
2020年08月12日 03:40


航海科学 nautical science 航海学 Marine Navigational
地文航海 Geo-Navigation 天文航海 Celestial navigational
航海仪器 Nautical instrument 航海气象 Nautical meteorology
助航标志 Aids to navigational 航海图书资料Nautical charts & publications
船艺 Seamanship 船舶操纵Ship-handing Manoeuvring
船舶避碰 Ship collision prevention 航行管理Navigational Management
航海法规Maritime rules and regulations航运业务 Shipping Business
海商法maritime lawcode 船舶登记Ship registration
船舶检验Ship survey 海上安全监督 Marine safety supervision
海上保险Marine insurance
真北 True north (NT) 磁北 Magnetic North (NM)
罗北 Compass North (NC) 陀罗北 Gyro-compass North (NG)
磁差 Variation ―Var‖ 航向 Course ―C‖
航向线 Course Line ―CL‖ 船首向 Heading ―Hdg‖
真航向 True Course ―TC‖ 磁航向 Magnetic Course ―Mc‖
罗航向 Compass Course ‖Cc‖ 陀罗航向Gyro-compass Course ―Gc‖
标准罗航向 Standard compass course 操舵罗航向 Steering compass course
大圆航向 Great circle course ―GCC‖ 转向 Alter course ―ac‖
始航向 Initial Course 终航向 Final course 航迹 Track ―Tk‖
计划航迹向Course of advance ―CA‖ Intened track
推算航迹向 Estimated course 实际航迹向Actual track course over ground
方位 Bearing ―B‖ 方位线 Bearing Line ―BL‖ 正横 Abeam
真方位 True Bearing ―TB‖ 磁方位 Magnetic Bearing ―MB‖
罗方位 Compass Bearing ―CB‖ 陀罗方位Gyro-compass Bearing ―GB‖
链 Cable ―cab‖ 航程Distance Run 航速 Speed 船速 Ship’s speed
计划航速Speed of advance 推算航速Speed made good
实际航速 Speed over ground 经济航速Economic speed
主机航速Speed by RPM(Engine speed) 计程仪航速 Speed by log
正横距离 Distance abeam 最近距离 Minimum distance
航行计划Navigational plan(sail plan) 航线设计Passage Planning
推荐航线Recommended route 最佳航线 Optimum route
始发港 Port of sailing(origin) 出发港 Port of departure
挂靠港Port of call 到达港 Port of arrival 目的港Port of destination
转向点Turning Point 航路点 Way Point ―WP‖ 航次 Voyage ―Voy‖
大洋航路 Ocean Passage 航迹推算 Track made good
航迹绘算Track Plotting 海图作业 Charts work航迹计算 Track calculating
推算始点Departure Point 推算终点 Arrival Point
积算船位Dead reckoning position ―DR‖推算船位 Estimated position ―EP‖
风压差 Leeway angle ―α‖ 流压差 Drift angle ―β‖
风流压差 Leeway and drift angle ―γ‖ 偏航 Crabbing (off course off way)
东西距 Departure ―Dep‖

推算经纬 Estimated Longitude latitude
观测船位纬度经度 Observed Position ―OP‖ Latitude Longitude
经度纬度改正量 Longitude Latitude correction
陆标 Landmark ( Terrestrial object) 位置线 Line of position (LOP)
方位位置线Position line by bearing 距离位置线Position line by distance
定位Fixing (positioning) 陆标定位 Fixing by landmark
方位定位 Fixing by cross bearing 距离定位Fixing by distance
方位距离定位 Fixing by bearing and distance 天文定位 Celestial fixing
船位 Fix (Ship’s position) 陆标船位 Terrestrial Fix (TF)
联合船位 Combined Fix (CF) 大洋航行 Ocean navigation
近洋航行 Offshore navigation 狭水道航行 Navigating in narrow channel
沿岸航行 Coastal navigationnavigating in coastal water
风暴中航行 Navigating in heavy weather 雾中航行 Navigating in fog
极区航行 Polar navigation 冰区航行 Ice navigation
天体 Celestial body 天文观测 Celestial observation
天赤道 Celestial equator 时角 Hour angle (HA)
地方时角 Local hour angle(LHA) 格林时角 Greenwich hour angle (GHA)
赤纬 Declination (Dec) 赤经 Right ascension (RA)
春分点 Vernal equinox 夏至点 Summer solstice
秋分点 Autumnal equinox 冬至点 Winter solstice
平时 Mean time (T) 地方平时 Local mean time(LMT)
原子时 Atomic time (AT) 区时 Zone Time (ZT)
世界时 Universal Time (GMT)协调世界时 Coordination Universal Time(UTC)
标准时 Standard Time 法定时 Legal Time
夏令时 Summer time (daylight saving time) 时差 Equation of Time (ET)
日界线 Date Line (Calendar line) 天文钟误差 Chronometer error (CE)
航海天文历 Nautical almanac 六分仪高度 Sextant altitude
日出(没) sun rise(set) 月出(没) Moon rise(set)
观测高度 Observed altitude 导航设备 Navigation aids
选择船位纬度经度 Assumed position latitude longitude
无线电导航 Radio navigation 无线电测向 Radio direction finding (RDF)
自动测向仪 Automatic Direction Finder (ADF)

