
2020年08月12日 03:48


生动形象的 词语引人注目;书面语与口语并行不悖;词的省略习以为常;新闻语域多种多样。
文章例证了这些用词特 点,说明了它们常见的原因,并指出其功能。
Abstract: Words and phrases used in English news texts are rich and varied. This paper discusses
the main features of diction in English news: proper nouns and numerals are emerging in large
numbers; abbreviated words, initialisms, and acronyms as well as news-style words are frequently
employed; modals and reporting verbs are properly applied; new words and phrases come out in a
steady stream; vivid and graphical words are quite appealing; colloquialisms and formal words &
phrases co- exist harmoniously; omission of words often occurs; news registers are of various
kinds. The paper illustrates these diction features, explains the reasons of their appearance and
points out their functions.
Key words: English news, diction features, texts, registers < br>新闻是传播及时、令人感兴趣的消息,新闻通常报道最近发生的、或即将发生的重大事情
(Nor man B. Moyes, 1980:4)。阅读英语新闻在我国已蔚然成风。我们不仅可以从英语新闻中获得最新消息、重要信息和宝贵知识,而且可以从中学到英语新词和新的表达法。然而,
看懂英语 新闻并非易事,因为英语新闻有许多独特的语言特点。限于篇幅,本文仅就英语新
闻语篇中的主要用词特 点作一探讨。
专有名词和数词大量涌现专有名词和数词(多为统计数字)属于新闻价值成分, 在新闻报
新闻报道与有关的人物、事件、时间、地点等密不可分, 故人名、地名、国名、组织机构名
称 等专有名词在新闻报道中屡见不鲜。笔者曾对《纽约时报》2001年8月刊登的40则新闻
导言的总词 数及其中的专有名词仔细计算了一番,总词数为1865个,其中专有名词多达598
个,将近占总词数 的三分之一。英语新闻语篇里专有名词应用之频繁,由此可见一斑。有些
专有名词是读者所熟悉的,但相 当一部分对读者是陌生的。英语新闻读者碰到的头一个问题
就是如何对付如此大量而又陌生的专有名词。 其实,许多专有名词在新闻语篇中是交代清楚
了的,不必一见到就去查词典,而且很多在词典中是查不到 的。当然,对于那些非常重要且
频繁出现的专有名词,如果感到陌生,则应查资料,弄清其意义与读音。 例如:
(1)KABUL, Afghanistan, Aug.25----Dayna Lesli Curry and Heather Mercer are the two
American aid workers whom the Taliban claim to have caught “red handed,” foisting their
Christian faith on Afghan Muslims in a conspiracy to entice them away from Islam. ( New York
Times , Aug. 26, 2001)
阅读例(1)这则新闻导言时 ,映入眼帘的头一个词就是专有名词KABUL(喀布尔)。如
果不知其词义和读音就应查词典弄明白, 因为它是个关键词。 倘若对导言中的 Taliban(塔
利班),Muslims(穆斯林) 和 Islam(伊斯兰教) 这三个专有名词也不认识,同样也应
查词典,了解其意义与读音,因为它们也 是不可忽视的关键词。至于Dayna Lesli和 Heather
英语新闻记者还常常用政府所在地的地名代替政府名称。如: Washington 常用来代替美国政
府, Peking (Beijing) 常用来代替中国政府,Tokyo常用来代替日本政府,London 往往用
来指代英国政府。此外, 英语新闻记者还使用某地地名或某国国名来代替在那儿发生过的重
大事件;或用某一专有名词来代替发生 过的与之相关的事件。比如:
(2) Bonn had also told Damascus it did not intend to impound the banks and expressed a desire

to settle the issue cordially... ( New Zealand Herald, Feb.5, 1992)
(3) Notwithstanding Afghanistan, notwithstanding the Olympic Games, Carter needs to talk to
Brezhnev… (谭卫国, A Course-Book in Newspaper English, 1994:77 )
例(2)中的Bonn 指代德国政府, Damascus指代叙利亚政府。例(3)中的 Afghanistan
指代前苏联入侵阿富汗事件,the Olympic Games指代以美国 为首的一些西方国家抵制莫斯
科于1980年举办奥运会这个事件。专有名词的这些用法是英语借代辞格 在新闻语篇中的典
1.2 数词大量涌现
新闻是事实的报道。 新闻 报道往往涉及有关具体的时间、事实、数据等情况。为了突出新
闻的客观性和可信度,记者总是运用准确 的数词。如:
(4)Shanghai- GM joint venture to produce first car
SHANGHAI, May 27 (AFP)—Shanghai’s latest car manufacturing joint venture with General
Motors of the United States is to be set up next week with the first car due on the market by early
1999, company officials said Tuesday.
