第九章 动词-ing形式(现在分词及动名词)

2020年08月10日 06:26


第九章 动词-ing形式(现在分词及动名词)

Chapter 9 V-ing Forms

-ing形式是由动词原形+-ing构成。在许多语法书里,动词以-ing结尾的形式常常叫做“现在分词”。当这种形式象名词那样用的时候,又称为“动名词”。这里把“现在分词”和“动名词”统称为动词-ing形式, 如drinking, beginning, going。所有的主动词,不论是及物动词还是不及物动词,不论是动作动词还是状态词,都有-ing形式。注意,-ing形式并不总是表达进行,有时表达的是(与逻辑主语的)主动关系,而象being 短语用作状语时,表达的是原因(参见9.2.7 b)。动词-ing形式在句中起着广泛的句法作用。

9.1 动词-ing 的各种形式:完成式,被动式以及完成被动式 (forms: perfect, passive and perfect


动词-ing 形式与-ed形式放在一起可以构成动词-ing 的另外三种形式:完成式(例如having arrived),被动式(例如being employed),以及完成被动式(例如having been invited)。其形式如下表:


一般式 doing being done
完成式 having done having been done

9.2 句法功能:动词-ing 形式可用作为主语、宾语、介词宾语、补语、同位语、定语以及状语

(functions: subject, object, prepositional object, complement, appositive, adjectival modifier, adverbial modifier)

动词-ing形式同时承担动词和名词的角色,它可以象动词一样后面跟宾语(如beating a child,

writingletters), 但它本身也可以象名词一样作句子的主语、宾语、补语、同位语。而更为多见的


9.2.1 作主语

--Driving in heavy traffic makes me nervous.
--Selling insurance is a pretty boring job.
--Taking a cold bath every day does him a lot of good. (= It does him a lot of good taking a cold

bath every day.)
--The rebuilding of Coventry was under going.
a. 带-ing的形式与冠词一同使用时,通常不能直接跟宾语。如the rebuilding of Coventry,不能说成*the

rebuilding Coventry。
b. 通常用带-ing的形式充当句子的主语,而不用动词不定式。在谈论一般的活动时尤其如此。如:
--Selling insurance is a pretty boring job. (为保险公司推销保险单是十分令人腻烦的工作。)
--Tranporting will soon start.
--There is no joking about such matter.
--It was difficult to s
ell my car. (我的汽车很难卖掉。)
c. it 可以用作-ing短语的先行主语(或称为形式主语)。但一般认为这种结构是不太正式的。如
--It does him a lot of good taking a cold bath every day.
--It's no good arguing with him. (Is it any good arguing with him?)
--It's no use telling him that.
--It's no fun being a hostess.

9.2.2 作宾语

--I hate writing letters.
--I hate all this useless arguing.
--She couldn't stand cooking in a greasy kitchen.
动词-ing形式在need, deserve, require之后,有被动的含义。
--Your hair needs cutting (= … needs to be cut). (你该理发了。)
--The point deserves mentioning.
--Does your suit require pressing, sir? (= … require to be pressed)(先生,您的衣服需要熨吗?)

9.2.3 作介词宾语

--You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs. (有所得必有所失。)
--We got the job finished by working sixteen hours a day.
--Why don't you do something useful, like cleaning the flat?
--There's nothing that depresses me more than waking up with a hangover on a wet Monday.


--I look forward to seeing you at Christmas.
请注意,“to" 在英语中有两个不同的语法概念:一是动词不定式的标识词,即to后跟动词原形(如I want to go home);另一个是介词,即to后跟名词或名词性的结构。这时如果to后跟的是动词,就需要动词的-ing 形式,如…look forward to seeing…。to + v-ing常见的例子有:prefer + v-ing…to + v-ing, look forward to + v-ing, object to + v-ing, be used to + v-ing, in addition to + v-ing, be accustomed to + v-ing, take to + v-ing.

--I prefer singing to acting.
--I never got used to going to bed so late.
--Just lately he’s taken to hiding his socks under the carpet.

9.2.4 作补语


a. 宾语补足语

动词-ing形式可以用在某些动词(如表示感觉的动词see, feel, hear, watch, notice, smell 和catch, leave, find, get, have)的宾语之后,相当于“宾语补足语”的作用。(see, feel, hear, watch, notice, smell 等感觉动词的具体用法参见9.5.2.b, 而get, have等的其他用法参见10.2.2)

--I saw a small girl standing in the goldfish pond.
--Have you ever heard a nightingale singing?
--I caught Ann reading my diary.
--The shop girl's good intention left the old man feeling worse than before.
--I found him drinking my whisky.
--Do you think

9.4.1. 常跟动词-ing形式的动词:


--I really appreciate having time to relax. (有空休息一下,我真地很高兴。)
--He tried to avoid answering my questions.
--Could I borrow that book when you’ve finished reading it?
--Have you considered getting a job abroad?
--He enjoys travelling by train.

