
2020年08月12日 04:51


Unit 9
Word pretest
1. burst—came suddenly
2. glow—produce soft light
3. assume—suppose
4. memoirs—autobiography
5. perceptive—quick to notice and understand thing
6. weary—an exhausting
7. mighty—powerful
8. stable—steady
Word match
1. fling—to throw with violence
2. instinctive—(of ideas, behaviors)natural, not based on learning or
3. exemplify—to serve as an example of
4. funnel—a wide-mouthed tube used for pouring liquids into a
narrow-necked container
5. prelude—a short piece of music that introduces a large musical work
6. applaud—to praise by clapping one’s hands
7. flash—to shine suddenly and brightly
8. attend to—to direct one’s interest and effort to
9. potential—possibility for being developed

10. impulse—a sudden wish to do something
11. doze—to sleep lightly
12. evaluate—to judge the value degree of
13. resurgence—to return to power, life and activity
14. stuck—unable to go
15. sketch—to describe roughly

Unit 10
Word pretest
1. hostile—unfriendly
2. option—choice
3. impact—influence
4. fragile—easily damaged
5. boost—encouragement
6. rake—earn
7. encompass—cover
8. allegedly—according to what has been claimed
Word search
1. exotic—different or unusual (as if)from a distant country
2. ranch—a very large farm where sheep ,cattle ,or horses are bred
3. stand—a small shop or stall or an area where products can be shown

for sale
4. culinary—connected with or used in kitchen or cooking
5. marina—a small part for pleasure boats
6. resort—a place to which people go for rest or recreation, as on a
7. monopoly—exclusive control of commodity or service in a given
8. principal—chief, main
9. carnival—public enjoyment and merrymaking
10. boredom—dullness

Unit 11
Word pretest
1. alternative—possibility of choice
2. scholastic—academic
3. aptitude—natural ability
4. distribution—division
5. omit—fail to include
6. relevant—helpful
7. strain—hurt
8. illegible—unreadable

Word search
1. count—to consider or regard
2. presentation—the way in which something is said, shown, explained,
etc, to others
3. deduct—to take away an amount from a total
4. reinforce—to make stronger or firmer
5. statistics—a collection of quantitative data
6. offender—one who has committed a crime
7. thwart—to prevent from
8. reprimand—serious criticism
9. crib—something used for cheating in an examination
10. divisive—causing disagreement between people

Semantic variations
1. objective—fair and just
2. score—to give a certain number of points
3. check—to examine
4. issue—to publish or deliver
5. performance—achievement
6. yield—to produce

Unit 12
Word pretest
1. provision—condition
2. registered—formally recorded
3. reciprocal—mutual
4. signatory—signer
5. prescribe—give rule
6. accommodate—adapt
7. consequent—following
8. suppress—prevent
Word search
1. procedure—a set of actions necessary for doing something
2. variety—a number of different thing
3. multiple—including many different types
4. application—a written and official request
5. pilfer—to steal(small amounts or things of little value)
6. uncanny—very strange or mysterious, not natural or usual
7. predate—to be earlier in history than
8. verdict—the official decision made by a jury in a court of law
9. breach—to break(a promise, agreement, etc)
10. nuance—a slight dedicate difference in meaning, color, etc

1. Densely-- in a manner of being packed or crowded together
2. Defense— the act of defending against attack, danger, or injuring
3. Credit—an arrangement for deferred payment of a loan or purchase
4. Condense—to make (a liquid )thicker by remaining some of the water
5. Incredible—marvellous, amazing
6. Dense—difficult to see through

Word pretest
1. augments—make it bigger
2. proclaim—declare
3. denounce—condemn
4. aspire—have a strong desire for
5. inhibition—feeling that holds back
6. beset—is troubled with
7. pious—religious
8. humility—the quality of being humble
Word search
1. issue—a list of the subjects to be dealt with or talked about at a

