
2020年08月09日 14:31





bl no:









箱量: 入 货 通 知

疫单时间与我司操作确认单据事宜!谢 谢合作!


进口货物到货通知单中英文解释 abc 贸易公司 进口货物到货通知单
abc trading company advice of arrival of imports到货编号: (有
关联系请用到货编号) 地址: 电话:note no. note no. is used for
inquiry address: tel:

进口口岸import port

运输工具名称及号码means and number of conveyance

进口日期import date

贸易性质(方式)naturemode of trade

提单 或运单号bl or waybill no.

经营单位operating agency

贸易国别(地区)place country of receipt


订货部门sold to

原产国别(地区)point countryof origin


合同(协议)号no. of contractagreement

外汇来源sources of foreign currency

装船标记shipping marks

件数及包装种类number kind of packages毛重(公斤)gross
weight (kg)

净重(公斤)net weight (kg)


1、 货物将于xx时间完成? 货物将于xxx(时间)完

成。 when will the cargo be ready? cargo will be ready at xxx

2、 仓位紧张,请尽快确认

please confirm soonest as possible due to tight space

3、 船公司回复——没有仓位

there is no space based on the reply of shipping lines

4、 几票货物(几家工厂)合拼一个柜子发运 shipment would be
effected by several factories

5、 几个订单合并一起出运

those orders would be combined into one shipment

6、 截港时间 cut off date

7、 截单时间 documentary off date

8、 开仓时间 (开始放箱的时间)empty pick up date (empty
release time)

9、 预留仓位 pre-booking space

10、 船期调整 adjustment of shipping schedule


(due to adjustment of shipping schedule, shipment under bl
no.:….that carried by ves… etd

on …. would be arranged on…

11、 客户已于xx时候装箱 提箱

cargo had been stuffed on ….(container had been picked up

12、 客户无法赶上本航次,要求推至下一航次

as requested by customer, cargo can not catch this voyage
and will be postponed to next voyage

13、 已向船公司订舱,但未确认仓位

booking had been ordered with shipping lines however not
receive the confirmation yet. 14、 放

箱 empty release

15、 客人出差 customer is on his business way

16、 仓位 space

17、 增加减少1个柜子 addreduce one volume

18、 客户想要通过拼箱的方式出运剩下的货物 customer intend to
ship remains cargo by lcl

19、 最新情况 the latest status

20、 没有新消息 no any news(no any further information)

21、 此1x20’g是下面所说货物中的一部

分. said 1x20gp is part of below-mentioned shipment

22、 现在还没开始放仓。empty pick-up is not started yet.

23、 发货人安排明日装货cargo would be stuffed tomorrow
arranged by shipper

24、 发货人急要入货通知。shipper eager to get the shipping

25、 此票货物申请推迟航次 this shipment would be postponed
to next voyage

26、 此票货物赶不上这个航次 this shipment can not catch this

27、 事情还没有解决。it is not solved until now

28、 这票货物是继续走zim还是换船公


does this shipment keep on carrying by zim line or by other
shipping lines?

29、 不知道客户是否能接受msc?

we are not sure if the customer will accept msc as carrying

30、 此票货物分单还没电放,请不要放货给收货人

original house bill of lading for this shipment is not
surrendered yet, please do not release the car

go to consignee

31、 此票货物签单方式是电放,客户尚未同意电放,请勿放货

32、shipment would be released against telex release, shipper
has not presented us the application

for telex release, please hold the shipment until our further

33、32、 每个柜子重22tons gross weight is 22tons per

34、33、 发货人不同意少显示重量

35、shipper did not agree to show less weight for this

36、34、 我们把这个仓位给了另外的客户使用。

37、space (allocation) had been assigned to another customer.
35、 发货人在等收货人确认是否


38、shipper is waiting for consignee’s confirmation for

39、36、 此票货物包含订单号为x 和订单号 y 的货

物。 this shipment included the cargo under order x and y.

40、37、 此票货物与job no: x y的货物货物一起出运,我们选择
job#x 作为主

号 said cargo would be combined with job and, job
#a would be the final job38

、 我们正在向船东申请,将柜型由1x40h调整为1x20‘g.

41、we are applying with shipping line for amendment of
container size from 1x40hq into1x20


42、39、 所有小柜毛重不超过17.9tons

43、the gross weight for all the 20gp is not more than

44、40、 我们提前定了emc的仓位,约号xxxxxx.

45、we had ordered the booking with emc in advance under

46、41、 这些货物中的1x40’h取消了。

47、1x40hq had been cancelled from this shipment.

48、42、 明天开始放仓,不确定能否有仓位。。

49、shipping order will be confirmed tomorrow by shipping
lines, we are not sure if the space co

uld be secured now.

50、43、 上述订舱可以继续进行吗?