Jiang Zhiwei, vice president of Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp.( SAIC) told a media briefing
that 30,000 of the 2.5-to-3.0 litre buick sedans would roll out of the assembly line before 2000.
SAIC has a 50 percent share in the 1.57 billion dollar joint venture which includes Shanghai
General Motors Car Plant….
The plant had an annual production capacity of 100,000 units.…
Its return on investment has risen to 2.8 yuan for every yuan invested in the eighth five-year
development period between 1991 to1995 from 1.4 yuan in the seventh five-year plan period. …
(AFP, May 27, 1997)
具客 观性和说服力,令人坚信不移。
缩略词和新闻 体词广为运用新闻记者都养成了一种朴素、简明、清晰的写作风格
(Moyes,1980:159)。 为了节省篇幅,为了行文简练,新闻记者喜欢使用缩略词和新闻体词。
2.1 缩略词频频出现 新闻报道要求行文洗练,在有限的篇幅内容纳尽可能多的信息。缩略词在英语新闻中无处不
有,成为 新闻文体简练的一个重要标志。英语新闻媒介广泛采用以下三类缩略词。
2.1.1 按原形读的单词缩略词
如:homo =homosexual; flu =influenza; scope = microscope, radarscope, telescope; Feb. =
February, Jan. = January. b = billion; m = million; pc = percent; mgr. = manager; jr.= junior; sr
= senior.
2.1.2 按字母分别读出的首字母缩略词(initialisms)
如:BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation; GMT = Greenwich Mean Time;UFO =
Unidentified Flying Object
2.1.3 按音节读的首字母缩略词 (acronyms) 例如:
APEC = Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation; NATO = the North Atlantic Treaty Organization;
UNESCO = the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.
由于长期使用,一部分缩略词为人们所熟悉了,在一 般词典中可以查到。但英语新闻记者有
时采用临时缩写的缩略词,一般未被编进词典。阅读英语新闻遇到 不认识的缩略词时,无须

急于查资料,记者往往在新闻语篇中给缩略词提供其完整的形式 。 如果新闻的缩略词未写
2. 2 新闻体词比比皆是
所谓新闻体词,是指对同一概念,同一事物或行为,英语新闻 媒体所用的词跟其他英语语篇
所用的词不相同。英语新闻体词简短形象,动态感强,节省篇幅。如,英语 媒介常用bid代
替attempt or effort, 用 probe 代替 investigate,用cut代替reduce or reduction, 用 chiefhead
代替commander, director, or governor, 用deal代替 bargain or transaction(谭卫国,1994:21)。
新闻体词在标题中尤为突出。以下四个新闻标题选自笔者的拙著 A Course-Book in
Newspaper English, pp. 23-24.
