
2020年08月12日 03:35


集 装 箱 绑 扎 系 统 介 绍

Table of contents
内 容
1. Classification societies
船 级 社
1.1 Today there are following main rules existing
2. Container
集 装 箱
2.1 Container distribution
2.2 Forces acting on Containers
2.2.1 Determination of forces acting on the container
2.2.2 Allowable forces for 20’and 40’containers
2.2.3 Racking forces respectively deflections of the door-and
doorless walls of containers
2.3 Typical damage on containers
3. Ship accelerations
船 舶 加 速 度
4. Securing fittings
绑 扎 件
4.1 Maximum permissible forces which may act on the securing fittings
5. Securing systems on deck
6. Securing systems in cargo hold
6.1 Comparison of securing arrangements for 20’containers within
6.2 Transversal Stowage System
6.3 Mixed Stowage System

6.4 Anti-Rack-Spacer System
7. Calculation criteria of deck stowage systems
7.1 Basic data for lashing respectively securing systems
7.2 Lashing calculation methods

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1. Classification societies
船 级 社
1.1 Today there are following main rules existing:
a) Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
b) Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (LroS)
c) China Classification Society (CCS)
d) Det Norske Veritas (DNV),
e) Bureau Veritas (BV)
f) American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
g) Polsiki Register of Shipping (PRS)
h) Itali (Rina)
i) Japan (NK-Nippon Classification)

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2. Container
集 装 箱
2.1 Container distribution
Today the mostly spreaded containers are the 20’and 40’boxes with a height of
8’6”. An increased quantity can be noticed for the ‘High Cubes’ with a height of
9’6”. Due to transport restrictions ashore with respect to railway and trailer height
(tunnels, bridges) their quantity will never exceed a certain limit.
目前广泛使用的集装箱为20 英尺及40 英尺的集装箱, 高度为8’6”. 此外, 9’6” 的
高箱也渐渐有所增长, 但由于岸上铁路及道路运输设备高度限制(隧道, 桥梁), 它的
2.2 Forces acting on containers
2.2.1 Determination of forces acting on the container
The forces acting on the container have the following components:
static: resulting from the container gross weights due to ship’s inclination.

一, 静态力: 船舶倾斜时, 集装箱总重带来的受力.
dynamic: resulting from the different acceleration factors caused by the ships
二, 动态力: 船舶运动引起不同的加速度而带来的受力.
Based on the corresponding rules of the class the resulting forces have to be
evaluated in athwartship, vertical and fore- respectively aft-directions. Additional
wind forces as well as the influence of green water has to be considered.
根据各船级社相应的规范, 集装箱受力应从横向, 纵向及船长方向来分别计算. 此
外, 风力及海浪的影响也需考虑在内.
The way of carrying out the calculations differ between various class societies.
Common are the basic figures as shown on the sketch No.1
计算的方法各船级社有所不同. 通常有以下一些基本的数据, 见附图1:
Longitudinal sliding caused by pitching
Static forces by gravity and dynamic forces by pitch and heave motions
Transversal sliding caused by rolling
Static forces by gravity and dynamic forces by rolling and heave motions and
additional by wind
由自重引起的静态力及横摇, 横荡及风力引起的动态力
Vertical pressure caused by rolling, pitching and heaving of the vessel
由船舶横摇, 纵摇及纵荡产生的垂向压力.
2.2.2 Allowable forces for 20’and 40’containers
Acting forces on container corner casting
The permissible container loads according to LroS. See annex. The max.
permissible loads of the container corner casting are responsible for the max.
lashing load. The max. lashing load depends on the lashing angle. For example, if
the lashings (short cross) acting with a angle of 43°degrees the max. permissible
load are 23 t. If the lashing angle is less than 43°degrees, the permissible
lashing load will increase. Our standard lashing system have 25 t SWL
respectively 50 t BL.
最大绑扎力受限于集装箱箱角的最大允许受力. 绑扎力的大小取决于绑扎的角度.
例如, 短杆交叉绑扎的绑扎角度为43°,绑扎杆最大允许受力为23 t. 角度减小, 允
许受力将增大. 我公司的绑扎系统标准为SWL 25 t, 破断负荷为50 t.
Racking forces
The max. permissible load, acting on container frame, in transversal direction is
15 t, respectively 10 t in longitudinal direction. These forces are called racking
集装箱框架上的最大横向允许受力为15 t, 纵向为10 t. 这些力被称为水平侧移力.

