
2020年08月09日 11:30


Passage One
天下绝景 气吞云梦——黄鹤楼
The Imposing Yellow Crane Tower
黄鹤楼雄踞长江之滨, 蛇山之首,背倚万户林立的武昌城,面临汹涌浩荡的扬子江,相
对古雅清俊晴川阁,登上黄鹤楼,武汉三 镇的旖旎风光历历在目,辽阔神州的锦绣山河也遥
遥在望。由于这独特的地理位置,以及前人流传至今的 诗词、文赋、楹联、匾额、摩岩石刻
和民间故事,使黄鹤楼成为山川与人文景观相互倚重的文化名楼,与 湖南岳阳楼、江西滕王
阁并称为―江南三大名楼‖,素来享有―天下绝景‖和―天下江山第一楼‖的美誉 。
Located on the top of Snake Hill, the Yellow Crane Tower stands against Wuchang, faces the
vast Yangtze River and the elegant Qingchuan Pavilion. Ascending the tower, you can enjoy the
beautiful scenery of Wuhan. Thanks to its unique geological location, and the poems, prose,
couplets and folk stories, the Yellow Crane Tower is reputed as one of the ―three famous towers
south of the Yangtze River‖. It enjoys such titles as ―best scenery under heaven‖ and ―the first
tower under heaven‖.
关于黄鹤楼因何而建, 流传下来很多的传说,这就更给黄鹤楼增加了几分神秘色彩,引
传说一:一千 多年前,有位姓辛的老人在蛇山上开了酒店,常客中有一道士,回回喝酒
不买酒菜,只用随身带着的水果 下酒。店主人揣想他一定清贫,执意不收他的酒钱,同他交
了朋友,道士也不推辞,就此领受。一天,他 用橘子佐酒,饮罢,用橘皮在酒店的壁上画了
一只黄鹤,自言道:―酒客至拍手,鹤即下飞舞。‖遂去, 再也没有见他回来。
店中吃酒的人里,有好奇的,想当场试试,面对壁上的画拍手,那黄鹤展翅飞下, 在店
身江中。卖酒 老人为怀念仙鹤,在原址建立了黄鹤楼。
There are many legends about the reason why the Yellow Crane tower was built, which
brings mystery to the tower and attracts many people to admire the tower.
Legend 1 More than 1000 years ago, an old man surnamed Xin ran a restaurant on Snake
Hill. A Taoist who was a regular visitor never ordered dishes, but drank wine with fruits he
brought along. The owner refused to accept the Taoist’s money, assuming that he was poor. They
became friends. One day, the Taoist drew a yellow crane on the wall with the orange skin, said,
―The crane will dance upon hearing the clap‖. Then he left and never returned.
The curious customers clapped their hands and the crane flew from the wall, danced and then
returned to its original place. The restaurant became very famous as the story was widely spread.
A corrupt official ordered somebody to move the wall to the local authorities. But the crane flew
away and the official chased after the crane but drowned in the river. The old man selling wine
built the Yellow Crane Tower on the original site to commemorate the crane.
传 说二:黄鹤楼始建于三国吴黄武二年,公元223年,当时吴主孙权处于军事目的,在
形势险要的夏口城 即今天的武昌城西南面朝长江处,修筑了历史上最早的黄鹤楼。黄鹤楼在
群雄纷争,战火连绵的三国时期 ,只是夏口城一角嘹望守戍的―军事楼‖,晋灭东吴以后,三
国归于一统,该楼在失去其军事价值的同时 ,随着江夏城的发展,逐步演变成为官商行旅―游
必于是‖、―宴必于是‖的观赏楼。 往事越千年,黄 鹤楼时毁时建、时隐时现,历经战火硝烟,
沧海桑田,仅明、清两代黄鹤楼分别七建七毁。公元1884 年,清代的最后一座楼阁在一场
大火中化为灰烬,百年后,一座金碧辉煌、雄伟壮观的楼阁在武汉横空出 世,正可谓千古风

Legend 2 The tower was first built in 223 A.D of the Three Kingdoms Period. Sun Quan,
the King of Wu built the earliest Yellow Crane Tower on the Town of Wuchang. During the Three
Kingdoms Period, the tower served a significant military purpose. After the three kingdoms were
united, with the development of the city, the tower lost its military value and gradually became an
ornamental tower. The tower was built and ruined many times and undergone many wars and
changes. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the tower was built and ruined seven times. In 1184
A.D., the tower was reduced to ashes. One hundred years later, a magnificent tower, the only one
in China, appeared in Wuhan.