(5)Go-ahead for Aid Bill
(6)Gunman Wounded in Bank Robbery
(7)Murder: Two Men Held
(8)Tornado Hits Florida
以上标题中的 go-ahead (= approval, permission to act ), gunman (= criminal armed with a gun ),
held (= captured , arrested) 和 hits (= attacks) 都属英语新闻体词。
再举数例: drama n. 戏剧性事件, top vt. 突破, opt vt. 推选, net vt. 净得,bar vt. 禁
止 拒绝, blast n. vt. 爆炸, boost vt. 增加, up vt. 提高,row n. vt. 争论吵架。
下面是一些长短不一的成对同义词 。新闻编辑往往选短的,尤其是选用短的做新闻标题。
accord—agreement, aide—assistant, foil—thwart, hike—increase, kill—murder, pact—agreement,
parley—negotiate, plot—conspire, post—position, quit—resign, raze—destroy, rift—separation,
row—argument, shakeup—reorganize, slay—murder, tourney—tournament,
vow—pledgepromise, drive—campaign。
新闻体词在新闻标题中极为频繁。笔者曾统计了《泰晤日报》于2 000年7月—10月登载的
40则新闻标题所包括的总词数为222个,其中的新闻体词共有55个。 新闻体词生动活泼,
情态词和引述动词使用恰当情态词 ( modals) 和引述动词 (reporting verbs) 均可用来表明信
3.1 情态词使用颇多 第一个明显的人际交际特征就是情态特征。情态可视为评论或态度,蕴涵或明显存在于说话
者或作者 的言语中(Fowler,1994:64)。
不同的情态词表达不同的意义:有的表示对事实的主观 判断;有的表示可能性、可取性;有
的表达义务、职责;有的表达准许等。情态词暗示:语篇存在个人主 观性,此人在说话,在
表达观点或态度,此人拥有作出判断的知识、具有给予允许或分配职责的资格。如 果情态词
使用频繁,主观性便相应增多。新闻的真实性情态语气有绝对肯定的,也有各种程度的不怎么肯定的(Fowler, 1994:85-87)。 例如:
(9)“… bad infrastructure will let you down. Unreliable servers, insufficient storage systems and
disparate software applications can wreak havoc on your electronic business…. ”(TIMES, Sept. 3,
(10)“…The plan should include three key elements. It must allow emissions trading in order to
reduce costs and induce all nations to participate. It must ask developing countries to adopt a
ceiling against which their reductions can be measured….” (TIMES, June. 25, 2001, p.33)
例 (9)中的 will 和can和例(10)中的can都表达说话者相当肯定的语气。例(11)中
的should和 must传达“应该”、“必须”的意思,即表达“义务”这种情态意义。
语言学家 Fowler( 1994:86)认为,不但情态动词用来表达情态意义,而且情态形容词(如

like ly, unlikely),评判性形容词 (如,barmy, correct, right)和一些副词(如 perhaps, probably,
certainly)也常用 来表达说话者对有关事实或行为的可取性、正确性或可能性所持的看法。
在英语新闻语篇中,特别是在社 论中,情态词时而露面,用来表达信息来源者的观点、立场
2 引述动词恰到好处
记者往往非常重视选词用字, 特别注重引述动词选用得恰如其分。现举出一些常见于各类新
闻报道中的包含“说”之意思的引述动词: add, acknowledge, admit, address, affirm, allege,
announce, argue, assert, boast, call, caution, challenge, claim, complain, conclude, confess,
contend, continue, confirm, declare, deny, disclose, emphasize, exclaim, explain, express, go on,
insist, joke, note, offer, object, observe, pledge, point out, proclaim, propose , protest, reaffirm,
reiterate, recount, remark, reply, refute, retort, reveal, say, state, stress, suggest, tell, urge, warn。虽
然这些引述动词均有“说”的意思, 但在涵义上和修辞色彩上具有细微或明显差异,可用来
(11)…. PRESIDENT Jiang Zemin told visiting French Defense Minister Charles Million on
Monday that China will sign a major international treaty before the end of this year.
…Jiang said, China is ready to sign the UN’s international Covenant on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights… the Chinese Government has made efforts to achieve its people’s rights of
subsistence and development, Jiang pointed out…
It’s normal and inevitable that different views on human rights exist in different countries…he
Jiang emphasized that China has always held ….
Noting that…Jiang said he hopes that France will continue to play a constructive role… Calling it
a wise and far-sighted decision, Jiang said it demonstrates that France has an ….
