
2020年08月09日 09:16


Six months pass and Dacty is very big now. During the day he sleeps in Aunt Eliabeth's office
and at night he flies around the one night something strange happens. At midnight
Dacty sees lights moving inside the museum. He flies closer to see what is happening. There are
two men with torches inside the museum. They are wearing masks and they are trying to open a
case. Inside the case there is a mummy .
Suddenly one man looks up and sees the pterodactyl. He is very scared.
the other man.

look for the gold medallions .
While Bert tries to open the case, Dacty flies down and grabs thief is so scared that he
can't say a thing. Dacty flies up and leaves him on top of a statue. He's stuck.
Bert is so busy opening the case that he doesn'tsee what is happening.

Then he looks up and sees his friend high above on the statue. Just then Dacty flies down again
and grabs the second thief. He lifts him in his beak and carries him up to the statue. The two men
are very afraid. They start shouting, but there is nobody there to hear them.
——Taken from The Surprise
does Dacty live in the museum?
e he is afraid of darkness. Eliabeth makes him do so.
is too big to fly at home. can help catch the thief.
underlined word “medallion”means .
A.惩罚 B.鼓励 C.奖章 D.奖品
of the following is true?
government cheers for him later for Dacty calls the police to catch the thieves.
Eric and his friend wants to steal the statue for the medallions.
is so afraid because he realizes the “statue”is a pterodactyl.
the mummy is very valueable.
will possibly happen next?
ran away. calls the police to catch the thieves
e gets to the museum and sees the case. gets famous.
The next two days it rained and it was very windy so Mary couldn't go outside. Then, on the third
morning when she opened her eyes and looked out of the window, she had a big surprise. She
called to Martha, 'Martha! Come and look at the moor!'
There was no wind or rain and the sky was deep blue.

After breakfast Martha went to visit her mother for the felt lonely in the house without

her so she went outside into the bright sunshine. She ran round and round the fountain ten times
and soon she started to feel better. Ben Weatherstaff was in the vegetable garden. He didn't look
cross that day so she went to speak to him.
“ The spring's coming,' he said to her. 'Can you see those green points in the earth?'
Mary looked.

They’re spring flowers crocuses,snowdrops and daffodils
The robin appeared and sat on the ground near them.
'Is spring coming in the secret garden, too?
“Ask the robin,
The robin was hopping around on the ground. Mary was watching him when she saw something
on the was an old key.
——Taken from The Secret Garden
is Ben Wethestaff?
is ’s housekeeper. is a gardener.
is a servant. works for .
does the underlined world “hop”mean?
A.跳跃 B.单脚跳 C.齐足跳 D.双脚跳
does Martha realize the spring is coming?
was no wind or rain and the sky was deep blue.
told her so and she belived her.
next two days it rained and it was very windy so Mary couldn't go outside.
lived on the moor for a long time and she wans certain.
will Mary feel when she get the key?
y d table
is the best tittle for the passage?
gets the key to the secret garden. spring comes.
C. The key to the secret garden. day in ’s home.
At the end of summer, the Native Americans began to pack up their camp. It was time to move
Fang knew something different was going to decided to hide. He found a
good hiding place near the camp and waited there.
The men called to him, but he did not obey. They came looking for him but did not find him .He
waited in his hiding place shaking, because he was believed they found him, he would
get a beating.
At last, they went Fang was he began to be really afraid. He had no
mother to care for him. There were no men to throw him was no warm tent to sit in.
There was only the forest, full of strange noises and movements.
Suddenly, the moon went behind the clouds. White Fang was in darkness
——Taken from White Fang
happened when White Fang ran away?
went to live with the lynx. wen to live in a city.

lived very happily was on his own in the forest.
was White Fang afraid to go to move on?
was afraid to be punished. was afraid something different was going to happen.
was afraid to be beaten. wasn’t afraid at all.
Ming is looking up a dictionary as he watching the is the you
help him find the right meanings of the two underlined words?

Pack [1]v. 装;包装;包裹
[2]n. 纸袋子;纸包
[3]n. 一群;一包
Obey [1]v. 遵从;遵守
[2]v. 服从
[3]v. 顺从
A.[1];[3] B.[3];[2] C.[3];[1] D.[2];[2]
’s the correct order?
aThe Native Americans began to pack up their camp
bThe summer came
cWhite Fang found his hidding place
dWhite was in darkness