Passage Two
北京观光客自然会游览故宫和长城,这是因 为故宫和长城是举世闻名的旅游景点。而今
天我想向大家推荐北京第三大旅游场所,北京世界公园。北京 世界公园于90年代初在北京
兴建,是北京的新景点之一。在这里,游客那种―一日游尽天下景‖的梦想 便可以成真。
While the Palace Museum and the Great Wall, the two world-famous scenic spots, are known
to all a must tourist destination for tourists visiting Beijing, today, I’d like to introduce to you the
Beijing World Park, the third major tourist site in Beijing. Completed in the early 1990s, the
Beijing World Park boasts one of the new scenic spots in Beijing. Here the visitors may realize
their dream of ―touring around the world in a day‖.
北京世界公园的规模雄踞亚洲同类公园之冠,所收微缩复制品的数 量也堪称世界之最。
世界七大奇观以及50个国家的约100处历史名胜和自然景观均已微缩模型展出。 占地面积
泰姬 陵、意大利的比萨斜塔、美国的大峡谷及自由神像、澳大利亚的悉尼歌剧院、中国的长
The Beijing World Park is the largest of its kind, with mini replicas on the largest scale in
Asia. The Seven Wonders of the World and some 100 famous historical and natural sights from 50
countries are on display in miniature. The 46.7-hector World Park features 17 scenic areas staging
all the major tourist sites in Asia, Africa, Europe, Americas and Oceania. Here tourists can
appreciate a variety of replicas of famous sights, such as the Arc of Triumph and the Eiffel Tower
of France, London’s Tower Bridge, the Taj Mahal of India, the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy, the
Grand Canyon and the Statue of Liberty in the United States, Sydney Opera House, and the Great
Wall of China.
理石、上乘花岗岩 或其他优质石料。例如,莫斯科的红场是以500万块比麻将牌还小的红砖
铺就而成。而埃及的金字塔则 以20多万块大理石砌成。公园的东北角有一条300米长的国
际街,这条具有欧美建筑风格的国际街集 餐饮、购物、娱乐于一体,游客可以在这里享受各
国风情,品尝他国风味,购买纪念物品,参加各种娱乐 活动。
The exquisitely constructed scenic spots offer fine examples of excellent workmanship. Most
of them feature the exact replicas of the original, with the white jade, marble, top-grade granite
and other superior quality stone. For example, Moscow’s Red Square was constructed with five
million red bricks smaller than China’s mahjong pieces, and the Egyptian Pyramid was built with
200,000 pieces of marble.

Located in the northeastern corner is the 300-meter-long International Street with its
European and American architectural styles encompassing services of catering, shopping and
amusement. Tourists can experience the obvious exotic atmosphere, taste the inviting foreign food,
purchase attractive souvenirs and enjoy a variety of recreational activities.
北京世界公园自开 放以来已吸引了许多海内外游客前来观赏美景。如果您在北京逗留的
时间仅够您游览三个景点的话,那您 一定得把故宫、长城和北京世界公园作为您的最佳选择。
Since its opening to the visitors, the Beijing World Park attracted many tourists from home
and abroad with its splendid sights. If you have time for only three places of tourist attractions in
Beijing, your best choices would certainly be the Palace Museum, the Great Wall and then the
Beijing World Park.

Passage Three
WITH 6,641 square kilometers of valleys, mountains, forests and rivers, Banff National Park
in Canada is one of the world's top choices for a visit. It is Canada's first national park and the
world's third. Banff has a rich history going back to the creation of Canada as a nation. In 1883,
three railroad workers came across a cave containing hot springs on the eastern parts of the Rocky
Mountains. Two years later, the springs and surrounding area were set aside as Canada's first
national park.
加拿大境内的班夫国家公园是世界观光旅游的首选地之一,它占地6641平方公 里,园
人在洛基 山脉东部偶然发现了一个内藏温泉的山洞。两年以后,此处温泉以及周边地区被设
为加拿大的第一座国家 公园。
In 1885, Canada completed its first transcontinental railroad. The Canadian Pacific Railway
soon recognized the tourist value of the Canadian Rockies. In 1888, under the direction of William
Cornelius Van Horne, the 250-room Banff Springs Hotel was completed. The railway connects
Saint John on the Atlantic coast to Vancouver on the Pacific coast. A series of grand hotels was
built along the main line and Banff was advertised as an international tourism stopover on the steel
1885年,加 拿大建成本国第一条横贯大陆的铁路。加拿大太平洋铁路公司旋即意识到
了加拿大洛基山脉的重大旅游价 值。在威廉·科尔尼里阿斯·范·霍恩的带领下,班夫温泉城堡
饭店于1888年正式完工,总共包括2 50个房间。这条铁路连接起了大西洋海岸的圣约翰和
太平洋海岸的温哥华两市。铁路主要沿线地区相继 建成一些大旅馆,班夫也作为这条钢铁高
The Rockies quickly became popular with the Victorian rich people. They came to enjoy the
scenery and the pleasant springs. Soon visitors were not just stopping over, they began to
stay. Today, about 5 million people visit Banff every year, with most people going during June,
July, and August.
洛基山脉迅速受到了维多利亚时 代富人们的欢迎,他们陶醉于这里的美景和温泉。不久,
游客来这里不仅只作中途停留,而是开始住下来 。如今,每年大约有500万人到班夫旅游,

