
2020年08月09日 14:08


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Vehicle stopping device


2017 年 3 月


作 者
Vehicle stopping device
译 名 qiaoshuai 国 籍 中国
由美国商业专利数据库 (IFI CLAIMS Patent Services) 提供数据支

目前的实用专利申请是基于美国临时专利申请爵士。60103,872号申请 10月13
本发明涉及执法设 备。特别的是,本发明涉及非致命设备受雇于警察机构在巷道追
也许是众所周知的,最近几个臭名昭著的追逐逃跑的车辆的司机拒绝停止或试图< br>逃脱警察。一些最著名的追逐武装和危险的罪犯几乎一无所有的使用他们的车通
过典型事故警方路 障,这经常会导致身体伤害和财产损失。
经典警察路障的警车停在道路导致堵塞的交通,从而经常会造 成交通拥堵的公民
多的伤害比他们的 价值。
辆通过 刺穿轮胎。今天使用的首选设备称为地带,有好几个不同版本,其中没有一
个有本发明的优点。早些时候 的一个已知的钉刺带仅仅由一个狭窄的长度平橡胶
或织物基本包含大量的指甲取向方向相同,这样带可以 盘绕存储树干的一辆警车,
但是在方法逃离车辆,线圈可以卷在道路车辆的路径,指甲会刺穿轮胎。然而 ,在实
解除, 经常在其他物品被捕本身。其次,有人与指甲直立身体的地方伸出地带迎面
而来的车辆的道路通常以非常 高的速度驱动,从而允许几秒钟完成这个任务。第
三,即使最初的接触地带和逃离车辆之间,经常看到, 坚实的指甲就没有足够迅速
缩小轮胎和车辆将继续被禁用前几英里。第四,这种类型的螺旋上升地带是无 选择
个地带被 坚持从巷道轮胎和脱落。
在过去,各种专利发布有关设备的快速停止车辆。例如,美国的帕特。5月1 0日发
布的4382714号1983 - w·g·哈奇森,描述了汽车禁用设备上一个特殊的形式多
互连接的建立和 删除以及订婚时创建一个摇摇欲坠的效果。
美国帕特。10月1日,4544303号,1985 f . g . Glasmire描述了一个保护交通障
碍设计将机动车交通从一个对象或道路。该设备采 用基地的楔形投影垂直扩展基
地,以阻碍机动车穿越障碍的运动。基础的形状可能是设计来满足特定的功 能包括
损伤与 楔形的预测。
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美国帕特。6月23日发布的5123774号1992 - j。j的事情教的刺穿轮胎的设备。该装置采用多元化的间隔的管状支持灵活的牵绳固定在一起的。各自的外远端管
支持成员包括各自的 外系索,进而获得峰值成员反对面投影到地面的高速公路结
构。复数条间隔的平行定义一个锐角ther ebetween峰值。
美国帕特。6月21日发布的5322385号1994 - r·赖斯曼, 描述了一个反装甲的
障碍,其中包括垫可压缩材料做的。数组向上定向空心金属尖刺的形式分布于整个< br>垫以穿刺车辆的轮胎垫骑。峰值可能移动,以便在刺穿轮胎,它们从垫和留存的刺
破轮胎,带来快 速通货紧缩。部署在垫时,峰值充裕或低于垫的顶面。
美国帕特。5328292号,于532829 2年7月12日,f·r·威廉姆斯教授交通障碍使
执法人员的有效交通障碍,可以很容易地把一辆车的 后备箱和巷道快速部署。链是
横跨一个直角的道路交通和拉紧的方向。交通障碍链设计,这样无论多么链 放在路
美国帕特。5498102号, 3月12日,1996年到美国比塞尔,教一个轮胎刺穿高峰地带,
可以放在前面的路面行驶的车辆。高 峰地带由矩形模块化框架单元高度较低,便于
存储在警车的树干。框架单元有联锁结束,可以快速组装在 任何所需的长度与峰值
们下方的位置 允许追求警车安全地穿过加沙地带和理解残疾人车。
本发明的总结 本发明是一种车辆停车设备的面板材料的触觉前缘。材料尺寸的面板,打开时,有
一个巷道宽度适合 扩展。材料的面板可以适当折叠,不使用的时候,手风琴。
在本发明中,分割缝纵向延伸的面板材料的 前沿。分割缝延伸大约四分之三的展开
长度的长度的面板材料。这个面板分缝分成一半,位于中间的展开 面板的材料形成
强化腰带上面板的材料。这种强化腰带形成一个强大的柔 性材料,如凯夫拉尔(™)。
强化腰带的一端连接到前缘和并行扩展的关系分割缝向后方的面板。加强腰 带周
另一侧。 v型连接器用于连接钢筋沿前缘面板的腰带。
触觉前缘扩展沿前缘材料横着的面板的面板。这种触觉前 缘形成缝两边的分歧。
缘。倒刺的多元 化定位相邻水泡的粘合剂。