Vertical forces
Tension: the max. permissible pull-out force at container top corner are 15 t, at
bottom corner 20 t. the 20 t max. load are responsible for the max. lifting force
according to LRoS, GL have a max. load of 25 t, therefore we use 25 t as
standard SWL for our Twistlocks.
拉力: 集装箱上箱角的最大允许拉力为15 t, 下箱角为20 t. 其中20 t 为LR 规范所
规定的最大拉力. GL 规范中为25 t. 因此我公司钮锁的受力标准为: 拉力SWL 25 t.
Compression: The max. permissible compression force at the container post are
86.4 t (86,4 t according to ISO)
压力: 集装箱箱柱的最大许用压力为86.4 t. ( ISO 标准压力)
The max. permissible pressure force in transversal is at top corner 22,5 t for
20’container and 34 t for 40’container. At the bottom corner the forces are, 35 t for
20’and 50 t for 40’containers. If we add these values we have the max.
permissible force for Pressureand Tension Pressure Elements, which supports
the container blocks in cargo hold. For example 84 t for 40’Containers.
横向最大许用压力为: 20’ 箱 上箱角 22.5 t; 下箱角 35 t
40’ 箱 上箱角 34.0 t; 下箱角 50 t
将以上数据相加, 便可得到货舱内集装箱最大许用的压力元件的受力. 例如, 20’箱
为22.5+35=57.5 t; 40’箱为 34+50=84 t. 该许用力为LR 规范允许的受力. (注: 若
货舱内使用拉压元件, 拉力许用值与压力相同)
2.2.3 Racking forces respectively deflections of the door-and doorless walls
of containers
These force is one of the main important criterions for a lashing calculation.
Especially for pure twistlock stowage arrangements this figure limits the numbers
of tiers and the stackloads respectively load per each tier.
这些力在绑扎计算是主要的判定依据. 尤其是在纯钮锁绑扎中这些力是限制整个堆
重, 箱重分布及堆箱高度的主要因素.
The max. permissible deflection ways on basis of the spring constants of the
container frames are as follows:
最大可用变形取决于集装箱框架的弹性系数, 如下:
Because of the different container ends, door- and doorless end, with different
spring constants the max. permissible deflection of the ends is different.
由于集装箱两端的不同结构, 有门端及无门端, 最大允许变形由于两端弹性系数的
The max. permissible deflection of the door end is 4.05 cm and the max.
permissible deflection of the doorless end is 0.9 cm. I.e. with lashings the doorless
end is the weak end for the lifting and therefore the critical side for the calculations.
The door end have then the grater Lashing and cont. post forces.
有门端的最大许用变形为4.05 厘米, 而无门端为0.9 厘米. 就绑扎而言, 无门端的
起跳力较突出, 因而在计算中为主要考虑因素. 相比之下, 有门端则吸收了较大的

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3. Ship accelerations
In a simplified comparison you will find on the the main characteristics and
tendencies for the curves of accelerations
These acceleration curves shows the difference between some classification
For container securing most important is the transversal acceleration. For
example deck accelerations.
对集装箱绑扎来说, 最主要的是横向加速度, 例如甲板上的横向加速度.
GL accelerations increase at 0.2 and 0.6 Lpp from aft perpendicular
加速度在距尾垂线0.2Lpp 及0.6Lpp 处递增.
LR accelerations increase at 0.25 Lpp from fore perpendicular, if no break water
若无防浪板, 加速度在距首垂线0.25Lpp 处增加.
BV accelerations increase regular from the middle of Lpp
DNV have the same acceleration for the whole ship
ABS have already the same acceleration for the whole ship, if the vessel
have a Bilge Keel the accelerations can be reduced
加速度全船一致, 若有防摇鳍, 加速度可减小.

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4. Securing fittings
4.1 Maximum permissible forces which may act on the securing fittings
Depending on the class society there are different safety factors between SWL,
Proof load and Breaking load points. Assuming that for existing and if possible,
common fittings the break-point is at an evenlevel, the SWL’s and proof loads
vary considerably.
Therefore you will find a list with forces which may not be exceeded in the result of
lashing evaluations:
由于各个船级社对安全工作负荷, 试验负荷及破断负荷之间所采用的系数是不同的.
定现有的绑扎件的破断负荷是在同一水平上的, 所得到的安全工作负荷也是不同的.
因此存在一系列不同的受力, 而这些受力在计算中都是不可超过的.
The proposed loads in accordance with the GL and LR rules respectively.
GL 及LR 规范的受力要求.

GL have different factors for deck and hold because of the lower accelerations in
hold, moreover the cont. in hold are not wind exposed.
GL 对于甲板上及货舱内的系数考虑是不同的, 原因是GL 所规定的货舱内的加速
度较低, 并且货舱内的集装箱是不受风力影响的.