Passage Four

Tourism and Foot and Mouth Disease
Speech by Tony Blair
This weekend will see the traditional start to the tourism season in Britain - when hundreds of
castles, historic houses, wildlife centres and other attractions open their doors to visitors after the
winter break. There's no doubt however, that this year the tourist season has been overshadowed
by the Foot and Mouth outbreak. This disease has been a devastating blow for livestock farmers.
Hundreds of them have seen their animals, livelihood and hopes for the future destroyed and many
others fear they will suffer the same fate. It is a human tragedy and they deserve our sympathy and
help. That is why no resource, no effort and no time is being spared to bring this outbreak under
历史性 建筑物,野生动植物中心以及其他景点都会向游人开放。然而口蹄疫的爆发无疑给今
天的旅游业蒙上了一 层阴影。同时这也给饲养牲畜的农民以致命一击,成百上千的农民眼睁
睁地看着他们的牲畜倒在他们的面 前——威胁着他们的生计,击碎了他们的希望。其他人则
担心在不久的将来他们可能也会遭受同样厄运的 摧残。这是人类的悲剧,他们理应受到我们
的同情与帮助,这就是为什么我们会不遗余力地投入大量资源 、精力和时间,以控制这场突
It's also why we promise to support farmers both now, through this immediate crisis, and for
the longer term to build a sustainable future for the countryside. But foot and mouth has also hurt
the tourist industry, indeed the whole rural economy - and, in the vast majority of cases, totally
unnecessarily. Bookings have been cancelled. Visitor numbers have fallen. This is true even in
parts of the UK - and there are many of them, in fact the majority of them - which have not seen a
single case of the disease. The Government is putting in place measures to help the tourism and
the countryside, through these difficult times - such as tax breaks or rates holidays, for village
shops and pubs and other country businesses. And we're urgently looking at what other help is
needed. But everyone I've met who works in the tourist industry over the last few days has made
the point that, while Government assistance is helpful, what they actually need most is for the
visitors themselves to return.
这同样也是为什么我们在这次突发事件中许下承诺: 不论现在还是将来,我们都会一如
既往促进农村地区持续发展。同样,口蹄疫也影响到了旅游业的发展, 事实上是整个乡村经
济,其实在大部分情况下,这种现象根本就不应该出现。在英国部分地区,预定被取 消,参
行。例如对 农村地区的商店与酒吧以及其他农村商业区,我们采取减税政策,并暂停收纳房
地产费用。我们也正了解 是否他们还有其他需要帮助的地方。然而,前几天我认识的一些从
事于旅游服务业的人员却告诉了我这样 一个事实:政府的确起了很大的作用,但他们现在最
So again we are doing everything we can to get over the message - at home and abroad - that
the whole of the UK is open for business, as indeed it is. I know a lot of people from overseas visit
this website regularly. And many of you may plan to visit the UK itself this year. You should
come. But I've seen some of the foreign news broadcasts about the impact of foot and mouth
disease on Britain. I can promise you that they paint a picture of our country, which bears little
relation to reality. In our towns and cities, you wouldn't notice any difference. Indeed in every