航 海 仪 器
罗经 compass 磁罗经 Magnetic compass 标准罗经 Standard compass
操舵罗经Steering compass 应急罗经Emergency compass
救生艇罗经Lifeboat compass 罗经盘 Compass Card液体罗经Liquid compass
纵向磁棒 Fore- and aft magnet 横向磁棒 Athwartships magnet
天文钟 Chronometer 子母钟 Primary – Secondary clock
海图作业工具 Chart work tools 气压表 Barometer 气压计 Barograph
温度计Hygrograph 温度表 Hygrometer
风速计Anemograph 风速表 Anemometer
陀螺(电)罗经 Gyrocompass 陀螺球 Gyro-sphere (Gyro-ball)
贮液缸 Liquid container 分罗经Compass repeater

自动雷达标绘仪 Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (ARPA)
电子方位线 Electronic bearing line (EBL)
固定距标 Fixed range rings (range marker)
活动距标 Variable range rings(Variable range marker)
相对显示 Relative motion display 真运动显示 True motion display
偏心显示 Off-centered display 中心扩大显示Center-expand display
矢量显示Vector display 盲区Blind zone
假回波False echo 海浪回波 sea echo
显示方式Display mode 北,首,航向向上North, Head, Course up
雷达信标Radar beacon(Racon) 卫星导航仪Satellite navigation
雷达应答器Radar transponder 搜救雷达应答器Reach & rescue R---der
全球定位系统 Global positioning system (GPS)
标准大气 Standard atmosphere 气温 Air temperature
气压 Atmosphere pressure
云量高状图:Cloud amountheightformatlas
风向速级:Wind directionspeed(velocity )Force scale
卫星云图satellite cloud picture 天气现象Weather phenomena
天气形势Synoptic Situation 天气预报Weather forecast
天气报告Weather report(WX) 恶劣天气Heavy weather
大风警报Gale warning(GW) 暴风警报Storm warning(SW)
台风警报Typhoon warning (TW) 紧急警报 Emergency warning
台风眼Typhoon eye 台风路径Typhoon track
危险象限Dangerous quadrant 危险半圆Dangerous semicircle
可航半圆Navigable semicircle 寒潮 Cold wave
梅雨Meiyu( Plum rainsmould rainsbai-u)
季风Monsoon 海风Sea breeze 航行风Navigation wind(ship wind)
真风True wind 视风 Apparent wind (relative wind)
海水温度 Sea temperature 波浪 Wave 风浪 wind wave 涌浪 Swell
浪涌级:wave swell scale 海况 Sea condition 浪花 Breakers
大小潮 Spring Neap tide 高低潮 HighLow water (HWLW)
涨落潮 FloodEbb tide 停潮 Water stand
潮面 Tide level 潮高 Height of tide 潮差 Tidal range
主付港 Standardsecondary Port 转流 Turn of tidal current
涨潮流 Flood streamcurrent 落潮流 Ebb stream
日标 Day mark 立标Beacon 顶标Topmark 灯标lighted mark
灯塔Light house 灯桩 Light beacon 浮标 Buoy 灯船Light vessel
导标Leading beacon 叠标 Transit beacon 灯高 Elevation of light
雷达反射器Radar reflector 运河航标Navigation aids on canal
大圆海图Great circle chart(Gnomonic chart)
空白定位图Plotting chart 航路设计图Routing chart
新版图New edition chart 改版图 Large correction chart
奥米伽海图Omega chart 图号Chart number
海图基准面Chart datum 海图水深 Sounding 对景图 View
海图比例尺Chart scale 局部比例尺Local scale 小改正Small correction

海图卡片 Chart card 航海用图Navigational chart
沿岸图 Coastal chart 港泊图Harbor chart 总图General chart
平面图Plane chart 墨卡托投影 Mercator projection
海图图式Symbols and abbreviations of charts 岸Coast 岸线 coast line
控制点Control point 海堤 Sea wall (sea bank) 堤坝Dyke (dike)
防波堤Breakwater 鱼栅Fishing stake 鱼礁 Fish reck
海底电缆Submarine cable 架空电缆Overhead power cable
明礁Rock uncovered 暗礁Rock Submerged rock Sunken rock
适淹礁Rock awash 干出礁Drying rock 碍航物Obstruction
海湾Gulf 海滩Beach 水道Channel 航道Fairway
锚位 Anchor position (AP) 概位Position approximate (PA)
疑位Position doubtful (PD) 疑存Existence doubtful(ED)
航路RoutePassage 等高线Contour lines 等深线Depth contour
警戒区Precautionary area 安全航路 Safety fairway 沉船Wreck
消磁场Degaussing range 避风锚地Shelter 防台锚地Typhoon anchorage
禁航区Prohibited area Forbidden zone 雾号 Fog signal
垃圾倾倒区Dumping ground Spoil area
演习区Exercise area Practice area
分道通航制Traffic separation schemes(TSS) 通航分道Traffic lane
船舶总流向General direction of traffic flow
分隔带线Separation zoneline 沿岸通航带Inshore traffic zone
单双向航路OneTwo—way route 深水航路Deep water route
环形道Roundabout 码头Wharfquay 突码头Jetty 浮码头Pontoon
航路指南Sailing directions 航南补篇Supplement of sailing direction
航海图书目录Catalog of charts and publications 里程表Distance table
航海表NauticalNavigation table 航标表List of lights 航海日志Log book
潮汐(流)表Tidal(stream)table 夜航命令簿Night order book
无线电航井Radio navigational warning 贴图Block
临时通告Temporary Notice 预告Preliminary Notice
艏艉舯Bowsternmidship 前后Forwardaft 横向Athwartships
高处Aloft 前方(向前)后方(向后)AheadAstern(back)
艏艉线Fore-and-aft line 艏舷艏楼BowForecastle 艉舷艉楼(胯)QuarterPoop
上层建筑Superstructure 艏艉尖舱Foreaft peak tank(FPTAPT)
逃生通道Escape trunk 上主甲板Uppermain deck 二层甲板Tween deck
统长甲板(连续甲板)Continuous deck 平台甲板Platform deck
舷梯Gangway(accommodation ladder) 总长Length overall (LOA)
垂线间长(两柱间长)Length between perpendiculars
登记长度Registered length 最大宽度Maximum breadth
型宽Molded breadth 登记宽度Registered breadth
型深Molded depth 登记深度Registered depth 最大高度Maximum heigh
浮力Buoyancy 稳性Stability 操纵性Manoeuverability
续航力Cruising radius Endurance 蒸汽机船Steam ship(SS)steamer
内燃机船Motor vessel(MV) 汽轮机船Steam turbine ship
机帆船Sailing ship fitted with auxiliary engineMotor sailer

