
2020年08月12日 03:40


中国海员之家网站航海英语系列 船舶常用英语 第 1 页
“中国海员之家”网站(http:­ )搜集整理,更多航海英语资料请到网
一、 船舶类型常用英语
ship, vessel 船,船舶
boat, craft 艇
sampan 舢板 , 小船
manpowered boat 人力船
sailor; sailing boat 帆船 motor
sailor 机帆船 power­driven
ship 机动船 paddle steamer, paddle
wheel vessel 明 轮 船 screw ship; propeller vessel
螺旋桨船 airscrew ship; aerial propeller vessel 空气
hovercraft; aircushion craft 气垫船 hydrofoil
hydrojet propelled boat, water jet boat 喷水船
steamship; steamer 蒸汽机船 motor
ship 内燃机船 diesel ship
柴油机船 electrically­propelled ship 电力推进船
steam turbine ship 汽轮机船gas turbine
ship 燃气轮机船 nuclear­power ship
deck ship 甲板船
flush deck ship 平甲板船 raised
quarter­deck ship 尾升高甲板船 well­deck ship
半舱船 single side ship 单舷长大舱口船
three­island ship 三岛式船 double
shell ship 双壳船
riveted ship 铆接船
welded ship 焊接船
transversely framed ship 横 骨 架 式 船
longitudinally framed ship 纵骨架式船 combined
framed ship 混合骨架式船 sea­going vessel
海船 ocean­going vessel 远洋船
coaster 沿海船 channel
ship 海峡船 inland waterway
vessel 内河船 civil ship; merchant ship
transport ship 运输船 pleasure
yacht 游艇 passenger ship
coasting passenger and cargo ship 沿海客货船
passenger and auto­car carrier 旅客及汽车运输

tourist ship; passenger carrier 旅游船
cargo ship; freighter 货船 cargo
liner 定期货船
tramp ship 不定期货船
container ship 集装箱船 full­
container ship 全集装箱船 semi­container
ship 半集装箱船 multi­purpose container
ship 多用途集装箱船
general cargo shipvesselcarrier 杂 货 船 bulk
(cargo) carrier 散货船
ore carrier 矿砂船
grain carrier 运粮船 coal
carrier; coaler 运煤船 lumber(timber)
carrier 运 木 船 cattle carrier
运牲畜船 multi­purpose ship 多用途船
liquid cargo ship 液体货货船 chemical
tank 化学品液货船 liquid chemical
tanker 液体化学品船 liquefied gas carrier
液化气体船 liquefied petroleum gas tanker (LPG) 液
liquefied natural gas tanker (LNG) 液化天然气运输船
tanker; oil tanker 油轮 super
tanker 超级油轮 VLCC (very
large crude carrier) (吨位在20万至30 万吨之间的)
ULCC (ultra­large crude carrier) (吨位在 30 万至 50
万吨之间的) 超巨型油船
refrigerated ship; cold storage ship 冷 藏 船 roll-
onroll­off ship (RORO ship) 滚装船
ferry 渡船 passenger
ferry 旅客渡船 freight ferry
货物渡船 fishing vessel(boat) 渔轮
trawler 拖网渔轮 barge
carrier; lighter aboard ship(LASH)载驳船
barge; lighter 驳船 deck barge
甲板驳 well­deck barge 半舱驳
double shell barge 双壳驳 single side
barge 单 舷 长 大 舱 口 驳 oil barge
油驳 container barge 集装箱驳船
RORO barge 滚装驳船 liquefied
gas barge 液化气体驳 hopper barge
开底泥驳 split hopper barge 对开泥驳
pusher; pushboat 顶推船;推船 working

ship 工程船
tug; tugboat; towboat 拖船 harbor tug
港作拖船 rescue tug 救助拖轮
salvage ship 救捞船 dredger
挖泥船 trailing suction dredge 耙吸挖泥船第 2 页 共 12 页
cutter suction dredger 绞吸挖泥船 bucket
wheel dredger 斗轮挖泥船 bucket dredger
链斗挖泥船reclamation craft 吹泥