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近车辆的轮胎将联系 触觉前缘,债券前缘轮胎。随着车辆的继续,车轮旋转,包装材
料的面板,及其相关的强化腰带,在轮子 。当小组达到的极限分裂,严格限制行动会
指图1,显示10点车辆停止设备符合本发明的教诲。车辆停止设备10包括 面板的
面 板。强化腰带18延伸的一侧前缘14分缝16日循环的最后20左右分割缝16,
并返回回到前缘14 的对面16分缝。
我们可以看到在图1中,材料的面板12有一个矩形的配置。这个面板的材料应该< br>是重量轻的面料,如丝。小组12可以折叠沿着折叠线22,在分割缝16,驻留在手风
琴折叠安 排。12因此,面板可以很容易地存储在树干的执法车辆。专家组12应该
有一个展开的宽度,适用于巷 道扩展。在本发明的首选体现,展开小组将会有一个
宽度适合扩展跨一个车道。在本发明的首选体现,面 板12将大约十八英尺长。
触觉前缘14位于面板的一端12。触觉前缘14从24到26面板的12 。前缘14位
于两边的分缝16。28 v型注意切口将从前缘扩展14向16分缝。将以下描述,触< br>觉前缘14可以包括带刺的别针由此向上扩展和或胶粘剂水泡扩展跨。触觉前缘
14将横着在12 中所示的面板。
16分缝,首选的化身,会延长大约四分之三的panel12展开的长度。分割缝1 6将终
止结束20内心的屁股30 12中所示的面板。分割缝16实际上是分裂或弱在一起。
分割缝16纵向延伸至中间面板的12。 < br>强化腰带18有一个特定的配置,允许设备10有效制动逃离车辆。强化腰带18应
该强大灵活的 材料,如凯夫拉尔(™)。强化腰带18应该贴在面板表面12。32的钢
筋一端腰带18是贴的一侧前 缘14分缝16。强化腰带18专门有一个v型前缘14
配置34。34 v型配置的宽端贴在前缘14这样一条腿的相邻分割缝16 v型配置和
相反的腿将相邻的一侧26小组12。每条腿的36 v型配置收敛在一个中心区域纵
16的对面, 出现分割缝。可以看出,分割缝的对面也有强化腰带18 v型40节。40 v
型剖面的首回合42相 邻的一侧24面板12和相反的腿附近44分缝16。每条腿42
和44是贴在前缘14。腿42和46 44收敛起来的线性部分。强化腰带18应该整合
图2显示了前缘14的安排 。可以看到,前缘14有一个多元化的胶粘剂水泡50向
上延伸从表面面板12。带刺的别针52也向上 扩展的面板12相邻双胶水泡。重要
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本发明的 首选体现,倒刺52将定位相邻双胶水泡。
图3显示了图2的环绕面积54。可以看到,胶泡之间的倒 钩销52向上延伸60和
62胶泡。当一个轮胎在前缘14卷,倒钩销52将车辆的轮胎接触。同时,胶 水泡60
双 向连接方式前缘14到轮胎的表面。
图4显示了该设备的方式可以应用于一个表面70巷道72。可以 看到,panel12展
开成平面条件。前缘14部署,面对即将到来的车辆。12所示的面板伸展在巷 道的
表面70 70平。
图5显示了一个车辆76接近10本发明的装置。可以看到,车辆的 前轮78年和80
年76正接近前缘14面板的12。因此,车轮78年和80年在一个合适的位置与触 觉
年和 80年。剩下的小组12将于76年环绕车辆的车轮。
在图6中,可以看出设备显示为包装在轮80的 车。对面的小组将于78年环绕车轮。
结果,委员会12日及其相关强化腰带18日将到车辆。76年车 辆,如图6中所示,
是一个相对较大的长轴距的车。设备10将底盘下区域。10当系统达到的极限分< br>16日加强腰带将严格限制车轮的旋转,导致立即刹车力。
图7显示了一个更小的车辆90遇到 设备10。当一个较小的车辆与较短的轴距接触
设备10,周围的前缘14将前轮以类似的方式如以上所 述。然而,后轮92年将接触
后部边缘前30的面板材料12包装效果完全达到。结果,92年后轮的实 际行动将导
装 92和面板的表面12。因此,前轮94年将是阻止进一步的旋转。这辆车将会立即
上 述信息披露和发明是说明性的描述和解释。各种变化的细节说明建设范围内可
以附加索赔没有离开发明的 真正精神。本发明只应限于以下索赔和法律的等价物。