帆船Sailing shipSailer 商船Merchant ship 邮船Mail ship
旅游船Tourist ship 游览船Excursion boat 木材船Lumber cargo ship
重大件运输船Heavy and lengthy cargo carrier 矿砂船Ore carrier
散货船Bulk-cargo shipBulk carrier 杂货船General cargo ship
液货船Liquid cargo shiptanker 油船Oil tanker
超大型油船Ultra large crude carrier(ULCC)――(30万~80万)
大(巨)型油船Very large crude carrier(VLCC)—(载重超过175.000吨的)
化学品船Chemical cargo ship 集装箱船Container ship(货柜船)
液化石油气船Liquefied Petroleum Gas carrier (LPG)
液化天然气船Liquefied Natural Gas carrier(LNG)
多用途船Multipurpose cargo vessel 冷藏船Refrigerator ship
载驳船(子母船)Lighter Aboard Ship(LASP)
滚装船Roll onRoll off ship (RoRo ship) 拖船 Tug towing vessel
汽车运输船Pure car carrier(PCC) 渡船Ferry 被拖船Towed vessel
工程船Working shipEngineering ship 挖泥船Dredger
钻探船Drilling vessel 布缆船Cable layer 管道船Pipeline ship
救捞船Salvage ship 潜水工作船Diving boat 港作船Harbor boatlaunch
测量船Surveying ship 水下作业船 Underwater operation ship
起重船(浮吊)Floating crane 破冰船Icebreaker 巡逻船Patrol boat
海难救助船Salvage and rescue ship 缉私船Revenue cutter
交通艇Traffic boatGeneral service launchcrew boat(CB)Ferry launch
供应船Supply shipTender 消防船Fire boat 垃圾船Garbage boat
引航船Pilot Boatvessel 军舰 Naval ship
远洋船Ocean-going vesselOcean trader 海船(近海船)Sea- going vessel
甲板图Deck Plan 内底结构图Inner bottom construction plan
横纵剖面图Transverselongitudinal section plan 双底图Double plan
外板展开图Shell expansion plan 舱壁图Bulkhead plan
船底图Bottom plan 肋板Floor 平板龙骨Plate keel 帆布Canvas
船底纵骨Bottom Longitudinal 内底纵骨Inner bottom Longitudinal
内底版Inner bottom plate 人孔Manhole 舷墙Bulwark
舱盖Hatch cover 防撞舱壁Collision bulkhead 绳缆RopeHawser
钢丝缆Wire rope 撇缆Heaving line 引缆Messenger line
破断强度Breaking strength (BS) 试验负荷Proof load (PL)
安全系数Safety factor (SF) 安全负荷Safety load (SL)
锚设备Ground tackle anchor 备用锚Spare anchor sheet anchor
锚抓力Holding power of anchor 锚链Anchor chaincable
链节Shotshackle 锚链标记Cable mark 转环Swivel
连接卸扣Joining shackleconnecting shackle 制链器Chain stopper
连接链环Joining link connecting link 锚链舱Chain locker
抛锚Let go anchordrop anchor 起锚Heavy up anchor weigh anchor
锚球Anchor ball 抛起锚口令Anchoring orders 压舵Counter rudder
舵效Rudder effectSteerage 航摆角(偏航角)Yaw angle
试舵Test the steering gear 车钟令Engine telegraphorders
单头缆Single rope 回头缆Slip ropewire 制索Stopper