grab dredger 抓斗挖泥船 dipper
dredger 铲斗挖泥船 floating pitter;
drive pitter 打桩船 floating crane; derrick
boat 起 重 船 floating dock
浮船坞 cable layer; cable ship 布缆船
scientific surveying ship 科学考察船 research
ship 科学调查船 oceanographic
research vessel 海洋调查船
surveying ship 测量船
ice­breaker 破冰船
pontoon 浮舟; 浮桥; 趸船, 浮码头
high speed craft 高速船
passenger catamaran 双体客船
vehicle ferry catamaran 双体车辆渡船
vehicle­passenger ferry catamaran 双体车客渡船
pontoon catamaran 双体趸船
二、 船舶结构常用英语
center line 中心线,中线
athwartships 横对船体(与船首尾线直交)
bevel 斜角;斜面
base line 基线
amidships 在船中部;在纵中线上
designed waterline breadth 设计水线宽
designed waterline length 设计水线长
draft 吃水
formeraft draft 首尾吃水
draft figures 吃水尺度
intersection 交点;交叉;横断面
knuckle 折角线
length between perpendicular 垂线间长
length overall 总长 load
waterline length 满载水线长
register length (breadth; depth) 登记长度(宽度、深
freeboard 干舷

rise of floor (dead; rise) 舭高;船底 loadline
mark 载重水线标记
fresh water load line (F.) 淡水载重线
fresh water timber load line (L.F.) 淡水木材载重线
tropical fresh water load line (TF) 热带淡水载重线
tropical load line (T) 热带载重线
summer load line(S) 夏季载重线
summer freshwater load line(F) 夏季淡水载重线
winter load line(W) 冬季载重线
winter North Atlantic load line(WNA) 冬季北大西洋
even keel (首尾)等吃水,平载
extreme breadth 最大宽度
floatable length 可浸长度
sheer at forward (after) perpendicular 首尾舷弧
sheer line 舷弧线
accommodation 居住舱室
accommodation deck 起居 舱 室 ; 旅 客 甲 板
accommodation ladder 舷梯
accommodation ladder platform 舷 梯 平 台
accommodation ladder manrope 舷梯扶索 after body
after peak bulkhead 艉尖舱舱壁 after
peak tank 艉尖舱
air hole 空气孔
air pipe 空气管appendage
auxiliary machinery 辅助机械;辅机
balanced rudder 平衡舵 ballast
压载(物)ballast line 压载水管
系 ballast pump 压载水泵
ballast pumping system 压载水系统
ballast tank(water) 压载舱(水)
batten 板条;压条(封仓用)
batten­ceiling (货舱内)护舱条,护板
beam 横梁
beam bracket 梁肘板 bearding
bending moment 弯矩
bilge 舭部;舱底; (船底)污水沟
bilge bracket 舭肘板
bilge keel(chock, piece) 舭龙骨bilge knee
bilge line 舭水管系

bilge main 舭水总管
bilge pipe (suction) 舭吸水管
bilge pump 舭水泵 bilge
strake(plate) 舭列板
bilge well 污水井 bitt
系缆桩 bollard 系缆桩;系船柱;双系柱
bolster 枕垫
bonnet 烟囱帽;机罩
boom 杆;吊杆;桁;叉架
boom crutch(support; rest) 吊杆支架
bossing 尾管突出部;轴包套 bottom
frame 船底横 骨 bottom第 3 页 共 12 页
longitudinal 船底纵骨 bottom plate
bow 船首,船头
bow fender 艏护垫
bow flare 艏部外飘
bow thruster 首侧推器
bracket 肘板; (三角)拖架
breakwater 挡浪板
bridge 桥;桥楼;驾驶台
bulb angle 圆头角材
bulbous bow 球形船首,球鼻首
bulb stern 球形船尾
bulkhead 舱壁
bulkhead plating 舱壁板
bulkhead stiffener 舱壁扶强材
bulwark 舷墙
bulwark plating 舷墙板
bulwark stay 舷墙扶强材
bunker tank 燃料舱
bushing 衬套
butt 端接;残片
butt joint(seam) 平接缝
butt riveting 对接铆
butt welding 对接焊
butterfly clip 蝴蝶夹
bypass valve 旁通阀
cable stopper 止链器
camber 翘曲
camber of beam 梁拱
cant beam 斜梁
cant bracket 斜角板
cant frame 斜肋骨

