
2020年08月12日 04:41


. David Ho was sitting in the audience during an AIDS meeting in 2007 when the presenter flashed a cartoon
onscreen to make a point. Along with his colleagues, Ho chuckled at the image of a blindfolded baseball player swinging
mightily at an incoming pitch. But as amused as the scientists were, they were sobered too; they knew that the player in the
cartoon was them. A swing and a miss, the image was saying, one of many in the long battle against AIDS.
2 007年世界艾滋病大会,何大一博士与同事一道正安静的坐在观众听着嘉宾的讲解,讲台上的宣讲者在摆弄屏< br>幕上的一幅卡通漫画,上面画着一个被蒙上双眼的棒球运动员正准备猛击来球,这个幽默细节让何博士暗自 发笑。
科学家们都很搞笑,但他们也清醒得很,他们知道画面上那个盲目的棒球小子指的就是他们自己。 挥棒出去,没打
certainly got the message. For nearly a quarter of a century, he and other AIDS scientists had been whiffing
repeatedly, failing to make contact as HIV stymied them again and again. Powerful drugs to foil HIV could do only so
much. To corral the epidemic and truly prevent HIV, only a vaccine would do. The problem was that no vaccine strategy
had ever succeeded in blocking the virus from infecting new hosts, and that wasn't likely to change in the near future.
struck a special chord with me,
felt that frustration.何大一可能读懂了漫画,近14世纪以来,他和其他的艾滋病科学家们在同艾滋病的博弈中,一次次被狡猾的
艾滋病毒戏耍,击败。能拿来对付艾滋病毒的最强药物也仅仅是凑合而已,要限制它的传染,只有靠疫苗 了;但问
题是没有一种疫苗策略能成功的阻止艾滋病毒感染新的宿主,而且这种局面在不远的未来也不见 得有所改观。“那
副漫画形容得恰如其分,”何大一说,“我觉得它很准确的描述了我们能成功的机会, 我们都感受到了挫折。
that meeting, much has changed, but the fundamental problem of developing an effective AIDS vaccine
remains. On the positive side, in 2009, scientists announced that they had developed the first vaccine to show any effect
against HIV infection — although that effect is, by all measures, modest. The vaccine's ability to reduce the risk of new
HIV infection 31% is nowhere near the 70% to 90% that public-health experts normally view as a minimum threshold for
an infectious-disease vaccine. Even further behind in development, but still promising, are two new antibodies identified by
a group of researchers working at a number of labs that, at least in a dish, seem to neutralize the virus and thwart attempts to
infect healthy cells.
从07年的艾滋病大会算来,情况已经改观了很多,但要开发一种有效 的艾滋病疫苗依然问题重重。2009年情
况出现了转机,科学家们宣布他们开发出了一种新的疫苗,这 种疫苗表现出一定的抗病毒感染效果,虽然这种效果
只能算作一般;新疫苗能将艾滋病毒感染风险由原来 的70%-90%降低到31%,通常公共健康专家只将这个数字看
作感染类疾病疫苗预防作用的最低门 槛。更令人鼓舞的是,通过数个实验室一组研究者的通力合作,已经鉴定出了
两种新的抗体,至少我们有 克制病毒并阻止它感染健康细胞的法宝了。
excitement over those advances, however, has been tempered by the still raw memories of a humbling retreat in
2007, after a highly anticipated shot against the virus was deemed a failure. While nobody expected spectacular results,
neither did anyone expect such a stunning defeat, and the scientific community is still struggling to recover from it.
still a long ways away from having an effective HIV vaccine that physicians can reach into the cabinet and pull out in a vial
and inject into a person,
这些进展让人备受鼓舞,大家还依稀记得2007年的时 候,原本被寄以厚望能对付病毒的试验失败,那种被打
击的痛苦记忆让人永生难忘,大家都以为没指望了 ,就像没人能料到那场溃败一样。科学界也暗暗鼓劲,要从失败
的阴影中恢复过来,哈佛医学院的艾滋病 专家布鲁斯·沃尔克说:“要获得一种有效的艾滋病疫苗,能让医生们随
may be true, but Ho, who has been working to develop an HIV vaccine of his own, now believes that a
traditional shot, one that relies on snippets of a virus to both awaken and prod the immune system to churn out antibodies,
may not be the best way to fight HIV. Rather than expecting the body to do all the work of first recognizing then mounting
an attack against the virus, why not just present the body with a ready-made arsenal of antibodies that can home in on HIV?
