
2020年08月12日 03:47



1. recognise one's ability perceive one's talentone's talent be perceived
2. enrol in a schoolattend a school
3. sth that made him rich and famous sth bring him both fame and fortune
4. Immediately understandinstant recognition
5. refer to known as
6. consult ask advice of
7. now currentpresenthappening
8. transmission sending information
9. response reply
10. ground rules assumptions underlying the research
11. likelihood it seems perhaps, guess, estimate
12. life expectancy the lifetime of
13. most powerful the largest the biggest the best the greatest
14. resemble pretty well like be similar to same as
15. promptly immediatelyinstantly
16. migrant migrate migration
17. before in advance prior previously former
18. make big changes redesignmodificationalteration
19. lack nevernonotin need ofwant
20. incomplete fossilised remains only fragments are found
21. determine decide
22. obtain acquire earn gain get procure receive secure
23. dense tightthickheavy
24. indicate demonstrate disclose display exhibit express hint imply point out
present reveal show signifysuggest

1. Initiativeinitiate launch pioneer introduce develop
2. National policy New Zealand strategy
3. Globalinternational
4. Team effort institutional working party
5. Hypothesisguess speculation possibilitytheorypotential
6. Suitableappropriate
7. Worldwide regulations international standard
8. Medical conditions illness disease
9. Place…at risk leave…vulnerable
10. Auditory problemshearing loss
11. Studycarry out research
12. Machinery noise noise generated by machine
13. Child which have not been diagnosed undiagnosed children

14. Current teaching method modern teaching practices
15. Cooling systems air-conditioningmechanical means of ventilation
16. Differentdistinctvariedreverse
17. Preventkeep frominhibitstopthwart
18. Potentialfuturebe expected to bepossiblelikely
19. Fail to donevernotunable to do
20. Calculatedetermine the value
21. Be worked outbe calculated
22. Realiserecogniseshowseeunderstand
23. Witnessviewseeobserve
24. Distortedlook smearednot circular


1. Competitivecompetitorscompetition
2. Achievementsuccess
3. BecausethusIt is… that强调句型so
4. Rely on previous eventsdraw on past experience
5. A result of a product of
6. Pitfalls trapssnares
7. Exposure to …bombard…with
8. Receptivereceiveembraceacceptagree
9. Noveltynew experience
10. Fearphobia
11. Embarrassmentridicule
12. Psychological illnessmental disorder
13. Decidedecision
14. Scientificsciencetechnologytechnological
15. Argueargumentdebatedebatablediscussdispute disputable
16. Understandableunderstandreasonable
17. Be affected byinfluence
18. Still existbe still with us
19. Stophaltpreventend
20. Pointlessnotno point of
21. Misrepresentedpaint unreal pictures
22. The custom of speaking popular speech
23. Grammatical rules rules of grammar
24. Alternativechoicewayreplacement

1. Back into Britain re-import into Britain
2. Reliablepredictable
3. Cut downreduce

4. Increase incomeexport earner
5. Power stationpower plant
6. In the vicinity ofaroundnearby
7. Extraction of seaweedclean seaweed
8. Result fromcause
9. In dangerat risk
10. Comparativelyrelatively
11. Explanationexplainreason
12. Transmission of informationinformation pass oninformation send backtransmit
13. Unnecessaryredundantsuperfluous
14. Incidentevent
15. Initiallyoriginally
16. Be about to stop workingon the brink of failing
17. Be used toby means of
18. Send messages over distancestransmit information from place to place
19. Signal strength strength of the signal
20. From her childhoodwhen she was a child
21. Her children were bornbirth of her two daughters
22. Marie took over the teaching positionshe was appointed to the professorship
23. Have the same property…is true for …
24. Receive recognitionbe awarded
1. Collectaccumulate
2. Both…andnot only…but also
3. Stock sth. a stock of sth.
4. Be exposed to by exposure to
5. Imitationimitatemimic
6. Be contingent on depend on
7. Masterypower
8. The aspects of self-awareness is difficult to research directlyEmpirical investigation of the
self- as-subject are rather scarce
9. …is link to …the link between…and…
10. Primarily intend for the publicfor the ordinary visitor
11. Personal involvementthemselves can act as if part of the historical environment
12. …and …are less easy to distinguish than before the sharp distinction is gradually
13. Balance the conflicting priorities steer a narrow course between the demand of …
14. Revealpresentpresentation
15. Durable objects transitory nature of the materials(反义词)
16. Consumermarket force
17. Give false impression bias in the representation
18. Current trendmajority of the public

倚 窗远眺,目光目光尽处必有一座山,那影影绰绰的黛绿色的影,是春天的
颜色。周遭流岚升腾,没露出那 真实的面孔。面对那流转的薄雾,我会幻想,那
里有一个世外桃源。在天阶夜色凉如水的夏夜,我会静静 地,静静地,等待一场
许下一个愿望,不乞求去实现,至少,曾经,有那么一 刻,我那还未枯萎的,
一片飞舞的落叶,会飘到我的 窗前。斑驳的印迹里,携刻着深秋的颜色。在一个
落雪的晨,这纷纷扬扬的雪,飘落着一如千年前的洁白 。窗外,是未被污染的银

When you are old and grey and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;
How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face;

And bending down beside the glowing bars,
Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.







