大学英语综合教程4第二版(上海外语教育出版社)unit 8-the discus thrower

2020年08月12日 03:54


I. 1. reddish brown
2. low-growing
3. almost unbearable degree
4. brings the spoon into light contact with
5. visit the patients
II. 1. accomplice
2. probing
3. furtive
4. solid
5. pruned
6. acknowledging
7. hefted
8. unwrapped
III. 1. peculiar
2. impression
3. dwellings
4. delivery
5. disinfectants
6. assembly
7. probings
8. awkwardly
IV. 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. D
V. (watch, look)
2. live (reside, inhabit, lodge, stay)
3. sway
4. satire (sarcasm, derision, ridicule)
5. tense (nervous, stressed, anxious)
6. remarkable (extraordinary, notable, striking)
7. desirable (pleasant, agreeable)
8. stretch (extend)
VI. 1. location
2. praises
3. much
4. supporting
5. usually
6. bring together
I. 1. you have enjoyed it
2. she needs a good rest
3. you have had a good time
4. someone hashad smoked in here
5. I had run a marathon
6. Susan isn’t coming

6. C 7. A 8. A

7. he were an old man
8. the world were coming to an end
1. I werewas a child
2. it happened only yesterday
3. she knew everything
4. to let the painful memories pass
5. awakened from some dream
6. searching for something
7. she were the Queen
8. he were a patient
1. J
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. G
6. H
7. E
8. F
9. I
10. C
1. Apes are the animals nearest to men in appearance.
2. These articles are well written, but there is still room for improvement.
3. Crises often occur in the best-regulated families.
4. The passers-by stopped and put their hands into their trouser pockets.
5. Traffic accidents often occur at crossroads.
6. Telephones are a necessity in the modern world.
7. The storms did great damage to the crops.
8. We have a very high opinion of the old professors.
1. are
2. is
3. areis
4. is
5. isare
6. isare
7. are
8. Is
1. When she came in from the rainstorm, she looked as though she had just taken a shower
with her clothes on.
2. Diana stood motionless at the end of the diving board, hands at her sides, heels slightly

raised, every muscle anticipating action.
1. 这让他看上去像一盘盆景,树根和树枝都被修剪了,一棵大树只剩下矮小的树干。
2. 他两腿的残肢,失去了腿和脚的负荷,翘在半空,露出双腿的病况。
3. 他双手端起盘子,放到右手上,移到手心里,然后把它稳住。
4. 传来盘子在他床头对面墙上撞碎的声音以及湿漉漉的炒蛋轻轻地掉到地板上的声音。
1. Searchlights fingered across the black water.
2. Since a robbery happened in this building, the night watchman has become more careful and
makes his rounds once every hour.
3. He stuck to his plan, though there was nothing left to prop him up.
4. He is paid by the police to spy on the activities of the terrorists.
5. In time they will come to accept the harsh reality.
6. That man’s behavior looks very suspicious. He is pretending to sleep, but now and then he
steals a furtive glance at the passers-by.
7. The social and economic changes that have taken place in this country are so sweeping that it
has dwarfed all its neighbors.
8. In the dim light of the daybreak, I saw a dark shape looming athwart the door.

父亲那些浆得发硬的衬衫是个问题。他穿衬衫时,把它套住 头往下拉,两只手左右乱伸,
寻找袖子。新衬衫非常结实,经得起这样拉扯,不会撕裂,但经父亲穿过后 ,很快就不那么
结实了。首先他知道,他会听到它开始撕裂的声音,这使他感到讨厌。他憎恨任何脆弱的 表
劈 啪声和母亲大声的抱怨。

Exercises for integrated skills
II. 1. on
2. under
3. even
4. how
5. where
6. at
7. true
8. camps
9. as
10. either