It's the immunological equivalent of a frozen dinner; the already cooked antibodies eliminate all the hard work of prepping
and priming the immune system to do battle.
布鲁斯的话的 确有道理,但何大一独自发明了一种更像传统疗法的艾滋病疫苗,依靠活化的病毒片段刺激免疫
系统产生 抗体,现在看来,这种方法也许不是对抗艾滋病魔的最好手段。与其指望自身机体完成识别和歼灭病毒,
's a bold strategy and one that has never been tried before in the AIDS field, but Ho is willing to stake his reputation
and that of his nearly 20-year-old facility, the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center (ADARC) in New York City, on his
hunch. So is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has steered nearly $$7 million his way to pursue the theory. Ho has
redirected more than half of his lab to the project, and the results so far have reignited his passion for discovery; he's now
back at the lab bench overseeing experiments.
这是一个大胆的想法,在艾 滋病领域还没有人这样干过,但何大一凭借自己在艾伦·戴蒙德艾滋病研究中心
(ADARC)二十年的 研究经验,搭上自己的名誉也要毅然决然的赌上一把,比尔与梅琳达盖茨基金会也为此赞助
了他700万 美元。何大一调动了自己实验室一半多的研究力量投入这项工作,目前的结果重新点燃了他战斗的热情,
can't help breaking into a grin whenever he discusses the new project, and smiles haven't come easily to him of
late. In the 1990s, he and ADARC established themselves as leaders in the AIDS field by pioneering the early use of the

antiretroviral (ARV) cocktails that have reduced the death rate from AIDS (for which Ho was named TIME's Person of the
Year in 1996). But in recent years, the center has suffered a series of setbacks, including a scientific paper that required a
partial retraction, and the departure of key scientists. These challenges have some in the field wondering whether ADARC
— and its golden-boy director — are on the verge of the next big breakthrough in AIDS or are wandering down yet another
detour in the long and maddening fight against the disease.
每当何大一谈到这个新项目时,嘴角都不由自主的露出一丝微笑,实际上他肩上的压 力大到难以令他开颜。90
年代,何大一革命性的率先使用抗逆转录病毒的鸡尾酒疗法,降低了艾滋病人 的死亡率,同时也确立了自己以及
ADARC在艾滋病研究领域的领导地位(何大一因此获得了1996 年时代年度人物奖)。但最近几年,ADARC却遭
受了一系列的挫折,论文被撤回,重要科学家离开, 这些挑战让一些人对ADARC的前途感到担忧:在这场对抗艾
滋病的持久战役中,ADARC和它的金 牌带头人已经接近新的重大突破了,还是依然在徘徊不前?
First Responder抗艾第一人
er successes Ho does or doesn't have ahead of him, he long ago earned his credentials in the AIDS field. As a
physician at the University of California, Los Angeles, in the early 1980s, he began keeping a diary of patients who were
rushed to the emergency room with a mysterious amalgam of symptoms such as pneumonia, cancer and, most important, a
devastating drop in immune function. After a few months, he noticed a pattern: most of the patients were gay men. Intrigued,
he became nearly obsessive about chronicling the growing wave of cases. Within two years, Ho and the rest of the world
would know that they were seeing the first cases of AIDS.
不管何大一这次成功与否,他在艾滋病领域长久 以来建立起的权威形象不会受到动摇。早在二十世纪八十年代,
作为一名加州大学的医师,何大一开始为 那些被推到急诊室的病人做日志,这些病人都有一些奇怪的并发症状,如
肺炎、癌症等,更重要的是,他 们都发生了严重的免疫功能缺陷,几个月过后,他发现了一个规律:大多数这样的
病人都是男同性恋。随 着记录的病例越来越多,何大一对这种疾病也越来越感兴趣。两年以后,何大一和全世界都
认识到这些人 类首次接触的病例就是后来让人谈之色变的恶魔:艾滋病。
's preoccupation with HIV only grew as the virus continued to baffle scientists. Expecting the unexpected was the
best way to confront HIV, he soon learned, and he quickly amassed an impressive array of scientific firsts in the field. As
director of ADARC, which was founded in 1991 and was one of the first research centers dedicated solely to the study of
AIDS, he led a team that pioneered the 'em early and hit 'em hardapproach to drug therapy, now the core of the
ARV-cocktail treatment that is keeping millions of HIV-positive patients alive. His lab showed how HIV therapies would
be most effective in the days and weeks immediately after HIV infected a new host. That understanding came from their
breakthrough finding that rather than sitting latent for years after infection, as many experts believed at the time, HIV was
actively challenging the immune system from Day One. Soon after that revelation, ADARC scientists were the first to add
to existing data on how HIV worked by identifying a second, key receptor that the virus uses to invade cells.
