PEP版六年级英语下册The first period(第一课时)

2020年08月12日 01:55


Unit 1 How tall are you?

本单 元学习的主题是比较人的身高体重。教学内容主要是围
绕孩子们在恐龙博物馆里参观的情景来展开的。教 学重点是能听、
说、读、写核心句型“—How tall is it? —It is…” “—How old are you?
—I’m…” “It’sI’m…than you.” “—What size are your shoes? —Size
7.” “Your feet are…than mine.” “—How heavy are you? —I’m…”
“You’re…”。能听、说、读、写单词:younger, older, taller, shorter,
longer, smaller, bigger, thinner, heavier, stronger
 能够听、说、读、写句型“—How tall is it? —Maybe 4 metres.”
“—How tall are you? —I’m 1.65 metres.” “I’m taller than this
one.” “—What size are your shoes? —Size 7.” “Your feet are
bigger than mine.” “—How heavy are you? —I’m 48 kilograms.”
“You’re heavier.”
 能够在情景中恰当运用句型“—How tall are you? —I’m…”
“—How heavy are you? —I’m…” “I’m…than you.” “—What
size are your shoes? —My shoes are…”比较人、动物的外貌特

 能够听、说、读、写单词:younger, older, taller, shorter,
longer, smaller, bigger, thinner, heavier, stronger
 能够正确使用上述单词描述人或动物的外貌特征
 理解形容词比较级的基本构成,即在词尾加-er
 理解形容词比较级所表达的意义
 了解常见的中西方鞋码标注法
 了解太阳的位置和影子的关系
第一课时: Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk
第二课时: Part A Let’s learn & Do a survey and report

第三课时: Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk
第四课时: Part B Let’s learn & Match and say
第五课时: Part B Read and write
第六课时: Part B Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up
The first period(第一课时)
Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk

▶ 教学内容与目标

Let’s try
 能够通过阅读Let’s try板块,对听力部分的重点内容进行
 能够通过听录音,听懂、解答Let’s try板块的问题并预测
 能够通过观察、谈论Let’s talk板块的图片,在图片和教
 能够通过听录音,学会按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读
Let’s talk
 能够听、说、读、写并在情景中恰当运用句型“—How tall
is it? —It’s…” “—How tall are you? —I’m…”
“It’sI’m…than…” 描述和比较人或动物的外貌特征。
 能够在语境中借助图片等帮助理解新词“dinosaur, hall,
metre, than, both”的意思,并能正确发音。
 能够完成比较自己与同学身高、年龄的活动。
▶ 教学重点
1. 能够理解和掌握本课时的重点词汇和句型。
2. 能够在情景中运用句型“—How tall are you? —I’m…metres.” 询问并回答彼此
▶ 教学难点


身高、年龄等,实现 语篇输出。
▶ 教学准备
1. 预习《状元大课堂》《创优作业100分》《状元作业本》中本课时的相关内容。
2. PPT课件、课文音频、视频、教学卡片等。
▶ 教学过程
Step 1:Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in
1. Greetings.
2. Enjoy a video about dinosaurs in different sizes. (课件出示:不同体型恐龙
T:Do you know what they are in the video?
T:Yes,you’re right. They are dinosaurs. What do you think of them? Are
they big or small?
Ss:They are big. They are small. …
T:Yeah! Some dinosaurs are big. Some dinosaurs are small.
◆ Teaching purpose
视频可以激发学生的学习兴 趣,引出恐龙这个话题。在对话中复习已学过的
形容词。以孩子们去博物馆、谈论恐龙的场景导入教学, 自然亲切地创设真实、
3. Lead-in.
T:We talked something about dinosaurs. Now,we can only see dinosaurs in the
videos or in the museums. The children are in the museum now. Let’s observe the
picture and guess what they are talking about. (课件出示:Unit 1主情景图)
Step 2:Presentation
1. Listen and circle.
(1) Show the questions of “Let’s try” on the PPT. (出示课件) Let students
predict and guess the answers.
(2) The teacher plays the recording of “Let’s try”. (出示课件) Students try to
choose the right options.


(3) Students read the dialogue and check the answers with the teacher. (出示课
(4) Show two dinosaurs on the PPT.