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5. Securing systems on deck
The conventional securing system on deck consists mainly of Twistlocks to
connect the containers between the layers also with the deck.
Normally two 20’containers are stand on one 40’place with a GAP of 76mm
between them, this GAP is called ISO GAP. Because of the small ISO GAP there
is no lashing possible, therefore the Containers will be connected by Twistlocks
only, and if necessary by Bridge Fittings and Linkage Plate additionally. At the
40’ends the containers will be lashed.
通常两个20’集装箱存放在一个40’的箱位上, 两个20’ 纵向的间距为76 mm. 这个
间距被称为ISO GAP. 由于间距过小, 无法绑扎, 因此集装箱之间及底部通常仅采
用钮锁连接, 如需要, 可采用桥锁和连接板加固. 在40’端部可以使用绑扎杆进行加
Conventional securing system
The container will be secured by means of conventional twiltlock, and bridge
fittings, linkage plate, if necessary. This securing system with conventional
Twistlocks has the disadvantage that the operating procedure have to be done
form the top of the corresponding container stack.
普通绑扎系统是指采用普通钮锁, 或加上桥锁, 连接板进行加固的绑扎方式. 采用
Semi- Automatic securing system (SAT’s)
This kind of lashing system are consists of Semi Automatic Twistlocks and
Midlocks. This system have the advantage that all operations can be done without
that anybody have to go on top of the containers. This kind of system become
more and more importance, since the OHSA published these rules.
这种绑扎系统由半自动钮锁及中锁组成. 他的优点是所有钮锁的操作不用在箱顶进
行. 随着OSHA 法规的实行, 这种方式越来越普遍.

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6. Securing systems in cargo hold
6.1 Comparison of securing arrangements for 20’containers within
There are existing three major securing possibilities for 20’containers within

40’cellguides in holds. Other solutions can only be used for very small vessels
(e.g. block stowage pure twistlock stowage), or in case of very special variations
of the three main systems. These special solutions are used very seldom and they
should be reviewed very critical in regard of safe container stowage, acceptance
by classification societies and container handling in practice.
目前, 20’集装箱在40’导架内堆放主要有三种型式. 其他方式只在一些小船上适用,
(如:直接堆载或纯钮锁堆载)或者是由上述三种型式演变而来的特殊方式. 这些型式
是很少见的, 很难满足船级社及实际操作所要求的安全性.
6.2 Transversal Stowage System
This conventional securing system still represents the largest group of securing
systems in Hold and is splitted again in two subdivisions:
这种普通的堆放系统在目前的绑扎系统中占最大的比例, 它又有下面两个分支:
a) Pressure System:
Only pressure forces will be transmitted from the container block to the
supporting points.
b) Tension Compression – System
拉 压 系统
The containers in hold are splitted in two or three separate blocks and
compression as well as tension forces will be transmitted by the use of
TPElements into the longitudinal bulkheads.
货舱内集装箱被分为两或三堆, 既有压力, 也有拉力通过拉压元件传递到纵舱
For the transversal securing system the 20’containers have to be connected by
use of double stacking cones in transversal direction. The transversal forces
which occur in rolling condition will be transmitted from one stack into the next one
and at same time adding up.
横向堆放系统中, 20’集装箱横向之间须通过双堆锥连接. 横向力在船舶横摇时产生,
The resulting force at the outermost stack has to be absorbed at the longitudinal
bulkheads. These horizontal forces which the container corners are allowed to
transmit is limited and different for each classification society.
最终受力将由纵舱壁吸收. 这些作用在集装箱箱角上的水平力的允许值各船级社均
The acting force can be transmitted directly from the container corners into a
pressure rail or by use of Pressure Elements. The ideal distance for Pressure
Elements between the outermost container and the longitudinal bulkhead is 100
up to 150 mm.
该作用力可由箱角直接传递到压力导架上或通过压力元件传递. 压力元件所需最外
侧集装箱距离纵舱壁的最佳距离为150 到200 mm.
The required number of container levels to be supported is depending on the
acting forces in the container block and the allowable support force given by the