当艾滋病还在让其他科学家一头雾水的时候,何大一已经一步一步在这个领域开始了前瞻 性的研究,他很快明
白,期待未知才是对付艾滋病最好的法宝,很快在他身边聚集起了一批该领域内的科 学精英。当时有一批致力于艾
滋病研究的专业研究中心成立,成立于1991年的ADARC也是其中之 一,何大一出任中心主管,不久他领导的团
队前瞻性的提出了对艾滋病毒“早期打击,从重打击”的药物 治疗方案,这就是鸡尾酒疗法的核心概念,这种疗法
救活了成千上万的艾滋病患者。他的实验室让人们看 到,在艾滋病毒感染新宿主的头几天或头几周内,迅速使用鸡
尾酒疗法会起到极其明显的效果。他们突破 性的发现让人们认识到,感染后坐等着几年的潜伏期太消极了,艾滋病
毒从第一天起就在活跃的攻击免疫 系统。之后不久,ADARC的科学家们又第一次向人们展示了艾滋病毒是如何通
过一个次要的关键受体 起作用的,病毒利用这个受体入侵细胞。
Vaccines in Vain无效的疫苗
while AIDS scientists began making inroads in developing drug therapies, designing a vaccine was proving nearly
impossible. Despite all that they have learned about HIV, experts are still missing one essential ingredient: to this day, they
do not know exactly what cells or immune responses could protect the body from HIV infection. Could an antibody that
binds to and neutralizes the virus do the trick? Are T cells, specially formulated to recognize portions of HIV's surface
proteins, the solution? Or, as many experts now suspect, is some elusive combination of those factors the key to outwitting
从新设计疫苗已被证明几乎是不可能的,因此艾滋病科学家们开始在药物疗法上寻 找突破。尽管所有的科学家
都了解艾滋病毒,但他们还是会漏掉一个关键细节,时至今日,他们还是不知 道到底是哪种细胞或免疫系统能保护
机体免受艾滋病毒感染;通过结合病毒的抗体来消灭病毒能取得成功 吗?通过特别改造能识别病毒大部分表面蛋白
的T细胞来杀灭艾滋病毒的方法可行吗?更或者,正如很多 专家怀疑的那样,将以上因素结合起来就能成功击溃艾
t an answer, developing vaccines is a very halting process.
Nabel, director of the Vaccine Research Center at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). is constantly changing its
genetic makeup through mutations. It's also a moving target because the proteins of the virus surface are actually moving
themselves — they are conformationally flexible. The net result is that the immune system never gets a really good look at
没有人能 回答这些问题,疫苗的开发也是步履蹒跚,美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)疫苗研究中心主任加里·纳
贝 尔说:“艾滋病毒是个活动靶子,因为它不仅通过突变不断改变自己的遗传结构,而且病毒表面的蛋白质会自己< br>转移,它们有灵活的空间构象。综上所述,因此免疫系统无法识得病毒的庐山真面目。”

didn't take long before these futile efforts began to wear on the researchers in the field, not least of all those at
ADARC, where Ho's group was attempting to develop its own vaccine — with little success. The center — which had
earned such laurels for its ARV triumph — began to suffer a scientific slump and lack of direction, according to those who
left in the early 2000s. Some blame Ho's management style, which, they say, changed in the aftermath of media attention
that came with his recognition as Person of the Year. They describe a highly competitive atmosphere in which members
scrambled to claim key projects and kept certain studies under wraps out of fear that colleagues would poach their ideas.
Frustrated, several high-level faculty members, none of whom agreed to be quoted by name, decamped.