It was sunny for nearly a week and Mary found many more green points in the secret garden. She
pulled up the weeds around them So they had space to grow. Sometimes she imagined the garden
in summer.
One morning as she was skipping slowly along the long path,she thought about old Ben
Weatherstaff. He was often cross but she liked him.
At the end of the path there was a gate. She decided to go through it and explore the wood' on the
other side. She opened and went through. Suddenly she heard the sound of music. It was coming
from the trees. What was it? She was very curious and went to find out.
A boy of about twelve was sitting under a tee. He was playing had blue eyes and red
cheeks. A squirrel and two rabbits were wathing him and listening to the music. When he saw
May he said: 'I'm Dickon.1 know who you are. You are Miss Mary:'
He took out a parcel.
——Taken from The Secret Garden
is the season now?
does the underlined word “curious”mean?
A. B. C. D.

may be in the parcel(包裹)?
ing to eat. tools to garden.
pretty toys. key to the garden.
was Dickon doing when Mary saw him?
wans lying under a tree and listened to music.
was reading a book to wait for Mary.
was there playing the music to spend the time.
was playing the music under a tree.

Beauty continued kicking White Fang while Cherokee kept holding on. Scott was very angry. He
shoued at Beauty and knocked him down. All the men stopped knew the dog fight
was over and there would be a fight berween two men. Beauty stood up and shouted at Scott to
mind his own business. Scott kncked him down again. Beauty was not a brave man so he did not
try to fight Scott.
Scott had heard about White knew he was one of the best lead sled dogs ever.
“I’ll buy that dog from you,

the blldog still held on. Scott shouted at Tom Keenan to help him.

Scott asked Matt for his gun. He began to push part of the gun into the bulldog's mouth as he tried
to open it.

Scott paid no attention to him. At last, he got the bulldog to open its mouth. Matt came forward
and pulled White Fang away. The wolf-dog was now almost dead from his wounds and loss of
——Taken from White Fang
did Scott buy White Fang?
e he won the fight. was the best lead sled dogs around.
did not know. was the best bulldog around.
was White Fang after the fight?
looked like he would have a fight again. was far from death.
looked like a bulldog. was almost dead.
does the underlined word “sled”mean?
A.雪橇 B.狂野 C.血腥 D.领导
is White Fang’s new god?

(一)Ater her parents' death, Mary t 1 to England on a ship with a soldier's w 2 .
'You're going to live in Yorkshire with your uncle Archibald Craven,' she told Mary.

Mr Craven's housekeeper' was waiting for the litte girl at Paddington Station when they a 3
in London. Her name was Mrs Medlock. She was w 4 a purple dress and a black shawl with
a fringe'. Her hat was black, too, and it had some purple flowers on it. Mary didn't like Mrs
Medlock, and Mrs Medlock didn't like Mary.
'She isn't very pretty,' the housekeeper said to the soldier's wife. 'Not l 5 her mother.'
'Children change,' r 6 the officer's wife and left.
Mrs Medlock and Mary got on the train to Yorkshire. The housekeeper found two empty s 7
and they sat down. Mary was feeling a bit l 8 now. London was very different from India.
After a few minutes, Mrs Medlock asked her: ‘Do you know
anything about your uncle?'
'No,' said Mary.
'His house is called Misselthwaite Manor,' c 9 Mrs Medlock. 'It's six hundred years old. It's a
big place and it's on the moor. There are almost a hundred rooms but most of them are locked'.
There are pictures and a lot of old furniture. There's a big park around it with gardens and trees.
She paused for a minute before she said:“But there's nothing else.' Mary didn't a 10 .
——Taken from The Secret Garden
1.t 2.w 3.a 4.w 5.l
6.r 7.s 8.l 9.c 10.a
(二)After lunch Mary went back to the s 1 garden and forgot about Colin.
They worked in the garden all afternoon,Soot and Captain were there and Ben Weatherstaff's
robin came to see them, too.
The sun was going down when Dickon left. Mary ran back to the house. She wanted to tell Colin
about Dickon's fox cub and the c 2 and the garden. Martha was waiting for her with a s 3
‘When you didn't come,' she said, 'Colin was very cross. He cried and screamed'’
Mary went to Colin's room. He was in bed. He didn't look at her.
4 .
I was in the garden with Dickon,' said Mary.
'So you prefer Dickon to me,' he said. 'I'm going to send him away.'
‘If you do, I'm n 5 going to see you again!' Mary shouted.
Colin shut his eyes and began to c 6 .’I’m ill ,' he said. 'And I'm going to die.’
‘You're not!' said Mary.
Colin looked shocked.
‘Yes,I am! Everybody knows that’.
'I don't b 7 it!' Mary said.
‘Go away!' Colin shouted and he threw a cushion at her.
‘I'm going,' she said. 'And I'm not going to come back! You're a horrid, selfish boy! ‘She walked
to the door then she turned around and s 8 again.
‘1 wanted to tell you about Dickon and his fox cub crow. But I'm not going to tell you a 9
now!' And she w 10 out and slammed the door. ——Taken from The Secret Garden
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.