class. For this reason it can be necessary in some cases, not to support the
containers only between all levels, but also on top.
支撑的位置取决于作用力的大小以及船级社关于许用受力的规定. 所以在有些场合,
除了每层之间需设支撑外, 最顶层也需要支撑点.
In general a support should be foreseen at least between every second container
level otherwise problems will occur for partial loading.
通常在每两层之间需设有支撑, 否则在集装箱部分装载的情况下会遇到问题.
In case that fully loaded containers cannot be achieved even if all levels are
supported, it will be single stacking cones in the area of the ships longitudinal axis.
The two separated container blocks now have to be connected by the aid of
Tension Pressure- Elements to the longitudinal bulkhead.
The ideal distance for TP-Elements in combination with welded on wedges
between outermost container and the longitudinal bulkhead is 150 up to 200 mm.
若每层都设支撑还不能满足满箱装载的要求, 可把中间一列堆锥改为单堆锥. 这样,
拉压元件所需最外侧集装箱距离纵舱壁的最佳距离为150 到200 mm.
For larger vessels with three hatch cover panels it can be an advantage to
separate the container in three blocks. Therefore pressure adapters in
combination with single stacking cones should be used in line of the HC gap. The
container block in the middle of the hold will act by pressure force alternate to both
sides. The advantage of this arrangement is, that the container blocks below each
hatch cover panel can be unloaded separately.
对横向具有三块舱盖一些大船, 最好将货舱内集装箱也分为三组. 因此压力元件的
位置也与舱盖的接缝位置对齐. 中间一组集装箱将通过两边的压力元件将压力传递
给相邻一组集装箱. 这样做的好处是任何一组集装箱在上面一块舱盖吊离时, 可以
A general disadvantage of the transversal stowage system is, that loading and
unloading can only be made tierwise. It is not possible to mix 20'’nd 40’containers
within the same bay. Additionally it has to be made sure that the connection
between the containers is not interrupted at any position by missing double
stacking cones or containers, because the whole system will collapse.
横向装载系统的缺点是: 集装箱的装载必须一层一层进行. 因此, 在一个40’ 位置
不能同时装载20’和40’两种集装箱. 此外, 集装箱之间必须保证有双堆锥连接, 不
能漏装或漏箱, 否则整个系统将会倒塌.
For fixing the containers on tank top different possibilities can be chosen:
- Doubling plates with ISO-holes in combination with single stacking cones (lower
cone to be flatened)
带ISO 开孔的底板同底部单堆锥相连.(堆锥下半部削平)
- Flush type twistlock pockets together with single stacking cones
- Longitudinal guide fittings between the 20’stacks at midhold and welding cones
at the bottom of the 40’cellguides
20’ISO 间距处采用止动块, 40’端部采用突起式堆锥.

6.3 Mixed Stowage System
Container cell guides have to be arranged at each 40’container end.
With this stowage system up to 8 tiers 20’container can be stowed on tank top
with single stacking cones only. A 40’container always has to be stowed on top of
the 20’s.
This securing Arrangement offers a high flexibility in container stowage with a
minimum amount of fixed elements, reinforcements at the longitudinal bulkhead
are not required.
The maximum stack weight for the 20’stacks is approximate 65 up to 75 t (120 t
GL) in dependence to the ships size and classification society.
For fixing the containers on tank top, the same possibilities as described in
chapter 6.2 can be chosen.
这种堆放方式仅采用单堆锥连接, 最大可装载8 层集装箱, 最上层需压一层40’集装
此种装载方式所需的固定件最少, 装载方式也最灵活. 纵舱壁处也不需要加强. 20’
舱底集装箱的固定可从6.2 章节所描述地型式中选择.
6.4 Anti-Rack- Spacer System
the basic idea of this stowage system is to connect two 20’containers in
longitudinal direction by use of Anti-Rack-Spacers (ARS) in order to simulate a
这种装载系统的目的是对两个20’ 地集装箱进行纵向连接(采用ARS), 组成一个40’
The transversal forces at midhold will completely be absorbed by the ARS. This
can only be achieved when the 20’containers have the possibility to slide in
transversal direction on tanktop.
中间的横向力完全由ARS 吸收. 但这种布置要求允许20’集装箱在中间位置可以横
The Germanischer Lloyd assumes the free motion athwartships in the 20’gap with
18mm due to the ARS plus 12mm clearance in the cellguides. Therefore, a
minimum sliding range of 30mm to each side has to be considered. This is also
valid in the area of the tanksteps, or if a 40’stack is stowed next to a 20’stack with
ARS. In case of positioning frames or guide fittings the same clearance has to be
GL 假定20’gap 由于ARS 产生的滑移量为18 mm, 加上导轨处12 mm 的间距.
因此, 两边应考虑的最小的滑移量为30 mm. 这对于台阶处的布置或40’箱布置在
20’相邻处同样适用.对于中间采用定位块或止动块的, 应保证同样的距离.
The required sliding range of ±30mm has been fixed in close dependence to the
production tolerances of the ARS. The stack weights for the 20’containers are
restricted to a maximum of 120 tons, but without limiting the number of tiers.
±30mm 的滑移量应不考虑在ARS 的制造公差内. 20’集装箱的堆重最大为120 吨,