共 5 页 第 5 页

原文:Vehicle stopping device
A vehicle stopping device having a panel of material with a split extending from one
end of the panel toward an opposite end of the panel, a tactile surface formed adjacent to
one of the panel and adapted to attach to a tire rolling thereover, and a reinforcement sash
affixed to the panel of material and extending in a partial loop around the split seam. The
reinforcement sash has a first end affixed adjacent to the tactile surface and a second end
affixed to the tactile surface on an opposite side of the split seam from the first end. The
panel has a width dimension suitable for extending across a roadway. The tactile surface
extends across this width dimension. The panel is capable of being folded into a
concertina. The tactile surface can be either an adhesive applied onto a top surface of the
panel of material, an adhesive retained within a plurality of blisters affixed along a
forward edge of the panel of material, or a plurality of barbs extending upwardly from the
top surface of the panel of material.

The present utility patent application is based upon U.S. Provisional Patent Application
Ser. No. 60103,872, filed on Oct. 13, 1998, and entitled “VEHICLE STOPPING
The present invention relates to law enforcement equipment. More particularly, the
present invention relates to non-lethal devices employed by police agencies on a roadway
during pursuit to safely and almost instantly stop a fleeing vehicle.
As is perhaps well known, there have recently been several notorious chases of fleeing
vehicles whose drivers refuse to stop or try to outrun the police. Some of the most famous
chases involved armed and dangerous criminals who had virtually nothing to lose by
using their vehicle to crash through classic police roadblocks which often resulted in
bodily injury and great property damage.
The classic police roadblock by which police cars are parked across a roadway results in
blockage of all vehicular traffic and thereby often causes congestion of citizen drivers at
the roadblock who must either be allowed to pass by movement of police cars or risk
physical harm in any subsequent confrontation between the police and the driver of a
fleeing vehicle. In other words, classic police roadblocks are non-selective, cause
congestion and often result in more injury than they are worth.
Accordingly, the prior art reveals attempts to replace classic police roadblocks with a
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selective and safe means for stopping a fleeing vehicle by puncturing its tires. A preferred
device in use today is known as a spike strip and there are several variations, none of
which have the advantages of the present invention. One of the earlier known spike strips
simply consisted of a narrow length of flat rubber or fabric base containing a multitude of
nails oriented in the same direction so that the strip could be coiled for storage in a trunk
of a police car, but upon approach of a fleeing vehicle, the coil could be rolled across a
roadway in the path of the vehicle whereby the nails would puncture the tires. However,
in practice, it soon became apparent that a coil of nails had several inherent problems.
First, the nails often snagged upon each other as the coil was unwound and often ensnared
itself on other items. Secondly, someone had to physically place the outstretched strip
with nails upright in the path of an oncoming vehicle which was usually driven at a very
high speed, thereby allowing a few seconds to complete the task. Thirdly, even when
initial contact is made between the strip and the fleeing vehicle, it was often seen that
solid nails alone did not deflate the tires rapidly enough and the vehicle would continue
for several more miles before being disabled. Fourthly, this type of coiled spike strip was
non-selective in that any innocent vehicle ahead of the fleeing vehicle on the same
roadway would obviously contact the nails and thereby most often result in the entire strip
being adhered to the tires and dislodged from the roadway.
In the past, various patents have issued relating to devices for the rapid stopping of
vehicles. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 4,382,714, issued on May 10, 1983 to W. G.
Hutchison, describes a vehicle disabling device in the form of a plurality of spike-like
devices adapted to project perpendicular to a road surface to puncture one or more tires of
a fleeing vehicle. A plurality of the devices are interconnected for ease in putting in place
and removing as well as creating a flailing effect when engaged.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,544,303, issued on Oct. 1, 1985 to F. G. Glasmire, describes a protective
traffic barrier designed to divert motor vehicle traffic away from an object or roadway.
This device employs a base with wedge-shaped projections extending vertically from the
base so as to impede the movement of a motor vehicle across the barrier. The shape of the
base may be designed to fulfill a particular function including an opening to allow the
barrier to fit over an object to be protected. A resilient cover encapsulates the base so as to
protect people or animals from contact injury with the wedge-shaped projections.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,123,774, issued on Jun. 23, 1992 to J. J. Dubiel, teaches an apparatus for
the puncturing of tires. This apparatus employs a plurality of spaced tubular supports
which are secured together by a flexible tether line. The respective outer distal tubular
support members include a respective outer tether line that is in turn secured to a spike
member for projection into the ground surface on opposed sides of a highway structure.
Plural pairs of spaced parallel spikes define an acute angle therebetween.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,322,385, issued on Jun. 21, 1994 to R. Reisman, describes an anti-vehicle
barrier that includes a pad made of a compressible material. An array of upwardly directed
hollow metal spikes are distributed throughout the pad so as to puncture the tire of a
vehicle which rides over the pad. The spikes may be removable so that upon puncturing
the tire, they are removed from the pad and retained by the punctured tire so as to bring
about its rapid deflation. When deployed in the pad, the spikes are flush with or are below