village, town and city in the country, you can go into it. All the most famous landmarks from the
Tower of London to Edinburgh Castle, from Shakespeare's birthplace in Stratford to historic
Cambridge, Chester, York, Durham - are open for business.
所以我们再次向 国内外媒体声明:英国现在已经恢复正常运行,事实也的确是这样的。
我了解到很多海外游客会常常访问 该网址,而且他们中很多人同样也准备今年再次来英旅
游,放心的来吧!最近我看到了一些外国媒体就口 蹄疫对英国造成的影响问题所做的新闻报
告,我敢保证他们对其所作的描述与现实中是大相径庭的。在我 们的城镇与城市之间你会发
现其实没有什么差别。事实上,在我们国家不论是在农村,城镇还是繁华的城 市你都可以进
In the countryside, yes, there are some restrictions, particularly on using footpaths, that go
through farm land. But there is still a huge amount for you to see and do. Many hundreds of
attractions are open, even in the areas most severely affected. And more are opening all the time.
For example, in Cumbria - the region with the most cases - all the top ten visitor attractions are
open, including the cruises on Lake Windermere and Ullswater. And of course the beautiful towns
and villages are open as normal as well.
的确,在郊外有些地方游玩有了不少限制,特别是想要穿梭于农场 之间的一些小径,已
经不太可能。但是游客仍然有许多景色可以参观,可以体验。包括受到疫情严重影响 的地区
湖,当然了 还有那些风景如画的乡村城镇也已正常开放。
So I hope you will see for yourself. On this site, we've set out county by county what the
exact situation is, and how you can find out exactly what is open - from Land's End in Cornwall to
John O'Groats in Scotland. I know, too, that many people in Britain have stayed away from the
countryside because they believe this is the right thing to do. They want to help our farmers and
help our rural communities. But now it is clear where the disease is and the extent of it. The best
help you can give is to come and visit. Of course, there are some simple rules to follow: don't walk
on farmland, and keep away from livestock. But that means a day out, or a weekend break, or a
longer holiday can still be enormous fun - and just as relaxing as it ever was. And if you come -
and I hope you will - I know you will find a warm welcome.
所以我希望你能够亲自来体验一下。在这个网站里,我们一一列举出每 个县的具体情况。
不论是Cornwall的Land's End in Cornwall ,还是苏格兰的John O'Groats,你都可以查出景
点的开放信息。我也知道很多英国人为此 远离了乡村,他们认为这才是明智之举。但是现在
我们已经明确了疾病的地点与扩散范围,所以对于那些 地区的农民来说,你们的到来就是对
他们最好的帮助。当然了不要违反一些规则:禁止乱踏农田,远离牲 畜。不过,在这里玩上
一天、一个周末甚至更长的时间,你仍旧能像以往一样,获得无穷的乐趣。真诚的 希望您的

Passage Five
Hello, everyone, we are now going to pay a visit to a place of special interest. This scenic
spot is located at the center of Beijing and is characterized by thousands of palatial architectures
and purple walls as well as yellow glazed tile roofs---it is simply a sea of palaces. This is the
world- famous wonder---the Palace Museum.

各位朋友 :今天我们将要游览的是一处独具特色的旅游景点,它位于北京城的中心,殿
宇千门万户,楼阁巍峨庄严 ,红墙黄瓦,金碧辉煌,素有金色的宫殿之海的美称。您一定猜
The Palace Museum has served as the royal residence during the Ming and Qing dynasty. It
was here that a total of 24 monarchs ascended the throne and wielded power for some 500 years.
The Palace Museum, as the most beautiful spot of interest throughout Beijing, is unique for its
location: to the northwest is Beihai (North Sea) park, famous for its white pagoda and rippling
lake; to the west is the Zhongnanhai (central and south sea); to the east lies the Wangfujing
shopping street; and to the north is Jingshan park. Standing in the Wanchun (everlasting spring)
pavilion at the top of Jingshan (charcoal hill) park, you overlook the skyline of the Palace
Museum. At the southern end of the palace is Tian` anmen (gate of heavenly peace) and the
famous square named after it. This is the symbol of the People’s Republic of China.
故宫是明、清两面三刀代的皇宫,在这里有明清两代24个帝王登基坐殿,统治 中国
长达500多年。故宫含金量 颗璀璨的明珠镶嵌在北京城的中心,是全城风景最美的一处景
王府井;北 面的景山为故宫的屏障。站在景山万春亭上,可以俯瞰故宫的全貌。故宫南面是
特殊意义的国门,即天安 门广场,它是新中国的象征,第一面五星红旗在此冉冉升起。
A world-famous historical site, the Palace Museum is on the world heritage list of UNESCO
and is an embodiment of oriental civilization. The Palace Museum is rectangular in shape, 960
meters long from north to south and 750 meters wide from east to west, covering a space of
720,000 square meters of which 150,000 is building area. It has 9000-strong rooms in it.
According to legend there are 9999.5 room-units in all. The whole compound is enclosed by a
10-meter-high wall and is accessed through four entrances, namely, the Meridian Gate in the south,
the Gate of Military Prowess in the north, Donghua(eastern flowery ) gate in the north, Donghua
( eastern flowery) gate in the east and Xihua(western flowery ) gate in the west. On each corner
there is a turret consisted of 9 roof beams, 18 pillars and 72 ridge. Encircling the compound there
is a 3,800-meter-long and 52 meter-wide moat, making the Palace Museum a self-defensive
明的光辉。 故宫南 北长960米,东西宽750米,面积木2万平方米,其中建筑面积15万平
方米,有房屋9000余间 。很多人都听说故宫有房9999间半的传说。故宫四周有高10米的
城墙。城有四门,南面是正门午门 ,北为神武门,东有东华门,西有西华门。四角各有一座
结构精巧别致的被称作―九梁十八柱七十二条脊 ―的角楼。城外有长3800米,宽52米的护城
The Palace Museum was made a center of rule during the Ming dynasty by Zhun Di, the
fourth son of the founding emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. The whole complex straddles on an
8-kilometers- long central axis that stretches from Yongding (forever stable) Gate in the south to
Gulou (drum tower) in the north. Prominence was given to the royal power by putting the ―three
main front halls‖ and ―three back halls‖ on the axis while arrange other subsidiary structure
around them. The construction of the Palace Museum involved manpower and resources across
China. For example, the bricks laid in the halls, known as ―gold brick‖, underwent complex
processes. Involving complicated processes and high cost, these bricks are called ―gold bricks‖.
The Palace Museum serves as a living embodiment of good tradition and styles unique to China’s
ancient architecture. It reflects to the full the ingenuity and creativity of the Chinese working