51、does the above-mentioned booking can keep on
proceeding? 44、 time 当地时

间45、 damaged goods损坏了的货物

52、46、 goods damaged in transit ……中受损的货物 47、
release cargo 放

货 48、 running days 连续日

53、49、 s.s.h.e.x (saturday sunday and holiday excepted)

外 50、 s.s.h.i.n.c(saturday sunday and holiday included) 星

内 51、 freight forwarding fee货代佣金 52、 for prompt
shipment 立即出

运 53、 prompt release 即时放行 54、 customs clearance 清关
55、 cargo volume 货量

54、56、 nomination cargo 指定货 57、 cabletelex release 电
放 58、 sailing schedule 船期

表 59、 transit operations运输过程 60、 mainfest 货物舱单

55、61、 take delivery of 收到,接收 62、 the said party 所涉及
的一方 63、 a friday sailing 周

五(xx)班 64、 rebate 回扣 65、 inventory 库存

56、66、 warehousing=storage仓库储存 67、 round voyage 往
返航次 68、 ocean freight 海运

57、69、 bonded warehouse 保税仓库 70、 freight collect 运费
到付 71、 freight prepaid 运费


58、72、 limitation of liability 责任范围限制 73、
brokeragecommission佣金 元旦

new years day


iac inter-modal administrative charge(u.s. inland surcharge)

iac intermodel administrative charge 多式联运附加费

icb international carrier bond 国际承运人保证金

icc institute cargo clauses,london 伦敦协会货物条款(保险)

ifa interim fuel adjustment 临时燃油附加费

iic indian inland charge 印度内陆费(包括:内陆费加费ihc、目

imdginternational maritime dangerous goods code 国际海运危

imo imco additional 危险品附加费

imp. import 进口

in. inch(s) 英寸

inc. including 包括

ing 包括

incoterms standard condition for sale and delivery of goods
国际贸易术语解释通则 fca free carrier(incoterms) 货交承运人

fcl full container load (集装箱)整箱货

fcr forwarders certificate of receipt (fiata document) 货运代理

fcsr cc free of capture,seizure,riots and civil commotions 掳
获,捕捉,暴动和内乱不赔险 fct forwarders certificate of
transport(fiata) 货运代理人运送证明

fdft fore draft 艏吃水

feu fourty equivalent unit40标准集装箱

ffi fiata forwarding instructions(fiata form) 国际货运代理协会

fhex friday and holidays excepted 节假日除外

fi free in(船方)不负担装货费用

filo free in and liner out (船方)不负担装货费用,但负担卸货费用

fio free in and out (船方)不负担装,卸费用

fiost free in and out,stowed and trimmed (船方)不管装,不管卸,
不管积载和平仓 firavv first available最有效的

fis freight,insurance and shipping charges 运费,保险和装船

flt forklift truck 叉车

fltfull liner terms 全班轮条款

fm from 从...,来自...

fmc federal maritime commission 美国联邦海事委员会

fob free on board 离岸价格(船上交货)

fpafree from particular average 平安险

fpad freight payable at destination 目的地付运费

fr flat rack(container)

frg for your guidance 供你参考,供你掌握情况

frt freight 运费

t forward 到付运费

ight ton 运费吨

frz frozen 冰冻

ft foot or feet 英尺

t prepaid 运费预付

fwc full loaded weight capacity(container)满载重量和容积

fwd forward 前部

fwdft fresh water draft 淡水吃水

fwdr. forwarder 货运代理人

fwrfiata warehouse receipt(fiata document)fiata仓储收据

g.a. general average 共同海损(保)

g.a.a. general average agreement(bond) 共同海损协议(合同)

g.a.c. general average contribution共同海损分摊额(保)

g.b.l. government bill of lading 政府海运提单

g.c. general cargo 杂货

g.c.r. general cargo rates 杂货费率

ga general average 共同海损

gdp gross domestic product 国内生产总值

gencon uniform general charter统一杂货(程)租船标准合同,金康

gfa general freight agent 货运总代理

gmt greenwich mean time 格林威治标准时间

gnp gross national product 国民生产总值

gr grain capacity or gross(船舶)散装容积或毛(重)

grd geared 带吊杆的

gri gen rate increase 运费普遍增长

grt gross register tonnage 总登记吨

gsa general sales agent销售总代理

gsp generalized system of preference 普惠制

gwgross weight 毛重

h.p. horse power 马力

h.q. headquarters 总部

hlift heavy lift 重件货

ha hatch 舱口

ha dim hatch dimension 舱口尺寸

hatutc half time used to count (as laytime)实际所使用时间的一
半应计算(为作业时间) hawb house air waybill 货运代理运单,分运

hbl house bill of lading 无船承运人提单

hd heavy diesel 重柴油

hdlg handling 处理,手续

hermes handling european raiway message exchange-system
欧洲铁路运输信息交换系统 hgt height高度

ho hold 货仓

hrshours 小时

htdheated 加热

hts harmonized tariff schedule国际货物编码

accordance with 按照

i.e. id est=that is 即是...,那就是...

i.o.u. i owe you 借据,欠条