Million expressed pleasure at hearing that China intends to sign the international
Covenant….(China Daily, April 9, 1997)
这则新闻报道摘录中的斜体词(斜体是笔者改的)都 是记者以第三人称报道消息所需要使用
的近义动词或现在分词,都含有“说”的意思,但语气和涵义均不 同。 said是间接转述语中
最常用的语气普通的动词,其次是told. observed (= made a remark ) 相当于“评论”、“评述”,
指个人对某事某问题的看法。 pointed out 和 emphasized表达强调的语气;noting(= calling
attention to)表示“特别提到”的意思。 Calling(“称……为,把……说成”) it a wise and
far- sighted decision表达了江主席对法国总统的决定抱高度评价、高度赞赏的态度; expressed
pleasure表达了Million对中国愿意签署联合国《经济、社会与文 化权利国际公约》感到高
显然,新闻报道中不 同引述动词的恰当应用不但表明消息来源的可靠性,而且可透视消息发
出者(说话者)的语气、观点、立 场或态度。
现代社会和现代生活的方方面面都在发生着日新月异的 变化。新的发明创造,新的技术设备,
新的商品和服务,新的社会现象、思想观念和社会风尚层出不穷, 都需要新词来命名。因此,
新词新短语总是源源不断。而新词语通常首先在新闻媒体上露面,尔后传播开 来,有些被社
4.1 旧词衍生新义 在英语新闻中,旧词添新义现象司空见惯。比如, gay 原义为“快乐
的”, 现在记者常用它来指“同性恋的”或“同性恋者”。自该新义出现以来,产生了一系列由
“gay +名词”构成的新短语,如gay civil rights(同性恋公民权),gay community(同性恋群

现列出英语新闻中一些旧词添新义的词语。其原义(括号内)和新义分别给出: angel (天使),
难得碰上的事情;basket (篮子),一组问题(建议、决议);bells (铃)喇叭裤; blue
collar (蓝领),体力劳动;dove(鸽),温和派; exotic (舶来品),脱衣舞女;hawk (鹰),
主战派,强硬派;hiccup (打嗝),(股市)短暂跌价;hijack(拦路抢劫),空中劫持;
rap (敲击),抨击;sex symbol (性象征),性感演员;source (来源,源泉),消息灵
通人士;topless (无顶的),袒胸露臂的;umbrella (雨伞),保护伞;
4.2 旧词派生新词 新闻记者为了意义表达的需要,往往在旧词的基 础上巧妙地加上前
缀或后缀,让旧词派生出新词。在英语新闻语篇中,派生新词大量涌现,远远比任何其 它语
篇中的派生词多。活跃的前缀、后缀多达几十种,派生出的新词数不胜数 (张健,1994:200)。
anti- pollution drive 反污染运动,auto-timer自动定时器, disinformation假情报, workaholic
工作迷, geo-hygiene 全球环境卫生, hyper-media大型传媒装置, inter-urban bus 市内公共汽
车, intra-Nato affairs“北约”内部事物, multi- lateral diplomacy 多边外交, neo-realism新现实
主义,non- government party 在野党, pre-marriage cohabit 婚前同居, post-depression economy
萧条后的经济, post-doctoral fellow 博士后研究员, post-Mao China 毛时代后的中国,
pro- hanging lawmaker 赞成绞刑的议员, pro-reform leader赞成改革的领导者, technomania
技术狂, nuclear-free zone无核区; conflict-ridden region 冲突四起的地区。
4.3新事催生新词 语 当今世界政治、文化不断变化,经济、科技不断进步,新生事物
比如,1957年10月4日 ,前苏联发射了世界上第一颗人造卫星,开辟了人类探索宇宙的新
纪元。英语新闻记者将之按俄文字母拼 为 Sputnik 1 Satellite。 接着,一系列以 -nik 为后缀
的新词语应运而生, 而且还在出现(参见张健,1994:183-85)。如: citynik 都市迷,
computernik电脑专家, peacenik 热爱和平的人。又 如,1969年7月20日,美国的阿波罗
(Apollo)宇宙飞船登月成功,各国媒体竞相报道。这 一重大事件导致了许多新词语问世。
如:moonwalk月面行走, mooncraft月球飞船, Space Age太空时代,space colony宇宙空间
移民区,space shuttle航天飞机。
euthanasia安乐死 , eyelids-slicing operation 双眼皮手术, vanity surgery美形手术, economic
blast- off经济腾飞, fluctuating salary浮动工资, Fourth World第四世界贫困集团, fringe benefit
附加福利, green card绿卡, job-hopper跳槽者, blanket-bombing地毯式轰炸, Blue Berets联合
国部队, contract marriage协议试婚, honey trap美人计, sex pervert性变态者, bullet train超高
速火车, flyover立交桥, fringe time非黄金时间, prime time黄金时间, sound-and-light光幻音响。
在新闻报道中, 尤其是在新闻特写中,记者常常借助修辞手段,巧妙地运用形象化词语,创
造具体生动的意境,展现栩栩 如生的画面,以增加新闻报道的形象性和吸引力。
1 名词、动词及其短语用作形象词语
(13)Struggling Kim ready to shake up cabinet
President Kim Young-sam embarked on a major cabinet reshuffle yesterday to avoid being
labelled a lameduck leader during his last year in office.