缆桩Bollardbitts 千金索Topping lift 桁稳索YardGuy
吊货索Cargo runnerfall 单杆作业Signal boom system
双杆作业Union purchase system 舱口吊杆Hatch boomInboard boom
舷外吊杆Yardoutboard boom 重吊杆Heavy derrickJumbo boom
起重机吊车克令吊 Crane
其货设备定期检验Periodical survey of cargo gear
应变部署表Station billMuster list 船舶救生部署表Boat station bill
救生设备Life saving appliance(LSA) 吊艇架Boat davit
气胀式救生伐Inflatable life-raft 抛绳设备Line-throwing appliance(LA)
弃船救生演习Abandon of ship drill abandon drill
海上求生Survival at sea 海上急救First aid at sea
船舶消防ship’s fire fighting 消防控制站Fire control station
消防部署Fire fight station 防火控制图Fire control plan
消防演习Fire fighting drill 水灭火系统Water fire extinguishing system
国际通岸接头International shore connection 灭火器Fire extinguisher
干粉灭火系统Dry powder fire extinguishing system
泡沫灭火系统Foam fire extinguishing system
固定式二氧化碳灭火系统Fixed carbon (CO2)fire extinguishing system
固定甲板泡沫灭火系统Fixed deck foam system
失火自动报警Automatic fire alarm system 消防元装备Fireman’s outfit
堵漏Leak stopping 进水速度Speed of flooding 防暴Explosion prevention
排水能力Water discharge capacity 测爆Measuring the explosion limit
测爆仪Explosimeter 船体保养Hull maintenance 腐蚀Corrosion
防锈Rust proof anti- rust 去白Baring 舷外作业Outboard work
高空作业Aloft work 修理单Repair list 自修Self repair干船坞Dry dock
航修Voyage repair 期修Regular repair 临时修理Temporary repair
事故修理Damage repair 坞修Dock repair 基本恢复修理Recovering repair
检修Overhaul 浮船坞Floating dock 船排Slipway 船台Ship building berth
涂料Paintcoating 涂漆Painting 烟囱漆Funnel paint 甲板漆Deck paint
水油舱涂料WaterOil tank coating 水线漆Boot –topping paint
船底漆Bottom paint 搪水泥Cementing 进出坞Docking Undocking
落(坐)墩Lying on the keel block
船 舶 操 纵 与 避 碰
旋回圈(回转圈)Turning circle 纵距(进距)Advance 横距(正移量)Transfer
偏距(反移量)Kick 冲程Stopping distance
停车冲程Inertial stopping distance 倒车冲程Reverse stopping distance
总阻力Total resistance 推进器Propeller 螺旋桨Screw propeller
测速Speed trial 海港速Seaharbor speed 出链长度Chain scope
淌航Carrying way with engine stopped 拖锚Dragging anchor
开锚Offshore anchor 绞缆移船Warping the berth 拖带towing
傍拖Towing alongside 横拖Girding 倒拖Reverse towing 锚泊Anchoring
单锚泊Riding to single anchor 八字锚泊Riding to two anchorsBridle moor
一点锚Riding one point anchors 串联锚泊Backing an anchor
力锚Riding anchor 惰锚Lee anchor 止荡锚Yaw checking anchor

锚链绞缠Fouling hawse 清解锚链Clearing hawse 偏荡Yawing
弃锚Slipping anchor 锚更Anchor watch 走锚Dragging anchor
掉头Turning shore round 掉头区Turning basin Swinging area
进倒车掉头Turning short round with ahead and astern engine
抛锚掉头Turning short round with anchor
顺流掉头Turning short round with the aid of current
靠码头Alongside wharf 吹拢风On shore wind 吹开风Off shore wind
离码头Leaving wharfdeparture 艏离Leaving bow first
艉离Leaving stern first 平离Leaving bodily
单点系泊Single Point Mooring(SPM) 离浮筒Clearing from buoy
大风浪中船舶操纵Ship handling in heavy weather
横摇 Rolling 纵摇 Pitching 艏摇Yawing
横荡Swaying 纵荡Surging 垂荡Heaving 纵倾 Triming横倾listing
横摇周期Rolling period 纵摇周期Pitching period
上浪Shipping sea seawater on deck 打横Broach to
砰击SlammingPounding (因纵摇而使浪击首部船底板) 艉淹Poop down
顶浪航行Steaming head to sea 顺浪航行Running with the sea
斜偏浪航行Steaming with the sea on the bow or quarter
滞航Heave to 漂航Drifting 淌航Carrying way with engine stopped
运河操纵Manoeuvering in channel 富裕水深Under keel Clearance (UKC)
狭水道操纵Manoeuvering in narrow channel
岸壁效应Bank effect (岸吸岸推现象—吸船尾推船首)
岸推Bank cushion 岸吸Bank suction
船吸效应Interaction between ships 浅水效应Shallow water effect
触礁Strike on a rock 墩底 Striking bottom 搁浅Aground Strand
触浅Touch GroundTouch bottom 人员落水Man overboard
单向旋回法Single turn 进闸操纵Locking maneuver
进坞操纵Docking maneuver 内陆水道Inland waterway
海员通常做法Ordinary practice of seaman 特殊情况Special circumstances
紧迫局面Close quarters situation 紧急危险Immediate danger
背离规则Departure from these roles
失去控制船Vessel not under command
操纵能力受限船Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
清除水雷船Vessel engaged in mine-clearance operation
限于吃水船Vessel constrained by her draught
在航Underway 互见中In sight of one another 了望Look-out
能见度不良Restricted visibility 了头Look- out on forecastle
驾驶和航行规则Steering and sailing rules 安全航速Safety speed
背景亮光Background light 良好船艺Good seamanship
感潮河段Tide reaching zoneTide affecting zone
尾随行驶Following at a distance 穿越Crossing
居间障碍物Intervening Obstruction 受风舷Windward side
上风船Vessel to windward 下风船艏Vessel to leeward
抢风Close haul顺风Tail wind favorable windfair windfree windwith the wind