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the top surface of the pad.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,328,292, issued on Jul. 12, 1994 to F. R. Williams, teaches a traffic barrier
which gives law-enforcement officers an effective traffic barrier which can be easily
carried in the trunk of a car and quickly deployed across a roadway. The chain is simply
stretched across the roadway at a right angle to the direction of traffic and pulled tight.
The traffic barrier chain is designed so that no matter how the chain is placed on the road
surface, half of the splines will be facing the direction of traffic flow at an angle of 45
U.S. Pat. No. 5,498,102, issued on Mar. 12, 1996 to S. Bissell, teaches a tire puncturing
spike strip which can be placed on a road surface in front of a moving vehicle. The spike
strip is composed of rectangular modular frame units with low height for easy storage in a
trunk of a police vehicle. The frame units have interlocking ends which can be quickly
assembled in any desired length for placement across a roadway with spikes in a normal
down position to allow safe passage of vehicles over the strip. The spikes may be
selectively and remotely activated to their up position electromechanically by an operator
to target a specific fleeing vehicle. Once the fleeing vehicle crosses over the strip, the
spikes may be electromechanically returned to their down position to allow pursuing
police cars to safely cross over the strip and apprehend the disabled vehicle.
It is an object of the present invention to provide a vehicle stopping device which rapidly
brakes the fleeing vehicle.
It is another object of the present invention to provide a vehicle stopping device which is
capable of selective deployment.
It is another object of the present invention to provide a vehicle stopping device which
serves to stop both large and small vehicles.
It is another object of the present invention to provide a vehicle stopping device which can
be folded so as to be easily stored in the trunk of a law enforcement vehicle.
It is a further object of the present invention to provide a vehicle stopping device which
can be deployed by a single person.
It is still another object of the present invention to provide a vehicle stopping device
which is easy to use, easy to manufacture and relatively inexpensive.
These and other objects and advantages of the present invention will become apparent
from a reading of the attached specification and appended claims.
The present invention is a vehicle stopping device having a panel of material which has a
tactile leading edge. The panel of material has a size which, when unfolded, has a width
suitable for extending across a roadway. The panel of material can be suitably folded,
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when not in use, into a concertina.
In the present invention, a split seam extends longitudinally across the panel of material
from the leading edge. The split seam extends approximately three quarters of the length
of the unfolded length of the panel of material. This split seam splits the panel in half and
is located in a middle of the unfolded panel. The panel of material is formed of a light
weight material, such as silk.
A reinforcement sash is affixed to the panel of material. This reinforcement sash is formed
of a strong flexible material, such as KEVLAR (™). One end of the reinforcement sash is
attached to the leading edge and extends in parallel relationship to the split seam toward
the rearward end of the panel. The reinforcement sash loops around the end of the split
seam so as to extend toward the other side of the panel of material. This reinforcement
sash then extends toward the leading edge on the opposite side of the split seam. A
V-shaped connector serves to connect the reinforcement sash along the leading edge of
the panel.
The tactile leading edge extends along the leading edge of the panel of material widthwise
across the panel. This tactile leading edge is formed on both sides of the split seam. The
tactile leading edge includes an adhesive blister formed there across. Barbed pins can also
be provided on this tactile leading edge so as to allow for the secure engagement with the
tire of a fleeing vehicle. In the preferred embodiment of the present invention, a plurality
of adhesive blisters extend in a row across the length of the tactile leading edge. The
plurality of barbs are positioned between adjacent adhesive blisters.
In use, the panel of material is deployed with the tactile leading edge facing the
approaching vehicle. When the vehicle advances, the front tires of the approaching vehicle
will contact the tactile leading edge so as to bond the leading edge to the tire. As the
vehicle continues, the wheels will rotate so as to wrap the panel of material, and its
associated reinforcement sash, around the wheels. When the panel reaches the limits of
the split, a tight restricting action will occur on the wheels of the vehicle so as to cause an
immediate braking force.
FIG. 1 is a plan view of the vehicle stopping device in accordance with the teachings of
the present invention.
FIG. 2 is an end view of the leading edge of the device of FIG. 1.
FIG. 3 is a magnified view of the circled area of FIG. 2 showing the arrangement of barbs
and adhesive blisters.
FIG. 4 is a side elevational view showing the deployment of the vehicle stopping device
onto a roadway.