cantilever 悬臂梁
capstan 绞盘;绞缆机
cargo batten 货舱护板
cargo block 吊货滑车
cargo port 装货舷梯,舷门
cat walk (油轮上的)天桥,步桥
center girder 中底桁
center strake 中央内底板
chafing plate 防擦板
chafing ring 防擦环
chain lock(well) 锚链舱
chain pipe 锚链管
chain stopper 止链器
chock 导缆器;垫木
clamp plate 夹板,压板
cleat 羊角;系绳铁栓;防滑条
coaming 围板;舱口围板
cofferdam 隔离舱
collar plate 封板
collision bulkhead 船首舱壁;防撞舱壁
companion way(hatch) 升降口
corrugated bulkhead 槽形舱壁
corrugation 皱;槽形;波形
cross deck structure 舱间甲板结构
crossing strength member 交叉强力构件
cruiser stern 巡洋舰型船尾
curtain plate 幕板
cut out 开口;切
davit 吊艇架;吊艇柱
deck 甲板
deck beam 甲板横梁
deckhouse 甲板室
deck line 甲板线
deck longitudinal 甲板纵骨
deck stringer(plate) 甲板边板
deep tank 深舱
derrick 吊杆
diaphragm 隔板
double bottom 双层底
doubling plate 双层焊合板
drain hole 排水孔
duct keel 箱形龙骨
dunnage 垫舱(物料) ;衬垫
dunnage wood 垫木

dynamic load 动载荷
end bracket 端肘板
escape trunk (船内)应急通道
engine bed 机座
engine casing 机舱围壁
escape scuttle (船内)应急出口
escape vent 脱险口
expansion joint 伸缩接头
expansion trunk(tank) (油船)膨胀深井
extension bracket 延伸肘板
face plate 面板
fender 碰垫;护舷材
fender bar 护舷条
fair lead 导缆器
flame screen 防焰罩
flange 折边
flanged bracket 折边肘板
flat keel 平板龙骨
floor 肋板
folding door 折门第 4 页 共 12 页
forecastle deck 艏楼甲板
fore peak tank (船的)首舱;前尖舱
forward perpendicular 首垂线
foundation 底座
frame 肋骨
frame number 肋骨跨数
frame space 肋距
freeing port 甲板排水孔;放水孔
gangway (gang ladder or gang board) 舷梯
gasket 垫圈,垫料(集)密封垫
general service pipe (G.S pump) 通用泵,总用泵
girder 桁材
gooseneck(parity iron) 鹅颈头;吊杆弯头
grating 格子板;滑铁板
ground tackle 锚泊索具
gunwale 舷缘;舷边
gunwale angle 舷边角钢
gunwale bar 舷边角材
gunwale railing 舷边栏杆
gunwale tank 舷侧水柜(甲板下)
gusset 角板;扣板
gutter (甲板)水沟;槽沟
gutter angle; waterway angle (舷侧)排水沟角钢
gypsy 绞筒(锚机绞车上的)

handrail 舷墙扶手
hanging rudder; hinged rudder 吊舵;悬舵
hatch; hatchway; hatch opening 舱口
hatch bar 封舱压条
hatch batten 舱口边压条
hatch beam (web) 舱口大梁
hatch booby 活动舱口盖
hatch coaming 舱口板
hatch cover 舱口盖
hatch end beam 舱口端梁
hatch moulding 舱口椽材
hatch side girder 舱口纵桁
hatch tarpaulin 盖舱布
hatch trunk 舱口围阱
hawse pipe 锚链管
hawser 绳索;大缆
heel 踵材;横倾
hinged cover(door) 铰链盖(门)
hold 货舱
hold beam 舱内梁
hold frame 舱内肋骨
hold ladder 舱内梯
hold stanchion(pillar) 舱内支柱
hold stringer 舱内纵桁
hopper 漏斗;开舱泥驳
hopper tank 底边舱
hopper tank sloping plating 底边舱斜板 horizontal
margin plate 水平内底板
horizontal girder 水平桁
horizontal stiffener 水平扶强材(防挠材)
hull 船壳,船体
hull construction 船体结构
hull plating 船壳板
hull strength 船体强度
inner bottom 内底
inner bottom plating 内底板
insert plate 嵌板;衬板
jack 千斤顶
jack ladder 绳梯
Jacob's ladder 软梯;绳梯
Joggled joint 折接;弯合
joggling machine 折曲机
keel 龙骨
keelblock 龙骨墩

