
2020年08月12日 04:33


Social Media and Friendship
anyone paying attention these days, it’s clear that social media – whether Twitter,
Facebook, LinkedIn or any of the countless other modern-day water coolers – are
changing the way we live.
social media :
modern-day water coolers:
现在我们每个人都注意到,(不论是T witter、Facebook、LinkedIn还是其它数不尽数的现代
社交媒体,正在改变着我 们的生活方式。)
, we might feel as if we are suddenly awash in friends. Yet right before our
eyes, we’re also changing the way we conduct relationships. Face-to-face chatting is
giving way to texting and messaging; people even prefer these electronic exchanges to,
for instance, simply talking on a phone. Smaller circles of friends are being partially
eclipsed by Facebook acquaintances routinely numbered in the hundreds. Amid these
smaller trends, growing research suggests we could be entering a period of crisis for
the entire concept of friendship. Where is all this leading modern-day society?
Perhaps to a dark place, one where electronic stimuli slowly replace the joys of
human contact.
awash : adj. 被浪冲打的;与水面齐平的;充斥的
conduct relationships:处理关系conduct: vi. 导电;带领vt.管理;引导;表现n. 进行;行为;
face-to-face chatting: 面对面的聊天 electronic exchanges:电子设备交流
eclipse:n. 日蚀,月蚀;黯然失色vt.使黯然失色;形成蚀 amid:prep. 在其中,在其间,同
the entire concept of friendship: 友谊的全部概念
事实上,我们仿佛会突然感觉到周围都是朋友,(但恰好在 我们意识到之前),(我们在改变
着我们建立关系的方法)。短息和信息代替了面对面的交流;人们甚至 更喜欢(这些电子交
流方式),比如,用电话进行简单的交流。小的朋友圈(正在部分地消失),(相比 起)(通常
情况下)Facebook相识的通常就有(成百上千地交友)。在这些小的趋势(当中)、 发展(越
来越多地)研究表示我们(可能迈进了一个对于整个友谊概念产生危机的的时期)。(这样的< br>危机会将现代社会引向哪里?)(或许引向一个电子诱惑缓慢取代人类交流接触乐趣的黑暗
地带。 )
ess of a possible problem took off just as the online world was emerging.
Sociologist Robert Putnam published the book Bowling Alone, a survey of the
depleting levels of ―social capital‖ in communities, from churches to bowling alleys.
The pattern has been replicated elsewhere in the Western world. In the United
Kingdom, the Mental Health Foundation just published The Lonely Society, which
notes that about half of Brits believe they’re living in, well, a lonelier society, One in
three would like to live closer to their families, though social trends are forcing them
to live farther apart.
aware:adj. 意识到的;知道的;有„方面知识的;懂世故的
take off:起飞;脱下;离开 deplete:vt.耗尽,用尽;使衰竭,使空虚
social capital:n. [经] 社会资本(指交通、卫生、通信等基本设施)
bowling alleys:保龄球馆 replicated:重复的Brites:力量,力气
social trends:社会趋势 live farther apart:生活之间的距离不断的离开家园
当网络世界(出现)时我们也意识到了可能出现的问题。社会学家Robert Putnam出版了


(一本名为)《独自打保龄球》(的书), (它)从社区到保龄球馆做了一个社会资本消耗水
平的调查。在西方社会这种模式已经被应用到别的地方 了。在英国,精神卫生基金会刚刚出
版了《孤独的社会》,这本书提到大约一半的英国人(认为他们)居 住在一个孤独的社会,
尽管社会形势(正在)逼迫(着)他们不断的远离家园,但是三分之一的人更喜欢 居住在离
lly, the pressures of urban life are blamed: In London, another poll had
two-fifths of respondents reporting that they face a prevailing drift away from their
closest friends. Witness crowded bars and restaurants after work: We have plenty of
acquaintances, though perhaps few individuals we can turn to and share deep
intimacies. American sociologists have tracked related trends on a broader scale, well
beyond the urban jungle. According to work published in the American Sociological
Review, the average American has only two close friends and a quarter don’t have
blame:责备 respondent:n. 回答者,调查对象
prevailing adj. 流行的;一般的,最普通的;占优势的;盛行很广的
v. 盛行,流行(prevail的现在分词形式);获胜
turn to and share deep intimacies:可以掏心掏肺的 tracked to:跟踪经„„调查
broader scale:在很大的范围内
典型的,城市生活的压力应该招到批判:在伦 敦,(另一个)民意测评是有五分之二参与者
反映他们面临渐渐远离他们亲密朋友的形势。在下班后拥挤 的酒吧和餐厅就能证实,我们有
大量的熟人,但是却没有我们能推心置腹的人。美国社会学家在很大范围 中做调查,(不仅
仅局限于城市)。根据美国社会研究出版的著作表明,平均每个美国人仅有两个关系密 切的
Shallow friendships
should be noted that other social scientists contest these conclusions. Hua Wang
and Barry Wellman, of the universities of Southern California and Toronto
respectively, refer to ―some panic in the United States about a possible decline in
social connectivity.‖ But notice their language: ―social connectivity.‖ That is not the
same as intimate friendship. While social networking sites and the like have grown
exponentially, the element that is crucial, and harder to investigate, is the quality of
the connections they nurture.
contest:vt.争辩;提出质疑vi. 竞争;争辩n. 竞赛;争夺;争论
respectively:adv. 分别地;各自地,独自地
panic:n. 恐慌,惊慌大恐慌adj.恐慌的;没有理由的vt.使恐慌vi.十分惊慌
social connectivity:社会的联系 intimate friendship:亲密的友情
exponentially:以指数的方式 element:n. 元素;要素;原理;成分;自然环境
nurture:vt.养育;鼓励;培植n. 养育;教养;营养物
Hua Wang和Barry Wellman分别指出:在美国对社会的连通性有一些恐慌。但是注意他们的
(极 其重要并且难以调查的因素是他们所形成的交流的质量)。
we know that less is more when it comes to deeper relationships. It is lonely in
the crowd. A connection may lone be a click away, but cultivating a good friendship
takes more. It seems common sense to conclude that ―friending‖ online nurtures