Earlier, his State Council ministers offered to resign to give him a free rein in carrying out the
shake-up… Leaders of the New Korea Party and top presidential aids offered to step down …Mr
Kim … who battled previous military rulers, took power in 1993, promising a corruption-free
society. But the Government is lurching from one corruption scandal to another….(South China
Morning Post, Feb.27, 1997)

这篇新闻摘录中的斜体词语(斜体是笔者改的)都是用作暗喻的名词、动词 (包括现在分词)
5.2 形容词用作形象词语 比如:
(14)… Witnesses said Mr Yeltsin’s face looked waxen, as if he were wearing make-up….( ibid.
Feb.22, 1997)
(15)… The conditions for China to introduce an inheritance tax are getting more mature… ( AFP,
Feb.14, 1997)
(16)… Tarim…is an inhospitable, desert region in the far northwestern province of
Xinjiang….( .12, 1996)
(17)… the most notable buildings on the block were a sweep of picturesque stables…(New York
Times, Sep.9, 2001)
例(14)中的waxen 本义为“蜡黄的”,其喻义是“(病得)脸色蜡黄的,苍白的”。 例(15)
中的mature本义指人“成熟的”, 它在例句中的引伸意义指条件“成熟了”。例(16)中的
inhospitable 本义为“不殷情好客的,不热情友好的”, 其比喻意义为“荒凉的,不毛的”。例
(17)中的 pi cturesque的原义为:风景好得可以绘成画的,其引伸意义为:别致的,不同
寻常的,异常奇特 的。
显然,形容词用作暗喻或被拟人化时,喻义生动,意境具体,耐人寻味, 能唤起受众的联
在英语新闻报道中,名词、动词、形容词、短语动词、名词短语等用作比 喻的,特别是用作
隐语的,俯拾即是。这样的词语言简意繁,喻义深刻,意境鲜明,可大大增加新闻语言 魅力,
(18)… “ The purchase of the turbines and generators for the project is expected to trigger a
major war among leading suppliers of hydro-generators around the world,” Qin said.
…If all goes according to plans, the turbines will start generating electricity in the year 2003…(U
P l, Sept.2, 1996)
(19)…tensions rose yesterday after Pakistan defiantly test-fired a ballistic missile…
Yesterday’s test of a Ghauri ballistic missile was hailed as “ a great success” by President Pervez
Musharraf. “God is great,” he said three times on national television. Pakistan is “ready for war”,
he said: “ We do not want a war, but we are not afraid. Let nobody have any misunderstanding
about this….” ( Times, May 26, 2002)
以上两例是两则新闻摘录。显然,这两则新闻报道多用书面语,其中专门术语较多 ,结构较
为复杂,行文风格颇为正式。但也有口语特征,如例 (18)中的Qin said, goes,例(19)
值得指出的是,在主要报纸的新闻报道 中,虽然书面语和口语融为一体,但书面语一般较多;
在通俗小报的新闻报道中,口语、俚语颇多,占相 当大的篇幅。在电台广播的英语新闻中,
口语风格占优势。口语(包括俚语)用得恰如其分,可烘托气氛 ,使描写活灵活现,节奏感
省略现象在英语 新闻标题中极为普遍。犹如打电报一样,撰写新闻标题时,可以省略一些词
语,使标题尽可能简练明了( 丁其林,1999:19)。请观察下列新闻标题,括号内的句子是
(20)227 arrested in Chile as thousands take to street ( = 227 people are arrested in Chile as

thousands of people take to the street) (21) Population may reach 1.28 billion (= The population
may reach 1.28 billion people ) (22) NPC wants to make sure pupils attend school ( = NPC
wants to make sure that pupils attend school) (23) U.S. , Japan In Pact on Electronics ( = U.S.