这些徒劳的努力使这个领域的研究者随时间慢慢流失,不光是在ADARC,到 处都是这样。何大一的研究团队
正在尝试开发自己的疫苗,但同样希望渺茫。据本世纪初离开ADARC 的科学家说,该中心已经开始陷入科学低潮,
缺少研究方向,完全不是当初因鸡尾酒疗法而赢得科学桂冠 时的样子;也有些人认为,年度人物评选惹来媒体的关
注,何大一的管理风格也也因此发生了改变,中心 的竞争氛围开始加剧,一些人在关键项目上明争暗斗,研究转入
背地里,生怕同事窃取了他们的成果。几 个高水平的研究人员(此处不方便透露姓名)开始心灰意冷,离开了ADARC。
really great times, and you don't experience them often in an academic career. The structure put in place for the first few
years was magnificent and very collegial. But unfortunately the happy ending didn't go forth.
我来说真是美好时光,这是我学术生涯中难得有的体验。头几年中心的研究结构堪称完美,学术氛围也很 浓,遗憾
malaise at the lab, which Ho attributes to personality conflicts among the faculty, began to infect the quality of
the science. In 2002, Ho generated headlines when he thought he had found the X factor made by immune cells that
protected some people from developing AIDS. It turned out, however, that his conclusion was premature. Other cells had
contaminated his results, and he was forced to issue a
was an embarrassing moment for us, but we fixed it ourselves,
何大一将实验室中令人不适的氛围归咎为职员间的个性 冲突,这种氛围使中心的研究质量在下降。2002年,何
大一认为他发现了由免疫细胞产生的X因子, 这些免疫细胞帮助患者对抗恶化的艾滋病情,这一次他上了报纸头条,
但结果证明他的结论过于草率。何 大一的实验结果受到其他细胞干扰,他被迫发表了一份“撤回声明”,宣布撤回
研究论文。“那真是一个 令人尴尬的时刻,这是我们自找的,”何大一说,“我们的研究生涯大概到了一个低谷期。”
15. ADARC had plenty of company. Vaccine efforts were progressing elsewhere in the AIDS community, but
unevenly. Testing for one candidate, made by Merck, began in 2004 with much fanfare and ended three years later with
disappointing results: not only had the vaccine not offered protection against HIV infection, but it actually seemed to
increase the risk for some people. Because of the Merck results, the NIH, which had a similar vaccine in the works, put off
plans for its own study.
ADARC并不孤独,其他艾滋病研究机构在疫苗研制上的努力也有了进展,但 道路依然艰辛。默克研制的一种
新疫苗,在2004年开始进行试验,当时是吹得震天响,但三年后还是 等来了一个令人失望的结果:这种疫苗不仅
不能使人免受艾滋病毒感染,而且似乎还会增加感染艾滋病的 风险。本来美国国立卫生研究院正在研发一种相似的
疫苗,看到默克的结果,他们随即推迟了针对该疫苗 的研究。
to two years after the disclosure of those results had to be among the most bleak of times for
AIDS-vaccine scientists,
“在这些结果被批 露后一两年里,研究艾滋病疫苗的科学家们都活在凄凉无望的境地里,”纳贝尔说,“我们
怀疑我们所做 的一切,到底哪里出了问题。”
The Clouds Part情况不甚明朗
by early 2007, Ho had already glimpsed the possibility of an answer. In Houston the biotech firm Tanox had
developed a compound that it thought might interest him. Ho knew Tanox well. He is a friend of one of the company's
co- founders and is a member of its scientific- advisory board, so if the scientists there thought they were onto something, he
suspected it was worth a look.
直到2007年早些时候,何大一才得以洞察到一些可能的答案。休斯顿 Tanox生物科技公司开发的一种药物令
何大一非常感兴趣,他对Tanox很熟悉,该公司的一位创 始人就是他的朋友,同时他也是公司科学咨询委员会的成
员之一,因此如果公司的科学家们觉得有点眉目 时,何大一亦认为值得一试。
flew to Houston, where he was given a briefing on a new agent called ibalizumab, an antibody that appeared
able to block HIV's entry into healthy cells. In the 200 or so HIV- positive patients tested in the early trial, the compound
was effective, but Tanox was worried about resistance. No matter how promising ARV drugs were, HIV inevitably found a
way to evade them. So while the agent seemed to reduce the burden of virus in the blood up to 90% in patients with
full-blown AIDS, no one knew how long the viral standoff would last. The company's leaders wanted Ho's opinion on
whether the agent was worth developing further.