上行船Up-bound vessel 下行船Down-bound vessel
逆流船Upstream vessel 顺流船Downstream vessel
追越Overtaking 追越船Overtaking vessel 被追越船Overtaken vessel
对遇局面Head on situation 交叉相遇局面Crossing situation
横越Crossing ahead 碰撞危险Risk of collision
让路船Give-way vessel 直航船Stand-on vessel锚泊船Anchored vessel
搁浅船Vessel aground 号灯号型LightShape桅灯Masthead light
舷灯Sidelight 艉灯Stern light 拖带灯Towing light探照灯Search light
环照灯All-round light 闪光灯Flashing light
拖带长度Length of tow 对水移动Making way through water
声响信号Sound signal 灯光信号Light signal 号笛Whistle
短声Short blast 长声Prolonged blast 可听距离Range of audibility
追越声号Overtaking sound signal 识别信号Identity signal
遇险信号Distress signal 豁免Exemption 雷达标绘Radar plotting
系统观察Systematic observation 最近会遇点Closest point of approach(CPA)
最近会遇时间Time to closest point of approach (TCPA)
最近会遇距离Distance to closest point of approach (DCPA)
目标录取Target acquisition 尾迹BackTrack 碰撞警报Collision warning
自动避碰系统Collision Avoiding System(CAS) 船舶碰撞Ship collision
预测危险区Predicted Area of Danger(PAD) 碰撞速度Collision speed
碰撞点Point of Collision(PC) 可能碰撞点Possible Point of Collision(PPC)
碰角Collision angle 船舶运动图Maneuvering board plotting sheet
内 河 航 行
内河航行Inland navigation 内河航道图Chart of inland waterway
净空高度Height clearanceair draft 叉河口Bifurcation area
干流Trunk stream 支流Tributary Side stream 主流Main stream
上中下游UpperMiddleLower reach 急流Rapid stream 洪峰Flood peak
航标Navigation mark 驳船队Barge train 拖曳船队Towing train
顶推船队Pusher train 顶推Pushing
客 货 运 输
干舷Freeboard 水线Waterline 甲板线Deck line 载重线Load line
载重线区域Load line area 载重线标志Load line markPlimsoll mark
排水量Displacement 空船排水量Light displacement空船重量Light weight
满载排水量Full loaded displacement 总载重量Dead weight (DW)
净载重量Net Dead Weight(NDW) 吨位Tonnage 总吨位Gross Tonnage(GT)
净吨位Net Tonnage(NT) 运河吨位Canal Tonnage 船舶常数Ship’s constant
舱容系数Coefficient of load 自然损耗Normal loss of quantity
重心Center of Gravity 浮心Center of Buoyancy 稳心Metacenter
储备浮力Reserve Buoyancy
每厘米吃水吨数Tons per centimeter immersion(TPC)
重心高度Height of center of Gravity 浮心高度Height of center of buoyancy
重心距船中距离Longitudinal distance of Center of Gravity from Midship
浮心距船中距离Longitudinal distance of Center of Buoyancy from Midship
漂心距船中距离Longitudinal distance of Center of Floatation from Midship

初稳心Initial Metacenter 初稳心半径Initial Metacentric radius
初稳心高度Initial Metacentric Height above Baseline (KM)
初稳性高度(初重稳距)Initial Metacentric Height
横稳心高度曲线Transverse Metacentric height curve = GM curve
自由液面Free Surface 自由液面修正值Free surface correction
每厘米纵倾力矩Moment to Change trim per centimeter
稳性力矩Stability Moment 稳性力臂Stability Lever(最大)
横倾角Heeling angle 横倾力矩Heeling Moment
中拱Hogging 中垂Sagging
揽货Solicitation Canvassion 收货Take delivery 交付Delivery
配载图Stowage planCargo plan 装载 Loading 卸载DischargeUnloading
过驳Lighting 搬运Handling 衬垫Dunnage 堆码Stowage绑扎Lashing
包装Package 隔票SegregationSeparation
直达货Direct cargoThrough cargo 转船货Transshipment cargo
过境货Transit cargo 选港货Optional cargo
联运货Through Transport cargo = Through cargo
吨税Tonnage dues 关税 Customs duties 结关单Clearance certificate
保税库Bounded storeBond room 关封Customs seal
件杂货Break bulk cargo 件散货Neobulk cargo固体散货Solid bulk cargo
液体散货Liquid bulk cargo 冷藏货Refrigerated cargo
成组货Unitized cargo 托盘货Palletired cargo 计重货Weight cargo
有害货Noxious cargoHarmful cargo
舱容系数Coefficient of hold 容积吨Measurement ton
积载因数Stowage factor 包装容积Bale capacity
散装容积Bulk capacityGrain capacity
亏舱Broken space Broken stowage
主标志Main mark 付标志Counter mark 注意标志Notice mark
危险标志Dangerous mark 标签Label 标牌Placard 自然减量Tolerance
准备就绪通知书Notice of Readiness(NOR) 满舱满载Full and down
溢卸Over-landedover-delivery 短卸Short- landedShort-delivery
滞期Demurrage 速遣Dispatch 港口习惯Custom of port
习惯装卸速度Customary quick dispatch (CQD)
晴天工作日Weather Working Day (WWD) 限期装船Prompt loading
船舶供应商Ship chandler 装卸工Stevedore 干舱证书Dry certificate
惰性气体Inert Gas(IG) 原油洗舱Crude Oil Washing (COW)
顶装法Load on Top(LOT) 保护位置Protective location(PL)
清洁压载舱Clean Ballast Tank(CBT)
专用(分隔)压载舱Segregated Ballast Tanks(SBT)
专用压载水舱系统Segregated Ballast water Tank system(SBT)
除气驱气扫气(油轮卸货后把油舱残余油气消除到0.05%以下)Gas Freeing
扫气置换Purging 污油水Slop 舱底水(垫水)Tank bottom water
平舱Trimming 水尺检量Draught survey
排位Bay 层位Tier 列位Slot 混合货Mixed cargo 单件货Loose cargo
箱主代号Container owner code 国家代号Container country code