keel line 龙骨线;艏艉线
keel plate 龙骨板
keel rail (救生艇)艇底把手
keelson 内龙骨
kingpost 起重柱;将军柱
knee 肘板;弯头
knee of the deck 甲板梁肘板
lightening hole 减轻孔
lignum vitae 铁梨木
local strength 局部强度
local stress 局部应力
longitudinal 纵骨;纵材;纵桁 longitudinal
bulkhead 纵舱壁
longitudinal bending 纵向弯曲
longitudinal framing system 纵骨架式
longitudinal strength 纵向强度
lug 耳板
main deck 主甲板 main
frame 主肋骨 manhole
人孔 man hole door 人孔盖
man hole coaming 人孔围板moment of
inertia 惯性矩
margin plate 内底边板
molded breadth 型宽
molded depth 型深
mooring hole 导缆孔 mooring
post 系缆柱;岸柱
mud box 泥箱第 5 页 共 12 页
non­return valve 止回阀
non­watertight bulkhead 非水密舱壁
notch 切口;槽口;刻痕
oscillating load 振动负荷
parallel middle body 平行中体
panel stiffener 板格扶强材
panting arrangement 防挠振结构
panting beam 防挠振梁
panting stringer 防挠振纵桁
pillar 支柱;墩
pintle 舵销
plane bulkhead 平面舱壁
plane keel 平板龙骨
pump room 泵舱
helm(rudder) pintle 舵销
horizontal margin plate 水平内底边板 out bottom

plating 外 底 板 platform
平台 plating 壳板
plimsoll mark 载重线标志
poop 艉楼;船尾
poop deck 艉楼甲板
port 舷门;舱门; (装货)口;窗;门;孔
porthole 舷窗; (装货)舷门
propeller; propellor 推进器;螺旋桨
propeller aperture 螺旋桨空间
propeller boss(bub) 螺旋桨毂
propeller shaft 艉轴
racking (船体)横向挠度
rail 扶手;栏杆
rolling 横摇
round of beam 梁拱 round
stern 圆(船)尾
rudder 舵
rudder carrier 舵托 rudder
casing 舵杆管 rudder pintle
rudder plate; rudder blade 舵叶;舵板
rudder post 舵柱
rudder stock 舵杆
rudder trunk 舵杆围壁;舵杆管
rung (梯子)踏步;横档
scallop 扇形开孔
scantling 构件尺寸
scantling of the structure 结构尺寸
scarf; scarph 嵌接处;斜面;斜接
scarf joint 斜(嵌)接
scarf weld (斜面)焊接
scarfing bracket 嵌接肘板
scupper 排水孔
scupper pipe 排水管
scuttle 舷窗;人孔(盖) ;小舱口盖
seam 焊缝;接缝
section 剖面 section
modulus 剖面模数 semi­balanced
rudder 半平衡舵
shaft 轴
shaft bracket 轴架
shaft tube; stern tube 艉轴管
shaft tunnel(alley; passage; trunk) 轴隧;地轴弄
shedder plate 泄板;斜板

sheer 舷弧;偏航
sheer strake 舷顶列板
shell 船壳;壳
shell frame 舷侧肋骨
shell plating 船壳板;外板
shell strake; outside plating 船体外板
shelter deck 遮蔽甲板
shifting beam 活动舱口梁
shifting board (or plank) 止移板(散装谷类) ;防动

side girder 旁桁材
side longitudinal 舷侧纵骨
side plating 舷侧外板
side strake 舷侧列板
single bottom 单层底
skid 护舷木;垫板
skylight 天窗
slanting plate 斜板 slop tank
sloping plate 斜板
sloping plate longitudinal 斜板纵骨
slot 槽;开缝
sluice 水密门;水闸
sluice valve 闸阀
sniped end 削斜端
soft toe 软趾
solid floor 实肋板
sounding pipe 测量管;测深管
stabilizer 减摇装置
stabilizing tank 减摇水舱
staging 构架;台架;脚手架
stanchion 支柱;栏杆柱
static load 静载荷
stay 支柱;撑条;支索
stay bar(or rod) 撑杆
stay plate 撑板第 6 页 共 12 页
stem 艏;艏柱;艏材
stem post 艏柱
stern 船尾,艉部
stern counter 船尾突出体
stern shaft; propeller shaft 艉轴
stern poop 艉楼
stern post 尾柱
stiffener 防挠材;扶强材;加固物