2. plunder—taking things by force and usually violently from a place
3. testament—something that shows or proves something else very
4. atrocity—an act of great evil esp. cruelty
5. fallibility—being likely to make a mistake or to be wrong
6. neutral—being a country which is not fighting or helping either side
in a war
7. devastate—to destroy completely so that nothing useful or valuable
8. armistice—an agreement made during a war to stop fighting
9. disarm—to reduce the size and strength of armed forces
10. grievance—a feeling that something that has been done is unfair
11. puppet—a person or group that is controlled and directed by the will
of someone else
12. appeasement—the policy of giving in to demands in the hope of
maintaining peace

Semantic variations
1. issue—a subject to be talked about
2. capital—a town which is the center of government or of a country
3. model—something on which a copy is based

4. firm—determined in purpose
5. reflection—deep and careful thought
6. order—command

1. spectator—an observer of an event
2. inspect—to examine carefully and critically, especially for flaws
3. inspire—to effect, guide, or arouse by divine influence
4. respectively—each separately in the order mentioned
5. suspicious—arousing or apt to arouse suspicion; questionable
6. expire—to come to an end; terminate
7. prospect—something expected; a possibility
8. perspective—a mentioned view or outlook
9. spectacle—something that can be seen a viewed, especially
something of a remarkable or impressive nature
10. circumspect—looking around on all sides watchfully; prudent

Word pretest
1. naive—simple- minded
2. ridiculous—silly

3. delicate—sensitive
4. recall—remember
5. wind up—end up with
6. sneak—go secretly
7. generate—produce
8. stresses—tension

Word search
1. Census—an official count of all the people in a country, including
information about their ages, jobs, etc.
2. Spontaneously—naturally
3. Adjustment—a small change made to something
4. Hassle—a disagreement; an argument
5. Fee—a sum of money paid for professional services
6. Jack—a socket
7. Spacious—having a lot of space
8. Cozy—comfortable
9. Crawl—to move slowly with the body to the ground
10. Customary—usual or habitual

Semantic variations
1. store—to put in a special place for future use

2. deal—an arrangement in business
3. shift—a change
4. lot—a piece of land
5. park—a piece of grassy land in a town used for public pleasure and
6. charge—to ask somebody to pay

1. sensible—reasonable
2. structural—of, relating to, having, or characterized by structure
3. sensitive—feeling readily, acutely, or painfully
4. consent—to give assent, as to the proposal of another; agree
5. destructive—causing destruction; ruinous
6. construction—the act or process of construction

Unit 15
Word pretest
1. sparsely—in small amounts
2. recollect—remember
3. deplorable—very bad
4. conversant—knowledgeable about

5. compile—complete
6. candid—honest
7. eliminate—remove
8. wrangle—argue

Word match
1. legacy—money or property that you receive from someone after they
2. bequeath—to leave something, especially property, to another by will
3. precisely—exactly
4. ethics—moral principles
5. proposition—proposal, suggestion
6. disloyalty—behavior of being not loyal
7. fidget—to move one’s body about restlessly
8. trial—a legal process in which a court of law examines a case
9. presume—to suppose
10. turn down—to refuse
11. bulky—big of its type and difficult to carry
12. furnish—to put furniture, carpets, curtains, and other things into a
13. discreditable—shameful
14. solicitor—lawyer

15. hire- purchase—a way of buying goods gradually; installment plan

Semantic variations
1. guard—the state of being watchful
2. ring—the sound of a bell
3. senior—high- ranking
4. trust—a group of firms combined to reduce competition and control
5. figure—to appear
6. note—money

1. chronometer—a very exact clock for measuring time
2. encyclopedia—a work containing information on every branch of
knowledge, or on one particular branch, subjects or on numerous
aspects of a particular field, usually arranged alphabetically
3. autography—a person’s own signature or handwriting
4. chronic—lasting for a long period of time or marked by frequent
recurrence, as certain diseases
5. diagram—a plan., sketch, drawing, or outline designed to explained
how something works
6. pedestrian—a person traveling on foot; a walker

7. calligraphy—the art of fine handwriting; handwriting
8. recycle—to use again