核对数字Check digit 集装箱货运站Container Freight Station(CFS)
集装箱堆场Container Yard(CY)
远离Away from 隔离Separated from
货舱隔离Separated by a complete compartment or hold from
配装类Stowage category 包装类Packaging group
坠落试验Drop test 渗漏试验Leakage test 堆装试验Stacking test
液压试验Hydraulic pressure test 国际海事International Maritime
包装标号Packaging code number 联合国编号UN number(United Nations)
组织类号Organization class IMO class
装货单Shipping order 收货单(大副收据)Mate’s receipt
装货清单Loading listCargo list 载货清单(舱单)Manifest
运费清单Freight manifest 危险品清单Dangerous cargo list
批注清单Remark list 到货通知Arrival notice 提货单Delivery order
货物残损单Damage cargo list 货物查询单Cargo tracer
卸货报告Outturn report 过驳清单Cargo boat note
现场记录Record on spot 工厂交货Ex works Ex factory Ex mill
车上交货Free on railFree on truckex rail 船边交货Free Alongside Ship(FAS)
离岸价格(船上交货)Free on Board (FOB)
成本加运费价格Cost and Freight (C&F)
到岸价格Cost Insurance and Freight (CIF)
目的港船上交货Ex ship 目的港码头交货Ex quayEx wharf Ex pier
信用证Letter of Credit(LC)
保函(LG)Letter of Guarantee (LI)Letter of Indemnity Back Letter
运费Freight 基本运费Basic Freight 附加运费 Additional charge
港口使费Terminal charge 仓储费Storage charge
码头费Port Disbursement Port dues Port charge
进出口许可Importexport permit
行李自带行李LuggageCabin luggage
开航权Right of sailing 公正权Right of Notary 违禁物品Prohibited articles
不准入境Entrance prohibited 偷渡Stowaway 出走Walk away
海面搜寻协调船Surface Search Coordination (CSS)
现场指挥On-Scene Commander(OSC)
救助协调中心Rescue Coordinator Center(RCC)
救助分中心Rescue Sub-Center (RSC) 救助单位Rescue Unit (RU)
搜救区Search and Rescue Region (SRR) 搜寻半径Search Radius
遇险者Person in distress
鱼具Fishing gear 拖网Trawl 围网Purse Seine流网作业Drift fishing
拖网作业Trawl fishingtrawling 围网作业Surrounding fishing
对拖Twin trawling Pair trawling 单拖Otter trawling
放起网Shooting Hauling net 沉船打捞Raising of a wreck
浮筒打捞Raising with salvage Pontoons 沉船勘测Lifting by floating crane
潜水Driving 潜水员Driver 潜水服Driving suit
扫海Sweeping 障碍物探测Obstruction rounding
人工岛Artificial Island 水产养殖Aquaculture 海上旅游区Sea Tourist area