--You mentioned having been in hospital last year.


admit, appreciate, avoid, break off, cease, commence, confess, consider, contemplate, continue, delay, deny, deserve, detest, dislike, dread, endure, enjoy, escape, excuse, face, (not) fancy, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, can't help, imagine, involve, justify, leave off, mention, mind, miss, postpone, practise, put off, quit, recommend, require, resent, resist, resume, risk, (can't) stand, suggest, take up, understand

9.4.2. 某些动词结构中也可以用动词-ing形式


--There's nothing to prevent him (from) taking the money.
--burst out crying/ laughing (突然哭泣/大笑)
--go swimming/ shopping (去游泳/买东西)
--spend/waste time/ money doing something (花费/浪费时间金钱做某事)

--have difficulty (in) doing something

--keep (on) doing something (继续做某事)

9.5 既可带-ing形式又可带不定式的动词(verbs followed by either -ing form or infinitive)



9.5.1 有些动词后面跟两种结构都可以,意思并无多大区别。

a. 动词如love, like, hate, prefer; begin, start, continue, cease, can't bear后面跟不定式和-ing形式意思基

--I love lying / to lie on my back and staring/ to stare at the sky. (我很喜欢躺着凝望天空。)
--He continued living/ to live above the shop.
--I can't bear getting/ to get my hands dirty. (我的双手给弄脏了,我可受不了。)

--How old were you when you first started playing the piano?
--I'd love to come and see you some time. (我很想在某个时候来看你。)
--I hate to mention it, but you owe me some money. (我不愿意提这事,然而,你欠我钱。)
--"Can I give you a lift?" "No, thanks. I prefer to walk." (“你
to start (with), to summarize, to sum up
--We can’t possibly go; to begin with, it’s too cold, and besides we have no money.
--So, to sum up, we’ve got to pay more attention to profitability and cost control.
--To say the least, the techniques are old-fashioned.

9.7 相当于状语从句的when/while +-ing 形式,(when/while +-ing form as adverb clause equivalent)

动词-ing形式可以用在连接词after, although, as, as if, as though, before, even if, if, once, though, unless, until, when(ever), whether.. or, while, when, while, (up)on 等词之后,整个结构相当于一个状语从句。(其中after, as, before等也被称为介词。)在这样的结构中,动词-ing形式的逻辑主语依然是主句的主语。

--When telephoning London numbers from abroad, dial 1, not 01.
--On being introduced to somebody, a British person often shakes hands.
--After talking/ having talked to you I always feel better.
--She struck me as being a very nervy kind of person.
--Depress clutch before changing gear. (换档之前先踩踩离合器。)

9.8 完成式,被动式以及被动完成式的用法( use of perfect, passive and perfect passive)

| 9.1 | 9.2 | 9.3 | 9.4 | 9.5 | 9.6 | 9.7 | top |

9.8.1 完成式的用法

--He denied having been there. (作宾语)
--Having lost all my money, I went home. (作状语)
--Not having heard from his parents for a long time, he was worried about them. (作状语)

9.8.2 被动式的用法

动词-ing 形式的被动式表示该动词与主句的主语之间是被动的关系。包括进行和完成两种形式。被动进行式表示正在进行的动作,或是与谓语动词同时发生的动作。如:

--He was punished by being sent to bed without any supper. (作为惩罚,他没吃晚饭就被送上床睡觉了。)(作介词宾语)
--Is this the same brand as the one being advertised on TV now? (作定语)

--Look at the monkeys being fed by the animal keepers. (作宾补)
--Being followed by a spy, he hid himself in a cave. (作状语)

9.8.3 被动完成式的用法

被动完成式表示a. 该动词与主句的主语之间是被动的关系;b. 该动作发生在主句谓语动词之前。-ing形式的被动完成式一般也用作状语。例如:
--The safe showed no signs of having been touched. (作介词宾语)

--Having been warned about the iceberg, the captain changed course.(作状语)
--All the money having been spent, we started looking for work. (作状语)

--Having been rejected by everybody, he became a monk. (作状语)