他飞到休斯顿,听了一 场简要汇报,内容即这种被称为ibalizumab的新药物,它是一种似乎能阻止艾滋病毒进
入健康 细胞的抗体。经过对大约200名艾滋病患者的前期试验,这种药物表现出一定的效果,但Tanox担心病毒会
产生药物抗性。在艾滋病晚期病人身上,该药物几乎能清除血液中90%的病毒,但没有人知道这种抑制 效果会持续
g at the numbers, Ho saw more than just another member of the growing arsenal of ARV cocktails. Each of
the ARVs focuses on thwarting just one of several different steps in HIV's infection process. Ibalizumab works at the

critical juncture where the virus meets a healthy CD4 cell — a critical component of the immune system — essentially
interposing itself between the two and preventing infection. If ibalizumab was so good at tamping down HIV in AIDS
patients who were already infected, then maybe it could be tweaked to prevent AIDS in the first place. In other words,
maybe it could become a vaccine — just a whole different kind of vaccine that bypassed the traditional, and frustrating,
process of figuring out what the immune system needs to fight HIV.
效果听起来不错,但何大一看到的并不仅仅是抗艾滋药物大 军中又多了一员。艾滋病毒感染过程分为多步进行,
而每一种抗逆转录药物只能对其中的一步起到阻遏作 用。CD4细胞是免疫系统的关键组分,Ibalizumab可以对病毒
与健康CD4细胞的关键结合 点起作用,它的这种介入效果可以防止病毒感染。如果Ibalizumab能有效打击被感染
病人体内 的艾滋病毒,那么它也许可以用来从源头上预防艾滋病;换句话说,Ibalizumab可能成为一种全新的疫 苗,
传统上我们需要搞清楚到底要利用免疫系统的哪一部分来打击艾滋病毒,Ibalizumab则绕 过了这个传统。
didn't even wait to leave the meeting before phoning his lab with instructions to investigate the literature on
Ho has diverted to investigating the compound. Barely three years later, that initial enthusiasm has only grown, spreading
throughout the labs that occupy two floors at ADARC's Lower East Side facility.
何大一等不及报告结束就打电话回实验室,让研究员们马上查阅关于Ibaliz umab的相关文献,黄耀星(音译)
接到了这个电话,他说:“何博士激动万分”,何大一马上从别的 项目组调过来两个研究员参与研究Ibalizumab,
黄耀星是其中之一。苦等了近三年以后,这个 好消息让大家的研究热情又重新高涨,ADARC在下东区的这两层小
the ADARC scientists are struggling to achieve is a thorough understanding of how ibalizumab operates and
how they can control those machinations. The CD4 cell is a bit like an immunological sentinel, endowed with the ability to
recognize snippets of various pathogens, from common influenza to HIV, and mark them for destruction by other cells.
Once attached to a CD4, HIV begins an intricate series of steps to gain entry into the cell. Ibalizumab is able to disrupt this
intricate molecular choreography by binding to the CD4 and serving as an immunological snare. With the antibody stuck to
the CD4 receptor, the virus is physically unable to complete the necessary contortions it must perform to slide into the cell
and take over its genetic machinery to pump out more virus.