people. A carefully preserved and complete group of royal residences, the Palace Museum is a
prominent historical and tourist site.
故宫从明代开始作为统治中心,但它的初建者却不是明朝开国皇 帝朱元璋而是他的四儿
子明成祖朱棣。故宫建在北京城南起永定门北至鼓楼长16华里的中轴线上,南北 为主,左
右对称,建造中遵循《周礼。考工记》中―前朝后室,左祖右社‖的建造原则。故宫在建造手< br>法上突出皇权,其基本做法是突出以前三殿和后三宫为主的中轴线,其他建筑拱卫中央。故
宫的建 造可以说是集全国的人力物力,木材砖瓦取自全国各地,耗费极其巨大。宫殿内墁地
的砖被称作―金砖‖ ,制作工艺极为复杂。这种砖铺在地上越磨越亮,由于制作复杂,价格昂
贵,在当时一砖合一石米。年以 有―金砖‖之称。可以说故宫每座宫殿都浸透着人民的血汗它
集中体现了我国古代建筑艺术的优秀传统和 独特风格,充分反映了我国劳动人民的高度智慧
和创造才能。故宫是我国保存到现在最完整,最辉煌的一 组皇家建筑群,而今成为著名的旅
What we are now approaching is the main entrance to the Palace Museum---the Meridian
Gate, which is characterized by red walls, yellow glazed-tile roofs and upturned eaves. On top of
this magnificent building, there stand five lofty halls with a main hall in the center. The main hall
is roofed by multiple eaves and covers a space of 9 room-units. It is flanked by two wings on each
side. The wings are square in shape, complete with multiple and four edged eaves and pinnacles.
All of these structures are connected by a colonnade. Because these halls resemble a soaring bird,
it was also known as Wufenglou (five-phoenix tower). Iinside the main hall there is a throne.
Drums and bells were stored in the wings. Whenever the Emperor presided over grand ceremonies
or observed rites in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, drums, bells and gongs would be struck to
mark the occasion.
现在展 现在我们眼前的这座红墙黄瓦,飞檐宏丽的建筑就是故宫的正门——午门。它
平面呈―凹―字形,上有崇 楼五座,正楼是9开间的重檐庑殿顶大殿,东西是四座重檐四角攒
尖顶方形亭楼,各以廊庑相连,辅翼正 楼。整个建筑气势巍峨,充分体现了皇帝的威严。午
门全部建筑,高下错落,左右映对,势若朱鸟展翅, 翱翔天空,故又常被人称作五凤楼。正
楼设有宝座,左右设有钟鼓楼,过去皇帝 在太和殿举行大典时,钟鼓齐鸣,肃穆森严。
As the legend goes, the Meridian Gate used to be a place where condemned ranking officials
would be executed. This is not true. However, flogging was carried out here by the Ming
Emperors. If a courtier falls afoul of the Emperor, he would be stripped of his court dress and
flogged with a stick. At one point the punishment became so harsh that a total of 11 people died
from fatal wound on a single occasion. On the other hand, this building was also used to observe
important occasions like the traditional Chinese Lantern Festival (15th day of the first lunar
month). On these occasions, Chinese lanterns would be hanged and sumptuous banquets would be
given in honour of the whole court of ministers and other ranking officials. 一提起午门,常令人想起―推出午门斩首示众‖这句话。其实午门前并未斩过人。但是,
明在这里却 打死过人。明代有一种罚刑——廷杖,就在午门下举行。如果大臣触怒皇帝就要
被批―逆鳞‖,就有一次 打死11个人的事情发生。不过到传统佳节元宵节,这里却是另一番
景象,悬灯结彩赐宴百官,喜气洋洋 。
Upon entering the Meridian Gate we began our tour of the Palace Museum. The river flowing
in front of us is known as Jinshuihe (golden water river) and the five marble bridges spanning it
are known as the inner golden water bridges. The middle one was used exclusive by the Emperor
and its banisters were carved with dragon and phoenix designs. The bridges flanking the imperial
one were reserved for princes and other royal members. The rest were used by palatines. Aside

