lesson 12Text A Confessions of a Miseducated Man 教学设计教案

2020年08月12日 04:02


(一) 教学设计表

课次 第一次
授课班级 英语101 周次

第十二课 Text A: Confessions of a Miseducated Man
Students will be able to:
教学1) Develop reading skills- understand the main idea,structure of the text, and the skills of
reading for specific information-scanning;
2) Integrate the four skills-conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing
activities related to the theme of the unit.
重点 本节课的重点是贯穿全文让学生掌握全文的主要内容,建构总起框架,为教学思想
的渗透, 语言知识的理解、掌握作好必要的准备。
难点 本节课的教学难点是学生对文章编章结构的理解与划分以及作者的写作意图。


结合综合英语精读 这一课程的特点,突出以任务为引领,以学生为中心的交际教学
法原则,本教案进行了这样的教法设计: 在设计教案时通过设计任务-排除障碍-完成
任务-教师点评,使学生完成本节课的语言学习。并充分利 用计算机、网络这些超文
本的载体,选择与课文主题相关的真实的音频资料,为学生了解课文的主旨大意 提
1. Pre-class activities: (热身)
1) Students discuss in groups: Globalization: Threat or Opportunity? (5分钟)
2) Ss’ presentation on the topic: Globalization: Threat or Opportunity? (5分钟)
3) Listening lab: Globalization: Threat or Opportunity? (While listening, students should
fill in the blanks.)(5分钟)
2. T’s leading in to the text:
1) Introduction of the text: (2分钟)
2)Students discuss the following questions in pairs: (8分钟)
a. How do you understand the word “miseducated”?
b. What’s the difference between “miseducated” and “uneducated”?
c. Could you please show some other examples?
3)Text appreciation (15分钟)
a. The theme of the text
b. Global reading of Text A

1) The structure of the text. Students work in pairs to give the main idea of each part.15
2) Students skim and scan the text and try to retell the text.(20分钟)
3) Background information. ( 3分钟)
3) Home assignments: (2分钟 )

(1) Topics of the oral practice:
(2) Questions for the students’ reading comprehension.
(3) Writing

In this article, in order to emphasize the importance of understanding the similarities
among peoples, the author deliberately played down the importance of understanding
their differences. This really was not necessary. In fact mutual understanding of these
differences is absolutely vital for mutual respect. Only by a clear understanding of
such differences can we learn to put them in proper context and benefit from each
others’ accomplishments.

Differences do not divide us. It’s the wrong attitude toward the differences that
divides us. The author’s condemnation of tribalism in all its forms as the cause of our
misconception is very eloquent. The danger of doing terrible wrongs in the name of
nationalism or patriotism cannot be underestimated. But there is also the danger of
using globalization as an excuse to encroach upon other countries' sovereign rights.
The existence of modern nations is a historical fact. It has to be redefined, yes. But in
a world where many nations are still fighting for their basic rights, and indeed, where
many peoples still do not have their own nations, to talk about limiting national
sovereignty is risky.
1. Pre- class activities:
1) Students discuss in groups: Globalization: Threat or Opportunity? (5分钟)

Today everybody agrees that the world is getting smaller and smaller.

International community, world village, global integration, globalization, world market,

etc. have become some of the most frequently used words in the English language.

Some view it as a process that is beneficial—a key to future world economic

development—and also inevitable and irreversible [,iri'və:səbl]不可逆的; Others regard it

with hostility, even fear, believing that it increases inequality within and between nations,

threatens employment and living standards and thwarts 阻碍social progress.

In your opinion, “Globalization: Threat or Opportunity?”


2) Ss’ presentation on the topic: Globalization: Threat or Opportunity? (5分钟)

学生活动设计: 学生根据小组讨论的结果给出相应的答案。
教师活动:教师对学生的答案给出点评。T: Globalization offers extensive opportunities for
truly worldwide development but it is not progressing evenly. Some countries are becoming
integrated into the global economy more quickly than others. Countries that have been able
to integrate are seeing faster growth and reduced poverty. Outward-oriented policies brought
dynamism and greater prosperity to much of East Asia, transforming it from one of the
poorest areas of the world 40 years ago. And as living standards rose, it became possible to
make progress on democracy and economic issues such as the environment and work
standards. Ok, let’s listen to the following material and try to make sure of it. Whiling
listening ,try your best to fill in the blanks.

3) Listening lab: Globalization: Threat or Opportunity? (While listening, students should fill in
the blanks.)(5分钟)


学生活动设计: 学生带着任务边听给出相应的答案。

2. T’s leading in to the text:
1) Introduction of the text: (2分钟)

教师:1. What kind of impact will all this have on us?
2. What must we do to adapt ourselves to these changed conditions?
This essay attempts to address this issue.
The author’s central idea is that, to prepare ourselves for this new world, we must all be
re-educated so that we will be able to understand that there are more similarities than
differences among peoples. The differences are superficial and insignificant whereas the
similarities are essential and fundamental. These similarities enable all of us to be equal
members in this global village and to live happily with mutual respect.
First, life is a rare occurrence and human existence even more so. Therefore we should
have the greatest respect for all humanity;
Second, however different peoples may be in little details, they are united in their
humanness, in their basic human faculties and gifts;
Third, they are also united in their needs, because today none of the most important
problems we are faced with can be resolved without global cooperation.
• What do you think the fast developing world brings to us?
• What do you think are the main trends that affect us today?
• What do we have to process in order to survive the new age?
• What kind of education do you think is proper for college students especially
English majors to receive?
Discuss all these questions in groups after class, and then write down your own opinion.(课

2)Students discuss the following questions in pairs: (8分钟)



a. How do you understand the word “miseducated”?

b. What’s the difference between “miseducated” and “uneducated”?

c. Could you please show some other examples?


3)Text appreciation (15分钟)
a. The theme of the text
b. Global reading of Text A
4) The structure of the text. Students work in pairs to give the main idea of each part.(15分钟)




5) Students skim and scan the text and try to retell the text.(20分钟)

教师设计任务: (给出相应的线索要求学生给出关键词完成文章概要)
The author is making an open admission here that he is _______________. He is well
–educated in the __________sense. But traditional education in his opinion is

_____________________, because it mainly talks about differences--- differences in _______,

___________, ___________, _____, _______, _________, _______, __________, ________,

___________ and ____________________ etc. between different regions, nations and races.

This education is useful for __________ because it can prepare them against culture

____________ and rouse their curiosity. But it is useless today.

The _____________ traditional education has emphasized are not important today. Today it is

the ____________ that we ought to know. But our education has failed to teach us these.

The reason why the similarities should also be emphasized is simple. The world has become one

___________________. We are no longer so _________________________ from each other.

We have more and more in common. If we do not understand this, we will not be able to deal

with ___________________, and we will not be able to __________. Our greatest threat today

is ___________ in all its disguised forms.

What we need therefore is a new education which will give people a __________ perspective.

The view is based on the fact that the universe itself does not ____________ cheaply. We must
learn to __________ the basic _____________ that all human beings share.

Apart from respect for human life in the universe, we also need to understand the common

________ of humanity, like clean ____, and _______, _________, and peace. We must work

together to _______ the delicate balance of our planet.

The author _____________ his hope that some nation or people will understand this

___________ and be _______________ to lead us towards this human destiny.



6) Background information. ( 3分钟)
3. Home assignments: (2分钟 )


1. Oral work-----Group Discussion:

1) What does the author think of the differences between races and nations? What is your
2) Do you agree that tribalism is standing in our way to progress today?
2. Read the text.
3. The writer believes that the similarities between nations outweigh the differences. Give his
arguments in 120-130 words.