现在ADARC的科学家们全身心投入了一项工作:彻底弄清楚ibalizumab的作用机制以及如 何去控制这种机制。
CD4细胞有点像是免疫上的前哨站点,具有识别从普通的流感病毒到艾滋病毒等各 种病原体片段的能力,并为它们
打上标记以便其他细胞进行打击。艾滋病毒一旦结合上CD4细胞,就可 以通过一系列复杂步骤得以进入细胞内;
如果Ibalizumab事先结合上CD4细胞,就能起到免 疫陷阱的作用,通过这种作用来阻断艾滋病毒进入细胞。具体
说来,Ibalizumab能够与CD4 细胞受体结合,使得病毒无法完成必须的弯曲过程,这样它就进入不了细胞内部,无
法接管细胞的遗传工 厂来生产更多的病毒。
's the beautifully elegant scenario that attracted Ho to the antibody, but the problem is that tying up CD4 this
way may not be such a good idea. Taking so many of the body's essential defense cells out of commission means the patient
may be left vulnerable to any number of other infectious agents — exactly the immunocompromised position that AIDS
patients are trying to avoid. That was the fear that Ho's lab members expressed when he broached the idea. < br>这是一个完美的解决方案,何大一被深深迷住了,但问题也依然存在,像这样去约束CD4细胞也许并不是 什
么好主意。使人体基本防御体系的大部分停止运作意味着病人易于受到很多其他传染病的威胁,艾滋病 人一般都会
尽力避免陷入这种免疫缺陷的境地。当何大一谈起关于这个药物的想法时,他的实验室成员提 出了上述的看法。
Huang, is now heading the ibalizumab studies. A clinician who sees patients, Vasan says,
antibody on CD4. You need CD4. 仙蒂·凡赛,另一位参与ibalizumab研究的ADARC研究员,同时也是一接待艾滋患者的临床医 生,她说:“听
到这样的想法,我的第一反应是,他是不是疯了?把抗体放到CD4细胞上?这太可怕了 ,我们需要CD4细胞。”
Ho believes ibalizumab is more agile than that. CD4, it turns out, is like a marina with several docks; HIV
berths in one, and ibalizumab in another, leaving the cell free to fight other pathogens.
its nose, then this antibody is binding to the back of CD4's neck,
pathogen troller is not impaired by being coupled to ibalizumab. is a solid scientific rationale for what they are
attempting to do,< br>但何大一相信,ibalizumab能作用得更为巧妙些。一般说来,CD4细胞就像是一个拥有几个船 坞的码头;艾滋
病毒占了一个,ibalizumab占了另外一个,细胞还是有能力去对抗其他病原体 。“如果说艾滋病毒的粘附位置是在
CD4细胞的鼻子上,那ibalizumab则是在它的脖子后面 ,”何大一说,这意味着CD4细胞同ibalizumab的结合并
没有破坏它行使病原体标记者的能 力,哈佛大学的沃尔克也说:“他们正尝试去做的事情有坚实的科学基础。”
lab is now working with monkeys to test whether ibalizumab can head off infection not just with the
notoriously weaker lab strains of HIV but also but with naturally circulating strains as well. The idea is to hit the antibody
with the most potent HIV around, so if the strategy doesn't work, Ho can shut down the project, before it gets too far along.
目前,ADARC实验室正在猴子身上进行试验,确定ibalizu mab是否能切断艾滋病毒的感染,这些病毒不仅包
括那些已经弱化的实验室病毒株,而且还有天然毒株 ,目的就是要用感染能力最强的艾滋病毒去考验ibalizumab抗
体,如果它禁不起考验的话,何 大一马上就停止这个项目,以免研究过于深入。
is hoping it won't come to that. He is not under any illusion that a successful antibody-based treatment will have

the sweeping effect of the polio or measles or smallpox vaccines — essentially wiping out the diseases in treated
populations. Instead, an ibalizumab-based therapy will be just one of many weapons against HIV, albeit a very powerful
one. ”Ho recalls.”It was truly my gut feeling
何大一当然不希望看到这种结果,但要像脊髓灰质炎疫苗、麻疹疫苗或天花疫苗那样基 于成功抗体不仅取得了
一击致胜式的快捷效果,而且彻底从治愈人群中赶走了疾苦,他也不抱这样的幻想 ;相反,ibalizumab只是众多用
来打击艾滋病毒的武器中的一种,同时最有效的一种。“当我 第一次接触到ibalizumab时,我就觉得可能有成功的
希望,”何大一回忆说,“这是我的直觉 反应。”
takes more than instinct to make good science, of course, and Ho is keenly aware of that. But like a talented batter,
he is hoping that a combination of intuition and technical skill will guide him to make contact. A solid hit would be nice-but
Ho is still trying for a home run.
当然,成就科学不能单单只靠直觉,何大一亦深知这一点,就像聪明的击球手一样 ,他希望凭借直觉和专业技
能的结合能引导他成功。对何大一来说,一击必杀固然精彩,但他需要争取的 是一记全垒打。