from decoration, the golden water river was also dug as precaution against fire. Most of the
structures within the Palace Museum are made of wood. What is more, according to ancient
Chinese cosmology, the south is the abode of fire, so this brook was dug on the southern tip of the
Palace. In this way, the Palace Museum reflects traditional Chinese culture.
进入午门就开始了宫内的游览,您看前面的河叫金水河,上面五 座汉白玉石桥叫内金水
桥。五座桥各有用处:正中的叫御路桥,供皇帝走,望宗室亲王走;再外面是品级 桥,供文
不仅是集 建筑艺术之大成,也是集中国传统文化之大成。
This building is called the gate of Supreme Harmony. In the foreground stand two bronze
lions. Can anybody tell which is male and which is female? The one on the east playing with a ball
is male, symbolizing power and universal unity. The other on the west with a cub cuddling
underneath its claw is female, representing prosperity and the endless succession. A layout of the
Palace Museum is posted by the entrance. From it, you can see that the Palace Museum has two
main parts: the forecourt and the inner court. The three main halls constitute the mainstay of the
forecourt, and it was here that the Emperor announced decisions and observed rites. Behind the
forecourt there is the inner court, consisting of major halls and the imperial garden. It was where
the Emperor attended state affairs, lived and enjoyed his luxurious life. The exhibition system of
the Palace Museum involves historical court relics and articles of ancient art and culture. The
Palace Museum houses nearly one million articles of rare treasure, or one sixth of the total number
in all of China’s museums, and therefore is the biggest and most famous museum in the world.
前 面这座门叫太和门,门前这对铜狮您能猜出雌雄吗?您猜得不错,东面的是雄狮,前
脚踩一绣球,象征权 力也象征统一寰宇;西面是雌狮,前脚抚弄一小乳狮,象征子嗣昌盛。
门旁所立的图是故宫平面图。大家 请看,故宫是由前朝和内廷两部分组成的,前朝以三大殿
为主,是皇帝发布政令和举行大典的地方。三大 殿后是内廷,有乾清宫,交泰殿,坤宁宫,
御花园及东西六宫等,这里是皇帝处理政务,居住享乐的地方 。现在故宫的陈列体系分宫廷
历史遗迹陈列,东六宫,外东路及三大殿两庑等为古代文化艺术陈列。在故 宫这座艺术宝库
中收藏有近百万件珍贵文物,占全国博物馆藏品总数的六分之一,成为驰名中外的最大的 博

Passage Six
一样的江滩 不一样的美景
语中,玩健身器 械的、跳舞的、打太极的、放风筝的……听在江滩摆摊放风筝的人说,其实
那些长跑的人才厉害,他们每 个人都是万米长跑家,―从这头到那头,跑一个来回有7000
米,再加一个圈,就有一万米了,天天都 跑!‖
At the dusk of a summer day when the sun was still burning, people gathered at the riverside.
They laughed happily, did exercises, danced, did Taiji or flied kites. Peddlers selling kites said the
long-distance runners were really fantastic. ―They ran 7000 meters from this side to that side. Plus
another circle, they run about 10,000 meters everyday‖.
晚霞满天,人越来越多。清凉的江风中,粤汉码头附近的平坦路上,足登溜冰 鞋的孩子
As the evening clouds fell, more and more people came. There were children who wore roller