stool 托架,座,凳
strake 列板
strength calculation 强度计算
strength deck 强力甲板
stringer 纵桁
stringer plate 甲板边板
structural member 构件
structural strength 结构强度
strum box (舱底水)过滤箱
strut 撑材,支柱,轴架
stuffing box 填料箱
superstructure 上层建筑
tail (end) shaft 艉轴
tarpaulin 防水油布,帆布,舱盖布
thrust bearing(block) 推力轴承
thrust shaft collars 推力环
tieplate 带板,牵板,连接板
topside tank 顶边舱;上边柜
topside tank sloping plating 顶边舱斜板
torsion 扭转
torsion strength 扭转强度
transom stern 方形船尾
transverse 横梁,横材
transverse bulkhead 横舱壁
transverse frame 横肋骨,横框
transverse framing system 横骨架式
transverse ring 横环
transverse strength 横向强度
tripping bracket 防倾肘板
tween deck 中间甲板
tween deck frame 甲板间肋骨
twisting distortion 扭转变形
twisting moment 扭转力矩
tunnel 轴隧,隧道,风筒
tunnel escape 轴隧应急出口
tunnel shaft bearing 中间轴支撑轴承
ullage pipe (port) 油位测定管(孔)
ullage space 空挡空间
upper deck 上甲板
upper (reverse) frame 内底横骨
upper (lower) shelf plate 上(下)支架板
upper (lower) stool 上(下)托架
ventilator 通风筒
vertical ballast trunk 竖向压载通道

vertical girder 竖桁
warping chocks 滚轮导缆钳
wash bulkhead 可荡舱壁,挡水舱壁
watertight bulkhead 水密舱壁
watertight deck 水密门
weather deck 露天甲板
web beam 强横梁,桁板横梁
web frame 加强肋骨,框架肋骨,桁板肋骨
web plate 腹板
wedge 楔木,楔子
winch 起货机
winch­head 绞车卷筒
windlass 起锚机
wing tank 翼舱,翼柜
wire clip 钢缆夹
wire reel 卷缆车,钢丝滚筒
三、 船舶材料及工艺常用英语
A. Shipbuilding material (造船材料)
T­bar T 型钢
Z­bar Z 型钢
I­Bar 工字钢
channel bar 槽钢
angle steel 角钢
equal angle steel 等边角钢
unequal angle steel 不等边角钢
offset bulb plate 球扁钢
flat plate 钢板
round steel 圆钢
half round steel 半圆钢
steel pipe 钢管
alloy steel 合金钢
special steel 特种钢
tempering steel 回火钢材
low carbon steel 低碳钢
high tensile steel 高强度钢
copper 紫铜
brass 黄铜
aluminum alloy 铝合金
stainless steel 不锈钢
mechanical property 机械性能
tensile test 拉伸试验
bend test 弯曲试验
impact test 冲击试验第 7 页 共 12 页
torsion test 扭转试验

torsion strength 抗扭强度
torsional deflection 扭转;扭转变形
tensile strength 拉伸强度
yield strength 屈服强度
yield point 屈服点
yield stress 屈服应力
elastic limit 弹性极限
ultimate strength 极限强度
ultimate tensile stress 极限拉伸应力
elasticity 弹性
ductility 延展性,可塑(锻)性
flexibility 挠性,柔性,易弯性
toughness 韧性
brittleness 脆性
friability 易碎性
hardness 硬度
rigidity 刚性,稳定性
heat treatment 热处理
quench 淬火
normalising 正火
annealing 退火
hardening 硬化,淬火
tempering 回火
casting 铸件,铸造
forging 锻件,锻造
pickling 酸洗
ship timber 船用木材
lignumvitae 铁梨木
three­plywood 三夹板
asbestos 石棉
asbestos cloth 石棉布
asbestos board 石棉板
asbestos sheet 石棉纸
asbestos cord 石棉绳
asbestos paint 石棉涂料
fiberglass 玻璃丝
plastics 塑料
resin 树脂
rubber 橡皮
painting 油漆
cladding 镀层,表面处理
coating 涂层,敷料
corrosion 腐蚀,侵蚀
wastage 损耗,蚀耗

wear and tear 蚀损,磨损
fracture 裂纹
fatigue fracture 疲劳裂纹
hairline fracture 发式裂纹
buckling 皱折
deformation 变形
deflection, deflexion 挠曲
flexion 弯曲
lamellar tearing 层间撕裂
rust 铁锈
scale 锈皮
pitting 点蚀,锈斑
indent 凹痕,凹陷
groove 槽沟
detachment 脱开,脱焊
rupture 断裂,破裂
cropping 割掉
renewal 换新
descale 除锈
grind 磨平
be veed out 刨除
alignment 对准,校直
snip 剪断,剪片
taper 削斜,斜度
B. Shipbuilding workmanship (造船工艺)
Working drawing 施工图
end elevation 后面图
front elevation 正面图
side elevation 侧面图
plane 平面图
lines plan 型线图
plan of waterlines 水线图
general arrangement plan 总布置图
construction plan 结构图
damage plan 损坏示意图
shell expansion plan 外板展开图
docking plan 进坞图
framing plan 船体构架图
inboard profile plan 纵剖面图
midship section plan 舯剖面图
loaded waterline plane 满载水线图
half breadth plan 半宽水线图
stowage plan 配载图
laying off lofting 放样