shallow relationships – as the neologism ―friending‖ itself implies.
less is more:少就是多物以稀为贵 when is comes to:当提到;就„„而论
cultivating:v. 培养(cultivate的现在分词)common sense:常识
neologism:n. 新词;新义;新词的使用
(然而,当涉及到 更深层次的关系的时候,我们却对此知之甚少。),(在人群当中,我们是
孤独的)。(交流可能只需要 点击一下鼠标)(但是培养一段优质的友谊却需要付出很多)。(这
似乎常识性地总结出:加好友使关系 变浅,正如“加好友”本身所暗含的意思一样。)
is striking that loneliness should be regarded as a mental health issue, and that
seems right. At least since the ancient Greeks, it has been recognized in our political
philosophies that we are social animals. Aristotle was just one thinker to remark that
an individual could have everything that life can offer –career, family and money –
but if a person didn’t have a good friend, his or her life would be fundamentally
lacking. A society that thwarts opportunities for deeper sociality, therefore, stymies
remark:n. 注意;言辞vt.评论;觉察vi. 谈论
thwarts:vt.挫败;反对;阻碍;横过adj. 横放的;固执的n. 划手座;独木舟的横梁adv. 横
过prep. 横过
stymies:n. 妨碍球;困难的境地(等于stymie)vt.完全妨碍;从中作乱
(在社会 形态上,我们是群居动物。)思想家亚里士多德(注意到,一个个体可以为自己提
供生活所需要的一切) ——事业,家庭和金钱,但如果一个人没有一个好朋友,他或她的生活
(将会是不完整的)。阻碍人们深 入交往的社会就是阻碍人们的健康(的社会)。
single person is at fault, of course. The pressures on friendship today are broad.
They arise from the demands of work, say, or a general busyness that means we have
less quality time for others. How many individuals would say that friendship is the
most important thing in their lives, only to move thousands of miles across the
continent to take up a better-paid job?
take up:拿起;开始从事;占据(时间,地方)
当然,这不是某个人的错。(对于今天的友谊来说,压力 是广泛的)。(唉,这些压力来源于
工作的需要,或者是普通的商业,这就意味着我们没有高质量的时间 给其他人。)有多少人
It starts with childhood
course, we learn how to make friends – or not – in our most formative years, as
children. Recent studies on childhood, and how the contemporary life of the child
affects friendships, are illuminating. Again, the general mood is one of concern, and a
central conclusion often reached relates to a lack of what is called ―unstructured
illuminating:adj. 照亮的,照明的;启蒙的,有启发性的
v. 照明,阐释(illuminate的现在分词形式)
unstructured time:松散的时间
当然,(在我们形成性格的最重要的孩童时期,我们学会了如何交朋友,或者不 交朋友。)(近
来关于童年时期和当代孩子的生活如何影响到友谊的研究正在阐明这个观点)。(此外, 目前
ured time results from the way an average day is parceled up for our kids


–time for school, time for homework, time for music practice, even time for play. Yet
too often today, no period is left unstructured. After all, who these days lets his child
just wander off down the street? But that is precisely the kind of fallow time so vital
for deeper friendships. It’s then that we simply ―hang out‖ with no tasks, no deadlines
and no pressures. It is in those moments that children and adults alike can get to know
others for who they are in themselves.
structured:adj. 有结构的;有组织的v. 组织;构成(structure的过去分词);建造
parcel up :打包 wander off down the street:漫步在街上
hang out:挂出;闲逛
( 有计划地时间是来源于我们把一天的时间计划好硬塞给孩子)上学的时间,做作业的时间,
练习音乐的时 间,甚至玩的时间。然而(一天当中),没什么时间(是)没有被安排(的)。
毕竟,(在这个时代)谁 (会)让自己的孩子在街上散步呢?但恰恰是这种休闲时间对于加
深友谊是至关重要的)。(就是那些时 候我们可以没有任务,没有界限,没有压力地“闲逛”)。
(正是)在那些时候无论是孩子还是成年人都 可以彼此的深入了解对方。
there is a secret to close friendship, that’s it. Put down the device; engage the
tle had an attractive expression to capture the thought: Close friends, he
observed, ―share salt together.‖ It’s not just that they sit together, passing the salt
across the meal table. It’s that they sit with one another across the course of their lives,
sharing its savor – its moments, bitter and sweet. ―The desire for friendship comes
quickly: friendship does not,‖ Aristotle also remarked. It’s a key insight for an age of
instant social connectivity, though one in which we paradoxically have an apparently
growing need to be more deeply connected.
capture :vt.俘获;夺得;捕捉,拍摄n. 捕获;战利品,俘虏
share salt together:一起分享盐,俗语
key insight:关键的技术、重要的概念
亚里士多德有一个吸引人的表达:亲密的朋友,可以分享生 活。不仅仅是他们可以坐在一个
餐桌上,而是他们生活中更可以一起陪伴对方,分享人生酸甜苦辣的滋味 。(亚里士多德也
指出)“交朋友的(渴望)(匆匆而来),但友情却姗姗来迟。”(对于当今这个快速 社会交流