The reason is given by the transverse sliding force which has to be higher than
the friction force on transverse sliding range as explained above must
absolutely be obtained, in any case. The load of 2 times 20’containers has to be
absorbed by the cellguides. Probably the 20’container weights have to be reduced
for existing cellguides which are not designed for these loads.
堆重受到限制的原因是由于横向滑移力将大于底部的摩擦力. 无论如何, 上述的横
向滑移量必须绝对保证. 两个20’集装箱的横向力将由导架支撑. 由于导架设计时横
向受力有一定范围, 20’ 集装箱的堆重可能减少.
Reinforcements beyond the longitudinal bulkhead at midhold are not necessary
A higher stowage flexibility is achieved because a 20’stack can be stowed next to
a 40’stack.
40’中部处纵舱壁不需考虑加强, 装箱也较为灵活. 因为40’箱旁可装载20’箱.
The disadvantage is, that a gentry carne which is not able to pick up tow
20’containers together, have to move 20’ in ships longitudinal direction to pick up
the second 20’container.
这种装载的缺点是港口吊车不能同位装载2 个20’集装箱时, 吊车需沿船舶纵向移

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7. Calculation criteria of deck stowage systems
A deck stowage system consists generally of two integrated parts. One being the
stowing and lashing elements like lashing bars, turnbuckles etc. connected to the
ships fixing points like lashing eyes. Mainly twistlocks connecting the containers in
vertical direction.
甲板上堆放系统包括两个完整的部分. 一是装载及绑扎所用的绑扎件, 如绑扎杆,
花篮螺丝,绑扎眼板. 集装箱垂向之间主要采用钮锁连接.
The other part however are the containers themselves not being considered as
packing box only, because their own strength is the most important part of the
whole system.
Very important are the corresponding rules of the classification societies which
have to be defined before calculating.
二是集装箱本身并不仅仅只被考虑为一个装货的箱子, 因为箱体自身的强度在整个
系统中也很重要. 更重要的是在计算前需对船级社的有关规范予以确定.
7.1 Basic data for lashing respectively securing systems
As basis for all calculations you need a General Arrangement Plan which shows
the container arrangement on deck and in cargo hold. It should be clearly
indicated how many tiers and how may rows are placed at each bay. Furthermore
a cross- section (midship section) of the vessel is helpful, where you cansee the
position of the outermost containers. If the outermost container stack is placed on
deck and hatch cover, the possible hatch cover movement has to be
compensated by Sliding Foundations. The exact sliding direction and sliding

distance of the Hatch Cover have to be given by Shipyard or HC maker.
计算所需的基本资料包括一份标有集装箱装载数量的总布置图. 此图必须明确注明
或表示集装箱在每个BAY 位的数量及层高. 另外, 最好还有一份中横剖面图, 这样
可以了解最外侧集装箱的装载情况. 如果最外侧集装箱是堆放在甲板及舱盖之间,
应采用滑移式底座以补偿舱盖可能发生的移位. 具体移位的方向及滑移量应由船厂
7.2 Lashing calculation methods
The basic principle calculation method is the same for all classification. Important
to know is that each end of the container has to be checked separately. The
transverse force, which has been derived after the determination of the
acceleration factor, has to be assumed as equally distributed on the longitudinal
side wall. This force will then be transmitted in an even distribution to both ends of
the bottom and top transverse beams.
各船级社计算的原理是一样的. 需注意的是集装箱的两端需分别计算. 横向力在横
向加速度系数确定以后可算出, 并假定在集装箱纵向侧面上均布. 然后, 这个力均
Fq=bqxG+GW (kN)
G = weight of a container including cargo in tons [t]
一个集装箱连同货物的重量, 单位为吨 [t]
GW = wind load for a container in outmost stacks
These transverse forces cause stresses in the endwalls of the containers resulting
in a deformation of them respectively elongation of the diagonal axis and – if
existing – in an extension of the lashings.
这些力使集装箱的两端产生应力而发生变形, 若有绑扎, 并传递到绑扎杆上.
The calculation model itself is based upon a comparison of the elongation of both
the lashing and the container according the ‘Law of Hook’. It is not worth to
mention that the spring constant of the individual container-side and the modulus
of elasticity of the complete lashing unit is defined by the material properties used,
the diameter and the length of the lashing unit.
计算的模型是建立在以绑扎件及集装箱共同变形为参照的基础上的, 根据”虎克定
律”计算.这里暂不提及集装箱两端各自的弹性系数, 弹性模量, 以及绑扎杆材料, 直
径, 长度. 因为各船级社均有不同的规定.