mold loft floor 放样台
mold loft 放样间
template 样板
mold loft batten, template batten 木样条
evolute 展开线
allowance 余量
assembly 装配第 8 页 共 12 页
subassembly 分段装配
subdivision length 分段长度
shipbuilding tolerance 造船公差
building berth 船台
building dock 干坞
slip dock 湿坞
marine slipway, railway dry dock 船排
marine slipway cradle 船排支架
building block, stocks 枕木
launch 下水
launching ways 下水滑道
launching grade 下水坡度
launching cradle 下水架
end launching 纵向下水
side way launching 横向下水
hydraulic press 水压机
flanging machine 折边机
plate bending machine 弯板机
angle cutter 角钢切断机
planing machine 刨边机
shearing machine 剪床
guillotine shear 龙门剪床
oxy­acetylene welding 氧­乙炔焊
co 2
gas welding 二氧化碳气体焊
arc welding 电弧焊
unionmelt welding 埋弧自动焊
fusion welding 熔焊
fillet welding 角焊
flat seam 对接缝
butt joint welding 对接焊
intermittent welding 间断焊;断续焊
staggered intermittent welding 交错断续焊缝
lap weld 搭接焊
slot weld 槽焊;长孔焊
plug weld 塞焊;圆孔焊
run of welding 焊道

welding torch 焊炬
welding rod 焊条
flux 焊药
filler metal; deposited metal 熔敷金属
welding stress 焊接应力
welding procedure 焊接方法
welding throat 焊喉
cutting torch 割炬
acetylene generator 乙炔发生器
slag 熔渣
undercut (焊接)咬边;根切
hydraulic test 水压试验
pressure test 压力试验
flooding test 灌水试验
hose test 冲水试验
oil tight test 油密试验
purchase trial 交船试验
四、 船舶性能常用英语
angle of vanishing stability 稳性消失角
buoyancy 浮性
buoyancy curve 浮力曲线
capsizing lever, upsetting lever 倾覆力臂
capsizing moment, upsetting moment 倾覆力矩
center of buoyancy 浮心
center of floatation 漂心
center of gravity 重心
curve of areas of waterplanes 水线面积曲线
curve of section areas 横剖面面积曲线
curve of volumes of displacement 排水量曲线
dynamical stability(curve) 动稳性(曲线)
entrance angle 进水角
floodable length 可浸长度
force of buoyancy, buoyant force 浮力
free surface 自由液面
heaving 垂荡
heeling angle 横倾角
heeling moment 横倾力矩
hogging 中拱
hogging condition 中拱状态
hogging moment(stress) 中拱力矩(应力)
hydrostatic curves 静水力曲线
initial metacenter 初稳心
initial stability 初稳性
insubmersibility 抗沉性

longitudinal inclination; list; heel 纵倾
longitudinal stability 纵稳性
panting (波浪对船体的)冲击
period of rolling 横摇周期
pitching 纵摇
pounding 波浪冲击
maneuverability 操纵性
margin line 限界线
metacenter 稳心
moment to change trim one centimeter 每厘米纵倾
permissible length 许可长度
potential head 势头
pressure head 压头
restoring moment, righting moment 复原力矩第 9 页 共 12 页
restoring lever, righting lever 复原力臂
rolling 横摇
sagging 中垂
sagging condition 中垂状态
sagging moment(stress) 中垂力矩(应力)
seaworthiness 适航性
stability 稳性
stability at large angles 大倾角稳性
stability criterion numeral 稳性横准数
static head 静压头(力)
statical stability (curve) 静稳性(曲线)
surging 纵荡
swaying 横荡
tons per centimeter of immersion 每厘米吃水吨数
total head (pressure) 总压头(力)
transverse inclination, trim 纵倾
transverse (longitudinal) metacenter 横(纵)稳心
transverse (longitudinal) stability 横(纵)稳性
trim by the bow (stern) 首(尾)倾
turning quality (circle) 回转性(圈)
velocity head 速头
weigh curve 重力曲线
yawing 艏摇
五、 船体检验常用英语
A. General descriptions
1. in good condition 情况良好
2. in poor condition 情况欠佳
3. in bad condition 情况不佳,情况不良