skates and played among the tourists. On the pedestrian street, a grey-haired couple were strolling
leisurely hand in hand. On the central square, dance lovers were dancing to music.
滩— —那个集防洪、景观、旅游、休闲、体育健身为一体,以绿色为基调、亲水为主题、地
域文化为底蕴、人 与自然和谐、城市与江河相互融合的风景长卷,现已然成为镶嵌在长江中
The vast Yangtze River divides Wuhan into three towns. Thus, the bodybuilding of
Wuhanese has something to do with the river and water. When asked which place of Wuhan is the
most beautiful, Wuhanese will recommend the riverside. The riverside which integrates flood
control, scenery, tour, leisure and sports into a whole and which harmonizes human and nature,
the city and the river has become a brilliant pearl of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.
在武汉三镇的水景中,汉口江滩可谓是这座滨江城市中一道最美丽的 风景。清晨,可到
江滩晨跑锻炼,傍晚则可以邀约家人漫步,感受习习江风,而华灯初上之时,江边各栋 建筑
物灯火辉煌,交相辉映,散发出迷人的光芒,美好的生活锦卷已然展开! 武汉的全民健身
市生活阻隔在 堤外。江堤之间,是一片清新的―绿‖。小径、竹林、假山、喷泉、雕塑……五
彩灿烂的花草,一应俱全 的休闲设施,这条让人心旷神怡的滨江休闲带伴着滔滔江水一直伸
向远方! 江滩公园内有长椅供游人休 息观景,清晨,喜欢锻炼的人们的最好去处便是那里,
伫立江边,―不尽长江滚滚来‖;夜晚,灿艳的灯 光、习习的江风,让人留连忘返。
Of all the water scenes of Wuhan, Hankou’s riverside is the most beautiful. In the early
morning, you can run or do exercises at the riverside. At dusk, you can stroll around the riverside
with your family. As the night falls, the lights of buildings add radiance and beauty to each other.
The scroll of life has been unfolded! The bodybuilding facilities in the Riverside Park are the most
distinguished. At the entrance of Tianjin Road, the imposing wave-shaped gate blocks off the
bustle of the city. There is a vast piece of ―green‖ at the riverside: alleys, bamboo forest, rockwork,
fountain and sculpture etc. There are a complete set of entertainment facilities and a leisure belt
stretching into the far distance together with the flowing water. There are benches for tourists to
take a rest and have a sightseeing. In the early morning, the riverside is the best place for
exercisers. At night, the brilliant light and breeze make people feel reluctant to leave.
江滩公园,耗数亿,汉口江滩休闲健身带南北 绵延公里。占主旋律的健身区,更是集网
球场、滑冰场、健身步道、游泳池等健身场于一体。一眼望不到 头的健身长廊上分布着扭腰
机、漫步机、骑马机、滑道等健身器材,可同时满足千余人使用。工作之余或 节假日,武汉
The Riverside Park cost hundreds of billion of Yuan. The leisure belt of Hankou’s riverside
stretches for several kilometers. The bodybuilding zone boasts such facilities as tennis court,
skating rink, footpath, swimming pool, waist-twisting machine, running machine, horse riding
machine, which can be used by thousands of people simultaneously. On holidays, citizens come to
the riverside from all the directions to enjoy the breeze and pleasure of sports.
滚滚长江水,流过人们的脚边。环境改变人。人与自然的 和谐,带来了人们之间的友善
平和。曾经粗犷豪气的武汉人,如今和这城市一同修整着自己,向着优雅与 平和。
The vast river flows through the city. Environment changes people. The harmony between
humans and nature bring friendship and peace. The straightforward Wuhanese are changing and
they are becoming more elegant and gentle.

Passage Seven
再过15分钟,第 41届世界博览会将在中国上海隆重开幕。感谢大家出席今天的招待会,
与我们一道在第一时间目睹上海 世博会的开幕盛况。
In about 15 minutes, the 41st World Exposition will open in Shanghai. I would like to thank
all of you for coming to the Chinese Embassy to share this exciting moment with us.
史上第一届世 博会。中国参与了本次世博会,并留下了深刻的历史印记。英国画家塞鲁斯在
博览会开幕式油画中,描绘 了一位中国商人;《伦敦新闻画报》制作的长达7米的世博会全
景画,描绘了东道主布置的中国展室;上 海商人徐荣村邮寄参展的十二包湖丝,获得了―制
Britain is home of the World Exposition. In 1851, The Great Exhibition of the Works of
Industry of All Nations was held in the Crystal Palace – and was the first ever World Expo.
China's participation in the Great Exhibition was a big success. This success was captured by
British artist Henry Selous, who included a Chinese merchant in the painting 'The Opening of the
Great Exhibition', and by the Illustrated London News, which included the Chinese booth in its
seven-metre-long panoramic illustration of the event. But to round off the successes, Shanghai
merchant Xu Rongcun won a medal for 12 packs of Huzhou silk, which he had sent by post.
时光荏苒,159年过去了,世博会规模和影响已今非昔比,人类已见证了40届世界综< br>合性博览会。世博会推动着人类的科技创新,见证了人类进步的足迹。小到蛋筒冰淇淋、瓶
装水、 电灯,大到电梯、汽车、飞机,都是从世博会走入公众的视野,最终融入人们的日常
生活。因此诞生了这 么一句名言,―一切始自世博‖。世博会的主题也在不断演变,从展示国
家实力、追求科技突破,逐步转 向对人与自然和谐共存、人类社会发展前景的人文主义思考。
159 years and 40 World Expos have passed since then. The Expo has grown in scale and
influence, taking forward technical innovations and bearing witness to human progress. From
ice-cream cones, bottled water and electric lamps, to lifts, cars and aircraft, – all of these have
emerged from Expos to become part of our daily lives. The themes of the Expo have also evolved,
moving gradually from industrial strength, scientific and technological breakthroughs to where
they are today, thinking about the future and the need for a harmonious coexistence between man
and nature.
界盛会。 中国举全国之力,集世界智慧,与各参展方密切合作,历时八年精心筹备,决心向
世人奉献一届成功、精 彩和难忘的世博会。
This is the first World Expo held in a developing country, and is another major global
gathering in China following the Beijing Olympics back in 2008. It will be another close contact
between China and the rest of the world in a 184-day long dialogue between nations. It will enable
China to understand the world better and help the world to know China and Shanghai more and
help foster greater friendship among the people. In the eight years of preparations for this Expo,
Shanghai and in fact all of China has been working hard to stage a successful, splendid and
memorable Expo. We have drawn upon the wisdom and experience of participating nations and
groups, to ensure its success.
--上海世博会是规模空前的一次全球盛会,将以最为广泛的参与度载入世 博会史册。本
届世博会有246个国家和国际组织参加,1.3万名记者报名,将举行188场国家馆日 、39个