T:Can you guess which one is the second dinosaur? And why?
Ss:… Because it is…
T:Yes. The second dinosaur is taller than the first one.
◆ Teaching purpose
教师通过问题引 导学生在听录音之前先预测听力内容,培养学生的逻辑推理
能力,并通过两只恐龙的对比,帮助学生进一 步理解taller的含义,初步了解
2. Look and say.
Show a picture about three dinosaurs in different sizes on the PPT. (出示课件)
T:There are more dinosaurs in this picture. The first dinosaur is tall. How about
the second one and the last one?
Ss:The second one is taller. The last one is the tallest dinosaur.
Use body languages to teach the words “tall, taller, tallest”.
◆ Teaching purpose
用肢体语言让学生初步感受、 理解比较级的用法,为接下来的学习做铺垫。
教师设计不同的任务逐步引导学生跟随文本学习新单词、新 句型,降低学习难度。
3. Learn the new words and sentences.
(1) Show a picture of “hall” on the PPT. (出示课件)
T: What is it?
Ss: A museum.
T: It is a hall in the museum. And it is the hall of dinosaurs.


Lead students to read the word “hall” for three times.
Show the pictures of “Let’s talk”. (出示课件)
T:In the hall of the museum,Zhang Peng and Mike see the tallest dinosaur. Can
you guess “How tall is it?”
Let students watch the video of the first part of “Let’s talk”,and try to fill in the
Check the answers and teach the sentences “How tall is it? Maybe it is 4 metres.
It’s taller than…”
Lead students to pay attention to the ruler in the picture.
T: Do you know what the letter “m” means on the ruler?
Ss: It means “米”.
T: Clever! You must be good at maths. Can you tell me which word is the same
meaning as “m”?
Ss: Metre. …
T: Super!
Lead students to read the word “metre” for three times.
Show a picture on the PPT to help students understand the word “both”.
T: Look at the picture. Both means A and B.
Lead students to read the word “both” for three times.
(2)T:They see more dinosaurs in the hall. What are they talking about?
Let students watch the video of the second part of “Let’s talk”, and try to
answer the questions in the book.
Check the answers and teach the sentences “How tall is Zhang Peng? He’s 1.65
metres. Zhang Peng is taller than the small dinosaur.”


Let students pay attention to the word “than”. Ask students to circle this word on
their books.
T: When should we use this word? And where should we put it?
Ss: We put it after the word “taller”…
T: Yes. When we compare two persons or things, we should put it after the
comparative forms of the adjectives.
Lead students to read the word “than” for three times.
4. Read and act.
(1) Students read after the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and
the intonation.
(2) Let students practice the dialogue in groups.
(3) Act out.
◆ Teaching purpose
教师播放录音,学生听录音跟读 。引导学生按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗
Step 3: Practice
1. Let’s do and write.
Let students measure how tall they are by using a tapeline. Finish the exercises
below the dialogue according to their measurement results and their true ages.
2. Practice the words and the sentences.
Use the word cards to practice the words and the sentences.
◆ Teaching purpose
Step 4:Consolidation & Extension
“Height and Age”
1. Ask and answer in pairs.
Make a model:
T:How tall are you? How old are you?


S:I’m 1.45 metres. I’m 12 years old.
T:Who is taller than you? Who is older than you?
S:XXX is taller than me. XXX is older than me.
Students make their dialogues like the model.
2. Show time.
The teacher gives stickers of dinosaurs to students if they do a good job.
3. Play a chain game.
One student stands up and asks, “Who is taller than me?” If someone thinks
himselfherself taller, heshe can stand up and answer,“I’m taller than you.” The
second student continues to ask the question if heshe is really taller than the first one.
Otherwise,heshe should sit down. The student who is taller keeps asking the same
question. In such way,find the tallest student in class.
At last,all students try to say, “XXX,you’re the tallest one in our class.”
4. Introduce different kinds of dinosaurs.
Show more pictures about different kinds of dinosaurs on the PPT. Introduce
more information about dinosaurs. (课件出示:更多不同种类的恐龙图片)
◆ Teaching purpose
学 的句子进行身高接龙游戏,一步接一步,最终找到班级里最高的学生,培养学
生的语言综合运用能力。最 后拓展一些关于恐龙的简介,丰富学生的课外知识。
▶ 板书设计