4. in a neglected condition 缺乏保养
5. not properly serviced 未经正常保养
6. not properly cleaned 未经正常清洁
7. not properly protected 未经正常保护
8. not properly insulated 未经正常隔热(或电气绝
9. not properly adjusted 未经正常校正
10. defective 有缺陷的(失效)
11. damaged 损坏
damaged beyond repair 损坏了无法修

12. failed (in failure) 失效
13. cut of order (in trouble) 故障
out of action 停止工作(作用) ,不是指故

14. in disorder 零乱(船属具零乱了)
15. not working 不能工作
16. inoperative 不能工作(失效)
unworkable, inoperable 指本身不能工作,
17. out of function 不能工作,失去作用,不
18. unserviceable (useless) 不能使用 (指必须
19. could not be started(failed to start) 不能
20. empty 空的
21. fitted incorrectly 安装不正确(指小型
installed incorrectly 安装不正确(指较大
22. dangerous accumulation of inflammable
vapors 可燃气体危险集积
it was obvious that this state had existed for a
considerable time ( 损 坏 ) 状 况 是 长
23. sluggish in (action, answering) (动作、应
B. Deficiencies
1. no„fitted, no„provided 未装
2. no„available 未备有
3. missing 遗失
4. incomplete 不齐全,不完整
5. deficient 不足,缺少

6. insufficient 不足
7. neglected 遗漏
8. omitted 遗漏,省去
9. removed 移开,拆走
10. washed overboard 冲走
11. dropped 跌落
12. fitted with wrong ….
(size, material, devices„) 错用(尺
C. Tightness, stains, loss of etc.
1. Leaking 漏
2. infiltrating (seeping) 渗漏
3. weeping 泪滴
4. sweating 汗滴
5. not watertight 不水密
6. loss of watertightness 失去水密性(比 5 好)
7. loss of airtightness 失去气密性
8. loss of oiltightness 失去油密性
9. escaping of cool 逃冷
10. loss of lub­oil pressure 滑油压力降低
11. loss of water pressure 水压力降低
12. oil polluted 油污染第 10 页 共 12 页
13. oil soaked 油浸
14. water soaked 水浸
15. water stained 水渍
16. oil stained 油渍
17. rust in patches 锈斑
18. verdigris in patches 铜绿斑
19. water marks 水渍
D. Crack, score, break etc.
1. scuffed 拉毛(仅从反光上可观察到)
2. chafed 擦痕
3. scored 拉痕(痕较 chafed 深)
4. scratched 抓痕(硬拉过的痕)
5. scraped 刮痕(长期运行刮的痕)
6. grooved 槽痕(比 pitting深)
7. ridged 凸起雷治痕(环状的痕)
8. cracked 裂痕
hair crack 发痕
surface crack 表面裂痕
through crack 穿透裂痕
non­through crack 未穿透裂痕
9. chapped 龟裂,折裂
10. fractured 折裂

11. broken off 破掉(破裂后跌落)
broken 破裂,破碎
12. holed 穿洞
13. holed & flooded 破洞浸水
14. opened 开口
15. bent 弯曲
16. canted 倾斜
17. buckled 皱折
18. warped 翘起,翘曲
19. indented (dented) 凹痕,凹陷(指船壳板
20. set in 凹陷(指船壳板较大面积的凹陷)
21. waved 波曲
22. curled 卷曲(指绳索)
23. rumpled 褶皱(指垫片)
24. bulged 鼓起,凸出
25. collapsed 倾陷,倾倒
26. ruptured 毁损
27. torn off 撕破
torn 拉脱
28. pierced 刺破
peeled 剥皮(油漆剥落)
burst 爆破(指高压管路)
blown off (packing) 吹脱
distorted 扭曲,歪扭
33. engine break­down 因故障机器突然停

E. Corrosion, seizing, choking etc.
1. corrosion 腐蚀
2. wasted 耗油
3. deteriorated 蚀薄
4. thinned 变薄
5. pitted 麻点
6. eroded 侵蚀
7. rusted 生锈
8. rotten (木、橡胶)腐烂、腐坏
9. decayed (电缆)腐烂、腐坏
10. aerated(橡胶、电缆)腐烂、腐坏
11. aged 老化
12. seized 咬住
13. seized by corrosion 锈死
14. stuck (粘)咬住
15. rust­jammed 锈轧
16. fouled 拥塞