and Japan Are in Pact on Electronics ) (24) Chinese girl stabs pampered brother to death ( = A
Chinese girl stabs her pampered brother to death)
从实例可以看出,在英语新闻标题中,“be”的各种形 式无论用作系动词还是用作助动词都通
常省略;冠词 a 和 the,引导宾语从句的连词 that,所有格代词 (如例(24)中的her),为
具体数词所修饰的名词(如 people)及限定hundreds, thousands, millions等数词的介词短语
(如 of people)均往往省去。并列连词and在新闻标题中常被逗号所取代。注意,情态动
此外,简单介词 by, in, on等在不引起误解的前提下通常省略,在美国新闻报道中更是如此。
化交际所涉 及的各种物体、概念、过程和各种关系描绘得清清楚楚。词汇的确具有结构框架,
虽然表面上不容易看得 出来。语义关系给词汇以结构。词汇像地图一样首先按切分成分起作
用,术语的运用使世界这块蛋糕的切 分块块变得明朗具体。(Fowler, 1994: 82)。在英语新
闻语篇中,一连串相关词语的 应用清楚地标出各行各业各种话题的用词特色。以下两个实例
均包含一连串的相关成分。每例第一句给引 用了,接着仅列出大部分相关成分。
(25) Europe is to reopen the space race by launching one of the fastest spaceships so far with
the aim of landing it on a melting comet.
The mission…part of a series…Europe’s growing challenge to US domination in space. … the
origins of the universe … planets similar to earth. The most ambitious will land on
Mars …increasingly confident in space…the astronomer royal…well-designed missions …The
European Space Agency’s Rosetta mission to Comet Wirtanen…the most dramatic...After its
launch…Rosetta will orbit Earth twice and Mars once, using their gravitational pull to match the
comet’s speed of up to 84,000mph…drop a lander on the surface, then follow the comet towards
the sun…provide some of the most exciting pictures…The space race will accelerate…Three
spacecraft… should arrive at Mars… send a landing vessel to the surface… on millions of other
planets…indicate the origin, age and eventual fate of the universe… (Sunday Times, March 31,
(36) THE Morning Star sends May Day greetings to the working people throughout the world.
This is the 100th anniversary of May Day as a labor movement festival … a world socialist
system … the working class … state power… working people … Socialist countries …
international differences … the heyday of imperialism… colonial or semi-colonial slavery…
imperialism… political independence … colonialism … neo- colonialism … the third world …
developed capitalist countries … the organized working class … multinational capitalism …
publicly-owned industries … trade unions … class collaboration … right-wing Labor leaders …
progressive left … the Communist Party … Marxism … social development … class
struggle …organized working class…Socialism…disunity… capitalism’s problems … the road to
socialism. (Communist Morning Star, 1 May 1986)
以上两例存在两个明显不同的词汇语域(lexical re gisters):一是太空科技语域;二是应用
马克思主义理论政治性语域。两例均有一些专门术语, 如 “spacecraft, spaceship”, “ the
working class, labor movement”等。还有一些比较常用的词语,如 “seek, work, accelerate,
exciting pictures”, “action, collaboration, struggle” 等。这样的常用词语在其语境中染上了语境

并懂得语域具有分类或区分范畴的功能,这应当是我们交际能力的一部分。Fowler( 1994:84)
组 织分为社会主义和资本主义帝国主义两大阵营,并断言这两大阵营之间的斗争不可避免。
英语新闻用词 丰富多彩,新闻语域各种各样。按词语分类是新闻语篇表达思想的一个极为重
要的有机成分,特别是在报 道女性、年轻人、少数种族等社会群体的新闻语篇中,按词语分
类构成区别他们的基础。此外,记者还过 多地使用准同义词来代表某些实体和观念。
本文谈到了英语新闻的主要用词特点,还有指示词和外来词 也运用频繁,字体和拼写富有变
新闻报道包罗万 象,新闻用语浩如烟海。用于人类交际的各种各样的词语,从自然科学和社
会科学常用术语,尤其是政治 、经济、教育、文化方面的常用术语,到日常生活用语,包括
街头巷尾的通俗话语,都可从新闻媒体中看 到或听到,真是应有尽有,蔚为大观。多彩多姿
的新闻用语描述我们这个多彩多姿的大千世界。显然,对 英语新闻的用词特点的研究非常复
Fowler, Roger. Language in the News [M]. London : Routledge. 1994.
Moyes, Norman B. Journalism in the Mass Media [M]. Boston : Ginn and Company. 1980.
丁其林. 英语新闻阅读指南[M]. 北京:北京广播学院出版社. 1999.
谭卫国. 报刊英语教程[ M]. 长沙:中南工业大学出版社. 1994.
张健. 新闻英语文体与范文评析[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社. 1994.







