 855.

54 外线怎么打?请先拨9,然后再拨您所要打的号码。
How can I make an external call ? Please dial 9 first ,and then the telephone number .

55 请问您想打到哪里(国家,城市)?
Where (which countrycity ) would you like to call ,please ?

56 您可以告诉我电话号码吗?我帮您接通后再转入您房间?
Could you tell me the telephone number ,please ? May I connect it first and then
transfer into your room ?

57 对不起,这个号码是错的,您还有其它的号码吗?
Excuse me , It’s the wrong number ,do you have another one ?

58 请挂上电话后等一会,我会把电话接到您的房间的。
Please hang up and wait , I will transfer the call to your room .

59 请不要挂线,我马上帮您接通。
Hold on please ,I will connect with it right now .

60 本地电话1元一分钟,已包括服务费。
Local call is one yuan a minute and including the service charge.

61 国际长途是8元一分钟,加20%服务费。
The international call is eight yuan a minute ,plus twenty five percent service charge.

62 您可以告诉我ATT对方付款的号码吗?
Could you tell me the ATT collecting call number ?

63 是10811, 让我提醒您,即使是由受话人付款,酒店方面仍要收取手续费的。
10811. May I remind you that there is still a handling charge for a collect call in the
hotel ?

64 我房间很冷,请问有暖气吗?
My room is too cold .Is there heating in the room ?

65 不好意思,这里没有暖气,但我们可以提供一个暖炉给您。
I am sorry sir ,there's not heating in the room, But we can offer a heater to you .

66 电脑上不了网,请叫电脑员过来检查一下。

I can't access to the internet . Please call a computer engineer to check it for me .

67 您可以先重启电脑,如还是不行请再通知我们。
Please restart the computer first , if it still doesn’t work then inform us .

68 真的很抱歉,我马上叫电脑员过去。
I am very sorry ,sir , we will call a computer engineer right away .

69 请你告诉我桑拿怎么走?
Where is the Sauna center department ?

70 乘电梯到大堂,大堂门口左转。
You can take the lift to lobby ,Go through to the lobby main door and turn left .

71 您到大堂后,我们的同事将会为您带路。
Please go to the lobby my colleague will show you .

72 请问你们酒店怎么走?
How can I get to your hotel ?

73 请您稍等,我将为您转接到礼宾部查询。
Wait a moment ,please .I will put you through to the concierge and they can explain
to you .

74 总机,我明天要8点叫醒服务.
Operator , I want a wake up callmorning call at 8am.

75 8点钟,没问题,我们明天会准时叫醒您的,晚安。
8 o'clock , no problem,sir . We will call you on time . Good night .

76 好的,没问题,先生,但您的朋友已帮您要了9点的叫醒,请问您是否要两
All right , no problem,sir .But your friend has already called me to wake you up at
9am ,do you want to have different times ?

77 很抱歉打扰您,这里是总机,我想跟您确认一下您的叫醒时间是7点钟吗?
This is the operator speaking . I 'm sorry to disturb you ,I want to confirm your wake
up call. At 7o'clock ,is this correct ?

78 早上好,先生,您需要的叫醒服务时间到了,祝您居住愉快。
Good morning ,Sir ,It's time for your wake-up call ,have a nice day .

79 早上好,先生,您的7点钟叫醒时间到了,但现在已经是7点30分了,因为

Good morning ,sir . It's time for your morning wake up call at 7 o'clock ,but it's
7:30 now ,because your phone was busy just now .

80 我现在要午睡,请您帮我设一个请勿打扰。
I am sleeping , please make a DND for me .

81 没问题,先生,能告诉我您不想被打扰的时间是哪个时间段,如果有紧急或
国际长途电话又该如何通知您 ?
No problem , sir . Could you tell me what period you don’t want to be disturbed .And
how about urgent or IDD calls ?

82 请问早餐什么时候开始,到几点结束?
Could you tell me the opening times for breakfast?

83 平时早上6点钟到10点30,周末到11点结束。
From 6:00 am to 10:30am on weekdays ,and till 11:00am on weekend .

Thank you for your calling .

85 请稍等。
Wait a moment ,please .

86 你能告诉我你们酒店的地址吗?
Could you tell me your hotel 's address?