17. clogged 堵塞(常指管子的堵塞)
18. blocked 阻塞
19. gagged 塞口
20. foul & dirty 闭塞
21. blanked 封没
22. plugged 闭塞
23. choked 卡住,阻塞
F. Wear, loose, clearance etc.
1. Loose 松动
2. starting (铆钉)松动
3. slack 松动
slack back 松出
4. worn 磨损
5. worn cut evenly 均匀磨损
6. worn cut unevenly 不均匀磨损
7. worn on one side 单边磨损
8. worn out symmetrically 对称磨损
9. distorted (轴线弯曲并扭转)扭曲
10. sprung (铆钉)扭歪
11. twisted (轴线未弯、纯扭转)扭转
12. excess clearance 间隙过大
excess backlash 齿隙过大
excess vibration 振动过大
excess noise level 噪音过大
loose engagement 啮合太松
17. loose connection 接头松动
18. tooth 齿
worn out 磨损
chopped off 崩缺
fractured 折断第 11 页 共 12 页
19. knocking 敲击
knocking cylinder 敲缸
knocking valve gear 伐件敲缸
knocking bearing 轴承敲缸
20. bearing metal 轴承合金
detached 脱壳
cracked 开裂
wiped 铺铅
belted 熔化
oil groove blocked 油槽堵塞
21. out off roundness 失圆
22. out off alignment 拉线不直
23. off­centering 偏心
24. deflected 偏斜

G. Burning, heating, etc.
1. Sparking 火花
2. arcking (arcing) 电弧
3. commutator 整流器
scored 拉痕
burnt 烧坏
worn 磨耗,磨损
uneven 不平
sparking 火花
blackened 发黑
rough 粗糙
mica undercut 弧坑
4. brush set incorrectly 碳刷安装不正确
5. scorched 烤焦
6. coked 结焦
7. charred 结碳
8. overheated 过热
9. broken down 击穿
10. short­circuit 短路
11. setting incorrect 整定值不正确
12. tripped incorrect 脱扣不正常
13. batteries
completely discharged(电)完全发光
undercharged 未充满
overcharged 充电过量
dry water 水干
A. Remove, crop etc.
1. Removed 拆下
2. removed & replaced 拆装
3. removed, faired & replaced 拆装拷平
4. cropped & renewed 割换(管、板、栏杆)
5. partly renewed 部分换新
6. partly cropped & renewed 部分割换
7. cut off 割除
8. faired 拷平
9. faired on 原地拷平
10. faired in place 原地拷平
11. straightened 拷直、校直
12. dismantle 拆卸(某一零件)
13. disassembled 拆散(解体)
14. stripped 拆除(某一部件)
15. unshipped 拆下
16. disconnected 断开(线、管接头)
17. opened 打开

18. lifted 抬升、举起
19. jacked 顶起(用千斤顶顶起)
20. replaced (by, with) 换用
21. patch 贴补
B. Fit, scrape, grind etc.
1. fitted & scraped 拂刮
2. fitted & ground 拂磨
3. scraped & ground 刮磨
4. made to fit 拂合(装配好)
5. run to fit 跑合(运动磨合)
6. ground round 磨圆
7. ground smooth 磨光
8. ground & reamed 磨绞
9. bored round 镗圆
10. planed smooth 刨光
11. polished 抛光
12. machined 光车
13. skimmed 光刀
14. finish machined 精加工
15. rough machine 粗加工
C. Re-metal, adjust, check etc
1. Remetalled 重浇白合金
2. re­babbitted 重浇白合金(专指巴氏
3. pulled out 拉出
4. drawn out 抽出
5. taken out 取出
6. adjusted 调整,校正
adjusted for alignment 校正拉线
adjusted true 校正拉线
adjusted for clearance 校正间隙
adjusted for centering 校中
adjusted for deflection 校偏
7. checked 检查
checked for roundness 检查圆度
checked for insulation resistance 检查绝缘
checked for centering 检查中心位置第 12 页 共 12 页
checked for alignment 检查拉线
checked for clearance 检查间隙
8. cleaned 清洁
9. wire­scrubbed 钢丝刷(除锈)
10. chipped & scraped 拷锈(油漆)
11. measured & recorded 测量并记录

12. logged (hourly) 记录(小时)
D. weld, rivet, wind etc.
ed by welding 电焊修理
up by welds (面积、深度、高度较
up by welds 堆焊
welded 塞焊
welded 点焊
welded 对接焊
8 tackweld 点焊、平头焊、定位焊