海上自然保护区Marine natural Reserves 近岸设施Offshore Terminal
海上钻井架Drilling rigs at sea 近海钻井作业Offshore drilling operation
钻井平台Drilling platform 海底管道Submarine pipeline
快速接头Quick release coupling 扫线 Hose sweeping
航 行 管 理 与 法 规
拘留权Right of seizure 航行权Right of navigation
保护权Right of protection 通行权Right of passage
内水Inland watersInternal waters 内海Inner seaInternal sea
领海Territorial Sea Territorial waters 公海High seaOpen sea
海峡Strait 沿海国Coastal state 海岸带Coastal zone 船旗国Flag state
港口国Port State 港口国管理Port State Control (PSC)
船籍港Home port port of registration 方便旗Flag of convenience
港务海务监督当局HarborMarine Superintendence Administration (HSAMSA
船舶管辖权Jurisdiction over ship 国际惯例International custom and usage
最惠国待遇Most Favored Nation Treatment(MFNT)
提单Bill of lading (BL) 电子提单electronic bill of lading
已装船提单On board bill of ladingShipped bill of lading
直达提单Direct bill of lading 转船提单Tran(s)shipment bill of lading
联运提单Through bill of lading 清洁不清洁提单CleanFoul bill of lading
记名不记名提单StraightBlank bill of lading 指示提单Order BL
倒签提单Anti-dated BL 过期提单Stale BL 舱面货提单On deck BL
驾驶船舶过失Default in navigation of the ship
管理船舶过失Default in management of the ship
通航水域Navigable waters 绕航Deviation 延迟交货Delay in delivery
责任限制Limitation of liability
承运人Carrier 托运人Shipper 收货人Consignee 受货人Receiver
提单持有人Holder of BL 通知方Notify Party 船期表Sailing schedule
提单转让Transfer of BL 首要(最高)条款Paramount clause
谨慎处理Due diligence 除外(免责)条款Exception clauseExemption Clause
时效Time barTime limitation 散装货条款Bulk cargo clause
转船条款Tran(s)shipment clause 木材条款Timber clause
适航Seaworthiness 适货Cargo worthiness 地区条款Local clause
海运单Seaway bill 船舶所有人Shipowner 船舶经营人Ship operator
实际承运人Actual carrier 承租人Charterer
航次租船Voyage Charter 光船租赁Bareboat charter
定期期租Time charter 受载期 Laydays 解约日Cancelling date
装卸期限Laytimelaycan 装卸时间事实记录Laytime statement of fact
短装损失Damage for short lift 适航吃水差Seaworthy trim
共同海损条款General average clause
交船(通常与下一租家签约)Delivery of vessel
还船(通常与上一租家解租)Redelivery of vessel
租期Period of Hire 停租Off-Hire 转租Subletling Sub-chartering
海上救助Salvage at sea 人命救助Life salvage
弃船Abandonment of ship 保赔Protection and Indemnity (P & I)

保险人Insurer Assurer Underwriter 抛弃Jettison
单独海损Particular Average (PA) 共同海损General Average (GA)
船级Class of ship 船级社Ship Classification Society Register of Shipping
入级检验Classification Survey 验船师Surveyer
初次检验Initial Survey 定期检验Periodical Survey
年度检验Annual Survey 坞内检验Docking survey
特别检验Special Survey 临时检验Occasional Survey检验报告Survey report
港区Harbor area 港界Harbor LimitHarbor boundary 港章Port regulations
通航密集区Dense traffic zone 交通管制区 Traffic control zone
船舶交通管理(中心)Vessel Traffic Service(Center)(VTS) 交通密Traffic density
强制引航Mandatory Pilotage Compulsory Pilotage 引航签证单Piotage form
漂浮物Floating substance 沉没物Sunk object 处置废物Disposal of waster
航迹分布Track distribution 交通流Traffic flow 交通量Traffic
限速Limiting speed 船舶报告系统Vessel reporting system
初始最终报告Initial Final report 船位报告Position report
航行计划报告Sailing plan report 航次报告Voyage report
港口国管理检查Inspection of Port State Control 海员证Seaman’s book
登轮检查Inspection by boarding 船舶安全检查Ship safety inspection
船员证书Certificate of seafarer 船舶证书Ship certificate海上资历Sea service
联合检查Joint inspection 抄关Searching 海关Customs报关Declaration
退关Shut out 检疫Quarantine 熏舱Fumigation 除鼠Deratting
登陆证Landing PermitShore Pass
航行值班Navigation watch 停泊值班Harbor watch实习生Cadet(第一次上船)
练习生(见习生)Apprentice 驾助Assistance officer
海事声明Sea Protest 海事报告Marine Accident Report 全损Total loss
海事调查Maritime Investigation 海洋污染Marine pollution
扣押船舶Arrest of ship 拍卖船舶Auction of ship
污油水舱Slop tank围油栏Oil FenceOil boom有害物资Harmful substance
水 上 通 信
标准航海用语Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary(SMNV)
遇险呼叫程序Distress Call Procedure船舶呼号Ship’s call sign
救生信号Life saving signal 呼叫点Calling-in-point(CIP)
报告点Reporting point 呼叫Calling识别Identify收妥Acknowledge
字母旗Alphabetical flag 数字旗Numeral flag代旗Substitute flag
回答旗Code and answering pendent Affirmative flagAnswering pennant
商船旗Merchant ship flag 公司旗House Flag挂满旗Full dress
国旗EnsignNational ensign National flag 落旗致敬Dip to
下半旗Flag at halfmast
搜救业务Search and Rescue service(SAR service)
海上安全信息Maritime safety information (MSI)
遇险安全信息Distress Safety message
数字选择性呼叫Digital selective calling (DSC)
紧急安全通信Urgentsafety communication
全球海上遇险安全系统Global Maritime Distress and Safety System(GMDSS)