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FIG. 5 shows the deployment of the device in relation to an approaching vehicle.
FIG. 6 shows the manner in which the vehicle stopping device wraps around the wheel of
a large vehicle so as to effect the braking of the vehicle.
FIG. 7 illustrates the manner in which the vehicle stopping device wraps around the wheel
of a small vehicle and engages the rear wheel of the vehicle so as to effect the stopping of
the vehicle.
Referring to FIG. 1, there is shown at 10 the vehicle stopping device in accordance with
the teachings of the present invention. The vehicle stopping device 10 includes a panel of
material 12 having a tactile leading edge 14. A split seam 16extends longitudinally across
the panel 12 for less than the length of the panel 12. A reinforcement sash 18 extends from
the leading edge 14 on one side of the split seam 16, loops around the end 20 of the split
seam 16, and returns back to the leading edge 14 on the opposite side of split seam 16.
As can be seen in FIG. 1, the panel of material 12 has a rectangular configuration. This
panel of material should be of a very light weight fabric, such as silk. The panel 12 can be
folded along fold lines 22 and across the split seam 16 so as to reside in a concertina
folded arrangement. As such, the panel 12 can be easily stored in the trunk of a law
enforcement vehicle. The panel 12 should have an unfolded width that is suitable for
extending across a roadway. In the preferred embodiment of the present invention, the
unfolded panel will have a width suitable for extending across a single lane. In the
preferred embodiment of the present invention, the panel 12 will be approximately
eighteen feet long.
The tactile leading edge 14 is located at one end of the panel 12. The tactile leading
edge 14 extends from side 24 to side 26of the panel 12. The leading edge 14 is located on
both sides of the split seam 16. A V-shaped noticed notch 28 will extend from the leading
edge 14 toward the split seam 16. As will be described hereinafter, the tactile leading
edge 14 can include barbed pins extending upwardly therefrom andor adhesive blisters
extending there across. The tactile leading edge 14 will extend widthwise across the
panel 12.
The split seam 16, in the preferred embodiment, will extend approximately three- quarters
of the length of the unfolded panel12. The split seam 16 will terminate at end 20 inwardly
from the rear end 30 of the panel 12. The split seam 16 is actually split or is weakly held
together. The split seam 16 extends longitudinally through the middle of the panel 12.
The reinforcement sash 18 has a particular configuration so as to allow the device 10 to
effectively brake a fleeing vehicle. The reinforcement sash 18 should be of a strong
flexible material, such as KEVLAR (™). The reinforcement sash 18 should be affixed to
the surface of the panel 12. One end 32 of the reinforcement sash 18 is affixed to the
leading edge 14 on one side of the split seam 16. The reinforcement sash 18 specifically
has a V-shaped configuration 34 at the leading edge 14. The wide end of the V-shaped
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configuration 34 is affixed to the leading edge 14 such that one leg of the V-shaped
configuration is adjacent to the split seam 16 and the opposite leg will be adjacent to the
side 26 of panel 12. Each of the legs of the V-shaped configuration converge together in a
central area 36 which extends lengthwise across the panel 12along one side of the split
seam 16. The reinforcement sash 18 has a looped section 38 which will extend around the
end 20of the split seam 16 so as to emerge on the opposite side of the split seam. It can be
seen that the opposite side of the split seam also has the reinforcement sash 18 with a
V-shaped section 40. The V-shaped section 40 has a first leg 42 adjacent to the side 24 of