The Shanghai Expo will be the largest to date, with 246 countries and international
organizations taking part and 13,000 journalists covering it. During the Expo 188 National Days
and 39 Honorary Days for International Organizations will be observed. Along with over 20,000
cultural events, it is expected to attract 70 million visitors, three and a half million of which will
be coming from overseas.
--上海世博会是对人类发展的思考,对城市未来的探索。亚里士多德说,―人们 来到城
生活更美好 ‖为主题,充分贯彻绿色、环保、低碳的理念。参展各国和国际组织将充分展示
城市文明成果,交流城市 建设经验,传播先进城市发展理念,探讨人类居住、生活和工作的
Under the theme of Better City, Better Life, the Shanghai Expo represents a reflection on
building cities for the future. As Aristotle said, come to cities for a living, and live in
cities for a better have brought better life for people, but they have also bred
population explosion, traffic congestion, environmental pollution, resource depletion and friction
between cultures. The Shanghai Expo seeks to embody green, environmentally friendly and low
carbon life in the cities. The participating countries and international organizations will fully
demonstrate their achievements in urban development and share their experience in municipal
management, by promoting new models for human habitation, life and work.
--上海世博会是中 国与世界的又一次近距离接触,是一次长达184天的文明对话。上海
世博会既可以让中国了解世界,更 可以让世界了解上海,了解中国。上海作为中国最大的经
济中心城市,是中国改革开放32年的缩影,是 中国发展的最成功注脚。世博会中国馆―东方
之冠‖,将展示五千年来薪火相传、生生不息的中华文明。 200万城市志愿者,20万世博服
务志愿者,将是上海这座城市最好的名片。―世博人家‖将是了解中 国普通民众、体验上海都
市风情的独特窗口。中国期待通过世博会,展现一个全面、客观、真实、充满活 力的中国,
As the largest economic centre in China, Shanghai is an example of successful development
following 32 years of reform and opening-up. The Chinese Pavilion Crown of the East showcases
5,000 years of the Chinese civilization. But the two million municipal and 200,000 expo
volunteers are without doubt the best advertisement for the city. And Expo Families will provide a
unique opportunity for visitors to mingle with the ordinary citizens and appreciate their local
culture. We hope that the Expo will present to the world a true and objective insight into dynamic
China, a China that stands for peaceful development and mutual benefit achieved through
cooperation among all nations.
--上 海世博会是推进中英经贸和科技合作的机遇,是促进中英相互了解、增进两国人民
友谊的平台。英国政府 和工商界等社会各方面积极参与上海世博会。英国馆名为―创意之馆‖,
也称 ―种子殿堂‖,但许多中 国人形象地称它为―蒲公英‖。英国馆从建筑设计到内部布展,
充分显示了非凡的创意和设计,表现了英 国对城市的丰富实践和前瞻想象。英国工商界、文
化界、科技界将在世博会期间密集亮相,举办―金融周 ‖、―创意产业系列活动‖、―科学和创
The Shanghai Expo provides an opportunity for closer trade and investment ties between
China and the UK, along with greater scientific and technological cooperation. The British
Pavilion, known as the Pavilion of Creativity, or the Seed Cathedral, has been given the interesting

name of Dandelion by Chinese internet users. Both the architectural design and interior decoration
of the Pavilion have shown extraordinary creativity and demonstrated Britain's rich experience
and vision. The British government, business and society at large have taken an active part in the
Shanghai Expo. I am also told that there will be more than a hundred events involving British
businesses during the Expo, including: the Financial Week, Creative Industry series, and Science
and Innovation Workshops, along with a rich variety of cultural and technological shows.
界的世 博会。希望在5月1日到10月31日期间,在场的各位及更多的英国朋友有机会去参
观世博会,去领略 上海韵,感受中国情,体验世界风!
This is also what we hope and look forward to. The 2010 Expo is for Shanghai, for China,
but more importantly it is an Expo for the world. I hope that between now and the 31 October, you
will have the chance to visit the Expo, to get to know Shanghai, get a taste of China and know
more about the world.







