
2020年08月09日 09:47


I think that school uniforms can be divided into two categories: one is
sports uniforms, mainly T-shirts and knitted sweatshirts; the other is
suit-style deformation, with suit dresses as the main element changes,
such as pleats. Skirts, dresses, shirts, suit jackets, etc. Among them,
sports styles are mostly, which has a lot to do with the level of economy
and education in our country. At the same time, the size of our school
uniforms is only four large, large, medium and small, often not long
pants, is tight pants. Because of the uniform style of school uniforms, it
has become a gender-free clothing, regardless of boys and girls, after
wearing them, they are all bulging and slumping. Most of the primary
and secondary school uniforms in our country are mostly
monochromatic, and then one or two other colors are used as the color.
The main colors are mostly white, blue and red. The color is mostly blue,
green or yellow. .
In addition to the above-mentioned styles and monotonous colors, there
are still many quality problems. For example, there are rough
workmanship, high prices, and most of the fabrics contain azo dyes,
formaldehyde and halides, and heavy metal printing and dyeing fabrics
that can induce cancer. Breathable, the old in the winter, just
washed once or twice, the phenomenon of hairball everywhere.
In addition to the better economic areas, schools in many places are
unable to reach the level of consumption of multiple uniforms. When

designing the style and type of school uniform, it is necessary to adapt to
local conditions and make it easy for people. For the majority of rural
students who are relatively backward in economy, culture and education,
because of low family income and convenient transportation,
economical, comfortable and more comfortable knitted fabrics and
polyester blended fabrics are available. The single-cotton uniforms of the
sports type are more suitable. The bottoms should be long and short,
and the skirts should be mainly sports. Moreover, the cost is relatively
low, economical and practical, and it can help the students to develop in
a comprehensive way. In the urban areas where the economy, culture and
education are more developed, the uniforms of the suits and dresses of
higher cost can be used to cultivate students' neat, clear and collective
learning spirit. At the same time, according to the characteristics of the
solar terms in different regions, the length of the school uniform style,
the thickness of the fabric and the number of sets of clothes should be
In addition, school uniforms are divided into primary school, middle
school, and university uniforms depending on the age group. Different
levels of education have different requirements for uniforms due to
different psychological maturity and different learning contents. At the
same time, students are very sensitive to fashion culture. Therefore,
when designing school uniforms, they must fully consider their personal

feelings: primary school children are young, lively and active, and their
body changes quickly. Therefore, their school uniforms should be bright
and lively, with a slight style. Loose, the structure should be simple and
generous and functional, so that parents can adjust the length and size
of the clothing; middle school students are in a stage that is sensitive to
everything, active and active, and want to show their personality and
thoughts to adults. In a certain sense, it can be said that it is more
rebellious. Therefore, their school uniform design must reflect the
atmosphere of the times. It must be full of vigor and vitality. The styles
should also be simple and generous, slightly fit, and the school uniforms
should be darker in color. And the gray series is the main color, with
white or some other matching, brighter colors, to fully display their
personality and characteristics; and as a college uniform for wearing
during the holiday season or graduation ceremony, Such as bachelor's
suit, doctor's hat, ceremonial costume, etc., it should be in its original
Based on the re- design look good, so that it can reflect the new spirit of
contemporary college students in China.
连衣裙、衬衣、西服外套 等。其中以运动型的款式居多,这与我们国家的经济、
教育的水平有很大的关系。同时,我国校服尺码只 有特大、大、中、小4种,常
常不是衣短裤长,就是衣大裤紧。因为校服款式的一致,已成为无性别服装 ,不

白色、蓝色和红色, 配色多为蓝色系列、绿色系列或黄色系列。
除了上面所说的款式呆板、颜色单调外,还存在很多质量问 题,如存在做工粗糙、
价格过高、服装面料大多含有能诱发癌变的偶氮染料、甲醛和卤化物及重金属印< br>染织物,夏天不透气,冬天老“来电”,刚洗一两次就到处起毛球等现象。
除经济较好的地区以 外,很多地方的学校还无法达到多套校服的消费水平。在设
计校服的款式和类型时,要因地制宜,因人而 易。对于在经济、文化、教育比较
落后的广大农村的学生来说,由于家庭收入较低,交通又不是很方便, 因此,经
棉校 服就比较适用,下衣应以长、短裤为主,裙装也要以运动型为主。而且成本
比较低,经济实用,更能为学 生德智体全面发展提供帮助。在经济、文化、教育
比较发达的城市地区学生的校服,可以以成本高一点的 西服、连衣裙类的校服为
另外,校服又因年龄段不同 而分为小学、中学、大学类校服,各个教育阶段因学
生心理成熟程度不同、学习内容不同而对校服有不同 的要求。同时,学生对服装
文化时尚又非常敏感,因此在设计校服时必须要充分考虑到他们的切身感受: 小
稍微宽松一些 ,结构要简洁大方而且功能性要强一些,便于家长调节服装的长度
和大小;中学生正处于对任何事物都很 敏感的阶段,思维活跃、积极,极力想向
大人们展示自己的个性和思想,从某种意义上可以说是比较叛逆 ,因此他们的校

服设计一定要体现时代气息,要朝气蓬勃、动感十足,款式同样要简洁大 方、稍
一些与其 相配套的、亮一点的颜色,要能充分展现他们的个性和特点;而作为大
学生用于节日期间或毕业典礼时穿 着的礼服类校服,如学士服、博士帽、仪仗队
服装等,则应该在其原有的基础上再好好的设计一下,使其 能够体现出我国当代