panel 12 and an opposite leg 44 adjacent to the split seam 16. Each of the
legs 42 and 44 are affixed to the leading edge 14. The legs 42 and 44 converge together to
the linear portion 46. The reinforcement sash 18 should be integrally formed together.
FIG. 2 shows the arrangement of the leading edge 14. As can be seen, the leading
edge 14 has a plurality of adhesive blisters 50 extending upwardly from the surface of
panel 12. Barbed pins 52 also extend upwardly from the panel 12 between adjacent pairs
of adhesive blisters. It is important to note that, in the present invention, the barbs 52 and
the blisters 50 can be arranged in any desired pattern. However, in the preferred
embodiment of the present invention, the barbs 52 will be positioned between adjacent
pairs of adhesive blisters.
FIG. 3 shows the circled area 54 of FIG. 2. As can be seen, the barbed pin 52 extends
upwardly between an adhesive blister 60 and another adhesive blister 62. When a tire rolls
over the leading edge 14, the barbed pin 52 will engage the tire of the vehicle.
Simultaneously, the adhesive blisters 60 and 62 will break open so as to apply a
fast- drying adhesive between the panel 12 and the surface of a tire. As such, the present
invention provides a two-way manner of connecting the leading edge 14 to the surface of
the tire.
FIG. 4 shows the manner in which the device 10 can be applied to a surface 70 of a
roadway 72. As can be seen, the panel12 is unfolded into a flat condition. The leading
edge 14 is deployed so as to be facing the approaching vehicle. The panel 12will stretch
flat across the surface 70 of the roadway 72.
FIG. 5 shows a vehicle 76 approaching the device 10 of the present invention. As can be
seen, the front wheels 78 and 80of the vehicle 76 are approaching the leading edge 14 of
the panel 12. As such, the wheels 78 and 80 are in a suitable position for engaging the
tactile leading edge 14. As the vehicle 76 travels onto the leading edge 14, the
barbs 52 and the adhesive blisters 50 will act so as to strongly adhere to the
wheels 78 and 80. The remaining panel 12 will wrap around the wheels of vehicle 76.
As can be seen in FIG. 6, the device 10 is shown as wrapping around the wheel 80 of the
vehicle. The opposite side of the panel will wrap around the wheel 78. As a result, the
panel 12, and its associated reinforcement sash 18, will be drawn into the vehicle. The
vehicle 76, as illustrated in FIG. 6, is a relatively large vehicle with a long wheelbase. The
device 10 will be drawn up under the chassis area. When the system 10 reaches the limits
of the split 16, the reinforcement sash will be drawn tight so as to restrict rotation of the

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wheels and thus cause an immediate braking force.
FIG. 7 shows a smaller vehicle 90 encountering the device 10. When a smaller vehicle
with a shorter wheelbase contacts the device 10, the leading edge 14 will be drawn around
the front wheels in a similar fashion as described hereinbefore. However, the rear
wheels 92 will contact the rearward edge 30 of the panel of material 12 before the
wrapping effect is fully achieved. As a result, the actual action of the rear wheels 92 will
cause the leading edge 14 to cause a braking action on the vehicle. The leading edge will
wrap around the front wheel 94 until such time as the wrapping is prevented by contact
between the rear wheel 92 and the surface of the panel 12. As such, the front
wheel 94 will be prevented from further rotation. The vehicle will come to an immediate
The foregoing disclosure and description of the invention is illustrative and explanatory
thereof. Various changes in the details of the illustrated construction may be made within
the scope of the appended claims without departing from the true spirit of the invention.
The present invention should only be limited by the following claims and their legal

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