国际海事卫星系统International Maritime Satellite System(INMARSAT)
船舶地球站Ship Earth Station(SES)
卫星紧急无线电示位标Satellite Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
---------------(Satellite EPIRB)
衰落fading 单工Simplex 双工Duplex 静噪Squelch 查询Polling
收悉照办Wilco 洪亮和清晰 Reading you loud and clear
糟糕 Bad 很差Poor 还可以Fair 不错挺好good 很好Excellent
Beaufort No. Wind speed Term Effects Observed at sea
蒲福风力等级 风速 名称 海面征象
0 少于1 Calm无风 海平如镜
1 1~3 Light air软风 明显鳞状波纹;波峰无白沫
2 4~6 Light Breeze 轻风 较小小波;波纹明显;波峰未开花
3 7~10 Gentle Breeze微风 较大小波;波峰开花有稀疏白浪
4 11~16Moderate b’ze和风 小浪波长逐渐变长白浪稍多
5 17~21Fresh B’ze 清风 中浪;波长明显变长白浪很多偶有水雾
6 22~27StrongB’ze 强风 大浪;到处都是白沫浪头;往往有水雾
7 28~33Near gale 疾风 浪头高耸;开花浪白沫开始随风成串飞溅
8 34~40Gale 大风 中高浪;浪头开始开花翻滚白沫明显成串飞溅
9 41~47Stront gale烈风 高浪;白沫密集成串飞溅浪头开始上下
10 48~55 Storm 狂风 非常高的浪大片大片的白沫密集地随风成
11 56~63 Violent storm暴风 特高浪;海面沿风方向白沫弥漫;所有
12 64and over Hurricane 飓风 空中充满白沫和水雾;海面白茫茫
一片; 能见度严重受到影响

Classification No. Term Visibility
级别 名称 能见距离
0 Dense fog 大雾 14 cable 链
1 Thick fog 浓雾 1cable 链
2 Fog 中雾 2.5Cables 链
3 Moderate fog 轻雾 12n.m.海里
4 Thin fog or mist 薄雾 1n.m.海里
5 Visibility poor 能见度不良 2n.m. 海里
6 Visibility moderate 中能见度 5n.m. 海里
7 Visibility good 好能见度 10n.m. 海里
8 Visibility very good 良好能见度 30n.m. 海里
9 Visibility exceptional 极好能见度 Over 30n.m. 30海里以上

热带低压Tropical Depression (TD 6~7级)
热带风暴Tropical Storm(TS 8~9级)
强热带风暴Severe Tropical Storm (STS 10~11级)

台风 Typhoon (12 and over 12级及以上)

浪级 名称
2小浪小波Smooth Sea
3轻浪Slight sea
4中浪Moderate sea
5大浪Rough sea
6巨浪Very rough sea
7狂浪High sea
8狂涛Very high sea
9怒涛Phenomenal sea

毛毛雨Drizzle 阵雨Shower 连续雨Continuous rain
间歇雨Intermittent rain 小雨 Light rain 中雨Moderate rain
大雨 Heavy rain 暴雨Torrential rain 闪电Lightning 雷Thunder
雷暴Thunderstorm 龙卷Spout 雹Hail 雳Hare露Dew
雾轻雾海雾FogMistSea fog

备车Stand by engine(SBE) 完车Finished with engine(FEW)
主机定速Ring offup engine 回到—度Ease to ---
照直走Steady as she goes 不要偏---Nothing to---
把---放在左右舷 Keep the ----on portstarboard side
舵灵吗?How does she answer? 舵灵Answer good
舵很慢Answer slow 舵不灵No answergood
走----度 Steer ----- 朝----走 Steer on---
放出锚链Pay out the cable 刹住锚链hold on the cable
锚链放松Slack away chain 锚链方向Where is the cable leading?
还有几节?How many shackles are left?
锚绞缠Anchor fouled 锚抓牢Anchor brought up
绞---缆Heave on ---line ---缆收紧Pick up the slack on ---line
松 ----缆 Slack away---line -----缆溜一溜 Check---line
-----缆上车Put ----line on winch

阿根廷Argentina 布宜诺斯艾利斯 Buenos Aires
澳大利亚Australia 堪培拉Canberra
比利时BelgiumBelgian 布鲁塞尔Brussels
巴西Brazil 巴西利亚Brasilia
缅甸Burma 仰光Rangoon
加拿大Canada 渥太华Ottawa
智利ChileChilean 圣地亚哥Santiago

丹麦Denmark 哥本哈根Copenhagen
埃及Egypt 开罗Cairo
法国France 巴黎Paris
芬兰Finland 赫尔辛基Helsinki
德国Germany 柏林Berlin
希腊GreeceGreek 雅典Athens
印度India 新德里New Dehil
印度尼西亚Indonesia 雅加达Jakarta
伊朗Iran 德黑兰Tehran
伊拉克Iraq 巴格达Baghdad
意大利Italy 罗马Rome
朝鲜Korea 平壤Pyongyang
韩国 south korea 首尔seoul
马来西亚malaysia Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡
荷兰 Netherlands Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹
菲律宾Philippines Manila 马尼拉
波兰Poland Warsaw 华沙
葡萄牙Portugal Lisbon 里斯本
西班牙Spain Madrid 马德里
瑞典Sweden Stockholm 斯德哥尔摩
瑞士Switzerland Berne 伯尔尼
叙利亚Syria Damascus 大马士革
泰国Thailand Bangkok 曼谷
俄罗斯Russian Moscow 莫斯科
英国United kingdom (Briton ) London 伦敦
美国United states (American ) Washington 华盛顿
越南Vietnam Hanoj 河内