▶ 作业设计
1. Practice the dialogue.
2. Go to a museum and make your own dialogue about comparing the dinosaurs


in the museum.
3. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元
▶ 教学反思
1. 由视频引入,带领学生进入恐龙世界,激发学生谈论恐龙的兴趣。
2. 在 看、聊、比中认识恐龙,感受不同恐龙的典型的身体特征,能够在语
境中熟练运用形容词比较级进行人或 恐龙的外貌特征的比较,同时也能够完成比
3. 呈现活 动设计丰富、易操作,且具备层次感,有效地提升了学生的核心
素养。以学生为本,以解决问题为导向, 引导学生自主学习。
4. 突出语用功能,联系学生和班级的实际情况,设置多个环节,环环相扣,< br>层层深入,帮助学生在真实情境中自然地使用所学语言。
5. 板书设计清晰明了,重点突出,起到了很好的辅助作用。

▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
Let’s try
 Read the questions in “Let’s try” and predict the content in the listening
 Understand the recording, circle the right answers, and predict what will
happen in the next part.
Let’s talk
 Understand the main idea of the dialogue by observing the pictures. Be able
to answer the questions below the dialogue.
 Read the dialogue correctly and act out.
 Use the sentence structures properly.
 Understand and read the new words “dinosaur,hall,metre,than,both”
 Be able to compare themselves with others in height and age.


▶ Teaching Priorities
 Understand and master the key words and sentence patterns of this period.
 Use sentence structures “—How tall are you? —I’m…metres.” to ask and
answer the question about each other’s height.
▶ Teaching Difficulties
 Be able to use the sentence structure with comparative forms of the
adjectives to talk about human’s or animals’ height,age and so on,and
implement text output.
▶ Teaching Procedures
Teaching Stages
1. Listen and circle.
(1)Show the questions of
“Let’s try” on the PPT.
(2)Play the recording of “Let’s
(3)Check the answers.

(4)Show two dinosaurs on the
PPT. Ask students some
(1)Predict and guess
the answers.
(2)Listen and choose
the right options.
(3)Read the dialogue
and check the
(4)Observe the
pictures and
answer the
2. Look and say.
Show a picture about three
dinosaurs in different sizes

Talk about the
Use body languages to
let students know
something about the
Lead students to predict
the listening content
before listening to the
recording. Cultivate
students’ logical
reasoning ability.
Teacher’s Activities
1. Greetings.
2. Enjoy a video about
dinosaurs in different sizes.
3. Lead-in.
Students’ Activities
1. Greetings.
2. Enjoy the video.
3. Observe the
Teaching Purposes
Stimulate students’
interest in learning and
lead in the topic of
dinosaurs. Review some


on the PPT. Learn the words
“tall, taller, tallest”.
usage of comparative
Prepare for the next part.
3. Learn the new words and
(1)Show the pictures of “Let’s
talk”. Play the first video.
Teach the new words “hall”
“metre” “both” and “than”.
Teach the new sentences
“How tall is it? Maybe it is 4
metres. It’s taller than…”
(2)Play the second video.
Teach the sentences “How
tall is Zhang Peng? He’s
1.65 metres. Zhang Peng is
taller than the small
(1)Watch the video
and fill in the
blanks. Learn the
new words and
(2)Watch the video
and answer the
questions in the
book. Learn the
new sentences.
Design different tasks.
Lead students to learn
new words and sentence
patterns gradually.
Reduce the difficulty of
Read after the
4. Read and act. recording. Practice
and act out.
1. Measure the
height and finish

1. Let’s do and write.
2. Practice the words and the
the exercises
below the
2. Practice the words
and the sentences.
Consolidation “Height and Age” 1. Make a dialogue
Make sure that students
can read the dialogue
correctly and fluently.
Prepare for the next part.
Practice the key words
and sentences.
Create a real situation to


1. Ask and answer in pairs.
2. Show time.
3. Play a chain game.
4. Introduce different kinds of
in pairs like the
2. Show the
develop students’
comprehensive ability of
using English. Expand
some introduction about
3. Ask and answer in dinosaurs to enrich
a chain.
students’ extra-curricular
4. Watch the pictures knowledge.
and learn more
information about
1. Practice the dialogue.
2. Go to a museum and make your own dialogue about comparing the dinosaurs in
the museum.
3. Do the exercises.








